Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Preo Certo" |
"Aprenda a Definir o Preo Certos para o Seu Negcio. Voc Sabia que Muitas Empresas Perdem Dinheiro por no colocar o Preo Certo, nos Seus Produtos ou Servios? Neste treinamento de Forma Fcil Voc melhora a sua empresa fechando negcios mais Lucrativos. bem Provvel que voc passe um bom tempo do seu dia-a-dia pensando na Oferta Ideal para o seu Cliente e para a sua empresa.Em como negociar com Fornecedores aes Promocionais realmente interessantes para as Ofertas.Eu Realmente prefiro que Voc tenha tempo para o seu negcio, para os seus clientes. Aprimorando a empresa, pensando em Estratgias que faam a sua empresa Crescer! Ao invs de passar ficar pensando se este Preo ir cobrir as contas, se ir ter Lucro naquela venda...."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"7 Steps To Create Your Online Course" |
"Hi, I'm Scott Onstott and I'd like to welcome you. Ive been creating professional video courses for more than 20 years now, and my courses have millions of views across the many platforms where theyve been published. Id like to offer you the means of production to create professional video courses, exactly like I do in 7 easy steps, which correspond to the sections or chapters in this course:Planning & preparationHardware considerationsAudio & video recordingAudio post-production, Video and overlay post-production, Captions & subtitles in foreign languages, Uploading and configuring everything in your chosen online course platform (both Udemy and Thinkific are covered).Ill start by showing you how I organize my thoughts and create a course outline, then how I setup a green-screen recording studio in my home, complete with all my current audio and video hardware recommendations. Youll learn how to configure and use Open Broadcaster Software to create high-quality recordings integrating live-video with screen-captured video and keep track of it all in an evolving table of contents. We'll also learn how to record on iOS devices. On Windows and MacOS, we will do post-production using Adobes Creative Cloud, where I will teach you a core skill set, taking a critical path through several essential design apps to efficiently deliver a professional course in the shortest amount of subscription time.In particular youll learn how to remove noise and clean up audio in Audition, create on-screen overlays in After Effects, mask and blur regions using Photoshop, and bring it all together in Premiere Pro where we do non-linear video editing. Well optimize the course videos for the web with Handbrake the open source video trans-coder. Well then employ Sonix, a proprietary artificial intelligence service to create captions for the hearing impaired and importantly, for search engine optimization. We will create subtitles with Googles free Translate Toolkit in multiple foreign languages. Lastly, well design the course image, capture thumbnails of all the course videos, and put together a promotional video with teleprompter software and clips taken throughout the course.Finally, we will build the online course in Udemy, where you can sell to a large preexisting audience, and we will build the same course in Thinkific, where you can create and sell courses or memberships under your own brand and marketing. Coordinating all of this is actually a lot easier than it sounds, but I'll take you step-by-step through the process of building the very course you have already started watching. So lets dive right in and really get started!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Planung und Controlling" |
"AllgemeinAm Ende des Jahres ist Hochsaison was die Planung betrifft. Budgets mssen festgelegt werden, Schtzungen zur Umsatzentwicklungen werden erstellt und dann ist da noch die Geschftsfhrung bzw. der Vorstand, die immer wieder einen noch hheren Gewinn anstreben.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, was es bei einer Planung zu beachten gibt und wie Sie sicher zum Ziel kommen.InhaltUnternehmensplanungSzenario RechnerPersonalbedarfsplanungChecklisteForecastZustzlich erhalten Sie die im Kurs vorgestellten Excel-Vorlagen zur bung bzw. Anwendung."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Criar Planilhas Excel automatizadas com VBA" |
"Nosso Curso: #Curso de Excel VBA sem Formulario,Tema: Automatizao de Cadastros com uso de Formulrios em planilhas excel,Nesse curso voc ir aprender:Como Criar um cadastro,Como Editar Cadastro,Como Atualizar Cadastro,Como Excluir cadastro,Como da vida aos objetos, programando comigo linha a linha de comando,Conhecendo os eventos do objetos, o uso das variaveis e suas manipulaes, operadores logicos e mtodo find.Como realizar pesquisar por nome, parte do nome, por critrios como cpf , ou cnpj, etc..Aprenderemos de forma pratica a criar um planilha automatizada no ExcelAtt, Gledson Programador Excel VBA"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking,Penetration Testing: Buffer Overflow-" |
"Ethical Hacking,Penetration Testing: Buffer Overflow- Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing and Information Security 24"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Drum Course 1 - Beginner" |
"This course has 2 Levels20 Lessons200+ Videos These lessons are arranged in increasing order of difficulty progressing in smaller steps. Topics covered:Exercises in Quarter, 8th, 16th notesBeginner Rock & Pop GroovesHard Rock GroovesHalf Time GroovesDouble Time GroovesFills6/8 GroovesOpen Hi-Hat Grooves16th Note GroovesBackbeat on 4Accent Exercises6 RudimentsEvery lesson has an explanation video &the PDF of the lesson. Watch the video & refer the PDFs to get a better understanding of the lesson."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
python-3-from-basics-to-oop-to-database |
", 3 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PL-900 Power Platform: Real Exam Questions" |
"Candidates for this exam are users who aspire to improve productivity by automating business processes, analyzing data to produce business insights, and acting more effectively by creating simple app experiences.This exam covers the following: Describe the Power Platform components: Power Apps, Power BI, Microsoft Automate, Common Data Service (CDS), connectors, and AI builder; describe cross-cloud scenarios with representation across Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure, and third-party services; identify benefits and capabilities of Power Platform; identify the basic functionality and business value Power Platform components; implement simple solutions with Microsoft Automate, Power BI, and AI Builder; and create a basic app in a no-code environment.Skills measuredUnderstand the business value of Power Platform (20-25%)Understand the Core Components of Power Platform (20-25%)Demonstrate the business value of Power BI (15-20%)Demonstrate the business value of Power Apps (20-25%)Demonstrate the business value of Power Automate (15-20%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Fotografia para iniciantes com Caque Miguel" |
"Ol caro aluno.Meu nome Caque Miguel e incrvel ter voc aqui comigo! (@miguelcaique)Sou fotgrafo de formao e paixo!Vamos falar um pouco sobre o que voc ver no meu curso.O Curso Online de Iniciao a Fotografia Digital tem por sua vez juntar todos os assuntos e contedos que j apliquei em minhas aulas particulares e workshop's. E assim ter um material que eu como instrutor saiba aplicar de uma forma coerente e com total conhecimento do que foi disposto.Comeamos ento com os princpios da fotografia, onde quis de uma forma mais direta possvel falar sobre como funciona a fotografia, o desempenho da luz, sua importncia para realizar uma foto e entendendo isso ser bem mais fcil partir para a prxima parte que seria o que te trouxe at aqui: fotografar no manual.Que seria voc aprender sobre as configuraes principais da cmera: ISO, ABERTURA DO DIAFRAGMA e VELOCIDADE DO OBTURADOR, as que nos permitem controlar a entrada, sensibilidade e tempo de luz para que possamos conseguir boas fotos em quaisquer situao. Dominar seu equipamento e o principal, te permitir ter um bom desempenho e saber sozinho resolver problemas.Considero que um bom fotgrafo, seja aquele que consiga fazer uma foto mesmo em locais de baixa luminosidade pois tem um bom entendimento de seus recursos, entende a luz e domina as configuraes manuais da cmera. Entre tambm outras situaes que apenas quem domina e entende sobre foto, luz e recursos saberia ter um bom desempenho.Ento o mais importante que voc consiga tirar o mximo de proveito do seu equipamento.Finalizo o curso com algumas dicas de composio, uso inteligente do balano de branco e um pouco sobre tipos de arquivos entre outros assuntos para se tirar um bom proveito de todo seu material.Deixo claro que o material do curso foi elaborado com uso de livros sobre fotografia e contei com a ajuda de uma professora; Raquel Braik - Professora de Design no Senai que corrigiu o contedo.Alm de toda bagagem que obtive durante a faculdade e colocando em prtica em meus servios prestados.Espero que meu curso seja o que voc esteja procurando e que eu consigo te trazer um bom conhecimento e material para te ajudar a ficar cada vez melhor com seus trabalhos.Obrigado!Caque :D"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ISC SSCP Cryptography Certified Practice Exam" |
"149 UNIQUE practice questions for ISC SSCP Cryptography Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ISC SSCP Cryptography Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 149Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (111 of 149)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"EMDR Therapy For PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" |
"Using a detailed slide presentation you will learn a method of therapy that can help those who have suffered with panic attacks, trauma, nightmares, PTSD symptoms, and flashbacks. In the course we will cover the theory behind this form of therapy. You will learn what it is, how it came about, and how it works. You will be introduced to the eight phase process used take negative images and beliefs and instead change those to positive beliefs. Upon finishing the course you do earn a certificate of completion from Udemy and the course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate ServiceNow GRC Course" |
"Welcome to the Ultimate ServiceNow GRC course! Within this course you will learn how to use and begin to configure Policy and Compliance, Audit Management, Risk Management, and Vendor Risk Management applications. You will also learn tips and tricks for implementing the GRC applications. If you do not have a ServiceNow instance to practice on then don't worry, we will walk you through the steps to get your own FREE ServiceNow Developers instance. This course was made using the New York version of ServiceNow, but a lot of the features and items we discuss are also available on Madrid and Orlando."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"I Ching - O Orculo das Moedas Chinesas e das Mutaes" |
"Muitos utilizam os orculos mais conhecidos para realizarem suas perguntas e procurarem orientaes. Todos funcionam e contribuem a sua maneira para o direcionamento das pessoas. O I Ching uma ferramenta que tem vrias utilidades. Uma das principais como ferramenta oracular. Ela tem milnios de existncia e possui seu desenvolvimento calcado em todo esse tempo de existncia.O I Ching possui uma profundidade reflexiva e filosfica muito rica, mas isso no quer dizer que ela inacessvel as pessoas. Pelo contrrio. relativamente fcil estudar e consultar o I Ching, a comear que voc no precisar de cartas, desenhos e apetrechos complicados. Apenas 3 moedas iguais, os textos do I Ching (que se consegue facilmente), papel e caneta.Venham estudar o I Ching e obter uma rica e milenar ferramenta que poder te auxiliar tanto em momentos importantes de sua vida como no cotidiano."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Shopify Dropshipping Mastery Course + Bonuses" |
"Do you want to start your own e-commerce business in 2020?Have you tried dropshipping ecommerce business models but never found any success?then look no further in this course we will share A-Z all about dropshipping business model and how be successfull in this business. We will show you how to setup beautiful shopify store, share advanced marketing strategies which will help you succeed in this business. The course Includes:-How to Setup Beautiful Store with conversion appsStep by Step Facebook Marketing Blueprint with Scaling StrategiesInstagram Influencer Marketing StrategyStrategy to Find Private agents for bulk order"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Adobe illustrator: ." |
""" "". , Adobe Illustrator. . . 3 . , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Combo 4 tcnicas de alongamentos de unhas" |
"O curso combo conta com trs tcnicas de alongamentos de unhas sendo UNHA DE GEL , FIBRA DE VIDRO TRADICIONAL, BLINDAGEM DE DIAMANTE, BANHO DE GEL , para que voc trabalhe com qual voc mais se adaptar, Aprenda a se destacar na sua carreira e no dia a dia, conseguindo cada dia mais clientes oferecendo tcnicas moldadas e com extenso tips, E TAMBM OFERECER AS PELCULAS PROTETORAS PARA UNHAS NATURAIS .Tcnica muito procurada por Manicures e Designers para estar iniciando nesse mundo Nail ento aprenda agora mesmo a fazer alongamentos nas unhas das suas clientes de mais durabilidade e flexibilidade sem agredir as unhas naturais e tenha uma opo de servio adicional a mais ou seja um ganho a mais em sua renda para contar, aprenda a adaptar os moldes de forma tradicional e tambm com a tcnica facilitada da Jssy aplicao exata sem perca de tempo, ento venha e se qualifique e se voc j trabalha na rea venha se atualizar, aprenda em sair de casa e nos horrios mais cmodo a vocEste Curso aplicado totalmente Online"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Combo Alongamento de Unhas- Sistema Gel" |
"O curso combo conta com trs tcnicas de alongamentos de unhas sendo UNHA DE GEL , ACRIGEL 4 MODOS DE APLICAO, GEL MOLDADO COM 2 MODOS DE APLICAO , para que voc trabalhe com qual voc mais se adaptar, Aprenda a se destacar na sua carreira e no dia a dia, conseguindo cada dia mais clientes oferecendo tcnicas moldadas e com extenso tips.Tcnica muito procurada por Manicures e Designers para estar iniciando nesse mundo Nail ento aprenda agora mesmo a fazer alongamentos nas unhas das suas clientes de mais durabilidade e flexibilidade sem agredir as unhas naturais e tenha uma opo de servio adicional a mais ou seja um ganho a mais em sua renda para contar, aprenda a adaptar os moldes de forma tradicional e tambm com a tcnica facilitada da Jssy aplicao exata sem perca de tempo, ento venha e se qualifique e se voc j trabalha na rea venha se atualizar, aprenda em sair de casa e nos horrios mais cmodo a vocEste Curso aplicado totalmente Online"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Really good questions and I also provide reference for the answers.There are promotions available for this course and you can get it for cheap.Search for them or contact UDemy and ask for a promotion code.I have really passed the exam and I'd like to you to do it as well.Best of luck.Rod."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Being Blissful Meditation ()" |
"Introduction Purpose:Being Blissful Meditation maximizes the use of brainpower, awakens infinite possibilities, sharpens the intellect and establishes blissful state. Having mastered this powerful meditation, one can attain the ultimate heights in life, after which nothing remains to be known, nothing to be said and nothing to be done. Awaken your life and awaken others lives. Through this course, learn the ultimate possibilities of self and teach others.What is Being Blissful?Bliss is Anand or the ultimate joy. Being Blissful means Anandamaya. Anandamaya is the ultimate love, the ultimate state of blissful life, where all the dualities, dilemmas and sorrows are extinguished, where there is freedom from happiness and sorrow, which is beyond negative-positive, which means Knowing yourself, joyfully and experiencing total presence. Anandamaya means eternal joyful state, no dependence on anyone for happiness. Blissfulness is beyond emotions, beyond dualities, beyond qualities and beyond time. Blissfulness is your eternal nature. Dont leave this world without realizing it. What is being blissful? Blissfulness is inherent in every person. It is eternal, supremely joyful, flawless, divine and magnanimous.What is Being Blissful Meditation (BBM) (Joyful Meditation)?BBM is the divine ray of hope for human beings, envisaged by Dr. Omanand Guruji as a result of years of austerity, meditation, research and tenacity.BBM is a completely scientific process by which a person can discover the ultimate possibilities of his life. Today, along with the development of society, there are tensions, troubles, sorrow, and diseases in every house. Regular use of BBM equips us with a panacea in a minimal expense and gives life-saving powers by awakening our latent energies. BBM is an accurate formula for the transformation of LifeThe Emblem of Being Blissful / Anandmaya Dhyana is a Lotus with a spectrum of colors. This Emblem resonates with the ideology of our program. All of us have 7 major energy centers in our body known in yogic science as Chakras. Each of these Chakras is represented in the shape of a Lotus Flower and is associated with a color. A journey through the seven chakra colors is essentially a journey through the rainbow.Each of the seven chakras has a corresponding color that follows the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (or white). The colors are fluid, constantly changing just as your emotions change. The color of a chakra indicates your current physical, emotional, and spiritual state. Red lotus symbolizes the original nature of the heart.It is the lotus of love, compassion, passion, activity and all the qualities of the heart. White lotus symbolizes wisdom, the state of total mental purity and spiritual perfection. The blue lotus is the symbol of the victory of the Atma over the senses of intelligence and wisdom of knowledge.During the anandmaya Dhyan you will experience subtle, but powerful changes, on an energetic level helping you feel more harmony, balance and equilibrium in your own energy. Just be present with an awareness of your intention of what it is you wish to receive from this program, you are already setting yourself in a new & blissful direction. And when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.This meditation program brings balance, optimum utilization and harmony in the body, mind, intellect, and life. After mastery realize the True Self and perform all worldly duties with Bliss. Despite so many new inventions by scientists, still human beings sufferings have not been ended. Object based journey brings many sufferings, stress, tension, fear, anger, etc. Subject based journey bring Bliss and removes sufferings. Through this program invoke your powers, enlighten yourself and spread the true light, wisdom, peace and bliss to mankind."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"E10-110 Enterprise Content Management Practice Exam" |
"274 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice ExamTotal Questions : 274Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (205 of 274)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play major pop songs FAST" |
"Dive in now to learn the five basic chords that are used in most major pop songs. In the first video you first see just how far you can go with these chords, which is what most people who want to play guitar really care about learning. After learning the chords, you proceed to the next videos that teach strumming patterns and techniques all based on the chords you learned in the first video. Don't have a guitar yet? Don't worry! I made a video for you to figure out which style and brand of guitar is right for you.I also provide you with twenty seven additional chords each in their own video so you can learn many more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La rdaction de contenu vue comme une leon de sduction" |
"Sduire vos lecteurs (les visiteurs de votre site web) et Google vont de pair. Les spcialistes du copywriting vous apprennent crire des textes bien lchs et les rfrenceurs vous expliquent comment crire pour Google sans se soucier des visiteurs.Pourtant, les deux objectifs sont indissociables. crire pour Google cest une chose, mais si vos visiteurs nont pas envie de vous lire, a ne sert rien. A linverse, crire de superbes textes qui sont relgus au fin fond des rsultats de Google, cest dcevant aussi.Alors, ensemble, crivons des textes qui rpondent ces 2 objectifs et prenons-y du plaisir.Nous allons aborder cette formation un peu comme un cours de sduction. En 6 leons, vous apprendrez trouver de linspiration face une feuille blanche, vous verrez comment faire en sorte de rendre vos textes sduisants et vous dcouvrirez les bases du rfrencement (SEO) pour optimiser vos textes pour les moteurs de recherche.Une formation succs pour une clientle renouvele et fidlise."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Behavior Finance: Money on Mind" |
"Are you tired of losing money? Are you wondering why you are tempted to invest in particular investment and then lose money? Are you confused about your instincts? In this course we will address all of these issues. We will discuss theory behind 'Behavior Finance'. Unlike traditional theory where we define investor as active or passive, I will dig deep down and discover bias held by investors. I will discuss 20 different kinds of bias we face when making an investment. I will then classify investors based on these biases and provide recommendations to overcome these biases which can be having negative impact on you or your customers investment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Word 365 - Bsico ao avanado" |
"Adquira conhecimento com um super desconto.Todos os meus cursos esto com desconto, utilize os cupons abaixo:Especialista em Excel - Bsico Avanado Dashboard VBAUtilize o cupom: ESPECIALISTA_25.99Office 365 Completo - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: OFFICE_25.99Lgica de programao, VBA e MySQL - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: VBA_25.99Excel 365 - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: EXCEL_25.99Word 365 - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: WORD_25.99Introduo ao ZabbixUtilize o cupom: ZABBIX_25.99Wix - Criao de Websites - CompletoUtilize o cupom: WIX_25.99Introduo ao Office 2016Utilize o cupom: INTRO_OFFICE_25.99Neste curso voc ir conhecer os recursos dessa poderosa ferramenta de edio de textos, que vai te ajudar a ganhar mais produtividade no dia a dia, desde os recursos mais bsicos: como formatar textos, criar tabelas, colunas, formatar pargrafos, at os conceitos mais complexos: como criar estilos, criar sumrios, cabealho e rodap para deixar seu texto no padro ABNT e muito mais.Explico todo contedo sem enrolao, de forma bem simples e direta. Demonstro a aplicao das ferramentas passo a passo, o que facilita e muito a assimilao do contedo."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"21 Days of Mastering Mental Momentum" |
"Create your ideal lifestyle and the mindset, beliefs, and habits that support it.Learning how to be successful is a process. This course will guide you in this process. It begins with the development of an effective mindset and concludes with a plan for living the best year of your life.The course can be viewed as a library of strategies and tools to be used in creating a highly successful version of your brain. The 21 lessons are contained within 3 modules. Each lesson concludes with a required task that will help you build momentum from the very first lesson.It all begins with the mindset and learning how to be comfortable with success. Learn to deal with the negative beliefs that stand in your way. Develop a systematic approach to creating and realizing goals. Healthy and unhealthy habits can make or break your success journey.Finally, well put all the information together and create a plan for living the best year youve ever had.In this course, youll learn how to:Create a mindset that pursues success and isnt afraid of failureAttack limiting beliefsEliminate self-limiting thought patternsCreate intentions and goals that match your personal version of successDefeat negative habits and create new, empowering habitsCreate a plan for living the best year of your lifeWhat benefits will I receive from this course?Youll create a mindset that is naturally attracted to success.Youll come to know your own, personal version of success.Youll learn how to create effective goals and how to make them a reality.Youll understand how to eliminate negative habits.Youll learn how to install new habits that support your goals.Youll have a strategy for putting all the information together to create the best year youve ever had. Is there a particular audience that this course is geared toward?This course is geared toward those who desire to be more successful and create the life of their dreams.Anyone that wants to learn how to be a more effective version of himself will benefit greatly from this course."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) desde 0 hasta Experto" |
"La herramienta de SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) es parte de la Inteligencia de Negocios que permite realizar procesos de Extraccion, Transforamacin y Carga (ETL) de los datos para luego proceder a explotar la informacin empresarial para apoyar en la toma de decisiones. En este curso aprenders desde lo mas bsico hasta poder realizar procesos ETL para la carga de DataMart y poder desempearte como Developer BI y todo lo relacionado con el tema de automatizacin de procesos.Tambin decirte que este curso es muy divertido, y te divertirs mientras vas aprendiendo acerca de automatizacin de procesos ETL con la herramienta SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).Los temas que trabajaremos sern los siguientes:"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fitness Guide - Lerne die richtige Ausfhrung" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir wie du deine bungen im Fitnessstudio richtig ausfhren solltest! In ber 30 Videos lernst du, wie du die bungen verletzungsfrei und sauber ausfhrst. Die richtige Ausfhrung entscheidet wie intensiv du die Muskulatur beanspruchst! Die Trainingsplne sind in unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsstufen eingeteilt, vom Anfnger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen!Denn Training ist nicht gleich Training! Ntze deine Zeit effektiv und hol das Maximum aus deinem Training heraus.Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Chiropractic Course" |
"In this mastery course Dr. Conor Hogan outlines the background to Chiropractic, its relationship with other manipulative therapists, the dangers that many therapists of this modality encounter, the insurance issues, the physical and other benefits and how a person can begin to make money from the profession. He also shares many of his own experiences of being at a Chiropractor."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"GCP Professional Cloud Network Engineer - Pratice Exam" |
"Use this pratice exam to prepare for certification: Professional Cloud Network Engineer.Simulations are nothing more than a group of questions, related and very similar to the original exam, with the function of testing your knowledge, your speed of reasoning and agility in the answers.In addition the simulated end up teaching! At the end of the question you will have a comment related to the question! This way you can test your knowledge and learn at the same time!Is a Certification Important?This certification helps students build credibility and trust by validating their experience with an industry-recognized credential and helps organizations identify qualified professionals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5G Network Security: Architecture And Procedures" |
"This is a concise and comprehensive course about security in 5G mobile networks that will let you understand- 5G Security Challenges- Preliminary Terminologies used in 5G- 5G Security Architecture According To 3GPP Specificatio- Network Access Security in 5G Mobile Networks- SUPI Concealment/De-concealment in 5G- 5G Authentication And Key (AKA) Agreement Procedure- 5G AKA Security Key Hierarchy- 5G Network Domain Security- IPSec Framework And Its Applications To 5G Technology- ESP With Tunneling in 5G Networks- Network Domain Security for Service Based Interfaces in 5G- OAuth 2.0 Authorization Frame Work in 5G Networks- Transport Layer Security (TLS) for SBI in 5G-Network Domain Security for IP based communication (NDS/IP)This 5G training is not too long but it is concise, so that you may get started with security in 5G cellular technology as soon as possible. This course is designed to provide you with necessary functional knowledge possible in shortest possible time. PrerequisitesThis course assumes a basic understanding of 5G Architecture. This course is targeted for:Telecom professionalsTelecom studentsNetworking studentsInterview candidates"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Principios para ejecutar una prueba de ""Ethical Hacking""" |
"Este curso proporciona todo lo que necesita saber antes de ejecutar una prueba de Ethical Hacking, tambin cubre el primer dominio del examen CompTIA Pentest+ (PT0-001), este primer dominio es llamado ""Panificacin y Alcance"" con un valor del 15% del examen.Este curso ha sido creado por expertos en tecnologa de la informacin con ms de 20 aos de experiencia, este curso es una forma divertida de aprender lo que necesita saber antes de ejecutar una prueba de Ethical Hacking y para aprobar el primer dominio (""Panificacin y Alcance"" - 15%) del examen CompTIA Pentest + (PT0-001) o para prepararse mejor para servir en su organizacin en el rea de defensa ciberntica o como probador de penetracin independiente."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |