Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Inversions: Crow to Headstand to Handstand" |
"Inversions! This is a course demonstrating tutorial on how to get popular Inversions which is Crow, Headstand and Handstand. Each section goes into a process on how to achieve the pose. Having foundation is key so Crow Pose helps the body understand balance while headstand helps the body be aware of what muscles to use while inverting. Handstand combines all three."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Core Workout for Improving Handstands" |
"Get ready to sweat, burn calories, strengthen and tone the body! This course will focus on exercises with some gymnastics elements targets all the muscles in the four abdomen section in the core body. By the end of this course your bodies abdomen will be super strong you can headstand and handstand with ease."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Calisthenics: Road to One Arm Elbow Lever" |
"The elbow lever is a fantastic eye catching move to master. It's a technique based skill. Learning how to control the elbow lever takes time. Learn the hand placements and small progressions to help increase your chances into bet understanding the elbow lever techniques. Have fun and journey the learning process because this can be a really challenging skill."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"O setor de Recursos Humanos vem assumindo um lugar cada vez mais importante nas organizaes.Uma proposta de curso habilitada para implantar e executar na rea de recursos, levando seriedade e criatividade para empresas.O curso didtico e aborda a teoria e a prtica em um passo a passo fcil e dinmico de como implantar uma rea de Recursos Humanos em qualquer empresa. Ser disponibilizado modelos de todos os formulrios usados para download"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"College Recruiting Game Plan: WIN at the Recruiting Process" |
"The College Recruiting Game Plan Course was modeled after the book (available on AMAZON) created by myself - Coach Kyle (the instructor of this course). I developed this interactive online course to provide my direct insight and feedback as I walk you through my College Recruiting Game Plan. I even include a COPY of my BOOK - The College Recruiting Game Plan in this course!Before going forward, answer this question: The average college coach will look at 10,000 potential student-athletes a year and select three (3), players. How in the world do you stand out from the rest of the competition? This online course takes you step by step through the 28 Action-Taking Tactics that I preach about in my book to win at college soccer recruiting. This course will teach you the methods and principles needed to succeed in the 4+ year JOURNEY better known as the recruiting process.Throughout the course, you will learn: The 5 Phases College Coaches go through to Sign PROSPECTSHow to CREATE an ATTENTION-GRABBING email address and signature How to MAKE an AMAZING FIRST IMPRESSION on a college coachHow to BUILD a 'TOP 20 LIST' and Compare CollegesHow to REGISTER for the NCAA and NAIA Eligibility CenterHow to HANDLE phone CONVERSATIONS with college coachesHow UNOFFICIAL and OFFICIAL visits work How to SEND college coaches your GAME/TOURNAMENT scheduleAnd so much more!My personal recommendation is that you go through this course at least twice. The first time is a complete run-through to make sure you grasp the overall concepts and have a better understanding of what actions to take and when. The second time would be as you are going through the steps (and each grade year), so you complete each action as you go through them. Take your time and use your notes. This course was written like I am speaking directly to you the student-athlete. This course is perfect for anyone that is interested in learning the actions necessary to become a college soccer player. The ideal student:8th-12th gradersParentsClub coachesHigh school coachesDirector of Coaching (Doc)Athletic DirectorsClub staffEven athletes that are even over 18 or/out of high school can benefit from the actions from this course. I want you to know, there is a university out there that is the ideal match for you. You have to willing to discover it regardless of your athletic skill level or academic abilities. By spending $39.99 you'll get:This over 2-Hour Interactive Online Course Your own copy of the College Recruiting Game Plan50+ pages of additional resources for discovering scholarships and grants, email, phone call, voicemail, and text message scripts, how to maximize your online social media profilesQuizzes and Assignments to make sure you learn and understand the material9th Grade, 10th and 11th Grade ChecklistsYour own Soccer Resume TemplateMy college recruiting spreadsheet (with 3 bonuses included inside - College Importance Identifier, College Comparison Chart, TOP 20 Schools List) Access to my Podcast #ThePROJourney with new Episodes every weekAccess to my Facebook Group #ThePROJourney with new content weeklyAccess to my 2500 Touch Challenge video demonstrated by an NCAA DI playerIf you even get $1,000 scholarships by learning the secrets and techniques inside this GAME PLAN.... you've made your investment back over 25 ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Strategy - Practical Crash Course" |
"By the end of this course, you will learn how to create agency grade social media strategies.If you are just starting your social media career or if you already have some experience in this domain, this course will level up your social media approach, because there is more to it than just creating a social media strategy. Here, its all about learning and honing a strategic mindset. The idea behind this course is to present as much information as possible in a condensed manner, by avoiding useless fillers and long sessions, crystallizing years of experience, countless meetings, and numerous requests.If you are ready to learn how winning strategies are cooked, Im waiting for you to click on the first lecture."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bass Guitar for Absolute Beginners" |
"If you just picked up a bass, and you wanna learn how to play it, if you want to learn the correct technique, rhythm and basic music theory, this is the course for you. You will find exercises that help you develop all the above. But, however, don't forget that bass guitar is supposed to be fun, so enjoy all the time that you spend playing it!Note: For best audio quality, please use headphones!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Story of the Daughter of Zion (Women's Bible Study)" |
"'Daughter of Zion' - such a feminine title in the midst of the Old Testament, with its wars and battles, and its predominantly male focus.Who is this woman? What has become of her city? And why does her story resonate so closely with our own?WHAT IF HER STORY IS THE STORY OF ALL HUMANITY?Addressing themes common to all humanity, the Story of the Daughter of Zion offers a rich introduction to the unseen realm and provides a message of hope for women of all ages.LIVING WHERE WE BELONGCome with Anya on a journey of deliverance, freedom and worship as she traces the story of humanity and lays a foundation for personal and spiritual transformation."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Inventory Management: Types, Functions, Nature and Auditing" |
"The participants will be able toLearn a unique way of defining inventory using the left-hand rule. Master the types of inventory such as Raw Material, Work-In-Process, Finished Goods, MRO and Distribution Inventory. Understand the inventory functions such as Safety Stock, Cycle Stock, Anticipation Inventory and Hedge Inventory.Differentiate the Independent Demand from Dependent Demand.The two method of Inventory Auditing such as Periodic and Perpetual.Understand the inventory basics required for Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) of APICS, USA and Certifications from Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS), UK."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Short Story Writing For Beginners" |
"A short story is a different thing altogether a short story is like a quick kiss in the dark from a stranger. Stephen KingStephen King, Charles Bukowski, Ray Bradbury, and Kurt Vonnegut all have one thing in common: they started their careers writing short stories. And with them a whole lot of your favorite writers.Why should you start writing short stories and follow this course?Perhaps a novel is still too daunting and you want to test the waters of fictionYou have no idea where to begin with writing a short storyYou want to become a skilled fiction writer and publish booksYou want to convey your ideas in fictionYou want to find your writing voiceYou want to hone your writing skillsYou want to learn how to publish and market a story in 2020You want to start publishing and find literary representation through short storiesWriting short stories has taught me so much. I started out with one story and have been published on many outlets, improved my writing, found my voice and tested other waters like podcasting, publishing books, writing a novel and writing about writing and creativity.What will you learn?This course is based on my personal experience. But also on the many articles and books I read and courses I followed.In this course, well dive into the technical parts of writing like:PlottingStructuring a storyCharacter buildingWriting dialogueWell also cover other aspects of the writing process:How you can come up with ideasHow to find your voiceHow to develop a writing habitHow to publish and market your stories in the current ageWith writing tips from Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Haruki Murakami and more, I will teach you to write a short story from start to finish. Lets begin!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Data Science Fundamentals For Beginners" |
"Complete Data Science Fundamental Course for BeginnersFirst of all this is complete Data Science Fundamental Course. If you looking to begin with Data Science then this the perfect choice ever. HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE THE COURSEThe course is complete for beginners. That means by completing this course I guarantee you that you will learn all the complex Data Science Components and Machine Learning Algorithms in a easy and Understandable way. In this age of big data, companies across the globe are generating lots and lots of data. This makes Data Science a trending topic. Data Science is one of the most promising technology right now. Data science is an inter-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data.Most of the businesses today are using Data Science to add value to their business operations and increase customer satisfaction and retention. And, so there is substantial increase in the demand for Data Scientists who are skilled in Data Science and related technologies.And, this is the right time to start learning Data Science."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emotionskompetenz fr clevere Menschen" |
"Wie man auf gesunde Weise mit Gefhlen umgeht lernt man nicht in der Schule. Dabei birgt die heutige Gesellschaft einige Fallstricke im Umgang mit den eigenen Emotionen. Damit du gesund bleibst und dich einfach besser fhlst lernst du in diesem Kurs wie es klappen kann.Einfach besser fhlen durch EmotionskompetenzstrategienGefhle verstehenDas Ruder in die Hand nehmenNegative Gefhle entschrfenGedanken anpassenBonus: SoforthilfenBonus: DenkfehlerLerne auf gesunde Art und Weise mit deinen Emotionen umzugehen und dich langfristig immer besser zu fhlenObwohl Gefhle etwas vollkommen natrliches sind werden sie heutzutage hufig unterdrckt und geradezu verschmht. Nicht umsonst sind die Zahlen von Burnout und anderen psychischen Erkrankungen so hoch, denn fr einen gesunden Geist braucht es unbedingt auch einen gesunden Umgang mit den eigenen Gefhlen.In diesem Kurs lernst du, was die Schule versumt - nmlich wie du gesund mit deinen Gefhlen umgehen kannst. Dabei geht es ganz und gar nicht darum, deine Gefhle komplett unter Kontrolle zu halten oder dich zu jeder Zeit nur noch super zu fhlen. Viel mehr geht es darum, deine Gefhle und ihren Sinn besser zu verstehen und dir langfristig positive Routinen anzueignen.Dafr bekommst du Zugang zu 4 Lektionen und 2 Bonusmodulen, 6 Lernvideos und 10 PDF-Downloads mit praktischen bungen fr den Alltag."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Switch Babies to Solid Foods" |
"Babies need healthy eating habits as early as possible. As a parent , it is our responsibility to give them the best start of their life by feeding them nutritious food , but with caution, as the babies are very sensitive to what and how they eat. It is very important for a parent to understand about the baby's changing nutritional needs, as they grows. You will learn many easy and delicious recipes in puree/mash and BLW(Baby Led Weaning) Format. This course covers many nutritious recipes that shall help them to develop positive relationship with foods and guiding the parents about how,when and what to feed them. It also covers many important aspect of baby progression for foods like getting you baby ready to wean. Which weaning method is right for the baby ? Three-Day wait rule is also explained. Special importance is given to importance of understanding the foods which can cause common allergens among the babies. Many babies suffers from Colic/Gastrointestinal Problems, which can become a nightmare for parents. This course shall explain many home remedies for its treatment. "
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Teams for Everyone" |
"Learn how to use Microsoft Teams to communicate and connect with your Team at your work or school. From logging in to Teams to scheduling a meeting to creating a Team and everything in between we will review the features of Microsoft Teams that allow you to work anytime any place with your team. This course is designed to be easily understood by people who are new to using Microsoft Teams.In addition to mastering the core features of teams, you will be able to work in ways you never thought possible by expanding teams using Tabs and Apps to bring content into your team.Follow along or use the lectures as a reference to get the most out of using Microsoft TeamsThere is a reason that over 329k organizations in over 181 markets are using teams. You will be able to take advantage of these great features from within Microsoft Teams right away and with the confidence, you need to work anytime anyplace. You will get a step by step overview of how Microsoft Teams can be used right away.Who this course is for: People who need to work remotely using teams Students and Teachers who are using Microsoft Teams to teach online People who want to work more efficiently People who want fewer meetings and less email but still want to communicate in an effective manner"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC12020" |
"BGM1.Premiere Pro2.3.()"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Para Eventos" |
"No marketing, quanto mais ferramentas voc dominar, melhor para criao das suas estratgias. Neste ponto, coloco eventos como uma das ferramentas de marketing e mostro como eventos interage entre elas. Assim, o curso Marketing para Eventos dedicado a quem quer melhorar os resultados em vendas e em engajamento dos seus eventos por meio do marketing, usando o prprio evento que est realizando como forma de interao online e offline. Relacionamento puro!Quando pensei neste curso, pensei na minha prpria carreira. Descobri esta interao entre marketing e eventos, fazendo na prtica. Foi uma das formas de reinventar minha carreira e trabalhar de forma diferenciada no meu negcio de consultoria em marketing. Com conhecimento de novas habilidades e formas diferenciadas de abordar o pblico, voc, assim como eu, pode ampliar sua estratgia de marketing de forma muito mais criativa e didtica. O curso foca nas estratgias de marketing direcionadas produo do evento que tornam a experincia do convidado ao chegar ao evento ainda melhor. Alm disso, cria condies para que o evento se propague no ambiente digital, transformando o evento numa excelente ferramenta de comunicao online e offline. Boa aula!Conhea os mdulos:Mdulo 1 - Pensar como marketing, executar como produtor de eventos Aula 1: Estratgia: desconstruir para construirAula 2: Qual o por qu do seu evento?Aula 3: Posicionamento do eventoAula 4: Inteligncia em eventosAtividade 1Mdulo 2 - Passo a passo a Jornada de vendas do evento Aula 1: Diagnstico do Mercado (Anlise SWOT) e objetivos de marketing Aula 2: Jornada do pblico interno, do fornecedor e do cliente finalAula 3: Perfil do consumidorAula 4: Buyer Persona e Funil de vendas do cliente finalAtividade 2Mdulo 3 - Estratgias que geram vendas e relacionamento com clientes Aula 1: Estratgias antes do evento: do planejamento a execuo, passando por todas as reuniesEvento paralelo: antes do eventoAula 2: Estratgias durante o evento: criao do timing e do roteiro do eventoEvento paralelo: durante o eventoAula 3: Estratgias aps o evento: da pesquisa ao agradecimento Evento paralelo: ps-eventoAtividade 3Boa aula!"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Law of Attraction, Transform your life in 4 weeks!" |
"This is not just a course, it is the beginning of a new life. This course is the beginning of your transformation.After these 4 weeks you will be a happier, more loving and more energetic person. You will begin to manifest your dream life, a life you did not think was possible.The course goes through how we can increase our energetic vibration so that we can start to resonate with the high vibrational life that we want to manifest for ourselves.There is no way that you won't feel transformed after this 4 weeks."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
Blender&Unity |
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"R Programming from Scratch for Data Science - Step by step" |
"Welcome to the course, R Programming from ScratchR is a powerful and widely used open source software and programming environment for data analysis. Companies across the globe use R as an essential tool for various types of analysis to get key insights from data and to make key decisions. This course will provide everything you need to know to get started with the R framework, and contains a number of demos to provide hands-on practice in order to become an efficient and productive R programmer. By the end of this course, you will also learn to play with data and to extract key information using various R functions and constructs.You will learn below:1. Introduction2. Installation of R Language3. Installation of R Studio on Windows and Linux4. Variable and Operators"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop on the iPad MasterClass" |
"Photoshop has been the gold standard for photo editing, retouching and manipulation for decades. Until recently you had to have a desktop or laptop computer to use it, but now you can also create stunning composites, retouch your images, and apply effects while on the go, by using Photoshop on the iPad.This course is perfect for you if you are just starting out or if you are self-taught and aiming to learn to do things more effectively and professionally.Taking this course can be the perfect introduction to creative image editing for anyone who owns an iPad. The refined, modern interface and support for Apple Pencil makes this robust creative tool easier to master than ever before.Throughout this course I have carefully selected each example to make sure you get clear explanations without wasting time even while we explore complex techniques. Having worked for clients like Disney, Mattel, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and BBC I have ensured this course will help you to start using Photoshop on the iPad just like a creative professional.Thanks to Cloud Documents there is a seamless handover between devices and most of the techniques you will learn from this course will also apply on the desktop version of Photoshop.By purchasing this course you will get all the examples as downloadable exercise files, so you can follow along and practice everything in your own pace.Take the next step in your creative career, enroll for this course now and lets master Photoshop on the iPad together!Target Audience:Photoshop desktop usersAnyone new to PhotoshopReasons to take this course:The most intuitive tool for creating compositesProduce professional designs on the goSeamless handover between desktop and iPad with Cloud DocumentsApple Pencil - perfect input for retouching, painting, compositing"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Descubre Cmo Hacer Videos Promocionales Efectivos" |
"Contenido del Curso Sobre Cmo Hacer Videos Promocionales:Herramientas necesarias para crear videos promocionales con calidad profesional. Aprovecha al mximo la cantidad de excelentesherramientas online disponibles para optimizar las tareasExiste un secreto fundamental a la hora de crear videos promocionales que obtengan resultados satisfactorios que muchas personas ignoran, en ste video descubrirs cmo evitar cometer este error y ""empezar con el pie derecho""Cmo utilizar adecuadamente ""indiscutibles elementos secretos"" que harn el Wow! entre tus espectadoresPaso a paso cmo utilizar un software fcil de manejar (en espaol), para crear estos deslumbrantes videos promocionalesCmo agregar y utilizar espectaculares elementos imprescindibles al video promocional queprovocarn un mayor impacto en tu pblico objetivoQu tipo de video promocional utilizar para hacer todo el proceso ms rpido?S, existen diferentes tipos de videos promocionales, algunos son buenos para el nombre de tu marca, mientras que otros son buenos para la venta. Aqute mostrar el camino ms corto y fcilparacrear rpidamente tu video promocional!Las personas hoy en da van muy deprisa yno tienen tiempo para ver videos demasiados largos, es por eso que la duracin de tu video promocional juega un papel muy importante para hacer que tu pblico objetivo no se quede dormido frente a tu video! Necesitas que llegue hasta el final del mensaje promocional y tome una determinada accinCmo utilizar adecuadamente elementos que indiscutiblemente harn el Wow! entre tus espectadores?Debes sorprender y persuadir a las personasque estarn frente a tu video promocional, es aqu donde te mostrarcmo hacer que tu audiencia quede encantadacon el producto o servicio que promociones que provocarn un mayor impacto en ellosPaso a paso, cmo crear el video promocional, aqu es donde comienzas a armar y conectar los diferentes elementos, y darle su forma y estilo creativoCmo obtenermejor calidad de imagen en el video promocional, y el tamao apropiado para subirlo a la web. Tu video promocional debe tener la ms alta calidad para destacar entre tus competidoresCul es el formato de video conveniente que se debe utilizar para exportar el video promocional, existen muchos formatos de video, y esto genera mucha confusin en las personas, aqu te dir exactamentela forma correcta de exportar tu video promocional al formato optimizado para webCmo integrar tu video promocional en una pgina web. En este video podrs ver lo fcil que ser insertar el video promocional en tu sitio webMs de 60 Videos en alta definicin, con todo lo que necesitas parahacer videos promocionalescon calidad profesionalPero esto no es todo lo que encontrars,hay mucho ms an!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara LibreOffice ora, usa la suite gratuita: Impress!" |
"ULTIMA REVISIONE: AGOSTO 2020UNISCITI A OLTRE 3500 STUDENTI DEI MIEI CORSI ON-LINE!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LibreOffice una potente suite gratuita, impara come usarla al meglio per rendere l'aspetto dei tuoi documenti altamente professionale ed allo stesso tempo supportare i moderni formati aperti.Impara tutto quello che devi sapere per usare LibreOffice appieno! Vedrai i differenti componenti di LibreOffice ed una serie di capitoli su come usarlo. Impresss, per le presentazioniVedrai come usare Impress per creare supporti visivi per le tue presentazioni (diapositive/slide) con testo, immagini, dati e forme. Imparerai come dare loro un aspetto professionale e funzionale perch ti aiutino a trasmettere il tuo messaggio al pubblico. Scoprirai i trucchi da conoscere per fare presentazioni efficaci e coinvolgenti.Vedrai inoltre come disegnare documenti complessi nel caso tu voglia usare Impress per creare documenti da distribuire basati sulle diapositive come presentazioni aziendali, di progetto, ecc...Otterrai:Accesso completo al corso per tutta la vitaTutti i capitoli successivi e gli aggiornamenti futuri sempre inclusi gratuitamente30 giorni di rimborso garantito, la mia personale promessa del tuo successo!Acquista ora il corso ed inizia subito ad usare LibreOffice, la suite gratuita che supporta i formati aperti (e anche quelli proprietari Microsoft Office)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Seven Tibetan Rites AKA The Fountain of Eternal Youth" |
"Learn an ancient 2500 year old Tibetan Yoga practice in minutes.This is the complete system which goes beyond the Five Tibetan Rites (or Five Tibetans) which is more commonly taught, and was reserved only for the monks.This practice increases your energy levels dramatically, gives you profound mental clarity, and ultimately gives you a strong Spiritual connection ensuring a more compassionate perspective.They are particularly famous for their rejuvenation effects, slowing down the process of ageing.These 7 exercises when practised daily can change your life and take you out of paralysing states such as inertia, apathy, self-doubt, depression, anxiety, stress and stronger fear states.You will very quickly begin to feel much better, make decisions quicker and have the energy to immediately act on your new found clarity...clarity is power, and you were born to be amazing.Absolutely no experience is needed of Yoga.This course offers the complete system which can be learnt easily, and practised in minutes!So what are you waiting for!...Be amazing and enroll now!.."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Futuristic Sci-Fi Game Environment in Blender" |
"Instructor InfoEmiel Sleegers always had love for video games and when he was young, he started using Unity3D for programming but he found himself gravitating more towards the art of making games. Now he is currently working as an environment artist in Ubisoft. He contributed to creating AAA games such as Forza Horizon 3 and The Division 2. His all time favorite game is The Last of Us and that video game is what inspired him to want to work in the game industry. His advice for beginner artists is to focus on one aspect of gaming that they are passionate about, stick to it and get better at it. His hobbies include anything related to games or films, whether it be working on personal projects, freelance work or going out for movies. Course Info Hey everyone, my name is Emiel Sleegers. Im a 3D artist currently working for one of the biggest game companies Ubisoft. Finding a Blender course on creating a game environment that will take your skills to a whole new level can be hard to find. But dont worry, I am here to show you my workflow that will guide you in creating a professional environment like you see in AAA video games that you play today.In this course, we will go through the entire pipeline of creating a game-ready environment. The major topics we will be covering are:High Poly to Low Poly Modeling using BlenderProper UV unwrapping in BlenderBaking maps in Marmoset ToolbagDetailing & Texturing in Substance PainterScene setup, lighting, & post effects in Unreal EngineBy the end of this course, you will be able to create a clean and amazing futuristic game environment.Before beginning this course, you should have a basic knowledge of Blender, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag and Unreal Engine. If you want to be a 3D environment artist, you need to know the latest tools, methods, and strategies to better strengthen your skills to get closer to your goal. This course will put you ahead of 99.9% of all beginners out there when it comes to game environment creation. In this course, you will learn the proper workflow and techniques that will allow you to build a complete production-ready scene. If you are serious about elevating your skills, sign up for this course, at Victory3D."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"ITIL 4 Foundation Certification, 6 Exams Updated for 2020" |
"Passing your ITIL 4 foundation exam on the first will require a lot of work and dedication. That includes doing a lot practice questions. I have over 12 years of experience teaching ITIL students around the world and I am proud to offer my ITIL 4 foundation mock exam course.I am a bestselling author and has helped over 70,000 students pass their certifications with my books and courses. These questions will cover all of the ITIL 4 Foundation exam objectives publish by Axelos. Every objective was covered with multiple questions to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the topic. Each question comes with a detail explanation of the answer. This by itself is a great study guide. Each exam will be 1 hour in duration with 40 questions each, just like the actual exam. After you have completed each exam you will then get to review each question with their detail explanation. You can retake each of these multiple times as needed. I recommend you score at least an 80% on all exams before trying the actual exam. These exams has help my students in the pass and I am sure they will help you pass on your first try. Technical Institute of America is one of the nations largest provider of ITIL 4 Foundation training. We are a PeopleCert ITIL Accredited Training Organization. These mock exams will be a great addition to your ITIL course or study guide."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Teams - Master Microsoft Teams" |
"Youre Just Seconds Away From Leveraging Microsoft Teams That Will Make It Possible For YOU To:Increase your Microsoft Office & Teams SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE within HOURS which will GET YOU NOTICED by Top Management & prospective Employers!Become more PRODUCTIVE at using Microsoft Teams which will SAVE YOU HOURS each Day & ELIMINATE STRESS at work!Use Microsoft Teams with CONFIDENCE that will lead to greater opportunities like a HIGHER SALARY and PROMOTIONS!--------------------*** This entire courses can be DOWNLOADED for offline viewing on the Udemy mobile app (Android & iOS)! ***--------------------If you want to QUICKLY learn how to use Microsoft Teams so you can start working remotely with your work colleagues, then you are in the right place!No matter if you are a Microsoft Teams User or NEVER USED Microsoft Teams before, you are sure to benefit from this quick course which goes through the MUST KNOW Microsoft Teams features!You will be able to master straight away the following (within 1 HOUR):All the must know features about Microsoft TeamsWorking & collaborating with your colleagues remotelyGetting your team set up so they can work from homeThis course covers the following Microsoft Teams features:* Introduction to Microsoft Teams* Free v Paid versions * Accessing Teams - Web or Desktop * Managing Teams & Members * Inviting Members * Managing Channels * Chat 30:30 - Collaboration * Calls & Videos * Meetings* Adding More Applications * Activity * Search Bar * Settings * Installing the Microsoft Teams Desktop version * Multiple Organizations * Microsoft Teams Mobile AppBONUS PRO TIPS FOR MICROSOFT TEAMS:TIP #1 - Forwarding EmailTIP#2 - Saving ItemsTIP #3 - Naming Group ChatsTIP #4 - ConnectorsTIP #5 - Live Captions in MeetingsTIP #6 - Top ShortcutsTIP #7 - Customize the EnvironmentTIP #8 - Channel NotificationsTIP #9 - Private ChannelsTIP #10 - Pin ChannelsTIP #11 - Post Announcements----------4 X BONUS MICROSOFT OFFICE COURSES!--------If you want to get better at Microsoft Office so you get a better paying job or just get breeze through your tasks with Word, PowerPoint, Outlook or Excel then you are in the right place!No matter if you are an Microsoft Office Beginner or NEVER USED MICROSOFT OFFICE before, you are sure to benefit from this quick course which goes through the MUST KNOW Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Outlook & Excel features.You will be able to master straight away the following (in just 90 minutes):COURSE BONUS #1: Microsoft Word EssentialsCOURSE BONUS #2: Microsoft PowerPoint EssentialsCOURSE BONUS #3: Microsoft Outlook EssentialsCOURSE BONUS #4: Microsoft Excel Formula and Functions Essentials----------Look, if you are really serious about GETTING BETTER and ADVANCING your Microsoft Teams, Word, PowerPoint & Outlook skills...saving HOURS each day, DAYS each week and WEEKS each year and eliminating STRESS......If you want to improve your PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to achieve greater opportunities like PROMOTIONS, a HIGHER salary and KNOWLEDGE that you can take to another job...All whilst impressing your boss and STANDING OUT from your colleagues and peers......THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Now you have the opportunity to join your fellow professionals who are taking this course and enhancing their Microsoft skills and JOB OPPORTUNITIES!To enroll, click the ENROLL NOW button (risk-free for 30 days or your money back), because every hour you delay only delays your personal and professional progress...---------->> Get LIFETIME Course access including ALL downloadable video tutorials, Exercises, Assignments, Free PDf Chesat Sheet, 1-on-1 instructor SUPPORT and a 100% money-back guarantee! >> Watch our PROMO VIDEO above and a few of our FREE VIDEO TUTORIALS to see for yourself just how beneficial this course is and how you too can become better at Microsoft Teams & Microsoft Office!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pass the Exam: CompTIA Project+ PK0-004" |
"You need to pass the CompTIA Project+ exam PK0-004 and you need quality training that'll help you in your role as a project manager. You also want to learn from an authority in project management, in an online environment with plenty of exercises, videos, and concise explanations. This course fully prepares you to pass the CompTIA Project+ exam and is taught by project management author and expert Joseph Phillips.Our Project+ Exam Prep course provides complete coverage of the exam objectives CompTIA Project Exam PK0-004. Start today, invest in your career, and begin working to clear your exam. Here's what's included in our Project+ Exam Prep Online Seminar:Complete coverage of the entire Project+ exam objectives180 practice exam questions and answers on all exam objectives - including a 90-question assessment examVideos of all concepts, formulas, theories, and project management practicesLectures on the entire Project+ exam objectivesMath and concepts the for Project+ exam formulas24 x 7 Web and mobile accessFlashcards of every term used in this courseCourse discussions with the Instructor and peers30-day satisfaction guaranteed"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Managing Project Work (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Managing Project Work (PMI PMP) is course 2 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). The course is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).Most projects aren't lucky enough to enjoy smooth sailing from beginning to end. Unforeseen events and difficulties usually crop up somewhere along the line. And these can steer a project off course. But don't worry, in this course, you'll learn how to direct and manage the work of a project. In addition, this course will show you how to monitor and control project work, to ensure work performance is in line with requirements. And how to leverage knowledge throughout the life cycle of the project.1. The Direct and Manage Project Work Process2. Inputs to Direct and Manage Project Work3. Techniques for Directing and Managing Project Work 4. Direct and Manage Project Work Outputs5. The Manage Project Knowledge Process6. Monitoring and Controlling Project Work7. Monitor and Control Project Work Process Inputs8. Monitor and Control Project Work Process Techniques 9. Monitor and Control Project Work Outputs10. Project Baselines Updates11. Exercise: Managing Project Work and KnowledgeThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master CHA Method Chakras Harmonic Alignment Teacher Diploma" |
"Thanks for your interest to learn and practice this program CHA Method; Chakras Harmonic Alignment with Sound Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls, Color Therapy and Meditations.The word chakra comes from the sanskrit meaning wheel or circle. In this program were are going to focus in the mayor seven chakras or wheels from the base of your spine to the top of your head. The function of each of the chakras is to spin and rotate and keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body all in alignment. When we get sick or ill, it is a sign that one or more of the chakras is out of alignment.Is an energy you have but dont see. Is part of your holographic field which other energy bodies co-exist like the aura.As a sound healer and a certified holistic practitioner, I want to share my technique CHA Method which Ive been use with my patients, in my concerts and with myself.Its VERY important to have this information because I always say is more powerful when you combine the information and the practice together.This is an important STEP in your healing journey because healing is about revitalizing and regenerative process that can occur on emotional, spiritual and physical level. Its different from curing, because cure refers to complete biological resolution of a disease state.Thats why HEALING is so important and popular these days because you are preventing a disease.Here you are going to learn and practice a lot. I put ALL MY KNOWLEDGE in a simple but a powerful way to you.If your are a yoga student, or a holistic enthusiast, or a sound healing lover, or a yoga teacher, or a holistic and alternative medicine practitioner, or just curious about this information, this is the program to start.You are going to receive valuable information about the chakra system and how to start and - ALSO GIVE TO OTHERS - the Chakras Harmonic Alignment Method - as I founded as the CHA Method - with sound healing, color therapy and meditations.Your are going to watch me playing my crystal singing bowls and use my sound healing for life and also as a session for others.Your are going to learn and practice and teach to other different techniques to heal the chakras with my exercises and techniques like mantras, specific meditations, breathing exercises, visualizations and more.Your are going to know which is your strongest chakra with a quiz to focus on it.You are going to learn how create sessions for others and if you want it - have me in your event! Yes, I will love to support you! A SPECIAL GUIDE will provide to you.And you are going to receive a BONUS! The Art of Meditation Master Program where you can understand how simple and powerful meditation is and how to create a meditation practice in your lifestyle.Please REMEMBER - after your final assignment - you are going to receive my beautiful DIPLOMA to display in your practice or as a presentation for your portfolio if you want to start sessions for others.Im glad you are part of this conscious movement to heal yourself and ultimate be an agent to heal other. I need more people like you because TOGETHER we will create a world we want to live."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Decision Making with Excel for Managers" |
"What is the aim of this course?As a manager you will be tempted to trust your guts and use your experience to decide what and how to do it. Quite often this approach may be misleading. It is much better to use data driven approach and before you make the decision look at the potential consequences. In this course I will show you how to make more rational choices as a manger using Excel. We will go through a lot of case studies that will help you master this skill.In the course you will learn the following things:How to be data driven in solving problemsHow to make better decisions using ExcelHow to handle uncertainty when you are making decisionsWhich method, framework you should use in a specific situationThis course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement and turn-arounds in biggest firms from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sectors that I worked for. I have carried or supervised over 90 different performance improvement projects in different industries that generated in total 2 billion of additional EBITDA. On many occasions I had to grow, coach and supervise manger, directors and CEOs. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Partners in PE and VC funds, Investment Directors and Business Analysts in PE and VC, Operational Directors, COO, CRO, CEO, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 55 000 students including people working in EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Dell, Walgreens, Orange and many othersI teach through case studies, so you will have a lot of lectures showing examples of analyses, tools that we use. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels as well as additional presentations, materials shown in the lectures so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you or your team in your work.Why I decided to create this course?I had the pleasure to support numerous Managers, Directors, COOs, CEOs and I have noticed that making decisions is a complicated process that requires a lot of data and the right approach to balance the pros and cons. You also have to take into account the uncertainty that managers have to deal with on daily basis. When you transition from a specialist to a manger or a director usually nobody shows you how to make decisions using data driven approach. We will try to fix this gap. This course will help you master numerous techniques that will make your life easier and help you make the right decisions.To sum it up, I believe that if you want to be a successful manager and CEO you should master techniques and frameworks that will help you make better decisions. I will show in this course numerous useful methods and will teach how to use them in practice. That is why. I highly recommend this course not only to young managers, entrepreneurs but also for senior managers who want to learn data driven approach to decision making.In what way will you benefit from this course?The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed of analyzing and making decisions. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn:How to be data driven in solving problemsHow to make better decisions using ExcelHow to handle uncertainty when you are making decisionsWhich method, framework you should use in a specific situationYou can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly.How the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 5 sections. Currently you will find the following sections:Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info how the course is organizedBasic tools to make decisions. In the second section I will show you the essential tools that we will use to make decisions. I will show you what NPV, IRR, time value of money is. Later on we will go through 5 cases where we will apply this frameworks to make specific decisions on whether investment makes sense or notOption comparison. In this section I will show you how to compare different options. We will go through 3 cases: how to shorten the lifespan of a product, whether it makes sense to transition from selling a product to selling a service (SMCG), what is a better choice to rent or to buy an apartment?Rankings. In the section number 4 I will how to use rankings in practice. In one case we will analyze entering a foreign markets. In the second example we will use the framework to pick the perfect boyfriend for a friendMake-or-buy Analysis. As a manager you will quite often have to decide whether to something internally or buy it from 3rd party supplier. In this cases you have to perform make-or-buy analysis. We will discuss this in detail in this sectionWhat to do when there is a lot of uncertainty. As a manager quite often you will have to somehow take into account the uncertainty. In this section we will see how we can take it into account to make better decisions. We will discuss here: voting models, backward logic, strategic alignment framework, value proposition framework, portfolio decision frameworkYou will be able also to download many additional resourcesReady-made analyses that you can use for your firmTools that you can use for your firmList of useful resourcesLinks to additional presentations, articles and moviesLinks to books worth readingAt the end of my course, students will be able toMake much better decisions as a ManagerMaster data driven approach to decision makingAnalyze any decision in Excel using data driven approachCarry out make-or-buy analysisAnalyze different scenarios in ExcelAnalyze in Excel potential investments, strategic decision and pick the best option for your businessWho should take this course? Who should not?Managers who want to make better decisionsOwners of small and mid-sized businessesManagement Consultants and Business AnalystsStartup FoundersWhat will students need to know or do before starting this course?Basic or intermediate ExcelBasic knowledge of economics or finance"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Cmo escribir discursos inspiradores" |
"Te doy la bienvenida a CMO ESCRIBIR DISCURSOS INSPIRADORES!No basta con tener conocimientos, proyectos o ideas: es necesario se capaz de comunicarlos de forma efectiva a travs de ponencias y discursos que lleguen a transformar a las personas que te escuchan, que deseen cambiar algn aspecto de sus vidas y, adems, que quieran saber ms sobre tus proyectos o sobre ti.En este curso, creado a partir del anlisis de grandes discursos, encontrars las claves que hacen que una ponencia enganche a quien te escucha. Sabrs cmo se componen a nivel estructural y cmo debes enfocar su contenido para comunicar de la forma ms autntica, como hacen esas personas que se ponen frente a cientos o miles de oyentes, atrapan su atencin y el mensaje queda marcado en sus mentes y sus corazones para siempre. Parece que esas personas han nacido con ese don, pero no es as: crear un discurso inspirador, como cualquier otra herramienta de comunicacin, tiene una tcnica. Y eso es lo que te ofrece este curso.Entra y descubre cmo contar al mundo lo que sabes!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |