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"2020 Actual Exam PMP Practice Exam Prep Questions" |
"DescriptionQuestions are based on: PMBOK Guide 6 h Edition 2020This exam contains :Frequent Questions appeared Pmp ExamAnswer ExplanationsSituation Based QuestionsNumerical and mathematical questionsKnowledge area specific questions (All knowledge areas have been covered)Concept Definition Based QuestionsBased on PMBOK 6 SyllabusEach question is supported by answer explanations which will allow you to understand the reasoning behind the correct answer choice.The most important PMP exam prep activity is to answer as many questions as you possibly can. To help you, we have developed this preparation test. The questions come from The PM Exam Simulator and they are all based on the most current PMP Exam that has been in effect since March 2018. Based on the PMBOK Guide Exam 6th Edition, for the 2020 PMP Exam!Project Management Professional (PMP) is an internationally recognized professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As of March 2018, there are 833,025 active PMP certified individuals and 286 chartered chapters across 210 countries and territories worldwide. The exam is based on the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge.Exam Details:The PMP exam is based on the PMP Examination Specification, which describes tasks out of five performance domains:Initiating the project (13%)Planning the project (24%)Executing the project (31%)Monitoring and controlling the project (25%)Closing the project (7%)The exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions written against the PMBOK specification and the PMP Code of Ethics. The exam is closed book; no reference materials are allowed. Twenty-five of the 200 questions on the exam are ""sample"" questions used to fine-tune the degree of difficulty and precision of the exam and as such are not counted for or against a test taker. These questions are placed randomly throughout the exam. The test taker is only graded on their proficiency on 175 questions. The numbers in parentheses describe the percentage of questions for each domain."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dance course: Jazz Fusion for Beginners!" |
"Hello Dancer!Jazz Fusion for beginners is a dance course for everybody who have none or only a little dance experience and want to learn to dance. It breaks down a dance class from the warm up to choreography. In this dance course you will learn dance technical skills such as pirouettes, and you are introduced to four different jazz dance styles."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Community Projects" |
"This is a complex course on the concept of developing community projects. Part #1 focuses on building your foundation. We look at perspectives, roles, broader understanding of your engagement.In terms of the learning experience, this part supports you to finding answers concerning:WHY do you want to build a community project? WHAT is the field you might activate in or collaborate with?WHAT are the roles in a project and what type of mentality & skills does each one require?Commonly overlooked aspects by community activists: personal growth, values, deal-breakers, and agendas (yours vs. others).Part #2 focuses on explaining the actual structure of a project (from an administrative perspective).In terms of a learning experience, this part offers concrete insights into:Building the project: people, commitment, how to let other people in.Milestones: what they are, insights into building them sustainably, and a working example.Step by step project presentation - your first connection to obtaining partners.A perspective on legal aspects and working with law enforcers (several foundational principles).Part #3 focuses on teambuilding. In terms of a learning experience, it offers tools & insights concerning:What are the key people in the project, what their work means, what their skills and background should beThree videos about informal relationships, difficult team dynamics and a perspective on ethics when it comes to community projects.Part #4 focuses on communication. In terms of a learning experience, it offers concrete working documents and step-by-step explanations concerning:The communication strategyThe creative brief Part #5 focuses on fundraising. In terms of a learning experience, it offers both working documents as well as experience-based recommendations for a healthy community projectDownloadable and editable work documentsReal cases from my years of experience in community projectsPart #6. focuses on legal aspects, working with public administration & an introduction into logistics. In terms of the learning experience, it offers both working documents as well as shared knowledge based on concrete community projects experiences.Part #7 focuses on running the actual events. In terms of the learning experience, it offers both working documents as well as shared knowledge based on concrete past experience.Preparing for the event dayRunning the actual dayAfter the event/action day.Part# 8, the closure, contains not just a goodbye but also a recommendation from me when building community projects.This course is built from:33 content videos (ranging from 20 to 30 minutes in length; each with an executive summary at the beginning)Downloadable & editable documents (so that you have concrete documents to begin with)Professional suggestions from me(in 16+ years of activity I've been through professional challenge, crises, breakdowns, start overs, etc.)Note! This course is intended as a structured discussion and practice curriculum for building community projects. If you seek a certification, please remember this is not it. This is a knowledge shared and concrete guideline for making your projects happen.Change the world through community projects."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Wie werde ich Modestylist und verdiene Geld damit?" |
"Lerne umfangreiches Insider-Wissen zu Grundlagen, Berufseinstieg und Honorar!Dieser Onlinekurs vermittelt alle ntigen Grundlagen, um als Modestylist arbeiten und vor allem Geld verdienen zu knnen.Die Dozentin Janina Cpper ist selber seit ber 12 Jahren erfolgreiche freiberufliche Fashion Stylistin. Ihre Arbeit ist fokussiert auf Foto- und Bewegtbildproduktionen (Commercials & Editorials), sie hlt Trendvortrge und moderiert Stylingvideos als Mode-Expertin fr bekannte Bekleidungshersteller sowie verschiedene TV-Formate.Da der Beruf des Modestylisten kein gngiger Ausbildungsberuf ist, ist es blicherweise schwer an fundiertes Expertenwissen zu kommen, den Berufseinstieg zu finden und die meisten Bildungsmglichkeiten sind teuer und zeitintensiv.Dieser Kurs bietet endlich Abhilfe.Du lernst step-by-step in 6 Kapiteln anschaulich und verstndlich die ntigen Fachbegriffe, Styling-Tricks und Techniken zu beherrschen dein Styling Equipment zu besorgen inkl. Spartipps die blichen Arbeitsablufe kennen dein Portfolio aufzubauen Kunden zu akquirieren Budgets zu kalkulieren welche Honorare du fordern kannst uvm.Das umfangreiche Arbeitsmaterial, Vorlagen, Linklisten, Honorartabellen und Budgetkalkulationen untersttzen deinen schnellen Lernerfolg und ermglichen dir den sofortigen Berufseinstieg als Modestylist nach Kursabschluss.Wenn du berlegst, ob der Beruf des Modestylisten das Richtige fr dich ist bereits angehender Modestylist bist, aber dir der Berufseinstieg schwer fllt Quereinsteiger bist und dich weiterbilden mchtest Mode-Blogger bist, aber du nicht weit, wie die Kleidung und Kooperationen fr deine Beitrge beschaffen kannst von Mode begeistert bist und wissen mchtest, wie Fotoshootings ablaufen und wie die Arbeit eines Modestylisten aussiehtdann solltest du dich jetzt einschreiben!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Combinao ideal entre lentes e armaes" |
"O curso visa preparar o consultor ptico, analisando a receita ptica e depois desta anlise estar preparado para fazer as melhores escolhas de armaes, lentes e tratamentos pticos mais indicados para cada caso a ser estudado neste curso, para isto sero analisadas as ametropias e suas caractersticas especficas, com base nestas informaes e frmulas aqui apresentadas, o aluno far as escolhas mais corretas com os melhores resultados."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Save thousands on Google display and Facebook advertising" |
"This course is designed for business owners and marketers who are looking to learn about display advertising and save thousands of dollars in wasted ad spend. Having been in the digital marketing space for 25 years, my intention for creating this course is to share my insights and learnings and help you develop a solid approach to understanding and optimizing your own advertising campaigns.Most of the techniques in this course are based on old school optimization techniques before Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) or attribution software existed. The value of learning this approach is to empower you with the science behind the data. As any pilot will tell you, you dont just rely on the equipment. When the wings of your plane are brushing the tops of trees and your altimeter reading indicates youre 1,500 feet above sea-level, you need to confidently know that the altimeter is wrong and manual modifications are required. In the same way, when the Demand Side Platform is coming up with a high cost per acquisition and the account manager at the social media, SEM or marketing agency is saying that it is just the system learning to optimize your product, you know how to pressure test and what corrections need to be made."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn Ads Course 2020 - From Beginner to Advanced" |
"LinkedIn Ads are the cornerstone of any Business to Business Advertising Strategy. This is because of the precise targeting that is available on LinkedIn Ads . In this course we cover everything you want to know about LinkedIn Ads right from gaining admin access to understanding objective based advertising on LinkedIn. We would be covering every facet related to LinkedIn Ads in this course like Targeting, Bids and Budgeting, Ad Formats , Reporting, Analytics, Benchmarking etc.So if you want to dive into the world of LinkedIn Advertising this course is tailor made for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get over a BREAK UP, Divorce and cope with RECOVERY process" |
"The process of a BREAK UP is never easy or pretty, especially when its been many years in the relationship. The stories lived, the moments shared and the memories tend to hunt us. But you don't have to feel powerless or incompetent, being grateful and looking at the future ahead of you along with this course will help you heal faster and bring you back on your feet. Heal and gain your life back through these techniques and most importantly grow from this situation. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Jornada pela Essncia do SELF: Uma abordagem terapetica" |
"Este curso j tem mudado a vida de muitas pessoas e, agora, graas UDEMY, obtemos uma verso melhorada e alargada. Pode consultar o Curso em verso Podcast-learning (audio) que j um sucesso h vrios anos, e pode tambm ler as centenas de Reviews de utilizadores de variados cursos e podcasts na aplicao Internacional Insight Timer.Utilizando uma fuso de tcnicas cientficas da Psicologia, Psicoterapia, PNL, Coaching e prticas meditativas de diversas origens, o curso "" JORNADA PELA ESSNCIA DO SELF"" ir revelar, camada por camada, a sua verdadeira essncia. Todas as sesses incluem explicaes com bases cientficas sobre o comportamento humano sob a tica da psicologia, e contm, ao final, uma meditao guiada. Todas as sesses incluem constructos cientficos da investigao sobre comportamento humano e da psicologia e meditaes guiadas e baseiam-se em diferentes tcnicas - desde pranayamas e exerccios de relaxamento, at visualizao criativa, relaxamento, tcnicas da psicologia positiva e exerccios reflexivos. Entre na jornada pela autodescoberta da essncia do seu Self (EU) e explore, num grau de complexidade crescente, a pergunta mais profunda do ser humano: Quem sou EU?."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Whipped Body Butter Start to Finish" |
"Master a New Skill! This course includes 8 detailed lectures plus 5 downloadable resources and will take you step-by-step enabling you to learn how to make whipped hair and body butter from start to finish. Whether you have eczema prone skin, dry skin, want to add to your all natural shop or simply want to make whipped butter at home for you and your children, this whipped butter course is for you."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia digitale con smartphone" |
"Con questo corso imparerai ad usare la fotocamera del tuo smartphone in modalit pro, manuale. Riceverai nozioni teoriche riguardo le basi della fotografia e il funzionamento dei sensori digitali. Inoltre sono presenti esempi pratici per applicare da subito la teoria studiata all' inizio del corso ed presente un capitolo dedicato alla post-produzione delle foto con l' ausilio dell' app Snapseed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to be a better traveller" |
"Are you stuck at home right now, browsing through photos from the last trip and dreaming of all the places youd go to? If you love to travel as much as I do, its a painful experience. We can either cry, or Think, what is that coronavirus wanted to teach us, travellers?Before the crisis, travel and tourism was one of the world's largest industries. It boosted economic growth, job creation and promoted cross-cultural understanding. On the other hand it contributed to climate change, pollution, and resulted in overcrowding to a degree when neither the local residents nor the travellers enjoyed their destinations. For the first time in a history tourism stopped. While nature is thriving again, many people are left without any income.I believe that we are being given this precious time to reflect, and to become better people. People, who live a satisfying and exciting life while caring for others, and for nature. This is why Ive created How to be a better traveler course.Im Anula Galewska, and Im a travel addict. Ive been to 80 countries and lived in 6. Actually, I loved traveling so much that changed my career path and started working in the tourism industry. I quickly experienced all the shades of tourism, all the great stuff and the ugly.I wanted to continue traveling, meeting people, exploring cultures, having fun and sometimes doing the stupid things ;) But at the same time I didnt want my travels to harm anyone.This is how I ended up in the world of responsible tourism. Ive become a sustainability consultant and for the past 10 years Ive been helping tour companies and hotels from all around the world become more environmentally friendly and socially responsible. I know exactly how companies use marketing tricks to charge you more for receiving less.During the How to be a better traveler course I will share with you everything Ive learned as a traveller and as a tourism professional. You will learn on my tips how to travel and have the best time of your life, while doing good at the same time. How not to spend money which is not worth spending.By the end of the course you will become this super hero traveler, with plenty of envy-worthy memories and experiences, which are equally memorable and meaningful. A traveller, who doesn't spend money on things, which are not worth it.This course is extremely practical and answers all questions you might have about responsible travel. Its divided into four parts. First, you will learn the basics of responsible tourism, and then we will talk about what exactly to do before, during and after the trip to enhance your experience and to create more positive impact.You will learn how and where to book sustainable hotels and experiences, and also what to do, how to pack, eat, shop and move around to make your holiday cost-savvy and more memorable, in a way that helps local people, vulnerable communities, preserves cultural heritage, nature and wildlife. You will also know what activities to avoid and how not to get fooled by green marketing.Finally you will also get a couple of ideas, how to be a responsible traveler even when, for any reason, you are stuck at home.If you join the course, not only you will be learning how to become a better traveler in the future but also you will be practicing being a one straight away. Why? 50% of your money will support Invisible Cities. Invisible Cities is a social enterprise that trains people who have experienced homelessness to become walking tour guides of their own city. While youll be learning new things, they, thanks to you, these guys will be receiving nutritional food and support they need in a crisis like this.Lets get ready to travel better when travel is allowed again!I look forward to seeing you inside the course!Anula"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Linux High Availability Clustering on RHEL 8 (8.5hours)" |
"I am covering below all points in this course .Build And Configure our Lab:Using Vmware Workstation.Nested Esxi Server. Build Virtual Machines Considered as our cluster nodes. required networking for high available cluster . Repository server configuration on RHEL 8 for high availability cluster What is cluster ?Cluster types:1)Storage (ISCSI network to storage).2)High Availability (Explain Cluster software components and how they are communicating to each other).3)Load Balancing.4)High performance for more details please check course content . You are welcome to add any kind of reviews bad or good but please review it based on the course curriculum and what value you've got.I would like to remind you that Udemy gives you 30 days Money-Back Guarantee 100% No Questions Asked.If you are interested in the course you can give it a try."
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Los Secretos de la Inversin Inmobiliaria - Felipe Yaluff" |
"CURSO LOS SECRETOS DE LA INVERSION INMOBILIARIAEl camino hacia la libertad financieraQuieres convertirte en un inversionista inmobiliario?Pagar la cuota del auto nuevo, el valor mensual de tu vivienda, o quizs, partir por cubrir el caf que te tomas cada maana? Todo es posible.El mercado ofrece distintos negocios de propiedades que apuntan a diferentes maneras de obtener ingresos. Cada camino conlleva un anlisis terico y numrico, que nos acerca a cumplir nuestros sueos. Este curso aporta mi visin sobre el negocio de propiedades, de forma clara y directa, al igual que en mi libro ""Los Secretos de la Inversin Inmobiliaria - El camino hacia la libertad financiera"", bestseller en Latinoamrica que ya ha inspirado a muchas personas a volverse inversionistas, a dar el paso y adquirir propiedades para disfrutar de sus ganancias. Lo puedes comprar por Amazon, bscalo por su nombre.Te imaginas dueo o duea de muchos departamentos?Ganar dinero sin tener que trabajar directamente, sin invertir tiempo?Dentro de las clases hay herramientas valiosas, consejos que toda persona debe saber antes de pasar su dinero. Visin y estrategias efectivas para entender como funciona el negocio de las propiedades, y dnde entras t como inversionista.El conocimiento minimiza el riesgo, proyecta escenarios y asegura ciertos resultados. Es ms fcil invertir mucho dinero sabiendo qu hacer, que invertir poco sin saber a dnde ir a parar.Tienes miedo de invertir en propiedades?Es normal, se requiere alta fuerza y conviccin para dar ese primer paso. Con este curso vas a aclarar tus dudas. Te vas a llenar de energa y te convertirs en inversionista inmobiliario, obteniendo todos los beneficios asociados que te mereces.En los videos aprenders a construir activos slidos de renta, que aporten un ingreso extra que te permita tener la libertad financiera para decidir cmo utilizar tu tiempo, obtener ganancias y acrcate a tus sueos.EL FUTURO ES AHORA. EL CONOCIMIENTO ES LA CLAVE.Qu esperas para comenzar?Felipe Yaluff Portilla"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mental Health and Wellness for Individuals and Families" |
"Hello and welcome to the mental health and wellness for individuals and families course. This course gives a basic introductory overview in wellness and mental health. The short modules within this course will help you to unlock the know-how to create a healthier lifestyle and wellbeing balance. Giving your more confidence and empowerment to address your mental health, wellness, stress, depression and anxiety. More specifically, these modules are designed for people who live hectic everyday lifestyles and for those who make their lives more busy than necessary in order to avoid being quiet or still whether they realise or not.Each module is written with simple exercises that help you to develop happiness, confidence, knowledge and empowerment. The exercises can be applied to your busy schedule without effecting your work and personal activities. In fact, many exercises last for ten minutes or less. I have tried and tested the exercises that I have shared in these modules in order to create a simple and effective approach that can be applied to your daily life no matter your age, career, social status, budget or background.The world has seen some major changes over the past decade. A rise in childhood poverty, homelessness and mental health related issues has seen communities, governments and a nations resources stretched. The financial crisis of 2008 was a big blow across the globe both mentally and financially. The escalating global climate change problem and environmental sustainability is in a fragile and unknown era. On top of this the world has recently been hit with coronavirus COVID-19.Now, more than ever it is vitally important that people take diligent care of their mental health and wellness in order to protect their happiness and better cope with anxiety, depression and stress. However, to help others with their health and wellness, you must first look after yourself. There is a lot of information and statistics out in the public domain covering mental health and wellness, but this course cuts through the digital noise for you and offers useful and simple bitesize information with practical exercises that can be applied to your daily routine right now.During this course we will cover: Who am I? Board of ElementsResiliencePower of CreativityTime Management and RelaxationDeclutteringMeditation and MindfulnessFitness and ExerciseEating RightCommunicating and RelationshipsQuick Tips from My Children Wellbeing Guide and How to Conquer Stress and Tiredness Bonus module: Elements of O and Earthing - A New You."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Set up & improve your business video meetings & calls online" |
"Doing video and doing video well has just become the cornerstone of a successful business and company. Our diaries were once filled with face to face meetings, shaking hands and drinking coffee. But now with the Coronavirus & COVID-19 situation we're instead holding so many of our business or personal meetings online in lockdown or quarantine. Some of us though might be worried that while we were sure we could make a good impression face-to-face, it's just not the same over a video call. We might be frustrated at not being able to set these calls up & get the technology working right or we might be concerned that we're committing a faux pas and not making the meeting a success, we might be worried (if we're salesmen) that it's affecting our sales and our ability as salespeople to get new business in.Whether you're using Skype, Zoom, WebEx, Google Hangouts or Facetime, these are the problems we aim to help in this course. We want to refine your video calls (whether for business or for your own enjoyment) to be as slick as they are in person. In this course. We'll be covering things like:Part 1 - Placing a great call:How to get good quality sound.How to light your calls so they can see you.Setting up a backdrop behind you.How to frame your 'shot'.What to wear & not to wear on camera.Part 2 - Etiquette & dos's/don'tsHelping your meetings stay engaged with you.Etiquette on a 121 call.Etiquette on a group call.Do's & Don'ts for screen sharing.Part 3: Getting the best from your platform & deviceWhich platform to use for your meeting?Setting up & Using Zoom.Setting up & Using Skype.What device to use?Where to position this device.Part 4: Equipment & UpgradesIdeas to improve your set up for free.How to effectively upgrade your kit.Whether you're using Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, Facetime, Facebook or another platform, this course aims to help you hold video calls, meetings and video conferencing in the best way possible. These skills can also be used for Webinars, Online Training or video conferences too.Who this course is for:Business owners & Managing Directors (MDs).Business Leaders.CEOs.Sales leaders & sales people.Communications experts.Account executives.Consultative sales leaders.Influencers.Public affairs experts.Authors.Experts.Anyone who wants to make their video calls incredible.The course is over 2 hours long, comes with Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee and is entirely downloadable to watch at your convenience. With zero technical knowledge, a minimal amount of equipment (even a mobile phone will do the trick) and a willingness to learn you'll be able to level up your video call game and take your business further.I'll see you in the course."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Theatre for Teens - Basics" |
"Theatre for TeensThis Theatre and Acting Learning Program is for students aged 12-16 years and who would like to:enhance their confidence and focus in life using Theatre reduce their stage fear and anxietyimprove their social skills and reduce shynessexplore the field of Theatre and ActingThe teacher in this Program, Prashant Chawla, is a student trained by the professors of National School of Drama, Theatre Guru Neeraj Kabi and Japanese Art Teacher Yuki Illias in Mime and Movements. After completing approximately 1000+ episodes on television, 200+ Advertising commercials, Theatre Plays and Films, he went on to create Drama workshops for over 10000+ individuals including children in last 6 years. In this Program, students will learn the basics of Theatre, Acting, Emotions, Expressing Yourself, Scripts and what goes into delivering a good performance on stage."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Traditional Hatha Yoga Triology" |
"If youre craving more depth out of your yoga experience - even to the degree that youve considered doing a teacher training to get that richness - this traditional hatha yoga trilogy is for you.True hatha yoga is based on the principle applications of Lunar, Solar, and Fire practices - both of which integrate asana and pranayama.This course offers an intro to each sequence, giving you greater insight and richness to your practice. Then, you have unlimited access to the sequences themselves to have a direct experience of these teachings."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Renn's Vision" |
"Renn's Vision- Is all about helping people which starts with knowledge of the world. Including the true information I'm giving on how the world formed and got to be and who we actually are. This course also provides peace seeking of the mind to help you navigate your life and do what really brings you inner joy. Which also includes spiritual guidance, bringing you to your true path of life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop - Ritocco avanzato del ritratto - Laila" |
"Come si fotoritocca la pelle in modo professionale? Quali barbatrucchi usa un professionista?Questo video corso te lo spiega e lo fa in modo modulare.Cosa significa?Il videotutorial suddiviso in moduli e parte dalla conversione del Raw fino ad arrivare al livello di nitidezza finale. Ogni modulo fa lezione a s, questo ti permetter di imparare il fotoritocco professionale in maniera del tutto personalizzabile in base al tuo tempo a disposizione e ai tuoi impegni.Inoltre, in quasi tutti i moduli sono mostrati pi approcci per affrontare uno stesso ""problema"" cos da permetterti, attraverso la pratica, di scegliere quello che pi si adatta alle tue esigenze.Pensiamo, per esempio, alla separazione di frequenza, il sacro Graal del ritocco della pelle: scoprirai che ci sono modi e ambiti diversi di utilizzo e che, in realt, non sempre cos indispensabile.Abbiamo deliberatamente scelto di utilizzare una foto imperfetta cos da poterti mostrare tutto il processo piuttosto che utilizzare una foto gi perfetta, mostrarti i primi 5 minuti per poi correre al risultato finito come succede in molti videocorsi, a costo di risultare noiosi, preferiamo darti un prodotto realmente completo.In ultimo, ma non per importanza, Raffaello Di Lorenzo, docente di questo video corso, Adobe Certfied Expert in Lightroom Photoshop, sempre meglio imparare da chi ha i titoli per insegnare, no?Alcuni argomenti:Elaborazione in camera raw: focus sul dettaglio qb (quanto basta)Separazione di frequenza: non quella solita col Gaussian Blur, c di meglio!Dodge & burn: noiosa, ripetitiva, e che richiede tanta esperienza ma non si scappa, se vorrai risultati professionali dovrai saperla utilizzare.Mood: alcuni modi per convertire limmagine, uno evergreen, uno pi banale, e uno strafigo e poco conosciuto.Video bonus sulle azioni: un set per trovarle, un set per ghermirle, domarle e nellhard disk incatenarle... vabb labbiamo resa un po epica.Foto poco nitida? Una tecnica semplice e un barbatrucco per ingannare tutti.Il tutto condito dal pessimo sense of humor di Raff e la sua personalissima e improbabile pronuncia dellinglese :DQuesto Videotutorial comprendePi di 6 ore di videotutorial23 videoIl file raw con cui esercitartiIl file Psd con tutti i livelli cos puoi vedere come funzionano (link)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Xamanismo - Descubra seu animal de poder" |
"Nesse curso os alunos iro aprender sobre o maravilhoso mundo do xamanismo e especificamente sobre o seu animal de poder e como ir de encontro a ele com uma jornada xamnica no final dos vdeos. O animal espiritual nasceu conosco e atravessou a placenta de nossas mes para nos proteger. Vieram do plano astral e geralmente so encontrados atravs da jornada xamnica, que auxilia a encontrar o animal de poder, o mentor que nos acompanhar por toda a vida. Alm do animal de poder, outros totens tambm existem. Podemos citar o animal negro (que representa nossa luta contra as sombras, e tambm a nossa prpria sombra), o animal dourado (que traz nossa sabedoria ancestral), e tambm o animal alado (responsvel pelo nosso caminho espiritual) e por ultimo os animais aliados (que sao aqueles que trazem suas medicinas em determinados momentos da nossa vida). Todos eles com suas funes bem definidas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Realizza Grafica veloce per Web, Social, Stampa con CANVA" |
"Con questo video corso imparerai a creare grafica accattivante destinata al web, ai social e alla stampa. Saprai creare post accattivanti per facebook, storie di instagram con un aspetto professionale, inserzioni professionali, volantini, biglietti, poster, brochure e mille altre cose. Potrai creare progetti coordinati in pochi istanti, infatti partendo da un progetto potrai copiarlo e ridimensionarlo e adattarlo in pochi clic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Writing for Primary School: Module 1" |
"This is the first step on your exciting writing journey throughout which you will learn the fundamental skills you need to take your writing to the next level and wow your audience. Our experts have curated 4 key genres of writing which are central to creative writing and mostly used in academic exams and writing assessments. They are as follows: story writing, descriptive writing, persuasive writing, and formal letter writing. The structure of the course has been carefully crafted in a way to make the learning experience as effective as possible. For each genre, there are two main videos: guidance and example. The guidance video should be watched first as this will outline the key elements and techniques for each genre with detailed explanations. After you have watched the guidance, you move onto the example video. This video takes a sample exam question and works through how it could be tackled by using all the techniques shown in the guidance video. So now that you know a bit more about the course, lets start writing!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sorularla Geometri (Her Konuda Geometri Soru zmleri)" |
"Bu kurs, niversiteye (AYT-TYT), KPSS yada ALES e hazrlanan renciler iin, geometrinin btn konu balklaryla ilgili zel veya kark soru zmlerini iermektedir. rencilerin genel anlamda konu anlatmndan ziyade pratik soru zm talebi gz nnde bulundurularak hazrlanmtr. Soru zmleri yaplrken, konu hakknda hatrlanmas gereken forml yada zellikler zm esnasnda hatrlatlmaktadr. Her konuda ortalama 15 adet, konunun btn ayrntlarn ieren soru zm vardr. erik, balang olarak spesifik konu balklaryla balayp, devamnda kark soru zmleriyle devam edecektir. Dzenli olarak yeni ieriklerle gncellenecektir.Baarlar"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Referral Mastery" |
"What would a new client mean to your business? How much is that worth to you. What if you could get that new client by simply getting a referral? In this course we will teach you the importance of referrals, how to get referrals and what to do with those referrals."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How To Use Your iPhone With Love Atiya" |
"My name is Love Atiya and I am an actress, animal activist, self love enthusiast and owner of my photography business The Lens Goddess, Ethereal by Love Atiya (Hair & Skin care) & I am also a motivational speaker.I grew up ""unschooled"" and learned A LOT about how different people learned in different ways. At a very young age, I taught computer classes to senior citizens and truly connected with how important it is to help people of other generations feel confident with their technology skills. I have created this class as a safe space for people of ALL ages who need some help with feeling confident when using the newer features on their phones.If you're tired of feeling uncomfortable, anxious or even nervous when you're using your iPhone. THIS IS THE CLASS FOR YOU!It's so easy to get an older model of a phone and stay in your comfort zone but wouldn't you enjoy being able to have the latest technology so that you can speak to your grandchildren on facetime and even TEXT (in general...or more quickly if you're already into that kind of thing.)Technology can be intimidating and sometimes we require a bit of patience... that's why I created this 10 class course!In this first course you'll learn how to do really cool things with your phone like screen record, screen shot, rotate, access your camera quickly... etcOn the next set of videos we'll be learning how to COMMUNICATE. Until then, lets get down to the basics!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Street Photography - The Quiet Moments" |
"Luc Kordas - a street photographer based in New York, author of the series New York Chronicles, takes you to Manhattan and Coney Island to show you how he works on location. Back in the studio he talks about his beginnings, how he shoots, creating a photo series, approaching people, shooting posed portraits and who he likes to shoot most. At the end of this class you'll have an insider's look into his editing process as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Ingls - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para falantes do portugus que desejam aprender ou aprimorar o ingls. Montado com explicaes detalhadas e com o uso contnuo de exemplos para compreenso de uma forma prtica, este curso oferece todo o contedo necessrio para a comunicao no idioma ingls. A formulao de frases o foco deste curso, pois atravs da formulao de frases que se adquire a habilidade de dialogar. Voc ter acesso vitalcio s explicaes minuciosas da formulao de absolutamente todas as estruturas necessrias para a montagem de frases em ingls, alm de vocabulrio e pronncia que te ajudaro a se comunicar com mais assertividade.No h frmula mgica para aprender uma lngua. O que h a unio da dedicao de quem quer aprender e as explicaes consistentes que te guiaro no incio da sua caminhada no aprendizado da lngua ou te auxiliaro no aprimoramento dela. Ademais, de extrema importncia que o aluno v alm deste curso. No porque este curso no suficiente, mas sim porque NENHUM curso sozinho te far aprender ingls. Tendo sido professor em diversas escolas de ingls por quase uma dcada, os alunos que se destacavam eram sempre os que ia alm das aulas duas vezes por semana. Isso quer dizer que deve haver aquele ""algo a mais"", que frequentemente vem na forma de sries, filmes, podcasts, livros, conversas com nativos e etc. Com a combinao entre este curso e a exposio contnua e diria, mesmo que mnima, a estas ferramentas mencionadas que auxiliam no aprendizado, no h como dar errado. Voc capaz! Basta querer.Join today and see for yourself! "
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Master your Thesis - Eine 1,0 in Deiner Abschlussarbeit" |
"Eine 1,0 als Ergebnis Deiner Abschlussarbeit ist mglich! Und Du lernst in diesem 10-teiligen Kurs Schritt fr Schritt wie Du das erreichen kannst:Sei besser als der Restber 95% der Studenten gehen falsch an ihre Arbeit ran. Lerne hier, wie du von Anfang an ein optimales Ergebnis erzielen kannstProfitiere von mirIch habe in den letzten Jahren ber 500 Bachelor-/Master- und Doktorarbeiten gelesen und bewertet. Whrend dieser Zeit habe ich unzhlige Studenten gecoacht.Dein PraxiswissenDer Kurs bietet Dir praktisches und direkt anwendbares Wissen, das ich mir ber die Jahre hinweg mit vielen Studenten, Abschlussarbeiten, Dozenten, Professoren, Korrekturlesern und Verteidigungen erarbeitet habe.Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Du Dich gerade vor oder im Schreiben einer Bachelor-/Master-/Doktor-/Projekt- oder Abschlussarbeit befindest.Du lernst Stck fr Stck mit vielen praktischen Beispielen, von mir erstellten und verwendeten Vorlagen und Templates.Der Kurs umfasst alle fr eine 1,0 essentiellen Themen:GrundlagenAufbau Deiner ArbeitWissenschaftliches ArbeitenFormatierung und GrafikenSchreibstilKorrekturlesenZeit- und ProjektplanMotivationBeispiele fr Bachelor-, Master- und ProjektarbeitenVorlagen und TemplatesIch freue mich auf Dich!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan 3ds Max renin" |
"Merhaba,3ds max gnmzde ve gelecekte fazlasyla i olanana sahip bir programdr.bu eitim seti ile sfrdan sona 3ds max renecek ve i hayatna atlabilecek bir seviyeye geleceksiniz.kendi tasarmlarnz yapacak insanlara mimari ve i mimari hizmetler sunacak ve bundan hem kazan hemde mutluluk duyacaksnz.Unutmayn,her kesim insann renebilecei bir kalitede set hazrladm ve ierii-3ds max giri-temel eitim-modelleme ve modelleme tekniker-kaplama teknikleri-klandrma teknikleri-V-ray setup ayarlar-V-ray render -ekstra olarak Renderlarmza Photoshop ile Post ilemleri"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |