Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Protect Your Family from COVID-19" |
"In this series, you will join the Food Heroes to learn about the best practices of hygiene and nutrition to keep you strong and healthy with your children. Discover foods to support immunity and essential practices for keeping your home and body virus free!You will learn the ways to prevent Corona Virus by implementing healthy hygienic behaviors, exercise and most importantly diet. All of which will build immunity and help prevent cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes.The five sections will include: Diet, Sleep, Picky Eating, Dinner Time, Routines, Combatting Stress, Exercise"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP) for Clinical Research" |
"CONDUCT A SUCCESSFUL CLINICAL TRIAL JUST GOT EASIERYoure Just Seconds Away From The Essential Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training & Advice!ICH Good Clinical Practice (GCP) E6 (R2) for Investigators and Clinical Research staffINTRODUCING THE GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE GCP COURSEA course designed not only for investigators and site staff but also its content is key for CRAs, Clinical Operations staff, Clinical QA, and Regulatory Affairs departments.This training course will help professionals, whether currently active in clinical research or planning to be involved, to understand their GCP roles and to manage a GCP compliance clinical trial.The learners will receive information regarding key elements such as informed consent, investigational products handling, safety reporting and trial specific documentation, including data integrity key principles.THIS INTRODUCTORY GCP COURSE WILL HELP YOU TO:Comprehend the key ICH-GCP requirements and regulatory expectations regarding conduct of clinical trialsUnderstand the responsibilities of an investigator/ investigator team within clinical trialsKnow what, why and how clinical trial activities are to be performed and documentedEnroll today (30 day money back guarantee) to be inspection ready..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a criar um sistema em delphi do incio ao fim" |
"O que o aluno ir aprender?Neste curso voc ir aprender a criar um projeto do zero em Delphi, utilizando conexo com banco de dados Firebird atravs do componente FireDac que j vem com o Delphi, utilizando componentes de terceiros, fazendo inclusive relatrios dinmicos para o seu projeto. Aprenda de forma fcil, com uma didtica totalmente diferente, colocando em prtica os conhecimentos adquiridos no curso.Este curso te prepara para o mercado de trabalho como programador em Delphi.Veja alguns dos depoimentos dos meus videos postados no Youtube sobre este curso: Josu agradeo muito suas aulas, estou estagiando em uma empresa e seus videos ajudaram muito.PARABNS!!! Que maneira de ensinar excelenteExcelente... Sensacional... Parabns e muito obrigado pela ajuda. Grande profissional. Abrao.Aprendo muito com suas aulas de Delphi, bastante detalhadas valeuuuSuas aulas esto dentro do padro de um sistema q estou tentando desenvolver h muito tempo usando o DELPHI 7...O curso est excelente!! Muito obrigado mesmo...Muito bem explicado. Boa didtica. Aprendo muito com suas aulas de Delphi, bastante detalhadas valeuuuBom dia Josu, funcionou perfeitamente, vale ouro meu amigo,,, parabns pela inteligencia e sua simplicidade para ensinar! Deus te Abenoe!Excelente didtica. Parabnsexcelente contedo sua didtica fantstica!!! Parabns!!!SHOW ME AJUDOU MUITO PARABENSMeu amigo, voc muito bom. Sua simplicidade e conhecimento impressiona mesmo. Agradeo muito seu trabalho em postar os vdeos nos ensinando e dando dicas. Deus o abenoe sempre.tima forma de ensinar, parabns.Vo dar like em todos os videos esse cara merece as aulas to timasMeus parabns por suas aulas Josu! Excelente! Obrigado! Ajudou muito!Valeu meu amigo, muito obrigado e parabns pela iniciativaMuito bom .. Meu ajutou muitocomo gosto de suas aulas, sempre venho aqui revisar para mim que estou aprendendo muito bom, espero mais videos, rs.Muito boa suas video aulas , vc est de parabnsE por a vai... Apenas copiei e colei aqui pra vocs. No consigo postar todas aqui porque so muitas rs. Espero que voc tambm se beneficie com este contedo. H! Pode contar comigo quando precisar de ajuda com o contedo blz."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Calisthenics: Straddle Press Handstand" |
"This course focuses on achieving the Straddle Press Handstand. In this mini-course you will go through progression exercises that will test your strength, flexibility and balance for Press 101: Straddle. It will be a challenge if you don't have a handstand practice so I would recommend having a handstand practice or take my Inversions course and come back to this when you have a handstand hold. "
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn the of Fundamentals of Trading Financial Instruments" |
"This course has four sections:The first section provides a global overview of trading. Topics covered include but are not limited to how to choose a broker, start trading, analyze charts and markets, manage risk, and develop the right trading attitude.The second section focuses on how to study charts, indicators, historical prices and patterns to predict future price movements. Topics include but are not limited to charting types, support and resistance, trendlines, reversal patterns, trend continuation patters, stochastic s, Dow theory, Fibonacci, and channels.The third part provides a framework for analyzing and forecasting financial markets using fundamental analysis. Topics include but are not limited to central banks, monetary policy, interest rates, inflation, unemployment, geopolitical events, market sentiment and correlations.The final section emphasizes the importance of using risk management techniques in trading. Topics include but are not limited to setting risk management rules, managing profitable and loosing positions, investing vs. gambling, law of large numbers, position sizing, and correlated trades. This section also highlights the importance of psychology in trading. Topics include but are not limited to how to remain disciplined, manage fear and greed, escape damaging instincts, exit losing positions, and avoid revenge trading. Skills acquired in this section are crucial."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Individual Psychological Therapies with Brain Injury" |
"This course provides an overview of neuropsychotherapy approaches within neuro-rehabilitation settings and brain injury services. Adaptations to psychotherapy technique are provided for CBT, ACT, Mindfulness, CFT. CAT, Psychodynamic, Neurobehavioural, Mind-Body, Systemic, Narrative and Community interventions. These adaptations are made in response to survivor difficulties with episodic memory, working memory and attention, executive goal-orientated functioning, social cognition and aphasia.The approaches are covered with reference to both neuropsychology and rehabilitation theory, and detailed case examples from each modality."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Learn SQL From Scratch" |
"Welcome to my course ""Learn SQL From Scratch"". Today SQL has a great demand in industry. So if you learn this language it will help you to get your dream job also!SQL is a very easy to learn and powerful language. Unlike very long courses, this SQL course doesn't focus on giving you as much information as possible. Instead, it focuses in practical programming showing you the way to build complete SQL program from start to finish. Of course the course covers all the SQL basics in detail and on top of that uses practical examples to illustrate the concepts.Interested in working with data, but don't know where to start? Fret not! this course aims at teaching the basics of SQL in a simple and engaging manner. This course will be useful for those aiming to attending interviews as well as those looking to shift fields to analytics or anything data related."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 Crash Course" |
"Do you want to become a programmer? Do you want to learn how to create games, automate your browser, visualize data, and much more?Then you can do all of this using python! This course will teach you some of the most essential basics of python.If youre looking to learn Python for the very first time or need a quick brush-up, this is the course for you!Python has rapidly become one of the most popular programming languages around the world. Compared to other languages such as Java or C++, Python consistently outranks and outperforms these languages in demand from businesses and job availability. The average Python developer makes over $100,000 - this number is only going to grow in the coming years.Designed for the students with a basic understanding of Python, this training opportunity will focus more on practical video lectures."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Development From Scratch: Hands On Practical Guide" |
"Welcome to my course. This is your one-stop-shop to learn front-end AND back-end development.We'll take you from absolute beginner to competent full-stack web developer in a matter of weeks.WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?Anyone who is curious about programmingEntrepreneursThose looking for a career changeSerious coders & hobbyistsStudents & teenagersAnyone who wants to learn web development"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Descubre cmo tomar buenas decisiones en tu vida" |
"Este curso tiene como finalidad que te conozcas a ti mismo. Si no conoces cmo eres, qu te gusta, qu necesitas, qu es importante para ti, es muy probable que tomes tus decisiones por azar o de forma impulsiva.Sabas que el 95% de las decisiones las tomamos de forma automatiza? Sabes qu es el subconsciente y por qu muchas veces no finalizamos los objetivos que tenemos en mente?En este curso aprenders qu es un problema, tres formas de abordarlo y qu efectos puede tener la decisin que tomes, por ejemplo, en tu autoestima. Tambin aprenders cules son los factores que influyen en nuestra toma de decisiones.Qu aprenders en este curso?Conocers tus necesidades.Tendrs consciencia de los 3 factores que influyen en tus decisiones.Descubrirs las trampas mentales que tenemos.Identificars qu es un problema y cmo abordarlo.Conocers los indicadores dentro de una toma de decisiones.Sabrs qu tipos de decisiones hay.Aprenders qu es el subconsciente y por qu funciona de la manera que funciona.Conocers cmo modificar tu emocin para tomar mejores decisiones.Conocers las variables necesarias para tu propsito de vida"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"MS Excel 2019 Advanced VLOOKUP Formulas and Pivot Tables" |
"Mastering the use of most popular LOOKUP'S and Pivot Tables will allow you to manipulate, extract and Analyze information like never before! The learners becomes experts after following this Video Course. This Complete course is About LOOKUP and References from Formulas and Complete Pivot Tables in Excel. Explained by Industry experts with all their experience here.This course is recorded with the latest version of Excel 2019. All the lectures are explained with the examples and you can download all these excel files and practice the formulas.This Course improves your Excel workflow faster with the true power of Excel lookup-and-reference functions. Course OverviewPivot Tables90% of Excel users do not use Pivot Tables but those that do save hours of time and become valuable assets in their companies.You learn Excel Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts quickly and effectively, download the companion exercise files so you can follow along with the instructor by performing the same actions he is showing you on the videos.By the end, you will be an Expert user of Pivot Tables, able to create reliable analyses which are able to be drilled-down quickly, and you'll be able to help others with their data analysis.Look up FunctionExcel makes it easy to search for values, both in rows and columns. While there are advanced functions also that enable Excel users to search for data ""database-style"", the HLookup and VLookup functions are their simpler-yet-powerful Functions.VLOOKUP was launched in 1985. It has been with Excel from the beginning; it was included in Excel 1 for Macintosh released in 1985. For 34 years, VLOOKUP has been the first lookup function learned by Excel users and our 3rd most used function (after SUM and AVERAGE).Topics CoveredVLOOKUP to the LeftVLOOKUP to Replace Nested IF FormulaVLOOKUP Multiple TablesVLOOKUP Multiple CriteriaVLOOKUP Different Sheets with Same FormulaVLOOKUP Auto Update Column NumberUse of wildcard in VLOOKUPNested VLOOKUP Trick3D LOOKUP with VLOOKUP2D LOOKUP with VLOOKUPHLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, TRANSPOSE, and INDIRECTLearning OutcomesBe an Expert using Powerful Excel functions: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, TRANSPOSE, and INDIRECTConsolidate data from multiple sheets with the INDIRECT functionCreate automatically-expanding references with the OFFSET functionCreate flexible lookups for Excel dashboards with drop-down listsCreate range-based lookups with the ""approximate match""Create two-dimensional lookups by combining VLOOKUP and MATCHFind specific items using the ""exact match""Overcome the limitations of VLOOKUP by using INDEX and MATCHRecognize the value of lookups and references to your specific workflowUse named ranges and Excel tables as reference listsUse TRANSPOSE function to flip your data 90 degrees with links to the original cells"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"""My APUSH Teacher Doesn't Lecture"" APUSH Lectures." |
"This course is designed to summarize and explain big ideas in US History.It is purely to help students understand and organize the information in US History.Informative videos with visual components and support materials available.One on one tutoring available.Opportunities for Q and A with an expert.Test preparation insight and strategies for AP students.Choose the topic you need help with.Short videos.(I am in progress, at this point I have 20th Century in detail, Progressives, US Foreign Policy 1865-1900, America World War I, "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become Time Management & Productivity Master - Get More Done" |
"If you feel under pressure because you're always busy, and you have too much things to do - you're moving from task to task and can't finish anything, then this course is designed exactly to help you focus, develop time management skills and get more things done! I've built this course for those who feel that they are unable to increase their productivity (although some of them have some basic knowledge in time management), in order to help them plan their life better and be on top of everything.I also made this course as practical as possible, since time is the only resource that we can't earn back.This course is divided into five sections, each of them is related to the one before, but every lecture is focusing only on one concept each time, so you can watch it again whenever you feel it's necessary.In the first section we will focus on our Mindset - Because the mindset always comes first, and we need to control it in order to know where our time goes today, and start getting aware. In the second section, we will learn how to get started, and map everything you have to do in your life: from routine tasks to one time tasks you have to complete. By the end of this section, you will be familiar your ""A Point"", and you will already feel much less stressed.At the 3rd section, we will begin the prioritizing stage, we will learn how to make better use of our time by organizing priorities, and always make the correct decision when we choose how to spend our time, following a few simple rules.At the 4th section we will learn how to plan every day and week in our life, using 2 simple systems. We will start get into the flow of time management and simplify our life.And finally, in the last section, we will learn how to execute like champs and become much more productive, get more things done by implementing few easy techniques and rules into our life.Here is what some of my students have to say about the course:Thank you!This course changed my life and my business, I had some basic knowledge on time management, but I never thought it can get this easy to be more productive. before this course I was drafting schedules on paper, writing down everything I had to do the same day, but my mind was still always busy and I felt constant stress. I was very frustrated and searched for a solution, and i ran into this course. by the fourth section, I already felt everything has changed, I got so much more efficient and got twice more done in my business, and I even had more time to spend with my family. Yossi is very knowledgeable on this subject. He uses simple and easy concepts that I will definitely apply to my life. Everything was really easy to understand. Course is very practical and quick to the point. I highly recommend this course if you want to get more things done in your life. by Evanka JuinSimpy easy & Amazing This course was very informative, a lot of new concepts and ideas for me, everything is explained clearly, Yossi is very practical and gets to the point real quick. by John BoltaskinHighly Recommended CourseI took so much from this course, it was very informative, had a lot of great practical examples to apply in life. Thank you very much! by Anne DuskinSo lets jump in and start our journey to become more productive!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Create an Enterprise Architecture Practice Roadmap" |
"I have created a step by step guide using the tools and techniques that I have acquired over a 30 year IMIT career. I will walk you through how I determine the activities needed to achieve a level 5 Enterprise Architecture Maturity level. The key to a successful Enterprise Architecture Practice is how you then implement those activities. Watch for my next course showing how to implement a successful Enterprise Architecture Practice..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Pastel de Nata - Portuguese custard tarts for all levels!" |
"Pastel de Nata is Portugal's most famous sweet treat. Known as Egg Tart (dnt) in Asia and Custard Tarts in many parts of the world, these flaky pastry treats are filled with smooth custard, and it's hard to eat just one at a time. Following this course, you will understand what makes authentic Pastel de Nata different from variations of custard tarts or even egg tarts you might have tried outside Portugal.We will cover all the steps in an easy to follow way, and I will show you the tricks to make your pastries as professional as those you'd find in pastry shops all over my country. We have tips for the dough and also little twists for the custard, to balance flavors and textures beautifully. If you have tasted Pastel de Nata at a Portuguese bakery and you'd love to make some at home, this course will show you how to accomplish that. If you are a professional baker perhaps looking forward to serve genuine custard tarts in your establishment, you can also gather a lot of pro tips following this course! Obrigado!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Become an Expert with the Explain Everything App on iPad" |
"If you are a teacher looking for an alternative to a ""smart board"" or document camera, the explain everything app is the app for you. This app will allow you to write, record, and teach your lessons as you move around your classroom. It also allows you to record and export those lessons to many video streaming sites."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding IPv6" |
"This course provides the initial knowledge and skills in learning IPv6. We have run out of IPv4 public addresses and IPv6 is the Next Generation IP protocol that will take us far into the future. This course is an overview, an introduction, that will serve as a great foundation for understanding what is new in IPv6. It is not even close to being the same as IPv4. Course Details here."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IP Routing 101" |
"Computers and devices attached to the Internet send Internet Protocol (IP) packets to each other when communicating. But how do these packets find their way across the myriad of possible paths, wires, fibers, and radio channels to successfully arrive at their intended destination?This course focuses on the functions that Routers perform in an Internet, and the protocols they use, such as RIP, OSPF and BGP, in the control plane to make Shortest Path First decisions and deliver packets to their intended destinations as quickly and efficiently as possible. Understanding this process is critical in understanding how the Internet actually works."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programa Lder Eficaz" |
"Este no um treinamento apenas de liderana, um programa completo com aulas, exerccios e dinmicas em grupo sobre gesto de pessoas, gesto do tempo, gesto de processo, anlise estratgica e muito mais.O Programa Lder Eficaz foi milimetricamente pensado para ajudar empresrios, empreendedores e executivo a criarem um time de alta performance.Ao longo dos 12 mdulos do treinamento voc ir desenvolver as 8 competncias chave que todo lder de sucesso tem.Liderana e inteligncia emocional: Modelo mental: os 4 passos do aprendizado, como geramos os nossos resultados, o papel das emoes e os fatores internos que geram as emoes; Autoconhecimento: o que , seus componentes, exemplos, importncia e como aumentar o seu autoconhecimento; Necessidades humanas: o que so, veculos das necessidades humanas, tipos de necessidades e como melhorar os resultados; Valores pessoais: o que so, como eles impactam as nossas decises, quais os tipos e como os valores pessoais funcionam; Crenas: o que so, conceito do mapa no o territrio, como so criadas, como elas impactam as nossas decises e quais os tipos; Autocontrole: o que , seus componentes, exemplos, importncia e como aumentar o seu autocontrole; Automotivao: o que , tipos de motivao, exemplos, importncia e como aumentar a sua automotivao; Empatia: o que , seus componentes, exemplos, importncia e como aumentar a sua empatia; Rapport: o que , exemplos, importncia, como criar e como potencializar o seu rapport; Habilidade social: o que , seus componentes, exemplos, importncia e como aumentar as suas habilidades sociais; Liderana gil: o que liderar, quais as caractersticas dos lderes, principais linhas de pesquisa, quais os desafios do futuro e como se separar para eles.Anlise de competncias e comportamental: Assessment DISC: O que , porque fazer, como fazer, onde fazer e ressalvas e consideraes sobre o assessment DISC; Perfis comportamentais: diferena entre personalidade e comportamentos, caractersticas, tendncias, desejos e tipo de liderana dos perfis de Dominncia, Influncia, eStabilidade e Cautela; Mapeamento perfis da equipe: como e onde usar os perfis DISC, como mapear o perfil DISC, quando aplicar cada tipo de mapeamento e como mapear o perfil com observaes; Competncias: o que competncia, conceito CHA, exemplos de competncias, formas de desenvolver as competncias, como apoiar as mudanas de atitudes e como mapear os pontos de desenvolvimento; Liderana situacional: o que so estilos de liderana, qual o melhor estilo de liderana e como adaptar o seu perfil de liderana.Gesto de pessoas: Comprometimento: diferena entre motivao e compromisso, componentes do comprometimento e como aumentar o comprometimento; Motivao: o que , importncia, principais teorias sobre motivao, como motivar as pessoas; Delegar tarefas: o que , quando devemos delegar, como delegar uma tarefa e como potencializar a delegao. Feedback: o que , erros mais comuns, tipos de feedbacks, quando e como dar um feedback imediato, quando e como dar um feedback construtivo, como potencializar o seu feedback, o que feedback 360, vantagem do feedback 360 e como usar o feedback 360; Conflitos de geraes: impacto das mudanas socais, diferenas entre as geraes e como lidar com conflitos de geraes; Atitude ruim: impacto das atitudes ruins, como identificar uma atitude ruim, como lidar com uma atitude ruim e premissas para lidar com uma atitude ruim; Reconhecimento: importncia do reconhecimento, porque difcil reconhecer, o jeito certo de reconhecer e como potencializar o seu reconhecimento; Comemorao: importncia da comemorao, quando devemos comemorar, como devemos comemorar e como criar histrias inesquecveis.Gesto de projetos: Gesto de mudana: por que difcil mudar, como ter aliados para as mudanas, como comunicar as mudanas, por que a sua equipe resiste a mudanas, como ter mais tempo para mudanas, como ajudar as pessoas a aceitarem as mudanas e como potencializar as mudanas; Gesto de erros: o que erro, por que importante errar, por que no aceitamos os erros, quando devemos aceitar um erro, como identificar cada tipo de erro e como aprender com os erros; Comunicao: tipos de comunicao, como ter uma boa comunicao verbal, os 7 Cs da comunicao, canais de comunicao, importncia da comunicao no verbal, padres de linguagem corporal positiva e negativa; Gesto de conflitos: importncia dos conflitos, as causas dos conflitos, como resolver os conflitos e como evitar conflitos.Gesto de processos: Produtividade: o que , exemplos, porque medir, desafios para aumentar a produtividade, o que aumentar a produtividade de fato e como mensurar a produtividade; Decises em grupos: quando compartilhar uma deciso, como chegar ao consenso, como fazer uma votao, como fazer uma consulta ao grupo, como fazer uma consulta individual e como tomar uma deciso unilateral; Gesto de processos: o que , importncia, o que um processo, o que e como fazer uma poltica, o que e como fazer um procedimento, o que e como fazer uma instruo de trabalho, o que e como fazer registros e controles e como analisar anomalias.Definio de objetivos e metas: Objetivo: o que , qual a diferena entre objetivo e meta, como potencializar os seus objetivos atravs da tcnica de visualizao; Metas: porque importante ter metas, como definir (SMART), como validar (PURE), como potencializar as metas; Recompensas: porque importante, como definir e quais os tipos de recompensas.Definio da estratgia: Matriz SWOT: o que SWOT, como funciona o processo de anlise, como fazer o diagnstico da situao atual, como fazer o levantamento das aes e definio dos projetos e aes; Tomada de deciso: os erros mais comuns na tomada de decises, o que vis cognitivo, como evitar os vieses cognitivos e desafios para tomar decises; Definio da estratgia: o que estratgia, exemplos de estratgia, nveis de estratgia, como definir a estratgia, como implementar a estratgia (PDCA) e como gerenciar a entrega da estratgia; Alavancagem: o que alavancagem, quais as formas de alavancagem e porque difcil criar parcerias.Gesto do tempo: Planejamento semanal: porque importante ter uma agenda, opes de onde organizar a sua agenda, passo a passo para organizar a sua agenda e desafios para criar a rotina de planejamento; Lista de tarefas: porque importante ter uma, onde organizar a sua lista de tarefas, como organizar, os desafios para ter uma lista de tarefas e como fazer a gesto de novas tarefas; Gesto do tempo da equipe: os principais desafios da gesto do tempo, como lder melhora os indivduos, como lder melhora a equipe, opes de onde organizar as tarefas da equipe e como organizar as tarefas da equipe; Priorizao: tipos de priorizao, principais ferramentas de priorizao, quando e como usar cada ferramenta; Reunies eficazes: porque ns fazemos reunies, o que faz o facilitador, como realizar uma reunio produtiva, os tipos de reunies e as boas prticas para conduzir reunies; Gesto de e-mails: erros mais comuns nos e-mails, como escrever e-mails efetivamente e como gerenciar os seus e-mails efetivamente; Gesto de interrupes: como as interrupes impactam a sua vida, principais origens das interrupes e como reagir as interrupes; Organizao: importncia da organizao, por que difcil manter a organizao, como melhorar a sua organizao e como melhorar a organizao da sua equipe; Evitando as distraes: impacto das distraes, principais formas de distrao e como aumentar a sua concentrao;"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Primeiros Passos na Gesto Financeira" |
"Quer organizar as finanas da sua empresa mas no sobra tempo pra isso?Ao longo de 10 anos de experincia ajudando pequenas e mdias empresas a organizarem suas finanas, percebi que a maioria das pequenas empresas desperdia tempo por falta de conhecimentos bsicos.E apesar de existir muito contedo bom disponvel gratuitamente na internet, a rotina de quem toma conta de uma pequena empresa muitas vezes no permite que voc se dedique a tudo que importa.Por isso, resolvi resumir em um curso curto somente o conhecimento essencial de gesto financeira para pequenas empresas. Os tpicos selecionados vo te ajudar a saber por onde comear a organizar as finanas da sua empresa e conseguir ter mais tempo disponvel.Esse curso para voc se:- um pequeno empresrio- Tem pouco tempo disponvel- Quer cuidar melhor das finanas da sua empresaEspero que faa bom proveito do contedo. Sempre que precisar de ajuda, fale comigo nos comentrios das lies ou diretamente por email.Abrao!Dhan"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Revenue Cycle and Healthcare Finance - Rev Cycle Ready" |
"Nine out of ten healthcare administration employees wish they had learned more about revenue cycle, finance, and big data analytics during their graduate schooling. This course will prepare students with a better understanding of these topics by diving deep into RVUs, Denials, Write-Offs, AR, and the Revenue Cycle. No matter your skill level, this course can help you add more value to your organization."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Excel Profissional 4.0" |
"O Microsoft Excel uma ferramenta poderosa em mos habilidosas. O objetivo deste curso ensinar o aluno a ser produtivo no Excel, desenvolvendo o que realmente for solicitado, sem perda de tempo, desenvolver planilhas com frmulas complexas, aplicar raciocnios para chegar em objetivos, controles gerais, grficos impactantes e interativos, funes de pesquisas e controles gerais, apresentaes complexas e profissionais e muito mais, com exemplos de atividades reais, utilizadas no dia a dia nas empresas. O grande diferencial deste curso que voc no ir aprender a decorar frmulas do Excel, e sim aprender a conversar com o Excel, a LER AS SINTAXES das funes, sabendo qual a frmula que ser utilizada e como configur-la. As aulas so apresentadas em vdeos curtos, deixando o contedo mais dinmico e fcil para estudar, podendo ser consultado com facilidade, quase como um dicionrio de vdeos do Excel. As pastas de trabalho para download so interativas e garantem que todos os pontos sejam captados em tempo real."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"AMOS ile Yapsal Eitlik Modellemesi ve Faktr Analizleri" |
"Kurs aadaki uygulamalar iermektedir:Faktr Analizleri Girii ve Kefedici Faktr Analizi Uygulama Faktr analizinin varsaymlar ve bu varsaymlarn testi Faktr analizi ynteminin seilmesi Faktr saysnn belirlenmesi Faktrlerin dzenlenmesi Gvenilirlik Kefedici F.A. (EFA) ve Onaylayc F.A. (CFA) temel farklarVerinin gzden geirilmesi Missing data Batan savma cevaplamalarn kefedilmesi Outliers (srekli deikenleriniz var ise) Deikenlerin gzden geirilmesi Skewness & KurtosisConfirmatory Factor Analysis Onaylayc Faktr Analizi ve Uygulama Kabaca yeterli bir modele ulalmas (cursory model fit, geerlilik) Do configural, metric, and scalar invariance tests (if using grouping variablein causal model) Eer nedensel modelinizde oklu gruplarla analizyapyorsanz konfigurasyon, metrik ve skalar invariance testi yaplmas. Geerlilik ve gvenilirlik testleri (Eer ortak metod varyans tespit edilmi isegeerlilik ve gvenilirlik testinden nce CLF kaldrlmal ve testler yleyaplmaldr. Fakat faktr skorlarn yklenirken geri koyulmaldr.) Cevaplarda yanllk testi (dier adyla common method bias (ortak methodvaryans): CLF (Common latent factor) Son modelin uygunluk testleri Faktr skorlarnn yklenmesi (opsiyonel SEM)EK: ""Reflective/formative constructs"" kinci seviye faktrler (second order constructs)Yapsal Modeller - (SEM) / Yol (Path) Analizi ve Uygulama Tm analizler iin kontrol deikenlerinin eklenmesi Araclk Mediation Etkileimler (Interactions) - Dzenleyicilik (Moderation) Anlaml etkileimleri izin/gsterin oklu grup kyaslamalar (Multigroup analyses) Dzenleyici etkinin (gruplar aras model fark) anlamll iin Kikare testi yaplmas"
Price: 349.99 ![]() |
"NEW CCNA 200-301 PART 4/6 - Security" |
"This course is the Fourth Part of CCNA 200-301 Video Series by Triple CCIE Certified Trainer Sikandar Shaik (CCIEx3 - RS/SP/SEC) This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA certification. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020.The new CCNA program to prepare you for todays associate-level job roles in IT technologies. CCNA now includes security and automation and programmability. The program has one certification that covers a broad range of fundamentals for IT careers, with one exam and one training course to help you prepare.Newly retooled for the latest technologies and job roles, the CCNA training course and exam give you the foundation you need to take your career in any direction. CCNA certification covers a breadth of topics, including:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsAutomation and programmability"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NEW CCNA 200-301 PART 5/6 - Wireless-Automation-Services" |
"This course is the Fifth Part of CCNA 200-301 Video Series by Triple CCIE Certified Trainer Sikandar Shaik (CCIEx3 - RS/SP/SEC) This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA certification. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020.The new CCNA program to prepare you for todays associate-level job roles in IT technologies. CCNA now includes security and automation and programmability. The program has one certification that covers a broad range of fundamentals for IT careers, with one exam and one training course to help you prepare.Newly retooled for the latest technologies and job roles, the CCNA training course and exam give you the foundation you need to take your career in any direction. CCNA certification covers a breadth of topics, including:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsAutomation and programmability"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MikroTik Monitoring with LABS" |
"In every production network, monitoring is an essence. What if you can do monitoring with very advanced features and the software that you get is for FREE? Yes that's possible. MikroTik offer The Dude software free of charge. This software is used to monitor network devices, controlling them using its tools and getting notifications once a problem on the device occur.However, making The Dude up and running is not very easy and many engineers don't know how to use it. For this reason, I have designed this course which speaks in details about MikroTik The Dude and its features using practical LABS so you can apply this directly to your network.Additionally, I have added a lecture in the 1st section of the course showing how you can monitor the bandwidth traffic used by each user per IP on graphs. This is independent from The Dude itself.If you want to monitor your network devices correctly using MikroTik The Dude software and know what this software can give you as features, I advise you to join this course and I am sure that I will help you to understand this topic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gua prctica para comprar acciones en la Bolsa de USA" |
"Con este curso vas a poder insertarte, rpidamente, en la Bolsa de Valores de los Estados Unidos. Brindando una excelente oportunidad para que puedas aprender a generar un ingreso en dlares. Al finalizarlo estars en condiciones de manejarte con soltura dentro de la plataforma de operaciones financieras de ThinkorSwim (broker de la Bolsa de Valores de USA) desde donde realizars operaciones de compra y venta de acciones de empresas como Facebook, Linkedin, Apple, Ford, o bien, compra o venta de Fondos de Inversin que cotizan en la Bolsa denominados ETF como por ejemplo fondos en oro, plata etc. Todo desde la comodidad de tu casa. Adems estars en condiciones de practicar todo lo aprendido en forma virtual (con una plataforma demo), con el fin de no arriesgar dinero real hasta que adquieras la confianza suficiente. Sabrs adems, analizar tcnicamente las acciones con el fin de determinar las tendencias como as tambin vas a aprender a identificar los soportes, resistencias y a configurar las medias mviles con el objetivo de adoptar una mejor decisin a la hora de invertir. Por ltimo vas a aprender a analizar, monitorear los resultados de tus operaciones y a configurar alarmas de precios."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Stock Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors (NEW 2020)" |
"Attention Traders, Investors & Stock Market Lovers!Finally You'll Master All Advanced Stock Trading Tactics and Proven Hacks & Consistently Grow Your Portfolio With Ease. Get Results or Your Money Back!The Stock Trading Bootcamp is designed to provide you with a complete step-by-step system for stock trading. This course will help you build a strong solid technical analysis foundation so that you can easily earn extra profits weekly trading stocks from home.In this course, you'll master how to use the most effective technical indicators on earth along with candlesticks and chart patterns to easily predict the next market moves with high accuracy.You'll also learn secret hacks like profitable stock trading strategies, how to trade with Fibonacci tools, advanced support & resistance tactics, and a lot more...In this course, you will learn... Master All Advanced Stock Trading Strategies & Profitable Hacks With Real World Examples Included!How to Build a Solid Strong Technical Analysis Foundation For Stock TradingHow to Use Technical Indicators Effectively For Stock TradingHow to Trade Horizontal Support & Resistance LevelsHow to Trade Fibonacci & Fibonacci ExtensionsHow to Trade Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)How to Trade Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)How to Trade Bollinger Bands (BB)How to Trade Parabolic Stop & Reverse (Parabolic SAR)How to Trade Candlestick Patterns Effectively Along With Technical IndicatorsHow to Trade Engulfing CandlesticksHow to Trade Harami CandlesticksHow to Trade Hammer & Hanging Man CandlesticksHow to Trade Doji CandlesticksHow to Trade Marubozu CandlesticksHow to Trade Inverted Hammer & Shooting Star CandlesticksHow to Trade Morning & Evening Star CandlesticksHow to Trade Three White Soldiers & Three Black Crows CandlesticksHow to Trade Chart Patterns Effectively Along With Technical IndicatorsHow to Trade Rounding Tops & BottomsHow to Trade Rectangle Tops & BottomsHow to Trade Double Tops & BottomsHow to Trade Head & ShouldersHow to Trade Cup & HandleHow to Trade Dead Cat BounceHow to Trade Wedges & TrianglesHow to Trade Flags & PennantsAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after having this stock trading system...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Stock Trading Bootcamp and become a ninja stock trader, start making a good living trading online, and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Stock Trading SkillsListen, if you dont get how important mastering these stock trading strategies is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, learn all the profitable stock trading hacks, and start trading from home today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors 2020" |
"Attention Crypto Traders, Investors & Wealth Seekers! Finally You'll Discover All Proven Secret Crypto Trading Strategies & Start Earning Passive Income Online Trading Bitcoin & Altcoin. Get Results or Your Money Back!The Cryptocurrency Trading Bootcamp is designed to bring you a complete technical analysis system for trading the booming cryptocurrency market. With this proven system, you can beat the market and grow your portfolio as easy as counting 3...2...1...In this course, you'll learn how to predict the next price movements of any coin using support/resistance and Fibonacci levels. By knowing these hacks, you can easily maximize your returns while significantly reduce your risks.You'll also master how to trade 25+ best performing candlesticks and chart patterns that work incredibly well in the crypto market. This course will help you become a profitable crypto trader in the shortest time possible.In this course, you will learn... Master All Advanced Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies & Profitable Hacks With Real World Examples Included!How to Build a Solid Strong Technical Analysis Foundation For Cryptocurrency TradingHow to Use Chart Analysis Strategies For Crypto TradingHow to Trade Key Support & Resistance LevelsHow to Trade Golden Fibonacci LevelsHow to Trade Moving Averages (MA)How to Trade Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)How to Trade Bollinger Bands (BB)How to Trade Relative Strength Index (RSI)How to Use Chart Pattern Strategies For Crypto TradingHow to Trade Double Tops & BottomsHow to Trade Rectangle Tops & BottomsHow to Trade Rounding Tops & BottomsHow to Trade Wedges & TrianglesHow to Trade Flags & PennantsHow to Trade Head & ShouldersHow to Trade Cup & HandleHow to Trade Dead Cat BounceHow to Use Candlestick Strategies For Crypto TradingHow to Trade Doji CandlesticksHow to Trade Engulfing CandlesticksHow to Trade Harami CandlesticksHow to Trade Marubozu CandlesticksHow to Trade Hammer & Hanging Man CandlesticksHow to Trade Inverted Hammer & Shooting Star CandlesticksHow to Trade Morning & Evening Star CandlesticksHow to Trade Three White Soldiers & Three Black Crows CandlesticksAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after utilizing these proven strategies, secret tactics and cheat sheets ...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Cryptocurrency Trading Bootcamp and become a ninja trader and start multiplying your wealth in this crypto era.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Crypto Trading SkillsListen, if you dont get how important this skill is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, get all the tools you need, and start growing your investment portfolio today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors (NEW 2020)" |
"Attention Forex Traders, Investors & Wealth Seekers! Finally You'll Start Earning Daily Income Online Trading The Forex Market With These Proven Secret Trading Strategies. Get Results or Your Money Back!The Forex Trading Bootcamp is designed to turn you into a master Forex trader in a just a matter of weeks by providing a strong solid technical analysis system for trading the Forex market.In this course, you'll discover how to identify market trends and conditions using advanced technical indicators. By mastering these proven strategies, you can boost your trading return and consistently grow your portfolio with ease.You'll also master how to trade price action profitably with the most effective chart patterns and candlesticks on earth. This course will help you become a profitable Forex trader in the shortest time possible.In this course, you will learn... Master All Advanced Forex Trading Strategies & Profitable Hacks With Real World Examples Included!How to Build a Solid Strong Technical Analysis Foundation For Forex TradingHow to Use Technical Indicators Effectively For Forex TradingHow to Trade Support & Resistance In Forex MarketHow to Trade Pivot Points (PP)How to Trade Bollinger Bands (BB)How to Trade Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)How to Trade Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)How to Trade Commodity Channel Index (CCI)How to Trade Stochastic & Relative Strength Index (RSI)How to Use Chart Patterns Effectively For Forex TradingHow to Trade Head & ShouldersHow to Trade Cup & HandleHow to Trade Wedges & TrianglesHow to Trade Flags & PennantsHow to Trade Double Tops & BottomsHow to Trade Rounding Tops & BottomsHow to Trade Rectangle Tops & BottomsHow to Use Candlestick Patterns Effectively For Forex TradingHow to Trade Hammer & Hanging Man CandlesticksHow to Trade Inverted Hammer & Shooting Star CandlesticksHow to Trade Doji CandlesticksHow to Trade Bullish & Bearish Marubozu CandlesticksHow to Trade Bullish & Bearish Engulfing CandlesticksHow to Trade Bullish & Bearish Harami CandlesticksHow to Trade Three White Soldiers & Three Black Crows CandlesticksHow to Trade Morning & Evening Star CandlesticksAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after mastering these unrevealed Forex trading strategies ...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Forex Trading Bootcamp and start trading the smart way, quadruple your wealth and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Forex Trading SkillsListen, if you dont get how important learning Forex trading strategies is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, leverage the Forex market, and start building an extra reliable income stream today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AngularDart - Build Dynamic Web Apps with Angular & Dart" |
"Angular is a platform for building web ( as well as mobile and desktop ) apps. It's one of the most popular modern web development frameworks in the World. AngularDart is a web app framework, created by Google, which leverages the Angular platform. AngularDart focuses on providing a more productive, high-performance and stable way of building Angular apps using the Dart Programming Language. Google engineers use AngularDart in their most lucrative applications since AngularDart provides the sophistication and stability needed to produce such critical applications.In this course, you will be learning how to use AngularDart and build amazing web applications with it!Here's what you'll be learning:Set up your development machine to start learning AngularDartAngular (Dart) Architecture and how the Framework worksAngular Components and how they workBuild Reusable ComponentsServices in AngularDartAngular DirectivesCreating Custom DirectivesData BindingForms and Form ValidationHTTP - Saving Data to Firebase Realtime DatabaseAngularDart PipesRouting and NavigationBuild a full-fledged AnguldarDart Applications from beginning to endBuild and Deploying an AngularDart Application to Firebase HostingAdditionally, you'll have access to challenges/Exercises along the way, so you can practice what you learn, as well as: Lifetime Access to All Future UpdatesA responsive Instructor to answer questionsResources to further your knowledgeUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready to Download upon finishing the courseA 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Learning AngularDart is going to set you apart from the crowd. It's an easy, fun framework to work with and you'll be happy that you took the initiative to get started.Don't overthink it. Just enroll and start learning AngularDart - the next level of crafting maintainable, high-performance and stable modern Web Applications!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |