Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
restaurantmanagement |
"- . : , , . : . - . : , , . , , , .HR-, . ., . , , "" "". :- 5 . - 50 . , . .- . ."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"The Rehabilitation of Love in Neuro-Rehabilitation" |
"A course exploring the use of relational ideas from couples psychotherapy, social neuroscience and social cognition rehabilitation to support people with neurological conditions and their partners. Suitable for clinical neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, and individual, family and couples psychotherapists/counsellors supporting people with neurological conditions, together with students of these disciplines.Please note elements of this course are already included within the wider course: Family, Couples & Relationship Work in Neuro-rehabilitation. This course has 3 additional case studies to explore the use of the EFT couples model in neuro-rehabilitation in more detail."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Rumba For Beginners - Simple and Easy" |
"EASY to follow and FUN to learn, this course teaches you one of the most romantic dances for couples - Rumba. This course is NOT for people that have ballroom dance experience. It is specifically designed for beginner dancers who are uncoordinated and have two left feet. =) We teach you everything that you'll need to jump start your dancing! We demonstrate every step for you, break each movement down, and give you tips and tricks to ensure your absolute SUCCESS.Once you finish this course you will have CONFIDENCE to get on the floor and dance!What you can expect:- Clear, simple breakdown of each step from multiple angles.- Techniques to better connect with your partner- Tips on how to hear the beat- Go at your own pace- Variety of steps to look and feel more confident on the dance floor- Forever access to your dance lessons"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"K-1 Stratejik nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi ve Deiim Sreleri" |
"Eitimin ilk tantm videosunda da detayl yer ald gibi kursumuz toplam 11 ana modlden olumaktadr. Bu 11 modl, aada detaylarn greceiniz ekilde 5 farkl kurs halinde verilmektedir. Bu 5 kursu da baaryla tamamladnz takdirde UFUK EDUCATION ACADEMY STRATEJK NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETM VE DEM SRELER SERTFKASI almaya hak kazanacaksnz. Sertifikalarmzn IMS Global standartlarna uygun ve Sertifier gvencesi altnda Uluslararas Geerlilii bulunmaktadr. Sertifika rneini Kaynaklar blmnde grebilirsiniz. Ayrca sertifikada bulunan ID numaras ile tm dnyada geerlilii konusunda sorgulama yaplabilmektedir.Bu eitim ilk 3 modl olan STRATEJK NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETM, NSAN KAYNAKLARI PLANLAMASI VE NEM ve ANALZ VE TANIMLARI konularn kapsamaktadr. Kursu indirimli alabilmek iin IKY-NSN-IND kupon kodunu kullanabilirsiniz.2. eitimimiz E ALIM SREC VE MLAKAT TEKNKLER ve ETM YNETM VE ORYANTASYON modllerini,3. eitimimiz KARYER GELTRME VE YETENEK YNETM ve PERFORMANS DEERLENDRME modllerini,4. eitimimiz SALII VE GVENL, LETM ve NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETMNN HUKUK BOYUTLARI modllerini,5. eitimimiz BORDROLAMA VE BORDRO UYGULAMALARI modllerini iermektedir.Tm modller toplamda 7 saatlik youn, uygulamal ve videolu eitimleri kapsamaktadr. Tm modller tamamlandnda ve pratik yapma imkannz da varsa kesinlikle ok nitelikli bir nsan Kaynaklar Uzman olabilirsiniz. Eitim srecindeyken kafanza taklan herhangi bir soru olursa mail atabilirsiniz. Mutlaka 1 i gn ierisinde dn salyor olacaz.Kurs gereksinimleri veya n koullar var m? Bu kurstan en iyi ekilde yararlanmak iin herhangi bir n bilgiye ihtiyacnz yoktur. Bilmeniz gereken her ey size bu kursta retilecektir. htiyacnz olan tm ders notlarna ""Kaynaklar"" blmnden ulaabilip indirebileceksiniz. Ders notlarn aygtnza indirerek ya da ktlarn alarak mutlaka tekrar etmelisiniz. Ders sonlarnda devlerinizi yaparak daha hzl ve emin admlarla ilerleyebilirsiniz. Bu kurs program, sizi kiisel ve profesyonel olarak gelitirmek iin tasarlanmtr. Kendi evinizin rahatlnda, her yerde ve her zaman derslere ulaabilirsiniz. Derslere akll telefon / tablet veya bilgisayarnzdan ulaabilirsiniz. Bu kurstan azami olarak faydalanmak iin ilenen konular, her dersin sonunda verilen devleri yaparak, pratik snavlarna girerek ve eksik kaldnz konular tekrar ederek hayatnza katmanz tavsiye ediyoruz.Keyifli eitimler...Not: Mail adresimiz u.gun@ueacademy.redolarak gncellenmitir."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
drm_bady_langauge |
"93% 70% .. .. .. .. .. 50% .. .. .. .. - . :"" "" - "" . . .... .. ... "" "" /"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Yneticilii Eitimi" |
"Eitimimiz; kalite ve standartlarn en ok kullanlan tanmlarn, P.U.K. dngsn, ISO hakknda aklamalar, ISO 9001:2015 Kalite Ynetim Sistemi standart maddelerinin aklanmasn, yorumlanmasn ve pratik dokman rnekleri ile desteklenmesini kapsamaktadr. ISO 9001:2015 KYS standart maddeleri kolay anlalr bir biimde aktarlmtr. Eitim sresi yaklak 6.5 saat olmak zere detayl bilgi aktarlmas amacyla hazrlanmtr."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Come creare un Blog di successo e come guadagnare con esso" |
"Scoprirai come creare un blog di qualit in poco tempo con zero competenze nel web e come guadagnare con esso.Imparerai come creare un dominio e l hosting, conoscerai Wordpress e come sfruttarlo al massimo.Come catturare le email dei clienti e sfruttarle per guadagnarci.Usare Google analytics per tracciare i visitatori del sito."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to teach others - What You need to know" |
"This three part course will give you a good overview of pedagogy methods, theories, tools and practical tips regarding teaching others, in real life or on the webb.The three courses will have different types of orientations and projects, but will also be closely connected with each other and have projects that will help you evolve as a teacher. I must emphasize that you will have the best experience and progression if you take the courses in chronological order.Here is an overview of the three courses.How to teach others - What you need to know - Part 1/3:Assessment for Learning- Formative and Summative AssessmentsRelational learningFeed up, Feed back, Feed forwardUnified foundation of knowledgePeer assessment and Self assessmentPreunderstanding - Meet the students where they areHow to ask pedagogy questionsProject 1/3 - Planning your own project or courseHow to teach others - What you need to know - Part 2/3:The importance of reflection and evaluation - and how to use itThe importance of varied forms of learningThe importance of metalanguageDiscussion models - Venn Diagram and Circulating BeehiveNo hands up and collective answersLesson planning - How and Why?Looking for answers in the right placesProject 2/3 - Plan your own lessonHow to teach others - What you need to know - Part 3/3:The importance of source criticismLow-impact treatmentThe importance of student participationHow to construct and correct tests - Formative methodCollegial cooperation and interdisciplinary learningHigh expectations and cognitive challengesThe Project 3/3 - Evaluation of project 1 and 2 - Try it out and get constructive feedbackIf you find any of the videos especially interesting I will be happy to make a more detailed class on that subject. There is always much more to say about all of this, but this three part course will give you a solid base to stand on regarding pedagogy theories, methods and practical use."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Image Manipulation Amazing Series" |
"You will learn Photoshop Image manipulation amazing series.In this course, you will learn how to completely change the images from one perspective to another and blend them to any environments that you want to with proper cutting, perspective matching and with proper color correctionAt the end of this course, you will be able to edit any image Inform of image manipulation and you will have no longer fear for your images to look as bad photoshop editing.You will execute any idea that you are having in your mind from years this course will help to get that idea on canvas and help you out with all image manipulation techniques that modern designers and artists are using to give their images to the next level.Photoshop basic knowledge is needed to get the maximum advantage from this course I did a simple video that will help you to understand some shortcuts and some tools that I am gonna use in this series but still, it's not a complete Photoshop training to cover all photoshop tools as basic software learning techniques.This course is designed for those who are having a little bit of knowledge of Photoshop this course will help you to get their images editing techniques to the next level and they will be able to edit any image and any idea into any scenario.This training will help you to get a more corrected version of your images editing aesthetically and it will help you to take your image editing techniques to the next level."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"B2 - FCE - Cambridge English, preparalo al meglio!" |
"Daremo uno sguardo generale al corso, al perch dovresti sostenerlo e risponder alle domande pi comuni. Dopo di che analizzeremo insieme un esame intero, svolgendo ogni esercizio insieme. Imparerai a riconoscere in quali esercizi importante non perdere tempo, in quali ti dovrai impegnare di pi e a cosa stare attento per sostenere l'esame al meglio! "
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Pregnancy Course: What to REALLY Expect" |
"Pregnancy offers a range of emotions, but not every pregnancy is as picture-perfect as it's made out to seem. Everything becomes harder, bigger and more uncomfortable. From your physical health to your mental well-being, we cover everything you need to know throughout your pregnancy for a better and safer journey. Reduce your anxiety and stress by finding out EXACTLY what to expect when you're expecting. From safe foods, swollen feet to know what to expect during labour, we cover it all.Most likely, your mind is racing about all the things that need to be done and are searching for article after article to help you answer your questions. But one piece of misinformation can be harmful to you and your baby.Take a deep breath, and let's work through this together. This course offers 16 videos to cover the full spectrum of pregnancy.Here's what we cover in this course:Phase 1 of this course is designed to help you understand the basics of maternity. In this phase, we will give you an introduction to maternity and the terms surrounding it. Further, we will discuss the evolution of your baby and how to deal with pre-existing conditions when you plan to have a baby.Introduction to maternity and the terms surrounding itEvolution of fetus, a timeline of your baby's growthDealing with pre-existing conditionsWhat to expect during the first stage of your pregnancyWhat vitamins you should start taking right awayWhen to visit your doctor and know how many appointments you will needPhase 2 of the course is designed to help pregnant mothers understand the importance of activity during pregnancy. This phase will also highlight the impact of pregnancy on your sleep along with the mind and body changes pregnancy will bring. Moreover, this phase will offer guidelines on proper nutrition for the mother and the baby.Understanding the importance of activity during pregnancyImpact of pregnancy on sleep and how to finally get restBurps, Farts & Constipation......let's relieve those symptomsSwollen? You don't have to suffer throughout your pregnancyMind and body changes during pregnancy- what gets bigger and rounder?Nutritional guidelines for the mother and the baby- To eat or not to eat, that is the question!Phase 3 of the course is designed to help pregnant mothers understand safe personal care practices, precautions while travelling, planning for Delivery and recommendations for a healthy pregnancy. This phase will also offer information regarding workplace rights and regulations for pregnant employees.Safe Personal Care PracticesPrecautions for Work and TravelPlanning for Delivery & knowing your optionsRecommendations for a Healthy PregnancyWorkplace Rights of a Pregnant EmployeePhase 4 of this course will primarily focus on preparing the couple for the arrival of their bundle of joy, getting ready for the delivery day and finally welcoming the little one to the world.Preparing for the babyGearing up for DeliveryThe Delivery DayWelcoming the BabyRegistering your babyHow to get your baby to latchThis course is a prelude to our 0-12 Month Baby Care course, which walks you through the complete development and how-tos for the first 12 months of your baby's growth."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Revit MEP Mekanik Eitimi" |
"Proje sektrnde artk ska duyulmaya balanan BIM (Building nformation Modeling ) ile beraber projelerin BIM formatnda istenilmekte ve Trkiye'de bu srece hzlca ayak uydurmaya baladn syleyebilirim. te bu eitimle beraber BIM srecinin bir arac olan Revit'i tanyp renerek bir adm ne gemenizi salayacaktr. Tantm amal ksa sreliine bu kursa 5627B9F850CCE5C5430C promosyon kuponu ile %30 indirimden faydalanabilirsiniz.Kurs ieriinde sknt yaanlan konularda uzaktan eriim ile bire-bir destek.Revit'te sfrdan, proje teslimine kadar karnza kabilecek ne varsa en basit dil ile anlatmaya altm. Kursun sonunda Revit'te Mekanik Template'inizi hazrlam olacak ve artk bundan sonra Revit ile mekanik proje izebiliyor olacaksnz. Dersler istekleriniz dorultusunda srekli gncellemeler ve eklemeler olacaktr. Sorularnza en ksa srelerde dn yapacam belirtmek isterim..."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Sistema; The ultimate guide to Movement & Mindset" |
"Regardless of if your a gym junkie or prefer a home work-out, applying the effective fundamentals of Sistema Movement will enhance your practice and help your reach your physical and mental goalsJoin me as a take you through these simple and effective techniques that you'll find yourself using not only in your own movement practice, but in many aspects of your daily life"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"learn how to make algerian bread" |
"Like in many other cultures of the world, bread to Algerians, means more than just food to nourish the body. it has a variety of spiritual and social values that we can detect in the many proverbs and idiomatic expressions that call for the word khoubz or kssour the plural of kesra which litarally means bread in Algerian dialect. One of the specificities of Algerian bread is the use of fine semoulina, and Algerians often prefer to prepare this bread in homes rather than owning it from bakeries. Algerian bread diversifies the civilizations and cultures that Algeria's great history has gone through. There are many types that cannot be mentioned all of them and I will present most of them here Khobz eddar: eddar is a ceremony bread in Algeria , usually prepared during Aids, ramadan, and when receiving guests. the choices for decoration and flavoring are endless Kessra rekhssis: It is algerian bread originating in the algerian regions in geniral, _ traditional bread can eaten hot or cold ,alone or with fats(butter,jam,honey ..etc) and stuffed or depped in olive oil ..etc and can accompany break feast or snack time for femented milk Kessra matlu: Matlou Kesra Matlou is made completely either with a combination of fine semolina and wheat flour or else just with semolina flour. This bread can stuffed with different stuffings or else flavored with spices and herbs.The word Kesra refers to the round or circular shaped breads, hence this bread is called as Kesra Matlou Matlou is definitely one of the easiest flatbread you can prepare easily at home with less efforts. Though you dont have the typical Algerian clay pot to cook this bread, a simple griddle works awesome to cook them prefectly through stove-top method. Give a try and enjoy this bread with any accompaniment though we enjoyed our Matlou with butter and honey"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Skincare" |
"With so many training courses out there, its hard to choose the right one for you. Ive done countless ones myself and decided to bring together my own comprehensive guide full of knowledge and experience all in one place for the skincare beginner.This guide is designed for those who maybe already do basic skincare treatments and want to expand their knowledge, those who are maybe thinking of expanding into skincare and want more info or even for those who just find skincare fascinating and want to expand their own knowledge on the subject for personal reasons to improve their own skin health!Whatever the reason, youll find the guide simple to use in clearly laid out sections and in terms anyone can understand.We thank you for purchasing our Ultimate Beginners Guide to Skincare and hope you enjoy!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to create a mobile game for iOS with Unreal Engine 4" |
"Go through the whole process of creating an iOS game until it is published on the app store.Learn how to become an apple developer and start programming with the Unreal Engine 4. Test your game directly on your iOS device, or share it with friends on Testflight.Learn how to set up all the features that a good mobile game needs, like in app purchases and leaderboards."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Domina Youtube - Descubre como convertirte en Youtuber" |
"En este curso enseo, mediante todos los 5 aos de experiencia dedicados a Youtube, trucos, y cosas que debes saber y no ensean en otros cursos, para comenzar en Youtube y no dar un paso el falso, y optimizar tus visitas desde el primer da. Hay mucho contenido exclusivo, y enseo herramientas tiles que te ayudarn mucho en tu trabajo como Youtuber!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Voc est iniciando o curso de empreendedorismo no ramo dos Pets. A ideia deste curso surgiu com o objetivo de compartilhar conhecimentos do mundo Pet para empreender com o foco no seguimento de cuidador.O ramo dos Pets um mercado em crescimento e expanso! Para 2020 a previso que o mercado Pet poder movimentar mais de 20 bilhes.De acordo com o IBGE, existem mais de 132 milhes de animais de estimao no pas. Por trs deles, donos entusiasmados por novidades para agradar seus bichinhos. o que aponta um estudo desenvolvido pelo Grupo GS& Gouva de Souza, especialista em mercado de varejo e consumo brasileiro. Com o segmento em expanso, h espao para todos os gostos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Podstawy medytacji. Warsztat techniczny" |
"Szkolenie skierowane jest do osb, ktre chc rozpocz przygod z medytacj. Przestawiam w nim podstawy, od ktrych naley zacz, by potem mc samodzielnie praktykowa. Czego si nauczysz?Podczas szkolenia dowiesz si czym jest medytacja, nauczysz si jak prawidowo oddycha, jak nawiza lepszy kontakt ze swoim ciaem i umysem, jak wyglda prawidowa pozycja medytacyjna, jak poradzi sobie z natrtnymi mylami. Poznasz take podstawowe techniki medytacyjne, aby wybra najlepsz dla siebie ciek wewntrznego rozwoju.Wszystkie proponowane praktyki maj wiecki charakter, nie s zwizane z adnym wyznaniem ani religi.Moe wzi w nich udzia kady, bez wzgldu na wiatopogld i wyznawane wartoci.ZAKRES TEMATYCZNY:- wpyw medytacji na nasze ycie i zdrowie- wiczenia oddechowe- wiczenia relaksacji- wiczenia koncentracji- medytacja z oddechem- medytacja wrae zewntrznych- praca z mylami"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Advanced LinkedIn Sales Navigator Training [2020 Edition]" |
"In this course you will learn exactly how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator in 2020 to generate leads, how to use advanced functions, and there's one sales navigator tip almost no one knows about. After watching this sales navigator training you will know exactly how to use LinkedIn sales navigator like a sales pro. If you have been looking at LinkedIn sales navigator reviews and still aren't sure if this is the right sales prospecting tool for you, then this course is for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ISO 14001:2015 - Interpretao e Implementao" |
"ObjetivosCapacitar o participante na interpretao e implementao dos requisitos da ISO 14001:2015 proporcionando uma viso abrangente sobre os conceitos, fundamentos e princpios da Gesto Ambiental.ProgramaInterpretao dos Requisitos ISO 14001:2015; Implementao dos Requisitos ISO 14001:2015; Identificao de Aspectos e Impactos Ambientais; Gesto de Riscos; Preparao e Resposta Emergncia, Auditoria Interna e outros requisitos."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Marketing no Instagram para Profissionais da Sade" |
"Comece hoje mesmo a atrair clientes todos os dias utilizando suas redes sociais, mesmo que voc no saiba nem por onde comear ou j tenha tentado de tudo.Voc j se perguntou por que alguns profissionais conseguem muitos seguidores e clientes pelo Instagram e outros no?Isso fez voc pensar que esses profissionais podem ter algo de especial que voc ainda no tem?Fazer postagens e no conseguir o engajamento, sequer algumas curtidas, te deixa chateado?Imagine se voc dominar as estratgias de atrair seguidores para seu Instagram e converter eles em clientes utilizando seu Whatsapp. Isso seria fantstico! Certo?Todo seu amor por atender, sua capacidade e dom de ajudar as pessoas, ficaro limitados se voc no conseguir atrair novos clientes todos os dias.O QUE O SOCIAL ESSENCIAL?Um treinamento com as mais avanadas estratgias para voc dominar a atrao de clientes pelo Instagram e Whatsapp.Com aulas extremamente objetivas voc aprende as tcnicas mais avanadas sem perda de tempo. Vamos direto ao ponto!Com o Social Essencial voc no vai mais ter medo da concorrncia, e sim voc vai super-la!QUAIS OS BENEFCIOS DO SOCIAL ESSENCIAL Aprendizado acelerado com aulas rpidas e objetivas. Domine as mais avanadas tcnicas de atrao e converso de clientes pelo Instagram e Whatsapp. Gere muito mais engajamento com suas postagens no Instagram. Fale exatamente o que seu pblico quer ouvir e crie conexes extremamente fortes. Deixe sua concorrncia para trs e no se preocupa mais com ela. Seja um Profissional que o pblico quer seguir e indicar. Crie uma legio de fs baseado em seu contedo de extremo valor. Domine as tcnicas de Copywriting para postagens e anncios e encante sua audincia. Aprenda a anunciar no Facebook e Instagram para atrair muito mais clientes todos os dias. Aprenda a gravar vdeos super interessantes para sua audincia.No Social Essencial voc vai dominar finalmente como atrair clientes pelo Instagram e Whatsapp.Independente se voc:J tenha tentado de tudo em seu Instagram e nada tenha dado resultado.No saiba nem por onde comear.No tenha ainda uma conta no Instagram.Tenha tentado atrair novos seguidores para o Instagram e no deu certo."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Learn How to Prevent Burnout" |
"Welcome to this course: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Learn How to Prevent Burnout. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in.Taking care of yourself, your friends, and your family can help you cope with burnout. Helping others cope with their burnout can also make your community stronger."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Strengthen Your Immune System" |
"This course will teach you what you need to know in order to boost and strengthen your immune health. It is the job of your immune system to protect you from the harmful impact of; cancer cells, bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses ( e.g. Coronavirus, etc). This course will cover many practical improvements you can make to your lifestyle and environmental choices in order to maintain and strengthen your physical, mental and emotional health so that you are as resistant as possible to harmful infections and get to enjoy great health."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"In queste video-lezioni impari ci che fondamentale conoscere per essere un makeup artist che davvero fa la differenza per i tuoi clienti e tra i tuoi colleghi. Che tu voglia studiare per migliorarti ed eccellere o voglia studiare per smettere di essere l'ultimo della fila, devi partire sempre da qui!Ho estratto per te, dai milioni di studi sui colori, le leggi pi fruibili per un truccatore ma soprattutto nozioni subito applicabili supportate da immagini incisive che ti proiettino immediatamente al risultato che tu stesso otterrai. Capirai cosa il colore, che relazioni ci sono tra i colori, come interagiscono e come puoi usarli a tuo vantaggio per avere : una Bag da lavoro delle giuste dimensioni, lavorare in meno tempo ed avere risultati pi performanti. Non si tratta di trasformare o stravolgere i clienti: si tratta di accompagnarli nella riscoperta della loro naturale bellezza.Sono nozioni facili? E' richiesta la tua dedizione? E' richiesto il tuo impegno? La risposta alle domande SI.Sar straordinario ci che imparerai sul colore e c' bisogno che tu abbia tanta voglia di imparare.Hai rispetto del tuo tempo, delle tue ambizioni e del tuo denaro?Hai voglia di conoscere ci che spesso i truccatori sottovalutano e non sanno perch un viso diventa grigio?Desideri ardentemente fare la differenza nel tuo settore o finire di pensare che gli altri ne sanno sempre pi di te?Hai risposto si a queste domande, bene! Ora clicca sul corso ed inizia il viaggio! ANDIAMO!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico-intermedio de Revit (BIM) con ejercicio ejemplo" |
"Tras obtener la Certificacin por Centro Autorizado de Autodesk en los niveles bsico, intermedio y avanzado, quiero trasmitirte lo que he aprendido.REVIT es un programa BIM (Building Information Model), lo que viene siendo Modelo de Informacin del Edificio, el 3D tiene informacin. Con este curso me gustara mostrarte nociones bsicas de introduccin al Revit para que te adentres en l con ganas, de forma dinmica y prctica.Hago hincapi en dinmica y prctica, porque he realizado dos cursos REVIT, y sinceramente he de decir que tena muchos momentos de bajn: los vdeos no me enganchaban o los vea demasiado complicados, los textos eran muy largos y la duracin de los vdeos excesiva.Revit es mi da a da. Trabajando con l a diario he descubierto que se puede aprender a usar de forma ms directa, prctica y concreta. Esa es mi intencin, mantenerte siempre conectado con los vdeos, que en cada uno aprendas algo nuevo y poco a poco animarte a que te vayas soltando para que te aventures en un programa increblemente inmenso, lleno de funciones y posibilidades que te dar mucho ms de lo que imaginas.Aprenders a levantar una vivienda en 3d desde cero y obtener tu plano de planta, secciones, alzados...listo para la entrega."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Escape the Office - Get the Freedom & Control you Crave" |
"COVID-19 has pushed remote work to the forefront of public discourse, causing an unprecedented impact on business and life. Like thousands of others, you may be working from home for the first time. And although adjusting to this new way of life might feel awkward, I believe after tasting the freedom and autonomy of remote work, many of you will resist the call to return to your office.My name is Peter Fritz, and Ive worked remotely for over 20 years. Working from home can, and likely will, change your life (regardless of the current global pandemic).As soon as I began working from home it was a life-changer. In the years since, its allowed me the time and flexibility to see my kids more to attend daytime school performances, to take care of them when theyre sick, and to just be around more.Its also allowed me to work where, when and how I choose whether thats in my beautiful home office, a lakeside park bench, or in my car as I tear up a mountain pass in the Victorian High Country.Its made me a happier, calmer and more effective person.Work/life balance is a tough nut to crack, but once you choose how to work, it becomes a whole lot easier.Escape the Office helps you build a compelling case for a permanent remote work arrangement to present to your boss - either now, or after the Coronavirus is over. It's designed to get (and then retain) the independence, freedom and control you crave.By the end of the course (which you can complete in a weekend), you'll have the best chance at working from home permanently.****The biggest obstacle to the FREEDOM and CONTROL you want is your boss.Escape the Office is an easy, self-paced course that tilts the odds in your favour. It gives you a clear plan thatll soon have you working where you want, and your boss thanking you for showing them how.The fact is, most of us work in a way that doesnt align with who we are or how we should work. Were boxed into old constructs that no longer serve us theyre remnants of the industrial age, where everyone gathers under one roof each day like glorified factory workers.Working from home (and the half-dozen other places I work) is the best work/life decision I ever made. Its improved every aspect of my life giving me the freedom to live and work in a way that supports my life, not one that dictates my life. I want you to have that kind of freedom, too.Once your boss green-lights your request to work remotely, youll be able to:spend more time with your familypursue a side hustlewrite that book or start a blogsave moneyindulge in a hobbyreduce stress and anxietyproduce better work at your jobimprove your physical and mental healthlearn new skills (in your current industry or a different one)help your parentsinvest in your communityWhats more, the effects will compound over time, opening up all kinds of opportunities for you in the future, because each benefit enhances the next, making you happier, less stressed, more productive and a lot more optimistic about life.Heres what youll learn.Escape the Office includes a well-researched 38-page workbook that walks you step-by-step through your own personal escape plan. If youre keen, you could finish the whole thing in a few hours over a weekend. I recommend spreading it out over a week, so you can really think about your answers.Six videos augment the guide one for each section, plus an introduction and a wrap-up. Critically, Escape the Office also includes a draft escape letter, with spaces to add the elements relevant to your unique situation.Through the guide and the videos, I walk you through the six crucial checkpoints listed below. Together, they put you in the best possible position to pitch your employer and get a resounding YES!1 The Lay of the LandHere, youll learn how the modern workforce is changing; what it means for you and your employer, and why the news is good for both of you.We dissect and overcome the fears many of us feel. This isnt feel-good fluff, but practical material thatll make you confident to move forward.2 The 5 Elements of an Effective Escape PlanAt this checkpoint, I introduce the five essential elements of a stellar escape plan:Get clear on the objectives and outcomes for you and your employer.Give evidence to support your case, including technologies you can leverage.Provide assurances around being accountable, reachable and productive.Document how youll work the environment, metrics, tools and practices.The trial request, where everything is distilled into a compelling escape letter.3 Build your Case with DataRather than have you Googling till the early hours, Ive done the hard work for you. This section contains compelling stats from respected sources to back your mission.Unless your boss sees the benefits, youre unlikely to succeed. Here, youll learn about the huge benefits available to employers who adopt remote work policies.As an added assurance, youll also get some insight into remote work trends and where its all heading.4 The Q & A Your Personal Escape PlanThis is where it all starts to come together in a guided, fill-in-the-blanks section for drafting your personal escape plan. Using what youve learned in the previous three stages, I ask key questions about your situation and how it relates to the data youve collected and the outcomes you seek.Your responses to the questions in this section ensure nothing gets missed, and they inform the content within your own escape letter.5 The Escape LetterFinally, we use your personal escape plan from stage 4 to create your escape letter.A well-researched and properly structured escape letter shows your boss you respect their time, you value your job, and you have everyones interests at heart. It delivers a genuine win-win.As an added reassurance, I will check your letter for structure, style, pacing and grammar before you hand it to your employer.6 If They Say No Overcoming ObjectionsObjections can arise, and so in this section, I walk you through a dozen of the most likely ones and offer rebuttals you can try. You might use some of them to deal with potential objections in your escape letter before they arise.In the end, most objections are a veil for ignorance or fear of the unknown. Your job is to illustrate as succinctly as you can (and in a language your boss appreciates) the many benefits they stand to gain from allowing this to happen. A brief trial usually puts their concerns to rest.****For some of you, Escape the Office will be exactly what you need, and working remotely will change your life in ways you never imagined. It might even save your life, just like it did for me.But like most things, you wont know for sure until you give it a go.So I say embrace it. Take the course, complete the guide and draft your escape letter. What awaits you on the other side is a life with more time, less stress, more harmonious relationships, and the flexibility to explore new paths.You werent born to spend your life inside a cubicle staring at TPS reports or yawning through another bunch of PowerPoints. You were born to do things youre proud of; to explore a little, to be curious, to live.My wish is to see you inside Escape the Office and to see you living and working on your terms. You have nothing to lose if you try, and everything to gain if you succeed."
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"Altium Designer ile Donanm(PCB) Tasarlamay ren" |
"Hazr donanmlar artk ihtiyacnz karlamyor veya kendinize ait rnler tasarlamak istiyorsanz doru sayfadasnz!Bu eitim setinde donanm tasarlamay hi bilmeyenler veya dier tasarm programlarn kullanmay bilen fakat Altium Designer program ile almam olan kiilere ynelik bir anlatm gerekletirilmitir. Eitimin ilk dersleri tecrbenizin hi olmadn varsayarak sfrdan balayarak anlatlm, ilerleyen derslerde gereksiz ayrntlara girmeden Altium Designer programnn kullanm ve ksayollar zerine younlalmtr.Kurs ierisinde rnek olarak tasarlanan kart ATMEGA328 mikrodenetleyiciye sahip bir fazl motor src kartdr. Bu kart tasarlarken eitli entegrelerin sembollerini ve klflarn tasarlayarak kendi ktphanemizi ksmi olarak oluturup, bu ktphane ile kartmz oluturmaya balayacaz. Kartmzn seri bir ekilde sfrdan balayarak nasl retime hazr bir hal aldn greceksiniz.Kurs Sonunda;Ksmi Olarak Datasheet Okumay,Komponent Semeyi,Komponent Sembol Oluturmay,Komponent Klf Tasarlamay,ematik Oluturmay,PCB Oluturmay,Program Ksayollarn,ok Katmanl PCB Tasarlamay,Tasarm 3D Olarak Kullanmay,Malzeme Listesi(BOM) Hazrlamay,Gerber Dkman Oluturmayrenmi olacaksnz. Bunlarn yansra az kullanlan fakat daha pratik izim yapmanz salayacak olan farkl zellikleri de reneneceksiniz."
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"Liberdade financeira" |
"Esse um curso prtico de como planejar sua vida financeira para o longo prazo. O curso oferece conhecimentos e uma planilha objetiva de quanto voc precisa poupar por ms e por ano e quanto voc deve alocar em cada classe de ativos (aes, fundos imobilirios, imveis, renda fixa, etc) para atingir a sua liberdade financeira.O curso ir responder as perguntas mais importantes em termos de finanas pessoais:1. Qual a sua estrutura de renda?2. Quanto voc quer viver de renda advinda de investimentos por ms?3. Quanto voc precisa poupar HOJE e por quanto TEMPO voc precisa para atingir essa meta?4. Quanto voc deve investir em cada classe de ativo para atingir sua meta?O curso fruto da minha experincia profissional em investimentos e finanas ao longo de mais de dez anos a um custo irrisrio."
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