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"Learn CorelDRAW Vector Graphic Design From Scratch 2020" |
"Graphic Design is Everywhere : You can Love it, You can hate it but You cannot Ignore It. Roads, Signs, Shops Restaurants, Menu, Tickets, Packaging, Parking , Food, Real Estate, Entertainment, Every Industry has got tonnes of opportunity for graphic designers, either you are part of this creative journey or you are obsolete, even before internet it was all over for marketing, branding and after internet it's every where- Digital marketing, Social Media or Content Development, Even Ideas Expressed through graphic design gets more weightage.Why Corel Draw ?It gives you full control over your graphic designing , User Friendly interface, already established value in Print Industry, Stunning and resizable Vector graphics editing tools make it more robust , clean intuitive and crisp designs are synonymous to Corel Draw, Come and Embark on the Journey to Explore your Creative Genius while paving a way for Lucrative earnings.Ideate, Create and Innovate in Corel DrawEvery Good thing needs practice, Amazing thing I am there to help you Practice along the way and learn by doing and if you need my personal feedback share your designs on instagram with #learnwithrikhilnagpal and I will be connected to you even after the course, Lets jump on the way to become awesome.By the end of this course, you will learn to create your own logos, business cards, Magazine Covers and Much More..I'll be using CorelDRAW 2019, but if you have a previous version (X8, X7, X6, X5, X4 or X3) you can still embark on the creative journey to learn vector graphic designing.What makes me qualified to teach you?I am Rikhil Nagpal and I started learning CorelDRAW since 2006 and the secret is I am Still learning, which is the reason i will be able to understand your concerns and doubts because I have faced them, Every new project endows me with further depth of knowledge in this field. Come Let's learn together !!!Besides this I am taking live Classes for Corel Draw since 2009 and worked for many international Brands.We're in this together!I'm a passionate graphic designer, trainer and Design Evangelist. I'll be there with you on every little step of the way. If you have any queries about this course or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.What is this Corel Draw Course all about?In this CorelDRAW course you will learn how to create professional graphic design, as well as optimizing the whole process.This course will cover everything you need to know to to start working on your graphic design files, including:WorkSpaceDrawing with Corel DrawRefining your creations with Shaping and TransformationsUsing color palettes and Fill optionsEditing text and playing with glyphs/ charactersAttributes and EffectsEnveloping and Wrapping Images and FinallyProjects to make your Learning AwesomeBy the end of this course, your confidence to work on your own will be amplified and you will automatically be on a journey to achieve perfection by continuous learning while enjoying it."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Own Memory Game with Adobe Captivate 2019" |
"In this course, you will learn how to use Adobe Captivate 2019 or newer and develop a learning interaction that can either stand-alone or be part of a larger eLearning course. This learning interaction will allow your learners to play the classic memory game to reveal information that they need to learn as part of a more extensive course. This course will teach you how to layout your slide for multiple fluid boxes for responsive design, create the necessary variables, and write the advanced actions to make it all work."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4: Build Responsive One Page Website From Scratch" |
"Create your own one-page responsive website with Bootstrap 4 from scratch.Ive designed the website in such a way that you'll face no problem at all while coding it. The website is divided into small parts. As Bootstrap is one of the most popular responsive web frameworks out there, Ive decided to make this project with Bootstrap 4.Some major parts of the website are navigation, home slider, about us, services, skills, portfolio, team, testimonials, client logos, contact us & footer. Once you get the idea of coding different sections, you'll be able to do many more complex web projects in the future.Different type of sliders, animation effects, circle progress bar - you can get it all in this project.What youll be getting with this course,48 HD quality video content explaining everything step by stepAll the HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript codes used to make this projectEven if you have no prior knowledge of Bootstrap 4, you dont need to worry at all. After the completion of this project, you will have an understanding of,Bootstrap 4Responsive web designThe grid system of BootstrapStandard coding practicesOne-page website"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Conceitos de Qualidade" |
"Curso #1 da Udemy em Gesto da qualidade!Esse curso visa ajudar alunos que cursam a disciplina de Gesto da qualidade em cursos tcnicos, graduao e ps-graduao, oferecendo um instrumental de estudo da Administrao japonesa.O curso foi baseado em livros como TQC - No estilo Japons de Vicente Falconi e outros autores, que so livros de referncia em Gesto da qualidade mais usados nessa matria em instituies de ensino.O Curso Conceitos de Qualidade, foca na administrao japonesa e voltado para qualquer pessoa que queira conhecer e ter habilidades nessa rea. O curso ideal para pessoas que querem tirar melhores notas em provas de faculdade ou em concursos. Tambm direcionado para aqueles que j estudaram gesto da qualidade e querem rever os seus conceitos.O curso estruturado em vdeo aulas com auxlio de mapas mentais para melhor aprendizado.Alm do conhecido adquirido e do acesso vitalcio, os alunos recebero um certificado de concluso ao final do treinamento.Esse um curso bsico e no substitui os livros dessa matria, que sugiro, devero sempre ser consultados.Voc vai ver nesse curso:Mdulo I: Introduo e primrdios da AdministraoBoas-vindas;Conceitos de qualidade;Sistema Toyota de Produo - STP;Cultura na administrao japonesa;Eras da qualidade;Exerccio.Mdulo II: Definies de qualidadeDefinies de qualidade;Regularidade e conformidade;Qualidade real e adequao ao uso;Custos da qualidade e custos da no-qualidade;Reflexes sobre o papel do cliente;Exerccio.Mdulo III: Gurus da qualidadeJoseph Juran;William E. Deming;Armand Feigenbaum;Kaoru Ishikawa;Shigeo Shing;Genichi Taguchi;David A. Garvin;Exerccio.Mdulo IV: 7 Ferramentas da qualidadeIntroduo s 7 ferramentas da qualidade;Diagrama de processo/fluxograma;Anlise de Pareto;Diagrama de correlao;Histogramas;Cartas de controle de processo;Folhas de verificao;Exerccio.Mdulo V: Melhoramento de operaesSistemas da qualidade;Melhoramento de operaes;Encerramento do curso;Exerccios."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Praxis-Guide: Leitfaden Vorbereitung Gehaltsverhandlung." |
"Gehaltsverhandlungen und Mitarbeitergesprche sind die lukrativsten und wichtigsten Gesprche, die Sie im beruflichen Kontext regelmig fhren knnen und sollten. Und klar ist: 80 % des Verhandlungserfolgs oder Gesprchserfolgs hngen von einer guten Vorbereitung ab. Doch hier liegt hufig das Problem: Die ""besten Verhandlungstipps"" helfen nicht weiter, da sie sehr abstrakt sind. Dieser Kurs stellt einen konkreten Fahrplan zu Verfgung, um systematisch alle relevanten Informationen in Bezug auf die persnliche Situation und die Rahmenbedingungen, die Interessen aller Beteiligten und die daraus resultierende erfolgversprechende Ansprache zu erarbeiten, Argumente zu finden und zu formulieren, Gesprchs- oder Verhandlungsziele zu definieren, den Zeitpunkt strategisch zu planen sowie die zur Verfgung stehenden Alternativen zu bewerten. berlassen Sie die Ergebnisse nicht dem Zufall, verhandeln Sie ein angemessenes Gehalt. Zu diesen Themen gibt es Videos mit Hintergrundinformationen sowie Worksheets. Der Kurs untersttzt zielgerichtet dahingehend, gut gelaunt und bestens vorbereitet in die Gehaltsverhandlung, das Mitarbeitergesprch, das Jahresgesprch, das Feedbackgesprch, das Personalgesprch oder wie auch immer es im jeweiligen Unternehmen bezeichnet wird, gehen zu knnen."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Ecstatic Manifesting: Harness The Power Of Sexual Energy" |
"This class will introduce a more powerful way to manifest your desires using the power of sexual energy and ecstasy. Each lesson is designed to help you increase your manifesting abilities and deepen the processes and practices that you might already be using. Most of the law of attraction and manifestation tough nowadays focuses on raising your vibration and being positive. This class is deeper. It's an intermediate level so it will benefit you the most if you want to go deeper. Yet its an introduction to a more meaningful and mystical approach. I added additional resources that you can downloadable the audio to help you change your subconscious mind simultaneously as you apply these powerful principles!-Increase your manifesting energy-Directly embed your desire into your subconscious mind so that it's part of your automatic response system-Remove blocks in your energy centers-The Ecstatic Manifestation checklist Also, this class includes a 1:1 private coaching call!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Layered Process Auditing" |
"Layered Process Auditing (LPA) is a management tool designed to 1) verify that your key process steps are performed as intended, 2) emphasize the importance of those process steps, and 3) identify opportunities for improvement. It's the perfect compliment to existing six sigma or lean manufacturing initiatives, but also serves well as a stand alone tool for improving quality, reducing safety incidences, and lowering the total cost of manufacturing.In the past decade, LPA's have become increasing popular across a wide range of industries, supply chains and business types because of its simplicity, yet effectiveness in narrowing process variation, improving vertical communication, and uncovering breakthrough ideas for cost reduction and quality improvement.This class, ""Layered Process Auditing"" not only teaches all the key elements to an LPA system, but also offers a strategic, step-by-step approach to successful LPA system launch. You will learn:How to build an LPA planning teamHow to assemble all the key components to an LPA system including the templates, audit questions, documented produce, an the escalation planTips on performing the audits and following up on the findingsIdeas on forming metrics for monitoring and evaluating your LPA systemStrategies for integrating LPA's into the rest of your organization and management systemCommon pitfalls and how to avoid themIn addition to the premium instructional videos, you will also receive two sample audit templates, loads of audit questions, a sample escalation log, and a sample documented procedure. These documents, included at no extra cost, can be readily adapted to your processes and organization, and will cut your implementation time half!!Sign up today to ""Layered Process Auditing"" to learn this world-class management tool!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Perform Umrah - Learn Complete UMRAH - ISLAM QURAN" |
"How To Perform Umrah Video Course Umrah is one of the most blessed and life changing , peace for soul journey of a muslims life. It is a great blessing from ALLAH to get to visit MAKKAH and MADINA. And to make your umrah acceptable to ALLAH and to receive all the virtues and rewards promised by ALLAH, you definitely need to learn how to perform umrah step by step because many people keep on making mistakes when they go for umrah because they do not learn it.This course has short duration lessons topic wise and step by step. It contains videos and photos with instructions to teach you the followingHow To Perform Umrah Video Course:Compulsory acts of umrah,Sunnah acts of umrah,What is meeqat ,How to Wear ihram For MenIhram For WomenRestrictions Of Ihram,How to do TawwafHow To Do Saee, ,What is Istilam,How to perform umrah for ladiesEach lesson has pdf files and images attached to get more to perform umrah step by step reminder lessonLot MoreGreat Benefit:You can watch these video lessons of How To Perform Umrah Video Course on your cell phones whenever you need it in any step while doing umrah as lessons are made stepwise and topic wise and this way you can avoid making any mistakes while doing umrah.The course also has a special reminder pdf file attached that you can print , and keep it in your hand while doing umrah that reminds you all the steps.Lastly my introduction, my name is shahzeb Hussain, I have completed my Islamic education from university named Jamia Saeedia and I have been teaching Quran, Hadith, and umrah since 14 years and have thousands of students throughout the world. My passion is to share the Islamic knowledge ALLAH has given me with my brothers and sisters.I have other courses on udemy, and I would definitely recommend my current students and all Muslims who plan to go for umrah to definitely take this new course How To Perform Umrah Video Course , so dont wait just enrol and start learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ACCEPTED Dua Course - Problems Solved With Dua - QURAN ISLAM" |
"40 Rabbana Dua, Istikhara Dua, Salatul Hajat, Dua For Marriage, Dua For Kids, Dua To Bring Husband and Wife CloserThinking Its Impossible? Nothing Is Impossible For ALLAH, So DON'T Stop Making DUA, Holy QURAN states "" And Your Lord Says , Ask From Me , I Will Answer Your Duas "". But How And When To Make Dua And Words And Its Pronunciation To Use In Dua So That They Get Accepted And Answered. This Course 40 Rabbana Duas From QURAN Is The Solution. Duas ( Supplications ) Taken From The Holy QURAN Are The Duas That Are Sure To Be Accepted And Answered By ALLAH. Therefore We Should Know, Understand And Pray To ALLAH using these Duas So Our Duas. There Are Types Of Duas In QURAN :1) Duas In QURAN Were Either Asked By Prophets In Different Situations And They Were Accepted And Answered By ALLAH2) ALLAH HIMSELF Taught The Words Of Duas In QURAN So That People When Ask ALLAH With These Words, ALLAH Definitely Will Accept Them.In this course there are 40 Rabbana Duas From QURAN that has to be recited starting with the arabic word RABBANA . There are also other Duas from HADITH Of Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (s.a.w) in this course .In This Course You Will Learn Duas :Dua For MarriageIstikhara DuaDua To Make Child ObedientSalatul HajatDua To Bring Husband and Wife Closer40 Rabbana Dua From Holy QURAN Starting From The Word RABBANABrotherhood DuaFor Protection From Accidents & SicknessDua For ParentsFear DuaDua From Ease Of SufferingDie With Eemaan DuaHazrat Eesa (a.s) DuaDua For KidsChild Birth DuaDua For HelpAnd Lot More DuasEvery Lecture Also Teaches Background and Translation Of Arabic Duas, So That We Know The Meaning Of Duas Which Will Help Us To Concentrate While Making Dua.40 Rabbana Dua, Istikhara Dua, Salatul Hajat, Dua For Marriage, Dua For Kids, Dua To Bring Husband and Wife CloserNote : You Can Message Me For Any Other Dua That You Want To Be Added In This Course, And I Will Definitely Add That Dua In This Course.Enrol Now As This Course Will Help You And Your Children All Your Life To Get Your Problems Solved."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ramadhan Course -Make This Ramzan Your BEST One, ISLAM QURAN" |
"Ramzan Rewarding Actions ,iftar dua, what is sehri, taraweeh, laylatulqadr dua, first ashra dua ,what is itikaf Yes! Ramzan is here, and it is the most awaited month for almost all Muslims! It is commonly known for being the month of fasting and the month of giving. In short, Ramadan is a month if properly accomplished by a Muslim, will help to purify his/her soul and bring him/her closer to Allah (SWT).The Quran also mentions on the eminence of Ramadan:-The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful. (Al Quran 2:185)Ramzan is also significantly known as the month where the Quran was sent down to the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) as a guidance to mankind. But apart from this, there are also several other reasons that made a Muslim fall deeply in love with this month!In This Course You Will Learn The FollowingFor Whom Is Fasting Compulsory ?How To Express NIYYAH ( Intention ) Of Keeping FastTranslation & Explanation Of Last Ten Surahs Of Holy QURANIs Intention Necessary For Fasting ?Important Precaution Of SEHRIDua Of Seeing The New Moon Of RamadhanFirst Ashra Dua, Second And Third Ashra Dua, Meaning Of Ashra And Its ImportanceTwo Sunnah iftar dua Laylatulqadr duaWhat Is KAFFARAH (Compensation) Of Broken Fasts?Sunnahs, Makroohat, And Breakers Of FastQADAA (Make Up) Of Missed Or Broken FastsWhat Is AitikafTaraweeh With Jama'ah ProblemsWhat is sehriAnd Lot More"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Online Eitim Gelitirme Ara ve Teknikleri" |
"Bu eitimde katlmclar teknolojinin getirdii yeni retme tekniklerini tanyacaklardr.Online eitim gelitirmek veya snf eitimlerine daha fazla teknolojiyi dahil ederek ders vermek isteyen retmen, akademisyen, danmanlar bu eitimden yararlanabilecektir.irketlerinde sunum yapacak veya eitim verecek profesyoneller, sunumlarn zenginletirmek, daha fazla katlmclar eitimin iine ekebilmek iin teknolojiden olabildiince yararlanmaldr.Ayrca, niversitelerin eitim fakltelerinde okuyan renciler, teknolojiye dayal eitim yntemlerini grmek ve bunlar daha da gelitirmek isterse bu eitimde anlatlan konulardan yola karak yeni teknikler ve yntemler gelitirebilir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Dynamic SQL" |
"Learn the power of dynamic SQL. ""Learn Dynamic SQL"" will step you through code examples so you can follow along as you go through the course. It starts with basic dynamic SQL and adds to the basic code to add more advanced capabilities. You will learn when to use or not use dynamic SQL. This course uses Microsoft SQL Server and Management Studio. This course will be easier to follow if you install these on your system, but the dynamic sql concepts can be applied to other types of sql databases.Welcome to the course! I'll see you in the first lesson!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master Your MBA: The Go-Giver Business-Leadership Principles" |
"Jump start your way to great leadership, impactful marketing, next-level business strategy or greater sales revenue!If you are focused on Business, leadership or an entrepreneur who is focused on establishing entrepreneurship fundamentals that separate you from the competition ,you would have heard about Leadership experts: John Maxwell, Simon Sinek, Spencer Johnson, Brian Tracy, Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Sanborn, Harvey MacKay. This is a course that reinforces universal philosophies taught by all these leadership experts that have been incorporated within a really powerful little book titled The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. These principles are not unique to Bob and John who framed such a brilliant story around the Giving philosophy, they are the universal principles that great leaders teach and which help us to have a better understanding of what we can do to positively influence our world and the world of the people around us. This course teaches these principles that give us a much better understanding of how to become whole, how to become you, how to become a leader and someone who adds value to others and how to become somebody that increases their value. The leadership and management principles will not only support great leadership but also help close sales opportunities and attract more lead opportunities through the positive influence on your marketing strategy and business strategy.Learn from leaders such as Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, Inc and author of delivering happiness who states"" At Zappos, part of my role is to help create an environment where employees feel empowered to come up with their own ideas for fulfilling our vision and growing our culture. The Go-Giver Leader reveals this same philosophy: get out of the way so your employees can lead the way.""The Go-Giver started out as a book but soon became a movement that not only took the world by storm in business but parents, teachers, pastors, and counsellors who are using the principles in their work and in their lives too. - A high school teacher in Indiana is taking his school's senior class through the principles within the book because he found it "" better equipped them to do well in the world."" An executive chef at an exclusive Houston country club started using The Go-Giver to train his management team to reach even higher levels of excellence and member satisfaction, a Lithuanian expat in London moved back to her homeland and started her own publishing company just so she could share the book with her compatriots in their own language. ""Your book will change our country,"" she told the authors.Business owners who have adopted the principles from within The Go-Giver have stated that the principles have helped them make their businesses more successful. In some cases, struggling businesses experienced a complete turnaround after implementing the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success. Companies large and small use the Go-Giver philosophy to train their sales and customer service teams to generate more sales and happier customers. People have reported using the Five Laws from within The Go-Giver to great effect in their marriages and approach to parenting.From Book clubs to executive councils, law firms to prayer groups, energy conglomerates to nursing homes, pizza shop managers to graduate professors, people are saying that they don't just like the Go-Giver principles but they actually work!If you are looking for a course that's going to help to support leadership business and personal growth you have come to the right place. Leadership principles will help achieve employee commitment and not just compliance, sales philosophy that drives value and closes more sales and personal development by focusing on building a network and increasing your influence. Start your business strategy, marketing strategy with principles that force you to focus on your employees, your customers and the value you add to every interaction. Learn how to master the human interaction through leadership and management skills that support change management, improved project management, sales management and impactful leadership.__________________________________________________________________________________A Few Go-Giver Philosophy Testimonials:We should all seek to practice the message illustrated so elegantly in The Go-Giver Leader- that great leaders dont try to act like leaders, they strive to be more human. Simon Sinek, optimist and author of Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last""The Go-Giver is the most important parable about business-and life-of our time. Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take.""The Wisdom in The Go-Giver Influencer sneaks up on you and , in the end, changes you."" Dan Rockwell, publisher of the Leadership Freak Blog.""In The Go-Giver Influencer, Bob Burg and John David Man provide incredibly wise counsel on how to communicate more successfully and more effectively. This entertaining parable reveals step-by-step how you can add value to every conversation you have, while achieving the greatest results for everyone involved."" Sharon Lechter, author of Think and Grow Rich for Women; coauthor of Outwitting the Devil and Rich Dad, Poor Dad.""""The Go-Giver Leader is filled with pearls of wisdom that will cause anyone to reflect on how they can be a better person-and leader- by putting others front and center. A real pager-turner....extremely moving and motivating."" David Novak, executive chairman of YUM Brands, author of Taking People with You.""""Use the approach in this book and you will not only sell more you will also live a rich and joyful life. It works!"" Spencer Johnson, M.D, # 1 New York Times bestselling author of Who Moved My Cheese? and coauthor of The One Minute Salesperson.""At the heart of the Go-Giver is a philosophy-actually, a way of being-that will dramatically increase your business, enrich your life and make an extraordinary mark in the world around you. - Gary Keller, founder and chairman of the board, Keller Williams Realty, Intl; New York Times Bestselling author, The One Thing.These five simple principles will help you achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams! - Brian Tracy, author, The Psychology of AchievementThe Go-Giver has had an enormous influence on how I do business and live my life, and Im honored, humbled and grateful to share the Fiver Laws with others. Thank you for helping to make this world a better place, and me a better person! - Harriet E. Dominique, senior vice president, Corporate Responsibility and Community Affairs, USAA.The Go-Giver taps into the secret that the mega-successful already know: Personal wealth is the by-product of making the world a better place. - Paul Zane Pilzer, bestselling author, The Wellness Revolution: two-time U.S. Presidential economic advisor_______________________________________________________________________________________There are five laws that make up five lessons that we're going to talk about. And within each of those lessons youll have the ability to take an action based on what you've learned in the video session, however the first lesson gives you the ability to identify the traits and characteristics of what the most successful givers focus on and how to ensure you are in the top 25% of over achieving givers, which research has proven is recognized as the top reciprocity type in the workplace today.Take advantage of the exercises; take advantage of the information that will change your world like it did mine. I know it will have a positive impact in your personal life while adding to your professional growth, regardless of what your career is. It doesn't matter if you're in marketing, if you're in engineering, if you're in selling, or in finance, your career, title or position really doesn't matter. It's all supporting human connection and how one human being connects with another and how specific philosophies and principles that you can measure are able to reinforce progression in your lifeWelcome to a course that reinforces a focus on People with the focus on how to add value during every interaction. I'm hoping you're going to enjoy it. I'm sure you are. Embrace the information, be open minded to what I'm about to share with you, and most importantly, execute it and let the results speak for themselves.Welcome to the Givers Mindset!Paul"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Arrays for C Programming MCQ Practice Questions" |
"An array data structure, or simply an array, is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values or variables), each identified by at least one array index or key. An array is stored such that the position of each element can be computed from its index tuple by a mathematical formula. The simplest type of data structure is a linear array, also called one-dimensional arrayFor example, an array of 10 32-bit (4 bytes) integer variables, with indices 0 through 9, may be stored as 10 words at memory addresses 2000, 2004, 2008, ..., 2036, so that the element with index i has the address 2000 + (i 4)The memory address of the first element of an array is called first address, foundation address, or base addressBecause the mathematical concept of a matrix can be represented as a two-dimensional grid, two-dimensional arrays are also sometimes called matrices. In some cases the term ""vector"" is used in computing to refer to an array, although tuples rather than vectors are the more mathematically correct equivalent. Tables are often implemented in the form of arrays, especially lookup tables; the word table is sometimes used as a synonym of arrayArrays are among the oldest and most important data structures, and are used by almost every program. They are also used to implement many other data structures, such as lists and strings. They effectively exploit the addressing logic of computers. In most modern computers and many external storage devices, the memory is a one-dimensional array of words, whose indices are their addresses. Processors, especially vector processors, are often optimized for array operationsArrays are useful mostly because the element indices can be computed at run time. Among other things, this feature allows a single iterative statement to process arbitrarily many elements of an array. For that reason, the elements of an array data structure are required to have the same size and should use the same data representation. The set of valid index tuples and the addresses of the elements (and hence the element addressing formula) are usually, but not always, fixed while the array is in useThe term array is often used to mean array data type, a kind of data type provided by most high-level programming languages that consists of a collection of values or variables that can be selected by one or more indices computed at run-time. Array types are often implemented by array structures; however, in some languages they may be implemented by hash tables, linked lists, search trees, or other data structures.The term is also used, especially in the description of algorithms, to mean associative array or ""abstract array"", a theoretical computer science model (an abstract data type or ADT) intended to capture the essential properties of arraysThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Arrays for C Programming. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 23 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ten Great English Novels" |
"This is the next in a sequence that began with my Appreciating English Literature course. It will be followed by courses on American novels, major works of poetry and an examination of important plays. We will also look at ways of critically analysing texts in order to gain the maximum benefit from them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como emagrecer mesmo sendo ansioso" |
"Curso de auto hipnose para controlar as emoes que provocam compulso alimentar.Hipnose para mudar alimentao.Hipnose para fazer exerccios.Hipnose para pesquisar alimentos.Balo intragstrico hipntico.Emoes so destino. Isso significa que nossas emoes na infncia, determinam nossa maneira de nos alimentarmos. Esse curso proporciona uma dessensibilizao dessas emoes, para que a ansiedade seja eliminada."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to build a voice assistant with Alexa" |
"In this course you will learn how to use Alexa to build clever voice assistants. If you've taken any of my courses, you are familiar with my agile approach to teaching, I teach theory through practice, instead of the common ""practice after theory"" approach that bores most students to death and has them drop out of the course before they learn anything meaningful. This is a bite sized course that will give you all the tools you need to progress.This course is perfect for curious developers and or entrepreneurs who want to give life to their business or simply improve their customer service agility.You will not require an Alexa device although it is cool to see your work in one, and you will not require any knowledge of computer programming although prior knowledge of JavaScript is helpful.Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads marketing - Page Likes & Engagement For Newbies" |
"Run a Facebook ad that will help you reach a new audience who will like your Facebook page leading you to build a brand on Facebook. This training is short and has covered a very easy strategy that will help you find people who will engage with your brand and more likes to purchase your products as well. If you are a beginner then this course will help you out a lot.I have also included how you can run a messages campaign that will help you get started fast.Getting Started With Boost PostSetting Up Welcome MessageSetting Budget And Boosting PostFacebook Pixel ExplainedAdding billing detailsSetting up Page likes campaignSplit Test Budget And SettingsSplit Test Variations ExplainedMaking Split Test Set A - CreativeMaking Split Test Set B - Creative ( Video)Creating An Offer On Facebook For Set BSetting Up Offer For Sets & finalizing AdThis is a basic course that will help you get started fast, feel free to enroll"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python - PyGame para Jogos + Bnus" |
"Python - PyGame para Jogos + BnusNeste curso mostramos como utilizar o Python, Pygame para construir seus jogos. Nele so desenvolvidos vrios jogos, um por mdulo, para colocar todo o seu aprendizado em prtica.Aqui voc ir aprender a criar seus jogos, mesmo que nunca tenha programado nada.E agora que voc j sabe o que vamos fazer e aprender nesse curso, que tal comearmos a trabalhar!?Bons estudos"
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Textile Dictionary - Volume 2 of 3 Textile Terminology" |
"Dictionary of Textiles - Volume 2 of 3This Textile Dictionary Covers all terms related to Textile Fibers, Types Textile Fibers, Sources of textile fibers, technology of extrusion of fibers, treatments given to fibers, Carding, Combing and Spinning Process, Weaving, Knitting, Dyeing yarns, Felting, Bonding, Lace making, Crocheting, Braiding, Machines and Equipment, Dyeing, Printing and Textile finishing processes."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Cyber Security Awareness 2020" |
"We are in the Era of Digitization. Digitization provides wide open boundary connecting the globe where any time access is feasible by any means from any device. Doing business is not a challenge now across the globe, timezone challenge is also not critical anymore. Information Search, Training, Learning - Development, Product ordering is now available via single click. Year by Year huge number of devices are connecting to the digital environment. At the same time more and more devices are getting exposed to the internet - Cyber Security risks are enhancing and this is huge opportunity to hackers to gain from it. It is all about learning the basic cyber security guideline and follow the best practices so that probability of hacking can be minimized. In this short training course you will learn basics of cyber security and golden rule that everyone should follow from individual level and organization level to ensure data security, Privacy while being connected in the Digital Environment and enjoy the benefit of Digitization such as IoT, Analytics, Automation, Artificial Intelligence etc. Good Luck, have fun and great Learning ahead."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
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"300 2014 5"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo a Arte de Falar em Pblico" |
"O curso ""Desenvolvendo a Arte de Falar em Pblico"" foi elaborado considerando as dificuldades comuns entre as pessoas que desejam desenvolver esta preciosa habilidade. So trabalhadas tcnicas que podem destravar comportamentos condicionados que acabam emperrando sua carreira, bem como causando mal estar em sua autoestima. Desenvolver esta habilidade pode auxiliar o aluno na melhora da autoestima, elevando ento suas possibilidades sociais, sobretudo no aspecto profissional. Na ltima aula so apresentadas tcnicas para desenvolver a habilidade da fala de improviso, ferramenta muito til para a alavancagem profissional, permitindo a quem detm esta habilidade, conseguir expressar e discutir suas idias no momento oportuno, aproveitando as melhores oportunidades antes de seus colegas mais despojados, ou mesmo astutos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Les grands principes de la finance dentreprise" |
"Cette formation permet une personne dbutante de s'initier aux principaux sujets de la finance d'entreprise. Vous comprendrez l'essentiel des fondamentaux de la comptabilit, de la gnration du cashflow et des problmatiques lies la trsorerie. Vous pourrez analyser les critres financiers du choix des investissements.Vous pourrez aider une entreprise s'inscrire dans une dmarche et un processus de cration de valeur.Vous pourrez mener une analyse financire dans diffrents contextes.La formation se concentre davantage sur les aspects pratiques de la finance d'entreprise plutt que des aspects thoriques. Elle est agrmente de nombreux exemples, schmas, quiz et cas pratiques afin d'illustrer les pratiques les plus courantes et les outils et indicateurs les plus utiliss dans les entreprises.Les supports de la formation sont mis votre disposition.Formation anime par Philippe CAMPOS, Associ Grant AFIVAL Audit&Conseil. Executive MBA HEC. DESS Fiscalit Applique. Expert Comptable, commissaire aux comptes. Expert prs la Cour d'Appel de Paris. Expert prs les Cours Administratives d'Appel de Paris et de Versailles. Expert financier devant la Cour Pnale Internationale. Auteur de plusieurs articles et ouvrages consacrs la comptabilit, la finance d'entreprise, l'valuation d'entreprise et le chiffrage des prjudices conomiques."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Tecniche di Vendita - Vendere realmente con le Sales Letter" |
"CHE TU SIA UN VENDITORE O UN LIBERO PROFESSIONISTA, E INDIPENDENTEMENTE DAL FATTO CHE TU VENDA UN SERVIZIO O UN PRODOTTO, DEVI IMPARARE A CREARE LE TUE SALES LETTER!!Stai tranquillo, te lo spiegher in modo rapido, non ti terr inchiodato 3 ore per farti capire cosa fare.. ma far in modo che nella rapidit con cui completerai il corso, riuscirai a capire come creare le tue Sales in modo efficiente e proficuo!!Perch troppe persone iniziano a scrivere e lasciano perdere troppo in fretta, pensando che VENDERE scrivendo non sia realmente possibile, o sia una perdita di tempo.. ""Ma devo dire che anch' io la pensavo cos, fino a quando dopo qualche anno, mi sono ritrovato a convertire oltre 3000 persone a possedere i miei servizi e le mie consulenze.. Se ripenso a tutto lo studio e l' applicazione che ho dedicato, a tutti i test effettuati, probabilmente ripensandoci non penso che avrei la forza e le energie per rifarlo..Effettivamente il tempo che ho dedicato agli studi della ""scrittura per Vendere"" mi ha sottratto molto altro tempo che avrei potuto dedicare alla mia famiglia, invece che dentro una piccola stanza alle prese con un pc, un notes, una penna, cercando di DISSEZIONARE la mente delle persone.. se lo vorrai potrai perdere molto meno tempo di come ho fatto io e ""rubarmi"" molti segreti di alto livello in poco se non altro, quel tempo impiegato, sicuramente servito ad incrementare le mie vendite in modo assolutamente INASPETTATO.. Beh, voglio solo dirti capirai come scrivere nel modo giusto, come strutturare una Lettera di Vendita, sarai in grado anche di far mettere MOLTO VELOCEMENTE le mani nel portafogli a moltissime persone, per far comprare i tuoi prodotti o servizi.QUAL' LA SITUAZIONE SULLA SCRITTURA DI VENDITA?Ci sono molti corsi in giro sulla Copy, ma la maggior parte orientati al tipo di Copy che non quello realistico, non quello che i maestri del passato ci hanno lasciato, e soprattutto tarato su idee che nascono da vendite non replicabili nel nostro paese.. ma ti spiego meglio..Il tipo di Copy che leggo spesso e volentieri ogni giorno, spesso COPIATO DA TESTI ESTERI, altrove le persone non ragionano e non rispondono come noi Italiani.. c' pi fiducia tra la gente, e meno invidia, come per esempio in America.. la maggior parte della Copy che vedo in giro, parte troppo velocemente a vendere, ed ci che assolutamente da evitare per chi vuole realmente Vendere qualcosa.. Ma c' un motivo.. Il nostro cervello ha dei modulo di funzionamento consci e inconsci, che se non aggirati e accompagnati nel modo giusto, non producono risposta, quindi niente vendita, e devi sapere che, il primo di questi complessi moduli indica che:NON POTRAI MAI VENDERE SENZA UN COLLEGAMENTO.. La prima regola della Vendita realistica ci insegna che non devi partire MAI a Vendere, ma devi entrare in incognito, o non ci sar Vendita, la vendita funziona bene e funzioner sempre bene, quando non la vedi.. Non centra l' on-line, l' off-line, il B2C il B2B, non centra il settore, non centra il canale.. la prima arma da mettere in campo se vuoi che prendano in mano il tuo prodotto NON VENDERE!!COSA SIGNIFICA SCRIVERE PER VENDERE?Non significa creare un semplice e banale annuncio pubblicitario, e inserire dentro un forte Titolo con un pizzico di urgenza.. magari fosse cos semplice, ma presuppone un' idea ben definita a monte, che se non chiara al 1001% significa che sar perdente al 3001% !! Ma l' errore che molti corsi sul Copywriting non realistico commettono, quello di far credere alle persone comuni che semplicemente appiccicando copia e incolla delle formulette standard, il successo sar garantito, questo porta nella maggior parte dei casi a 2 strade possibili:1) Le persone applicano quelle regole copiate e incollate NON OTTENENDO UNA VENDITA!!2) Le persone applicano quelle regole copiate e incollate e ottengono TROPPO POCO!!Il primo ASPETTO IMPORTANTE e fondamentale della Copy ad alto livello che devi assolutamente assimilare per avere successo in questa disciplina il ""COLLEGAMENTO"" Raggiungere la persona mentalmente nel momento che ha il problema da risolvere.. e risolvere quel problema con qualcosa di assolutamente impareggiabile..O riuscirai a farlo, o ti unirai alle milioni di persone che vivono solo di illusione, rimanendo anno dopo anno in stallo totale di risultati, perdendo tempo su studi di scrittura inutili e inefficaci, e tirando la somma insensata ed ERRATA che il Copywriting non funziona..e che sarebbe stato invece meglio porre attenzione su attivit di marketing alternative e piene di colori ed immagini.. NON FARE QUESTO ERRORE!! e potrai godere dei potenti guadagni del Copywriting ad alto livello.. ma ascoltami..Se questo non compiuto, se questo non realizzato, o non sar realizzato, non prendere neanche in considerazione il fatto di lanciarti a scrivere o fallirai senza nessuna possibilit, non che qualcosa potrai vendere, non che venderai pochino o leggermente, fallirai PUNTO!!*Cosa imparerai in questo corso Tecniche di Copywriting Vendita per il Venditore?1) Gli inizi del Copywriting + i punti chiave da applicare + capire a cosa serve il Copywriting se sei un Venditore2) I validi e reali 5+5 motivi per cui le persone non compreranno + le leve di utilizzo per distruggere questo aspetto!! 3) I 7 punti chiave per essere letto e accompagnarli alla Vendita4) Le 3 potenti leve interne per generare Vendite e conversioni reali con la tua scrittura!! 5) Le potenti Headline + i collegamenti chiave e la composizione a step della Sales Letter 6) La composizione reale e veritiera della Sales Letter spiegata per esteso Le Tecniche di Vendita oggi:Le Tecniche di Vendita per il venditore, hanno subito un fortissimo cambiamento dal passato ad oggi, gli approcci, i modi di contatto, i vari modi di chiudere una vendita sono totalmente cambiati, se consideriamo l' enorme distanza di tempo che passato per esempio dagli anni 70' fino ad oggi, ci rendiamo conto che si tratta di ben 30 anni.. Come dico sempre, il Venditore deve essere COMPLETO sotto ogni punto di vista, non sar completo se sapr solo Vendere faccia a faccia, non sar completo se sapr solo acquisire clienti senza saperli gestire, e non sar completo se non sapr Vendere scrivendo.Il buon Bruce Lee con cui fare un reale paragone alla Vendita diceva..""Un lottatore di arti marziali, potr definirsi imbattibile quando sapr lottare in modo COMPLETO, corpo a corpo, a distanza, a terra, ed utilizzare anche spade e manganelli in modo perfettamente abile..Io ti dico che nella Vendita vale la stessa regola!! Chi completo vince, una legge a cui non possiamo sottrarci!!La maggior parte dei venditori che ho incontrato nella mia carriera, hanno sempre peccato sull' argomento Copywriting.. questo enorme problema, non gli mai permesso di ottenere i guadagni che volevano..Ma quando potrai reputarti un buon Copywriter?Molto semplice, il metro di misura la Vendita.. Sarai Maestro nella scrittura, solo quando le persone metteranno le mani del proprio portafogli e compreranno quello che proponi, se non lo faranno, significa che non sei abbastanza bravo nello scrivere..e nella progettazione della tua idea di Business, puoi metterla come vuoi, ma questa la realt..LA SITUAZIONE ATTUALE DELLA VENDITA AD OGGI?Se 30 anni fa poteva funzionare il fatto di avere un semplice prodotto e fare delle semplici domande al cliente per capire cosa fosse d' aiuto per lui, oggi purtroppo non basta e non funziona.Nel mercato fortemente indifferenziato dei giorni odierni, di nuovo non bastano delle semplici domande per portarlo a scegliere il tuo prodotto a quello della concorrenza.Ci sono diversi fattori che entrano in gioco nel 2019 per far s che il tuo prodotto la tua vendita siano richiesti e scelti dal tuo potenziale cliente. Ma attento, ci sono anche dei pilastri importanti da considerare, infatti, potresti essere anche un genio nella scrittura, e allo stesso tempo non convincere nessuno a comprare da te.Se mi conosci sai che dico spesso che la Vendita realistica ci insegna delle REGOLE FONDAMENTALI, se non conosci queste regole, vai al mio blog gratuito e inizia a studiarle, perch non pu esistere Vendita ne scritta ne parlata, al contrario di questi concetti1) Non puoi chiudere Vendite senza prima aprirle2) Non convinci nessuno, ne ora ne mai sar possibile farlo3) Se proverai a convincere qualcuno, egli alzer la guardia verso di te, e rimbalzerai4) Non esiste al mondo persona o individuo che abbia mai comprato con la guardia altaCome pensi quindi di superare questo territorio minato? Perch devi sapere che se vuoi Vendere devi poter abbattere i 4 punti sopra, e il concetto nella Vendita assolutamente unico e universale, che tu lo faccia di persona o che tu lo faccia scrivendo.Le persone non sono stupide, parti sempre da questo punto, quindi se pensi che semplicemente scrivendo una lettera di Vendita, inserendo dentro l' urgenza e massima convinzione per far comprare, non ci siamo, il concetto non parte da cosa scrivi con la tua penna o con la tua tastiera.. parte da 3 O 4 livelli pi su..Quando riuscirai a portarli dove vuoi tu e quando vuoi tu, beh, allora sarai uno scribattino con i fiocchi e a quel punto probabilmente sarai talmente abile e inafferrabile, da poter Vendere qualcosa anche a me ""Marcochiudilevendite"" Cosa significa questo? significa POTERE, significa poter possedere qualcosa di immensamente grande che gli altri non hanno, e probabilmente la maggior parte di loro, non potr mai avere, significa poter finalmente essere un gradino in alto a tutti gli altri che non possiedono la tua conoscenza, vorresti avere questa conoscenza?Ti insegno i punti chiave da applicare con la copy, per evitare di perdere tempo iniziando a scrivere inutilmenteA "" incastrare"" il Copywriting nelle tue Vendite, per generare contatti e chiusure e senza troppi concetti e studi complicatiCome comporre le tue Sales Letter in modo rapido e con una struttura che servir a vendere il tuo prodottoAd entrare nel tuo potenziale Business, in modo assolutamente meno invasivo possibile, per evitare che alzino la guardia e non comprino nulla.-->> TI ricordo tutti i miei imperdibili VIDEO CORSI sulle Tecniche di vendita realistica:TECNICHE DI VENDITA E DI NEGOZIAZIONE PER IL VENDITORE LE STRATEGIE CHE SE SEI UN VENDITORE NON PUOI NON CONOSCERETELEMARKETING E LE REALI TECNICHE DA UTILIZZARE PER LE VENDITE LIBRO SULLE POTENTI TECNICHE DI VENDITA REALISTICHE ""TO SELLER"" senza concetti inutili e dei torici, che trovi solo su: [Chiudilevendite] Sai, si dice che chi indeciso sulle cose giuste da fare debole, e se non fa il primo passo nel momento giusto, continua ad esserlo giorno dopo giorno, perdendo per tutta la vita occasioni d' oro.. chi decide subito su qualcosa che il suo istinto intuito gli comunicano di fare, forte e deciso, quel passo far s che la decisione si inizi a costruire dentro di lui, quelle persone saranno destinate a grandi cose e a grandi risultati.. inizia a distruggere le tue debolezze ora, sii forte e deciso ADESSO, e vai al corso !!Sono Marcochiudilevendite Seller attivo realmente sul campo, da 18 anni e realmente in questo momento.Gestisco sia Vendite per sedi centrali GDO che su Small business (*vai al mio LinkedIn) Per ottenere risultati realistici e concreti in questo settore, devi EVITARE di seguire corsi da chi parla solo per sentito dire, da chi NON VENDE realmente, la parte teorica un fatto, quella reale un altro, e le vendite purtroppo, non si chiudono con la teoria!! Non sei d' accordo? L' unica strada per il successo quindi, apprendere da chi vende realmente e nel momento in cui ti forma, e lo ha fatto CON SUCCESSO in settori differenti e con molte aziende differenti, cercando cos di limitare al massimo gli errori, se pensi che fare il contrario possa aiutarti, beh ti dico che perderai solo tempo come i 10.000 fallimenti che hanno gi fatto questo errore.. TU fai di tutto per non fanne parte, fai di tutto per ottenere quello che ti spetta!! ____________________________________________________________REFERENZE/*CERTIFIEDMYRIAM ANAJJAR - (COUNTRY MANAGER AT WONDERBOX ITALIA S.r.l.)""Marco stato il primo responsabile commerciale di Wonderbox per lo sviluppo del nostro prodotto al centro/sud Italia. Ha saputo svolgere in modo ottimale il suo lavoro generando un fatturato importante e creando rapporti di fiducia con i suoi clienti e negozi. Marco una persona piena di energia e che sa portare a termine anche i progetti pi ambiziosi con tanta energia e forza di volont. Grazie Marco per la tua collaborazione con Wonderbox!Myriam Anajjar""*REFERENZE/*CERTIFIEDLUCA TAMMACCARO - (COUNTRY MANAGER AT TOM TOM ITALIA S.p.A.)""Marco Bellia, un Account dal forte spirito commerciale, determinazione e orientamento di obiettivi aziendali""Luca Tammaccaro""Sei ancora l? Allora rispondimi.. Perch vuoi privarti degli ENORMI benefici che sai bene di poter assolutamente ottenere con questo corso? Marcochiudilevendite"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"(350-401 ENCOR ) CCNP Enterprise Core exam : Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for (350-401 ENCOR ) CCNP Enterprise Core exam : Tests 2020The Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise networks.The core exam focuses on your knowledge of enterprise infrastructure including dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architecture, virtualization, infrastructure, network assurance, security, and automation.This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ciencia de Datos con Python en QGis3.4" |
"Existe una alta y creciente demanda por especialistas en el manejo de datos, que sean capaces de gestionar y aprovechar el inmenso flujo de datos (Big Data), los profesionales de las ciencias geogrficas no escapan de esta realidad.En el presente curso el alumno aprender desde el manejo bsico de datos, pasando por la iniciacin en la estadstica, la visualizacin y la vinculacin con la representacin espacial, esta ltima como contexto y fuente de informacin. El contenido se imparte por fases primero como extraer estadsticas, generar visualizaciones de datos con las herramientas de QGis y finalmente, el tratamiento de datos con algoritmos de Machine Learning. Nos enfocaremos en cuatro bibliotecas, primero los tres principales paquetes cientficos de Python: - Numpy, (numerical Python) creacin y manipulacin eficiente de estructuras de datos- Matplotlib visualizacin de datos- Scipy estadstica, optimizacinLuego GDAL, para la lectura y escritura de archivos raster"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Ottimizzare il Profilo Linkedin per Vendere" |
"Con questo corso Linkedin per vendere vedrai crescere il tuo profilo in maniera semplice e profittevole, ottimizzando il profilo e la strategia da utilizzare per ricercare e farti cercare da persone interessate al tuo business Con questo corso Linkedin per vendere vedrai crescere il tuo profilo in maniera semplice e profittevole, ottimizzando il profilo e la strategia da utilizzare per ricercare e farti cercare da persone interessate al tuo business Con questo corso Linkedin per vendere vedrai crescere il tuo profilo in maniera semplice e profittevole, ottimizzando il profilo e la strategia da utilizzare per ricercare e farti cercare da persone interessate al tuo business"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting Ready for AWS Solutions Architect - Associate" |
"Cloud is taking its highest boom, do not just wait for the best time, get certified to showcase your skillsRecommended Knowledge and ExperienceHands-on experience with ComputeNetworkingStorageDatabaseDeployment and management servicesCan define technical requirements for an AWS-based application and identify which AWS services meet a given technical requirementUnderstanding of best practices for building secure and reliable applications on the AWS platformAn understanding of the Architectural principles of building on the AWS Cloud AWS global infrastructureNetwork technologiesSecurityKey information about the examFormat: Multiple choice, multiple answerDelivery Method: The testing center or Online proctored examTime: 130 minutesCost: 150 USDAvailable languages: Available in English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified ChineseFree AWS training: schedule an exam:"
Price: 4160.00 ![]() |
"How to Make Any Type Beat" |
"How to Make Any Type Beat you want in any style on Start a type beat factory Make any Type beat in 10 minsuse this method to increase music production output per day and sell beats onlineLearn to Copy any type Beat and to create any style of trap beat Three example videos 1- Introduction // Explanation // Playboi Carti Type Beat2- Bad Bunny Reggaeton type beat3- Pop Smoke Drill Uk Type Beat"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course on Disaster Management for UPSC Aspirants" |
"Crash Course on Disaster Management for UPSC AspirantsThis is useful for students who are preparing for competitive exams like UPSC CSE, SSC, etc.. and also help to give awareness to the people about disaster management.It covers an introductory chapter, the video lessons go to the classification of disasters, separate chapters on natural and man-made (anthropogenic) disasters, basic management concepts, disaster management cycle and organizational structures in India.Thank youBy Mounika"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |