Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Start a Business Sustainably in 2020" |
"YOU ARE GOING TO LEARN HOW TO CREATE THE BUSINESS OF YOUR DREAMS WHILE INTEGRATING SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES THAT WILL CREATE LONG TERM GROWTH AND PROFIT.Our Sustainable Entrepreneur Training is one of Stony Brook Universities most sought after Business School courses!LEARN FROM FIVE DIFFERENT SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS, WHO ARE EXPERTS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE FIELDS:***The five experts have worked with many thousands of entrepreneurs, worldwide. Each have had several of their own businesses, and are extremely experienced. Learn from the best!! Their impressive resumes are below***MarketingFinanceTeam BuildingPresentationsSustainabilityStefan Doering is Shift Group's Managing Director and has been innovating in environmental business and sustainability since 1987. He also teaches and coaches green businesses in three major areas: 1) innovating powerful green business models, 2) crafting and implementing marketing and positioning strategies for bringing green to mainstream, and 3) creating a consistently profitable and sustainable business. Below is a list of just some of Stefan's other accomplishments - Developed green intrapreneurship strategy for General Motors, later included in GMs final bailout plan presented to Congress in December, 2008Business coaching a variety of businesses with programs having reached 4,000 business innovators in 13 countriesTaught landmark courses on green entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship at Columbia Universitys Center for Environmental Research and ConservationTaught courses for small businesses at the Industrial and Technology Assistance Corporation (ITAC), a leading non-profit in NYC for small business developmentProfessor at Minnesota College of Art and Design, having taught Eco Design and Green MarketingOfficial Mentor and Sounding Board member for the Eugene Lang Entrepreneurship Center at Columbia Universitys Business SchoolPioneered green retailing, growing it to one of the largest green retail companies in the US, selling over 3,500 different products screening for their environmental impactAndrew Bogle is Shift Group's Strategic Advisor and currently serves as an advisor to five startups, is a Managing Director at Reva Capital, as well as serving on three nonprofit boards.Prior to joining Reva Capital, Andrew was the Chapter Director of Keiretsu Forum New York, an investment community of accredited private equity investors, venture capitalists and corporate/institutional investors. There he was the main person in charge of relationships with its investors. Before working at the Keiretsu Forum, he worked for investment advisor Gerstein Fisher. While there, Andrew focused on institutions such as foundations and endowments. Previously, Andrew worked for Robin Hood, a nonprofit which fights poverty in the five boroughs of N.Y.C. While at Robin Hood he was on the development team. After attaining his M.B.A., Andrew joined Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management. His team managed $1.4B. Andrew also worked at Brown Brothers Harriman.Wendy Scharfman is a professional speaker, communication coach and trainer. She is the founder of Coaching for Effective Communication, a business she created to help her clients become dynamic, confident speakers who can inspire action by delivering a strategic message that matters. Through a powerful communication strategy, she promotes transformational change by helping clients to break through any resistance to deliver results. Wendy specializes in Executive Coaching, Leadership Training and Team Building, Public Speaking Competencies, Message Refinement and Media Training.Wendy is an Executive Performance Coach Maynard Leigh Associates, a global learning and development company. She is also a communications facilitator and trainer with Schouten Global and for the past 7 years she has been the communications consultant for Family Interventions Services, a non-profit organization serving families and children in New Jersey. She holds a M.S. in Education from Boston University-Wheelock College, an M.S. in Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.F.A. from the Asolo Conservatory.Alan Siege is Shift Group's Senior Facilitator and has been leading business workshops through the Brooklyn and Manhattan Chambers of Commerce, the Support Center of New York, the Brooklyn Business Outreach Center and the Business Division of the Brooklyn Public Library. Alan is a member of the Entrepreneurship Council of the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce.He is a Facilitator in the FastTrac Program a business building program for solo-preneurs and small businesses administered by the NYC Department of Small Business Services, and he is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Professional Studies at New York University and the City University of New York. Courses he has taught include:Creating the Business PlanBusiness Strategy CreationBasic Finance and AccountingStarting a Successful Art BusinessUsing Storytelling to Strengthen Your Marketing MessageThe Marketing Plan: Its Essential Role in Marketing;In addition, he is the Principal of Small Business Management Consulting a business coaching company and has been assisting small businesses and non-profit organizations for over 20 years become more visible and profitable by improving their business story and refining their business model.SUSTAINABILITY - PEOPLE, PLANET, PROFITS *** PEOPLE - Your sustainable business will support your community, create long term clients and help people grow in whatever field you fall into. *** PLANET - Your business will have a focus on sustainability that will not only allow for long term, sustainable growth, but will keep our planet front of mind and protected. *** PROFIT - You will see money and profit because this class will teach you everything you need to know about the PEOPLE you hire and the PLANET you work with and support!Have a blast learning:If and how to make your business idea a good one...and one that you can grow and scale as your goals grow!How to launch your business and set it up for success long term!How to integrate sustainability! (People, Planet, Profits)In just a few hours, you will have a pitch-ready business and a slide deck with marketing, financial and team plans to back you up.Sustainable Entrepreneur Training is a 13-class course, having 102 videos with a total video time of 6 hours, 13 minutes and 54 seconds. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Become an Amazon Bestselling Author With Non-Fiction Books" |
"Get Unstoppable Momentum and a Step-by-Step Process To Publish on AmazonOne of the biggest obstacles many people have when trying to write a book is not having a plan of action. The questions are simple, but they always get in the way. When can I find the time to write? How much should I write each day? How long should my book be? How do I edit my work? Its a process that begins with some first steps. This course will guide you through each step.Learn To Write a Book Even If You're Not a WriterThis process works even if you're not a writer, or you're overwhelmed by the thought of writing a book. You'll learn how to structure and plan your book so that writing is easy. You'll discover how to edit and polish your first draft like a pro.Position Your Book To Become an Amazon BestsellerPrepare your manuscript for self-publishing on Amazon in Kindle and in paperback. Learn strategies to optimize your book description and maximize its rankings in your category.Choose The Exact Best Book Topic To Create A Client Attracting EngineIf you're an entrepreneur, business coach or professional, you can identify the best topic based on the unique needs of your target market and amplify your authority in your industry.You'll write a book that includes all the essential elements that get your customers hooked on doing business with you and become your biggest referral source."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Evaluacin y diagnstico psicolgico del autismo" |
"Como profesional es imprescindible la realizacin de una evaluacin y diagnstico de TEA adecuada, ya que es un momento especialmente delicado para la familia. Este curso te dar las herramientas para hacerlo de la mejor manera posible, aportndote estrategias de actuacin e informacin sobre qu aspectos debe contener una evaluacin para conseguir realizar un diagnstico correcto.El proceso diagnstico es complicado, por lo que el profesional que lo realiza debe conocer cul es el proceso diagnstico, qu informacin se debe recoger, cmo se redacta un informe diagnstico, ... Por eso durante el curso veras: Sntomas de TEACriterios diagnsticos y su actualizacinLos objetivos del diagnstico Las diferentes reas de informacin que se deben recoger y la importancia de recoger toda esa informacinRealizar una correcta devolucin del informe diagnstico Realizar un informe diagnstico comprensible y de calidad"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional Scrum Master 1 Exam Prep 2020" |
"This Practice Assessment has been designed with a critical focus to enable students to pass the PSM1 Certification exam on the first attempt. Prior to taking this assessment, the students should have gone through the Scrum Guide by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, the originators of Scrum.Scoring 95% in this assessment along with basic working experience, and study of the knowledge and interpretation of the Scrum Guide will ensure a very high probability of success in the Professional Scrum Master 1 Certification Assessment.These assessments are almost as difficult as the actual assessment to help prepare you for better time management and covers the entire Scrum guide."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-301 Examen de Preparacin" |
"Este examen pone a prueba los conocimientos y habilidades de un candidato relacionados con una amplia gama de fundamentos para las carreras de TI, por ejemplo, los fundamentos de la red, el acceso a la red, la conectividad IP, los servicios IP, los fundamentos de seguridad y la automatizacin y programacin de la red."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Align the Spine - banishing pain and improving function" |
"Designed for anyone with an interest in health, fitness and movement. Re learn how we are meant to use our spines to maximize the efficiency of our bodies, and overcome chronic pain and dysfunction. This course is broken down into 5 modules:1. Introduction2. Head on neck posture3. Sitting4. Movement in the chair5. Sit to stand6. Picking up"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Car Flip Hero: The Simple How to on Flipping any Car" |
"Do you love cars and have a interest in business? Have you ever wanted to flip cars part time or even full time?? Whether economic cars or exotics, this course is for you. Skip the Guru course, and enroll in this one for real experiences and knowledge to help accelerate your business or soon to be! I cover everything from learning to buy your first deal to having buyers come to you upon sale! Included in the course is also a live session on buying an economy car and an exotic car and things to look for."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create an Altered Book Art Journal Workshop" |
"Hello and welcome! I am so glad that you have decided to join in this art journaling journey with me! We will find inspiration from the contents of the book and some mindful paint play.We will choose a book, support the book and play! We will create a spread inspired by a chapter from my book on ""Bees"", a spread inspired by words from the book, and create some abstract backgrounds that you can add images and/or words to later. I can't wait to see what you create!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dijital Dnyada Yerinizi Aln - Wordpress ile Blog Kuruyoruz" |
"Dnya, zellikle bugnlerde gndem olan koronavirs salgn ile birlikte hzl bir dijitalleme srecinde. Bu dijitalleme srecine girmeyen, adapte olamayanlar ne yazkki gelecek iyi karlamayacak. Dijitallemenin en nemli admlarndan, belki de ilki olan bir internet sitesine sahip olmay, Wordpress altyaps kullanarak sizlere anlatmaya altm. Bu benim ilk kursum. Bu yzden btn sorularnz, geribildirimlerinizi bekliyor olacam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sucesso no Instagram" |
"O curso essencial para voc que quer ficar EXPERT na plataforma que mais cresce atualmente. Saiba como todo o aplicativo funciona e como otimizar ao mximo suas contas. Mdulos adicionais sobre: ENGAJAMENTO / ANNCIOS / LISTA DE RECURSOS. Aprenda, coloque em prtica e aumente seus resultados dominando totalmente a ferramenta. Venha ter sucesso no Instagram!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Avoir CONFIANCE en soi : la MTHODE pas pas" |
"La confiance en soi est une facult que tout le monde peut dvelopper. Mme vous ;)Vous nosez pas vous lancer dans de nouveaux projets ou prendre des dcisions ?Vous rencontrez des difficults vous exprimer et vous affirmer ?Vous ne vous sentez jamais assez bien ou vous vous comparez souvent aux autres ?Vous doutez en permanence de vous-mme et vous vous remettez sans cesse en question ?Vous culpabilisez facilement et vous vous reprochez rgulirement vos faiblesses, vos erreurs ou vos checs ?Vous pensez beaucoup au pass et retombez rgulirement dans les mmes schmas ou situations difficiles ?Si ces phrases rsonnent en vous, alors vous manquez effectivement probablement de confiance en soi. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que ce n'est pas une fatalit. Car il existe des techniques efficaces pour dvelopper sa confiance en soi, pas pas et en restant soi-mme.Grce cette formation sur la confiance en soi, je vous propose, tape aprs tape et votre rythme, de faire voluer vos schmas de penses ngatifs, pour btir une confiance en soi solide, vous permettant de mener une vie pleine de sens, de russites et dpanouissement personnel.--------------------------------------------Compos de 27 vidos explicatives et de 12 exercices tlcharger en PDF, ce programme de coaching confiance en soi est principalement centr sur la pratique. Les vidos sont assez synthtiques, afin que vous puissiez privilgier la ralisation des exercices. La dure totale des vidos est d'environ 1 heure, mais comptez plutt 3h 4h pour terminer la formation, en fonction du temps que vous passerez sur les exercices.--------------------------------------------Notez galement que cette formation est aussi un cours de dveloppement personnel, qui vous aidera voluer vers une meilleure version de vous-mme."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Prtica de Caixa para PME's e Profissionais Liberais" |
"O intuito do curso Gesto Prtica de Caixa para PME's e Profissionais Liberais, ensinar ao aluno que esteja iniciando sua jornada em controle financeiro, ou at mesmo, aqueles que j trabalham na rea mas no ainda possuem conhecimento necessrio para criar, gerir e analisar um fluxo de caixa dirio e projetado, a efetuar tais aes de maneira rpida e simples.Ao trmino das aulas, o aluno ser capaz tambm de efetuar conciliao bancria."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Excel 2019 - Intermediate" |
"There are two kinds of people: Those who are masters at Excel 2019 or Excel 365, and those who wish they wereWhen you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wondersfrom organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.This is our most requested training course!If you learn to use Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you will start to see how useful it is in your lifefrom formatting your grocery list to calculating complex ROI values. If you are comfortable with the basics of Excel, let our Microsoft Certified Trainer Kathy Jones walk you through more advanced topics that will take your spreadsheets to the next level and help you to be more efficient in analyzing your data."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Scatti Perfetti con Adobe Camera Raw + Bonus eBook" |
"+ BONUS: eBook ""Digital Photography Mastery"" 95 pagine (link nell'ultima lezione)Perch i fotografi professionisti preferiscono scattare in ""Raw""? Semplice: perch un formato altamente modificabile e senza perdita di informazione! Scattare in Raw ci permette di elaborare l'immagine con una fedelt e una precisione inimmaginabile rispetto al formato Jpg. In questo corso ""flash"" di Adobe Camera Raw muoverete i primi passi nell'elaborazione dei file Raw. Il corso indicato a tutti coloro che desiderano conoscere le basi per poter modificare e ottimizzare in modo rapido e preciso i propri scatti ""grezzi"" con Adobe Photoshop. Le slide introduttive e la successiva esercitazione proposta forniscono una panoramica ampia e creativa sul formato Raw e il suo sviluppo. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting Efficace: Scrivere per il Web" |
"Impara le Regole della Scrittura Online!Come si scrive un articolo per il web? Quali tecniche creative possiamo utilizzare per trovare spunti e ispirazione? Che differenze sussistono tra i vari tipi di articoli online? Come coinvolgere il lettore? Quale registro utilizzare? Come dare una logica interna ai nostri scritti? Quali sono gli errori da evitare?Imparalo con questo corso di scrittura web efficace. Acquistando il corso avrai anche accesso alla mia libreria di oltre 250 eBook sul digital marketing, i social media e il copywriting (in inglese).Ci vediamo dall'altra parte!Emanuele"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Boost Your Chess ELO Rating By 100 Points" |
"Chess is notoriously difficult to master. It has been estimated that with serious study and very hard work, the average player can improve their ELO rating by only about 100 points per year.If you follow everything that is taught in this course, YOUR RATING WILL INCREASE BY AT LEAST 100 ELO POINTS almost immediately!I have taken over two decades of serious chess training and study and condensed it into bite-sized tips and training advice that will immediately boost your chess skills.Join the course, and start dominating your opponents today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lifestyle Design for the 21st Century" |
"In a world ever rapid change and disruption it's hard to know how to succeed and thrive.In this course, I will teach you strategies, tactics, and life hacks, and explore the new ways of thinking that are necessary to be successful in this new paradigm as disruption and an ever-accelerating rate of change has become the norm.In this video series, your most basic assumptions about life will be questioned and, if successful, be replaced or augmented by more effective ways of viewing the world that will make you highly adaptable and well prepared for this new world in which we live."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Investing For The 21st Century" |
"Financial freedom seems like an impossible goal for most of us.But in the 21st century, NOTHING COULD FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.In this course, you will learn:1. How to redefine financial freedom to make the most of modern technology and business opportunities both on and off the internet2. How to achieve either partial or total financial freedom3. How to invest safely over time4. How to avoid making large financial mistakes 5. How to build specific passive income streams no matter your particular skill set or areas of interest6. How to think about financial freedom in the 21st century and let go of old paradigms that may be holding you back7. How to use all of the many strategies available to become financially independent starting from scratch!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Poi Dancing: The Beginner Series" |
"Poi is a form of dance, where weights on the ends of tethers are swung through rhythmical patterns. Join renowned poi-teacher Nick Woolsey to learn and master the fundamental moves and transitions of poi! Move your body while enriching your mind! Each section of the course includes 12-20 videos, guiding you through Nick's proven system. The lessons will cover many moves such as weaves, windmills, butterfly patterns, buzzsaws, and fountains, along with techniques for developing skill with turns, sequences, and transitions.For those of you who already know some moves, this course is a great way to deepen your control of planes, rhythm, and freedom of movement, and to discover and learn all the moves missing from your poi movement vocabulary."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Poi dancing - beyond the basics" |
"Join world-renowned poi teacher, Nick Woolsey, to take your poi spinning skills to a new level! Each section of this course includes 12-18 videos. The lessons will progress through a proven system of exercises, with the goal of enjoying complete freedom of movement and expression with poi. Nick will also post review and homework notes to help you stay organized focussed. Although most students spend one or two weeks on each section, you are welcome to go at your own pace. Your membership will last for years! The course curriculum will include, but will not be limited to: Group warmups and games for those who are playing with friends (recommended!) Strength and conditioning for poi The fundamentals and variations of poi-fu (arm and body movement for poi and flow arts, left/right coordination games, etc.) Footwork: Moving across the floor, the pirouette progression, the whirling progression, footwork with partners and groups, and more Planes Stalls Crosspoints Flowers and CAPs Performance Rhythm and timing Poi with your feet! The Horizontal Poi Progression Variations of Spiral Wraps To many moves" to mention (this will often be pointers to existing move" videos)! Nudity! Probably well, maybe. Oh so much more!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Business Networking for Success and Company Growth: Part Two" |
"Networking is both a Science and an Art. In this Networking Series, Im going to cover the science of networking including the different types of networking groups, the different type of networking formats, and what to look for in networking groups. Im also going to cover the Art of Networking so you can choose the right groups to spend your precious time at, build long-lasting relationships, and maximize your impact in your ever growing sphere of influence.This course is for you ifYou just got a job or started a business and need to expand your sphere of influence.Youre in a new position that requires you to meet new people in order to get new business.Youre tired of spending all your time going to networking events without getting any results or youre tired of dealing with people who just want to sell you things.You want to get better at building long-lasting, solid relationships and a long-lasting referral business.In Part 2, were going to cover the different Types of Networking Group formats. This is referring to how networking groups run and operate. This will help you understand how to network better within different types of groups or even which groups to avoid (or seek out)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Startup Your Own Business" |
"Do you want to create your own business but you dont know how to do it? Through this online course, we will explain to you step by step how to start your own successful business. The trainer, Adonis Anastasiou, started from scratch and managed in a few years to get to the top of his profession as a business trainer. He coached hundreds of new entrepreneurs and assist them to start-up their own successful businesses. With a simple and comprehensible language, each video tutorial will explain exactly what you need to do to create your own business and how to market your products and services so that you can get your first clients within the first 90 days. Also, through this training you will learn how to apply the principles of successful businesses and how to market your business online and offline. It includes a section on how to promote your business through internet marketing and social media."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Internet Marketing Strategies That Will Increase Your Sales" |
"Course DescriptionThrough this easy to follow online course you will learn how to increase your sales and leads. Learn step by step how to generate traffic to your website, how to get leads, how to convert visitors to buying customers, how to build your mailing list and how to become more effective internet marketer.By the end of the course you will be able: Apply proven internet marketing strategies that will increase your sales To bring a massive amount of potential visitors to your website To apply strategies so that visitors will give you their contact information To convert website visitors into buying customers To apply strategies that will improve your conversion rate To understand the statistics of internet marketing and what to expect from your campaigns. To become more effective, efficient and productive internet marketerTo evaluate your campaigns and take corrective measures"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practise Javascript in 2020 : Code a Card Game in Phaser 3" |
"If you need to practise your javascript...If you want to learn some new ES6 stuff...If you have ever wanted to create a card game...Then this course is for you!You will get experience using:ES6ClassesArraysObjectsFunctionsPhaser 3FigmaBitmap Fonts (BMFont)Card games are a great way to learn some javascript and phaser fundamentals.The game includes:Dragging and droppingTweeningImporting graphics and fontsButtonsI hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"C# 1000: Fast Start For Polyglots" |
"Welcome to our second C# training opportunity!Since we created our first educational opportunity for C# Builder back in 2004, the C# programming language has much changed. Known as C# 1000: Fast-Start For Polyglots, this modern educational opportunity has been designed for students who are either extremely smart, or are already familiar with another modern programming language.Great for accelerated concept reviews, or to fast-track your learning, topics in Fast-Start For Polyglots are ordered so as to rocket students into writing reusable, real-world C# .Net Core and .NET Framework Applications, as quickly as possible.While all C# keywords and concepts will be covered in this training series, the accelerated learning process spends far less time forcing students to re-type under-related examples, to instead focus upon demonstrating what students will need to use to create ready-to-re-use programming solutions. Focusing upon using C# to create an event driven, cross-platform console game, there are few unrelated programming examples here.So if you are tired of writing throw away code... or if you find yourself skipping or sleeping your way through so many silly & sophomoric programming examples, then Fast-Start For Polyglots is designed for you."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hands-on Docker from Scratch in Fast and Easy Way" |
"In this course, we will be learning Docker Containers within just 2-3hrs, so if you are looking to getting started with it fast this is the best course for you.Key Highlights of the Course :We will start with the basic theory first understanding what is a container and why containers are usedThen, we will also look into a sample use-case of Dev-ops with containersThen, we will set up all the infrastructure in GCP Ubuntu machine so it would be easy for you to follow upThen, we go one by one into all-important commands of Docker and see them Hands-onThen, will then see how to combine Apps, With Docker ComposeThen, we will see what is Docker Hub and how to deploy your Containers to Docker Hub.Finally, we will be deploying a Sample SAP CAPM App in Cloud Foundry which is a Popular Solution of PaaS for Enterprise"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Veta Mineral, el esplendor de los xidos en el Arte Cermico" |
"Una sensacional y justo tributo a la Madre Naturaleza, reconocindola como la mejor Artista de todos los tiempos, a travs de plasmar sus elementos minerales en una pieza cermica. Ello a travs de la exploracin, tratamiento y produccin de una Veta Mineral existente en la propia naturaleza.Ello conlleva a vivir una experiencia ldica, gratificante y cultural."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Financial Modelling, Financial Planning and DCF Valuation" |
"**We do regular live support sessions to give a more enriching experience and help you align what you are learning with career growth. Enroll now to get this benefit for life!**This is a fully hands-on course that will take you from a blank Excel file to creating a robust, dynamic and fully automated financial model that can be used for a startup or an existing company. It also prepares you for the Advanced Financial Modeler (AFM) certification.It covers the following sections:Financial Model template creation and Excel tipsFleshing out a dedicated Model Input sheet to aggregate all the client's plans Creating scenarios -- Optimistic, Conservative, Pessimistic -- that will flow dynamically into the entire financial statements forecastCreating the Revenue ScheduleCreating the Cost of Sales ScheduleCreating the Working Capital ScheduleCreating the Depreciation ScheduleCreating the Debt ScheduleCreating the Equity ScheduleCreating the Tax ScheduleCreating the Income Statement dynamicallyCreating the Balance Sheet dynamicallyCreating the Cashflow Sheet dynamicallyCarrying out the DCF ValuationComputing the Financial Ratios"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"The Secret Formula for Dropshipping on Facebook Marketplace" |
"If you are a dropshipper who wants to crack into the untapped Facebook Marketplace, this course is for you!Facebook has over 2,100,000,000 usersBillions of potential customers!Every day more and more of people and companies are using social media to share their ideas, their brands and products and their passions.But only a select few have cracked the secret code to bypass Facebook's algorithm...And they generate the EASIEST dropshipping sales in a virtually untapped marketplace...Facebook Marketplace!In this course, you will learn a proven step by step strategy to make dropshipping sales from Facebook Marketplace.It is a legitimate FREE method of leveraging Facebook's massive user base to promote and market almost anything you want.This simple, yet powerful strategy is currently being used by the most powerful dropshippers on other platforms.Plain and simple, this method works!You will learn about:Keeping compliant with Facebook.Using high-power market research tools.Creating 100s of FB Marketplace posts for FREE.Using ClickMagick or BITLY to track data.Leading people to a product page.And moreSee you on this inside!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-301 en Espaol + Simulador de Preguntas !" |
"Este curso tiene como objetivo primordial capacitar a cada uno de los estudiantes profesionalmente en el mundo del networking. Formando a cada uno de ellos en los aspectos fundamentales de las comunicaciones, las redes, protocolos, las tecnologas de conmutacin LAN y WAN, el enrutamiento de redes convergentes, as como todos los aspectos relacionados con la seguridad en las redes y la resolucin de problemas.Cada estudiante al finalizar el curso tendr solidos conocimientos sobre las redes de datos, la integracin de sistemas de infraestructura de red y podr optar por la certificacin CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate gracias a los conocimientos adquiridos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Piano Chords in 10 Lessons" |
"This course teaches you how to read basic chord symbols at the piano, and explains them with simple patterns:in a visual and intuitive wayat the keyboardIn this course I will teach you:major chordsminor chordsdim and aug chordssus chords7th chordsAfter this 10 lessons, you will be able to read chord symbols and play them on the piano, to create simple accompaniment for the songs you love. Just search the Internet for the chords of the songs you love, and play them on the piano."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |