Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Anlise Tcnica para Investidores e Analistas Quant" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender TUDO sobre a formao e desenrolar do preo no grfico de candlestick. Se voc sempre teve curiosidade em saber como funciona o mercado financeiro est uma excelente oportunidade de inciar seus estudos nesse to importante e grandioso universo. Mas se voc j um Expert na anlise grfica e tcnica esse curso pode ampliar seus horizontes para o novo mundo dos analistas Quants.O preo o elemento principal por trs de todos os tipos de mercados. Neste curso voc vai aprender passo a passo como formada a estrutura de desenvolvimento dos preos, bem como suas complexidades e possibilidades de rastreio de padres e comportamentos determinsticos.O preo tambm ser estudado sobre o ponto de vista estocstico seguindo o movimento Browniano. O curso apresente uma linguagem de fcil entendimento. Vrios exemplos so apresentados e sempre que possvel retornaremos a assuntos anteriores essenciais para a compreenso de novas ideias.Vamos aprender a respeito dos principais indicadores tcnicos de investimentos: tendncia, osciladores e de volumes.Estudaremos as estratgias de price action.Iremos discutir sobre as interessantes ideias por trs da Teoria Dow e aprender sobre as Ondas de Elliott.Vamos nessa conhecer como voc pode ser tornar um investidor ou analista quant voltado para o mercado financeiro.Assista as aulas que deixei disponveis para que possa avaliar minha didtica.Aguardo voc nas aulas.Vamos aos estudos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Coaching For Results (Part V)" |
"Your clients hidden desires and innermost fears are kept in seven dark chambers that are shrouded by veils. These Seven Veils of Success concealed obstacles that are caused by emotions and perceptions, behaviors, sociology, language and communication, environment, psychology, and physiology. You must remove each one of these seven curtains to expose your clients Desired Outcome. Your ability to remove these seven veils is one of the most important elements of becoming a coach.There are 49 power questions that you will need to ask your clients in order to remove these seven veils. The two fundamental questions your clients need to answer are WHO am I? and WHY am I here?. These questions reveal your clients Perceived Identity and Purpose. Questions always lead to more questions. In addition to the 49 power questions, you will ask supplementary questions that are based on the answers your clients will give you.Based on all these answers, you will be able to select a Restore Point for your clients, from where they can begin the journey to their Desired Outcome. You will also learn how to create Coaching Climaxes, which are mental trigger points to help your clients focus on important breakthroughs that they accomplished during the coaching session."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Anatomy-Centered Meditations on the Breath" |
"This course shines a light on some particular aspects of the anatomy of breathing to gain a deeper embodied relationship with your own breath. The anatomical tidbits are interesting, palpable, and might change the way you feel about your own wondrous breath, forever arriving, here and now.There are 12 meditations and theyre all about five minutes each. You dont need to know any anatomy beforehand.1 hour of CEUs for massage and physical therapists."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads : le guide complet du rseau de recherche" |
"Rejoignez-nous cette formation en Google Ads qui va vous permettre d'acqurir les comptences techniques dont vous avez besoin pour booster votre carrire et/ou votre business.Que vous soyez propritaire d'une petite entreprise ou responsable marketing d'une grande socit ou en recherche active d'opportunits sur le domaine du marketing digital, Google Ads vous met en relation avec des milliards de personnes, au moment prcis o elles recherchent quoi faire, o aller et quoi acheter. Dcouvrez comment largir votre clientle et atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux grce Google Ads.A l'issue de cette formation vous serez capable de:Crer des campagnes Google Ads sur le rseau de rechercheGrer plusieurs campagnes avec beaucoup de matriseChercher les mots cls les plus performantsOptimiser des campagnes Google Ads existantes pour en amliorer les performances.Savoir quelle campagne Google Ads correspond le mieux vos objectifs commerciaux."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Technical drawing reading and CMM with ISO standards" |
"Due to the developing technology in the world, the need to produce products that meet quality and international quality standards has increased. In order to get the share it deserves in this system in our country, the need to meet the need for qualified and educated employees has arisen. We carry out various activities to meet this need and increase our country to the level of well-being, with online and/or on-site special training. With technical drawing tolerance and reading training, you can easily interpret drawing tolerances. CMM operators, machinery, industry and manufacturing engineers, manufacturers and quality control engineers can benefit from this set. By developing yourself as a member of this training set, you can contribute to Turkish engineering education. Turkish people are hardworking and intelligent.You can have detailed information about technical drawing tolerance and CMM (Coordinate measuring devices) machines with our internationally recognized iso standards training in the developing country industry and global economy. You can learn the language of ISO standards so that you can define your dreams exactly as you want. ISO standards are an international engineering language.Today, technical drawing and ISO standards have been accepted by the international community as an engineering language. It is very important to describe the products you will manufacture or want to be best described. In this way, you can get the best quality product at the most affordable cost. Otherwise, the costs increase and it cannot serve the product purpose as you wish. In this training set, you will first learn to read, write and interpret the ISO standards language.You can improve yourself in the field of quality control by improving your technical drawing skills with our CMM and ISO standards training set. CMM measuring machines are nowadays used in machine mould, defence, medical etc. It is used as quality control equipment in many sectors. CMM machines can be measured manually or CNC program with or without cad data. In the reference of these measurements, manufacturing errors can be determined in advance and necessary measures can be taken.Today, many industrial products are not accepted by the supplier without the CMM report. This report is required as a necessity. As a CMM operator, you can work with suitable conditions in special environments where measurements are made.The software used in CMM machines is the DMIS software language, there is a construction that moves on the airbags and communication is done through RS232 or Lan cables. Since the communication between the machine and the control unit is very fast, the probe position that appears on the screen when the machine is open changes constantly in the order of one thousand. This situation is very common. First of all, with the help of the software used (This software can be Capps, Arco etc.), the workpiece is verified. It is imagined that the workpiece fixed in any position in the workbench is in space. Accordingly, the actual (real) and nominal (virtual) data are overlapped by verifying by applying the rule 3-2-1. The reference elements used during the verification are very important, and other elements are measured based on the zeroes received according to these reference elements. 3-2-1 validation logic does not change whatever software we use. The 3 points represent the plane. You put your piece on a plane, then 2 points come, 2 points represent the line, which means the line, you fix your workpiece with a plane and a line, but you need one more point so that your piece can be fixed in space, which can be defined as 1 (point). As you can see in 3-2-1 validation logic, there are 6 points. This is the minimum point you need to fix a 3D geometry in space. Of course, it can be more, but not less. We said the plane representing 3 points, geometrically passes a plane from at least 3 points, this is the perfect, error-free plane. We said the line representing 2 points, again, geometrically, a line passes through 2 points, and this line is the perfect line, and finally, we said 1 point, which also represents the perfect point. Now take any piece in your hand and put it on a table or imagine the piece can still move? yes here we have defined a plane with 3 points, but it is still insufficient to fix our part, now take a book and use it with the bound part of this book to contact your part yes yes now we have defined the 2 points, the line, of course, you can think of it as a plane, but it is enough to have a minimum line. Look, your workpiece is on a table and one surface is parallel to your book, but there is still an open end, and your workpiece can still move. Now, finally, you need 1 point. When you give it, you are fixing your workpiece in space and you can combine your real piece with 3d computer data with the alignment command as you want, and if you want, you can use cad-data or do not use it, you can take the desired dimensions by creating geometric shapes on your workpiece.Best regards."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lucid Dreaming The Complete Guide" |
"===Questions for You===Would you like to enter into the exciting voyage of discovery that lucid dreaming offers? Would you like to learn how to have regular lucid dreams and navigate skilfully through the dream landscape? Would you like to know what the key techniques are that allow lucid dreams to manifest for you in your life? Would you like to learn advanced lucid dream techniques to take your lucid dreaming to the next level? ===What to Expect===In this course through Lucid Dreaming The Complete Guide we will embark on a fantastic journey together. You will learn how to regularly access lucid dreams and you will learn how to navigate through the evolving dreaming worlds. ===What's Included===44 lectures of carefully presented teachings, techniques, meditations and practices that powerfully open the doorway to the experience of Lucid Dreaming. Expert information and guidance on how to overcome the common challenges that people face on their journey into effective lucid dreaming. A certificate of completion will be be given to students from Udemy and also a separate one from facilitator school of personal development (the later available upon request)=== About the Facilitator===Your facilitator and bestselling and Highest Rated tutor Tom Llewellyn has over 20 years of experience within the realms of meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. He's also a trained and skilled teacher of Kundalini Yoga, a trained Sound Therapist and has also written two books."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Konu zetli - spatli - Soru zml Geometri Seti 1" |
"Geometrinin yzde 80 i genlerdir. genler konusunu iyi anlayan renci geometrinin dier tm konularnda sknt yasamaz. Geometri hem ok zevkli hem de insann ufkunu genileten bir derstir. rencilerimizin geometri de baarsz olmasnn en nemli sebepleri arasnda EZBERCLK yatmaktadr. Geometri formul dersi deil, aksine ispat ve akil dersidir. te bu paketimizde geometrinin temel yap ta olan genler konusunu ele aldk. Her blmde ilk nce konu ile ilgili KONU ZETLER sundukKonu balklarnda ilgili teoremleri tek tek SPATLADKMini testlerle konunun pekismesini salayp karnza gelebilecek olas SORU TPLER zerinde durduk.Tm videolarn PDF sini sisteme ykledik..Umuyorum ki ksa sre ierisinde Geometri ile baracak, geometrinin ne kadar zevkli bir ders olduunu anlayacaksnz.. Bu paket ite bunun iin oluturuldu...Sevgili rencilerim bu kursu bir butun olarak dusunmenizi istiyorum. Kursu batan sona en az iki defa bitirip ondan sonra zml soru bankalariyla rendiklerinizi desteklemelisiniz."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"PHP & MYSQL - Login Registration with Admin Dashboard" |
"In this course you are going to build a complete Login and Register system using PHP and MYSQL as a database. We are going to build an Admin Dashboard where you can update the users details, and also be able to delete users. We will create also a blog section where Admins or moderators can post blog posts, but guests can only see them! And finally don't worry I will cover every single detail so you guys can easily follow along, even if you have little experience, I will add the full code in the end of the course! By taking this course you will learn:Learning outcome:Create a Complete Login and Registration SystemAdding Security by Sanitising and Validating Data against malicious scriptsConnecting to MYSQL database with PDOLearning how to Hash user passwordsLogin and Logout with Sessionsand much more..."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Devices and Circuits - Motor Direct-On-Line (DOL) Starter" |
"Hi,this is a course series I started to help various colleagues in the world of electrical engineering and industrial automation to understand and to be able to design and implement a most common motor starter for industrial automation applications - DOL motor starter.Since this is a first course in the series, I start of not only by building a whole circuit diagram but also explaining in detail all the circuit components, both for power and control circuit.You'll also learn how to properly dimension (size) all the power circuit components. In the following courses we will more concentrate on the control circuit since after this course you will understand:the symbols (IEC/NFPA)the power circuit components such as fuse, contactor, motor overload switch aka motor protection circuit breaker (MPCB)the control circuit components such as START/STOP pushbuttons, emergency stop pushbutton, signal lamps (aka pilot lights), relay and it's role etc.Regarding manual controls, that is, pilot devices, I will also publish soon 2 courses (one for Siemens devices and one for Allen Bradley) that will teach you how to efficiently plan those pilot devices such as START/STOP push buttons, emergency stop push button, selector switch (MAN-O-AUTO), twin push button, pilot lights (signal lamps).So please refer to those respective courses if you want to learn in detail how to configure those devices which tend to get complicated since they normally constitute from many different parts/pieces which if properly configured then form a whole working component.Hope you will enjoy the course and I'll be seeing you in the lectures.Stay safe and well.Best regards,Ivan Vidovic"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Communication Skills: Art of Persuasive Communication" |
"This step-by-step course is for beginners and shows you how to craft your message in the most persuasive way possible. You'll learn how to bring listeners along with you on the journey and move them from Point A to Point B. The course was created with people like small business owners or entrepreneurs who have to meet with potential clients, non-profit advocates who want to raise awareness or support, and professionals who need to convince internal stakeholders to partner with them on their important projects.The lessons can be applied to various communication situations like public speaking messages, group meetings, and one-on-one conversations. Please note: The course is not about how you actually stand up and present live-and-in-the-moment. It's about how you craft and shape your message beforehand so it has maximum impact. Additionally, the course is not about sales, ""hard selling,"" or any closing techniques. In fact, quite the opposite. The course teaches good, fundamental principles about ethical persuasion that everyday professionals can use with integrity.The course includes lessons in the following: How to customize your message to listeners' interestsHow to create a greater sense of identification between you and your listenersHow to boost your credibility as a communicatorHow to engage listeners' minds and emotions with your messageHow to design your talking points for maximum persuasive flowThe course provides two speaking templates to speed up your preparation and ensure a well-crafted message"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking: How to Open and Close Like a Boss" |
"This course teaches you to open and close your public speaking presentations ""like a boss."" The class is designed for students who already have some basic experience with public speaking and want to take their presentation skills to the next level.The course 1) Introduces you to key components of great openings and closings, 2) Teaches you numerous specific techniques to open and close, and 3) Looks at pro tips to fine-tune tips to make your openings smooth, creative, and engaging."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Google Keep: corso base per iniziare" |
"Google Keep uno strumento importante per aumentare la tua produttivit. Serve sempre anche fuori lavoro, magari ti dimentichi la lista della spesa e non sai quello che devi comprare e non vuoi certo ritornare a mani vuote giusto? Google Keep ti aiuta. Puoi prendere nota delle tue attivit ovunque ti trovi. Cos potrai anche dormire serenamente perch non ti dimenticherai pi del regalo per tua moglie/marito.Questo corso t'insegna come utilizzare questo fantastico strumento. Serve per iniziare a familiarizzare con le note. Poi vedrai che non ne farai pi a meno.Un corso semplice che ti fa vedere le funzioni principali sia via web che quelle dell'applicazione disponibile per smartphone."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bookkeeping - theory and practical guide" |
"You will be surprised how beneficial is this short course and how many things you will learn within 30 minutes. The secret of success of the course is that it consists of information shown in different forms: short and well-structured videos with theory,examples,quizzes andexercise with a Journal template in Excel.Using all these learning forms youll become familiar with the accounting objects: assets. Liabilities, owners equity, expenses, revenues and transactions and youll be able to speak the Debit-credit language. Do not hesitate and enroll in this course. The next section of the course is created to lighten the process of understanding one of the most important financial statements Balance sheet. In order to explain what a balance sheet is, Ill make an interesting comparison between this financial statement and a photo picture. Ill go through the two types of balance sheet and I'll pay attention to the structure of a balance sheet. But the focus of the course will be on 5 main balance sheet ratios which represent business' liquidity and solvency and of course Ill show you how to analyze them. At the end of the course, youll be able to use the information on a balance sheet to understand how a business is going on.The next step will be to explain briefly the most important points related to the single-step income statement and multiple-step income statement. Another important theme will be the six crucial profitability rates - gross profit margin, operating margin, net profit margin, return on stockholders' equity, earnings per share and price-earnings share. In the last two videos, I'll help you to see the difference between the direct method and the indirect method of preparing a statement of cash flows.The third section is a short, clear, and practical bookkeeping guide for freelancers and small businesses. It's about how to prepare and read correctly your financial information. Enough boring theory.? This guide is completely practical. You'll learn:??which free accounting software I recommend,??how to create invoices, add bills, pull in your bank transactions, and reconcile your bank,??how to see how much tax you owe to the government or the government must return you.After you watch the guide you'll be able to do your bookkeeping alone, safe money and time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rhythm Guitar Charts" |
"In this course, you will learn how to train your strumming hand effectively and develop a deeper understanding of how to strumming works.With over 350 consecutive levels, you can train the independence of your strumming hand in a fun and playful way. Just follow along with the videos to gradually develop your strumming skills. I recommended you practice an average of 20 minutes daily. This will boil down to 1 to 5 videos a day. If you have more time at hand, of course, it is awesome if you practice more :) If you follow this plan, you will be a confident rhythm player within 3 weeks!In over 3 hours of video lessons you will learn to master:DownstrokesUpstrokesPlaying any 8th notes or 16th notes position independentlyPopular chords progressionsPopular strumming patternsYou will also get access to lots of downloadable content such as all the Rhythm Guitar Charts - Strumming Hand Training Book and click tracks for your personal practice.This course is also very good if you are stuck with the same strumming patterns for too long and you are looking to deepen your understanding of playing rhythm guitar. My name is Thomas and I am a certified music teacher (Bachelor of Arts degree, University Mozarteum Salzburg). I have taught hundreds of students at public music schools in Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein and I am fortunate to have private students from all over the world.Over the years of teaching, I discovered a very easy and effective way of teaching rhythm guitar. I believe in a playful learning experience and, for the first time, I am putting out this system in this online course. Press play and practice along with me - it is that easy :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gmail Masterclass - Become A Gmail Super User In 2 Hours" |
"---- Course Updated August 2020 to include new Gmail Features ----How to accomplish more using Gmail. Learn Productivity Features Hidden In Your Gmail Account (2020)Are you maximising Gmail to its full potential? Are you using Gmail as a tool to help you streamline your email workflow? Are you automating your inbound emails? If the answer is no then this is the course for you!Ellie: ""This was a really helpful course. I've been a personal Gmail user for years, but am about to use it professionally instead of Outlook so this was a really helpful primer. Really up-to-date with new features and settings. Very helpful and Giuseppe is a supportive coach - excited about putting this all into practice. Already feeling a sense of calm about my personal email - reading more of the newsletters and content I really value, and have stripped out a load of the noise.""Why Learn How To Be More Productive In Gmail? Wether you like it or not, email is often the centre of your personal and professional communication channels. As a result, there can be hundreds of people fighting for attention in your Gmail inbox. That makes searching for emails and finding the important ones later a painful and daunting task. The great news is if you are a Gmail user, there are so many ways to customise, automate, filter, sort, and arrange the inbox to suit your personal needs.By enrolling in this Gmail course, you will learn the key strategies to help you become much more efficient while using Gmail on a daily basis.This course includes instant access to:Instant actionable Gmail productivity featuresHours of premium video lecturesLifetime course updatesPremium instructor supportAll of this will help you be more efficient, more streamlined and more productive than any other Gmail course.Why learn Gmail from Giuseppe?This course has been tailored by Giuseppe using Gmail strategies he has mastered over the last 8 years. Giuseppe believes Gmail productivity is being able to accomplish more using Gmail in less time and in a efficient way. Giuseppe is a top rated instructor had has taught thousands of students worldwide, and can't wait to show you all he knows.He promises to help you learn how to master Gmail no matter what it takes. If you ever feel lost or confused please post a question to the Q&A section and Giuseppe will be there to help you.Kerry: ""I've used Gmail for years and never really tried to optimize or use all the features it has. This course really opened my eyes in just how featured packed Gmail is and how easy it is to customize it to my needs""Gmail course overviewWhat will you learn in this Gmail course?Learn how to use email aliases, a technique to use multiple email addresses within one Gmail accountLearn how to create and manage labels, the building blocks/structure of your Gmail inboxLearn how to create basic and advanced filters, a skill to help you segment your Gmail inboxLearn how to automate your inbound emails, take the manual work out of your day to day tasksLearn how to create an automated to do listLearn how to subscribe to newsletters without your inbox becoming messy and overcrowding the important emailsLearn how to enhance and customise your Gmail interface, create a view that suits your personal needsLearn techniques to faster process your emails, better streamline your way of workingLearn how to setup Gmail alertsLearn how to user Google Contacts, better manage your Gmail contactsLearn how to use the Gmail sidebar, create tasks, make notes and access your Gmail CalendarLearn how to create a professional email signature Course is up to date as of 2020 (no outdated features included in the course)I hope this sounds great to you?I'm so excited that you have landed here reading the course description. Once you have enrolled I can assure you won't regret it.Hit the enrol button today and start your journey to becoming a Gmail pro!I look forward to seeing you inside the course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"LibreOffice Calc" |
"Curso de LibreOffice Calc. Uma poderosa planilha eletrnica similar ao Excel. Totalmente gratuita. Nesse curso voc aprender desde a instalao, passando pela manipulao do Calc, operadores aritmticos, funes bsicas, funes lgicas e criao de grficos. Todas as aulas possuem planilhas de apoio para acompanhamentos das aulas passo a passo.Muitas empresas, incluindo entidades bancrias adotam essa ferramenta. No fiquem por fora. Faam j a inscrio. Sucesso a todos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Habits of champion" |
"Intelligence is to take action that advances you toward your goals.Your brain is not fixed. You can change your habits to change your life.What controls you in life is your habits. Habits are actions that you do automatically from the time you get up in the morning to the time you go to bed.If you want to change your life you must change your habits.I want you to learn how to break your bad habits. to start building habits that advance you towards your goals in life.In the course, you will learn the habits of the champion's habits that will help you produce more positive energy and also give you peace and peace of mind."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Secrets of wisdom" |
"This course consists of the secrets from the books I have read. I want you to understand that what matters is not that you gain information from books. what is important is to gain wisdom from books and mentors.I have read and heard more than 1000 books to convey my secrets and habits to change your life. you need to be able to change your habits. And change your thinking.Your life will not change until you change your habits. Your life will not change until you fully understand the secrets I teach. Once the secrets (habits) connect to your inner self. Once you start living this habit. Then you will begin to understand these secrets.And so I don't want you to read a book. I want you to read the book with a desire to look for a piece of information that can change an important part of your life.Moreover, I want you to know the inner secrets of the wisdom of the books I was reading.When you take this curse you will learn the following topics: 1 The secret of wisdom 2 Why it's important to read books 3 How to keep a mindset of a student 4 How to use the leverage 5 The most important habit that you must get And have to understand that it is very important that you learn to acuminate wisdom. if you want to gain wisdom and understand the inner secrets. you need this course for yourself. see you on the other side."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC - My simple and fast course" |
"In this course you will be working with Adobe Premiere Pro to learn how to edit videosIn this course I will teach you in a short periode of time how to software Adobe Premiere Pro works and how to edit your first video with it.I'm sure that after watching this you will be able to edit very professional looking videos without much effort. You can use that skill to make your own videos as a influencer, maybe get a job as video editor or social media content creator or work on your own creative projects (maybe your first short-film)Is it possible to learn Premiere Pro in only 2 hours? I'm sure it is!The problemThere are a lot of people that want to learn video editing software but quit after just a couple of minutes because all the functions and possibilities of the software is too much and overwhelming. Online there is so much content, so you don't know where to start or you learn things in the wrong order.The possibilitiesTo learn how to edit videos in Premiere Pro is super fun. You can make one nice video out of all kind of different clips. Because of that, you never have loose video clips on your computer again. Also at the en of this course you could use your skills to help other people, work for companies and earn money with your new skill.A Simple solutionAfter teaching filmmaking online for a while now, I discovered that I can offer a solution to the people that have almost a panic attack when they're opening software like Premiere Pro for the first time. Because; WHERE DO I START? That solution is a complete Premiere pro course for beginners. A course where you learn everything you need in real life or in the work field in just 2 hours. Step-by-step. Not a course that takes you 20 hours to finish while you learn al kind of things you will never need.I have more than 3.600.000 views and 20.000+ subscribers on my youtube channel. I hope I can make A LOT more people happy with my videos in the upcoming years.Focus on what's importantOnly focus on what is important is something I said a couple of times now. But how is it possible to know what kind of things, functions or tools you will never use. That is something you can only tell if you have a lot of experience in the work field. I'm making videos for more than 9 years already and know exactly which techniques you use to make videos for big companies, or small videos for social media. You also don't use every button in your car to make it to your next destination, right?How long do I have acces?You can decide for yourself when you start and end the course. If you enrol now you have lifetime acces to the course, that means you can start the same minute, or a couple of days later. You can finish the course within 2,5 hours, or you can watch one 5 minute episode a week. You can even look up something you forgot, years later. It's not like the normal education system where you have to finish everything before a certain date.Enrol now and start right away!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar paginas web con php" |
"Encontrar un curso completo de programacin no es tn fcilAqu te traigo una serie de videos que te permitirn aprender este fascinante lenguaje de programacin y las tcnicas utilizadas en la actualidad para el desarrollo acelerado de sistemas de informacin. Si no tienes experiencia en programacin, si nunca has escrito una lnea de cdigo, entonces este material es para ti. Me he dedicado a resumir de una forma muy sencilla y utilizando una metodologa paso a paso, para ensearte a programar y hacer sistemas de una forma prctica. A lo largo de este curso te llevo de la mano y te revelo la forma de trabajar que utilizan los expertos."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Visual Studio Code: Produtividade Absoluta" |
"Visual Studio Code um dos editores de cdigo mais utilizados pelos programadores. Isso se deve ao fato de suas diversas funcionalidades e recursos que outros editores no possuem. Como o terminal dentro do prprio editor e a gama de extenses disponveis para download de graa, alm claro de ser mantido pela Microsoft.Ento neste curso voc aprender em detalhes todos os poderosos atalhos e configuraes do VS Code, para deixar o seu editor turbinado e melhorar sua produtividade, escrevendo mais cdigo e mantendo ou at aumentando a qualidade.Alm das configuraes veremos em detalhes todas as possibilidades do terminal integrado, que um dos recursos mais utilizados do editor.As extenses do VS Code podem tanto melhorar suas funcionalidades j existentes, como tambm criar novas, por isso temos uma seo dedicada a conhecer e explorar as melhores e mais utilizadas extenses.Lembrando que no necessrio conhecimento nenhum no editor ou em outros softwares como IDEs, vou lhe explicar tudo, cada detalhe do VS Code e ainda dar motivos e explicaes de por que ele o melhor software para edio de cdigo atualmente.E voc ainda ganha: um mini curso de Emmet, que uma extenso muito poderosa para escrever HTML e CSS, com simples comandos voc tem uma pgina web quase pronta, acelerando extremamente esse processo que muitas vezes demorado devido a quantidade de tags e regras de CSS. Por separei uma seo exclusivamente sobre este recurso, que vale como um curso!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"VMware VCPC510 Certified Professional vCloud Practice Exam" |
"230 UNIQUE practice questions for VMware VCPC510 Certified Professional vCloud Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VMware VCPC510 Certified Professional vCloud Practice ExamTotal Questions : 230Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (172 of 230)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Relationships Or Love Lost : Anger, Grief Healing" |
"This is a course about emotional healing after the breakup of a dating relationship or a marriage. We will go over the process of grief. The stages of grief will be explained. Learn how to handle the tough days and ways to cope. This is a course about reflection and there are exercises throughout the course to apply what is taught in the program. After you recover, the second part of the course walks you through getting very clear about what you do want in your life and going for it. A course journal is included. Upon completion you will be issued a certificate of completion from Udemy. The course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Productivity with Google Apps. 3-in-1." |
"Content:1. Boost your Productivity with Google Apps (Gmail, tasks, calendar, audio, video, photos)2. Additional: Productivity with Google tools (Advanced search and more)3. Additional: Boost your personal productivity with Peak Productivity Blueprint--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Boost your Productivity with Google Apps (Gmail, tasks, calendar, audio, video, photos) Those who dont take advantage of cloud computing today will definitely pay for it tomorrow.As a business, youve got lots of overhead to worry about. Theres always something that needs your attention.Youve only got a certain amount of time every day to devote to everything thats going down.Read that last sentence and think about it for just a second. You honestly dont have time to waste on being disorganized.Thats what Google Apps offers in a nutshell. It gives you the ability to stay organized throughout your entire office.Organization Is The Key To SuccessA disorganized office is one where everyone is doing their own thing. Each person uses different software, and youve got to make sure everything is formatted correctly.This is more than just a hassle; it begins to drain your very lifeblood. It doesnt have to be that way, and theres no need for you to spend your days going in circles.Some people dont want to adopt a cloud-like structure because they want everyone to express their individuality. Thats all good until it causes a drop in productivity.What this is about isnt keeping people on a short leash and sapping their creativity.Its all about you making sure everyone is on the same page so they can communicate with each other efficiently.Take The Clutter-Free ApproachA streamlined office is one thats a lean, mean fighting machine. It makes sure everyone knows what the team is doing.Youre not a babysitter, and you shouldnt have to act like one. What you need more than anything is to organize your workflow.The people around you need to be able to work completely and comfortably from the Cloud.This is possible with Google Apps, and youll be surprised by how efficient it is.There are millions of businesses worldwide who are operating within the Cloud at any given moment.The elasticity of the Cloud ensures that everyone has a smooth experience while being as productive as possible.You Dont Have To Fill Your Days With ConfusionSome people love drama and feed off of it. Youre probably not one of those people.What you're trying to do is to achieve a level of harmony that allows you not to pull out your hair.You have spent too much time trying to figure out all of this on your own.Its a colossal mistake to settle for business as usual.You might as well get this out of the way before it becomes way too big of a mess.Learn Google Apps From The ProsWe give you a very insightful view of Google Apps in action.Youll have a complete understanding of how everything works. All of your questions will be answered after watching our videos.This is the best and only time for you to get your office in order.The level of your productivity will increase by using Google Apps.It is a cost-effective measure that will pay for itself time and time again when everyone is playing from the same playbook.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Additional: Productivity with Google tools (Advanced search and more)Using Google Tools To Increase Productivity and CommunicationHere's exactly what you'll get inside this additional course:The Get Productive with G-Tools Video CourseWhat you'll discover in these Videos:Train Your Team with Google ClassroomTranscribe Audio with Google Voice TypingTranscribe Video with YouTubeHack Gmail External Tools To Increase ProductivityHack Gmail Internal Tools To Increase ProductivityHack Google Calendar For More ProductivityUnderstand Basic Google Tool RelationshipsCreate and Use Google Docs CollaborativelyUse Google Drive CollaborativelyUse Google Keep CollaborativelyUse Google Hangouts CollaborativelyExtend the Reach of Collaboration with Google's Paid Tools---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Additional: Boost your personal productivity with Peak Productivity BlueprintDiscover How To Triple Your Productivity,Get Things Done & Achieve Your Goals FASTWithout working longer hours, burning out and freaking out!If you find yourself constantly struggling to get things done before deadline, have a never-ending to-do list, putting off important projects week after week, and you are way behind all your personal, professional, and financial goals then, do yourself a favor please pay attention to this...Because youre about to discover the secrets to: Double or even TRIPLE your productivity so you can get more things done Boost your output so you can have more projects completed in timely mannerAll these without working longer hours, feeling stress, overwhelmed, or overworking yourself to death!Sounds too good to be true?I know it is. But, before I revealed the secret...Arent You Curious?Arent you curious to see why some mega-rich and successful people have the time to make TV appearances, give talks, and even be part of a movie?...while most folks are struggling to make ends meet even though they have worked an insane amount of hours?And arent you curious how in the world that people like Jack Ma has the time to even create his own movie while managing a multi-billion dollar business?Think about your best performing colleague in the office....or the TOP gurus in your current niche...Why does it seem like they have reached the top of the world like it was the easiest thing to do? Like its almost second-nature to them?How did they manage to achieve so much in a finite amount of time?...and you often find yourself wondering what is that secret that makes all the difference.Dont worry if youre not where you want to be just yet.Because its all going to change...Mark your calendar today...Thats because today is going to be an important turning point in your life. Youre about to discover the exact strategies that the worlds top achievers use to reach all their goals and multiply their wealth... all without working longer hours than average folks.Youre about to learn the most crucial skill you need in order to become an overachiever. This skill can help you achieve all your goals and dreams faster than you could imagine.These are the strategies that I personally used to TRIPLE my productivity, boost my overall work output, get more things done fast all without burning out or freaking out.Your frustration ends here.IntroducingPeak Productivity BlueprintHow To Triple Your Productivity And Achieve Your Personal BestPeak Productivity Blueprint is the ultimate guide to help you TRIPLE your productivity, maximize your work output and get results FAST. Productivity is the key ingredient to success. Youll be able to get more things done in less time with Peak-level Productivity.The best part is, you will have more time and freedom for things that matter most. You'll feel less stressed and less overwhelmed, knowing that you can instantly get into the zone with some powerful productivity hacks. This is what Peak Productivity Blueprint is all about.This blueprint reveals all the proven strategies and tactics to uplevel your productivity You will discover how to train your mind to be ultra-productive, time management secrets, how to create an environment that 'forces' you to be productive, the power of delegation, outsourcing, and powerful tools to get things done and much more!If you want to step up your personal productivity, get more things done fast, hit new ambitious goals and put an end to procrastination... then this is the solution that youve been waiting for.Here are the things you will discover in this life-changing program:How to plan your day for success with maximum efficiencyUseful tips to create a productive workspaceTypes of people you should avoid if you want to be productive9 elements of a productive mindset that you need to knowHow by Eating The Frog first thing in the morning will boost your productivity4 proven & effective ways to manage and eliminate procrastinationDiscover the 2-minute rule to get more things doneWhy you should stop multi-tasking (its more destructive than you think!)Why taking a break can help you refresh and refuel your mind to get more doneHow to fight stress and anxiety by doing this one simple thing11 practical tips to declutter your life and boost your focusThe one simple exercise that you can do every single day to clear your mind7 simple healthy eating tips to keep you focused and energizedHow to take advantage of your Productive Times3 simple strategy that you can use to prioritize your most important tasksHow to delegate, outsource, and useful tools to complete tasks fasterThis is the Golden Key for those who want to:Get more things done fast with the least amount of effortIncrease their income without working longer hoursBuild massive wealth as a result of being more productiveHave more freedom for themselvesDominate their life by becoming the best version of themselvesCreate a massive impact on the people around themLive a more fulfilled and meaningful lifeLeave behind a legacy for themselvesBecome the top performer in their personal & professional lifeBe in a more positive, creative, high-energy & motivated state"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CROWDFUNDING: How to crowdfund anything..." |
"ADDITIONAL CONTENT+ 5 EBOOKS, REPORTS & ARTICLESCrowdfunding Success Code ebookJust kick start it ebookCharity Fundraising ReportLaunch an ICO (Initial Coin Offer) ReportVenture Capital article-------------------------------------------------------------Do you have dreams and ambitions that you wish to fulfill in the coming years to come?Do you find it hard each and every day to move ahead with your business because of the lack of money?But listenWhat if you can have access to an unlimited source of money to finance all your business ideas and finally make your dreams come true?Would you be interested to know how to get it done?Simple, Convenient And FastMethod To Raise Finance.You seeIt has never been easier than today to get access to an unlimited amount of money without you to borrow from anybody.In fact, there will be people who would be interested in venture with you and create the business of your dream.All youve got to do is to follow a simple process called: Crowdfunding.This is HUGE at the moment and if youre not doing it, then youre missing out big time.Your Ideas. Your Projects.Your Terms.Thats rightIts your business ideas, you set the terms.You let the people know your terms and conditions and how you want them to be involved in your business.If theyre comfortable about the deal, theyll finance your project.Its as simple as that.Believe it or not, theres no best way to get started if youre really in need of money but have solid business ideas to offer to these people.But I hear youIs this something complicated to do?No, it isnt.Just give this a shot. Youve got nothing to lose.5 Big Reasons Why Now IsThe Best Time To Get StartedWhat if you can get started today and be able to have access to an unlimited amount of funds for your business needs? How will this change your life?Consider these:Raising instant cash - You can literally raise unlimited amounts of funds within just days from now.Testing demand - When raising the funds, youll be able to see the response of customers and to determine how many units of that specific product youll need to produce.Understanding customers - feedbacks and comments are also being provided by your customers so you can improve your product over time.Strategic move - youll get the attention of strategic partners and the press when raising funds.A step for future fundraising - once you do the first one, youll not only get better at it but youll also be able to do bigger fundraising in the future.I made all this possible for you in my latest video training.IntroducingHow To Crowdfund AnythingRaise Unlimited Amounts of MoneyFrom Other PeopleTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you the good practices of a solid crowdfunding campaign for your business.In this video training, I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how to bring manufacturers, investors, and businesses together to raise finance for your business.Discover the amazing opportunity for those that learn markets, educate inventors, educate business owners and so many more.Understand the rules and laws of running a solid crowdfunding campaign.How to apply crowdfunding in your internet marketing and how you can benefit immensely from it.Understand the benefits of raising money from your customers.How to not borrow money from other people but instead make them become partners in your business.How to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign by following some good business practices.How to attract as many people to invest in your profitable business ideas.And so many more..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Troubleshooting Adobe Textile Design Issues" |
"In this class, Troubleshooting Adobe Textile Design Issues, I will try to cover all aspects of the Adobe Textile Designer Extension and Plug Ins. I have gleaned many topics from the Adobe Textile Designer Forums where users try to find resolutions for issues. I have also personally run into issues that I will resolve on screen to help clarify roadblocks and pitfalls. The two main categories I will address are installation issues and export issues. Included throughout are resolution for issues like the technical button being greyed out, the oops message, the expired message and more. I also address Export to grid or repeating tile, how to export as a tiff and how to add a watermark.Having basic knowledge of Photoshop and Pattern Design is an asset, but use of the Plug-In will be explained right from installation to export. You may have tried using ATD, but now you can learn it in depth. The most important aspect of this course is learning about how to troubleshoot and resolve issues specific to your personal set-up.I will be demonstrating the creating of a simple pattern from start to finish and we will go right through to exporting it."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"- , - , Adobe Premiere Pro CC. , Adobe Premiere Pro CC , . 57 : Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline Premiere Pro Adobe Premiere Pro "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"156-915.80 : CCSE Update Exam Preparation 2020" |
"156-915.80 : CCSE Update Exam Preparation 2020Checkpoint is a leading name in the IT security industry and its clients are spread all over the world.Check Point Certification mean expertise with the technology that secures the internet for all Fortune and Global 100 companies. The benefits of becoming Check Point certified include the skills to support Check Point products, expert access to our SecureKnowledge database and advanced product documentation.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CCSE Update exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Check Point in any way."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping sur Cdiscount : Mode d'emploi en 30 minutes" |
"Dcouvres le Dropshipping sur Cdiscount et commence vendre sans stocke et sans aucun budget publicitaire.Dropshipping sans Facebook Ads et sans Instagram. Uniquement avec le trafic gratuit de Cdiscount.Dcuple ton chiffre d'affaires ds maintenant dans cette mini formation o je vais te montrer en 30 minutes chrono comment faire des ventes sur cdiscount sans stock"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"12 Signals to Master Any Market" |
"Japanese Candlestick trading analysis doesn't require knowing intricate formulas or ratios. Japanese Candlestick analysis does not require massive amounts of education to effectively utilize the signals. The stock investing basics of Japanese Candlesticks result in clear and easy-to-identify patterns that demonstrate highly accurate turns in investor sentiment. Japanese Candlestick trading formations are easily utilized."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trader Triple A" |
"Com a tcnica do Trader Triple A (TTA), voc poder se tornar um profissional consistente e em pouco tempo e extrair resultados positivos do mercado, mesmo que iniciando do Zero! Voc ter acesso:Ao gerenciamento de risco espartano Estrategia mais completa para voc ter resultadosOs passo a passo para quem esta iniciando do zeroE mais, muito mais...Tudo o que voc ir aprender ser de forma pratica, e de simples entendimento para voc comear a ter resultados o mais rpido possvel e recuperar seu investimento neste treinamento! "
Price: 219.99 ![]() |