Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"3 SketchUp" |
". . SketchUp.7 , . (, , ) ( ) .. , . ( , )Google SketchUp - , 3D- , , , . SketchUp , , , , Google Earth, , 3D Warehouse ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Bu eitimde Mali Analiz tekniklerini uygulayarak firmalar dogru bir sekilde analiz edip, firma hakknda dogru kararlar vermeniz hedeflenmektedir. Problemli Ticari Alacaklar ve Problemli Stoklarn tespit yntemleri yan sra mizandan bilano ve gelir-gider tablosu oluturmann nasl yapldndan da bahsedilmektedir.Ayrca aktarma ve arndrmalarn nasl yapld, finansal analiz teknikleri ve bilanoda ok sklkla karlalan problemlerin tespiti eitimimizin ieriinde yer almaktadr."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Amazon'da Retail Arbitrage ve Private Label FBA-FBM Eitimi" |
"Amazonda ok satan rnlerin tedarikilerine ve distribtrlere ulaacanz bu kursta reneceiniz ok deerli bilgiler mevcut.Kursumuz Amazon'da Wholesale&Retail Arbitrage ve Private Label FBA-FBM zerine younlamtr. Amerika nfusunun %75 i yani 280 milyon insan Amazon'dan en az ayda bir kez alveri yapmaktadr, 77 milyon Amerikal ise haftada en az bir kez Amazon zerinden rn siparii vermektedir.Bu pazarda yer almak iin ge kalmadnz !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Colagem Digital" |
"Se voc , assim como eu, um admirador desse tipo de arte e sempre sonhou em aprender, esse curso pra voc!Aqui eu te ensino como o processo criativo para uma boa colagem, como pesquisar imagens, como se organizar, como usar as principais ferramentas do Photoshop, te dou dicas teis e ainda fao uma colagem do zero pra voc me acompanhar e tentar fazer em casa junto comigo! Depois da concluso do curso, tenho certeza que voc estar preparado pra criar artes incrveis que sejam a sua cara!Vem comigo."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Como Solar com Modos Gregos" |
"Aprenda e desvende os 7 Modos Gregos. Cada um com a sua personalidade e feeling prprio.. use sem moderao! Este curso perfeito para quem j toca guitarra muito bem e quer ou precisa de uma ajudinha na hora de criar solos e melodias com mais personalidade e com diferentes feelings e tonalidades. Este curso vai explodir suas expectativas!! te vejo do outro lado!!"
Price: 444.99 ![]() |
"Meditation Essentials for Beginners" |
"Meditation is a big word and is defined as any practice that brings about some benefit to the mind of the practitioner. There are so many different kinds of meditation practices and teachers out there...this course will focus on the simple and essential to make sure that meditation is a helpful practice in your life.I will use my fifteen years of experience meditating through happy times and bad times to teach you everything important about meditation. I have meditated through cancer, depression, ocd, and autoimmune disease. I am confident I can help you meditate according to your own uniqueness. There is much more to the practice of meditation than simply learning to sit quietly. While many meditation courses focus almost entirely on relaxation, there is much more to the world of meditation and we will explore some of that here.Meditation indeed does reduce stress and improve our lives but what are the mechanisms behind that? How do we ensure we are meditating properly? Is there a specific posture or secret that makes meditation effective for everyone?Many meditation courses only provide information from one lineage or one tradition, such as mindfulness. Here, we will work to integrate all traditions of spirituality to find out what is essentially needed for an effective meditation practice.A meditative mind creates a joyful, happy and free life.Testimonials:""Ive lived with crippling anxiety ever since I can remember. This all consuming feeling in me, that I never fully understood, would affect my self confidence, my performance at school, my relationships, career and so much more. Its created a lot of depression and frustration with myself that has made me ask myself over and over again, Whats wrong with me? Why cant I feel normal? This harsh self judgement became something that grew even worse when I would seek help and these thoughts were reinforced in me by healthcare professionals. I had one counsellor ask me, Why are you so depressed when youre such a pretty girl? or an acupuncturist tell me, Youd be a really cool person if you just chilled out. As if I WANT to feel or be like this, or dont have the right to what Im feeling. Over and over again the belief was instilled in me that anxiety is just not alright and I really beat myself up for struggling with it for years and years.This year I hit a huge breaking point, that almost cost me my job and took a huge hit to my health. A worried friend in the health profession suggested I see Larry at Action Compassion. I have to say, the last four weeks have been life changing.The name Action Compassion really rings true to the work, because very few have given me as much compassion and understanding for my feelings and struggles the way Larry has. Ive been made to feel as though my anxiety is neither good or bad, it just is. Because of this, I no longer judge myself for it. It's something we can work on together and that will make me so much stronger as a person. I no longer feel alone or shame the way I used to and have been given so many tools and personal support. Larry is a truly beautiful and inspiring person who has given me so much in such a short amount of time. Thank you Larry for being you. I feel so much stronger and have a clear vision of my journey now. I look forward to this journey together.""""I vividly remember the very first moment I met Larry Li. He's the real deal. Raw, walking truth and love. A rare soul. When he first told me of his energy and meditation service, I immediately knew I wanted to work with him. His guidance and insights have been invaluable to me and my business vision. If you're on a path to find your truth and peace of heart, I highly, highly, highly recommend Larry and his unique, powerful service.""About MeI am 33 years old, born in Taiwan, immigrated to Canada, and have been practising the healing arts for the past fourteen years. As a teacher I value greatly your time and energy so I ask myself often, how can I best serve my students?I have meditated through anxiety, OCD, depression, suicidal periods, rage from family abuse, weird chronic disease, cancer...I can confidently say it is true when Ayurveda says ""Meditation is the first and last medicine"" and I want to share the joyful insights from my journey with you. There is a light and lesson in everything we go through. Even our most difficult periods of suffering are sacred.I have studied with meditation masters in Taiwan, Canada, USA, Indonesia, and Germany. I have also completed many meditation curriculums in USA and Canada to see how the west has presented meditation as well. I have been teaching meditation for fourteen years and truly it is an amazing journey to see how each student uniquely finds his or her own peace and centre.I have two masters that I keep in touch with on a yearly basis. Dr. Tang is from a Tibetan Buddhist Healing Lineage practising in USA and the Master Chen is a teacher of Taoism and Energy Healing based out of Taiwan. Out of all the teachings I have received I find theirs to be the most balanced and clinical, ready to be integrated into modern society. I have practised their teachings in earnest ever since they saved my life from Lung Cancer at age 24.Meditation is unique for everyone and your personal conditions need to be considered. Despite this what are the essentials of practice I can confidently share with you my I can speak meditation to you in whatever context you wish. There is a way inward whether we use emotions, logic, energy, or some form of faith. I teach meditation while respecting your individuality."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Aes Prticas de Atendimento ao Cliente" |
"O Curso de Aes Prticas de Atendimento ao Cliente ir lhe ensinar passos prticos para resultados em atendimento ao cliente de curto e mdio prazo. Ao final deste curso voc ser capaz de entender como se conectar melhor com seu cliente, alm de conseguir apresentar melhor a sua proposta de valor de maneira eficaz. Tudo isso de forma clara, fcil e objetiva.No perca tempo, saiba mais!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Home Office Guide fr Projektmanager & Teamleiter" |
"Der Home Office Trend bietet eine riesige Chance fr Unternehmen und ungeahnte Freiheiten fr MitarbeiterInnen. Wir wissen, wovon wir reden: Als ber siebzigkpfige Online-Marketing-Agentur pflegen wir seit Jahren eine zwanglose Home Office Kultur. Dank unserer erprobten Kommunikations- und Projektmanagement-Skills liefern wir Ergebnisse auch von der heimischen Couch aus.Zusammen verbringen unsere ber 70 Kollegen und Kolleginnen jedes Jahr mehr als 3.500 Tage zu Hause - Wie klappt das so reibungslos? Genau das erfhrst du in unserem Kurs.Zunchst bekommst du das Big Picture von unserem Team Lead Andr zu den Themen:TeamorganisationFallstricke im Home Office und wie man ihnen zuvorkommtMitarbeiter-MotivationArbeitsplatz-GestaltungIm Anschluss nimmt dich unser Specialist Max nochmal tief in die Praxis mit und zeigt dir unsere Best-Practices und Tool-Empfehlungen freffektive Kommunikation im Home OfficeMeetingkulturProjektmanagementkollaboratives Arbeiten an DokumentenHome Office ist gekommen, um zu bleiben. Als ProjektmanagerIn, TeamleiterIn oder Fhrungskraft solltest du von Anfang an die richtigen Bedingungen schaffen, damit dein Team von daheim aus die Welt verndern kann. Das Skill-Set bekommst du in unserem Webinar. Wir freuen uns auf dich!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
the-world-of-ghosts-in-islam-1 |
" . : "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Project Planning , Controlling & Development Process" |
"For planning the project in efficient way , the method of Networking is explained over here. Critical Path Method is the tool used for planning and developing project to control and optimize it . The learning of CPM helps individual to find out total duration of project , Work/ Activity of more importance and best way of completing predefined task or project. CPM is effective project controlling tool too , which helps individual to compare and control activities with actual execution . The course will help individual to adopt planning of projects before its execution and carry out it in optimized way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yapay Sinir Ann PSO Algoritma ile Eitilmesi" |
"Yapay Sinir Ann PSO Algoritma ile EitilmesiParack Sr Optimizasyon (PSO) Algoritmas ile Yapay Sinir A EitimiApplication of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Optimizing ANNEitim Setinin erii:1-Yapay Sinir Alar Temeli : (ysa nedir,ysa nasl alr?, ysa nin elemanlari, ysa nin yapisi2- YSA nin uygulamalari, ysa nin avantajlari, )3-Zaman Serisi Analizi (Time Series Analysis)Zaman serisi analizinin ne olduu, hangi durumlarda kullanld, zaman serisi analizinin nasl yapld ile ilgili temel bir giri yaplmtr.4-MATLAB da Ysa nn kod (m_file) yazm, yapay sinir a sistemi, MATLAB da bir Mfile ierisinde kodu yazlm. Daha sonra, gelitirilen bir algoritma sayesinde, Zaman serisini analizi ve tahmin yaplmtr.5-Yapay sinir alarndan gelen sonular gerek sonularla karlatrlm ve grafiksel olarak nasl gsterebiliriz anlatlm.6-Yapay sinir ann parametreleri, Parack sr optimizasyon (PSO) algoritmas ile belirlenmitir."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals - Practice Exam" |
"This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services in general and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model. This exam also covers knowledge of available options and benefits gained by implementing Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings.This exam can be taken as a precursor to cloud computing and technologies exams, such as Office 365, Microsoft Intune, Azure Informa* Understand cloud concepts (15-20%)* Understand core Microsoft 365 services and concepts (30-35%)* Understand security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365 (25-30%)* Understand Microsoft 365 pricing and support (25-30%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Civil 3D" |
"========= : ( shift career ) ? Civil 3D . .------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : plan profile cross sections.1- introduction & points + + cad points cogo points .2-surface ground surface as built surface .3-horizontal geometry superelevation .4-Vertical geometry band .5-assembly ( slopes of cut & fill ) .6-corridor .7-cross sections sample lines screen shot ? .8-volumes compute material .9-intersections ( clover leaf & trumpt ) .10-export & print ( x , y ) setting out. frame sheets. : plan profiles typical cross section .1-Inputs data ( - - - ) .2-Outputs data excel sheets :1- assembly corridor2- as built average end area .3- 4- (x , y , z ) . : :1- ( - - ).2- R.C M.C. .3- .4- 5- .6- ------------------------------------------------------------------------Civil 3D Course outline:1-Introduction-Interface of program-metric template and location2-Points Anatomy of a Point Creating & Importing Points Point Groups Point Styles Point Label Styles Point Tables Point Reports3-Surfaces Creating Surfaces(Excel Sheets, Contour, Objects) Refining and Editing Surfaces Surface Styling Labelling the Surface Volume Calculations 3D Viewer4-Alignment Roadway Design Overview Alignment Creations (Polyline, Creation Tools) Alignment Geometry Editor Alignment Super-Elevation Alignment Styles & Labels5-Profiles Creating Profile views (Profile from Surface) Finished Ground Profiles Profile View Styles & Labels Roads Intersections Profile View & Bands Editing Initial Volume Calculations6-Corridors Creating Assemblies Creating Corridor Corridor Surfaces & Visualization7-Cross Sections Creating Sample Lines Editing Sample Lines Group Properties Creating & Editing Section Views Computing Materials Volume Tables & Reports"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security for everyone" |
"If you use the internet in any way, whatsoever, with any device, you are at risk. You can lose your identity, your money, your business! Let me show you how can avoid that. Learn how to be safe online, help your children to be safe online. The course is specifically designed to guide. Like ""Show and tell""! We share actual examples, recommend software and show you how it works. You need no previous knowledge or experience. Only the most basic computer skills are required."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Cmo crear tu taller de fotografa" |
"Quieres montar un taller de fotografa?En este vdeo curso te ensear todos los trucos y todo lo que he aprendido organizando talleres en los ltimos 3 aos, sin secretos. Mas de 40 talleres organizados con gran xito. Te explicar todo paso a paso para que puedas ganar dinero enseando y disfrutando de tu pasin; la fotografa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curs ONLINE de Croitorie i Design" |
"Se studiaz individual pe baza filmuleelor proiectarea tiparelor de baz (se nva a costrui abloane dup marimi individuale pentru toate tipurile de produse vestimentare). Se indic toi paii de prelucrare a fiecrui produs n parte. Pentru partea practic ai nevoie de : masin de cusut, croiul, materiale potrivite si toate detaliile vestimentare"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Microsoft Excel - Essential Training for all" |
"This course intends to help you in your understanding of using Microsoft Excel. After taking the course you will be confident to us the tool in your everyday life. The knowledge of Excel improves efficiency in the workplace you can gain mastery over crucial Microsoft Excel tools and functions that will enhance efficiency and accelerate performance.You will learn all about formulas and functions in Microsoft Excel. You will learn how to manipulate both numbers and text. You will be able to create charts so you can share the information graphically to your clients and colleagues."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de publicacin de libros" |
"En este curso realizaremos un repaso directo y conciso sobre las ideas clave que tienes que tener presentes para poder publicar tu libro:Estado actual del sector literario y principales cambios del mismoQu debemos hacer antes de lanzarnos a publicar nuestra obra?Mtodos de publicacin actuales: ventajas e inconvenientes de cada uno de ellos Cul se adapta mejor a mi libro?Aspectos legales bsicos de un contrato de edicin.Cmo funciona la distribucin de un libro? Qu mtodos puedo usar para promocionarlo? De qu forma comercializarlo?Soy Juanma Torrijos y desde hace ms de 7 aos me dedico profesionalmente al sector literario. He trabajado y colaborado con diferentes editoriales y en 2015 puse en marcha mi propio proyecto editorial. Tambin he impartido multitud de talleres, cursos y charlas, y colaborado con el Mster de Escritura Creativa de la universidad de Sevilla. Hace 3 aos me di cuenta de que lo que ms disfrutaba de todo mi trabajo era poder ayudar a los escritores/as a a cumplir sus objetivos, pulir sus obras y conseguir publicarlas, por eso cre la web ""Tu coach literario"", una plataforma en la que comparto mis conocimientos y ofrezco mis servicios en el terreno de la escritura, marketing literario y publicacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sprzeda i zarzdzanie w salonie w salonie beauty" |
"Kurs sprzeday w salonie beauty.Kurs dla wacicieli biznesw beauty, ktrzy chc podnie zyski, zyska nowych klientw.Pomog Ci uporzdkowa biece dziaania biznesowe, nakreli plan dziaania tak, aby moga/ mg czerpa co raz wiksze zyski z prowadzonej przez siebie dziaalnoci.Poznasz techniki kreatywnego marketingu, ktre w intuicyjny sposb pozwol przycign nowych klientw do Twojej firmy, zapewni czstsze odwiedziny staych klientw, a take uatwia uzyskanie dalszych rekomendacji. Co znaczco obniy budet wydawany na dziaania promocyjne.Czego dowiesz si ze szkolenia?Jak pisa oferty, smsy, tworzy ciekawe treci na potrzeby materiaw sprzedaowych czyli copywriting w biznesieJak zarzdza salonem beauty. Jak sprzedawa zanim klient odwiedzi Twj salonJak sprzedawa zabiegi premium?Jak sprzedawa dodatkowe produkty i pielgnacj domowJak sprawi by klientki umawiay si na kolejne zabiegiJak uskuteczni poczt pantoflow by Twoje klientki chtnie polecay Ci dalej."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Maximo Automation Scripts" |
"This is a course prepared for developers and technical consultants working with IBM Maximo Asset Management. The course is an attempt to make Automation Scripting in Maximo easier to understand and work on. This can be treated as a handbook for people looking for a quick guide with practical examples."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"The coronavirus pandemic caused thousands of educational institutions to close their doors during quarantine.Unfortunately, numerous on-site technical courses (such as language schools, music classes, courses in business areas, etc.) did not support student dropout and went bankrupt.This short course was created to help different kinds of educational institutions to adapt their face to face classes into an online course in less than a week."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Linkedin para Carreira e Negcios" |
"Esse curso foi preparado para voc que quer criar um perfil ou melhorar a forma como utiliza o Linkedin Como sabem, o Linkedin deixou de ser o seu currculo profissional e passou a ser a sua reputao profissional online. Nesse curso voc aprender a criar e configurar o seu perfil na maior rede profissional do mundo e claro, aprender as melhores prticas e tcnicas para destac-lo na rede."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Royal Blueprint Shopify Aliexpress Dropship FBAds Course" |
"Welcome to the complete Shopify Aliexpress Dropshipping course. I'm going to teach you, step-by-step, how to build a highly profitable eCommerce store, from scratch. You don't need any prior knowledge of eCommerce or any technical skills - if you can use a web browser you are good to go!My name is Christopher Waller and I've been a successful online entrepreneur since 2010. Over the years, I've built successful businesses in eCommerce, WordPress, Affiliate Marketing and Web and Database Development. I have extensive knowledge of the complete business cycle and a wealth of real world experience. But the best part is I've been able to live the Internet lifestyle, making great money working from anywhere and having the flexibility to do what I want when I want. And that's what I'm going to teach you !At the end of this course you will have a profitable eCommerce store which could supplement your existing income or transform your life by giving you your very own online business that could even allow you to escape the 9 to 5 altogether. It's entirely up to you, your commitment, your determination - if I can do this then anyone can. I'll be your instructor throughout and I'll even help you kickstart your store by sharing products and markets with you that are working for me today.The course is designed with the total beginner in mind, but if you're struggling in eCommerce many of the tips and tricks I'll share with you will help you on your way. I'll be taking you step-by-step, showing you exactly what I have done to build a profitable eCommerce business. We'll be learning by doing and within the first few lectures you will have built your very own fully operational eCommerce store. From there, I'll teach you how to find profitable markets, find hot selling products within those markets, identify your ideal customer and then drive them to your store to buy your products.The final lectures will focus on how you can build your store towards Great Amounts / year and beyond.So what are you waiting for, let's get started right now on building a financially secure future."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Treinar em Casa - Exerccios com peso corporal" |
"Ateno: Exerccios para perna sero acrescentados durante as prximas semanasEste curso tem como objetivo ensinar uma gama de exerccios para que voc consiga fazer seu treinamento em casa ou qualquer outro local, utilizando apenas o peso corporal e alguns objetos adaptados.Ateno: Este curso apresenta apenas sugestes de exerccios. Para sua prtica o indicado ser sempre buscar por uma prescrio individualizada por profissionais da rea de educao fsica bem como imprescindvel o acompanhamento mdico para a segurana do(a) aluno(a) antes de iniciar qualquer tipo de treinamento.Crditos:Prof. Esp. Gustavo Trevisan Costa - graduado pela UNICAMP, especialista em cincia do treinamento de fora pela UFSCar e Especialista em engajamento de alunos.2019 - Especializao em cincia do treinamento de fora pela UFSCar2015 at 2019 - Engajamento de alunos em treinamentos diversos2015 at 2019 - Criador e administrador de grupos de treinos coletivos com foco na hipertrofia muscular2015 - Graduado em Educao Fsica pela UNICAMPDr. Felipe Damas - Mestre pela UNICAMP, Doutor pela USP e Ps-Doc pela UFSCar na rea de hipertrofia muscular2019 Ps-Doc UFSCar/ University of Stirling, Esccia2017 Doutorado em Educao Fsica pela USP/ McMaster Universtiy, Canad2013 Mestrado em Educao Fsica pela UNICAMP"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Say Problemleri - 21 Videoda Adm Adm renin" |
"Yeni videolar eklenecektir.Say problemleri, tm problem tarzlar ierisinde hem en ok sorulan hem de tm problem tarzlar iin temel olan bir konudur. SYM say problemlerinde kullanlan mantklar dier problem tipleri iinde de kullanmaktadr. Say problemlerinin snavlar ierisindeki arl %70 civarndadr. Aslnda SYM problemleri balklara ayrmaz ve her problemi denklem kurma becerisini lmek iin sorar ancak zamanla sorulan sorularn tarzlarna gre yayn evleri problemleri alt balklara ayrarak kitaplarnda inceledii iin en genel soru tarzlarn say problemleri bal altnda toplamlardr.Ben de burada say problemi bal altnda bilmeniz gereken her soru kalbn bol rnek zm ile tek tek incelemeye altm.Ders videolarn not tutarak ve kitaplarnzdan rnek sorular zerek dinlediinizde say problemleri ile hi bir sorununuz kalmayacaktr.Snavlarnzda ve hayatnzda her zaman baar yannzda olsun.yi almalar."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Espiritualidade na Prtica - Jornada da Cura" |
"Este curso ele surgiu de uma necessidade que passei durante 10 anos na minha carreira de fisioterapeuta e terapeuta holstico. Por mais que usasse as tcnicas holsticas (complementares) durante os meus atendimentos no controle de dores, e via sim que eram poderosas as tcnicas, eu permanecia com a mente Newtoniana, restringindo o poder de atuao energtica apenas para analgesia.Ao passar por um forte trauma emocional iniciei sem saber como, a trilhar o caminho do autoconhecimento e encontrei a essncia das tcnicas que eu vinha a anos trabalhando, que a Espiritualidade, sem vnculos religioso, descobri que a religio uma maneira de encontrar a espiritualidade e que a cincia tambm outra forma de ser espiritual.Isto somente possvel quando passamos a mudar a nossa viso de mundo que antes era Materialista e a transformamos em Energia e Informao, neste momento o mundo todo se transforma e fica muito simples a atuao das tcnicas holsticas e as infinitas possibilidades de cura pessoal, sistmica e planetria. E at mesmo a CURA nesta viso remete ao pleno estado de Sade, Prosperidade e Paz.Vem comigo!Pois juntos vamos trilhar o caminho da intuio e descobrir neste primeiro curso de uma sries de cursos ""Espiritualidade na Prtica"" como desenvolver os 4 centros de inteligncia:- mental, - emocional, - corporal e - espiritual, que todos temos.Todo este processo ser feito de maneira simples e aplicvel no dia a dia.Neste mdulo o principal foco ser o desenvolvimento da intuio e voc vai ver como muda tudo ao seguir a sua intuio.Seja bem vindo a sua JORNADA DE CURA"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aromathrapie Holistique 101" |
"Ce cours est destination de toute personne qui cherche une mthode alternative pour sa sant, tre autonome dans l'utilisation des huiles essentielles pour un usage priv. Ce cours vous apprendra tout ce que vous avez besoin de connatre pour se soigner la maison, efficacement et sans danger, mais aussi de prendre soin de votre sant pour ne prvenir des maladies chroniques.C'est un cours d'aromathrapie holistique dont le premier principe est de travailler les causes avec des dilution faibles, l'inverse de l'aromathrapie franaise qui utilise des doses trop importantes, et de ce fait potentiellement dangereuses si mal matris. Ce cours ne vous enseignera rien qui puisse prsenter un quelconque risque. J'en ai fait le point d'honneur de cette formation et je n'y ai inclus que dosages et huiles essentielles ne prsentant aucun danger.Voici en dtail le programme de la formation:1) Grands principes de l'aromathrapie holistique et ce qui diffre de l'aromathrapie traditionnelle (franaise)2) Scurit des huiles essentielles3) Biochimie des huiles essentielles4) Dosages, mlanges5) Modes d'application6) Les bases7) Les Huiles Essentielles (fiches dtailles)8) Les pathologies les plus courantes et leurs protocoles holistiques9) Traiter les causes sous-jacentes10) Introduction la mdecine traditionnelle chinoise: les points d'acupression connatreA la fin de ce cours vous pourrez soigner votre famille avec confiance et assurance, et sans danger!Disclaimer: ce cours ne vous dispense pas de consulter un mdecin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow CIS CSM-Orlando DELTA Practice Test" |
"If you have the previous ServiceNow CIS-Customer Service Management (CSM), this course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow CIS-CSM- Orlando DELTA Exam. The practice test questions are based on the Orlando Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to products and features. This course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - Orlando DELTA Exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping : Gnrer des milliers d'euros en partant de 0" |
"Le but premier de ce cours est de permettre toute personne de pouvoir raliser une boutique rentable avec le modle du dropshipping et dobtenir au minimum un complment de revenu. Je vous garantie au minimum ce complment de revenue sachant que nous allons partir comme dit plus haut sans investissement de dpart, donc ds la premire vente vous serez en bnfice et ainsi de suite.Nous commencerons par la cration de votre propre boutique Shopify (De A Z). Toutes les tapes de la cration vous sont expliques en dtail, de louverture du compte jusqu la mise en ligne de vos produits en passant par toute loptimisation possible pour amliorer lexprience client et votre rentabilit. A la fin de cette partie, vous aurez cr votre boutique et vos premiers produits seront judicieusement mis en avant pour vos futurs visiteurs.Comme dit prcdemment, je vais vous offrir deux thmes payants directement disponible dans la boutique Shopify d'une valeur de 400$. Vous aurez donc un temps d'avance sur vos concurrents et votre site sera beaucoup plus professionnelle. L'objectif est de donn une bonne image de marque, donc nous verrons aussi comment faire un site/logo trs esthtique.Ensuite nous allons nous focaliser sur la recherche d'une catgorie de produits (Niche) pour votre boutique. A la fin de cette partie, vous pourrez trouver les tendances actuelles du march qui vous intresse et dnicher des produits qui se vendent dj par milliers pour votre e-commerce.Pour obtenir vos premiers visiteurs et vos premires ventes vous utiliserez Instagram et le SEO. Nous verrons les points indispensables pour attirer un maximum de visiteurs sur votre boutique et loptimiser pour augmenter votre rentabilit. Vous aurez en main toutes les tapes cls pour gnrer vos premires ventes trs rapidement.Afin dexploiter au maximum votre boutique, vous saurez comment procder pour quune grande partie des personnes qui abandonnent leur panier (70% en moyenne) reviennent sur votre boutique et achtent ! Votre boutique vous gnrera de plus en plus d'argent sur le long terme, et c'est l'avantage principale des techniques que je vais vous proposer durant cette formation. Contrairement toutes les autres formations o il faut investir normment sur des boutiques phmres, d'ailleurs sans aucune garantie de rentabilit.Pour expliciter mes propos tout au long de la formation, je ralise une boutique E-commerce de A Z devant vous. De louverture du compte Shopify, en passant par le choix des produits, des fournisseurs, de la source de trafic, des applications indispensables pour optimiser votre boutique. Je vous filme toutes les tapes dans leur intgralit.En sachant qu'en parallle, je vais vous montrez une de mes boutiques qui me gnre 4000/mois avec les techniques utilises durant cette formation donc sans investissement et passivement."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Apprenez payer moins cher vos mobiles" |
"Bonjour, je m'appelle Thomas Lombart, Dans ce cours vous apprendrez comparer les offres des diffrents oprateurs ce qui vous permettra de faire de grosses conomies et de payer moins cher votre nouveau smartphone et votre forfait mobile.Vous pourrez faire jusqu' 500 euros dconomie voir plus, c'est prouv dans la formation. En effet, je vais vous enseigner tout ce que j'ai pu acqurir comme comptence durant mon exprience professionnel pour vous donnez les astuces que les oprateurs ne vous disent pas, ou du moins pas directement. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java Interview Questions" |
"This course will prepare you for the Java Interviews. The questions are updated with the latest industry trend. After attending this course, you will surely crack the Java Interview and get yourself placed in your dream companies and excel in your career. All your doubts related to Java will get cleared after this. You will be confident enough to answer each and every question without any doubt.Below are the topics will be covered under this course:OOPs ConceptsJVM and Java Memory ManagementStringCollectionsJava IOGenericsException handlingLambda, streams, functional programming (Java 8)Synchronization and concurrency"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |