Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Edio e Ps-Produo de Imagens Areas" |
"Aprenda a valorizar os seus vdeos e entregue ao seu cliente imagens surpreendentes e profissionais.Saia na frente dos seus concorrentes e fature mais com tcnicas de edio importantssimas que conquistaro o seu pblico alvo.Utilizando os softwares mais poderosos e famosos do mundo, o Adobe Premiere Pro e o Adobe Lightroom, descubra o que diferencia vdeos e fotos profissionais.Entenda tcnicas de colorizao, cortes, exportaes, tratamentos, correes e muito mais!Treinamento exclusivo da Futuriste Tecnologia, empresa lder em treinamentos de drones no Brasil, eleita a melhor Instituio de Ensino de Drones do Brasil, pelo prmio Droneshow Latin America."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Ethernet 101" |
"So much of all Internet packets, whether they are in corporate, home, datacenter, or even service provider networks are carried by the Ethernet protocol. Ethernet is a Layer 1 and Layer 2 protocol specified by the IEEE 802.3 working group.This course is an introduction to Ethernet principles and concepts. From understanding the structure of Ethernet Frames, to understanding how Ethernet behaves (including protocols like ARP and Spanning Tree), this course provides a solid understanding of Ethernet fundamentals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda ganhar Dinheiro no Instagram" |
"J pensou em receber alm das vdeo aulas do curso, um Super Pack com Ferramentas e Templates prontos para voc copiar e colar?O Treinamento foi pensado tanto para as pessoas que esto comeando a trabalhar com Marketing Digital, como para aquelas pessoas que j trabalham e desejam aprimorar sua tcnica e conhecimento.O Kit apresenta de maneira prtica passo a passo como planejar, estruturar e executar estratgias de vendas atravs das mdias sociais.So mais de 15 aulas disponveis para voc acessar quando quiser, de onde estiver e no seu prprio tempo.Alm das aulas, voc receber um pack com Templates prontos que ns elaboramos e que voc poder copiar e colar para usar nas suas mdias sociais.COMBO Completo de aulas e ferramentas para gerao de Oportunidade de vendas atravs do Instagram.Estudo e PlanejamentoDesafio 7 dias para vender no InstagramEstratgias para InstagramEstratgias ProfissionaisVoc ser capaz de dominar as principais estratgias de atrao, engajamento e vendas atravs do Instagram."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Practice question for python" |
"What is Python?The idea of Python originated in 1989 when its creator Guido van Rossum was confronted by the shortcomings of the ABC language (namely extensibility). Rossum started work on developing a new language that integrated all good features of ABC language and new desired features, such as extensibility and exception handling. Python 1.0 was released in 1994; it borrowed the module system from Modula-3, had the capability to interact with the Amoeba operating system, and included functional programming tools.December 2008 saw the release of Python 3.0, giving up backward compatibility and possessing a new design to avoid duplicative constructs and modules. It is still a multi-paradigm language offering developers the options of object-orientation, structured programming, and functional programming.Python today has multiple implementations including Jython, scripted in Java language for Java Virtual Machine; IronPython has written in C# for the Common Language Infrastructure, and PyPy version written in RPython and translated into C. To be noted, CPython which is written in C and developed by Python Software Foundation is the default and most popular implementation of Python. While these implementations work in the native language they are written in, they are also capable of interacting with other languages through the use of modules. Most of these modules work on the community development model and are open-source and free.Released in February 2015, Python 3.4.3 offers a drastic improvement in Unicode support, among other new features. Python 3.5 is currently in development, with a scheduled release in September 2015.Applications of PythonGUI based desktop applicationsImage processing and graphic design applicationsScientific and computational applicationsGamesWeb frameworks and web applicationsEnterprise and business applicationsOperating systemsLanguage developmentPrototypingAdvantages/Benefits of PythonThe diverse application of the Python language is a result of the combination of features which give this language an edge over others. Some of the benefits of programming in Python include:1. Presence of Third Party Modules:The Python Package Index (PyPI) contains numerous third-party modules that make Python capable of interacting with most of the other languages and platforms.2. Extensive Support Libraries:Python provides a large standard library which includes areas like internet protocols, string operations, web services tools, and operating system interfaces. Many high use programming tasks have already been scripted into the standard library which reduces the length of code to be written significantly.3. Open Source and Community Development:Python language is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, which makes it free to use and distribute, including for commercial purposes.Further, its development is driven by the community which collaborates for its code through hosting conferences and mailing lists and provides for its numerous modules.4. Learning Ease and Support Available:Python offers excellent readability and uncluttered simple-to-learn syntax which helps beginners to utilize this programming language. The code style guidelines, PEP 8, provide a set of rules to facilitate the formatting of code. Additionally, the wide base of users and active developers has resulted in a rich internet resource bank to encourage development and the continued adoption of the language.5. User-friendly Data Structures:Python has built-in list and dictionary data structures which can be used to construct fast runtime data structures. Further, Python also provides the option of dynamic high-level data typing which reduces the length of support code that is needed.6. Productivity and Speed:Python has clean object-oriented design, provides enhanced process control capabilities, and possesses strong integration and text processing capabilities and its own unit testing framework, all of which contribute to the increase in its speed and productivity. Python is considered a viable option for building complex multi-protocol network applications.As can be seen from the above-mentioned points, Python offers a number of advantages for software development. As upgrading of the language continues, its loyalist base could grow as well."
Price: 4480.00 ![]() |
"Design Revelado: Teorias e Segredos do Design Curso Completo" |
"Esse um curso de Design completo, ministrado por um profissional que j dirigiu agncias no Brasil, Estados Unidos e Europa. Um curso direto, que foca nos aspectos mais importantes na construo de suas criaes, O curso focado em pessoas que estejam ou queiram entrar na rea de Direo de Arte em Publicidade, Design em algum estdio, e at mesmo paras video makers e animadores que querem aprender um pouco mais sobre teoria do Design para melhorar a qualidade de seus motions e vdeos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Talend DI - Data Integration (en Franais) ""Par la pratique""" |
"Talend est un outil ETL open source, ce qui signifie que les petites entreprises ou les entreprises peuvent utiliser cet outil pour effectuer la transformation d'extraction et charger leurs donnes dans des bases de donnes ou n'importe quel format de fichier (Talend prend en charge de nombreux formats de fichiers et fournisseurs de bases de donnes).Si vous souhaitez apprendre utiliser Talend partir de SCRATCH ou si vous souhaitez AMLIORER vos comptences en conception de Jobs Talend, alors ce cours est fait pour vous.ce cours couvre presque tous les sujets de Talend. la fin du cours, vous matriserez le dveloppement des emplois ETL avec Talend."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Excel essencial para iniciantes - Pensando Excel" |
"Oi, aqui o Professor AlexandreQuero falar breve e precisamente sobre o contedo de Excel para Iniciantes!Se voc chegou at aqui porque tem muita vontade de aprender e crescer com o uso do Excel! Desenvolvi esse curso para todas as faixas etrias, todas as reas profissionais, universitrios, enfim, acredito e tenho total convico que esse curso foi feito especialmente para voc!O curso bsico, mas acompanhado por um nome que quero que voc leve para a vida toda: Essencial.No se preocupe, viu? Esse curso vai comear do zero e vai ganhando massa ao longo das vdeo aulas, sero mais de 10 aulas essenciais para que voc consiga evoluir na utilizao da ferramenta.Vou falar de clculos, grficos, formataes, frmulas e funes. Mas preciso de muita dedicao da sua parte, pois, s assim conseguir chegar com xito ao final do curso!As vdeo aulas so extremamente didticas para que voc entenda de vez o que Excel e inicie uma trajetria brilhante ao lado dessa ferramenta maravilhosa! Adquira j o curso!Prof. Alexandre MussiMeu foco o seu crescimento"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos do JasperReport e JasperStudio F1" |
"H mais de uma dcada, a API JasperReports e o designer grfico JasperStudio (antigamente conhecido como IReport) so as ferramentas mais utilizadas quando o assunto desenvolvimento de relatrios em Java, tanto para aplicaes web quanto desktop.Em que pese essa predominncia, praticamente impossvel encontrar no mercado um contedo organizado, seja em vdeos ou livros, que leve o estudante do zero absoluto para um nvel intermedirio, explicando passo-a-passo toda teoria e prtica dessas 2 ferramentas com simplicidade e eficincia. Todo desenvolvedor Java mais experiente que tem trabalhado com desenvolvimento de relatrios sabe o quanto foi doloroso e confuso ter que aprender a criar relatrios nesse cenrio nebuloso. Existe bastante conhecimento disponvel, inclusive gratuito, porm ele disperso e especfico, isto , aborda apenas alguns problemas muito particulares desse cenrio, o que til para desenvolvedores avanados, mas extremamente confuso pra quem est comeando.O curso Relatrios em Java para Iniciantes: Como Desenvolver vem para suprir essa demanda e botar ordem nessa baguna! Este curso compila e organiza de forma hierrquica e sistemtica, toda base de conhecimento relacionada API JasperReports e ao designer JasperStudio, a partir das documentaes oficiais e User Guides publicados pelas organizaes que mantm essas ferramentas, TIBCO e JasperSoft.O curso Fundamentos do JasperReport e JasperStudio vai te deixar pronto para trabalhar com essas ferramentas em um nvel profissional e permitir que comece a explorar tpicos mais avanados, abrindo o caminho para que voc se torne um expert na rea de desenvolvimento de relatrios em Java. Confira as aulas de demonstrao disponibilzadas gratuitamente!Este curso composto de teoria e prtica e nele voc vai aprender e entender:A importncia dos relatrios no cenrio corporativo atualComo o desenvimento de relatrios est relacionado ao ciclo de desenvolvimento de softwareQuais so as opes que a Plataforma Java apresenta para o desenvimento de relatrio nas empresasO que so a API JasperReports e o designer grfico JasperStudioComo funciona a arquitetura da API JasperReportsPara que servem os arquivos com a extenso .jrxml, .jasper e .jrprintComo programar relatrios na unha a partir de um editor de texto qualquerComo criar relatrios com o auxlio do Wizard do JasperStudio a partir de uma template prontaComo criar relatrios no JasperStudio do zeroComo carrregar, exibir e salvar relatrios em PDF a partir da aplicao JavaInserir queries SQL no relatrioConferir estilos ao relatrio: cores, fontes, mscaras, bordas, paginao, cabealhos e imagensComo realizar clculos no relatrio a partir de valores numricos retornados do Banco de DadosComo transmitir dados dinmicos da aplicao Java para o relatrio atravs de parmetrosEste curso ideal para estudantes e iniciantes na plataforma Java, principalmente se voc est na faculdade e quer reforar e ganhar mais conhecimento para diferenciar seus projetos durante o curso. Desenvolvedores mais experientes que ainda no conhecem a API JasperReports e precisam comear imediatamente a desenvolver relatrios na sua empresa tambm se beneficiaro.Sejam bem-vindos!Como todo curso na Udemy, aqui voc ter os seguintes benefcios:30 dias para avaliar o curso: satisfao total ou seu dinheiro de volta!Certificado de concluso do curso"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Yoni/Vaginal Steam Training Certification E Course" |
"Your Yoni is your most sacred space. Your Yoni is the doorway to life. It must be held with the utmost SECURITY.Welcome to a sacred journey into the mysteries of your Sacred Womb and Yoni, throughout a powerful ancient secret to womens well-being. Yoni (vagina) Steaming is a forgotten ancient wisdom.Why would you Steam your Yoni?First of all, lets get clear on something: Yoni Steaming is not for cleaning your vulva or vagina. Your vagina is inherently self-cleaning.When the Yoni Steaming is described as cleansing, it is referring to the way the heat and steam supports our feminine bodies in their own natural release and vibrant vitality. Yoni steaming has a wide range of energetic, emotional, physical and spiritual benefits like:Detoxify your uterusAllows you to connect spiritually with your divine centerimproves your health and overall wellbeingheals your reproductive systemDecreases menstrual flowRegulation of irregular or absent menstrual cyclesBoosting immune & digestive healthEnhances FertilityPre/post menopause and postpartum support (cramps, irregular periods, etc.)Heals infections (bladder and yeast especially) and soothing inflammationDryness rids your body of any bad energy and traumaBalances your vaginal PHincreases in libido as the heat increases blood flow to the vagina, as well as the clitorisBy the end of this course you will know everything you need to know about Yoni Vaginal Steaming. You will be able to perform a Yoni Steam for yourself and your clients. You will have in depth knowledge on how to select the appropriate Herbs and Essential Oils to create a yoni Steam Blend. You will have the ability to formulate herbal blends for specific Yoni ailments. You will be able to communicate effectively & clearly why you and your clients prefer the Yoni Steam Practice. You will know the history of Yoni Steaming and all the equipment necessary to perform a Yoni Steam session. You will learn about the safety and best practices of Yoni Safety. And finally you will learn how to perform a Yoni steam ceremony which includes a free MP3 download of our 30 minute Yoni Vaginal Steam Meditation which you can use as you or your clients complete a 30 minute meditation. This course also comes with a Waiver and Intake forms & is accredited by the American Herbalist Guild as Natural Skincare Chick is an American Herbalist Guild Member School."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"V-Ray Next'e Giri" |
"Bu kursta 3ds Max iin V-Ray next grselletirme motorunun fonksiyonlarn reneceksiniz. Materyaller, Mapler, Iklar, Render Ayarlar gibi konular detayl bir ekilde iliyoruz. Kursun sonunda farkl materyal tiplerini farkl gerek objeler iin nasl kullanabileceinizi, kamera zelliklerini nasl ayarlayabileceinizi, V-Ray e zel render ayarlarn nasl yapabileceinizi, farkl V-Ray k tiplerinin nasl altn ve Mapleri nasl kullanabileceinizi reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento Pessoal" |
"Quais sonhos voc tem vontade de concretizar, mas no sabe como transformar em realidade?Muitas pessoas se perdem na hora de traar uma rota para a realizao dos seus sonhos. Os motivos podem ser diversos, mas uma coisa certa: se no tiverem foco e os comportamentos certos para essa realizao, ser que impossvel chegar ao resultado final.Com esse e-book voc conhecer o mtodo que est ajudando milhes de pessoas a transformarem em realidade seus sonhos, e entender como voc poder ser uma dessas pessoas!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"NEW CCNA 200-301 PART 2/6 - Switching" |
"This course is the Second Part of CCNA 200-301 Video Series by Triple CCIE Certified Trainer Sikandar Shaik (CCIEx3 - RS/SP/SEC) This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA certification. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020.The new CCNA program to prepare you for todays associate-level job roles in IT technologies. CCNA now includes security and automation and programmability. The program has one certification that covers a broad range of fundamentals for IT careers, with one exam and one training course to help you prepare.Newly retooled for the latest technologies and job roles, the CCNA training course and exam give you the foundation you need to take your career in any direction. CCNA certification covers a breadth of topics, including:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsAutomation and programmability"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NEW CCNA 200-301 PART 3/6 - Routing-IPv4/IPv6" |
"This course is the Third Part of CCNA 200-301 Video Series by Triple CCIE Certified Trainer Sikandar Shaik (CCIEx3 - RS/SP/SEC) This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA certification. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020.The new CCNA program to prepare you for todays associate-level job roles in IT technologies. CCNA now includes security and automation and programmability. The program has one certification that covers a broad range of fundamentals for IT careers, with one exam and one training course to help you prepare.Newly retooled for the latest technologies and job roles, the CCNA training course and exam give you the foundation you need to take your career in any direction. CCNA certification covers a breadth of topics, including:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsAutomation and programmability"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA 200-301 PART6/6 - Exam Preparation" |
"This course is the Last Part of CCNA 200-301 Video Series by Triple CCIE Certified Trainer Sikandar Shaik (CCIEx3 - RS/SP/SEC) This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA certification. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020.The new CCNA program to prepare you for todays associate-level job roles in IT technologies. CCNA now includes security and automation and programmability. The program has one certification that covers a broad range of fundamentals for IT careers, with one exam and one training course to help you prepare.Newly retooled for the latest technologies and job roles, the CCNA training course and exam give you the foundation you need to take your career in any direction. CCNA certification covers a breadth of topics, including:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsAutomation and programmability"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Book Marketing Mastery" |
"So, you wrote your book or are almost done with your first draft. You're excited to get this thing published because you've probably committed months to this one big project.That book is your masterpiece and you are ready to share it with the world.However, the world doesn't know anything about your book yet. And it's after a few days of no sales when authors realize they have to master the marketing side of book publishing.You can publish the greatest book on the planet, but if no one knows about it, you're not impacting anyone with your work.I created this training course for authors like you who have a story to share and want their books in more readers' hands. Some authors just want the satisfaction of more readers while others want to write books full-time so they can support their families while doing what they love.In Book Marketing Mastery, you are going to learn the business side of writing books. You'll learn things like...How I became a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling authorHow you can generate passive income from your booksHow to turn your book into a business so you can make $100s from a single book saleThere's plenty of content for you to explore in a course that I will be updating each time I come across new strategies and tactics you can use to get more book sales. Whether you're about to flip the first page on your journey or have been at it for a while, I am eager to help you expand your author platform. To get started, make sure you hit that enroll now button and then our journey together will begin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Adobe Premiere Pro 2020" |
"Want to make money creatively? This Adobe Premiere Pro course will help you get there by showing you the ins and outs of being a professional video editor. Start today and begin editing for customers tomorrow!In this course, you will learn, from start to finish, how to edit a broadcast-friendly commercial. You'll start by laying down your timeline, adding effects, using text and color gradingall the way to mixing in final sound effects. Then you'll export your commercial to be broadcast on TV, web/digital delivery, or for use on streaming services. This course will help you speed up your edits, show you how to use beginner & intermediate workflows for editing, color correction, titles/text, animations, transitions, effects, audio mixing, exporting, and much more.By the end of the course, you will have built a solid functional knowledge with Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 and will be confident enough to use it for your own projects.About the AuthorBrian Bearg has worked in many areas of the entertainment industry for 20+ years, ranging from live concert sound, television, and concert directing, to feature film sound (production mixer and post-production mixer) all the way to (drum roll) Video Editor.Brian started from the bottom with no knowledge and has become a seasoned veteran in the video editing community. His record for the fastest graphic-based commercial is 12 minutes! And has edited over 10,000 nationally televised commercials. He started with ProTools, Speed Razor, and Adobe products in the late '90s, then progressed to learning the art of compositing in Avid/DS; he now edits with Premiere and Autodesk Flame. Take his knowledge and move forward!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Remote Sensing for Drought Monitoring" |
"Do you want to apply satellite remote sensing in drought monitoring?Do you want to acquire new hands-on Remote Sensing skills to analyze and process satellite data?Enroll in my new course Remote Sensing for Drought Monitoring.I will provide you with hands-on training with example data, sample scripts, and real-world drought monitoring applications.By taking this course, you will take your geospatial data science skills to the next level by gaining proficiency in satellite remote sensing for drought monitoring application with Google Earth Engine, a cloud-based Earth observation data visualization analysis by powered by Google.What makes me qualified to teach you?I am Dr. Alemayehu Midekisa, I have over 10 years of experience in processing and analyzing real big Earth observation data from various sources including Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel-2, SRTM and other remote sensing products.I am also the recipient of one the prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship. I teach over 10,000 students on Udemy.In this Remote Sensing for Drought Monitoring course, I will help you get up and running on the Google Earth Engine cloud platform to process and analyze geospatial data. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with a set of new GIS and Remote Sensing skills including accessing, downloading processing, analyzing, and visualizing big data using JavaScript programming language with GEE cloud platform. In this course, I will use real satellite data including Landsat, MODIS, SMAP, TRMM, GPM and others to provide you a hands-on practical experience of working with Earth observation data.One of the common problems with learning image processing is the high cost of software. In this course, I entirely use the Google Earth Engine JavaScript open source cloud platform. Additionally, I will walk you through using a step by step video tutorials to process and analyze remote sensing data with GEE. All sample data and script will be provided to you as an added bonus throughout the course.Jump in right now to enroll. To get started click the enroll button"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sistemas com AJax e PDO" |
"O curso de Ajax com PDO possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender o passo a passo de como criar uma tela completa de cadastro com todo o CRUD usando PHP7 PDO e Ajax, possibilitando assim desenvolver telas sem a necessidade de ficar a cada comando atualizando e dando refresh na pgina, isso vai trazer para o sistema um ganho muito alto em desempenho e praticidade, adquira j o curso e comece aplicar ajax em seus projetos web."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Sistema para Gesto Hospitalar" |
"O curso completo de Gesto Hospitalar possui 52 aulas, neste curso voc aprender a criar um painl mdico para gesto de clinicas e hospitais, com a parte de gesto de consultas, criao de receitas, prescries, atestados, assim como todos os relatrios, este o stimo curso da srie de 8 cursos que compem todo o sistema hospitalar, caso no tenha conhecimento em PDO e PHP no comece por este, faa na sequncia para criar o sistema do zero."
Price: 444.99 ![]() |
"Criando Aplicativos Hbridos com Ionic 6" |
"O curso de Ionic 6 possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a desenvolver aplicativos mobile usando o ionic 6 com linguagens web como html, css, javascript, angular, entre outras, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus aplicativos hbridos para android e ios de forma simples e prtica, atualmente ionic a linguagem mobile que mais cresce no mercado, torne-se um desenvolvedor mobile e comece a lucrar desenvolvendo seus aplicativos."
Price: 564.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a Book for Amazon Kindle" |
"Writing your first book is a huge step. But.. one that may lead to that passive income success you're looking for.Why select this course to learn how to write a book for Amazon?This book teaches you how to write BOTH an eBook and Paperback.One file can provide both your eBook and Paperback with my method.My method will save you a tremendous amount of time. You write the book once, format it once, and you have both your .pdf (Paperback) and .epub (eBook.)Additionally, besides the cost of this course, I teach you how to write a book with no money.Seriously!Have you heard of open source before? (Google open source right now.)Open source is a movement within the software industry which empowers creativity without cost.The tools I share with you will not cost you a dime.Tools from the actual software to write your book, to taking screenshots of your computer screen, to actually formatting our eBook to make it look professional on an Amazon Kindle (or phone/tablet!)So who am I, and what authority do I have to teach on such a subject as writing a book for Amazon?I'm Riley Weller! I'm actually a music producer who was worked with a GRAMMY-Nominated recording artist!I've created over 23 music production courses, written 5 books on Amazon (which you get to see throughout the course, as I reference them for our actual examples), and run a podcast called ""Music Production Made Simple"".With writing 5 books for Amazon, I have learned A LOT!This is truly a course I wish I had when I first started writing my books!Over my years of working online, I've realized how big a template is.A template, no matter what program you work in, evolves with you. It saves you the tedious tasks, allows your formatting to stay consistent from one book to the next, and saves you SO MUCH TIME because everything is already set up!I promise you.You will learn to write an eBook (as well as a Paperback book) which looks professional, and you can confidently take pride in the work that you're selling.You will NOT have to hire out anyone during your book creation process.I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know from book structure, to choosing the right font, to styling your book to make formatting EXTREMELY easy, to the front cover creation (and Amazon's guidelines for your eBook and Paperback)!I am a trusted, reliable source.My courses have become very high quality with the video and audio gear I've acquired over the years.I hope I can be your trusted instructor in your Amazon Book Creation.If you're ready...Enroll into the course, and let's get started!Riley !"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Jira Crash Course Jira Fundamentals for Agile Projects" |
"[EXCLUSIVE] Double Degree, Badges & Community. Upon completing this course you will receive 2 Certificates of Completion, a Jira Certified Digital Badge you can add to your CV, LinkedIn Profile or any other online profile & access to the most dynamic Agile Community in the world.Jira Crash Course Jira Fundamentals for Agile Projects: this course covers everything you really need to know about Jira and how to use it in your Agile Projects.If you're here, more likely than not, you're already aware that Jira is one of the most widely used (if not the most widely used) of all the Agile Project Management tools out there.Jira, is simple, intuitive, mature, robust and powerful. It is also a reflection of an Agile product itself and constantly gets enhanced, updated, upgraded and improved. So expect to see frequent new and improved versions of Jira coming out regularly.__________ Why take this course and not another one?It focuses on quality over quantity and what you really need to know about Jira. No bs, no fluff, only the good stuff.Don't spend hours and hours of your valuable time learning about Jira, when you can learn the Agile way with this course!Learn everything you need to get started with Jira in your Agile projects with real world examplesWho is behind this course?An Agile Guru, author of The Mini Book of Agile and founder of The Agile Knowledge Base (AgileKB). I use Jira on a daily basis and have been using it for years! :)What is Jira?The #1 software development tool used by agile teamsThe most popular tool used by Scrum teams and Scrum Masters to manage their projects__________ Is there value in learning about Jira?Yes, a lot! More and more companies are now starting to value people who have experience using Jira. Especially if they are applying for an Agile or Scrum role.Jira can help you position yourself as a qualified professional knowledgeable in Agile practices and tools.You can include this Certification in your Resume or CV. It will help you stand out from the crowd.Having a Jira Certification is a bit like having a Microsoft, AWS or Salesforce Certification. Companies love this stuff!How can Jira help me to advance my career?By allowing you to manage your projects the Agile way! With a tool that was designed with Agile in mind and for Agile projects or Scrum Projects.The most important thing you will learn in this course are practical applications of Jira in the real world. This will help you when running your own projects with Jira.Jira will allow you to efficiently and effectively manage your Agile projects. This will in turn allow you achieve recognition not only from your supervisor but also from your stakeholders.__________ Pledge to All Students (both current & future students)Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. I already have a full time job and fortunately don't rely on teaching to survive. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise. 24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise. Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your own real-life human ""Siri."" If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love! I also apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people all over the world. I promise. Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea sitios y aplicaciones web fcil y rpidamente con Pug" |
"Hola, bienvenido al curso de PUG. A lo largo de este curso veremos cmo crear pginas y aplicaciones web de una forma rpida y sencilla.PUG es un preprocesador de HTML, es decir, un lenguaje que genera HTMLs. Porqu aprender un lenguaje que genera HTMLs y no escribir directamente en HTML?, hay mltiples razones, una de ellas es que escribimos menos cdigo, aumentando nuestra productividad. Otra es que es un cdigo ms legible, lo cual aumenta su mantenibilidad, adems, podemos crear una pgina HTML muy compleja a partir de pequeos fragmentos de cdigo PUG; y la ltima, es que podemos utilizar lgica para producir cdigo HTML."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"The Trojan Horse Strategy - Create Viral Videos for YouTube" |
"YouTube has over 1,300,000,000 users.Yes, that's 1.3 BILLION users!Every day more and more of people and companies are using YouTube to share their ideas, their brands and products and their passions.But only a select few crack the secret code to create viral videos...In this course, you will learn a proven step by step strategy, that you can implement right now, to create viral videos using the 'Trojan Horse Strategy'.It is a legitimate method of leveraging YouTube's unlimited video database to promote and market almost anything you want.This simple, yet powerful strategy is currently being used by the most popular influencers on YouTube and beyond.Plain and simple, this method works!You will also learn about:Creating unique thumbnails.Using high-power market research tools.Using software to download and edit videos from YouTube.Choosing the right tags, and writing a winning description (with links to affiliate offers).And moreSee you on this inside!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Big Data - Processando dados com Spark Dataframe + Scala" |
"Prepare-se para aprender a usar o framework de processamento de dados distribudo mais utilizado pelos profissionais de data science, Apache Spark!Entenda como Spark processa dados de forma distribuda, como feito o gerenciamento de memria e tolerncia falhas. Aprenda os conceitos base sobre planos de execuo lgico, fsico, tasks e stages, DAG e RDDs.Sabe aquelas consultas SQL que voc costuma fazer? Neste curso voc vai aprender a implement-las no Apache Spark, usando Spark Dataframes."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"MySQL pour les (grands) dbutants (cours de 3 heures)" |
"Vous tes un (trs) grand dbutant sur SQL, et vous voulez apprendre rapidement a faire des requtes en TSQL ? On va aborder dans ce cours : La cration et la dfinition d'une base de donneLa cration et la dfinition d'une tableSlectionner, mettre a jour, supprimer et insrer des donnes.(SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) 3 heures de vidos ddies au Transact SQL !!! (on abordera par exemple les oprateurs BETWEEN, AND, OR, ORDER BY etc...).Les jointures (INNER JOIN,LEFT/RIGHT JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN etc...)La cration et la dfinition d'une vue.La cration et la dfinition d'une Procdure stocke.La cration et la dfinition d'un trigger.Pourquoi se lancer sur la technologie SQL?SQL est une des comptences trs activement recherches sur le march de l'emploi.Administrer un serveur SQL et faire des requtes en TSQL aujourd'hui, c'est s'assurer avoir un job a plein temps.De plus SQL Server par sa simplicit, permet assez rapidement a monter en comptence sur des sujets assez pointus. MySQL est constamment class parmi les meilleures bases de donnes, de l'analyse de donnes au dveloppement Web de base.Dans ce cours, on abordera MySQL sur Windows et non Linux, pour le moment.Regardez la moyenne de mes autres cours (4,4/5), et vous verrez que mes cours sont des cours de qualit :)Bien sur il y a des exercices et des corrigs :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Neurodidtica: descomplicando as competncias" |
"Esse um curso para voc se aprofundar nas neurocincias do foco, ateno e inteligncia emocional, para passar a praticar a NEURODIDTICA: usar, a seu favor, o conhecimento e a dinmica sobre os elementos em ao, de um crebro em processo de aprendizagem.Em cada sesso voc aprender os elementos do pensamento moderno, da ltima dcada do sculo 21, e entender a diferena entre trabalha por contedos, no velho modelo conteudista da Pedagogia do Monlogo, e trabalhar por competncias, no novo modelo de aprendizagem significada da Andragogia do Dilogo.Esse o primeiro curso de uma srie que vai lhe ajudar a descomplicar as competncias, um assunto que virou o centro das atenes das tendncias educacionais do sculo 21. Por isso, o conhecimento aqui compartilhado no para iniciantes: ele foi pensado e desenhado para quem j conhece e/ou possui algum tipo de prtica docente, seja na educao formal (ensino superior), seja na educao continuada (ps-graduao, cursos livres, palestras e workshops).Mas se voc est atrado pelo mercado educacional informal, em cursos de curta durao, aprimoramentos, na elaborao de comunicaes profissionais e miditicas daquilo que faz e/ou sobre como pensa sua rea de atuao, esse curso vai mostrar a cincia que existe por trs dos modelos de sucesso, que trazem o propsito do usurio como centro do processo de aprender para a vida!Nas videoaulas voc encontra a narrativa cientfica de um modelo protagonista de ensino-aprendizagem, que alinha as teorias de aprendizagem significada, andragogia, growth mindset e neurocincias do foco, ateno e reteno da aprendizagem (ou neuroaprendizagem). Assim, esse curso oferece capacitao para prticas didticas de alto nvel, com foco para quem oferece formaes profissionais diferenciadas e especializadas.O material de apoio do curso, como facilitaes grficas e roteiros de aprendizagem, possui um design exclusivo para que a sua experincia de aprendizagem seja conduzida por prticas de organizao e expanso do conhecimento, bem como por leituras estratgicas que convidam renovao do seu mindset. E tem ainda a seo complementar, que mostra como as caractersticas de cada gerao mudou, a partir do impacto das tecnologias fazendo parte da suas vidas, em momentos cada vez mais precoces. A Gerao Z o foco das dicas, porque atualmente a gerao que ocupa as salas de aula do ensino superior e, em breve, dividir o mercado de trabalho com a Gerao Y.Bem vindo e vamos descomplicar essas tais competncias de aprendizagem!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How To Sell a Business" |
"Selling your business is a time of excitement, anticipation, sometimes anxiety and often fear! It's a roller coaster, to say the least, and a lot of entrepreneurs haven't done this before.This course is put together by Chris Hall, 5x CEO and professional Business Coach. Chris has personal experience of selling 2x of his previous businesses and interacts with audiences and executives worldwide through his work. As a result, Chris has spotted the common patterns that owners go through when deciding to sell their business. Regardless industry, country or experience, most owners will go through a very similar journey. The intention of this course is to break up the process into three sections that empower you, the owner / Director, to get the best outcome.Section 1:PreparationSection 2: The Sales ProcessSection 3: TransitioningChris Hall is a TedX speaker and has more than 21,000 students on Udemy alone. Check out the curriculum and we hope to see you online!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Parenting Teenagers & Child Psychology for Defiant Teens" |
"Do you ever feel frustrated with your teenager?Do you wish there was a way to communicate with them in harmony without it turning into a big drama?Welcome to the Course How to Raise a Defiant Teenager in Harmony, a Parenting Skills Complete Course for Parents with Teens. What You Will Learn In This Course:How to raise defiant teenagers in harmonyWhy teenagers behave, like they behave?How to praise your child?What change would I like to see?Why do parents react, like they react?I messageHow to change habits? What role do I play most often?How to avoid a conflict outburst?How to accelerate the positive transformation?Understanding Parent and Child Psychology Meet Your Trainer:Sebastian has been transforming lives of young people, their parents and teachers for over 20 years now.As a teenager he struggled with lack of confidence, low self-esteem and anxiety. All these was happening despite the fact, that Sebastian lived with loving parents and siblings, and was surrounded by relatives and family friends, who were very supportive. However, no one spotted the signs of his deep discomfort and violent emotions which were tearing him apart. I decided to hide my true feelings as I was ashamed of them. I thought I was not predestined to happiness.Teenage time struggle had a huge impact on Sebastians adult life. He re-thought how parents, teachers and teenagers could be supported to build mutual understand, communicate better with each other and transform their lives for the better. Sebastian believes that everyone deserves and has the right to be happy and live in harmony with self and others.Sebastian has been methodically gaining experience and qualifications in the vast area of Education (qualified teacher in two European countries), Psychology (Counselling course). Training (Train the Trainer Certificate) and Life Coaching.His most recent initiatives include Harmonious Parenting of Teens, Top Professionals Access and the book And Carry On.Harmonious Parenting of Teens aim to transform relationships between parents and their teenage children.Top Professionals Access was funded to support educational settings by providing them with highly qualified and experienced experts who make changes in all areas of education.And Carry On is the first book published by Sebastian. This is a set of seven stories about seven extraordinary children, who found happiness despite difficulties, who some would call unbearable burden."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"7-Day At-home TRX Strength and Flexibility for Beginners" |
"In this 7 Day TRX Strength and Flexibility Program I will teach you how to use your TRX or other suspension training tool at home and work the full-body. You can follow this program along and use it for a month or longer. Follow the progressions as indicated.Not only will I teach you how to use the TRX, but I will also explain how to connect with your lats. A lot of people will find it hard to connect with the lats but I will show you some drills on how to connect with them, and more importantly, how to check whether youre doing it right or not.Each day of the week has a video explaining the exercises and the lecture will have additional info to read with the workout explained. Come and join me and follow along."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Awesome Vacuum Tube Course" |
" This Course starts off with Vacuum tube basics. Starts off with the Introduction of Vacuum tube Elements (i.e. Plate , Cathode) , Course also covers Space charge, Electron flow in a Vacuum tube.The first part of the course covers Diode vacuum tube(s), explains and shows the Voltage and Current Curves associated with Diode vacuum Tubes. The course then expands with explanation with Triodes , where the control Grid is added. The Control Grid is the explained as ea Vacuum tube Element is Introduced. Tetrode is then Explained next with the addition of the screen grid. Ending Up with the Pentode where the Suppersor Grid is added and Explained.In all of Tube Categories we cove Rp (Ac Plate Resistance) & RP (Dc plate Resistance) and other Vacuum Tube properties (i.e trans-conductance ,mu ) and there relationships between them.We also Have a mini course with in this course that covers the application and usage of Vacuum tub Liod lines.The Course then ends with follow along labs if the student wishes to do so."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |