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"Fitnesstraining Techniken, bungen & Hintergrundwissen" |
"Lerne, wie du deine Kraft, Ausdauer und Koordination trainieren und so deine Fitness steigern kannstMchtest du deine Fitness steigern und deine Gesundheit verbessern? Dann bist du in diesem Kurs genau richtig!Wie du wahrscheinlich bereits gemerkt hast, gibt es zahlreiche Mythen rund um die Themen Fitness und Gesundheit, von denen manche weiter verbreitet sind, als man denkt. In diesem Kurs mchte ich mit einigen dieser Mythen aufrumen und dir die Grundlagen von erfolgreichem Fitnesstraining beibringen. Dabei werden wir uns sowohl Grundwissen rund um das Thema Fitnesstraining aneignen, als auch selbst in der Praxis zahlreiche bungen durchgehen - von Hanteltraining ber Calisthenics bis hin zu Widerstandstraining.Du lernst die wichtigsten Aspekte rund um das Thema Fitnesstraining sowohl in der Theorie, als auch in der Praxis.Damit soll dieser Kurs dazu beitragen, dass es fr Jedermann einfacher wird, sich Trainingsziele zu setzen, einen Trainingsplan zu erarbeiten und gemeinsam fit, gesund und stark zu werden.Im Kurs werden wir die folgenden Themen behandeln:Wie wachsen Muskeln?Welche Faktoren beeinflussen dein Training?Welche Arten von Kraftbungen gibt es?Wie setzt man sich selbst ein Trainingsziel?Wie erstellt man einen Trainingsplan?Welchen Sinn haben Warm-Ups und Cool-Downs?Welche bungen gibt es?Auerdem erhltst du, neben anschaulichen Theorie- und Praxisvideos auch:eine bungssammlung zu allen groen Muskelgruppen, sowie Warm-Up und Cool-DownWiederholungsaufgaben mit denen du das Gelernte weiter vertiefen kannstQuizzes um deinen Lernfortschritt zu dokumentierenein Abschlusszertifikatund vieles mehrGemeinsam werden wir fit und gesund und tuen unseren Teil, damit der steigende Anteil an Zivilisationskrankheiten wieder gesenkt wird.Gehen wir es gemeinsam an!Dein Luca______________________________________________________Weitere Features:Full-HD Videolektionen30 Tage Geld-zurck-GarantieLebenslanger ZugriffAbspielbar auf Handy, Tablet und PC______________________________________________________"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Planner Masterclass Deutsch" |
"Dieses Produktivitts-Framework war lange Zeit die Geheimwaffe der erfolgreichsten Menschen & verantwortlich fr ihren unvorstellbaren Erfolg.Jetzt bekommst du Zugriff darauf, was dir hilft deine Produktivitt zu multiplizieren, deine Leistung zu erhhen, deinen Arbeitstag zu verkrzen und endlich das Gefhl von berwltigung von deinen Schultern zu nehmen.[Frage:] Wie oft hast du dich vllig gestresst, ausgelaugt und kraftlos am Ende des Tages gefhlt weil du so beschftigt warst - aber bei genauerem Hinsehen merkst du, dass du nichts geschafft hast? Wenn du so wie ich bist, sehr oft...Das Ziel von Produktivitt sollte sein: Die Fhigkeiten zu lernen, die dich produktiver machen und den Rest aus deiner ToDo-Liste zu streichen, um keine Energie zu vergeuden.[Viel zu oft machen Menschen zu VIELE Dinge, weil sie das unter Produktivitt verstehen]Dabei ist das Geheimnis, weniger zu machen!Es geht nicht darum mglichst viel an einem Tag zu schaffen, sondern deine Kapazitt in die Bereiche zu stecken, die dich wirklich voranbringen.Alles was du am Tag machst, sollte dafr sorgen dass du deinen Zielen im Leben nher kommst.Vergesse also die schnen Apps und Produktivitts-Planer im Internet, und schnappe dir stattdessen einen altmodischen Stift und plane mit mir zusammen in diesem Training deine Zeit, wodurch du deine Produktivitt vervielfachen wirst.Um wirklich produktiv zu werden, musst du zunchst erstmal wissen, wo deine Zeit verbraucht wird.Es ist unmglich, produktiv zu arbeiten wenn dein Fokus auf zu viele Aufgaben gerichtet ist. Behandle deine Zeit absolut mit Respekt, und lerne sie fr dich arbeiten zu lassen - nicht umgekehrt.Wenn du bereit bist deine Produktivitt auf das nchste Level zu bringen, checke diesen Kurs aus, in dem es einzig und alleine darum geht, das meiste aus der Zeit herauszuholen, die uns zur Verfgung steht. Je frher du startest, desto mehr hast du vom Leben."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kapsaml & Detayl / Bol Kaynakl ngilizce Kursu" |
"Kursumuz kapsaml bir kurstur. Yani bunu diyerek aslnda ne demek istiyorum. Kursumuzda hi bir kursun sunmad hikaye kitaplar, pdf dkmanlar bilgisayar zerinde anlatmlar ve kamera karsnda tahta zerinde anlatmlar mevcuttur. ngilizce kursumuzda aradnz her konuya deineceiz. Takldnz her konuya sadece soru oluturarak cevabn bulabileceksiniz. Kursumuz boyunca eitli kelimeler renecek. Diyaloglara ahit olacak. ngilizce'yi yaayarak reneceksiniz. Basma kalp gibi anlatp anlatp gemeyecek rencilerimizin isteklerine arlk vererek geireceiz her videomuzu. Bu kurs bir renci ne istiyorsa onlar barndrarak ilerleyecek. nk bir eitmenin neyi anlatmaya karar vermesinden ok o karar rencinin isteyip istememesidir nemli olan. Ve rencinin bu videolardaki konular gerek hayatnda ne kadar iine yarayacak bir eitmenin bunu dnmesi gereklidir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Coronavirus Epidemic: How To Work From Home Productively" |
"Learn to love working from home while being your most productive.I've done that for myself and have worked from home every day for over 10 years. I love it, and I want to share it with you.Learn how and when to use self-discipline, when to practice self-love and self-understanding so you aren't too hard on yourself, and how to deal with situations like working when family members are around. NEVER FEEL LONELYSome people say that working from home can be lonely. But that's just another way of saying that you have fewer distractions which means that you can focus better and do better work.After you do better work and accomplish more in less time, you will be able to have plenty of time to socialize and have a work-life balance. But only if you take full advantage of the fewer distractions and calm work environment.ACHIEVE WORK-LIFE BALANCEBecause you are home, you can do light exercise, light cleaning, and have more family time - all during breaks. If you combine that with no commute and flexibility in being able to do everything on your own time, you open up hours in your day to do whatever you want when you want to do it.HELPFUL DURING COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS EPIDEMICAll of us now have to be more responsible and go out less. That means working from home indefinitely. This is the perfect course to take during the Coronavirus epidemic to get ahead while everyone else is falling behind.BOOST PRODUCTIVITYYou will learn to minimize distractions and achieve your best focus, which will result in your best work yet!Invest in yourself and your future! Enroll in the course and get better results than you ever have, and never look back!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Practical Deep Learning on the Cloud" |
"Deep learning and machine learning applications are becoming the backbone of many businesses in both technological and traditional companies. Once organizations have achieved their first success in using ML/AI algorithms, the main issue they often face is how to automate and scale up their ML/AI workflows. This course will help you to design, develop, and train deep learning applications faster on the cloud without spending undue time and money.This course will heavily utilize contemporary public cloud services such as AWS Lambda, Step functions, Batch and Fargate. Serverless infrastructures can process thousands of requests in parallel at scale. You will learn how to solve problems that ML and data engineers encounter when training many models in a cost-effective way and building data pipelines to enable high scalability. We walk through some techniques that involve using pre-trained convolutional neural network models to solve computer vision tasks. You'll make a deep learning training pipeline; address issues such as multiple frameworks, parallel training, and cost optimization; and save time by importing a pre-trained convolutional neural network model and using it for your project.By the end of the course, you'll be able to build scalable and maintainable production-ready deep learning applications directly on the cloud.About the AuthorRustem Feyzkhanov is a machine learning engineer at Instrumental and creates analytical models for the manufacturing industry. He is also passionate about serverless infrastructures and using them to deploy AI. He has ported several packages on AWS Lambda from TensorFlow/Keras/scikit-learn for ML to PhantomJS/Selenium/WRK to carry out web scraping. One app was featured on AWS serverless repo home page."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Microsoft Access 2019" |
"Microsoft Access 2019 is an information management tool that stores information and, arguably, helps manage data more efficiently than other spreadsheet apps. It is an ideal and particularly useful tool for small-to-medium-sized (SME) businesses.This will be a practical, beginner-level course with hands-on, real-world examples you can use as models for your own activities. Beginning with a quick introduction to an example Access database, you will cover the core concepts, interface, and terminology you need to get started. You will then master the key components of data query management; forms to help you view, add, edit, and even delete data in a controlled environment. Then, you will publish your data with the help of built-in reporting, and move on to work with RDBMS concepts relating to joins and why theyre important. Youll find out how to automate your Access database by creating and applying macros and learn about VBA programming and how its used with Access.By the end of the course, you will be confident in your new skills in Microsoft Access 2019 to improve productivity, and data visualization.About the AuthorBen Beitler is a highly proficient software developer and consultant with over 25 years experience of database design and implementation of CRM management systems, and bespoke applications using VBA (mainly Excel spreadsheets and Access databases).He has successfully run several businesses, including desktop training, consultancy, and development in Access and Excel ranging from small to the larger companies including Ford, Toyota, HSBC, Barclays, PWC, Deloitte, Sage, and many others.Even though he is based in the UK, he has provided consultancy services and developed systems with software specialists as far afield as Australia."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"C# 8 and .NET Core 3.1 Recipes - Second Edition" |
"C# is a multi-paradigm programming language providing support for software engineering principles such as strong type checking, array bound checking, automatic garbage collection, and more. C# 8 comes with a host of new features to build powerful cross-platform applications. Also, ASP.NET Core is the web application framework through which you can develop enterprise-grade web apps.In this course, you will learn quick and easy ways to develop apps using the latest features of C# 8 and .NET Core 3.1. Kitted out with those skills in your toolset, this course will then help you to make the most of the next sections focusing on advanced C# use cases that are particularly suited to real-world application development.Moving further, you will get in-depth knowledge of ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API framework along with authentication methods and Entity Framework Core, the de facto ORM for C# and .NET Core. Finally, you will work with the latest technologies in the .NET Ecosystem, primarily Razor Pages for quickly bootstrapping smart pages and Blazor for building C# apps for the browser. Finally, you will build a desktop application with WPF and .NET Core.Please note that prior knowledge of C# and some experience with ASP.NET is assumed for taking this course.About the AuthorDimitris Loukas is a software engineer and is currently part of a growing start-up building a revolutionary referral marketing platform with Node.js, Angular, MySQL, Redis, and Docker. He is also developing trading software applications using C#, Aurelia and TypeScript. He is a Packt author and has developed many video tutorials in C#, .NET Core, and TypeScript. He has worked for two start-ups in the past, is active in the open-source community, and loves taking up small side-projects. He has developed microservices using C# and Node.js and has also mastered Angular, Aurelia, and Vue.js. He is an early adopter of .NET Core and is fascinated by modern JavaScript and where the web is going."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Continuous Integration and Delivery with Jenkins X" |
"Jenkins X is an exciting and fast way to build applications on Kubernetes. Jenkins X handles the job of configuring Kubernetes to build, test, and deploy your applications, so you can focus on fast delivery and make your applications great!Kubernetes is powerful but complicated; using it not only to run your application but also to build and test it requires a lot of configuration. Jenkins X provides automation for Kubernetes so you can use it to its full potential without spending all of your time configuring and debugging.This course adopts a step-by-step approach to show you how to use Jenkins X, with plenty of hands-on examples that you can use for your own applications. You'll start with a simple example application deployed to Kubernetes using Jenkins X, then build up to awesome features such as preview environments, promotion, and monitoring. With this course, you can learn Jenkins X fast, and immediately apply what you've learned.About the AuthorAlan Hohn is a Lockheed Martin Fellow with experience teaching DevOps, cloud, and Agile. He loves to combine examples and explanation to make technology clear. He has written multiple guides to Kubernetes and has taught numerous classes on using Kubernetes for containerized microservice architectures. He is the author of several successful video courses with Packt Publishing."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On TensorBoard for PyTorch Developers" |
"TensorBoard is a visualization library for TensorFlow that plots training runs, tensors, and graphs. TensorBoard has been natively supported since the PyTorch 1.1 release. In this course, you will learn how to perform Machine Learning visualization in PyTorch via TensorBoard. This course is full of practical, hands-on examples. You will begin with a quick introduction to TensorBoard and how it is used to plot your PyTorch training models. You will learn how to write TensorBoard events and run TensorBoard with PyTorch to obtain visualizations of the training progress of a neural network. You will visualize scalar values, images, text and more, and save them as events. You will log events in PyTorchfor example, scalar, image, audio, histogram, text, embedding, and back-propagation.By the end of the course, you will be confident enough to use TensorBoard visualizations in PyTorch for your real-world projects.About the AuthorJoe Papa has an MSEE and over 23 years' experience in engineering R&D. He has led AI teams and developed Deep Learning models at Booz Allen and Perspecta Labs. Joe is also the founder of Mentorship .ai and has mentored hundreds of data scientists in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI. He has taught over 6,000 students on Udemy in programming courses such as MATLAB."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"iOS 13 Programming with Swift 5 - Second Edition" |
"The iOS 13 SDK arrives as a major milestone in the evolution of the Swift language with new and interesting features for developers such as Dark Mode, Apple Sign-in, CloudKit, SwiftUI, UIKit, and more. If you're looking to get started with iOS 13 programming, unravel the potential of Swift 5, and publish your apps on the iPhone and iPad, then this is the right course for you.This course will be a perfect guide on your iOS journey; it will take you through the capabilities of iOS 13 and show you how to put its principles into action. It equips you to handle the most common tasks an iOS developer will deal with daily. We begin by creating a burger-recipe application and gradually add features to it as we move on. You will also learn how to build simple apps using SwiftUI and master iPadOS, which is specifically created for tablets. You will learn about the differences between UIKit and SwiftUI, and explore how SwiftUI handles the look-and-feel of different platforms such as iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS.By the end of the course, you will have built an appetizing burger-recipe applicaiton.About the AuthorGregor Pichler has more than eight years' experience with iOS development. He graduated with a Master of Science degree from the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg. He was iOS Project Lead for several projects for a well-known London agency; his projects ranged from an HR recruiting app up to a GPS-based app for helicopter pilots. Together with four other colleagues, he co-founded his own startup called Butleroy, an app that manages your calendar and to-do lists more efficiently."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Angular 9 New Features" |
"Angular is one of the most prominent and comprehensive open-source JavaScript frameworks for front-end development. Angular is built by Google and offers a perfect solution for creating Single-Page Applications (SPAs).This course is your go-to guide to getting started with all the new features and improvements introduced in Angular 9. It covers all major new features, minor features, and patch releases in the latest Angular 9 release and simplifies the way you use Angular for your web development requirements.The course will also cover the new Angular engine, Ivy, the code name for Angular's next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline. You will understand how to make the best use of these new features practically in your front-end applications and work around deprecations, breaking changes, and code refactoring for your current Angular applications.By the end of the course, you will be up-to-speed with all new additions and changes in the latest release: Angular 9.About the AuthorChristian Hur is a web instructor and author who has produced numerous web development video training courses. His career in web technologies spans over 20 years and he has taught computer programming and web development courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. In industry, throughout his career, he has built websites and web-based applications using various web technologies.In his spare time, he enjoys exploring new web technologies, learning AR/VR and game development, and contributing to Stack Overflow and Quora. He holds a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems (with a concentration on Web Application Development) from Boston University."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Learning Splunk" |
"Maybe you've heard about Splunk, but don't know how to use it to take control of big data? Have you used Splunk, but want to learn how to set it up and use it properly? If so, this course is for you.In this course, you will work with Splunk from the ground up. You'll learn the basics of Splunk terminology, and how to use the Splunk web interface to find data. You'll also build your own Splunk environment, add data to the Common Information Model (CIM), create dashboards, and find events within data. Finally, you'll master advanced searching techniques that are especially useful to those in network, security, and system administration roles.The course also covers the latest additions brought in for Splunk 8 and helps you quickly perform an upgrade. By the end of the course, you will be confident about using Splunk and will be well on the road to becoming a proficient Splunk architect and administrator as quickly as possible!About the AuthorTom Kopchak is the Director of Technical Operations at Hurricane Labs, where he pretends to manage a team of network and Splunk engineers but is still an engineer and technology geek at heart. Tom is a Splunk Certified Architect and Accredited Consultant and has several years' experience building, designing, and managing Splunk deployments; he also manages teams of Splunk engineers, designing Splunk deployment strategies, and developing Splunk training materials.He holds a Masters degree in Computing Security from the Rochester Institute of Technology and has spoken at numerous Infosec conferences around the country (including Splunk .conf and DEFCON). You will often find him researching digital forensics topics or tinkering with any and all forms of computer hardware. When he is not working with computers, Tom enjoys composing, music improvisation (Acts of Music), and playing both the piano and organ."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"From Drawing to Pattern in Adobe Illustrator - a Masterclass" |
"From Drawing to Pattern in Adobe Illustrator - a MasterclassDo you draw and are you looking to do more with your drawings? Do you want to create marketable digital assets? Are you ready to increase your Illustrator knowledge? Do you want to combine your drawings and your Illustrator skills in new ways?Great! Welcome! This course is for you. It's a fun and a practical way to learn Illustrator by taking your drawings and turning them into surface pattern designs. Here you'll ""learn by doing"" as you make a range of seamless repeating patterns from your sketches. You can use these patterns for scrapbook papers, stock imagery, backgrounds and for your own projects. You could upload them to Spoonflower to make fabric and wallpaper, you can print them on book covers and mugs. There are literally hundreds of ways to make use of the patterns you'll make in this course and you'll be so proud when you say ""I made that from my own art"".Who is your trainer?Helen Bradley has taught thousands of students to use Illustrator and Photoshop. She doesn't fluff about and is focused on helping you learn to use Illustrator in a practical and smart way. Her workflows are carefully structured for maximum success and she explains everything so you know the 'why' as well as the 'how' of any process. Helen has a huge commitment to her students' learning - she answers all student questions and often adds extra videos to a course to help students with questions that others might also benefit from learning from.What will you learn?When you complete this course, you'll: - be able to digitize and vectorize your drawings and crate surface pattern designs from them- create multiple color ways for your designs- save your designs in formats appropriate for various uses - have learned new Illustrator tips and techniques that you can use every day - be able to confidently create pattern filled objects from your art for a range of design and commercial usesDo I hear you say ""...but I don't know how to use Illustrator (and frankly, I'm scared of it)""?I understand! I've been there.Illustrator can be really scary to use when you first start out. but I've created a better way to learn Illustrator. One that makes it a lot less scary and a lot more fun. You see, you'll learn to make patterns you can sell, give away on your blog, and use yourself. So you'll be making designs that you can do something with at the same time that you are learning Illustrator. There's no waiting! There's no hours of learning before you can get started doing something. In fact you can start today. Simply draw a few simple designs (think leaves or flowers to start), then complete the first few lessons and you'll have your first pattern made! Do I hear you say ""... but I hate the Pen tool!""?I understand! Most people hate the pen tool. You are not alone! I believe that Illustrator is so much more than its (dreaded) Pen tool so we'll use the pen tool only when we have to (which is practically never) and you'll see just how much you can achieve without it. Are you ready to extend your Illustrator skills?If you already know the basics of using Illustrator, taking this class will elevate your skills to a new level. You'll learn to vectorize your drawings and use tools and techniques in a practical situation. You'll reinforce your existing knowledge as you apply it to real world designs. And if we use tools you've never used before - great! You'll learn to use them fast and easily so you understand how you can put them to work in your daily workflow. Do I hear you say ""Please don't waste my time""?If there is one thing I hate its wasting time and you probably do too. So, I don't say ""um"", I don't fluff about, I don't make mistakes, I know my stuff and I show you how to do things efficiently and effectively. I speed up the videos where appropriate so you don't get bored or distracted. I'm 100% focused on helping you learn. In short, I'll get straight to the point and Ill maximize what you learn in every class. So, what version of Illustrator do I need?For this course, because we are using the Pattern Make tool which was introduced first in Illustrator CS6 you will need to have access to any version of Illustrator CC or Illustrator CS6. Unfortunately earlier versions of Illustrator won't be suitable for this course.Will I just learn to make patterns?Well Yes, and No! Yes, you'll learn to make patterns lots of wonderful seamless repeating patterns incorporating your own art. But you'll also learn to use tools, like the Blob brush and the Smooth tool. And you'll learn techniques and tips for working everyday in Illustrator.And you'll learn to recolor your patterns. In fact, I'm willing to bet you're going to fall in love with the Recolor Artwork tool as you use it to explore wonderful color schemes for your art.You'll get plenty of practice using Illustrator and you'll grow in confidence with every lecture.How will I learn?This course is made up 100% of video content. You'll watch my screen as I show you how each pattern is made. I'll explain what I am doing and why so you can learn as you watch. Now you can (and should) use your own art as you follow along with these videos. But, in case you don't have anything suitable to use right now, I'll give you some of my drawings - in fact the exact drawings I use in the class - so you can follow along with me. Join me... I hope you will join me in this Illustrator class. I look forward to meeting you and I invite you to contact me if you have any questions as you work through the lectures. cheers!Helen"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Tips & Tricks For Social Media" |
"Learn some very useful tips and tricks on how to edit and retouch photos for your Social Media profiles like a pro with Adobe Photoshop.Create awesome Social Media profiles with this easy guide for everyone!Adobe Photoshop fundamentalsCover ImagesProfile ImagesInstagram Bonus tricksThumbnailsFacebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube A Very Useful Guide for your Social ImageLearning these useful tips and tricks will improve your image in Social Media profiles. That also means the increase of number of your followers and all benefits from this. The techniques presented in this fast and easy guide, are the elements that you can use to build a great image in social media as an individual or even as a brand. You can professionally advertise a product or yourself using these techniques in combination with your creativity, in order to get what you desire the most from social media world.READ THIS BEFORE YOU ENROLLThis course is a fast tutorial (less than an hour) with random tricks for image retouching and editing using Adobe Photoshop. The basic idea of this course is to teach some useful techniques that anyone can use to improve their social media photos (either for personal or advertising reasons). This course is not a guide for Adobe Photoshop itself. Here you will not learn everything about Photoshop apart from a basic use of its tools and effects required from the techniques presented. From the other hand this is an ideal course for you if you are looking for concentrated knowledge that prevents you from searching randomly around the internet for other resources.Looking forward to see you inside!Thank you,George Katsilidis"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Home Office: mehr Produktivitt & besseres Selbstmanagement" |
"Das Homeoffice hat in der Arbeitswelt zwar nicht den besten Ruf. Doch wenn man es richtig angeht und ein paar wichtige Tipps beachtet, dann kann man im Homeoffice genauso produktiv sein, sogar noch produktiver als im Bro! Und dabei mehr Flexibilitt & Freiheit genieen - und weniger Stress fhlen als im Bro.Anlass fr diesen Kurs ist die Corona-Krise. Jetzt sind Millionen von uns zum Homeoffice gezwungen. Aber auch unabhngig von COVID-19 geht unsere Arbeitskultur langsam und branchenbergreifend seit vielen Jahren in Richtung Flexibilisierung. Immer mehr Firmen erlauben es uns, im Homeoffice zu arbeiten. Doch das will natrlich gelernt sein! Dieser Kurs gibt dir viele praktische Tipps, wie Du Deine Produktivitt im Homeoffice extrem steigern kannst.Was Dich inhaltlich in diesem Kurs erwartet:1. Welchen Einfluss Deine Persnlichkeit auf das Homeoffice hat und wie das Homeoffice bei den meisten aktuell aussieht2. Zeitmanagement im Homeoffice 3. Arbeitsorganisation im Homeoffice 4. Virtuelle Teams und Meetings5. Ablenkungen im Homeoffice vermeiden und den Fokus behaltenber Deinen Trainer:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Der Trainer ist absoluter Effizienz-Experte: Wlad hat ein abgeschlossenes Doppelstudium und arbeitet seit jeher berwiegend und gerne im Homeoffice. Daher gibt er ausschlielich praktische Tipps, die auch wirklich funktionieren!Daher: Lege los - und probiere gleich ein paar Lektionen aus!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"EXPERTO en Diseo de Cocinas. Impartido por Arquitectos." |
"Experto en Diseo de Cocinas. Impartido por Arquitectos.Convierte en Profesional del Diseo, Decoracin, Organizacin y Planificacin de Espacios destinados a Cocinar.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta de Interiores Mariangeles Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Conocers las ltimas tendencias en muebles de cocina y los conceptos bsicos que hacen que una cocina est bien diseada y organizada. Las nuevas tendencias de diseo de cocina se basan en las necesidades bsicas de ergonoma y funcionalidad. El diseo debe de servir a la forma y a la funcin, y en las cocinas se realizan diferentes actividades enfocadas a buscar ms comodidad en el uso diario de los elementos que nos rodean.La cocina es un espacio en el que vivimos y disfrutamos, ha dejado de ser un simple lugar de preparacin de comida y ha pasado a ser el smbolo del equilibrio entre actividad y relajacin.Este protagonismo de la cocina como elemento social, hace que surja una relacin con el resto de la vivienda, propiciando la creacin de espacios abiertos, en los que las islas, pennsulas y zonas de office se vinculan con la sala de estar y el comedor, generando una zona comn para el disfrute tanto gastronmico como social.Con el curso EXPERTO en Diseo de Cocinas. Impartido por Arquitectos te convertirs en Profesional del Diseo, Decoracin, Organizacin y Planificacin de Espacios destinados a Cocinar. Para la realizacin de este curso no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El programa formativo est destinado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del Maria Angeles, experta en el diseo de cocinas.Itinerario Formativo:Introduccin y Bienvenida al EXPERTO en Diseo de Cocinas. Impartido por Arquitectos. Historia, Tendencias Actuales y ReferenciasDiseo y Organizacin del Espacio InteriorMobiliario, Mobiliario, Iluminacin y AtrezzoPrincipales Conceptos sobre Dibujo Tcnico ArquitectnicoDibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD en Diseo de CocinasModelado 3D de Proyectos de Diseo de CocinasRenderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseo deCocinasEdicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShopMaquetacin, Presentacin y Documentacin Tcnica de Nuestras Propuestas de DiseoMedicin y Presupuesto de la Ejecucin Material del Proyecto Creacin de un CV y Portfolio Creativo Impreso y DigitalConsideraciones sobre Seguridad y Salud en las ObrasRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de CocinasEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin del EXPERTO en Diseo de Cocinas. Impartido por Arquitectos.Sobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos interioristas lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco . Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Huawei HCIA R&S All Labs" |
"In this Huawei HCIA R&S All Labs Training, we will focus on All the Configuraiton Labs of Huawei HCIA Routing & Switching Certification. During this course, you will learn How to Configure Huawei Routers & Switches. After each configuration lesson, a fantastic Configuration Quiz will be waiting for you. You will remember important Huawei Commands with this Configuration Quiz.If you would like to follow a complete HCIA R&S Course, you can visit IPCisco .com and go to Huawei HCNA Course (HCIA Course). You can find also many HCIA Quizes and Huawei eNSP Configuration Files on IPCisco .com.This Huawei HCIA R&S All Labs is prepared for:The Students who are studying for Huawei HCIA R&S H12-211 Exam,The Network Engineers that wants to learn Huawei HCIA Lessons or update their knowledge,The Network Technicians that would like to practice on Huawei HCIA Configurations,The Network Fans who want to gain Hand on experience on Huawei Switches and Routers, The IT Guys, who would like to have a popular IT Certification, Huawei HCIA Certification,The Computer Networks Students on their computer networks lessons,Any Technology Guru who wants to develope his/herself on Network World!In this Huawei HCIA R&S All Labs Course, what will you learn?Static RoutingRIPv2RIPngOSPFv3VLANSTPRSTPGREHDLCPPP CHAPPPP PAPAAAPort SecurityDHCPDHCP RelayLink AggregationSNMPAnd more...So, To learn Huawei Router & Switch Configurations, let's start Huawei HCIA R&S All Labs Training !Good Luck!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Online-Lehre - wie geht das?" |
"Mssen Sie auch mglichst schnell Ihre Prsenzlehre in Online-Unterricht umwandeln? Stellen Sie sich jetzt die Frage, wie Sie das am besten machen? Damit sind Sie nicht alleine. In diesem Selbstlernkurs werde ich Sie dabei untersttzen. Auerdem lernen Sie, Online-Lehreinheiten mit asynchronen und synchronen Teilen als Ganze durch Aufgaben zu gestalten. Sie lernen des Weiteren, mit einfachen Mitteln Lehrvideos zu produzieren und Ihre Lernenden zu Kooperation und Austausch sowohl in asynchronen als auch in synchronen Phasen der Online-Lehre anzuregen. Sie lernen des Weiteren Mglichkeiten kenne, wie Sie Ihren Lernenden zeiteffizient, aber lernfrderlich Feedback geben knnen. Und nicht zuletzt erfahren Sie, welche Prfungsformen in der reinen Online-Lehre eingesetzt werden knnen und wie diese zu gestalten sind. Dabei arbeiten wir Software/Plattform unabhngig. D.h. egal ob Sie mit Moodle oder Ilias oder mit AdobeConnect oder WebEx oder anderen Tools arbeiten, werden Sie in diesem Selbstlernkurs Anregungen erhalten: Es geht um die didaktische Gestaltung, NICHT um die Einfhrung in die Nutzung einer Plattform."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Los Animales - Increase Your Spanish Vocabulary with Animals" |
"Learn more than 20 Spanish Animal words! This course will help you increase your vocabulary by learning different animal names. I include a variety of activities to help you learn the new words in Spanish. This class is designed for young learners as well. Children are welcome to take this class. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
IDeCo |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Curso prtico de VPN com WireGuard + 3 topologias" |
"O que o WireGuard? O WireGuard uma VPN extremamente simples, porm rpida e moderna, que utiliza criptografia de ponta. Seu objetivo ser mais rpido, mais simples, mais enxuto e mais til que o IPsec, evitando a dor de cabea macia. Ele pretende ser consideravelmente mais eficiente que o OpenVPN. O WireGuard foi projetado como uma VPN de uso geral para execuo em interfaces incorporadas e supercomputadores, adequado para diversas circunstncias. Lanado inicialmente para o kernel Linux, agora multiplataforma (Windows, macOS, BSD, iOS, Android) e amplamente implementvel. Atualmente, ele est em desenvolvimento pesado, mas j pode ser considerado a soluo VPN mais segura, mais fcil de usar e mais simples do setor.Objetivo deste cursoEste um treinamento prtico (hands on training) que entregar ao final do curso uma verso de VPN com 3 topologias que podem ser facilmente adaptadas para os mais diversos cenrios que forem propostos pelos clientes. Copyright 2015-2019 Jason A. Donenfeld. All Rights Reserved. ""WireGuard"" and the ""WireGuard"" logo are registered trademarks of Jason A. Donenfeld."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Service Management with ITIL 4" |
"The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework has become the standard in IT Service Management across the globe. ITIL helps all organizations, regardless of their industry or business sector, provide their IT services using the most efficient and economical methods. The framework focuses on IT Service Management best practices and efficient operations, and is used in government, commercial, and non-profit organizations, alike.This course provides an introduction to service management and the new ITIL 4 Foundation certification exam, which is the entry-level certification in the ITIL framework and offers an exceptional overview of ITIL. By obtaining your ITIL 4 Foundation certification, you are showing employers that you understand the key elements, concepts, and terminology used in ITIL, including how operations move between each activity and process to create value in the service value system, and their overall contribution to the service management best practices.Please note, this course is NOT a complete textbook replacement and DOES NOT cover the entire ITIL 4 Foundation exam objectives in-depth. This course is designed to introduce you to the concepts of service management and the ITIL 4 framework in order for you to determine if studying for the ITIL 4 Foundation certification is right for you.The course on this page is offered by Dion Training Solutions, LLC, an ATO of AXELOS Limited. ITIL, ITIL Foundation, and the Swirl logo are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Project Management with PRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile" |
"The PRINCE2 framework has become the standard in Project Management across the globe. PRINCE2 helps organizations to successfully deliver projects of any size or complexity and is built from a wealth of knowledge and experience. The PRINCE2 framework is made up of a combination of best practices for project management and it provides highly actionable methods that can be integrated with the ITIL, Agile, and PMP methodologies.This course provides an introduction to project management and the new PRINCE2 (6th edition) Foundation and PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certifications, which are the entry-level certification in the PRINCE2 framework and offers an exceptional overview of both project management methodologies. By obtaining your PRINCE2 or PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certifications, you are showing employers that you understand the key elements, concepts, and terminology used in PRINCE2, including how projects can be performed on time and on budget. Please note, this course is NOT a complete textbook replacement and DOES NOT cover the entire PRINCE2 or PRINCE2 Agile Foundation exam objectives in-depth. This course is designed to introduce you to the concepts of project management and the PRINCE2 framework in order for you to determine if studying for the PRINCE2 Foundation or PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certifications are right for you.The course on this page is offered by Dion Training Solutions, LLC, an ATO of AXELOS Limited. PRINCE2, PRINCE2 Agile, and the Swirl logo are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sicherheit und Vertrauen im Projekt" |
"Hattest du schon mal eine der folgenden Herausforderungen?Ein Teammitglied frickelt tagelang an einem Problem herum anstatt nach Hilfe zu fragen?Absprachen mit anderen Teams werden ausfhrlichst protokolliert, damit man spter nicht den schwarzen Peter bekommt?Stakeholder mischen sich kontinuierlich in das Projektgeschehen ein?Ich schon. Und nicht nur einmal. Diese und andere Herausforderungen haben mich in den Wahnsinn getrieben.Ich habe aber im Laufe der Zeit gelernt, dass dies nur Symptome eines tieferliegenden Problems sind: Fehlendes Vertrauen. Innerhalb des Teams. Zwischen Teams. Zwischen Stakeholder und Team.Das sagt sich jetzt so leicht, aber ich habe lange Zeit das Problem entweder bei den anderen gesucht (der ist bld / unfhig / ein Mikromanager) oder das Problem schlicht akzeptiert (ist halt so). Irgendwann habe ich mich gefragt, ob das Problem vielleicht nicht die anderen sind, sondern ich. Ich habe versucht, die Motivation der anderen zu ergrnden und mich gedanklich in ihre Position zu versetzen. Ich habe versucht, Dinge zu finden, die ich ndern kann. Und siehe da: die anderen haben durchaus rational gehandelt. Und ich habe eine Menge Dinge gefunden, die ich ndern kann. Was genau, lernst du in diesem Modul. Ich kann schon jetzt versprechen es ist keine Raketenwissenschaft.Heute habe ich derartige Probleme nur noch zu Beginn eines Projektes oder wenn sich das Team verndert, weil ich konsequent dafr sorge, Sicherheit und Vertrauen herzustellen. Ich kann dir versichern: das Arbeiten ist viel angenehmer! Es gibt eine total produktive, offene Atmosphre und vor allem eine lange Leine von Seiten der Stakeholder. Das Investment in Sicherheit und Vertrauen zahlt sich mehrfach aus!Die meisten Projektmanagement Schulungen, egal ob plangetrieben oder agil, stellen Themen wie Planung, Vorgehensweisen, Prozesse, Methoden in den Vordergrund. Alles sehr rationale, logische Dinge. Es gibt die Illusion der Planbarkeit und Kontrolle. Tatschlich ist die wichtigste Ressource aber dein Team, also Menschen. Und Menschen sind gerade nicht rational oder planbar. Du musst dich auf den wackeligen Boden begeben und Dinge tun, die nicht vorhersagbar sind. Du musst Dinge tun, die du nicht im PM Handbuch findest. Aber sei versichert es lohnt sich!Lass mich kurz erlutern, wie dieser Kurs strukturiert ist:Wir sprechen zuerst ber die drei Ebenen der Sicherheit. Das ist die GrundvoraussetzungDanach wenden wir uns Vertrauen zu. Du magst es nicht glauben, aber es gibt sogar eine Formel fr Vertrauenswrdigkeit. Wie diese lautet und warum Vertrauen so wichtig ist, schauen wir uns im zweiten Abschnitt an.Und schlielich zeige ich dir noch die drei typischen Fehler, die wir alle machen und was du tun kannst, um sie zu vermeiden.Bist du bereit? Dann lass uns starten!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu Customer Journey Map Digital" |
"Has visto un anuncio en Internet que describe exactamente lo que necesitas y decides comprarlo de inmediato? Esto es por que alguien se encarg de hacer un Customer Journey Map para asegurarse de llegar a ti. Si quieres lograr que tus clientes se identifiquen con tus contenidos y campaas este curso es para ti.Dnde est el cuello de botella de tu negocio? Encontrar en qu punto especfico deberas mejorar: atraccin, marketing, conversin, ventas, servicio al cliente o servicio post-venta es posible al crear un Customer Journey Map. Crea paso a paso el Customer Journey Map para tu negocio usando una herramienta online, encuentra los Momentos de Verdad para implementar mejoras y maximiza las oportunidades de prospeccin, venta y retencin.Aterriza el Perfil de Cliente Ideal con preguntas estratgicas que te permitan definir desde los bsicos del perfil demogrfico, hasta un perfil tecnolgico, profesional y motivacional.Al final del curso tendras una Lista de Actividades Estratgicas que impacten tus KPIs (Key Performance Indicators o Indicadores de Desempeo) en el corto, mediano y largo plazo.No necesitas experiencia previa para este curso. Simplemente tener un negocio o una idea de negocio y entusiasmo por el marketing y la creacin de marcas. Ests listo? Es hora de comenzar!"
Price: 870.00 ![]() |
"WiFi Hacking using Evil Twin Attacks and Captive Portals" |
"In this course I will show you how to create the most common and effective evil twin attacks using captive portals.You'll learn how to perform evil twin attacks on targets using a wide variety of tools, and create a captive portal that effectively steals the login credentials.All the attacks in this course are highly practical and straight to the point.By the time you've completed this course, you will have the knowledge to create and customize your own evil twin attack for different scenarios."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Essentials - Aprendendo com projetos" |
"O curso Xamarin Essentials - Aprendendo com projetos demonstra como utilizar recursos de hardware e funcionalidades especficas das plataformas iOS, Android ou UWP por meio da API Xamarin Essentials.Seu objetivo auxiliar todos os desenvolvedores na construo de apps que necessitam utilizar recursos de hardware como osciloscpio, bateria, dentre outros. Alm dos recursos de hardware o curso tambm demonstra como utilizar funcionalidades internas das plataformas iOS, Android ou UWP, como interagir com apps para enviar e-mail, enviar mensagens, converter texto em voz, etc.Todos os conceitos so apresentados por meio da construo de projetos, isto , voc aprender a utilizar a API Xamarin Essentials por meio da construo de vrios projetos legais, como o projeto Bola mgica 8 que responde perguntas toda vez que o usurio chacoalhar o celular (utilizao do giroscpio), o projeto Frases do dia que envia uma frase aleatria por e-mail para uma pessoa, o projeto cara ou coroa que treme o celular toda vez que a pessoa erra a aposta e vrios outros projetos. Caso o usurio no possua um grande conhecimento sobre como programar em Xamarin Forms, o curso possui uma seo de nivelamento que ensina os principais recursos do Xamarin Forms."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lifting and Anti-aging Facebuilding Exercises 40+ Face Yoga" |
"Lifting and Anti-aging Facebuilding Exercises 40+ course, for people who already have aging signs and want to get rid of them. This course provides a powerful set of exercises for face lifting, toning and smoothing: Warming up your neck and facial muscles; Breathing and shoulders exercises; Exercises for the forehead; Exercises for the eyes zone; Exercises for the central part of the face (nasolabial zone, cheeks and cheekbones); Exercises for lips, chin and jaw area.This program is applicable to both men and women."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pain mangement and pain releif without using opioids" |
"This pain relief course is for you if you are dealing with chronic and acute pain and have not started using opioids. The alternative tools can be used for all types of pain including back pain, neck pain, cramps, surgery pain, muscle pain, gout arthritis. It is to be used alongside your medical practitioner but not instead of seeking professional medical help. It would be an option for people who feel they want to try something before they start on opioids.My story is that at age 30 I was working in the stockmarket suffering from addiction and workaholism and suddenly had kidney failure and a near-death experience.In my search for freedom, I trained in hypnotherapy, NLP, reiki, spiritual healing and met enlightened teachers and was able to heal and relieve pain with gout, surgery pain, cramps and back pain without resorting to pain killers.In this course, we will be looking at the deeper unconscious reasons at why the mind likes to hold onto pain, and how to access the power of hypnotherapy and spiritual tools like prayer that can help to heal and reduce pain.I work as a spiritual coach, and I am the author of the book ""Bullet Proof Peace"", have a youtube channel, run a weekly spiritual group and have been featured in the newspaper and magazinesIn this system, I will be teaching you how to release the underlying negative emotions and thoughts that are related to painSo to get started today hit the enrol button and remember you are covered by the Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Company Coronavirus Sick Policy (NEW)" |
"In this course, we will review numerous guidelines and resources that have been provided by the CDC, Department of Labor, EPA, and other sources in order to assist you in developing a company coronavirus sick policy.HOW WILL YOU PROTECT YOUR COMPANY AND EMPLOYEESYou will have the opportunity to review checklists, templates, and samples so that you can personalize a policy that will meet the specific needs of your company.You will receive notes from government agency resources that correspond to the video lectures that will assist you with your undestanding.You will receive access to all updates as soon as they become available.DECREASE COMPANY LIABILITYBy having a personalized company policy in place, you'll put policies and procedures in place that will help reduce the exposure of your employees and the public to the coronavirus, thereby decreasing your liability."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Pratico, da 0 a Utente Esperto in modo facile e veloce" |
"Oggigiorno Excel utilizzato davvero dappertutto, non esiste un ufficio al mondo che non abbia almento una copia di Excel, e come ovvio pensare, utile e necessaria la conoscenza approfondita di questo strumento per avere maggiori chance di ottenere un posto di lavoro o per diventare molto pi produttivi ed efficienti nel proprio posto di lavoro.Con questo corso sarai in grado di conoscere e apprezzare tutte le funzioni e le caratteristiche che sono essenziali per potersi ritenere un utente esperto di questo software, imparerai ad utilizzare al meglio le formule, le tante funzioni che Excel offre, le formattazioni, le formattazioni condizionali, il riempimento automatico con tutte le sue sfaccettature e con l'utilizzo di liste personalizzate, l'utilizzo e la gestione delle tabelle, dei grafici, delle linee di tendenza e di previsione, della stampa ottimizzata su carta e anche della sicurezza tramite la protezione a vari livelli delle cartelle di lavoro, dei singoli fogli o anche delle singole celle.Insomma un corso completo ma adatto a tutti, sia a chi non ha mai utilizzato Excel e sia a chi lo usa gi da anni ma che vorrebbe approfondire la sua conoscenza in maniera semplice e funzionale.Una caratteristica che mi contraddistingue la capacit di trasmettere le mie conoscenze in modo semplice e diretto, riuscendo a far comprendere anche concetti non semplicissimi in maniera del tutto naturale e facile.Acquista con serenit questo corso, sono certo che non te ne pentirai affatto, e se per qualsiasi motivo non ti ritenessi soddisfatto del tuo acquisto potrai in qualsiasi momento richiedere con un paio di click un rimborso totale che ti verr concesso senza alcuna domanda o problema.Ci vediamo in classe!Massimiliano"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |