Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Cinema 4D - Realistisches Rendern" |
"In diesem Kurs bringe ich euch bei, wie ihr mit verschiedenen Techniken realistische Lichtschwerter mit Cinema 4D erstellen knnt. Der Aufbau ist wie folgt:Vorbereitung: Hier werden wir ein fotorealistisches Studio fr die Objekte erstellen. Zustzlich erhaltet ihr ein hochwertiges 4K hochauflsendes HDRI Pack (700MB)Darth Revans Lichtschwert:Darth Mauls LichtschwertLukes Lichtschwert aus Episode 6Anakins LichtschwertZu den jeweiligen Abschnitten erhaltet ihr Downloads mit allen bentigten Texturen, die original C4D Dateien sowie die fertigen Bilder in Full HD AuflsungZum Rendern wird Redshift bentigt, was aber auch nur Optional ist, da die Art der Modellierung identisch ist."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-301 Configuration Labs With Packet Tracer" |
"In ""Cisco CCNA 200-301 Configuration Labs With Packet Tracer"" training , we will cover All Updated CCNA 200-301 Labs. Here, we will focus on the Updated CCNA 200-301 Configurations and we will practice all the configurations of New CCNA 200-301. The old version of this certification was CCNA 200-301, CCNA Routing and Switching.During this course, you will learn How to Configure Cisco Routers and Switches. You will be ready for your Cisco CCNA 200-301 Exam with Excellent CCNA Configuration Examples. You will find All CCNA 200-301 Labs you need and you will gain Hands on Experience.Beside Cisco Configuration Labs, to test yourself on CCNA 200-301 Configurations, a fantastic Lesson Quiz will be also waiting for you after each configuration lesson. So, to have Hands on Experience on Cisco Routers & Switches and be ready for Cisco CCNA 200-301 Exam, let's Learn, Practice and Test! *** In this trainining, you will focus on only CCNA 200-301 Labs, you will not lose time with other configurations***This Updated CCNA 200-301 Labs Training is prepared for:The Students who are studying for Updated CCNA 200-301 Exam,The Network Engineers that wants to learn New CCNA Lessons or update their knowledge,The Network Technicians that would like to practice on Updated CCNA 200-301 Configurations,The Network Fans who want to gain Hand on experience on Cisco Switches and Routers, The IT Guys, who would like to have the most popular IT Certification, Cisco CCNA Certification,The Computer Networks Students on their computer networks lessons,Any Technology Guru who wants to develop his/herself on Networking World!In this ""Cisco CCNA 200-301 Configuration Labs With Packet Tracer"", you will learn:IPv4 ConfigurationIPv4 SubnettingIPv6 ConfigurationVLAN ConfigurationInterswitch, Trunk ConfigCDP ConfigurationLLDP ConfigurationEtherchannel LACP ConfigurationWireless LAN ConfigurationIPv4 Static Routing ConfigurationIPv6 Static Routing ConfigurationOSPFv2 ConfigurationStatic NAT ConfigurationDynamic NAT ConfigurationPAT ConfigurationNTP ConfigurationSyslog ConfigurationDHCP ConfigurationDHCP Relay ConfigurationSSH ConfigurationLocal Password ConfigurationStandard Access List ConfigurationExtended Access List ConfigurationDHCP Snooping ConfigurationARP Inspection ConfigurationPort Security ConfigurationWLAN WPA2 PSK ConfigurationInterpret JSON Encoded DataWelcome to ""Cisco CCNA 200-301 Configuration Labs With Packet Tracer"" :)Good Luck..!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"photoshop 101 - 501" |
"Prepare to tackle some of Photoshops most powerful tools! We guarantee youll never look at layers and adjustments the same way again. Discover best practices that any photographer and retoucher can use and take the next step on your Photoshop journey.Create Presets to Save TimeStop wasting time making the same image adjustments over and over. Learn how to create presets to save time by applying the same adjustments to any image or group of images instantly.Learn Every Adjustment LayerAdjustment layers allow you to change color, exposure and more. Plus, they are non-destructive which allows you to easily go back and change their effects. There are countless adjustment layers to choose from which is why there is an entire section teaching adjustment layers.Create and Script PatternsLearn how to create patterns from scratch in Photoshop using any shape. Once you create a pattern, learn how to fill your image with different variations of the pattern. You will be amazed at what you can do with patterns in Photoshop.Save Time with ActionsActions allow you to save time by recording your steps in Photoshop. Once you record a sequence of steps, you can apply the exact same sequence to any image. Creating actions can be tricky because they need to work on different images. Learn the best way to create and use actions in Photoshop.Retouch, Quick and SimpleLearn simple retouching techniques that you can use on any portrait. We focus on making a big difference in a short amount of time. Work on what matters without wasting time on what doesnt.Add FiltersPhotoshop offers hundreds of filters to enhance your images. Some of them are made to give your images an artistic spin, others are used for photo enhancement. Learn how to use the complete library of Photoshop filters to reach new heights with your images."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AIGPE's Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Simulation Exam" |
"Looking to achieve AIGPE's Six Sigma Black Belt Certification?Six Sigma Black Belt Certification is a gold standard for Process Improvement. AIGPE Certification is a global recognition for Lean and Six Sigma Certification for professionals worldwide. The professional credentials offered by AIGPE represent personal accomplishment and symbolize a certain level of competency. In this sense, these credentials serve as artifacts that evidence your scope and depth of knowledge, skills, and experience. The pursuit of AIGPE certifications and its credentials not only brings great benefit to you at an individual level; they also convey substantive value to employers.This simulation exam will help you prepare for AIGPE's Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Exam. It contains 100 multiple choice questions. The simulation exam will guide you in understanding what type of questions to expect in the Certification Exam. It includes following type of questions:Graphical Tests related questionsStatistical Analysis related questionsTricky as well as regular questionsThis simulation exam is necessary to equip you with the necessary skills and abilities to be successful in the final AIGPE Black Belt Certification exam.100 questions are divided into two tests of 50 questions each. You are expected to finish one test, take a quick break and come back to do the second test. Although AIGPE Black Belt Certification exam does not have a time-limit, you are required to finish the entire exam in one-sitting (that is, once you start the exam, you should ensure it is completed till the end). This simulation exam helps you prepare mentally, physically and emotionally for the final exam.At the end of each test you can see your total percentage score for the test. For answers that are incorrect, you are expected to explore those topics by going through the video lectures and activities.You can review each question and sort them as correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.Do this Simulation exam multiple times to see the grasp of your knowledge on the course material. You can take this Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Simulation Exam as many times as you want, the questions and the answer order is randomized. I would suggest 60%+ of right answers consistently on all Six Sigma phases using multiple practice tests before applying for the certification exam.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to prepare for your AIGPE Six Sigma Black Belt Certification today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Agile Fingers - Crete viteza de tastare" |
"Probabil te ntrebi de ce s nvei tastarea rapid? La fel de bine te poi ntreba de ce s faci un lucru mai repede i mai bine. Pentru c ai de ctigat timp n primul rnd, iar dac ajungi s ctigi timp, sigur economiseti bani i energie ? De ce s te chinui s scrii ceva la calculator timp de o ora, tastnd cu dou degete, cnd poi redacta acelai text n numai 10 minute, dac nvei metod de dactilografiere rapid?Cursul de dactilografiere pe care i-l propun este ideal dac vitez de tastare este sub 30-35 de cuvinte pe minute. Dup acest curs vei scrie mult mai repede, i vei dubla sau tripla vitez de scriere la calculator, laptop, tablet etc, nvnd o tehnic profesionist, care urmrete creterea vitezei n paralel cu reducerea efortului de scriere, prin crearea reflexelor i folosirea unei poziii corecte la scris. Metod prezentat n curs se numete metod oarb. Ea presupune tastarea fr privirea tastelor i este regul de aur a acestui curs. n englez, aceast metod se numete touch typing.Dac vei face cte 2-3 lecii sptmnal, vei scrie la tastatur mult mai uor i mai repede dect scrii de mn. i nu vei mai privi deloc tastele. Indiferent de tastatura i limba pe care alegi s o nvei, dactilografierea i va aduce avantaje toat viaa! Coninutul acoper 4 arii principale:Structura tastaturii: n care vei afla liniile de baz ale tastaturii, poziia iniial a degetelor de pe tastatur i modul de mutare a acestora prin taste pentru a tasta foarte rapid i eficient.Simboluri & Numere: unde vei nva cum s introduci numere i simboluri folosind aceleai reguli i principii n seciunea anterioar, ar trebui s fie uor.Practica: aceasta este cea mai important seciune, voi aduga i meniona alte instrumente, cum ar fi site-uri web i software online, care te vor ajuta n a practica tastarea rapid.Recomandri: note generale i sfaturi care te vor ajuta s tastezi ct mai rapid i corect.Voi mbina n cadrul cursului coninut video cu text i imagine, ntruct mbinarea metodelor asigur receptivitate i asimilare mai ridicat a informaiei. Cu o varietate de resurse de a alege, cu sfaturile i resursele pe care le menionez, cele mai grele cuvinte i texte vor deveni uor de tiprit. Te asigur c dac vei urma toate exerciiile din acest curs, viteza ta de scriere va fi de cel puin 60 de cuvinte pe minut i, desigur i mai mult. Totul depinde de tine! ?La finalul cursului, vei fi capabil s:S tastezi cu 10 degete fr control vizual n redactorul textual cu o vitez nu mai mic de 60-100 simboluri pe minut.S mreti independent viteza de dactilografiere pn la 150-400 simboluri pe minut, ntr-o perioad foarte scurt.Nu ncerca s parcurgi cursul ns prea repede. Trebuie s treac noaptea pentru c reflexele s se formeze. Metoda se bazeaz pe crearea de reflexe neuropsihice (cnd scrii de mn, nu te ntrebi cum se scrie litera a). Nu te grbi cnd tocmai ai nceput s nvei. Accelereaz numai atunci cnd degetele atinge cheile corecte din obinuin.Ia-i timpul cnd tastezi pentru a evita greelile. Viteza se va ridica n timp ce progresezi.Scaneaz ntotdeauna textul cu un cuvnt sau dou n avans.Cui se adreseaz acest curs:Elevi care doresc s-i fac temele i s scrie rapid eseuriOricine care are un rol ce implic dactilografierea unor volume mari de text: Asistent manager, traductor, cercettor ... etcOricine dorete s creasc viteza de scriereToate vrstele"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marker Drawing Techniques For Beginners" |
"Working with markers in our illustrations adds a strong punch of color to every page. There are a lot of special methods and tools for getting unique flavors to our marker artworks beyond the normal ""stroke""and ""fill"" methods of drawing. We'll explore blending, watercolor effects, color palettes, switching between opaque and transparent markers, and more!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Angular9Node.jsJavaScriptWEB |
"Angular9NodejsJavaScript WEBWebAngularngFormbcryptMongoDBNoSQLJWTJSON Web TokenHerokuWebPMCTOVPoE UdemyQADM"
Price: 19200.00 ![]() |
"Internet Security for the work from home Parents" |
"Parenting is hard! Making sure your family is safe and secure on the internet is a common struggle between homes. With most parents at a disadvantage to the latest understanding of technology the family home has an increased risk to online threats.In this course you will be provided all of the basics ways parents can implement to increase network security in their home.Set internet usage time, block porn sites, see browsing history, and more!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"English Language & Skills Development" |
"English Language & Skills Development (ELSD)Course Overview:Getting degrees is not enough to succeed in the competitive world of international business. Communication and Professional skills are demanded too. I am offering this program to turn you into a professional with effective communication skills that can overcome all the obstacles of your career.Who may enroll?This program is specially designed for people who are facing challenges in their education and professional lives, The program does not only offer proper guideline but also offer expert coaching for success in local and international examinations, certificate, job and visa interviews. The program is equally suited to those who are facing problems in their jobs because of a lack of communication skills and professional training.Features & scope of the course:It not only helps you to develop grammar and pronunciation skills but also provides you with the opportunity to develop effective professional speaking skills. The program guides you about your career and equips you with all the professional skills that will lead you to your destination.Having completed this course, you will be able to pass local and international examinations like BA, IELTS, City & Guides, job & visa interview, etc. successfully. It is a comprehensive course that covers all the essential aspects of the English language you require for a successful career.Characteristics of Communication skillsFluency ClearAppropriate PersuasiveImpressiveConciseCourse contents:Morphology to learn vocabularySyntax to learn Grammer]IPA to learn PronunciationReceptive Skills (Reading & Listening)Productive Skills (Writing & Speaking)Presentation Skills"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Test-1" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role and have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.The AWS Certified Solutions Architect-Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform in a Solutions Architect role. This exam validates an examinees ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies. It validates an examinees ability to Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements. Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to an organization throughout the life cycle of a project. (2020)Amazon EC2 25 QuestionsAmazon S3 25 QuestionsAmazon IAM 26 QuestionsAmazon RDS 25 QuestionsAmazon VPC 25 Questions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
ilhxxtmo |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Ultimate Theme Developer guide for Prestashop 1.7" |
"Since it's release in December 2018, Prestashop kept growing and improving deeply on core level.One of the major improvement are manifested in the new THEME eco-system.Themes in Prestashop 1.7 are a hole new level comparing to it's predecessor (1.6).A lot of new features are introduced such as:The templates organisationNew smarty methodsthe Widget APIetc...This course is build with simplicity in mind using the latest code updates from the official GitHub repository of Prestashop.By the end of this course i 100% guaranty that:You'll understand the mechanism behind the new Theme systemYou'll be able to manipulate and debug themesYou'll have the knowledge to BUILD A VERY CUSTOMIZED THEMEThe source code used during the course can be downloaded from the attachments."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Transformacin Digital con Microsoft Teams" |
"Amplia tus conocimientos y da un gran salto a la transformacin digital en tu organizacin con Teams.En este curso veremos como hacer uso de Microsoft Teams a fondo, veremos cada una de las capacidades que nos brinda esta increble aplicacin a fin de poder implementarlo en nuestro da a da y as poder optimizar el trabajo en nuestra organizacin."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Scientist/Artificial Intelligence(Ai) Master Class 2020" |
"The Course is Designed from scratch for Beginners as well as for Experts.*PYTHON Py Version for the following will be added shortly.*Learn the skills of tomorrow, the silicon valley wayFocus on extracting insights from data of any form or shape using multitude of statistical disciplines for the purpose of creating new products & services or improve the existing ones by predicting its probability in a event. And as the enormity of data is on the rise, there is a desperate need for professionals with data science skills to get valuable insights on it. According to NYTimes there are fewer than 10,000 qualified people in the world and universities are only graduating about 100 candidates each year.Why data science is so important? Twitter Since 2015, the number of posts increased 45% to more than 850,000 tweets per minute. YouTube usage has more than tripled in the last two years with user uploading 400 hours of new video each minute of every day. Instagram users like 2.5 million posts every minute! Google Around 4 million Google searches are conducted worldwide each minute of everyday. Finally, data send and received by mobile internet users 1500 000TB. So, with the above examples of how much data gets generated, now how much hidden insights and patterns for accurate future predictions that we can actually achieve by using data science.According to Forbes, annual demand for Data Scientist jobs for United States itself will increase by 364 million by 2020.The average salary for a Data Scientist is $113,436.What are the career progression path for data science professionals? Data Scientist: with a vast knowledge of Data Science, with Machine Learning and Business Intelligence tools. Data Scientist stands high as the Everest. Data Analyst: in 2020, the world will generate data 50times more than now and with each day passes by the data generated is infinity and with that to analyze those data, data analyst jobs will never have to see the face of recession. In linkedin itself there are average 400 new jobs for every 12 hour. Data Science Trainer: in this present date with a lack of the knowledge of these advance data science techniques gives a vast opportunity to become the fountain of data science for others. Business analyst: with the role of defining and managing the business requirements, business analyst takes the lead in every business decision making process of organization."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Natural Language Processing(NLP) COUPONCODE :EARLYBIRD100" |
"Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the new area of computer science and AI concerned with the application of computational techniques to the analysis and synthesis of natural language & speech. By combining the power of AI & computational linguistics NLP gives systems the ability to understand, interpret and manipulate human language by simulating the human ability to understand a language. Natural Language Processing is at the center of AI revolution adds features like understanding the sentiments, cluster of words used or predict the next response and augmented with systems boosts the computing power with less human interface. Thus we have designed and bundled this course for all skill levels even if one have no programming skills or statistical background.This course features on:Next Gen Intelligence: Learn and master the power of AI with computational linguistics in world's leading R programming language.Core Ai: The course covers all the key concepts of NLP from replicating functions of the human mind to predicting.Real World Case Studies: To leverage your overall learning experience we have bundled the course with real life data for hands-on experience to solve real world problems.Learning OutcomeLearn and master data transformation, create text corpus, remove spare terms with Tm package and manipulate text data using regular expression.Perform sentiment analysis to know the negative or the positive response and topic modeling using LDA to identify the topics of 1000 documents without being going through each.Understand the connection of each words using Network analysis or even cluster the words used to solve problems like search keywords used to arrive on the website."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
for-mailmagazine-beginners |
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Contrle de gestion: Les prvisions et la gestion budgtaire" |
"Que vont apprendre les participants inscrits votre cours ?Dcouvrir le mtier d'un contrleur de gestion et son rleL'importance de la gestion budgtaire pour une entrepriselaborer un budget des ventes d'une entrepriselaborer un budget de production d'une entrepriselaborer un budget des approvisionnements et son optimisationFaire le choix d'investissement et de financementL'laboration du budget de trsorerieY a-t-il des exigences ou prrequis pour ce cours ?L'esprit d'apprentissageL'esprit de la recherche pour complter ce que vous aller voir dans ce coursLa comprhension des mathmatiquesDes connaissances en statistiques, mathmatique, recherche oprationnelle..., sont souhaitables, rien que pour faciliter la comprhensionQuels sont les participants cibls?Les entrepreneursLes intresss par le contrle de gestionLes dbutants et qui dsirent apprendre de la gestion budgtaire et les prvisionsLes amateurs des prvisions et qui trouvent leur bonheur dans les calculsLes responsables achat, ventes et productionLes tudiants de tous niveaux"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income" |
".. 2020 1,800 1,000 Cycle 940 2020 690 Passive Income 500,000 5-10 5-10 1% Speed 8% Passive Income Course Course 5-10 Passive Income Course Update Course Course Course Passive Income ######Update ######1. - 2563"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Podstawy manualnego testowania oprogramowania" |
"Kurs przeznaczony dla osb chccych rozpocz swoj karier w brany IT jako tester oprogramowania. W kursie najwikszy nacisk kd na testowanie aplikacji internetowych. Co uzyskasz koczc ten kurs?wiedz niezbdn do rozpoczcia swojej przygody jako tester oprogramowaniapraktyczne umiejtnoci testowania oprogramowanianauczysz si jak obsugiwa narzdzia niezbdne na tym stanowiskuzapoznasz si z branowymi pojciamidowiesz si jak wyglda codzienna praca testera oprogramowaniapowiem Ci, jak i gdzie szuka swojej pierwszej pracy"
Price: 519.99 ![]() |
"Gerillk az ingatlan piacon" |
"Az egyedli kis pnzbl kiindulva a versenytrsa lesz egy nagyoknak, egszen addig, amg kzpre nem kerl. Ez a hadviselst tanulod meg az eladson.Az okosan kiadott pnz mindig visszatall a gazdjhoz.Nem meder fel gerillkat, mert elvegylnek egy tmegben, szpen csendesen s boldogan lnek kztt.Mily tulajdonsggal kapcsolatos gy a gerillk az ingatlan piacon, akik olcsn vsroltak ingatlant, majd csendben s drgn adnak tl rajta.Hogyan teszel szert egyre nagyobb befolyssal az ingatlanpiacra, s egyedl kell kereskednie, ha a vsrlkat egyre tbb oltbiztostba kvnja beolvasni."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"SDN Opendaylight(ODL) Controller Crash Course(OF, OVSDB,BGP)" |
"Opendaylight SDN Controller Crash course. Its a LAB Oriented course.This course helps you learn/practice/lab activities of OpendayLight controller in your laptop/desktop itself. This is crash course , help you to understand the OPENDAYLIGHT SDN Controller and various plugins - Openflow plugin- Openvswitch Database Plugin (OVSDB)- BGP PluginAll you need is, Ubuntu 18.04 VM/Desktop/Laptop for setting up the LAB. If you just follow the course, you would be able to understand/practice the entire course with activities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Decision Trees" |
"Decision Tree algorithm is one of the most powerful algorithms in machine learning and data science. It is very commonly used by data scientists and machine learning engineers to solve business problem and explain that to your customers easily. This course will introduce you to the concept of Decision Trees and teach you how to build one using PythonWhy learn about Decision Trees?Decision Trees are the most widely and commonly used machine learning algorithms.It can be used for solving both classification as well as regression problems.Decision Trees are easy to interpret and hence have multiple applications around different industries.What would you learn in Getting started with Decision Tree course?Introduction to Decision TreesTerminologies related to decision treesDifferent splitting criterion for decision tree like Gini, chi-square, etc.Implementation of decision tree in Python"
Price: 6080.00 ![]() |
"Popraw skuteczno swoich reklam do ROAS 2000% i wicej!" |
"Docz do kilkuset firm, ktre szkoliam i konsultowaam w kwestiach reklam na Facebooku i Instagramie! Z dowiadczeniem prawie 1000 zrobionych kampanii mog przedstawi porady co dziaa, a co nie w kampaniach i jak robi je lepiej!Prowadzenie kampanii reklamowej nie jest dla Ciebie nowoci, ale szukasz sposobw, eby poprawi skuteczno swoich dziaa i obniy koszty? Zapraszam do kursu uczcego jak optymalizowa reklamy na Facebooku oraz Instagramie. To niezbdna wiedza w czasach, kiedy zasigi organiczne s niskie, a konkurencyjno firm w social mediach wysoka. Ceny za CPM rosn szybko - walcz z tym!Dowiedz si od czego zaley optymalizacja, jak j przeprowadza, jak mierzy efekty i poznaj kilka przykadw firm, ktre podzieliy si swoimi wynikami. Poznaj triki, ktre pozwalaj osiga mi ROAS na poziomie 2000% i wicej!Kurs koczy si quizem z wiedzy o reklamach i optymalizacji. Na podstawie wyniku z quizu otrzymuje si certyfikat. Aby zaliczy, naley mie 80% prawidowych odpowiedzi. Certyfikat jest jedynie dla wybranych, ktrzy potwierdzili swoj wiedz.Masz pytania? Napisz do mnie! Chtnie pomog, doradz i wespr.Otrzymujesz dostp do kursu doywotnio, a ja bd go aktualizowa co kilka miesicy."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao illustrator" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso Introduo ao Illustrator. Com esse curso, voc aprender de forma rpida, a usar o programa.Esse curso totalmente voltado para as pessoas que no tm nenhum conhecimento do programa. Se voc no um fotgrafo profissional, ou no um designer, mas gostaria de conhecer o Adobe Illustrator e us-lo em seus projetos do dia-a-dia, esse curso ser ideal para voc.Eu me chamo Jamil e serei o seu instrutor. Eu tenho formao acadmica em docncia h mais de 20 anos e comecei a trabalhar com fotografia, vdeo e edio em 2012. Atualmente, continuo trabalhando na docncia, tambm como tradutor e intrprete de portugus, ingls, espanhol e francs e na rea de fotografia, vdeo e edio.Eu projetei esse curso para todas as pessoas que gostariam de conhecer o Adobe Illustrator. Se voc nunca usou o programa com medo ou pensando que ele muito complexo, ver que eu explico cada parte bem detalhadamente, para que voc, mesmo no sendo um designer, seja capaz de entender o funcionando desse programa e aplic-lo nos projetos do dia-a-dia. Tenho certeza de que at o final do curso, voc ser capaz de ver o Illustrator com outros olhos e no pensar duas vezes em usar outro programa para criar cartes, cartes de visita, artes grficas e muito mais.Ento, o estudante ideal para esse curso aquele que no sabe nada do Adobe Illustrator, mas que gostaria de usar esse programa em seus projetos do dia-a-dia.Para terminar, convido-o a assistir as lies que esto abertas e quem sabe, se esse curso for para voc, ficarei muito feliz em t-lo aqui, como estudante. Venha fazer parte desse curso. Estou esperando por voc."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"MS Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Report Development and Customization" |
"In this course you will learn about Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Report Development & Customization. We will start from very basic of report development and by the end of this course you will be familiar with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Report Development and Customization. Before you start this course it is recommended you have successfully completed Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Development - Level 1 and course. It is not compulsory but it is highly recommended that you have the basic knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Development and Programming.After completing this course you will be very comfortable with getting started with Microsoft Dynamics AX R3 Report Development and Customization."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Azure Sentinel Training Course - Cloud Native SIEM In Cloud" |
"Ann Johnson - Corporate Vice President - Cybersecurity Solutions Group said I commonly hear from customers that theyre spending more time with deployment and maintenance of SIEM solutions, which leaves them unable to properly handle the volume of data or the agility of adversaries.Traditional on-premises SIEMs require a combination of infrastructure costs and software costs, all paired with annual commitments or inflexible contracts. We are removing those pain points, since Azure Sentinel is a cost-effective, cloud-native SIEM with predictable billing and flexible commitments.Azure Sentinel provides intelligent security analytics through the cloud for enterprises, designed to address the modern challenges of security analyticsEnterprises anchor their security operations with SIEM systems. More are also turning to machine learning algorithms as part of their analytics tools.Azure Sentinel to optimally perform security analytics, log collection, and threat detection on enterprise cloud and hybrid environments; additionally, the SIEM solution can provide increased visibility across multiple public clouds and cloud applications. The solution can also draw computing power from Microsofts servers, rather than relying on the client servers, to analyze data and hunt for digital threats.Azure Sentinel Course is Divided to 5 SectionsCourse IntroductionGetting started With Azure SentinelAzure Sentinel BasicsWorking With Azure Sentinel Core OperationsAzure Sentinel Removal and Conclusion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formation Complte Premire Pro CC2020" |
"Matrisez le montage vido avec toute simplicit grce la matrise de l'utilisation de toutes les fonctionnalits de Adobe Premiere pro CC 2020. Effectuez vos de-rushages, vos premiers montage vidos et audio, appliquez des effets, des transitions, insrez vos textes ou sous-titres. Exportez vos projets pour alimenter vos rseaux sociaux ou pour une utilisation broadcast."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Linux fr Windows-Umsteiger" |
"Verwendest du auch schon immer Windows, bist aber irgendwie stndig unzufrieden? Luft das System mal wieder langsam? Gibt es mal wieder Probleme mit Viren und Trojanern? Bist du schon wieder gezwungen eine neue, teure Windows-Version zu kaufen? Dann lse deine Probleme indem du einfach auf Linux umsteigst. In diesem Linux-Anfngerkurs fangen wir bei 0 an. Was ist Linux berhaupt? Wo bekommt man es her und ist es wirklich komplett kostenlos?Wie kann man Linux testen ohne es zu installieren?Wie funktioniert die Installation?Wie sieht der Desktop aus?Gibt es C: auch unter Linux?Welche Programme gibt es denn so? Gibt es auch Office?Kann ich damit auch ganz normal im Internet surfen oder Briefe schreiben?Wie kann ich Software installieren und lschen?Wie kann ich mein System sichern?Kann ich unter Linux auch Spiele spielen?Ich habe ein Lieblingsprogramm unter Windows. Kann ich das auch unter Linux verwenden? Wie geht das?Was ist denn die Bash und wie funktioniert das alles genau?Auf all diese Fragen wirst du ausfhrliche Antworten in diesem Kurs finden! Ich mchte dich hier animieren, das was ich in diesem Kurs zeige auch selbst nachzumachen um ein Gefhl fr das neue System zu bekommen. Und hier noch mein Versprechen:Wenn du ein bestimmtes Thema vermisst oder zu einem Thema mehr Details httest, schreib mich gerne persnlich an. Sofern dein Vorschlag ins Konzept passt, kann der Kurs auch mit entsprechenden neuen Lektionen erweitert werden."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Einstieg ins Online Marketing" |
"AllgemeinIn betriebswirtschaftlichen Bchern finden wir diverse Definitionen zum klassischen Marketing. Doch wie sieht es mit Online-Marketing aus? Wo sieht die Unterschiede bzw. was sind die Vorteile? In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie die Grundlagen und Definitionen aus dem Online Marketing kennen.InhaltDefinition Online MarketingWieso lohnt sich Online Marketing?Unterschied SEA und SEOPlanung Online MarketingKanle Marketing"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Wasserfall-Diagramm mit Excel" |
"AllgemeinIn Microsoft Excel aussagekrftige Analysen zu erstellen ist oft eine Herausforderung. Ein Diagramm, welches sich in der Praxis oft bewiesen hat ist das Wasserfall-Diagramm. Dabei wird oft ein Diagramm erstellt, bei dem die Farben immer wieder manuell angepasst werden mssen, was relativ aufwendig sein kann.In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie wie Sie ein Wasserfall-Diagramm erstellen, welches automatisch die Farben bei positiver bzw. negativer Abweichung anzeigt.InhaltTabellenaufbauExcel-Formeln fr die KalkulationBeschriftung im Diagramm auerhalb der Balken mit richtigen VorzeichenGestaltungstippsZustzlich erhalten Sie die fertige Excel-Datei zur bung.Hinweis: Das Diagramm wurde mit Excel 2016 erstellt. Sie knnen die Lerninhalte allerdings auch fr ltere Excel-Versionen anwende. Die Umsetzungen sind sehr hnlich."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aufbau einer professionellen Excel-Tabelle" |
"AllgemeinIm Controlling, oder anderen Abteilungen, werden bei Auswertungen oft Excel-Tabellen erstellt. Leider kommt es dabei oft vor, dass diese bei den Empfngern kein Gehr finden. Zu viele Farben, zahlreiche Wiederholungen und unbersichtliche Gestaltungen sind dafr meistens die Grnde.In diesem Video lernen Sie, wie eine Excel-Tabelle aufgebaut werden sollte, damit diese bei den Entscheidungstrger die ntige Aufmerksamkeit erlangen, um die richtigen Massnahmen einzuleiten.InhaltStruktur von TabellenberschriftenAbstndeEinsatz von FarbenKommentierungenZustzlich erhalten Sie die fertige Excel-Datei zur bung.Hinweis: Dieser Video-Kurs ist ein Auszug aus dem Video-Kurs ""Dashboards mit Excel"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |