Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Wasserfall-Diagramm mit Excel - Teil 2" |
"AllgemeinIm Controlling, oder auch anderen Abteilungen, werden oft die Entwicklungen der letzten Monate ausgewertet. Nicht immer reichen hier die Tabellen aus, um eine aussagekrftige Analyse zu erhalten, damit die richtigen Massnahmen getroffen werden knnen.Ein Wasserfall-Diagramm mit Excel kann eine monatliche Auswertung sehr professionell aussehen lassen.InhaltAufbau der TabelleFormeln fr die negativen und positiven AbweichungenBeschriftungen ober-/unterhalb der jeweiligen SuleDynamische LinieZustzlich erhalten Sie die fertige Excel-Datei zur bung.Hinweis: Die Datei wurde mit Excel 2016 erstellt. Sie knnen die bungen aber auch fr ltere Excel-Versionen verwenden. Die Umsetzungen sind sehr hnlich."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint fr Controller" |
"AllgemeinIm Controlling werden oft Prsentationen ber den Wochen- oder Monatsbericht gehalten. Hierbei mssen gewisse Faktoren bercksichtigt werden, da gerade bei sensiblen Daten oftmals unntige Diskussionen mit den Teilnehmern entstehen und die Prsentation gar nicht in der vorgegebenen Zeit durchgefhrt werden kann. Des Weiteren kommt es oft vor, dass die versendeten Prsentationen von den Empfngern gar nicht gelesen werden, da diese zu umfangreich sind.In diesem Kurs werden Sie neben der Gestaltung und Struktur von erfolgreichen Prsentationen lernen, wie Sie Excel-Tabellen automatisch zu PowerPoint transferieren.InhaltStruktur von Prsentationenautomatische Aktualisierung von AuswertungenHand outs mal andersZielgruppe definierenWie lange dauert eine Prsentation?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP Lumira Discovery 2.3 from Beginner to Professional" |
"Learn everything of SAP Lumira Discovery. I am teaching you all you can do with this visualization tool and you will create stunning and amazing data stories which will impact in your final audience. Self-service BI has never been so easy to use!If you need to learn from scratch or even if you have some knowledge with this tool but you need to expand it, this is the best course for you. For all the lectures, you will find a training material document that you can use as a manual and videos with step by step tutorials. Also, the course contains exercises and quizzes to measure your knowledge in this technology not to mention all the resources that I provide (useful links, SAP Notes, tips, limitations, etc.).Before showing you all the things you will learn in the course, I would like to tell you that I feel passion for training and I love sharing my knowledge with all my students. I will answer all your questions and I will update the course regularly!Enroll today and get LIFETIME access to:9 hours of high-quality video - real English captions created!Downloadable training material per lectureQuizzes and hands-on exercisesThis course has more advance training, plenty of resources, exercises and much more for way cheaper than the SAP official course!Happy learning!Javier R. MartinIntroductionHow to install the tool.Everything about the Discovery interface.You will build your first story with Lumira Discovery!Quiz.Acquiring dataData sources: SAP BW, SAP Hana, Excel, csv, text files, SAP universe, query with SQL and extensions and limitations of each data source.How to refresh and edit a data source.Live & Import data.Quiz.Exercise.Data AnalysisGrid and Facet view.Manipulating dataHow to create objects, hierarchies (geo, custom and date/time) and data actions such as sort, rename, delete, split, replace, etc.How to create advance calculations and formulas.How to merge, append and link your datasets.Quiz.Exercises.Visualization and storiesHow to use the canvas and the chart builder.The crosstab.Charts: correlation, comparison, trend, percentage and geo visualization components.How to create geo map component covering all types of geo maps.How to integrate geo map and ArcGIS Esri.Linking with visualizations.Filters and input controls: different filters that the tool provides and all types of input control.Formatting your data story: learn how to use all the elements that Lumira Discovery provides: text, shapes, illustration, pictures, colors, etc. You will know how to use the canvas, how to create stories and pages, etc.A real dashboard: this lecture is to show you a real dashboard that I am using with my clients.Quizzes.Exercises.Project: Data Story. Create a Lumira Discovery story and send me your work. I will provide my feedback and expertise.Sharing and exportingHow to share with Lumira Discovery.How to export your story or your data and the different options to do it.Lumira Discovery and the SAP BI PlatformThe integration between the tool and the BI platform.Data sources, options and limitations on SAP BI Platform. You will learn the new capabilities that BI platform offers: open document links and bookmarks.Quiz.Bonus lecturesHow to migrate old 1.x files to Lumira Discovery.Interoperability between Lumira Discovery and Lumira Designer.How to install extensions.Resources: official SAP help, dashboard design best practices, etc.Troubleshooting document: how to fix some bugs with SAP Notes and my own experience."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Operations Research" |
"The course is focused on the application of linear programming techniques. Most of the mathematical models presented in the course are The course includes discussions of the simplex algorithm and other methods to derive solutions for the above models. The Excel Solver software is also used in the course to solve linear programming problems. Discussions (Sensitivity Analysis) are included as to how changes or variations in a linear programmings parameters affect the optimal solution."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VCPVCD510 VMware Certified Professional 5 - IaaS Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the VCPVCD510 VMware Certified Professional 5 - IaaS Delta Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Fim do mistrio: trades maiores e menores na prtica" |
"Filmei meus estudos para apresentar a voc com uma didtica incrvel formas de pensar e utilizar as trades maiores e menores no contrabaixo. Este estudo mais um bate papo olho no olho para te encorajar a sair do bsico e comear a dar mais sofisticao para suas linhas de acompanhamento utilizando o que temos de mais bsico no estudo de harmonia: a formao dos acordes.Sem esconder o jogo estou mostrando em quatro simulaes ideias incrveis para despertar sua criatividade.Tenho certeza que voc no viu nada parecido! No nada formal, baixo ligado, base rolando e limites sendo rompidos.Usar acordes no baixo, intervalos de tera, quinta, combinao de desenhos em regies diferentes do brao, vamos desvendar todos os mistrios da aplicao de trades para criar GROOVES e FRASES de passagem entre os acordes.Voc sempre quis algo prtico e simples no mesmo?Foi pensando em voc que abri a gravao de um estudo para mostrar as coisas na PRTICA!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"C_TERP10_65 SAP Certified Associate Business Foundation Exam" |
"121 UNIQUE practice questions for C_TERP10_65 SAP Certified Associate Business Foundation ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TERP10_65 SAP Certified Associate Business Foundation ExamTotal Questions : 121Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 121)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"wordpress visual composer css responsive" |
" "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.82 - Modelleme, Kaplama ve Render Eitimi" |
"Nedir Bu Blender ?Asl soru ""Ne Deil ki?"" desem, pek haksz olmam sanrsam.Blender le;ModellemelerAnimasyonlar,Video MontajlarVfx Projeleri ve daha bir ok ey yaplabiliyor.Hem de bu kadar ilevine ramen rakiplerine gre boyutu kyaslanmayacak derecede kktr.Bu arada, Blender tamam ile ""cretsiz"" ve ak kaynak kodlu bir yazlmdr.Blender getiimiz 1 sene iinde ok popler bir konuma gelmitir. Bunun en byk nedeni 2.80 srmnn yepyeni zellikler ile piyasaya srlmesinin yaratt etkidir.Biz ise eitimimizi 2.82 srm ile gerekletireceiz. Yani uan iin programn en gl ve en gncel srm.Bu eitimde tamamen sfrdan balayacaz.Toplamda 4 adet projemiz olacak ve bunlar beraber uygulayarak reneceiz. Kl Modelleme, Renklendirme ve Render alma. Balta Modelleme, Boyama(Kaplama), ve Render alma. Dolap Modelleme, Kaplama ve Gereki Render alma. Kasaba Evi Modelleme, Kaplama ve Render alma.Blender dier programlara gre kullan ve renmesi ok daha kolay bir programdr.Bu nedenden dolay ok fazla zorlanmadan hayalinizdeki projeleri yapmay reneceinizden pheniz olmasn.Bu srete ise herhangi bir durumda takldnz yerde bana soru sorabileceksiniz. En ge 24 saat iinde sorununuzu beraber zeceiz bilginiz olsun.Hepinize sevgilerimi sunuyorum. Hayalinizdeki projeleri hayata geirmeniz dilei ile..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Grandes Faras - Deuses na Terra" |
"Quando pensamos na Histria do Egito Antigo, imediatamente lembramos da figura do fara. Esses governantes que eram deuses encarnados tinham o poder absoluto na terra.Ao longo de 30 dinastias, muitos faras se destacaram e suas vidas se tornaram lendrias.Venha conhecer a histria de alguns deles: Narmer, Hatshepsut, Aquenaton, Tutancamon, Alexandre, Clepatra."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Mit ""Stimme"" mehr Charisma (Business Coaching Program)" |
"In diesem Kurs betrachten wir die unterschtzten Chancen und Mglichkeiten, die viele mit Ihrer Stimme im untrainierten ""Alltagsmodus"" ungenutzt lassen. Welche Aspekte der Stimme lassen sich trainieren und was hat das mit persnlicher Entwicklung zu tun? Wieso ist die Variation der Stimme so wichtig und wie genau machen das die Profis im Fernsehen? Was knnen wir vom Prsentieren der TV-Profis fr's Business lernen? Wer erfolgreich sein will bei Vortrgen, Prsentationen, und einfach beim Sprechen, fr den ist das zentrale Element dabei wenig berraschend seine Stimme. Unser Coach Karsten sagt: ""In ber 30 Jahren Kommentar, jahrelangem Coaching mit Moderatoren, Fhrungskrften und CEOs habe ich folgendes gelernt: Eine krftige, angenehme und samtweiche Stimme zu haben ist entgegen der Erwartung der meisten trainierbar. ""Damit Du weit, was, wann und wie Du ben solltest, hat Karsten fr Dich eine Reihe an bungen zusammengestellt, die er selbst tagtglich durchfhrt. Praktisches Wissen aus erster Hand. Sei gespannt Du wirst berrascht sein, was mit ein wenig bung alles mglich ist!Was andere ber unser Programm sagen: ""Ich bin 20 Jahre lang Unternehmer und sehe kontinuierliche Weiterbildung im Unternehmen als Schlssel fr Erfolg. Mit Coachremotely sehe ich einen digitalen Ansatz, wie Weiterbildung in Unternehmen revolutioniert werden kann."" Thoralf Nehls, Serial Entrepreneur""Anfangs habe ich gesagt, 'Mensch Leute, ich brauche doch keinen Moderationscoach, ich mache das seit 25 Jahren.' Dann hat mir Karsten doch Dinge gezeigt, die ich zuvor nicht kannte, auf eine zurckhaltende, aber doch bestimmte Art und Weise..."" Frank Buschmann, TV-Moderator""Karsten Linke hat Fhigkeiten in mir gesehen und zum Vorschein gebracht, von denen ich selbst nicht wusste, dass ich sie habe."" Silvana Sand, Geschftsfhrerin Funk-BBT Gmbh"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master In Fabrication Layout in Hindi" |
"In This Course You will learn Fabrication Layout Development or Flat Pattern Layout Development of Types of Fabrication Shapes such as Full Cone, Half Cone or Truncated Cone, Eccentric Cone, Toricone, Pipe to Pipe Intersection with Equal Diameter, Pipe to Pipe Intersection with unequal Diameter, Pipe to Pipe inter section with offset centers, Pipe to Cone Intersection Perpendicular to Axis, Pipe to Cone Intersection Parallel to Axis, Square to Round Transitions, Round to Square Transitions, Pyramid Shapes, Sphere Petal Types, Dish End Petal Type, Miter Bend and Screw Flight etc. used in Process Equipment Fabrication, Sheet Metal Fabrication, Ducting and Insulation Industry from Basic to Advance Level. All Types of Commonly used fabrication shapes Covered in this Course with Explaining every Concept in Marking or Geometrical Method and Numerical Method with Practical Example Solution and Its Checking with Digital Tools."
Price: 10240.00 ![]() |
"Virtualization on Oracle VirtualBox - Basic to Advanced" |
" A message for you: If you want to save time and money by creating complete labs, testing tools and learning how to program with different systems, this course is for you! At the end of the course, you will be able to perform the basic and more complex operations, settings and adjustments in Oracle VM VirtualBox. During the course, we will talk about the installation of different systems, and we will test even the command line operations of VirtualBox."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes Chaos Engineering With Chaos Toolkit And Istio" |
"There are very few things as satisfying as destruction, especially true when we're frustrated.How often did it happen that you have an issue that you cannot solve and that you just want to scream or destroy things? Did you ever have a problem in production that is negatively affecting a lot of users? Were you under a lot of pressure to solve it, but you could not ""crack"" it as fast as you should. It must have happened, at least once, that you wanted to take a hammer and destroy servers in your datacenter. If something like that never happened to you, then you were probably never in a position under a lot of pressure. In my case, there were countless times when I wanted to destroy things. But I didn't, for quite a few reasons. Destruction rarely solves problems, and it usually leads to negative consequences. I cannot just go and destroy a server and expect that I will not be punished. I cannot hope to be rewarded for such behavior.What would you say if I tell you that we can be rewarded for destruction and that we can do a lot of good things by destroying stuff? If you don't believe me, you will soon. That's what chaos engineering is about. It is about destroying, obstructing, and delaying things in our servers and in our clusters. And we're doing all that, and many other things, for a very positive outcome.Chaos engineering tries to find the limits of our system. It helps us deduce what are the consequences when bad things happen. We are trying to simulate the adverse effects in a controlled way. We are trying to do that as a way to improve our systems to make them more resilient and capable of recuperating and resisting harmful and unpredictable events.That's our mission. We will try to find ways how we can improve our systems based on the knowledge that we will obtain through the chaos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Autocad Civil 3D" |
": Civil 3D Udemy :Introduction - The Point - The Surface - The Alignment - The Profile - The Assembly - The Corridor - The Sections - Compute material - For English users:The spoken language in this training is Arabic but any one can follow the video step by step and complete all the tasks (specially with the great value of this content) we are making a full highway geometric design on itVia the following titles (Course Content):IntroductionThe PointThe SurfaceThe AlignmentThe ProfileThe Plan-ProfileThe AssemblyThe CorridorThe Sections & Compute materialWho this course is for:Highway graduation project - Highway engineers - Civil engineers -"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autocad 2D Course For Surveyors" |
"Explain the most important lists used by the surveying Engineer on the AutoCAD programAnd the Sokkia Link ProgramThe spoken language in this training is Arabic but any one can follow the video step by step and complete all the tasks (specially with the great value of this content)Who this course is for:SURVEYING ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYORS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
adsense-arbitrage |
"2020 2020"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Content Writing Masterclass: 30 Courses in 1" |
"We welcome you to the world of Content writing!Do you want to be a successful content writer?Do you want to brush up your skills as a content writer and understand the concept of content marketing?If you have it in you, then we are there to help you upgrade your skills and be a proficient content writer with our exclusive course.Content Writing is a skill-based career and we have designed this course to help you develop the writing and marketing skills. Through this well-developed course, we will guide you through the complex fundamentals explained in a very simple manner that will help you understand and learn the art of writing content easily. This course is designed in a way that even the beginners will find it easy to comprehend.This course will turn you into an accomplished writer who will be able to write Blogs, Articles, content for websites, fictional content, whitepapers and research papers, technical and creative content, as well as digital and non-digital content.The Course is designed by the giant minds of the industry who have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the field of content writing and created content for at least 50 websites in 1 yearThis course will give you an edge over others as it is designed by the eminent minds who have a lot of experience in the field. By going through the points given below you will get an insight into the course.By the Time you reach the end of the course, you will be able to:Master the concept of Content writing, copywriting and marketing of the contentEvolve the essential skills of a content writerBy writing effective content learn to generate traffic and salesBuild trust & connection with your audienceGain experience in different types and forms of content.Identify your target audience & create a buyer personaDevelop researching ability and build the subject knowledge.Learn to write effective content to generate traffic and salesAdopt tested techniques for effective content writingProtrude from the crowd by polishing your skillsPrepare SEO and SMO friendly contentBecome proficient in writing, grasping content that the readers would love and appreciateOvercome the challenge you may face as a writerImprove readability and searchabilityCreate a well-developed marketing plan to promote the content among the readersOther Perks attached to the course:One-year Membership of Henry Harvin Content AcademySessions every month to brush up your sensesTime saving & ready to use study material that includes (Logo Software, E-Books, Question Making Software, CW Guides/Workbooks, Mobile App, etc.)Recorded videos of the session100% Placement, Internship and Project SupportPeople who know the art of expressing their thoughts in words can become good content writers. To become an effective content writer, you need to write regularly and we help you brush up this art in you. The profession of a content writer is highly in demand and the market is always on a lookout for fresh talents. The content industry has today opened the doors to a wide range of content being published that is read by billions of people.This course gives you an opportunity to learn different styles in writing and also help you understand how and where to use the art of editing, recognizing and correcting common mistakes and grammatical errors, and write vivid descriptions that generally comes with experience.Irrespective of the fact, of whether youre a beginner or an experienced writer, if you are looking to improve your craft, this fun, interactive course of 32 hours that is divided into 6 modules will give you the confidence, and inspiration to become a Skilled Content Writer.By taking up this course, you will:Have more confidence with respect to your writing skillsFeel more inspired to pour your thoughts onto a paperNotice improvement in your writing abilitiesWho are we?Henry Harvin is a leading organization that deals in career and competency development. It gives a lot of importance to value creation. It has been into training, skill development, content services and higher education for many years.Henry Harvin is equipped with trainers who have deep roots in the industry with over 15 years of experience. Individuals are trained with Advanced Learning Management System (LMS). Imparting practical content with ample of recorded videos that makes the course interesting and full of fun.Through this course, Henry Harvin Education help the individual to develop the necessary skills in writing effective content and pave a way towards a prosperous career as a successful Content WriterThe course is packed with:Real-life examples that will help to make the learning process easyLoads of fun examples and videos to add spark to your writing skill, giving vent to your creative side, and implement the topics covered in each class.Tons of practical writing tips and advice from the industry experts to take you through an unforgettable journey that ignites your creative mind, and assist you in reaching your goal of getting into the creative field as a professional.Who can take up this course?Full Time or Part Time Writers, who want to enhance their skills.Freelance Writers, who want to improve their writing and giver better freelance writing servicesBloggers, who want to get better rankings by writing engaging Blog Posts and become a known name in the industryContent MarketersDigital MarketersBeginners who have the zest to learn and want to be a part of the flourishing industryThose who are willing to start their professional journey in Content WritingThis Course is for those who already know about it but want to polish their writing skills.Some interesting facts about content writing:The budget for content creation in Coca Cola is much higher than its budget for television advertising.There are over 65,000 job opportunities for content writers in countries like the UK, USA, Canada, India and Australia.Content plays a major role in their decision-making process as per 90% of B2B buyers7 out of 10 consumers have a higher opinion of a business after they go through the brands content.Content writing course gives you an opportunity to be:Content writerFreelance WrierDigital MarketerSEO WriterAuthorBloggerScriptwriterEditorProofreaderWords of appreciation from our Students:1. I am thoroughly satisfied with the course as I have understood the intricacies of it. Samitra Joshi2. I will recommend this course to everyone who loves writing. Shubham Chawla3. A must to kick start your journey as a content writer and make it big. Harim sheikh4. A course that will make you a full-fledged writer and you can earn a lot with it. Nimisha Pradhan5. The course is worth the money and time. Pooja Manoj Pathak"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SEO Wordpress" |
"keyword plugins"
Price: 1000.00 ![]() |
"Complete Python Numpy Array Course" |
"NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, used for large, multi-dimensional arrays & matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions. Learn what is NumPy, why we need it. Using Numpy, different methods of Numpy, etc. And also we will do some exercises to practice yourself along with learning"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
lifestoryinterview |
""" "" , , . , . . , "" "" . , ? . ' : "", "". , . , , , . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"TB0-113 TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Certified Practice Exam" |
"98 UNIQUE practice questions for TB0-113 TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TB0-113 TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 98Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (73 of 98)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD passo a passo: projetando em 2D" |
"O curso conta com aulas funcionais e prticas, produzidas a partir de situaes do dia a dia pessoal e profissional de nossos alunos. Ao final deste curso, voc ter desvendado todos os principais recursos do AutoCAD, ficando assim apto a utiliz-lo tanto em casa quanto em empresas dos mais variados setores."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Dimensionamiento de bombas centrifugas" |
"DescripcinMs del noventa por ciento de los procesos y operaciones en la industria en generalinvolucran de alguna manera el transporte de algn fluido lquido. En la industria existe lanecesidad de transportar un fluido lquido, ya sea como fluido de proceso, o como algnservicio adicional, como agua de enfriamiento, agua para calderas, agua contraincendiosetc. Por tanto, se hace indispensable que los profesionales tanto a nivel universitario comotcnico involucrados en la industria en general posean los conocimientos ligados altransporte de fluidos lquidos, tanto para fines operativos como de proyectos.Ingenieros de diseo, proyectistas, de produccin, de mantenimiento. Personalinvolucrado en ventas tcnicas de bombas, estudiantes de ingeniera.Objetivos1. Seleccionar el tipo de bomba adecuada para el proceso.2. Definir las variables principales en el funcionamiento de un equipo de bombeo.3. Dimensionar y seleccionar correctamente una bomba centrifuga.Temario1. Conceptos bsicos relacionados con bombas centrfugas.Definicin de equipo de bombeo.Partes de un equipo de bombeo centrfugo.Funcionamiento de un equipo de bombeo centrifugo.Balance de materia y energa en operaciones de bombeo.Anlisis de variables de diseo y operacin.2. Clculos en equipos de bombeo.Clculo de prdidas por friccin.Clculo de Head de equipos de bombeo centrfugo.Clculo de Potencia de equipo de bombeo centrfugo.Ejercicios de afianzamiento.3. Seleccin de equipos de bombeo.Construccin de curvas de operacin. (Excel)Determinacin de punto de operacin.Eficiencia de equipos de bombeo.Ejercicios de afianzamiento.4. Concepto de cavitacin.Clculo de columna neta positiva de succin.Construccin de curva de NPSH requerido.Curvas de NPSH requerido. Ejercicios de afianzamiento.Preguntas FrecuentesTengo acceso ilimitado a las clases?Si! Luego de que realices la compra, vas a poder acceder a las clases cuando ydonde quieras. El curso se queda en tu cuenta de para siempre. Cundo inicia el curso?Todo el contenido es 100% en lnea. Son clases pregrabadas a las que tendrs accesoluego de la compra del curso. Puedes iniciarlo y desarrollarlo a tu ritmo!Cmo obtengo el certificado del curso?Luego de que termines el curso, debes de rendir un cuestionario. El profesor del curso yequipo de Ademmy lo revisar y si todo va bien, se te emite la certificacin para que ladescargues desde tu cuenta."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate HTML5 Elements & CSS3 Properties BOOTCAMP" |
"***** Course Description *****You will learn all the necessary HTML ElementsYou will learn all the new HTML ElementsYou will learn all the necessary CSS PropertiesYou will learn all the new CSS PropertiesYou will learn CSS Animations in depthYou will learn CSS Transformations in depthYou will learn modern CSS design trendsYou will be able solve cool and awesome mini-projectsWhy Choose This Course?This is the most comprehensive course on the Essentials of HTML and CSS. In this course you will learn the web development process and how HTML & CSS fit into the picture. This course will make you a wizard of HTML and CSS, therefore you will be able to write HTML and CSS comfortably and quickly. All the new and modern features of HTML and CSS are included and you will have more than 200 examples and challenges along the way. By enrolling in this course, you will have an amazing and unique experience of learning all the nuts and bolts of how HTML and CSS work in a real world context.How Is This Course Different?This Course has 38 hours of 1080p HD quality lectures making it one of the largest online courses ever on the topic of covering all the necessary elements of HTML and properties of CSS. This Course builds concepts in a harmonious and easy to understand way specific to anyone who is interested in web development. The sheer volume of examples and challenge (more than 200 of them) will make sure you truly learn everything presented in the course. This course is not only about learning, but also about having fun. Thats why I have included awesome and cool effects that you can create with only HTML and CSS.One Last Thing to Keep in MindThis course is NOT going to be a static course. I will definitely update it regularly for fresh content.So, what are you waiting for? Lets start this epic journey together by ENROLLING IN THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Alt apkal Dnme Teknii" |
"Alt apkal Dnme Teknii, Edward de Bono tarafndan gelitirilmi bir dnce ynetimi modelidir. *Beyaz apka,*Krmz apka,*Sar apka,*Siyah apka,*Yeil apka ve*Mavi apka, farkl zelliklere sahiptir ve bize farkl dnme alternatifleri sunarlar. Hemen her konuda problem zme, bak as deiiklii gibi kazanmlar salar. Teknii uygulamak son derece basittir. Bu eitimde alt farkl apkann, hayatnzdaki sorunlar zmenize nasl katk salayacan konuacaz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Pass MB-200 Exam: Microsoft Power Platform+Dynamics 365 Core" |
"UPDATE: Added 5 more video tutorials as per the changes in the MB-200 exam curriculum.**The ONLY in-depth, practical course that prepares you 100% for MB-200 - Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core exam**##########################WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:Ibrahim BERTHE says ""The course is well structured and very well organized. Abhay masters the subject well and has a very good pedagogy which facilitates the understanding of the subjects covered. This is the best course I have taken so far on Udemy. The idea of the book is very useful in preparing for the exam. Thank you Abhay""Kenneth N. says ""This comprehensive MB-200 training course covers all the essential features of Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core. The materials are overwhelming, but Abhay makes it easy and exciting to learn. I like the way he structures the training materials, starting out by stating the objectives, and then explaining the lessons in details to create a cohesive flow. The lessons are presented clearly and thoroughly, from concept to hands-on, from planning a functional design to implementing an application, and so on. When necessary, Abhay also provides links to useful resources for download or further learning. I totally recommend this course!""Ashish Lal says""This is a wonderful MB200 course with indepth learning. I would recommend to anyone who would love to learn and explore Dynamics 365 as i havent come across any courses which has great content which guides towards practical knowledge as well. :)""Subhadeep Ray says""A very compact course which is definitely helpful to prepare for MB-200 certification exam.""Nimisha Vyas says ""Excellent!""##########################Do you want to learn how to use Microsoft Power Platform and configure and customize Microsoft Dynamics 365 like a Champ? And also want to prepare for the MB-200 - Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core exam? If yes, then this course is for you.This course is based on the MB-200 - Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core topics outline provided by Microsoft and covers 100% of the MB-200 exam curriculum.With more than 10+ hours of practical training videos, you will not learn Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Core, but will also be fully prepared for the MB-200 exam.Also, you will get the MB-200 Exam Preparation Book (more than 200 pages)!##########################HERE'S WHAT YOU ARE GETTING TODAY!10+ hours of practical video content on Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core.The course covers 100% of the MB-200 exam curriculum provided by Microsoft.Learn from practical tutorials and demo on the latest Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform.240+ pages book of MB-200 exam preparation.##########################HERE'S WHAT INCLUDED IN THIS COURSE!You will learn these topics in detail and prepare for MB-200 - Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core certification!IntroductionWelcome And Course OverviewHow to Prepare For ExamPerform Discovery, Planning, and AnalysisHigh-Level Entity Relationship DiagramCreate and Document Mock-upsData Migration And IntegrationDetermine Out-of-the-box FunctionalityValidate Functional RequirementsArtifacts for a Proof-of-Concept (POC)Identify Collaboration ToolsPerform an AuditArtifacts to be Recorded In Change LogSelect between Managed and Unmanaged SolutionsIdentify Entity ComponentsCreate and Configure AppsConfigure Settings to Start WithConfigure OOB And Custom ItemsCreate and Configure DashboardsCreate and Configure FormsCreate and Configure ChartsCreate and Manage ReportsCreate and Configure ViewsDesign SitemapExport and Import Field TranslationConfigure Mobile SettingsImplement App DesignerCreate and Configure TemplatesIdentify Available TemplatesCreate Email TemplatesCreate Excel TemplatesCreate Word TemplatesCreate Mail Merge TemplatesCreate and Configure Article TemplatesCreate and Configure Entitlement TemplatesCreate Campaign TemplatesCreate and Manage ProcessesConfigure a Business RuleConfigure a Business Process FlowConfigure a WorkflowModify an Existing Data ModelCreate New or Modify Existing EntitiesCreate New or Modify Existing FieldsCreate New or Modify Existing RelationshipsImport, Export & Manage Dynamics 365 DataDynamics 365 Import DataDynamics 365 Export DataDuplicate Detection Settings & RulesBulk Record DeletionMitigate Excessive Database GrowthConfigure Security in Office 365 & Dynamics 365Identify Dynamics 365 Admin Role AssignmentsDynamics 365 Admin Center AdministrationManage Security Roles, Users, And TeamsCreate and Manage Field Security ProfilesConfigure Hierarchy SecurityConfigure App for Outlook & Email SettingsOutlook App System RequirementsConfigure Server-Side SynchronizationConfigure Dynamics 365 App for OutlookIntegrate with Office 365Determine Enabled Office 365 CapabilitiesSharePoint Integration with Dynamics 365Integrate OneNoteIntegrate OneDrive for BusinessMicrosoft Power AutomateWhat is Power AutomateCreate a FlowCreate a Flow from ScratchShare, Export and Import FlowsManage Microsoft Dynamics 365 EnvironmentsDynamics 365 SolutionsCreate And Use a Custom PublisherCreate SolutionsExport SolutionsImport SolutionsDistribute Solutions and Patches (includes Cloning)Administer and Configure EnvironmentsManage Microsoft Dynamics 365 ApplicationsManage using the Admin CenterManage Applications using the SolutionsPerform System Administration & Quality AssuranceConfigure Connection RolesConfigure Language and LocalesConfigure CurrenciesConfigure SubjectsConfigure Custom HelpConfigure Session and Inactivity TimeoutsManage Audit SettingsConfigure Audit User AccessManage Audit LogsConfigure Dynamics 365 SearchDynamics 365 Performance Tuning and Optimization TestingCourse Review & Exam Preparation BookQuick ReviewDownload MB-200 Exam Preparation Book (240+ Pages)Feel free to watch preview videos and enroll in this course today to learn Microsoft Power Platform & Dynamics 365 Core and prepare fully for the MB-200 exam.Have you got any questions? Message me on Udemy.I wish you all the best.To Your Success,Abhay SharmaFounder - Online CRM Training & Learn MS DynamicsPS: This is neither an official Microsoft course nor endorsed by Microsoft."
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