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"Segurana Ciberntica e Relaes Internacionais" |
"A segurana ciberntica no mais apenas um assunto especfico e tcnico da rea de Tecnologia da Informao e Comunicao (TIC), mas sim passou a ser um assunto de dimenses poltica e estratgica no centro das relaes internacionais e da vida das pessoas, j que vive-se em um mundo cada vez mais interconectado por aparelhos eletrnicos, dos quais se depende bastante no dia a dia.A importncia da temtica em questo vai desde o funcionamento das democracias (basta lembrar casos de eleies nas quais as redes sociais tiveram um papel central, como nos EUA e Brasil, por exemplo) at a crise do novo coronavrus (no isolamento social, as ferramentas digitais se tornam a principal ferramenta atravs da qual as pessoas interagem), entre diversas outras situaes.A dimenso ciberntica tem cada vez mais relevncia na poltica externa dos pases e o espao ciberntico j considerado um novo domnio da guerra, ao lado dos espaos terrestre, naval, areo e csmico.O advento do ""big data"", inteligncia artificial e as redes 5G (que formaro o sistema nervoso da chamada Revoluo Industrial 4.0) coloca novos desafios segurana ciberntica.Por todas as questes apontadas anteriormente, e por outras que sero mostradas no curso, conclui-se que a segurana ciberntica deve ser compreendida e estudada por todos, especialmente porque o elo mais fraco da segurana ciberntica costuma ser o humano.Dessa forma, convidamos as pessoas interessadas a fazerem este curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"UiPath RPA Training - RPA Developer Foundation Masterclass" |
"Robotic Process Automation is the most impactful technology streaming through businesses today. RPA developers, citizen developers and SMEs are in extremely high demand in various industries, and the momentum is only picking up. Our RPA Developer Foundation Masterclass encompasses everything you need to know to grow and thrive in the automation realm - from learning what to automate and how, to fully understanding developer fundamentals through practical exercises/examples. After completing the RPA Developer Foundation Masterclass, you'll be equipped with:A complete understanding of RPA technologyLearning what processes can be automated and howA 'start to finish' understanding of the RPA implementation processComplete understanding of UiPath and its functionalities How to construct an RPA bot and put it to useRPA best practices as a developer and 'Center of Excellence' team memberKnowledge to successfully get certified as a UiPath RPA developerPLUS: A Bonus PDF resource of our 'RPA Best Practices Checklist' (Available in lesson 11)ALSO INCLUDED: Bonus Activities and Exercises (Available in lesson 8)Who is this course for?RPA developers and citizen developers looking to strengthen their skillsAspiring RPA developers and UiPath beginners/intermediatesC-level executives wishing to better understand RPA technologyBusiness Analysts and other RPA 'support' team members"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"O Poder Teraputico das Mandalas" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo apresentar a Mandala como uma ferramenta teraputica a ser utilizada em diferentes contextos. Neste curso, o contedo ser explorado pela perspectiva de transformao pessoal e cura atravs da autocompaixo. A sugesto para que este processo seja desenvolvido em 21 dias. Uma mandala por dia.As Mandalas podem ser concebidas como obras de arte sagradas, em que so usadas para evocar cura e desenvolvimento espiritual, por induzir um estado meditativo.Voc est sendo convidado a iniciar este processo de cura. Esta deciso trar muitos resultados, fornecer o aprendizado que voc precisa, ampliar a percepo para alm do que voc v, ouve ou sente; ativar a inteligncia intrnseca que existe entre o universo e voc, fornecendo conexo. E essa conexo com as energias vitais se encarregar naturalmente do processo de cura.Ento, esteja pronto para iniciar esta jornada!Faa isto por voc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Art of Seeing" |
"This course consists of 2 major lessons: 1. Art of Seeing2. Flash Photography Indoor Learn how to use the many established photographic rules to make your pictures better. You will be exposed to a total of 7 of such foundational rules that will go on to create a total of 30-over sub-rules. By understanding and mastering these rules, your photography compositional skills will improve drastically, making your photos effortlessly BEAUTIFUL.Learn how to use the flash in TTL mode on top of your camera in this course. You will learn how to beautifully use your flash INDOOR & OUTDOOR. You can now learn how to ditch those silly diffusion domes.You will learn the rules of why Subjects SHOULD TYPICALLY be brighter than the background because the viewers' eyes tend to get attracted to brighter parts of the photo. With a flash, you can now decide how much DARKER you want to make your background. And making the background darker is good because this will allow your Subject to be brighter, allowing the viewers to easily focus on the subject.This course has EXPANDED beyond indoor, as it now also covers using your Flash at night and in outdoor locations too.Apart from videos, there are also articles exploring how to achieve a good exposure indoors while utilizing a hotshoe flash on TTL mode.Topics covered in this course:the 7 main principles that govern the Art of Seeing: Brightness, Colors, Simplicity, Closer, Up, Sharpness & OrientationIn Lesson 1 & 2, you will learn that beautiful photos follow specific rules and shooting beautiful pictures are easy if these rules are followed.In Lesson 3, you will understand the Rule Of Simplicity, which holds the sub-rules of Space, Rule of Thirds & Golden Points, the corresponding Golden Points Numbers.In Lesson 4, you will learn that viewers love to see photos where subjects are Bigger and Closer, hence the introduction to the Rules Of Closer, which has many important technical points for you to master.In Lesson 5, you will understand the Rule Of Space, which covers in detail sub-rules such as Live Space, Dead Space, Falling In and Falling Out. You will learn that by using these sub-rules, you can effectively tell stories with just one single frame of the photo.In Lesson 6, you will learn the Rule Of Geometry, which consists of sub-rules of Cube, Odds & Triangles, and how to apply these rules in your daily photo-shoots.In Lesson 7, we will cover the Rule of Pattens, which is made up of the sub-rules of Repetitive Patterns, Perspective, C-Curves, S-Curves, and Starburst. You will witness how professional photographers specifically choose to employ these rules in certain situations.Lesson 8 is where you will learn the Rule Of Contrast. In this Rule, you will be exposed fully to sub-rules of Layers Contrast, Movement Contrast, and Focusing Contrast.In Lesson 9, you will understand and master the Rule of Shadows, Silhouette & Reflections. By employing the sub-rules within this lesson, you will create stunning representative images like how award-winning photographers all over the world do.SIX Full HD videos, that will thoroughly explain:Lesson 1: What is TTL flash and how this mode worksLesson 2: How to get the most perfect TTL settings on your camera & your FlashLesson 3: How to use TTL easily indoor (you will also learn the Famed 5 No. 1)Lesson 4: How to use TTL outdoor (without those silly diffusion domes)Assignment 1: 4-credit point assignments where you are guided on how to achieve nicely flash photos despite backlit locations.Lesson 5: How to use your external flash on your camera at night (without having hotspots on your subjects' faces)Lesson 6: How to use your built-in flash at night (without those silly diffusion domes)Assignment 2: 4-credit point assignments where you will be tested on how to achieve evenly flashed photos AT NIGHT despite using no attachment on your flash."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Flash Photography" |
"Learn how to use your Flash correctly & effectively in this e-learning course. You will be introduced to the most important rule in lighting: The Famed 5. This rule makes shooting photos with flash easy and very predictable. This course will teach you two of the best ways of using your flashes: On Camera and Off Camera (Remote) Flash. In Lesson 1, you will be introduced to the most important rule in lighting: The Famed 5. This rule makes shooting photos with flash easy and very predictable. This introductory lesson will teach you two ways of using flashes: On camera and Remote flash.In Lesson 2, you will be learning Famed 5 No 1, which will reveal why you need to make all your subjects brighter (and the scientific reasons behind this reasoning). You will learn exactly how much to make your subject brighter and the concept of Stops in measuring the brightnessIn Lesson 3, you will be learning Famed 5 No 2. This rule will teach you the difference between Hard Light and Soft Light and how they differ. In this lesson, you will also learn the highly effective methods to soften your flashlights.In Lesson 4, you will learn the TTL mode of your flash. By knowing this mode, you will be able to use your flash On your camera effortlessly. You will also comprehend how TTL technologies work and you can use it to your advantage.In Lesson 5, you will learn the perfect range of settings to use on your camera and flash when you set TTL mode on your flash. You will understand why these settings are ideal and how to tweak them to your shooting styles.In Lesson 6, you will dive deeper into the topic of Stops in photography and why these measurements and values are vital in Flash photography. You will learn to use your cameras exposure meter in ways you have never thought of before.In Lesson 7, you will learn Famed 5 Rule No 3. This rule teaches you how to use your Aperture to control subject exposure and Shutter Speed to control ambient/natural light when you employ flashes in your shoots.In Lesson 8, the course will continue with Famed 5 Rule No 4, which is an important co-relation of Power vs Distance. You will be exposed to the formula of Inverse Squared Law, which governs how light intensity behaves with distance.In Lesson 9, you will learn the fool-proof Rule of 888, which is Famed 5 Rule No 5. With this rule, you can light up your subjects with Remote Flashes effortlessly and obtain spot-on exposure every single time.Lesson 10 will be a detailed show-and-tell chapter of Famed 5 No 5's 888. The trainer will show in well-sequenced steps how you easily piece together this rule and also your reasonings behind the camera & flash settings used.In Lesson 11, you will learn how to use Lighting Modifiers of two major categories: Modifiers that INCREASE Coverage and modifiers that REDUCE Coverage. You will also be introduced to major modifiers brands in the industry.In Lesson 12, Lesson 13 and Lesson 14, the course will bring you to practical hands-on settings: with the trainer demonstrating how to use TTL Flash and Remote flash on various locations, indoor and outdoor and the settings you have learned from all the Lessons above"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
diamond_framework |
"1010MECE2CVCA 2019928 20204"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Treinamento de Introduo ao Software GOM Inspect" |
"Voc conhece a tecnologia GOM de sistemas de medio por coordenadas 3D? A Vtech te apresenta neste treinamento!O Software GOM Inspect de download gratuito abrange conhecimentos relacionados a inspeo 3D e processamento de malha, tendo ampla utilizao em controle de qualidade, engenharia reversa, prototipagem rpida e montagem virtual.Programao:Voc conhecer a interface e manuseio do Software, ser introduzido a importao de malhas, dados CAD e de scanners 3D, processamento de malhas;Fluxo de trabalho de Inspeo: Aqui voc aprender as estratgias de alinhamento bsico, comparao nominal/atual ao CAD, Seces de Inspeo, relatrio e exportao de dados;Mdulo de Inspeo: Aprender a fazer avaliao com CAD e dados 2D, anlise de espessura de material, visualizao 3D, preview de inspeo paramtrica;Mdulo Expert: Voc aprender as estratgias de alinhamento avanadas, GD&T e exportao de tabelas.Vamos comear?Link para Download do Software est na descrio da aula 1!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Treinamento de Introduo ao Software GOM Correlate" |
"Voc conhece a tecnologia GOM de sistemas de medio por coordenadas 3D? A Vtech te apresenta neste treinamento!O Software GOM Correlate de download gratuito abrange conhecimentos relacionados a Correlao de Imagem Digital com ampla utilizao em teste de materiais e componentes.Programao:Voc conhecer a interface e manuseio do software e ser introduzido tecnologia de Correlao de Imagem Digital (DIC)Fluxo de trabalho de Inspeo: Aqui voc aprender desde a preparao de corpos de prova 2D e 3D, at a avaliao de deformaes, deslocamento, velocidade e acelerao de superfcies e pontos.Mdulo de Inspeo: Uso do software GOM Correlate para medio de deformaes no plano, combinado com mapeamento de imagem, uma ampla gama de ferramentas tais como campos vetoriais, ngulos, aceleraes e muitos mais, o que ajuda a compreender intuitivamente o comportamento do objeto em grande detalhe.Mdulo Expert: Voc aprender as estratgias de avaliao em testes de trao em alta e baixa velocidades, avaliao da zona de trinca, teste de flexo por 3 pontos, testes de cisalhamento de acordo com a ASTM, correlao digital de imagens em grandes dimenses, anlise de movimento em biomecnica, crash tests e anlise de movimento em alta velocidade.Vamos comear?Link para Download do Software est na descrio da aula 1!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Break IT Down - Corso di Break Dance completo, in italiano!" |
"Grazie a questo corso imparerai la teoria e la pratica per diventare un bboy o bgirl (chi pratica Breaking, il termine originale del pi conosciuto termine ""Break-Dance"") in poche settimane. Le lezioni sono organizzate in modo da offrirti un percorso step by step per imparare a ballare sulla musica eseguendo i passi e le mosse pi importanti e fondamentali per iniziare a ballare e dominare il Dance Floor.Anche se ti consideri senza senso del ritmo e coordinazione con il mio metodo Break IT Down potrai imparare in maniera facile e veloce alcuni trucchi e piccoli segreti che pochi sanno e nessuno ti dice!La struttura del corso ti accompagner attraverso gli elementi fondamentali di questa disciplina ovvero:Top RocksGo downsFootworksFreezesPower MovesIl metodo Break It Down un metodo passo passo per vincere le tue insicurezze, colmare le tue lacune e insegnarti tutto quello che ti serve per imparare a ""spaccare"" nel cerchio e raggiungere la sicurezza nelle tue skills.Insomma non serve aspettare oltre, clicca sul tasto ""iscriviti"" ed entra nel cerchio con noi!PS: se per qualsiasi ragione il corso non ti dovesse piacere o non volessi pi partecipare c' anche una garanzia ""soddisfatti o rimborsati"" di ben 30 giorni, cos puoi provare il corso per un mese.. a mie spese!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bora cantar?" |
"Meu nome Jhean Marcell, produtor musical, engenheiro de msica e cantor com 25 anos de experincia no mercado musical e professor de canto e coach vocal desde 2005.Este curso foi pensado para quem tem o canto como profisso ou simplesmente ama cantar e quer aprender, aprimorar ou simplesmente se divertir.Apresento a vocs o meu curso BORA CANTAR? Um curso de tcnica vocal online que apresenta de maneira pratica a melhor maneira de utilizar sua voz e aperfeioar seu canto atravs de mtodos simples e modernos que te far sentir a diferena des de a primeira aula."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Neu in Fhrung? Fhrungskompetenz entwickeln von A bis Z" |
"Das Beste aus vielen Jahren Fhrungserfahrung! Praxisorientiertes Wissen fr die Praxis. Du strebst eine Fhrungsposition an und mchtest gerne Fhrungskompetenzen entwickeln? Du suchst nach einer Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung, die dir die wichtigsten Fhrungsprinzipien erklrt und dich bis zu deiner ersten Fhrungsposition begleitet? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich!Lerne einen neuen Fhrungsansatz kennen, den du nicht im Studium oder auf Seminaren und Weiterbildungen lernen wirst. Damit Fhrung gelingt, sind keine Tools oder irgendwelche Prozesse entscheidend. Der Schlssel liegt in der menschenorientierten Fhrung. In diesem Kurs lernst du alles ber die wichtigsten Fhrungsprinzipien: Zugehrigkeit, Kommunikation, Emotionale Intelligenz und Sinn. Du lernst, was du bereits heute tun kannst, um dich darauf vorzubereiten. Ich untersttze dich auf dem Weg zur Fhrung und dabei langfristig Spa an Fhrung zu haben.Was wirst du im Detail lernen? Einfhrende Gedanken zum Thema Fhrung: Zu Beginn geht es um ein paar grundlegende Fragestellungen, die du fr dich beantwortet haben solltest. Gemeinsam mchten wir dein ""Warum"" besprechen und wie du das am besten fr dich beantworten kannst. Danach stelle ich dir die vier Fhrungsprinzipien vor und erlutere dir die Hintergrnde dazu. Prinzip der Zugehrigkeit: In diesem Teil des Kurses zeige ich dir das erste Prinzip. Das Gefhl von Zugehrigkeit ist ein menschliches Bedrfnis und darf in keinem Team fehlen. In diesem Kursteil erklre ich dir warum. Prinzip der Kommunikation: Als Fhrungsperson musst du in der Lage sein gut zu kommunizieren. Allerdings ist Kommunikation sehr komplex und die Gefahr fr Missverstndnisse ist hoch. Das erleben wir auch oft im Alltag. In diesem Teil werden wir ber bewusste und unbewusste Kommunikation sprechen und du wirst lernen, was du tun kannst, um gut zu kommunizieren und was du vermeiden solltest.Prinzip der Emotionalen Intelligenz: 90% der TOP Performer haben eine hohe Emotionale Intelligenz (EI). Du wirst in diesem Kursteil lernen, was die Grnde dafr sind. Wir besprechen, was Emotionale Intelligenz berhaupt ist und viel wichtiger, du wirst lernen, welche Strategien du anwenden kannst, um deine Emotionale Intelligenz zu steigern.Prinzip des Sinns: Wenn wir Sinn in unserem Tun sehen, dann sind wir auch gewillt mehr zu leisten. Wir besprechen, warum das ""Warum"" so wichtig ist und wie du den Sinn am besten vermittelst. Du lernst, wie du die anderen drei Fhrungsprinzipien nutzen kannst, um den Sinn zu kommunizieren und bei deinen Mitarbeitern zu verankern. Auerdem lernst du, wie du dich auf eine neue Fhrungsaufgabe vorbereiten kannst:Der Weg zur Fhrung: Du lernst, was du bereits heute tun kannst, um dich auf eine Fhrungsposition vorzubereiten. Ich zeige dir, welche Methoden ich genutzt habe und von denen du ebenfalls profitieren wirst. Die ersten 100 Tage: Herzlichen Glckwunsch! Du hast es nun geschafft und bernimmst deine erste Fhrungsaufgabe. In diesem Teil teile ich mit dir meine Erfahrung, was du in den ersten 100 Tagen tun solltest und was du unbedingt vermeiden solltest.Langfristig Spa an Fhrung haben: Deine Aufgaben werden sich mit der neuen Rolle verndern. Mit steigender Verantwortung wchst auch der Druck. Allerdings sollst du auch langfristig Spa an Fhrung haben. Du lernst, wie du bungen zur Strkung deiner Konzentration und Achtsamkeit in deinen Alltag einbauen kannst. Du erfhrst, wie du kurze Pausen einbauen kannst, um dich aktiv zu erholen. In den meisten Seminaren lernst du nur die Spitze des Eisbergs ber Fhrung. Es geht um Tools, Methoden, Prozesse und unterschiedliche Fhrungsstile. Meine Erfahrung zeigt, dass zwischen Theorie und Praxis im Bereich Fhrung ein gewaltiger Unterschied liegt. Die klassischen Fhrungsstrategien und Modelle funktionieren nicht. Fr mich jedenfalls nicht. Und wenn das auch fr dich nicht der richtige Weg ist, dann bist du hier genau richtig. Dieser Kurs ist anders. Ich zeige dir Fhrungsprinzipien, die in der Praxis wirklich funktionieren. Dabei spielt es auch keine Rolle, ob du physisch vor Ort mit deinem Team zusammensitzt, oder Remote arbeitest z.B. unterwegs oder im Home Office. Die Prinzipien bleiben universell gltig. Ich zeige dir ein menschenorientiertes Fhrungsmodell. Der Kurs soll dich inspirieren und dir auch neue Denkanste zum Thema Fhrung geben. Mein Ziel ist es, dass du ein grundlegendes Fhrungsverstndnis ber das Fhren mit Menschlichkeit bekommst. Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und dann sehen wir uns gleich im ersten Video.Ich freue mich auf dich!Energievolle Gre,Andreas Dein Instructor"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bagua Zhang Eight Trigrams Kung Fu by Grandmaster Liang YMAA" |
"Three BAGUA courses in one by Grandmaster Liang, Shou-Yu and Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Grandmaster Liang began his training in Kung Fu at the age of 6, and was taught the esoteric skills of the Emei Mountain sect, including Baguazhang (Eight Trigrams Palm). Famous both as an ancient internal martial art and for improving health, Bagua develops upper body flexibility, leg strength, and lighting-quick hands and feet.Baguazhang training generates a strong flow of Qi energy to energize your muscles for increased strength. This Qi flow also nourishes your internal organs and improves health and vitality.In addition, Bagua emphasizes circular movement, employs both defensive and offensive strategies, and trains at all three fighting ranges - short, middle, and long.In this classic video, Course 1 contains basic training, body conditioning, Bagua Qigong, and demonstrates the famous Eight Palms sequence with martial applications.Course 2 instructs the intermediate level Swimming Body sequence, named after the swift and agile movements of a swimming dragon, with martial applications.Course 3 presents the unique Deer Hook Sword, which is specially designed to disarm opponents. Learn hooking, seizing, controlling and cutting techniques, and the complete sequence, with applications against the long sword.The authors have put as much as possible into this video in order to offer a clear and comprehensive overview of the subject. Because Bagauzhang is such a vast art, this three-hour video consists mainly of demonstrations of each of the body conditioning, fundamental techniques, sequences, and applications so that the student may see the proper movement.Program includes student demonstrations by senior disciples Ramel Rones, Sam Masich, and Chenhan Yang.16 chapters / 2 hours 49 mins"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Azure Data Factory as an ingestion tool" |
"Azure Data Factory is very useful on the Azure Platform if you are planning to ingest your data. As a developer, you can request the Azure Data Factory service or create it by yourself. In this course, you will learn the most common information about Azure Data Factory. What connectors exist in Data Factory for reading and writing data. What activities are most common to use and some tricky point of using it. Real examples from production systems and also a small overview of different triggers in Data Factory and how to monitor your pipeline with a default monitoring tool. The course could be useful if you are planing to prepare for a DP-200 or DP-201 exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rozpocznij swj biznes online w 4 prostych krokach." |
"Budowanie biznesu online obecnie nie polega na stworzeniu produktu lub usugi, wrzuceniu go do sieci i czekaniu a kto zjawi si znikd i tak po prostu zaufa Ci i wycignie swoj kart patnicz. To niestety nie dziaa w ten sposb. Solidna podstawa biznesu online to przede wszystkim wybudowanie sobie oddanej bazy odbiorcw, ktrzy bd ""gotowi na Ciebie"" i ktrzy bd z niecierpliwoci czeka na Twoje produkty i usugi, gotowi do ich zakupu. Dlatego te ten kurs skupia si na 4 krokach, ktre musisz podj, aby tak baz stworzy. Krok po kroku dowiesz si, jak:ustali, kto w zasadzie jest Twoim klientem i potrzebuje Twojej oferty;w jaki sposb stworzy darmow ofert prezentow, ktra sprawi, e ten wymarzony klient przywie si do Ciebie na duej, zostawi Ci swj adres e-mail, bdzie chtny na wicej, czyli na Twoj patn ofert;w jaki sposb zaprezentowa Twoj bezpatn ofert w Internecie;w jaki sposb j wypromowa, aby Twj przyszy klient na ni trafi. Te 4 kroki sprawi, e zbudujesz sobie online maszyn, ktra bdzie sprzedawaa Twoje produkty i usugi, bez koniecznoci zachodzenia w gow, jak przekona kogokowiek do zakupu. A wtedy zaczniesz sprzedawa. To naprawd dziaa. Kurs jest oparty na video i na mapie myli, zawiera te prawdziwe przykady z ycia: uywam mojego i innych wietnie zarabiajcych biznesw online, aby pokaza Ci, jak najlepsze praktyki. Zawiera te wiczenia, ktre sprawi, e kurs ukoczysz z gotowym planem dziaania, a nie tylko ""such wiedz teoretyczn""."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"TikTok Marketing Anfnger Guide - Mehr Reichweite 2020" |
"Letzte Aktualisierung: 25.3.2020*** DER KURS WIRD LAUFEND ERWEITERT -> neue Inhalte jeden Monat! *** Steig in den Kurs ein und lerne wie du dir deinen professionellen TIKTOK-Account aufbaust!Dieser Kurs wird Dir viele Stunden Frustration ersparen, die Du mit langem suchen verschwendet httest. Insbesondere, wenn Du noch berhaupt nichts ber TikTok weit und wie man sich einen erfolgreichen Account aufbaut. Das Wissen aus erster Hand zu bekommen erspart Dir damit viel Zeit.Der Schlssel zum erfolgreichen schnell wachsenden Profil liegt nicht darin, professionelle Videos zu erstellen und Agenturen zu beauftragen, sondern der Schlssel ist es, regelmig zu Posten und dabei mit der Community zu Interagieren.Der Kurs vermittelt nicht reine Theorie und Modelle die in der Theorie funktionieren und auch nicht unserise Bot-Strategien oder hnliches. Es wird nur wissen aus der Praxis vermittelt was sich etabliert hat.Ich habe mir in den letzten 3 Monaten ein Profil mit ber 8.000 aktiven Fans aufgebaut und meine Videos Erziehern tglich mehre tausend und zehntausend Aufrufe. Durch einige Strategien haben meine Videos unter anderem auch ber zwei Millionen Aufrufe bekommen.Wir beschftigen uns auch mit Werbeanzeigen, da diese in Deutschland noch nicht funktionieren werden weitere Updates folgen.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:Wenn Du einen Kurs aus der Praxis suchst dann bist du hier genau richtigDu bist hier ebenfalls richtig, wenn Du schon viel ber TikTok gehrt hast, aber noch nicht die richtige Methode zum Anfangen gefunden hast.Wenn Du dich endlich auf TikTok etablieren willst, dann solltest Du auch dranbleiben."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate Mastery" |
"Welcome to Real Estate Mastery! This is your free course to help you leave the rat race of chasing leads all day and gain the knowledge you need to have the real estate business you deserve!Included in this course are free landing pages, a website, ad templates, and in-depth trainings on how to use them all. To compete in todays digital world, you need the right mindset and a few technical skills, all taught in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Growth Using Google Marketing- Advance Level Course" |
"Post this course you will be able to build growth strategies for any business. I will teach you how you can utilize Google as the marketing channel for developing marketing strategies for businesses. It includes SEO, SEM, and Basics of Marketing and Digital Marketing. If you are working professionals, students of colleges and Business Owners."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"1 Capitolo - Introduzione1 Presentazione del corso di chitarra del maestro Bruno Pittelli2 Differenza tra le varie tipologie di chitarre3 Postura e posizione2 Capitolo - Accordatura e amplificazione4 Come accordare e come trovare le note sul manico della chitarra5 Come regolare l'amplificatore3 Capitolo - Accordi ed esercizi con il metronomo 6 Esercizio per principianti 7 Accordi Maggiori e Minori 8 Suoniamo con il Metronomo4 Capitolo - Suoniamo insieme9 Suoniamo insieme i primi Accordi10 Suoniamo insieme con il Barr11 Suoniamo insieme con il Powerchord5 Capitolo - Scale Maggiori12 Scala Maggiore13 Scala Pentatonica Maggiore6 Capitolo - Scale Minori13 Scala Minore14 Scala Pentatonica Minore7 Capitolo - Composizione ed Armonizzazione16 Composizione ed Armonizzazione8 Capitolo - Improvvisazione e composizione di Assoli e Melodie17 Improvvisazione e composizione di Assoli e Melodie9 Capitolo - TAB - Tablature18 TAB - Tablature10 Capitolo - Ora sei un vero chitarrista! BONUS19 Ora sei un vero chitarrista! BONUS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cinco Competncias do Lder do Futuro" |
"Atravs deste curso voc conhecer o que o mercado atual exige dos Lderes. As competncias tcnicas j no so mais suficientes. Se o Lder no tiver ou no desenvolver estas 5 competncias comportamentais que falarei nas aulas, estar fadado ao insucesso . As aulas so curtas e muito dinmicas, onde apresento a Teoria, colocando vdeos ou histrias para ilustrar o contedo na prtica.Aproveite e seja um Lder respeitado e querido pela sua equipe!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ATENDIMENTO MGICO: A habilidade de encantar clientes" |
"Ol, seja muito bem-vindo(a)! Esta aula em formato de Palestra, tem como objetivo melhorar o nvel de atendimento das empresas, elevando a satisfao e fidelizao dos clientes. indicado para pessoas e empresas de qualquer ramo de atividade, que atenda clientes e precise elevar o nvel de excelncia. Uma palestra repleta de dicas e ferramentas utilizadas pela maior empresa de entretenimento do mundo ""Disney Company"" para transformar seus clientes nos maiores ""divulgadores"" da sua marca e ""fs"" da sua empresa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Adobe XD from Scratch" |
"This course teaches you the Adobe XD Software from Scratch, How to create Mobile Ui Design for App, Prototyping, and handing off your design to developers.It will help the learner to start his career in Ui/UX design, and will put him in the path of this field.Adobe XD is a tool for ui design, creating prototypes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Profit from Swing Trade" |
"Swing Trading is one of the most effective trading strategies to profit from the stock market. Its simplicity is its biggest strength because it does not use complex nuances of technical chart analysis. This course explains an effective profit-making strategy that anyone can use easily. It highlights why the strategy to 'let the market come to you' is more effective than chasing news and rumors. This course comes loaded with a powerful python program that learners can use freely to track unlimited stocks and get Entry and Exit signals as and when opportunity comes. The instructor emphasizes the need for a swing trader to use very little time trading and stay free to pursue other dreams - just the ways stock markets are supposed to be. Whether you are a full-time professional or even a professional trader, this course offers a jump start to profitable stock market trading.This course covers the following:Tricks to 'let the market come to you' with opportunitiesDefine Entry and Exit price pointsIdentify traps when not to enter the market even if it looks greatHow to repeat your successUse the strategy on any stockWrite and use a program that identifies opportunities automaticallyBuild an autopilot profit machineFREE - Swing Trade App based on this strategy"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
dr_mahmood_alqaa |
".. .. .. .. .. .. .. :1. .2. .3. .4. .5. .6. :"" .. "" - "" .. .."" - "" .. .. .. .. .. .. "". - . . .. :"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAT Math for B-students" |
"This course is developed specifically for the less ambitious of students. Those girls and guys who may have had too much going on in their life to focus in class and spend much time on homework. We are talking about all the athletes, musicians, gamers, skaters, photographers, artists, actors, etc. We will start with the very basics connecting the dots and won't skip steps assuming that something is obvious.At some point, the time comes to put our heads down and get that solid SAT.This is your lifeline. Your redemption. Your chance to prove that you can take care of yourself. Looking forward to your success and feedback.Batyr"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel for Beginners: Build practical Excel skills" |
"Microsoft Excel Online Course to Start with Excel 2019This excellent online Microsoft Excel course is a brilliant Start to Excel 2019, the Office 365 version of Excel.Current online Excel Course is recorded with the newest version of Excel, Excel 2019 (Office 365). Please note most Excel features work the same way in Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016.Enrol Now and learn essential skills about Microsoft Excel. Excel is the most popular tool to manage spreadsheets, analyse and visualise data. Current course combines deep Excel expertise and practical working expertise with Microsoft Excel 2019 (Office 365). The course creator team has 30+ years of expertise working with Excel from collecting data till performing complex analysis of large data sets and presenting findings to Board level executives / Directors of highly successful global companies. As your instructor we will use our Excel expertise to guide you step by step and you will establish Beginner level Excel skills.Participation in this brilliant course will enable you to master Excel tools that will speed up your daily tasks. During this Excel online course you will start with the basics. Establishing a solid foundation will give you the basic building blocks of Excel, and how to use them in the most effective way.At the end of this course you will be an empowered Beginner level user of Excel and be able to use the most popular Excel tools with great confidence. You will also be able to perform Excel tasks with efficiency. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master: Confidently using Excel / navigate in Excel Formatting data in Excel spreadsheets, and working with Excel workbooks Mastering the most popular Excel functions (like SUM, AVERAGE) and using simple charts to visualise your data in reports.Do not hesitate to develop your Excel skills. Enrol now and take your next step in mastering the newest version of Excel, Excel 2019!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
english-pronunciation-for-japanese-speakers |
"BBCRPReceived PronunciationMCLesson 1 Lesson 2 TLesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 LGLesson 10"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Smart Working: lavora ovunque, lavora meglio a costo zero" |
"In questo corso scoprirai il mondo dello Smart Working, potrai facilmente imparare ad utilizzare dei fantastici strumenti per permetterti di lavorare praticamente ovunque. Vedrai come essere in ufficio potrebbe essere superfluo o addirittura superato.Scopri cosa puoi fare anche da casa, vedrai degli spunti ed esempi pratici. Inoltre potrai scoprirei principali strumenti gratuiti da poter utilizzare per lavorare ovunque ed in qualsiasi momento."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to become an influencer" |
"In this course we cover different topics such as: Instagram marketing, instagram algorithm, how to work with an influencer agency, how to work with brands, how to create creative content, photography for instagram and video production. You will learn how to stand out from the crowd and negotiate with brands"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CV & Interview" |
"In this course you will learn how to write a professional CV and how to prepare for the interview.. * Elements of the Course:- CV Writing - Cover Letter Writing - Interview Skills* At the end of the part of CV writing you get a file of CV example in word format that you will make your own CV using it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crea la tua Buyer Persona per fotografi di Famiglia" |
"Creando la tua Buyer Persona potrai identificare l'identikit del tuo cliente ideale e comprendendo nel dettaglio le sue caratteristiche potrai delineare alla perfezione una comunicazione impostata alla vendita dei tuoi servizi fotografici.Al suo interno troverai due sezioni:La prima nel quale delineeremo le caratteristiche del tuo servizio fotografico.La seconda creeremo la tua Buyer Persona individuando le caratteristiche peculiari del tuo cliente ideale.Con questa analisi potrai migliorare la tua comunicazione e dunque migliorare le vendite dei tuoi prodotti/servizi.Se sei anche tu un fotografo un fotografo di famiglia o lo vuoi diventare questo corso studiato apposta per te, mentre se non lo sei non ti preoccupare perch gli esercizi racchiusi al suo interno potranno essere applicati a qualsiasi tipo di attivit e saranno altrettanto utili."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"uthor's Cryptocurrency Trading Course - Working Strategies" |
" We didnt find the course that would be ideal for us, so we decided that there are people with the same problem. And we decided to create our own course based on our knowledge and practice we had last years. Our mission is:- Answer the general questions and problems that arise for everyone- Present the material in an understandable form, so that trading of cryptocurrencies takes on a simpler, understandable form- Help traders stop losing their money and make a correct decision of working strategy.We really hope Our course will help You:- Understand the psychology of the cryptocurrency marketFind your place in this market and understand how to make money on itResearch several working trading strategies developed on our practice)In result, You will be able to make transactions based on risk management and at the same time not lose Your money- You will learn how trading terminals make the trader's life easier- You will learn how to find the best point to enter a position. - And You will learn how to independently analyze any tool without resorting to forecasts or signalsWe hope our information will help you improve your trading and get an understanding of the market.We want to show those indicators that we use in our practice and which we use in our strategy.We want to show you not a huge variety of candlestick combinations, but only those that affect on making a decision.We want to show you not just the figures on the graph, but only those that are important for trading and understanding what the figures are and where they come from.We want to teach you how to analyze any coin yourself, like looking at the chart and finding out the main parameters - to understand where the coin will go next.We want to share our working strategies that we use every day and which have paid off and bring a good plus to the account"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |