Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Start a New Business with Your Home, Car, and Smartphone" |
"Make money with what you already own!This course shows you ways to increase your income by accepting credit cards in your business, setting small easy to achieve goals and by showing you ways you can make money using your home, automobile and/or smartphone!If you are interested in starting a business and are looking for a business in a box approach, then this course is for you!The information is presented in easy to follow voice over videos.Includes my ebook, How to Start a Business with your Smartphone!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Overwhelmed & Uncertain? Your Peace of Mind is in The Bible." |
"Why is it so important to read The Bible? The Bible is the word of God. It gives God's answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. Many get help by reading The Bible. It is our belief that if you are reading this, then this ""Bible Study You Can Do"" series is for you. Because an experience of creator awakening is then born. An era of remembrance by asking: Am I Willing to Remember The Creator?What is Limiting Me from Remembering The Creator?How Can I More Fully Remember The Creator Which Resides Within Me?""In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..."" John 1The beloved answers you receive for yourself asking such questions, will support your inner expansion. Experience for yourself the power of The Word.So You Can Experience the Expansive Love Series.""A Bible Study You Can Do"" & ""A Bible Study You Can Teach."" Your Peace of Mind.Enroll in the Course Nowor try the free preview..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Be True to Truth. Outwitting Indecision, Doubt & Fear" |
"The following quotation summarizes this course. From the book ""Celestial Song of Creation"" by Annalee Skarin (if you are new to her writings, begin with her first book ""Ye Are Gods"")The Birth of The SpiritOne is not born of the Spirit because he has espoused some religion or had certain ordinances performed over him and for him, as mankind has been taught to believe. These ordinances are beautiful and impressive and certainly not without merit but they are only the symbols of the true reality. They are often but the infant pacifiers of the searching soul.The earthly ordinances are but the symbols used to gain admittance into some church that belongs to this earth. There is a higher church than any earthly organization. It is ""The Church of the First Born"" and consists of the great ""Brotherhood of Light."" This church belongs to a higher realm and in order to gain admittance into it one must go beyond the symbols and partake of their true reality. It is only the full Truththat can bring the fulfillment of so great a promise as that ""spiritual birth.""One is born of the Spirit only when ""TheDivine Light of Christ, which is been given to abide in every man who cometh into the world,"" is brought forth in its fullness. Only with the completion of this divine reality is one truly born of the Spirit. That it is that one is so filled with Spirit he becomesspiritual -- or is Spirit.His physical being is exalted into a spiritual vibration that is eternal and divine. In this new awareness and exalted condition the flesh and all its weaknesses and desires are transformed and one becomes a new person, a literal son of God.Within this birth of the Spirit is contained the dynamic fulfilling glory of the released Christ Light as it fills the individual with Its eternal Light and everlasting power.As one prepares himself, through love and compassion and inner devotion he grows into the vibration of Spiritand It's boundless Light andeternal Truth become a very part of him. One is only born of the Spirit when the great Christ Light so fills his being It becomes a permanent factor. When this happens it becomes as impossible for him to return to the dark, mediocre level of mortal living and thinking as it is for a chick to return to the egg, ""Or for a man to enter the second time into his mother's womb to be born again.""It is only the TRUTH that will make one free -- the great Almighty Truth of God Himself and the unutterable glory of His vibrating power of Eternal Light -- or Spirit -- of Life...Or as another Friend (Arn Allingham, ""Zingdad"")Puts It:""The benefits of unity consciousness.1. Seeing Through the IllusionsThe truth of the matter is that All is One and the game of separation and duality that you are playing is an illusion. As you attain unity consciousness, so you begin to see though the illusions. So you become more aware of the truth of matters. And that itself is a great benefit that you will know the truth rather than to continuing to be a victim to the illusions.2. Finding YOUR truthAs you discover this most basic truth of all, that All is One, so you align yourself with your Higher Self and indeed with the Prime Source creator of all. And so then you begin to discover the truth of your own being too. Youll find answers to the basic questions that cannot be answered with pure logical or rational endeavour like: why am I here? What is the purpose of life and, specifically, what is MY purpose. And so you begin to discover who you really are. And this is no casual thing!3. Discovering your authentic power..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Beyond Mortal Boundaries, Truth is Your Twin Flames Love..." |
"Experience for yourself the idea of beinga single cell in the heart of God. This course reaches into the unknowable in an attempt to bring light to potentially the greatest love story the earth has ever known. It is our hope it willinspireyou receivingyour soul's gift for you. The ultimategift of who you are tohumanity.It was in ""The Inner Reaches of Outer Space""that Joseph Campbell asked the question: What is the new mythology to be, the mythology of this unified earth as one harmonious whole? In this 21st century, such a mythology is needed more than ever. What better mythical element could we find than the ancient concept of thehieros gamos, the sacred joining between god and goddess, the concept of a Sacred Marriage.We need a new metaphor or myth that can bring us all together in a state of cooperation rather than one of competition. We need a metaphor or myth that embraces diversity. A marriage ofthe masculine and feminine elements into an integrated whole.That concept of marriage brings us to ameaningful metaphor for our current time, a metaphor which has been literalized in such works as Dan Browns ""The DaVinci Code,"" the idea of a marriage between Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene. This concept appeared in the 1970s, in a non-fiction book written by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln called ""Holy Blood, Holy Grail."" While the book was a bestseller, it did not create any great stir, certainly not when compared to that of Browns work of fiction.It is not really important which side one is on, or whether the story might or might not be literally true. What is very important is its appearance, today, and its relevance to that need for a new myth. In our personal research one such hieros gamos story inspires us.Through mystic Yael Powell, the one we know as Jesus (Jeshua) brings to humanity the truth of his life on Earth with Mary Magdalene. With deeply personal experiences never before unveiled, this story presents the ultimate model for the highest possible Twin Flame Love.Jeshua shares with us his feelings from the very elevated viewpoint natural to him, as his life on Earth unfolds. Narrated in the first person with chapters by Mary Magdalene as well, Jeshua chronicles in detail his childhood, his passionate Love and marriage to Mary Magdalene and their travels and mission of anchoring Twin Flame Love on Earth. This story brings the awakening of the Feminine Christ for this Age. This is the Christ story as never before presented -- a deeply personal, heart-warming sharing of the highest resonance that rings true.And, If we areblessed in this calling by the Grace of God.Then you will experience the ring of its truth for yourself in this course as well. In Jeshua's words...""I am the one whom you know as Jeshua or Jesus. I come to you to share with you the story of my life on Earth and of my Love with my beloved Mary who was also known as the Magdalene. In the turning of this Age and the opening of the world to a greater Love, it is time for the remembrance of who you are. That is why I come....."" Jeshua ben Joseph"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint Animations and Video for Online Instructors" |
"This is NOT just another course on avoiding ""death byPowerPoint"" through proper use of pictures and bullet points (yawn). Notat all. This course is all about using thebestandmost powerfulPowerPoint features to create stunningvideos for use in online courses,YouTube videos, and other movie presentations.You'lllearn to combine video, text,photos, slides, and animations in your presentations. Set a mood oradd some fun with background music and sound effects. Discover many new andexciting resources for finding free and public domain video, photos, music, andsound effects to use in your own creations.You'lldiscover the power of transition effects to add visual interest. MasterPowerPoint animation capabilities for engaging titles, bullet points, and otheron-screen text. Combine a talking-head video with animated titles to reallydrive your point home.Takeadvantage of PowerPoint's SmartArt to achieve a polished professional look even if you know nothing about design orcolor theory.Covertyour PowerPoint presentation to MP4 and publish as a standalone videopresentation on Udemy, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social mediasite. Or combine your PowerPoint videos with other videos for maximum clarity andpresentation power in your online courses.Studentsshould have access to PowerPoint 2013 or PowerPoint 2016, or PowerPoint inOffice for Mac. After a quick overview of the basics (just to level the playingfield for less experienced PowerPoint users), we'll get right into the moreadvanced techniques that add life, clarity, and professional polish to youronline presentations. If you already know a bit about PowerPoint, and arelooking to up your game in online courses or other video presentations, thetechniques you learn in this fun, easy course will serve you well for manyyears to come."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mentoring, Vende tu Experiencia Profesional con Mentoring" |
"Mentoring para profesionales con experiencia, consultores, asesores, autores y cualquier profesional que tiene ms de 15 aos de experiencia y quiere tener una opcin adicional de venta de esa experiencia como nuevo paso profesional o como una actividad de forma espordica que le permita generar un ingreso adicional. Hacer este curso implica que vas a poder poner en valor y en venta tu experiencia, esa experiencia que muchas empresas a partir de los 40 aos de edad (Aprox) de los profesionales no quieren pagar o lo quieren hacer con costes que permiten muy poco margen de accin. En este curso se incluyen videos con la informacin y estructura adecuada para dar un paso en el mercado que te permite trabajar con las nuevas reglas del juego para aquellos que quiere vender su experiencia y sus ideas.El curso est condensado en algo ms de 3 horas con toda la informacin adecuada para dar los primeros pasos con el mentoring.El curso Mentoring, Vende tu Experiencia Profesional, est estructurada de la siguiente forma: 1.- Introduccin2.- Un enfoque de situacin sobre que es lo que sirve actualmente y lo que ha cambiado a la hora de vender tus conocimientos, experiencia e ideas, 3.- Una definicin de lo que puedes vender y como se vende.4.- Los puntos claves de un negocio de mentoring5.- Cmo encontrar a tus clientes del mentoring6.- Cmo es el proceso de venta del mentoring, en qu consiste.7.- Cmo utilizar el mentoring como herramienta para poder invertir.8.- Consejos finales."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Leadership & Coaching" |
"As a globally recognised facilitator, coach, consultant, author (It's Not About The Coach) and speaker specialising in Authentic Leadership it gives me great pleasure to bring this course to you. I have worked with leaders and coaches for over 25 years and for the first time I share all my experience in one place. It provides you with all the resources you need as a leader and coach - whether you are exploring the subject for the first time or already hold a senior leadership/coaching role. The course is set out in 7 sections and 25 lectures (6 hours), comprising of screen flow slide (Prezi) presentations, videos, interviews with experts, articles and a 45 page eBook. I apply an innovative and contemporary approach so that 1) You not only focus on yourself but ensure you develop your followers ability to follow. 2) You identify your 'inner values and skilfully exhibit these in the outer - authentic. 3) You develop a coaching way of being, in particular the identity of a narrative coach. 4) You learn to harness personal energy and increase vitality for you and for others. 5) You transform culture by creating habitats and habits that are sustainable. Take this course if you need an answer to the following you need to exert influence, so that people are drawn to your vision and results? I look forward to working with you...Stuart."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Secrets of Increasing Personal Energy: Introduction" |
"This course focuses on harnessing your personal energy (by at least 5%) by tapping into your energy sources and increasing vitality, flow and well being for you and for others. Putting fuel in your tank and being bulletproof = DRIVE. This course can easily boost your energy by if you need to 1) Develop physical resilience to continuously evolve during turbulent times? PHYSIOLOGY 2) Tap into emotions that increase the level of passion for what you do? PASSION 3) Broaden your mind to new possibilities? PSYCHOLOGY We all have five recognised energy sources soul, body, heart, mind and spirit. You will learn to master these energy sources on a daily basis. We need the energy to come into our system and for it to be released. Breathing in and out for vitality. If the energy is coming IN, we intend to use it for our own wellbeing. If we send energy OUT, we intend it to be utilised by someone else. I am a qualified coach/facilitator with Energy Diamond who offer some of the best profiling tools (that this course promotes) I have ever seen as they bring together energy psychology techniques from the East with life and business coaching from the West. My programmes work closely with your needs so that In a given time period you can make sure that you complete conscious tasks that boost your energy under all 5 energy sources. I utilise presentations and supplementary reading so that you can get the best results possible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Secrets of Increasing Personal Energy: Mastery Part 1" |
"This course focuses on harnessing your personal energy (by at least 15%) by tapping into your energy sources and increasing vitality, flow and well being for you and for others. Putting fuel in your tank and being bulletproof = DRIVE. In particular we will focus on mapping and hacking your energy levels on a daily basis. This course can easily boost your energy by if you need to 1) Develop physical resilience to continuously evolve during turbulent times? PHYSIOLOGY 2) Tap into emotions that increase the level of passion for what you do? PASSION 3) Broaden your mind to new possibilities? PSYCHOLOGY We all have five recognised energy sources soul, body, heart, mind and spirit. You will learn to master these energy sources on a daily basis. We need the energy to come into our system and for it to be released. Breathing in and out for vitality. If the energy is coming IN, we intend to use it for our own wellbeing. If we send energy OUT, we intend it to be utilised by someone else. I am a qualified coach/facilitator with Energy Diamond who offer some of the best profiling tools (that this course promotes) I have ever seen as they bring together energy psychology techniques from the East with life and business coaching from the West. My programmes work closely with your needs so that In a given time period you can make sure that you complete conscious tasks that boost your energy under all 5 energy sources. I utilise presentations and supplementary reading so that you can get the best results possible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Secrets of Increasing Personal Energy: Mastery Part 2" |
"This course focuses on harnessing your personal energy (by at least 25%) by tapping into your energy sources and increasing vitality, flow and well being for you and for others. Putting fuel in your tank and being bulletproof = DRIVE. Rather than adding new content the exercises will guide you through the process of of increasing your personal energy. Exercises that you can complete time and time again until you master them. This course can easily boost your energy by if you need to 1) Develop physical resilience to continuously evolve during turbulent times? PHYSIOLOGY 2) Tap into emotions that increase the level of passion for what you do? PASSION 3) Broaden your mind to new possibilities? PSYCHOLOGY We all have five recognised energy sources soul, body, heart, mind and spirit. You will learn to master these energy sources on a daily basis. We need the energy to come into our system and for it to be released. Breathing in and out for vitality. If the energy is coming IN, we intend to use it for our own wellbeing. If we send energy OUT, we intend it to be utilised by someone else. I am a qualified coach/facilitator with Energy Diamond who offer some of the best profiling tools (that this course promotes) I have ever seen as they bring together energy psychology techniques from the East with life and business coaching from the West. My programmes work closely with your needs so that In a given time period you can make sure that you complete conscious tasks that boost your energy under all 5 energy sources. I utilise presentations and supplementary reading so that you can get the best results possible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Authentic Living: The Psychology of Authenticity" |
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. - Joseph Campbell This course distills research from psychology into lessons and steps that you can take to live more authentically. Start living your own life Get in touch with your true self See the world without distortions and biases Build authentic relationships with your partner, friends and family Discover what it takes to live authentically Become who you really are Get a full-fledged authenticity course that covers every single factor that will contribute to a life thats true to yourself. Being ourselves is at the heart of a fulfilled life. Authenticity plays a major role in fulfilled relationships, a life of passion and honesty as well as self-confidence. People who are able to express themselves authentically, are among the happiest and also most successful people in the world. In this course, youll learn how to live your life authentically based on the scientific research on authenticity. At the beginning, well briefly cover the What? and Why? of authenticity before we learn which factors contribute to an authentic life. Then well set the basis for living authentically: getting in touch with our true selves. Next we will build on this understanding of our true selves and take all the necessary steps that will lead us to a more authentic life. Throughout the whole course, youll get activities, worksheets and more additional material that will lead you through the exact steps. One more thing: You have a totally unconditional money back guarantee. It allows you to study the course for 30 days and if you are in any way unhappy with it, you will get a full refund, no questions asked! Enrolling in the course is absolutely risk free. Click the "Take This Course" button now and enroll!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build your Willpower - The Science of Self-Control" |
"Based on the latest research and cutting-edge insights from psychology, neuroscience and medicine, this course distills it all into practical lessons and tools to build your self-control. Use self-control to improve your health, happiness and productivityLearn how to train the brain areas in charge of self-controlGet a wide variety of willpower hacks that you can apply right awayLearn to switch from the emotional to the rational brain systemIncrease your willpower energy reservoirAnd much moreWillpower is a skill, not an innate virtue. This course will teach you how to build itSelf-control affects your life almost constantly. Whether it's going for a run after work, writing another job application or resisting the temptation of watching another episode Big Bang Theory. All of these decisions depend on your self-control.When it comes to success, self-control is more important than intelligence. It's more important than the education you got or how ambitious you are. Research shows that your willpower affects your income, how successful your career is and how healthy you are both physically and mentally. This course will teach you to learn and apply the insights psychologists and neuroscientists have had over the last decades. And it will take you on a journey towards understanding and mastering willpower. To maximize your success, health and happiness. One more thing: You have a totally unconditional money back guarantee. It allows you to study the course for 30 days and if you are in any way unhappy with it, you will get a full refund, no questions asked! Enrolling in the course is absolutely risk free.Click the "Take This Course" button now and enroll!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Styles and Corporate Culture" |
"Your success as a leader or entrepreneur depends on your ability to display those quality that are essential at different periods of growth... or decline. Leadership is not one thing. It is addressing the needs for growth and motivation for the age in which you, or your company, lives. This course will help you recognize the life cycle stage of your company and the style of leadership that will help your company succeed... and, therefore help you succeed!The leader who succeeds as an entrepreneur may fail as the company matures. The successful manager in a large and mature company may be a complete failure in the early days of a company. And the style of leadership required to create a revolution in a corporations culture may be a disaster in a period of stability. Understanding your style, and the style needed by your organization, is critical to your success. During this course you will assess your own leadership style, the dominant style of your organization, and place your organization on the life cycle curve. You will understand the attributes of leaders who can renew and rescue a company from what may appear to be the inevitable decline. And, you will understand the necessary diversity of leadership styles required to maintain a company or culture in a mature state. ""Lawrence, That was amazing!!! Here is one barbarian prophet, and historian who thanks you! I have taken 75 Udemy courses thus far. Most of them in business. Your course is one of my favorites! Thanks again! Sincerely, David Coon"""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating Sustainable Wealth in Life and Business" |
"You are not likely to achieve wealth and life satisfaction by simply pursuing money! This course will help you achieve the forms of wealth that lead to business success, sustained life satisfaction and hapiness. Money is a natural outcome of other forms of wealth... relationships, trust, values, competence, the ability to innovate and persist. This is a course on wealth strategy and it can be followed by both individuals and companies. There are five forms of wealth, capital, that form a circle of wealth generation. These are Spiritual Capital, Social Capital, Human Capital, Innovation Capital and Financial Capital. Each section of this course provides an understanding of each form of wealth and presents a self-assessment and action planning model.Following this path will generate wealth in your business and in your personal life.Stephen Covey wrote that If you want to make minor, incremental changes and improvements, work on practices, behavior or attitudes. But if you want to make significant, quantum improvements, work on paradigms.In Sustainable Wealth I am proposing a paradigm shift in how we personally pursue wealth and how our corporations create strategy to enhance the creation of value for their shareholders, employees, and society. Money is not in the beginning. The word, the creative spirit, purpose and values, are in the beginning. The cycle of wealth begins with a creative act of leadership that inspires unity of energy and effort. The ideas, the creative spirit, purpose and values - spiritual capital - come first. This then generates the wealth of social and human capital that stimulates innovation capital and finally results in financial capital. If not managed properly, it ends with decaying financial capital piled onto a failed moral scrap heap; an empty shell consumed by material illusions of wealth."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Managers & Leaders for Continuous Improvement" |
"Great teams have great coaches. Great athletes have great coaches. And, we all become great in our field with the help of a dedicated and compassionate coach. This course will help you to become a successful coach who can help others achieve their own version of greatness.This course is focused on coaching current leaders or managers within an organization to improve performance, develop new habits, and contribute to a culture of continuous improvement. Every great athlete has a coach. Every great musician has a coach. And, within great organization, like Toyota, every manager has a coach. The cost of external coaching is too great. This course is designed to prepare managers to coach both their own team members and to coach peer managers.Thiscourse will provide a seven step model for coaching that focuses on a challenge to achieve organization goals. The coach helps the client then establish short term targets for improvement and then breaks key skills down into pinpointed behaviors to be practiced and become the habits or skillsof high performance.This model is one that enables organizations to maximize coaching opportunities within the organization and develop internal coaching skills.The instructor has more than forty years experience training both external consultants and internal coaches in companies like Shell Oil Company, Corning, Merck, and dozens of others.""I really like the short and to the point lectures; the diagrams are great for the visual learners (me!) as well the sheet for identifying your clients, goals will be useful. This was round one as I find reviewing these programs more then once helps in establishing a game plan for my work place."" Sherry Jackson""I have had the pleasure of working with and learning from Larry Miller. This course was very informative and given me some great ideas and tools to strengthen my coaching abilities."" Elizabeth Macdonald""The instructor is engaging and seems to really know what he's talking about."" Paul Klipp"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQL and Database for Analysts - Increase your team value" |
"This course teaches the principles of Relational Databases and the SQL language. It is intended for "Analysts". Knowledge of Relational Databases and SQL is one of the most valued technical skills an analyst can have. It will make you a more valued member of any team. This course is suitable for a novice. I start by explaining how Relational Databases relate to your experience in the everyday world. When you have completed the course and exercises you will have created a database containing several related tables, updated the data they contain and written many queries which extract and summarise that data. I teach using a mixture of lectures, demonstrations and exercises. You will learn by seeing, hearing and doing. With each step you build your knowledge using what you have learned already. An on-line course sets you free to work at your own pace and to review and revisit earlier material, even after you have completed the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Bug Hunting: Problem Determination for Analysts" |
"Problems are inevitable. Dealing with problems can be stressful. Take this course and you will learn how to track down problems efficiently and reduce that stress.Problem Determination" is the art of identifying where the cause of a problem can be found in a system, so that it can be fixed. Having a reputation for being able to track down the causes of problems will make you more valued. Being able to perform Problem Determination efficiently, or manage others doing Problem Determination will enhance your reputation.This course teaches you a simple 8-step framework which can be used to manage the Problem Determination process, and techniques which will enable you to isolate problems efficiently. As you complete the sections what you have learned is reinforced by a case study and you can check your understanding using quizzes. Whether you work on a help-desk, or as a developer, analyst or manager the skills you learn from this course will make you more effective. Problem Determination is a powerful intellectual skill which anyone with an analytical and practical mind can learn. It is a skill which once learned can be carried with you and applied to different systems and in different industries."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL: Read a Database like an Expert" |
"What would you do if you were presented with an unfamiliar database and no documentation? When you have completed this course you will be able to answer this question. You will have a plan, a method and several techniques you can use. This course is for: AnalystsAspiring System or Database DesignersDevelopers.You will learn how to find your way around a database quickly and efficiently. You can become the go to person in your specialisation simply by being able to read a database like a book. You become the person with the map, or the book of instructions! If you are an analyst this course will enable you to write better queries more quickly, and you will learn how the database influences what the system can do.If you are moving into database design, learning to read will allow you to use existing databases as a resource which you can understand, criticise and copy.As a developer this course shows you how to use the database as documentation for the system it supports.I wrote this course as an extended tutorial. I started with one of Microsofts example databases and documented the method I use as I went through it. Although I used SQL Server and the associated tools, the method is applicable to most SQL databases. We will go through the same journey together and you will learn what I discovered along the way. You can choose to repeat what I do yourself to gain experience with the technique, or you can choose simply to observe. Come along! Sign up! There are some surprises and a lot of fun to be had!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Persistencia de Datos con Java" |
"Este curso en una gua totalmente prctica y sin dolores de cabeza (o ejemplos que no funcionan) de como configurar y hacer uso de dos Frameworks de Persistencia: Hibernate 5 y Spring Data JPA. Hibernate se ha tornado tan popular en los ltimos aos que es muy comn que sea un conocimiento elemental requerido para buscar empleo dentro de cualquier organizacin. Por su parte Spring Data JPA aunque es un proyecto joven, no se queda atrs, debido a que a su tecnologa ahorra significativamente el cdigo fuente de persistencia de datos de un proyecto.Incluye en tus proyectos web desarrollados bajo cualquier Framework Java estas poderosas herramientas de persistencia de datos para ahorrar significativamente el cdigo fuente. Olvdate de esas largas sentencias SQL para realizar consultas en tu proyecto.Slo necesitas una Mac o PC, contar con el JDK mas reciente y una conexin a Internet.No lo pienses ms y aprende hoy mismo estas dos herramientas indispensables de persistencia de datos con Java."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Mobile User Experience: The Complete Guide to Mobile" |
"Are you interested in designing beautiful mobile apps? Do you have an idea for an app, and want to make sure its well-designed before handing it off to a developer? Do you want to learn the secret sauce that makes apps like Instagram and Snapchat explode, while others fade into obscurity? Ummmm yeah.. How this class came to be (and why mobile UX is a gamechanger) Ive been designing mobile and web applications since 1999. Ive seen it all, and worked with companies like Sprint, Lowes, Hallmark and Samsung to design mobile applications and delightful user expeirences. I even wrote a book, Designing Mobile Interfaces (published by OReilly), to explore and teach this important topic. Now, Im teaching this class because Im tired of seeing great app ideas fail because the designers dont understand a few basic UX principles. This course aims to change that. Through countless projects and experiences over the last decade, I've learned so much about the principles and secrets that go into designing beautiful applications. I now have a design process (which I cover in the course) that allows me to quickly figure out how to design a delightful user experience and create an app that users fall in love with. Does learning about the UX principles behind popular apps like Lyft and Google Maps excite you? In this course, youll learn: How to understand your users and their goals, and how to design a mobile experience that your users will fall in love with The principles that all successful apps follow, and why some take off (and others fail) How to run usability tests and find out the ideal design that will hook your users How to understand the specific needs of the mobile user, and not just generic web usability Mobile is the way of the future, and learning the ins and outs of mobile UX will be a critical part of designing that mobile future. Its not just me that thinks these skills are important. According to a recent report, "UX designer" and "UI designer" are two of the ten fastest growing job titles in the last 5 years. This course will teach you everything I know about UX principles, and make you a much more valuable employee or consultant. With 30 lectures, over 7 hours of material, you will learn how to develop a workflow for your idea, find the right way to design and build your app, and understand the design principles and considerations behind the most popular apps in the world. After completing this course youll be able to create an engaging mobile app design from start to finish, no previous experience is needed to learn the UI design principles. This course will benefit entrepreneurs, developers, and designers looking to move into the mobile applications market. And, as an added bonus, I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material. Ill also help you think through design decisions that go into your app, a service that I normally charge thousands of dollars for. All yours for the price of this course! See you inside, Steven P.S. If for any reason you dont LOVE the information Ive pulled together in this course, no worries - I offer a 30 day money-back guarantee for everyone who purchases the course. No questions asked."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich von A bis Z den professionellen Umgang mit WordPress. Der Kurs ist fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene geeignet. Wir starten mit einer ""sicheren"" Installation, damit man spter bestmglich gegen Hacker und Spam geschtzt ist. Dann werden wir Schritt fr Schritt WordPress erkunden: Angefangen bei dem ""richtigen"" Einrichten von WordPress (Permalinks, Kommentarfunktionen, Plugins, Mediathek, etc) ber das Einpflegen von Inhalten (Seiten vs. Beitrge, Umgang mit Links, Revisionen, Drip Content, etc) bis hin zum Umgang mit Medien (Bilder, Galerien, Videos, PDF, Downloads, etc.). BONUS 1: Im ersten Bonus-Kursteil ""WordPress Sicherheit"" werden wir unsere Installation weiter gegen Hacker und Spam schtzen.BONUS 2: Im zweiten Bonus-Kursteil ""WordPress SEO"" zeige ich, wie man WordPress optimal fr die Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) nutzt und mit welchen Plugins man mit wenig Aufwand sehr groen Erfolg erreicht."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear una red de blogs, PBN, para mejorar tu SEO." |
"Por fin un curso prctico para aprender a crear y proteger tu propia red de blogs con el objetivo, por supuesto, de GANAR DINERO!Mas de 60 estudiantes han elegido ya este curso en el primer mes.!Te enseo todos los trucos y reglas:Capturar dominios con autoridadCrear los Blogs en pocos pasosCmo y dnde rentabilizarlosCmo conseguir contenidosLa idea es sencilla, ganar dinero con una red de blogs, te cuento cmo lo monto yo, cmo la rentabilizo, de dnde saco los contenidos, cmo capturo los mejores dominios (he llegado a capturar un dominio que tena un enlace desde la NASA)... quieres hacerlo t? :)Date prisa en contratar el curso antes de que suba el precio!! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Deal with Difficult People" |
"Wouldn't you like to know how to get along with people who are really difficult to get along with? The primary reason people get sick is because they are stressed out, anxious and tense all the time. Butting heads against difficult people exhausts all of our energy, stresses us out and worst of all, makes us sick.More and more people are troubled these days which certainly makes more and more people difficult to deal with. They project their problems and issues onto us. And yet. we have done nothing to deserve such mean and ornery treatment.Some difficult people are close family members, even spouses. Others are co-workers, bosses and friends. Most difficult people are not mentally ill. They are just darn difficult to get along with. We may want and need to hang out with such persons but they make it oh so terribly difficult to do so! Of course, we cannot avoid some difficult people because they are family members. OK. Everyone has difficult people in their life. When you deal with the difficult people in your life how can you ...Avoid getting sick?Stop needing to ""throw up"" when you hang out with them?Protect yourself from having your energy drained?Maintain your enthusiasm and zest for life?Advance your career even when your current boss is a difficult person?This course makes dealing with difficult people simple. How? Five types of difficult people are described in my mashup videos. Once you realize who you are dealing with, you will know the secret to getting along with them (and protecting yourself from getting stressed out). This course explains how to know for sure who you are dealing with.Do they have a personality disorder?Are they a Psychopath - a person who wants to control everything and everybody?Are they a Masochist - a person who keeps everything buried deep inside themselves?Are they an Energy Sucker - a person who steals your energy for themselves?Are they a Heavy Duty Planner - a person who insists on planning out every detail of their life and yours?Once you figure out which of the five types of difficult people who you are dealing with, you will know how to get along with them without pulling all of your hair out and making yourself sick. Strategies for getting along differ depending on who you are dealing with. There is a reason that explains why people are difficult! Once you understand this reason you can at least understand why they are behaving like jerks when they insult, belittle or demean you which - as we all know too well - is what difficult people are experts at doing to us. Listed in November of this year (2015), my new course has enrolled over 700 students already. Join the rapidly growing class of people who are determined to get along with the people in their life that are just plain difficult to get along with! I am so proud of my course that enrollment comes with a 30 day full money back guarantee - no questions asked."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Good Tips as a Server" |
"Earning a living wage is a huge undertaking if you are a waitress or waiter at a restaurant. Most servers struggle with making ends meet. More and more well educated people these days have resorted to working as servers at restaurants. Many people with advanced degrees are unable to land a job that is commiserate with their education. If the best you can do is to earn the expected 15% on the total spent by your customers (and many do not even get that!) you are struggling with paying your bills every month. Why not make a few simple changes to how you approach your job? The benefits can be well worth the trouble when you have increased the amount of money in tips that you earn every day. I am not talking about complicated changes here! Servers who earn great tips cultivate a connection with their customers. It really does not take a lot of time to ""connect"" with a stranger. When a connection is formed - however brief it might be - your customers will always be motivated to give you a fatter tip. This course in a nutshell explains how to form a connection with your customers that will pay off in the end to help you earn better tips. Yes, there is a certain way that questions should be asked, Yes, there are certain questions that should not be asked. Yes, there is one mistake that some servers routinely make that kill their chances for good tips.This course alerts you to pay attention to the ""little stuff"" that counts. Making better tips is more important than ever these days. Best of all, you find greater satisfaction with your job when you start making those fat, juicy tips. Other people make good tips. You can too. Starting earning them today. P.S. Remember - you get lifetime access to the course and will benefit as new suggestions roll in."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write and Defend a Doctoral Dissertation Successfully" |
"Let me ask you question: How would you like to know how faculty members view the process of writing and defending a PhD dissertation? I created How to Write a Dissertation to help PhD and doctoral students from social science disciplines navigate their way through the process.I have experienced the process at both ends - as a PhD student and as a faculty member. Certain actions result in success. Others result in failure. I want every PhD student to know the difference!Many PhD students give up because they did not have a rich understanding of what it takes to develop a dissertation project, pitch the idea to their committee, write their PhD dissertation and defend it successfully. It is really not such a mind wrenching experience once you have a clear understanding of what is expected during each step of the process. In my experience, most PhD students have little or no information about the mysterious process of writing and defending a PhD dissertation successfully. What are the fundamental components of a study that must be included in your dissertation proposal to be acceptable to your PhD committee?What are the most common mistakes PhD students make when formulating and writing their PhD dissertation? Why do so many PhD students never complete their dissertations? The process of writing and defending a dissertation leads some PhD students to pull all of their hair out, get divorced or even lose all of their friends. It is a process full of roadblocks, setbacks and repeated requirements to ""do it over"" or worse, ""start over."" If you idea is to have some fun, do not choose to earn a PhD degree! After having served on over 300 dissertation committees as chair, committee member or outside evaluator for a wide diversity of academic disciplines including public policy, public administration, business administration, psychology, sociology, education, journalism, history, library science, sports medicine and political science, I have a keen sense of what it takes to succeed and why students fail.I also have a rich understanding about why PhD and doctoral students fail to finish their PhD or doctoral dissertations and graduate with their PhD degree in hand. Course work is typically not the road block for most students. Most get stuck in the mud at the dissertation stage. This course offers you all of my inside tips (from the perspective of a faculty member) for what it really takes to succeed. If you follow my recommendations for what to avoid and what steps to take, you will be very pleased when you earn your PhD. Will it be a lot of work? Yep! Will you get frustrated with the process? Everyone does. Will you find yourself angry at your committee members? You betcha.Can you succeed? Yes indeed! Understanding the process you will confront (or are confronting now) will make the difference between writing a PhD dissertation that can be defended successfully and proposing a dissertation that your committee rejects so you never get to first base. My course offers a comprehensive perspective on what you can expect at each step of the process. I am so proud of my course that enrollment comes with a 30 day full money back guarantee - no questions asked. As one of my students you get to ask me the questions you have about the process. I promise to answer them all."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing for Business, Startups & Specialists" |
"The Complete Course social media, content, newsletter & blogging. From total beginner to Social Media Ninja.Everything from Facebook, Twitter and Foursquere to social media managment, blogging and newsletter (e-mail marketing).With this video course you will see how to squeeze more from social media! You will learn how to act at once on multiple social media platforms, blogging and newsletter. You will learn how to stay on top in social media. You will learn how to use social media managment & automation.--- How to stay on top in social media? This course is compendium of knowledge about social media marketing. I want to show you how to market in social media.After this course you will be well-equipped to do marketing at any social media website. You can be on top in: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest or a platform that has not yet been put on the web.--- How to use social media automation?Using social media is free. Is it really? Partially it's true, you don't have to pay anything for setting up a Facebook fanpage, a YouTube channel or Pinterest, Foursquare, LinkedIn.But to say social media are cost-free is only true if your time is free as well. What this is about is not simply being on Facebook, it's about a strategy for a social media presence. It takes time. I want to show in this course how to plan and go through with your presence strategy using tools that can help you squeeze more from social media and save your time.If your time is free, you can do this manually. You can grab a mug of coffee, open your Facebook page, answer comments and think about what you'll post next. But if you have errands to run and business to do, wait for the tools I'm going to show you.---What does this course give you?Learn how to market in social media: especially Facebook and Twitter.How to build audience in social media and engage them?Strategy & communication in social media tips&tools.Facebook successful fanpage, admin panel, apps, offer and contest.Twitter success within a 140-character tweet.Foursquere idea for marketing of places.Content - how to create good content on blog, Twitter or Facebook to get the best engagement.Get better at blogging create good post, improve your authority and find great traffic sourece.Power of newsletters idea & tips.Media Monitoring - be prepared to respond to customers and react to a crisis in social mediaSocial Media Managment - how to optimize and do stuff as efficiently as possible.Save your time Social Media Automation tools & tips.In this 89 part social media course you will learn how to use Social Media Marketing in effectively and smart way."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"3D Game Development with Blender" |
"You want to make a game, huh? Many have gone before, and not all have succeeded. Truth is, building games is hard, especially 3D games. But if you have the right tools and the right tour guide, the process can be relatively easy. Building games might just be more fun than playing them!3D gaming courses tend to come in two flavors. Either you learn to build all your models in a 3D editor like Blender or 3DSMax but you barely get to put them in a game, or you start with a high-end powerful gaming tool like Unity or Unreal, but you can only use models made by others.In this course, we start from the very beginning. You'll learn how to build your own model of anything you can imagine using Blender, a powerful free tool. There are many Blender classes out there, but most do not concentrate on building models for games, which are different than the models used in movies. Blender is well-known as perhaps the best open-source 3D modeling package in existence.Blender's best-kept secret is its game engine. Not only can you build models in Blender, you can build full-fledged games. The game system is incredibly powerful, yet not well known. That's where this course comes in. I'll show you how to create compelling models, how to use Blender's logic bricks to write basic games with no programming, and we'll finally transition to writing your own code with the powerful and popular Python language built into Blender. I've had a blast creating this course. I can't wait to share it with you. The best part of making a game is storing your own playfulness inside a game. I see this course in exactly the same way. Let's play together and build some awesome games."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Presenta Como Obama: Aprende sus tcnicas de persuasin" |
"Aprende a presentar gracias a las tcnicas que permiten a Barack Obama conectar poderosamente con las personas, atraerlas con una retrica irresistible y transmitir las ideas con precisin.Es el momento de imprimir fuerza y conviccin a tus presentaciones, con habilidades clsicas y modernas, a la altura de las personalidades ms persuasivas del planeta.En este curso comprenders las sutilezas ms importantes de un buen orador, basndonos en las claves de los discursos del presidente de Estados Unidos. Cada leccin analiza de manera comprensiva algunas de las exposiciones ms famosas de Obama, mostrndote qu hace efectivas sus palabras para que puedas mejorar y desarrollar tus habilidades de presentacin.Ests preparando una presentacin? Llevas aos hablando en pblico? Sea cual sea tu situacin, seguro que tienes mucho que aprender de la manera de presentar de uno de los grandes oradores de nuestro tiempo.En unas pocas semanas, habrs interiorizado qu hace que los discursos de Obama sean tan persuasivos y claros y podrs trasladar cuanto aprendas a tus propias charlas en pblico. Y lo conseguiremos a lo largo de 8 lecciones en las que encontrars:Cmo conseguir que tu lenguaje corporal apoye y complemente aquello que dices.La manera de hacer llegar tu mensaje de la mejor manera posible.Habilidades retricas y de oratoria vitales para lograr el efecto que desees.Y muchas otras competencias extradas directamente de uno de los mejores comunicadores del planeta, desde el tono de voz hasta el tiempo adecuado, que te ganar la confianza de tu pblico.Mejora tus habilidades comunicativas rpidamente gracias a ejemplos claros, y desarrolla una nueva dimensin en tu presencia ante el pblico con las herramientas que han hecho grande a Obama.Es hora de ascender tus presentaciones a una nueva categora y poner al pblico de tu lado!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Use Mint to Track Your Finances" |
"JOIN 6,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO USE MINT TO TRACK THEIR FINANCES AND MANAGE THEIR MONEY SO THEY CAN ENJOY MORE FREEDOM. In this course, I'll be teaching you the exact methods that I used to track my finances with Mint, save half of my income for several years and save up five years worth of living expenses before I turned 30, enabling me to quit my job and start my own business. What is my experience on the topic? I've been using Mint for over five years and have tracked my finances every single month throughout that entire period. Doing so enabled me to get myself out of $26,000 of debt and build up five years worth of living expenses in savings, allowing me to quit my job and start my own business. Who is this course for? This course IS RIGHT for people looking to take responsibility for their future and turn their lives around financially. What problems does this course solve? It saves you hundreds of hours of trial and error in learning to use Mint to track your finances. It helps you get it right the first time, without wasting a ton of time, money or energy. Who is this course NOT for? This course is NOT for those who aren't serious about getting their finances under control and who's financial accounts won't sync up with Mint."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Blogging to Generate Leads: Business Blogging Essentials" |
"JOIN 11,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO GENERATE LEADS FROM BLOGGING! SEE HOW TO BLOG YOUR WAY TO MORE LEADS AND MORE BUSINESS. In this course, I'll be teaching you the exact methods that I used to create my blog, Create My Independence from nothing to over 1,100 subscribers and a half a million page views, enabling me to build relationships with hundreds of people and create an independent online business of my own. What is my experience on the topic? I've been blogging for over three years. I'm almost completely self taught (hundreds of hours of trial and error). I've exchanged hundreds of emails with my readers. I've written over 200 posts to date and have built relationships with hundreds of bloggers and influencers in my niche. From my blog, I've built my own independent online business from scratch (from $0 to over $40,000 in revenue). Who is this course for? This course is for business owners and entrepreneurs who are tired of trying the old tactics and not seeing results. What problems does this course for solve for businesses? It saves businesses hundreds of hours of trial and error in creating their own blog. It gives them the exact blueprint for choosing a topic and name, choosing a blog platform, setting up your site, customizing it and generating leads from it. Who is this course NOT for? This course ISN'T for businesses who aren't willing to invest long term in their growth."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Email List Building Tech Guide: From 0 to 1,500+ Subscribers" |
"JOIN 12,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO CREATE A 1,500+ SUBSCRIBER EMAIL LIST! LEARN HOW TO HANDLE THE TECH SIDE OF BUILDING YOUR EMAIL LIST FAST. In this course, I'll be teaching you the exact methods that I used to build my email list from 0 to over 1,500 subscribers in less than 18 months. What is my experience on the topic? I've been a content marketer for over three years through blogging and podcasting. I'm completely self taught (hundreds of hours of trial and error). From my online platform, I've built my own independent online business from scratch (from $0 to over $40,000 in revenue). Who is this course for? This course is for someone who already has a website and is looking to invest in building their email list.What problems does this course solve? It saves you hundreds of hours of trial and error in building your email list. It gives you the exact blueprint (and I mean EXACT) for using AWeber and LeadPages together to build your email list as fast as possible. Who is this course NOT for? This course is NOT for people not willing to invest in both AWeber and LeadPages to build their email list."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |