Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"HTML 5 Basic To Advance In Urdu/Hindi With Easy Learning" |
"This course Is For Urdu and Hindi Speaking People. In this course we will discuss about HTML all major things with easy and fast way . Everything is practically done in this course minimal oral description and 95% of course are practice based.This course is the first step in the wide range of web development."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Desenvolver sua Autodisciplina" |
"Frustrado por no ter o nvel de disciplina que voc precisa atingir para atingir seus objetivos?Saiba que construir metas e planos no o suficiente para voc criar a vida que deseja.Falta um elemento nesta equao: autodisciplina.Como j dizia um grande pensador ... A disciplina o caminho xito.Alm disso, perceba o seguinte ...Voc pode ter todo o conhecimento e as habilidades para realizar o que deseja na sua vida.Seja no mbito pessoal ou profissional.Contudo, se voc no tiver habilidades de autodisciplina, no vai se tornar a pessoa que deseja ser.Simples assim,Tenha em mente ...... Autodisciplina sempre vence o talento e a inteligncia. por este motivo que voc precisa fazer este curso.Descubra nas prximas linhas porque o Mtodo deste curso o que VOC necessita para definitivamente se tornar uma pessoa disciplinada.Neste curso revelo as Tcnicas, Ferramentas e Estratgias que venho utilizando h mais de 12 anos em Programas Individuais de Mentoria para ajudar as pessoas a conquistarem a Autodisciplina em suas vidas.So informaes que j transformaram a vida de mais de 357 clientes em nossos Programas de Mentoria Individual e mais de 2.843 pessoas em treinamentos presenciais.Com este curso, voc ser mais capaz de ... (Imagine ...)Viver a sua vida tendo mais disciplinaDominar ferramentas e estratgias para ter mais autocontrole e autodomnioSer mais focado e determinadoPerseverar e persistir em seus projetosTer domnio prprio e autodisciplina todos os diasE muito mais!Visualize os benefcios que voc recebe ao se inscrever neste curso agora ... Voc vai aprender tcnicas de autossugestes e mentalizaes e assim deixar para trs a frustrao de iniciar projetos ou objetivos e no conclui-losVoc saber como vencer obstculos e resistncias que o sabotam na execuo de tarefas e assim vai ter mais f na sua capacidade de cumprir as promessas que faz para si mesmoVoc vai descobrir como privilegiar a satisfao em detrimento do prazer de curto prazo (que no lhe leva a lugar nenhum) e assim ter mais autoconfiana para atingir os objetivos que se propeVai receber estratgias de como adiar a gratificao imediata e assim vai conseguir fortalecer seus msculos de perseverana e persistncia para alcanar suas metas pessoais e profissionaisVai conhecer um Mtodo Testado e Comprovado para identificar pensamentos limitantes e assim deixar para trs as autossabotagensVai aprender a criar e nutrir Pensamentos Empoderadores de autodisciplina e autodomnio e assim vai se sentir mais orgulhoso de si mesmoAlm disso, voc vai poder interagir comigo atravs de perguntas.Voc traz os seus desafios e vou lhe trazer minha mentoria para continuar avanando.>> ... E lembre-se! O curso tem uma garantia de 30 dias, ou seja, voc no corre riscos ao decidir se inscrever agora e iniciar sua TRANSFORMAO POSITIVA neste instante.Agora com voc ...... s rolar esta pgina para cima e clicar no boto <Comprar Agora>."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
ScreenFlow |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Set and Reach Your Goals With Actionable Steps" |
"Goal setting has enabled me to become a radio broadcaster, podcaster, Award-winning director, musician, and happy creative in the modern era. I had to first believe that I could achieve my goals, then I needed to know how to set goals, and ever since then, I have been attacking everything I have wanted to do - and so can you in this course!I will help you believe in yourself, set short, middle, and long-term goals, and to find a way to a path to success, for you to post, reflect on, and work towards daily."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISO 9001:2015 Foundation Practice Exam" |
"This practice exam will help you review the ISO 9001:2015 standard - a clause-by-clause review. It covers the following topics ISO 9001 RequirementsPDCA ApproachContext of organizationLeadership PlanningOrganization KnowledgeSupport FunctionsOperationsPerformance evaluation Internal AuditManagement ReviewImprovementISO 9001 is the international standard for a quality management system (QMS). In order to be certified to the ISO 9001 standard, a company must follow the requirements set forth in the ISO 9001 Standard. The standard is used by organizations to demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements and to demonstrate continuous improvement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C Preprocessor for C Programming MCQ Practice Questions" |
"The C preprocessor or cpp is the macro preprocessor for the C and C++ computer programming languages. The preprocessor provides the ability for the inclusion of header files, macro expansions, conditional compilation, and line controlIn many C implementations, it is a separate program invoked by the compiler as the first part of translationPreprocessing is defined by the first four (of eight) phases of translation specified in the C Standard1) Trigraph replacement: The preprocessor replaces trigraph sequences with the characters they represent2) Line splicing: Physical source lines that are continued with escaped newline sequences are spliced to form logical lines3) Tokenization: The preprocessor breaks the result into preprocessing tokens and whitespace. It replaces comments with whitespace4) Macro expansion and directive handling: Preprocessing directive lines, including file inclusion and conditional compilation, are executed. The preprocessor simultaneously expands macros and, in the 1999 version of the C standard, handles _Pragma operatorsThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on C Preprocessor for C Programming. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 43 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ILLUSTRATOR Pack Essentiel Business - Vos supports de com'" |
"Je suis Romain Duclos, Formateur digital et artiste depuis plus de 10 ans.A travers cette formation ILLUSTRATOR courte mais trs prcise, vous allez pouvoir dvelopper pour votre entreprise tout un panel ncessaire la communication papier et web.Nous allons crer et dvelopper dans les dtails:OUTILS Les indispensables pour bien commencer sur Illustrator.LOGO Toutes les tapes: Typo - Dessin - Dclinaison.CARTE DE VISITE Recto Verso - Et surtout comment et ou imprimer.PAPIER ENTTE Prparer ces envois mail et lettre aux clients et fournisseurs.SIGNATURE MAIL Comment ajouter une signature personnalise tous ces mails.COUVERTURE FACEBOOK Animez votre groupe en faisant une couverture dynamique et vos couleurs.Simple, efficace, prcise et complte cette formation est idal pour commencer la communication vos couleurs et tre plus professionnel auprs de vos futurs clients.Vous allez adorer dvelopper votre image et la maitriser.Achetez cette formation Illustrator Pack Essentiel Entrepreneur et vous allez conomiser de l'argent et du temps en crant vous mme vos supports indispensable.A bienttRomain Duclos Votre formateur Digital"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Java Power START concepito per insegnarti la Programmazione Java in maniera veloce.Dritti al sodo, con esempi pratici e codice sorgente sempre scaricabile.Diventerai programmatore Java in tempi brevissimi e nel modo pi semplice e lineare possibile.Non hai mai programmato prima? Nessun problema! Si parte da zero, quindi dalle basi della programmazione, e in soli 9 giorni, con un po' di costanza potrai imparare tutta la sintassi principale del linguaggio ed essere in grado di distribuire le tue prime applicazioni complete! Completano il Corso Java Power START esercizi con codice Sorgente scaricabili gratis per ogni lezione.Potrai cos riscrivere i progetti, modificarli a tuo piacimento e programmare in Java, in soli 9 giorni.ATTENZIONE: Mi assumo io tutti i rischi:Perch non provi questo corso Java Power START? Aggiungilo pure al carrello senza pensieri perch hai sempre la garanzia Udemy: ""soddisfatto o rimborsato entro 30 giorni dall'acquisto"".Vuoi sapere cosa significa? Se per qualsiasi motivo non sarai soddisfatto ti baster mandarmi una semplice email chiedendo il rimborso e ti verr restituito fino all' ultimo centesimo della cifra ridicola, nessuna domanda o astio da parte mia.+++ Ci vediamo dall'altra parte?"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Practical Java Network Programming Bootcamp" |
"This bootcamp is designed for everyone who wants to learn and upgrade network programming skill using Java. The bootcamp focuses on Socket programming so that students could understand how network protocol work. Various network protocols are explored in order to get more practices in network programming.For students without Java programming skill, I'll give a brief Java programming so you can follow this bootcamp. You will learn the following topics:declaring variablesworking with input/outputdeclaring operatorsmaking conditional statements with if and switchmaking loop statementsworking with array and collectionlearning OOP with Java such as Class, Inheritance, Interfacehandling errors and exceptionsIn this bootcamp, you will learn how to write Java Socket programs for network context. Starting to learn basic Socket programming using Java. Then, you will learn about multithreading in Java. You will implement the following protocol using Java Socket:HTTPFTPSMTPPOP3IMAPNext, we explore advanced Socket topics such as SSL Socket, HTTPS, Proxy Server. We also learn how to build Socket programs for NTP and Whois protocols."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Teach Creative Writing to Kids" |
"This course is designed for teaching children creative writing in a heart-centred way. The principles of the classes can be applied to large groups, small groups or individual children. They contain age appropriate exercises - covering topics such as character, dialogue, journaling and nature writing. They also offer inspiring quotes and general advice for teaching kids. This course can be useful for teachers and parents alike and can be used in a traditional class environment or when home schooling - or even just for fun!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Genel Psikoloji Kursu" |
"nsan Psikolojisi ile ilgili birok alma yaplm olup, hala yaplmaya devam edilmektedir. Bu kurs, yaplan ve yaplmakta olan almalarn insan zerindeki etkileri yannda, insan olarak bizi ve dier insanlar anlatmaktadr.Genel Psikoloji Kursu, bize bizi daha iyi anlatacak en kurstur. Eitmenimiz Ali ifi, alannda uzman bir eitimci olarak bizde brakt lmszln, bu kursta bize, ""insan"" olarak bize ok iyi anlatm.Bu kursun, nice insana psikolojiyi anlatmas, bizi daha ideal insanlar yapmasn temenni ediyor, kursumuzun ideal insanlk iin vesile olmasn diliyoruz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Computer Vision: Face Recognition Quick Starter in Python" |
"Hi There!welcome to my new course 'Face Recognition with Deep Learning using Python'. This is the second course from my Computer Vision series.Face Detection and Face Recognition is the most used applications of Computer Vision. Using these techniques, the computer will be able to extract one or more faces in an image or video and then compare it with the existing data to identify the people in that image.Face Detection and Face Recognition is widely used by governments and organizations for surveillance and policing. We are also making use of it daily in many applications like face unlocking of cell phones etc.This course will be a quick starter for people who wants to dive deep into face recognition using Python without having to deal with all the complexities and mathematics associated with typical Deep Learning process. We will be using a python library called face-recognition which uses simple classes and methods to get the face recognition implemented with ease. We are also using OpenCV, Dlib and Pillow for python as supporting libraries. Let's now see the list of interesting topics that are included in this course. At first we will have an introductory theory session about Face Detection and Face Recognition technology. After that, we are ready to proceed with preparing our computer for python coding by downloading and installing the anaconda package. Then we will install the rest of dependencies and libraries that we require including the dlib, face-recognition, opencv etc and will try a small program to see if everything is installed fine.Most of you may not be coming from a python based programming background. The next few sessions and examples will help you get the basic python programming skill to proceed with the sessions included in this course. The topics include Python assignment, flow-control, functions and data structures. Then we will have an introduction to the basics and working of face detectors which will detect human faces from a given media. We will try the python code to detect the faces from a given image and will extract the faces as separate images.Then we will go ahead with face detection from a video. We will be streaming the real-time live video from the computer's webcam and will try to detect faces from it. We will draw rectangle around each face detected in the live video.In the next session, we will customize the face detection program to blur the detected faces dynamically from the webcam video stream.After that we will try facial expression recognition using pre-trained deep learning model and will identify the facial emotions from the real-time webcam video as well as static imagesAnd then we will try Age and Gender Prediction using pre-trained deep learning model and will identify the Age and Gender from the real-time webcam video as well as static imagesAfter face detection, we will have an introduction to the basics and working of face recognition which will identify the faces already detected. In the next session, We will try the python code to identify the names of people and their the faces from a given image and will draw a rectangle around the face with their names on it.Then, like as we did in face detection we will go ahead with face recognition from a video. We will be streaming the real-time live video from the computer's webcam and will try to identify and name the faces in it. We will draw rectangle around each face detected and beneath that their names in the live video.Most times during coding, along with the face matching decision, we may need to know how much matching the face is. For that we will get a parameter called face distance which is the magnitude of matching of two faces. We will later convert this face distance value to face matching percentage using simple mathematics.In the coming two sessions, we will learn how to tweak the face landmark points used for face detection. We will draw line joining these face land mark points so that we can visualize the points in the face which the computer is used for evaluation. Taking the landmark points customization to the next level, we will use the landmark points to create a custom face make-up for the face image.That's all about the topics which are currently included in this quick course. The code, images and libraries used in this course has been uploaded and shared in a folder. I will include the link to download them in the last session or the resource section of this course. You are free to use the code in your projects with no questions asked.Also after completing this course, you will be provided with a course completion certificate which will add value to your portfolio.So that's all for now, see you soon in the class room. Happy learning and have a great time."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands on Computer Vision with OpenCV 4 & Python 3 Beginner" |
"Welcome to this on OpenCV Python Tutorial For Beginners. You are going to learn computer vision & image processing from scratch. We'll start with the basics, starting from installing OpenCV. Then we will dive deep into the opencv world to learn the most important concepts about computer vision using OpenCV .You will find real world examples and we will add more by the time. If you are looking to learn opencv and computer vision from zero, then you are in the correct place, and do not worry, we will add more examples day by day."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam Training 2020 [NEW]" |
"This brand-new AWS Developer Associate Training for the AWS Certified Developer Associate certification exam (DVA-C01) is packed with over 28 hours of comprehensive video lessons, hands-on labs, full-length practice exam simulation, quizzes and exam-crams. With our mixture of in-depth theory, architectural diagrams and hands-on training, you'll learn how to architect and build applications on Amazon Web Services, fully preparing you for the AWS Developer Certification exam. With this complete Udemy AWS Developer training course, you have everything you need to comfortably pass the AWS Developer Certification exam at the first attempt.Watch the intro video to learn how this course will fast-track your exam success!How is this course different?We are big believers in using practical exercises to improve memory retention and contextualize knowledge. We have included many hours of hands-on guided exercises, so you get to build a practical skillset. The course also includes many visual slides to help you understand the concepts. All practical exercises are backed by architectural diagrams so you can visualize what you're developing on Amazon Web Services. By the end of this course, you will have acquired a strong experience-based skillset on AWS along with the confidence to ace your AWS Certified Developer Associate exam first time!With this Udemy AWS Developer training, you'll learn AWS Serverless using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB & Cognito, get hands-on with AWS Databases including DynamoDB, build Microservices architectures with Docker containers on Amazon ECS and create Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines with AWS CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline. All of this and so much more!PREVIEW THIS COURSEThere are many FREE previews so you can see how we teach the DVA-C01 exam blueprint using a combination of theoretical lectures and guided practical hands-on labs.THIS COURSE IS YOUR BEST CHANCE TO MAXIMISE YOUR EXAM SUCCESSHANDS-ON LABS: To gain more practical experience with AWS services, you have the opportunity to explore our guided hands-on exercisesHIGH-QUALITY VISUALS: We've spared no effort to create a highly visual training course with lots of table and diagrams to illustrate the conceptsEXAM-CRAM LECTURES: Get through the key exam facts in the shortest time possible with 3 hours of exam-cram lectures. Use the Exam Cram PDF (available for download) for last-minute exam preparationQUIZ QUESTIONS: At the end of each section you get to review your knowledge with over 110 quiz questions that test your understanding and measure your progressFULL-LENGTH PRACTICE TEST: Assess your exam readiness with the full-length AWS Developer Associate Practice Exam that is included in your course. This practice test is timed and scored simulating the real exam environment so you get familiar with the AWS exam format, style, and difficultyDETAILED EXPLANATIONS & REFERENCE LINKS: Every question includes deep-dive reference links and detailed explanations that explain why each answer is correct or incorrectBONUS CHEAT SHEETS: Fast-track your exam success with our popular eBook (registration required) and take your studies offline with over 340 pages of detailed facts, tables and diagrams.PRESENTED IN A PROFESSIONAL WAY: Your instructor uses clear and easy to understand language and presents the material in a professional way - focused and to the pointACCESS DIAGRAMS, SLIDES, AND EXAM CRAM PDF: All diagrams and slides presented throughout the course are available for download in PDF format. Code & files are also accessible by our studentsCODE & FILES PROVIDED: All code samples are provided so you can become a competent AWS Cloud Developer by practicing in your own AWS Free Tier accountALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our teachings reflect the latest DVA-C01 exam blueprint. All students have lifetime access to all future updatesRESPONSIVE SUPPORT: Our team of AWS experts comprehensively respond to all of your questions, concerns or feedback.ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD: Join the discussion on AWS related topics in our discussion forum where our students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were coveredMOBILE ACCESS: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile phone - anywhere, anytimeWHAT DO OTHER STUDENTS SAY?Check out the excellent course reviews from our many students who passed their AWS exam with an average passing score of over 850! I've been through many AWS Developer courses and found this one to be the best one. I passed with 953/1000. Highly recommended.Passed the exam yesterday at first attempt with 941/1000 score. Thank you very much, Neal! Excellent course and great tests! Highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in DVA-C01 certification!Neal Davis does it again! He has produced yet another super detailed course on AWS certification... It is precisely that rigor and exhaustiveness that will prepare you for these exams. I've leveraged numerous resources, but Neal stands head and shoulders above the competition.BEGINNERS WELCOMEThis AWS Developer training is highly suitable for both AWS beginners and experienced students. While AWS or programming experience may be useful, it is NOT a prerequisite to enroll in this course as you'll have access to everything you need to succeed. Rest assured that with this ultimate Exam Preparation, you'll be ready to pass the AWS Developer exam first time.YOUR INSTRUCTORHi, my name is Neal Davis - I'll be your instructor for this complete exam training for the AWS Developer Associate. Cloud Computing is my Passion - which is why I founded Digital Cloud Training - offering AWS certification training resources that represent a higher quality standard than is otherwise available in the market. I created this comprehensive training course so that you get to ace your AWS exam and achieve your career goals. I enjoy teaching on Udemy as it allows me to leverage my knowledge and hands-on experience that I have built over the last 20 yearsYes, I've been working in the Cloud space since its very beginning!OUR SUCCESS IN NUMBERSOver 100,000 students enrolled in our AWS courses4.7 Star instructor ratings from over 20,000 reviewsOur students pass the AWS exam with an average score of over 85%MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEWe are totally confident in the value of our Udemy AWS Developer Exam Training which comes with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. To fast-track your AWS exam success - get lifetime access now - risk-free!TOPICS WE COVER IN THIS COURSEThis course covers all of the following topics that are included in the AWS Certified Developer Associate (CDA-C01) exam guide and are featuring on the exam today:AWS Serverless including AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Cognito and the AWS serverless application model (SAM)Docker containers on AWS with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and AWS FargateAWS Developer Tools including AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline and CodeStarAmazon EC2 including Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) including Security Groups, Network ACLs and Flow LogsAmazon Route 53 and Amazon CloudFrontAWS Storage including Amazon S3 and Amazon EBSThe AWS CLI, SDK and APIsAWS CloudFormation and Elastic BeanstalkAmazon RDS, ElastiCache, and DynamoDB DAXAWS Application integration services including Amazon SQS, SNS, AWS Step Functions and Amazon KinesisMonitoring, logging and tracing with Amazon CloudWatch, CloudTrail and AWS X-RaySecurity and access management with AWS IAM, Cognito, KMS, ACM, Systems Manager, and Secrets ManagerNOTE: If you have previously taken our hands-on course for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate you'll find sections 3-7 are the same content. We have copied this content over as it covers foundational concepts required for all associate-level certifications.About the AWS Certified Developer Associate CertificationThe AWS Certified Developer Associate certification is one of the most sought-after certifications in the cloud computing industry. AWS Cloud Developers are in huge demand and salaries can be above $150,000 USD per annum. The AWS Certified Developer exam aims to test knowledge of the key services and tools used by developers creating applications on AWS.When you're ready to book your exam you can do so on the AWS Training portal. Curious about the AWS Developer certification cost? The AWS Developer Certification cost is $150 USD in most regions and you currently have the choice of an online proctored exam or test center (subject to availability).OUR MISSION is to ensure you pass the first time and don't waste time or money. After going through the entire course and testing your knowledge with the AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam and Quiz Questions that we provide, you'll be more than ready for the real AWS exam."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Crea un Robot de Forex - Paso a Paso (Trading Algoritmico)" |
"Aprende a programar en MQL4 y a desarrollar, probar y optimizar tus propios sistemas de comercio algortmico. Este curso no asume ningn conocimiento previo de programacin o de Forex, slo un deseo de aprender y tener xitoEn la primera seccin de este curso instalaremos el MetaTrader 4, abriremos una cuenta demo gratuita y aprenderemos la teora esencial del comercio algortmico.La segunda seccin se centra en los fundamentos de la programacin. Incluso si nunca ha programado antes, esta parte del curso le pondr al da rpidamente. Adems, MQL4 es un lenguaje de programacin basado en C y todo lo que aprenda en esta seccin tambin ser aplicable en lenguajes como C / C++ / C# / Java / etc.La seccin tres introduce el diseo del sistema de operaciones y gradualmente lo mezcla con el conocimiento de programacin que desarroll en la seccin dos. Aqu aprender cmo abrir su primera orden a travs de un programa tambin creado por usted, y cmo trabajar con esa orden para modificarla o cerrarla a su discrecin.Por ltimo, todo se rene en la cuarta seccin del curso, donde se nos ocurre una idea de estrategia comercial nica y la convertimos en un sistema holstico de comercio algortmico. Adems, les mostrar brevemente los resultados del Robot de Forex en accion!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Testes automatizados com Cypress (bsico)" |
"Cypress um framework open source que possibilita a escrita de testes automatizados de forma fcil, rpida e confivel, tudo em JavaScript, e exatamente isso que voc vai aprender neste curso.Durante o curso vamos instalar o Cypress, fazer o setup inicial para escrevermos os testes, e ento vamos abordar diferentes formas de interagir com aplicaes web, tais como navegao por URLs, diversos tipos de aes (digitao em campos, seleo de opes, cliques em botes), at verificaes de resultados esperados (assertions.)Ao final do curso demonstrado como rodar testes automatizados escritos com Cypress em um servidor de integrao contnua no GitLab.Venha aprender como usar este framework moderno que est simplificando a vida de profissionais de desenvolvimento de software e se diferencie no mercado de trabalho."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Testes automatizados com Cypress (intermedirio)" |
"Cypress um framework open source que possibilita a escrita de testes automatizados de forma fcil, rpida e confivel, tudo em JavaScript.Alm disso, o Cypress amigvel para desenvolvedores e automatizadores de teste, e no baseado em Selenium!Isto significa que, com Cypress, possvel interagir com aplicaes web de formas que antes no eram possveis, e exatamente isso que voc ir aprender neste curso.Durante o curso iremos:Fazer o setup da aplicao em teste com DockerFazer o setup do projeto de testes automatizados com CypressCriar e executar testes end-to-end bsicosCriar e executar testes end-to-end intermedirios (com uma ou duas pr-condies)Criar e executar testes de APIOtimizar testes de GUI utilizando chamadas de APIsCriar e executar testes com muitas pr-condies (3 ou mais pr-condies) de forma otimizadaCriar e executar testes que interagem com a aplicao a nvel de sistema operacionalExecutar todos os testes em modo headless e em modo interativoEntender quais so os prximos passos na jornada utilizando Cypress"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How To Draw FACES for Kids" |
"Welcome to How To Draw FACES for KIDS!! This course is designed to take young and new learners through some of the basics of drawing all while helping them learn to copy, and then create, cool looking faces. This course can stand on its own, but it is HIGHLY recommended that new learners study How To Draw BASICS for Kids as a prerequisite.You'll note that the instructors are a parent/child team, so this course is definitely designed for kids in mind - that includes tempo, material, and language. At over 2 1/2 hours, this course is perfect for new artists. So join us as we bring these new learners into a new level of enjoyment in their drawing passion.This course is primarily designed for learners from 7-12, but may be enjoyed by all who are interested."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Practice Tests" |
"Why Azure Certification?Azure is now most popular cloud service.95% of Fortune 500 companies use Microsoft Azure.No startup cost.You can enroll in Azure with $200 credits for 30 days absolutely free.Why this course?170+ questions.New questions added frequently.Covered all topics in AZ-900 exam.Why Udemy?30 days money back guarantee.Lifetime accessWhy wait? Let's jump into the course and practice now.Wish you all the very best for the exam!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Mdulo de CRM" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Mdulo de CRMSi deseas poder gestionar el modulo de CRM de Odoo este curso es perfecto para ti.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y aprende a utilizar el modulo de CRM de Odoo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"pittura acrilica paesaggio" |
"La tecnica dell'acrilico molto appassionante. Dopo avere appreso le tecniche base con il corso per principianti e il corso avanzato dedicato ai colori sono sicura che avrai voglia di progredire la tua tecnica e le tue conoscenze per realizzare dipinti sempre pi complessi.QUESTO E UN CORSO PRATICO diviso in tre parti:1 materiale spiegato e descritto in modo specifico2 paesaggio. Il tema di questo corso. Come dare profondit e tridimensionalit attraverso l'inquadratura, la prospettiva del disegno e la prospettiva aerea per quel che riguarda il colore.3 Mettiamo tutto insieme realizzando un paesaggio dal cielo nuvoloso con montagne in lontananza e papaveri in primo piano.Come mia abitudine anche queste tecniche avanzate le imparerai mettendole subito in pratica. Le realizzeremo assieme step dopo step. Questo perch sono convinta che la teoria vada sedimentata subito sul campo.Per qualunque dubbio o problema non esitare a contattarmi, sar felice di parlare con te."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"EFICIENCIA y PRODUCTIVIDAD al trabajar desde casa/la oficina" |
"En este curso aprenders a motivarte, a estructurar una rutina matutina que te programe para ser eficiente a lo largo del da y una rutina nocturna que te ayude a desconectar y descansar. Descubrirs como cambiar tu entorno en casa o en la oficina para sentirte mejor y concentrarte ms. Compartir contigo estrategias y trucos para mejorar el flujo de trabajo. Hablaremos de listas, hbitos, descanso y salud.Tras haber estado tantos aos trabajando desde casa tuve que aprender mucho al respecto, probar qu me vena bien a m y qu no. Todo esto lo comparto contigo en este curso."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Revelado Digital para Fotgrafos" |
"Te enseamos a revelar tus fotos digitales de una manera rpida, de calidad y de manera profesional. Si eres un fotgrafo profesional o un entusiasta de las fotos, con este curso aprenders a obtener el resultado profesional que estabas buscando para tus fotos.Aprenders a revelar tus fotos con Adobe Camera Raw, ""ese gran desconocido"". Posiblemente una de las herramientas ms potentes y a la vez sencillas y de calidad, que te permitirn sacar toda la calidad que se esconde en el archivo digital de tus fotos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Diagnstico Ambiental" |
"O curso de Diagnstico Ambiental compreende 4 Unidades em que ao decorrer das aulas falaremos da histria evolutiva do homem estudo de caso analisando o RIMA de um empreendimento. O curso estruturado com aulas e exerccios ao final de cada unidade.Iremos falar sobre Estudo de Impacto Ambiental, Avaliao de Impacto Ambiental, Relatrio de Impacto Ambiental, Diagnstico Ambiental propriamente dito.Esse curso abrange muito do que tem nos cursos da rea ambiental, aperfeioando o estudante ou o profissional da rea.Toda a parte de licenciamento ambiental se inicia aqui, ento de suma importncia ter os conhecimentos mostrados aqui no curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Visual Basic .NET desde cero con ejercicios" |
"En este curso aprenders a programar aplicaciones con Microsoft Visual Studio. Para crear las aplicaciones vamos a usar el lenguaje Visual Basic. Con Visual Studio podrs crear aplicaciones fcilmente ya que tendrs la posibilidad de ver lo que esta haciendo con este entorno de desarrollo.Aprenders un poco de SQL para que en la ultima seccin de este curso desarrolles un pequeo proyecto desarrollado con Visual Basic .Net y con conexin a una base de datos. El curso est orientado a personas sin ningn conocimiento de programacin o con conocimiento limitado. El desarrollo del curso ser prcticas guiadas que te asegurarn un aprovechamiento eficiente de los contenidos. El principal requisito es un deseo inmenso de aprender programacin desde cero."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
AutoCAD+PhotoShop |
"Con este curso aprenders a crear un folleto para ventas, con autocad y photoshop, donde te ensearemos el mtodo de calca con autocad, y con photoshop a darle presentacin, este curso es guiado paso a paso, para que vayas viendo la metodologa, aplicada en un proyecto.Con autocad se realizara el diseo de los objetos a utilizar, la creacion de un logotipo, escribir el nombre de la empresa, escribir el eslogan de la empresa, a disear el formtado que se va a utilizar en la folleteria, y vamos a realizar, el diseo de una planta arquitectonica, todo esto en autocad."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD Fundamentos" |
"El objetivo Principal de este curso es Aprender a identificar, conocer y aprender la interfaz de AutoCADAprenderemos a descargar e instalar el softwareConoceremos los cuadrantes en el espacio modelo de AutoCADAprenderemos a utilizar y a configurar las UnidadesAprenderemos a como seleccionar nuestros objetos en el espacio modeloAprenderemos a guardar nuestras plantillasConoceremos las referencias de los objetos y el rastreoConoceremos la Pestaa de Presentacin"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"VMWare Horizon 7.12" |
"Horizon VMWare Horizon"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Formation Stripe & Paypal : De Dbutant Expert 2020" |
"Cette formation vous aidera configurer Stripe et Paypal sur votre site E-commerce (Shopify) pour permettre vos utilisateurs de payer leurs commande en ligne via des paiements directs par carte de crdit! En effet, Stripe et Paypal qui sont les moyens de paiement utiliss sur Shopify pour monter sa boutique de e-commerce ou dropshipping peuvent tre contraignant et indisponible dans votre pays et le statut dentreprise est bien diffrent du statut dauto-entrepreneur. Vous avez t beaucoup me demander sil est possible de se lancer dans le dropshipping dans un pays qui n'est pas support par Stripe et Paypal. Voyons comment on peut crer des comptes Stripe et Paypal active en toute lgalit et se lancer dans le E-commerce en tant prt de A Z !BONUS :Crer un compte bancaire en US (Payoneer) et en EU (Paysera).(Dernire MAJ de la formation le 04/04/2020)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Creare un sito con Squarespace Corso base" |
"Hai un attivit commerciale fisica e vuoi creare la tua vetrina online? Sei un libero professionista? Un consulente? Sei un artista e vuoi creare il tuo portfolio online? Questo corso rivolto a chi ha esigenza di costruire un sito web per la propria attivit. E' n corso base che fornisce una visione parziale degli strumenti di Squarespace, ma permette a chi non ha competenze di creare un sito internet senza difficolt."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Ethical Hacking : Build tools for ethical hacking" |
"Python is one of the most used programming language in the world and its significance can't be ignored. Python has gained immense popularity recently owing to its performance in various fields like machine learning, data science, data analytics and cyber security. This course is designed in python to make ethical hacking easier for students since python is one of the most easy programming languages to learn. The concepts used in this course are fairly simple and anyone with some knowledge of computer science can try this course. In this course we will learn following topics:Introduction to basics of computer networksWhat is hackingHow to stay anonymousLearn how to track IP locationCreate your own undetectable malwareExecute system commands on the victim machine using backdoorDownload and upload files to victim machine How to create a TrojanHow to steal wifi passwords stored on the PCHow to intercept, manipulate and craft network packetsHow to perform man in the middle attackCrack password protected zipped filesBuild your own undetectable key loggerCreate a botnet with a command and control centerHow to protect yourself online"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |