Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Live on Less than Most People Do (and Enjoy Doing It)" |
"JOIN 6,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO LIVE ON LESS THAN $25,000 PER YEAR (AND ENJOY DOING IT)! In this course, I'll be teaching you the exact methods that I used to live on less than $25,000 per year for over 5 years, allowing me to get out of $25,000 of debt, save up 5 years of living expenses and quit my job to start my own business. What is my experience on the topic? I've been tracking my finances for over 5 years with the free financial software Mint. In doing so, I've been able to cut my lifestyle to just $25,000 per year (which I've been living on for over 5 years) and pay off my debt, save up a big pile of money and quit my job to start my own business. I now have a location independent online business that allows me to work from anywhere and still make a comfortable living. Who is this course for? It's for the person who's looking to spend less money so they can get ahead. It's right for the person who is willing to make big changes in order to succeed financially. It's for you if you have big things you want to do with your life and need financial padding to do so (which is most of us)! Who is this course NOT for? This course isn't for people who won't let go of being materialistic. It's not for people who don't have big dreams and it's definitely NOT for people who aren't willing to put in tons of work and sacrifice to make financial freedom a reality."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How I Built An Online Store Without Google or Facebook Ads" |
"JOIN 10,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO CREATE A $7,500 PER MONTH ONLINE STORE (WITHOUT GOOGLE OR FACEBOOK ADS)I've been selling $7,500+ per month from my online store each month without Google or Facebook ads, since I started to put in place what actually works.What I've done has really paid off and the things I've done that have worked are all outlined here in this course.I now average $7,500 every month in sales from my store (without paying for Google or Facebook ads).And that's not just one unique month! That's every month, month after month after month. It's on autopilot now!In May 2014, before I started following this course, I sold little to nothing online (and I was spending hundreds of dollars on Facebook ads). By taking the steps outlined in this course, that's now increased, month-by-month, to over $8,000 in March 2015.I know this system works and all my earnings are shown in the free preview below. You can see a screenshot of my reports page, showing all my sales numbers.Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place and I show you how in detail.I'm holding nothing back in this course - I reveal everything I know. I plan to continue to add things to this course as I experiment with things and learn if they work or not. This course will grow and accumulate more content as I learn more, which will all be at no extra charge to you!Keep in mind that you're protected by Udemy's 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee!Every minute you wait is costing you money with your online store!Enroll now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How I Built An Online Business (with 6 Sources)" |
"JOIN 9,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO BUILD AN ONLINE BUSINESS (FROM SEVERAL SOURCES)What I've done has really paid off and the things I've done that have worked are all outlined here in this course.I know this system works and all my earnings are shown in the free preview below. You can see a screenshot of my PayPal transactions, showing all my income numbers.Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place and I show you how in detail.I'm holding nothing back in this course - I reveal everything I know. I plan to continue to add things to this course as I experiment with things and learn if they work or not. This course will grow and accumulate more content as I learn more, which will all be at no extra charge to you!Keep in mind that you're protected by Udemy's 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee!Every minute you wait is costing you money with your online business!Enroll now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How I Make A Living Without A Job (Not Even Part Time)" |
"JOIN 10,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO MAKE A LIVING WITHOUT A JOB (NOT EVEN PART TIME).I've been making a full time living without a job (not even a part time job), since I started to put in place what actually works.What I've done has really paid off and the things I've done that have worked are all outlined here in this course.I now average $4,000 every month in income per month (without a job of any sort).And that's not just one unique month! That's every month, month after month after month. It's on autopilot now!In May 2014, before I started following this course, I was completely dependent on my full time job (which I was enjoying less and less). By taking the steps outlined in this course, I've fully broken my dependence on jobs and I now make a full time income without a job.I know this system works and all my earnings are shown in the free preview below. You can see a screenshot of my PayPal transactions, showing all my income numbers.Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place and I show you how in detail.I'm holding nothing back in this course - I reveal everything I know. I plan to continue to add things to this course as I experiment with things and learn if they work or not. This course will grow and accumulate more content as I learn more, which will all be at no extra charge to you!Keep in mind that you're protected by Udemy's 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee!Every minute you wait is costing you money with your online business!Enroll now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Tablet Podcasting - How To Create A Podcast" |
"Podcasting is publishing audio or video content online in blog website on a regular schedule of episodes. Building an audience with a podcast can create a world wide group of fans and followers who will know, like and trust you and will do business with what you suggest as you will be known as an authority and expert in niche.This course shows you step by step how to setup a podcast website, get in iTunes and produce your audio content with your computer, and better yet use apps on the iPad or iPhone.Included are the video lessons and resources to do it all with good microphone. You could complete this course in a weekend afternoon. If you want to get a bigger online presence in your expertise, creating a successful podcast is something any business should add to their marketing mix!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Convirtete en un experto de photoshop cc naked series" |
"El curso esta diseado para permitir que los participantes conozcan de una forma eficiente todas las herramientas del programa de Photoshop CC. Al finalizar el curso el participante podr utilizar cualquiera de las versiones de Photoshop a partir de la versin CS3 hasta la CC de una forma ms eficiente y dinmica, pues contempla la descripcin detallada del funcionamiento del programa, tcnicas eficientes de como utilizar las herramientas, pasos cortos de teclado, anatoma de las imgenes digitales y el rea de trabajo del mismo, temas que no se encuentran en otros cursos de nivel bsico ni de especializacin. Los ejercicios del curso reflejan los flujos de trabajo ms comunes a los que se puede enfrentar un usuario en el da a da, reflejando las tcnicas ms eficientes de como utilizarlas para facilitar la solucin de los cuellos de botellas ms frecuentes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprende paso a paso Toon Boom Harmony" |
"Este curso esta dividido en cpsulas de conocimiento incrementales. Los primeros captulos estn dedicados a conocer y a familiarizarse con la interfaz y la ubicacin de las herramientas, el manejo de ventanas y configuraciones del espacio de trabajo. Posteriormente presenta las herramientas bsicas de dibujo, con el objetivo de preparar al usuario del curso para bocetar rpidamente un personaje. Despus se presentan tcnicas de trazado para limpiar y crear dibujos en su acabado final, en preparacin para ser coloreados con sus diversas tcnicas. El curso introduce tambin en la forma de trabajo para la animacin pose a pose y las guas de movimientos.Este curso va dirigido a dibujantes y no dibujantes, y a todo aquel que quiera conocer el uso de Toon Boom como herramienta profesional para la creacin de animacin."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso prctico de HTML5 y CSS3" |
"En este curso aprenders la manera correcta de trabajar con HTML5, su semntica, as como tambin, maquetar tus diseos con CSS3 para tus sitios web; adems revisaremos las caractersticas de las nuevas etiquetas, atributos y reglas que acompaan al estandar.Veremos la estructura de documentos HTML5.EtiquetasSoporte en navegadoresFormularios y validacionesCanvasTransicionesFuentesAnimacionesAudioVideoSemnticaReglas bsicas de estilosHoy en da lo ms novedoso y eficaz en el desarrollo de sitios web es el lenguaje HTML5 y CSS3; ambos definen los estndares de desarrollo web, tanto para equipos de escritorio, como para dispositivos mviles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Toon Boom Harmony Avanzado" |
"Este curso es de nivel avanzado y es la continuacin del curso bsico-intermedio de Toon Boom Harmony; en el cual conocers las nuevas herramientas del programa, como son:Sincronizacin automtica de labios,El espacio de trabajo en tres dimensiones,La animacin de marionetas (CUTOUT), empleada en series de televisin actualmente.Los filtros y efectos para el acabado final de la animacin mediante compositing.Deformacin.Morphing.Este curso va dirigido a todo aquel que quiera conocer el uso de Toon Boom como herramienta profesional para la creacin de animacin. Los amantes de animacin encontrarn en este curso las herramientas necesarias para trabajar en la tcnica tradigital de inmediato con las funciones avanzadas que el programa ofrece. Los no dibujantes pueden encontrar apasionante la animacin cutout para dar vida a los personajes o incluso pueden dominar el uso de filtros para producir acabados de apariencia completamente profesional."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Thai Food Recipes with Chef Kae" |
"Learn to cook Thai dishes. Get started with this introductory course for cooking traditional Thai cuisine. Your instructor, Kae, was formally trained as a chef in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, at two world class Thai resorts. You will learn some simple but popular Thai dishes that you can easily prepare in minutes. We will add notes for ingredients you will need to prepare each dish. This course is for cooks of all levels who enjoy Thai foodLearn to cook with authentic Thai ingredientsThese are dishes that you can cook at home, without high heat and a wokMost dishes only take a few minutes to prepareThis is a starter course for some of the most popular Thai dishes Courses are in English with a few in native Thai language as well Finding the right Thai ingredients can be a challenge for some people who do not live in more urban areas. We have added resource areas on our website where you can find and order Thai ingredients, cooking accessories, etc. for delivery to your home. Look for Chef Kae on the web or Thai Life USA (Thai language)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"More Thai Cooking Recipes with Chef Kae" |
"This is Chef Kae's third Thai Cooking Class and she hopes that all of her past and present students will enjoy this all new class very much. This is her largest Thai cooking course ever with a mix of traditional, well known Thai recipes plus a few ""specialty"" recipes, better known mostly by native Thai people. If you enjoy Thai food and would like to learn more about how it is prepared, then this is the course for you!Each lesson contains a list of ingredients for culinary students who would like to try to cook Thai in there homes or share with others. The Thai cooking classes are simple to follow and do not require any special kitchen tools and equipment. Although authentic Thai and/or Asian ingredients are recommended for best results, it is possible to find substitutes in a pinch.Each lesson averages around 10 to 15 minutes and are easy to understand. We have included English voice overs to help clarify cooking instructions. Chef Kae welcomes any and all comments and encourages her students to participate in discussions.We hope you enjoy Chef Kae's best Thai Cooking course, to date!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress eCommerce Quick Start" |
"This course is for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to start selling online through their own WordPress-powered website. If youre baffled by eCommerce jargon like payment gateways, merchant accounts, and SSL certificates, this course will provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your online business.Learn How To Launch An eCommerce Website With WordPressLearn the essential ingredients youll need to get your eCommerce website online.Learn the four major types of selling plugins and how to determine which one is right for your website.Learn how to accept secure online payments.Learn how to identify the best WordPress theme for your eCommerce website.Learn the the essential website elements you need in order to build customer trust.Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your online business.WordPress is the number one tool for building websites. It powers over 25% of all websites globally. And now WordPress is quickly becoming the most popular way to build eCommerce websites.Business owners and entrepreneurs around the world are using WordPress to build every kind of business imaginable from traditional product-based eCommerce to digital downloads and membership websites.Content and OverviewThis course is designed for business owners and entrepreneurs who have no prior knowledge of eCommerce. Over the course of 25 lectures you will learn about the core elements required to launch a WordPress-powered eCommerce website.The course starts by explaining how and why WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging tool to become the most popular platform for eCommerce.The WordPress marketplace is flooded with eCommerce plugins. This course provides you with the knowledge you need to identify the best plugin for your business. Likewise, the course will help you better understand your design requirements so that you can pick the best WordPress theme for your site.The course demystifies the jargon surrounding online payment processing. Youll learn about merchant accounts, payment gateways, and how to minimize your payment processing fees.The course explains best practices for data and operational security, and provides an introduction to resources you can use to keep your website secure and healthy.By the end of the course you will be conversant in all aspects of eCommerce and you will have identified the tools you need to turn your WordPress website into a full-featured store."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Crash Course! (Fast Paced)" |
"One of the world's most successful billionaires (an introvert) Warren Buffet let us in on one of his greatest secret weapons: He said that a public speaking course became his most important degree.Notice his advice here: ""Youve got to be able to communicate in life and its enormously important. Schools, to some extent, under emphasize that. If you cant communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, youre giving up your potential.With this course, you willlearn creative presentation & speaking skillsin a short time. Find out what really matters & what you can leave out. Challenge your mind the right way & take your audience on a journey they'll never forget!This course is not the typical learning style. I use an unconventional teaching style that is anything but boring (most lectures on speaking can be boring) But strap on your seat-belts to keep up with this fast paced & practical course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAP Security Training" |
"""SAP Security & Authorizations"" is a course specially designed for students who are willing to take Quality training into SAP Security and Authorizations. As I don't believe in the slide show, I have made this course a practical one demonstrating the subject on live system. The course also discusses possible interview questions that you might face for that particular topic and also it unfolds some unknown technical secret tips and tricks about SAP Security which will help you to work smartly.This course not only describes the subject in detail but also explains the topics technically and theoretically in detail with real-time examples thus making it easy for you to understand them soon. As a gist, I would say this is the best course to start with if you want to learn ""SAP Security"".Feedbacks from several students :Tony Kujo: Brilliant (Very Impressive) The lecture videos where on point. Each and very video was well layered out. They are very concise and straight to the point. I recommend this lecture in SAP Security and GRC to all beginners. In one word, I will say FANTASTIC.Rajesh Singh: Thank you so much for creating this SAP Security Course...Very interesting and very details explaining all the concepts. System demonstration was very nice and helps to correlate with the actual scenario. Thank you for your course.. Looking forward for your support in resolving the doubts if any relating to SAP Security.Anees Garder: Nice!!! I have a very good understanding and this course meets my expectation.Shreya Gulati: Well structured course covering the basic ECC Security concepts with shown with live server. Recommended for a SAP Security Consultant looking to brush up their skills.Suhas Raut: It was a nice learning experience , Thank you!Pallavi Purohit: Course content was good. And I was able to clearly understand the speaker. Great Job!Sherlyn Dicon: Good LearningJamiu Bakare: Great presentations. Instructor is very knowledgeable on SAP GRC/SecurityAmit Kalpish: its awsome. I really learnt a lot. Teaching method id very user friendly. It's a very good learning experience."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How To Write A Non-Fiction Book Fast Without Writers Block" |
"If you are looking to increase your income significantly by becoming an expert in your field, did you know that you can write a book in just a few days using a simple to follow recipe?TAKE THIS COURSE RISK FREE WITH THE UDEMY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!Have you ever thought that you would like to write a book?Have you ever tried to write a book, though suffered from crippling writers block?Would you like to become a perceived expert in your field?Did you know people who have written a book can charge significantly higher fees for their products and services due to their reputation?Would you like to share your knowledge with more people you could ever try to meet in a lifetime?Did you know that anyone can write a book in just a few days using free resources and tactics previously only available to professional writers?If you are already thinking that this is the right place to be, then click the button to take this course now! With just one idea from this course, your small investment could save you thousands of dollars in research or trial and error to write a book that may make no sense at all!How do I know? Before I wrote my first book, I spent thousands on online courses and live training and can save you the time and money to give you just the absolute best bits I learned, adapted to the real world.In this course, you will discover:Where to get ideasHow to organize your ideas into a logical workflowThe secret behind writing a successful book your readers will loveA free tool I use along with a step by step walk through to help you structure your book properlyHow to bury writers block foreverThe best way to come up with a killer book titleAnd loads more unique and clever tricks and tips to ensure you write your book in record time that your readers will love.Click to take this course NOW even if you aren't sure you are ready to get started yet. Let your search for a foolproof guide to help you write that book stop HERE! If you don't, how much time are you going to spend searching through unproven methods, trying techniques and tactics that may or may not work? Save yourself the pain and take this course now!FAQ""I am not a good writer. Can I still write a book?""- Yes! If I can do it, you can too. I failed English in High School and still managed to have a book published!""Will I make money if I write a book?""- I'm sorry, but I can't answer this question. Anyone who says you are guaranteed to make money is lying in my opinion. In the end it comes down to your drive and willingness to go after your goals""Will I need to spend money on tools or software to help me?""- Not to write a draft on the book, no. This course takes you through the steps of writing a draft yourself, though if you need assistance from an expert, then yes, you will need to pay for their time""Why is this course different to other similar courses?""- When I was searching for the best method to write a book, I spent thousands of dollars studying courses myself to help me as I honestly did not think this was possible. Through my self education, I found that most teachers had lost touch with someone who was a beginner like me. I don't claim to be an expert, though I do think that I have a system that any other beginner can also follow today! Why? Because I had to learn exactly this not long ago and this course contains all the short cuts and hacks.TESTIMONIALS FROM MY LIVE VERSION OF THIS COURSE (participants paid a LOT more for this day than the cost of this course, so keep it to yourself!)""If you have ever thought of writing a book but never took that vital first step simply because you didn't know where to begin, had no idea what it involved or whether it would even be possible, then I recommend that you seek out and speak with Pete Kvist""Dympna Kennedy - Parent Mentor & Coach at Creating Balance - Sydney, Australia""Awesome Workshop Pete Kvist! You were very clear, easy to understand and are an incredibly inspiring man!!!""Kathy Nicol- Company Director at Cohen's Lifestyle Clinic - Otago, New Zealand""Thanks Pete - your advice early on in the piece was crucial - and very much appreciated. You're the man!""Gavin Sequeira - Founder and Director at Breakfree From Corporate - Melbourne, AustraliaTake this course now with Udemy's money back guarantee and if it doesn't deliver what is promised, you can get your money back no questions asked and you don't even need to talk to me to get it! This is hands down, the most simple and effective way to write a book, period."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Sales Forecasting" |
"Sales forecasting is not magic. This is a real thing called predictive analytics. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand it. With this course, you do not need to know higher mathematics at all. Real business forecasting uses quantitative data collection methods, mathematics, and logical reasoning, there is very little guesswork involved and much to be gained for the business owner. Your historical data can be used to make accurate predictions about what will happen in the future, allowing you to order the appropriate amount of stock, hire enough employees, and ensure your business runs smoothly. The financial gains that can be achieved with business forecasting are real and can be achieved with the help of basic Excel techniques. SCANBA produced high quality, easy to understand, the professional-level course that is right for you, as a person interested in business education. Sales Forecasting by SCANBA is the course that will teach you how to forecast your sales in real life. Trends? No problem! Seasonality? You got it! Accuracy? Nail it down. By looking at data from the past, you can extrapolate trends that will allow you to make forecasts that are more accurate. These forecasts can be useful in all areas of business from sales, to management, to marketing. With your new knowledge on forecasting, you are on your way to making better business decisions. With Excel examples, and professional lectures, you will learn the topic in just one hour! You will learn: 3 major sales forecasting methods including moving average, exponential smoothing, and regression2 additional extensions to the methods for in-depth analysis5 Excel spreadsheet examplesMethods for predicting both seasonality and trends in your sales By the end of the course, you will be able to pass an exam and receive a personalized certificate of completion from the Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics. Take the course, now -- remember, you are investing in yourself. The certificate from the Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics will prove your expertise to others. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Create A Vision Board To Attract What You Want" |
"A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. In this course you will learn how to create your own vision board effectively and how to utilize it using NLP and Law of Attraction techniques to achieve whatever you want in life. It can be your ideal house, job, friends, soul mate , holiday destination etc. In this course you will learn- Lecture 1: Introduction Section 2: How To Create A Vision Board To Attract What You Want In Life Lecture 2: Basics Of Vision Board Lecture 3: Steps To Create Your Vision Board Lecture 4: Reasons For Failure Of Your Vision Board Lecture 5: Tips On How To Use Your Vision Board Effectively Lecture 6: The Places Where You Can Install Your Vision Board Lecture 7: Effectively Utilize Your Vision Board To Achieve Your Goals Lecture 8: The Effects Of Your Vision Board Section 3: Summary of the course Students will be able to successfully create a vision board for themselves and attract what they want in life Lecture 9: Summary of the course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"NLP Humour Therapy To Relieve Stress And Anxiety Quickly" |
"This course ' NLP Humour Therapy To Relieve Stress And Anxiety Quickly ' by Pradeep Aggarwal aims at teaching students, business professionals , entrepreneurs etc to reduce their stress and tensions using the laughter therapy instantly. Anxiety is a just state of mind and it can be changed instantly using powerful and simple techniques like laughter combined with NLP. In this course you will learn many techniques and exercises using which you can reduce your stress and tension instantly and perform outstandingly in the important situations with a peaceful mind. This course includes- Section 1: Introduction Lecture 1: Introduction To The Course Section 2: NLP Humour Therapy To Relieve Stress And Anxiety Quickly Lecture 2: Exercises on laughter therapy to overcome stress and anxiety using feelings Lecture 3: Exercises on laughter therapy to overcome stress and anxiety using music Lecture 4: Reduce stress and anxiety by changing your negative inner voice Lecture 5: Reduce stress and anxiety by changing your body postures Lecture 6: Entering into the circle of humor and fun Section 3: Summary of the course Lecture 7: Summary"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Change Your State Of Mind Using NLP And Anchoring Techniques" |
"The course "" Change Your State Of Mind Using NLP And Anchoring Techniques "" by Pradeep Aggarwal teaches you powerful NLP techniques on how to create a mind trigger to get a certain situation, feeling, positive attitude of a past in the current situation to help you achieve your goals faster. You will be able to get positive and confidence feeling of the past in a present tensed situation . You will be able to instantly change your state of mind from negative to positive and a more confident state of mind.In this course you will not only learn how to create mind triggers for yourself but also be able to teach the same to your friends and family . This course includes -Lecture 1:Introduction To The CourseLecture 2: What is anchoring and mind triggersLecture3:Learn how to create an anchor or mind triggerLecture4:Learn how to use an anchor or mind trigger successfullyLecture5:What is collapsing anchor and its uses to overcome fearsLecture6:Teach others on how to use anchors and mind triggers Lecture 7: Summary of the course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Remove Fear Of Public Speaking Using Simple NLP Techniques" |
"This course " Remove Fear Of Public Speaking Using Simple NLP Techniques " helps you to remove your public speaking fear and overcome stage fear instantly. It makes you feel more confident and reduce any kind of fear or anxiety before an important meeting,presentation, social gathering,speech etc.Using the techniques taught in this course you will become a more confident and powerful speaker and remove any kind of fear , anxiety or nervousness . Past memories of failure can also be forgotten using the simple techniques taught in this course.This course includes-IntroductionLearn the basics of the course on how to remove your fear of public speaking using simple and powerful NLP techniquesLecture1:Introduction To The CourseSection2:Remove Fear Of Public Speaking Using Simple NLP Techniques Learn the techniques to remove fear of public speaking using NLP techniques which are simple yet powerful and can be easily used to overcome stage fear and speaking in publicLecture2:Why Public Speaking Is So ImportantLecture3:Self Hypnosis Technique For Instant RelaxationLecture4:Anchoring Technique To Overcome Public Speaking FearLecture5:Mind Trigger Techniques To Remove Public Speaking FearLecture6:Circle Of Excellence Technique Lecture 7:Bonus Technique To Overcome Fear And AnxietySection3:Summary Of The Course Summarizes the entire course and the techniquesLecture8:Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Stop Blushing Now Using NLP Techniques" |
"In this course by Pradeep Aggarwal , You will learn very powerful and NLP techniques like Anchoring, Mind triggers, circle of excellence, affirmations and visualization to overcome blushing during important situations of life like a business meeting, public speech , social gatherings etc , where you require to be calm, relaxed and confident.We all tend to feel shy and start blushing when the blood flows through our face making it very obvious in front of others . Using these simple techniques you will be able to overcome all of these and feel more confident and happy instantly.This course includes-Lecture1:Introduction To The CourseSection2:Stop Blushing Now Using NLP Techniques Lecture 2:Learn To Relax InstantlyLecture3:Anchoring Technique To Get The Feeling Of Confidence And RelaxationLecture4:Blush To Confidence Switch TechniqueLecture5:Learn To Instantly Change Your Feeling In Important SituationsLecture6:Circle Of Excellence Technique - IntroductionLecture7:Circle Of Excellence Technique- ExercisesLecture8:Affirmations And Visualization TechniquesLecture 9:Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Remove Fear Of Interviews And Be Confident Using NLP" |
"The course titled " Remove Fear Of Interviews And Be Confident Using NLP " By Pradeep Aggarwal teaches simple and powerful NLP and Self Hypnosis techniques to overcome nervousness, anxiety , fear and doubt before an important interview . By taking this course you will be able to instantly feel very relaxed and confident before an important interview . Many tips and techniques have been taught that will help you overcome these obstacles before an important interview for a job.In this course you will learn Lecture 1- Introduction To The CourseLecture 2:Learn Instant Relaxation Using Self HypnosisLecture 3:Learn To Make A Trigger To Relax InstantlyLecture 4:Learn How To Create An Anchor To Become Confident Lecture 5: Reverse Spinning Technique To Remove Fear And AnxietyLecture 6:Circle Of Excellence TechniqueLecture 7:Lean How To Utilize All The Techniques To Crack InterviewsLecture 8: Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Remove Fear Of Examination Using NLP Techniques" |
"In this course by Pradeep Aggarwal , students will learn many techniques using NLP and self hypnosis to overcome examination fear . A lot of students suffer from examination fear and end up forgetting everything they have learned during the exam. Using the techniques taught in this course , students will be able to overcome all their nervousness , stress and anxiety and will be able to confidently give their best in their exam and score good results . They will leave more confident than ever before during the examination.In this course you will learn-Lecture 1:IntroductionLecture 2:Instant Relaxation Using Self HypnosisLecture 3:Learn To Relax Using Anchoring TechniqueLecture 4:Learn To Create An Anchor For More ConfidenceLecture 5: Reverse Spinning Technique To Overcome Examination FeaLecture 6:Circle Of Confidence Technique To Overcome FearLecture 7:Master All Techniques To Overcome Examination FearLecture 8:Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Overcome Social Phobia Using NLP Techniques" |
"In this course by Pradeep Aggarwal you will learn powerful NLP and self hypnosis techniques to overcome social phobia like nervousness while meeting new people at social events and gatherings or at parties .It is a common problem with lot of people who have fear , anxiety and nervousness when meeting people at social gatherings or in a huge crowd , they feel inferior in front of them and lack self confidence .In this course you will learn-Lecture1:Introduction To The CourseLecture2:Learn Techniques For Relaxation And CalmnessLecture3:How To Create An Anchor For RelaxationLecture4:How To Create An Anchor For ConfidenceLecture5:Reverse Spinning Technique To Overcome Social PhobiaLecture6:Circle Of Confidence / Excellence TechniqueLecture7:Review Of All The TechniquesLecture8:Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Remove Fear Of Height Now Using NLP Techniques" |
"In this course ' Remove Fear Of Height Now Using NLP Techniques ' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn simple and powerful NLP and self hypnosis techniques to overcome Acrophobia forever . People usually have extreme fear of height , they feel dizzy , nervous , anxious or scared when looking down from a great height . This fear can be instantly removed using the techniques taught in this course and can also be used to increase your confidence.In this course you will learn -Lecture1:Introduction To The CourseLecture2:Learn To Relax Using Self Hypnosis And NLPLecture3:Mind Trigger Technique For RelaxationLecture4:Anchoring Technique To Build ConfidenceLecture5:Reverse Spinning Technique To Overcome FearLecture6:Circle Of Excellence TechniqueLecture7:Rewind Of All Techniques Taught To Overcome Fear Of HeightLecture8:Summary"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Remove Fear Of Flying With NLP Techniques" |
"In this course titled - Remove Fear Of Flying With NLP Techniques by Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn many simple and powerful NLP and self hypnosis techniques to overcome Aviophobia - The fear of flying in an Airplane. You will be able to remove those negative blockages from your mind and overcome the phobia of flying.In this course you will learn-Lecture 1 : Introduction to the course Lecture 2:Simple Relaxation Techniques Using NLPLecture3:Mind Trigger Techniques For RelaxationLecture4:Removing Fear Using AnchoringLecture5:Removing fear Using Reverse Spinning TechniquesLecture6:Circle Of Confidence TechniqueLecture7:Fast Phobia Cure Theater Technique To Overcome PhobiaLecture8:Review Of All TechniquesLecture9:Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Remove Fear Of Driving Using NLP Techniques" |
"In this course titled ' Remove Fear Of Driving Using NLP Techniques ' By Pradeep Aggarwal you will learn various NLP techniques which are very powerful and simple to overcome your fear of driving a car .You will learn techniques to instantly feel confident and remove any kind of negative thought or past negative experiences associated with driving a car.This course is designed for approximately 30 mins and is very easy to understand and grasp.This course is beneficial for everyone who fear driving a car and due to which they have faced many hurdles or career and personal growth obstructions.In this course you will learn-Lecture 1 : Introduction to the courseLecture 2:Simple Relaxation Techniques Using NLPLecture3:Mind Trigger Techniques For RelaxationLecture4:Removing Fear Using AnchoringLecture5:Removing fear Using Reverse Spinning TechniquesLecture6:Circle Of Confidence TechniqueLecture7:Fast Phobia Cure Theater Technique To Overcome PhobiaLecture8:Review Of All TechniquesLecture9:Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Lose Weight Now Using Powerful NLP Techniques" |
"In this course " Lose Weight Now Using Powerful NLP Techniques " By Pradeep Aggarwal you will learn many NLP and Self Hypnosis Techniques to reduce those extra kilos you have gained over the years due to eating disorders , stress, lack of a balanced diet , depression etc . In this course you will be able to set a clear goal in your life to reduce your weight and get a clear picture of how you want to look in future after shedding those extra kilos .It is a 30 minute video course in which many simple mind techniques have been taught to help you reduce your weight . It comprises of 10 lectures and 3 sections.This course includes:Lecture 1: Introduction To The Course Lecture 2: Reasons For Being Overweight or Obese Lecture 3: Setting A Goal To Lose WeightLecture 4: Self Hypnosis Techniques To Achieve Your Goal Of Losing WeightLecture 5: Lose Weight Using VisualizationLecture 6: Lose Weight By Changing The Feeling Of HungerLecture 7: Lose Weight Using Mind Triggers Lecture 8: Lose Weight Using Feeling Reversal TechniqueLecture 9: Lose Weight Using Visuals And Positive AffirmationsLecture 10: Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"How To Use A Pendulum To Know Answers From Your Mind" |
"In this course titled " How to use a pendulum to know answers from your mind" by Pradeep Aggarwal you will learn how to use a pendulum and program it to get answers from your subconscious mind , clearing conflict of thoughts, solve problems and general healing . This course is for fun , fame and success .It has been designed for over 30 mins and contains a variety of techniques on how to use and program a pendulum for your mind.This course contains-Lecture 1) Introduction to the courseLecture 2) Ideomotor Signalling TechniqueLecture 3) How To Hold And Use A PendulumLecture 4) How To Program Your PendulumLecture 5) How To Use A Pendulum To Control Your MindLecture 6) How To Use A Pendulum For Personal HealingLecture 7) Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Learn Affirmations To Achieve Success In Your Life" |
"In this course " Learn Affirmations to Achieve Success In Your Life " By Pradeep Aggarwal you will learn how to make auto suggestions ( affirmations ) to yourself for self motivation, confidence building and achieving success in your life .By using affirmations you will be able to focus on what you want in life and not what you don't want in life. This course contains more than 30 minutes of content designed over 10 lectures .In this course you will learn in details - - What are Affirmations-How to Make Effective Affirmations- What are Affirmative Questions- By Using Affirmations How You Can Achieve Your Goals And Change Your Attitude-Relaxation Techniques To Make Affirmations Work Better- Sample Affirmations-Bonus Material"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Learn Creative Visualization To Achieve Your Goals In Life" |
"In this course titled " Learn Creative Visualization To Achieve Your Goals In Life " by Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn how by making positive pictures in your mind of a future situation or an event can bring positive changes in your life . By taking this course you will be able to achieve your ideal health, relationship , job , career , goal etc.Students will be able to master and learn new skills, increase their confidence and achieve their goals in life by focusing on what they exactly want in life .This course contains 8 lectures designed for approximately 30 minutes using videos This course contains -Introduction To The CourseHow Creative Visualization WorksExercise On Creative VisualizationSummary Of The ExerciseLearn To Relax Using Self HypnosisHow To Use Creative Visualization In Your LifeReview Of All The Techniques Summary Of The Course"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |