Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Affiliate Marketing - Verdiene Geld mit einem eigenen Blog" |
"Hast du auch immer schon davon getrumt, dir im Internet ein stabiles passives Einkommen aufzubauen? Die Nutzung von Affiliate Marketing auf einem eigenen Blog bietet hierfr die ideale Gelegenheit, die sowohl sehr anfngerfreundlich als auch extrem profitabel ist!Viele Menschen denken, dass das Blogging auf dem absteigenden Ast sei, dabei ist es immer noch eine der einfachsten Methoden, um Online Geld zu verdienen. Noch dazu kann es eine Menge Spa machen und nimmt absolut kein Startkapital in Anspruch! Du kannst ber deine Leidenschaften schreiben und deine Artikel dabei mithilfe von Affiliate Marketing monetarisieren. Hier wirst du also im Grunde genommen fr dein Hobby bezahlt, und das sogar sehr gut!In diesem Videokurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen, wie du auch du dir einen profitablen Blog aufbauen kannst, mit dem du innerhalb eines Jahres ein vierstelliges, monatliches, passives Einkommen generieren kannst. Ich habe sehr viel praktische Erfahrung in diesem Bereich und wei nach endlosem Ausprobieren mittlerweile genau, worauf es bei der Erstellung des eigenen Blogs und der Nutzung von Affiliate Marketing ankommt. Wichtig ist mir dabei vor allem auch der Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit, sodass das Ganze auch auf lange Sicht profitabel ist.Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du folgende Dinge knnen:die Grundlagen des Affiliate Marketing verstehen und anwendeneine eigene Website auf die Beine stellendie eigene Website designen und mit Leben fllenexzellente Blogbeitrge schreibendie eigene Website mit Affiliate Marketing monetarisierendie Grundlagen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) verstehen und anwendenWenn du dem praktischen Leitfaden dieses Videokurses mit viel Durchhaltevermgen folgst, kannst auch du schon innerhalb eines Jahres ein passives Einkommen von 1000 Euro und mehr aufbauen. Das Online Geld Verdienen wird dabei sicherlich nicht ber Nacht eingeleitet, aber auf lange Sicht kannst du dir mit deinem eigenen Blog ein sehr gutes passives Einkommen aufbauen.Dieser Kurs ist also nichts fr dich, wenn du lieber einem unserisen Erfolg-ber-Nacht Modell folgen willst, fr das du erstmal selber Tausende von Euros in die Hand nehmen musst. Fr alle anderen ist dieser Kurs die ideale Gelegenheit sich ein passives Einkommen aufzubauen.Deswegen schreibe dich jetzt ein. Nehme diese Chance wahr und dann sehen wir beide uns gleich im ersten Video des Kurses!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ukulele Online Kurs mit 9 Kinderliedern! Anfngerkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir anhand von Kinderliedern, wie das Ukulele spielen funktioniert. Auf eine ganz einfache Art & Weise. Ich bin selber Berufsmusiker, arbeite in Kindergrten & Grundschulen und schtze meine Ukulele sehr, da ich sie immer dabei haben kann und mit den Kindern auf eine einfache Weise Musik machen kann."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Souverner Umgang mit schwierigen Situationen und Kritik" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du in schwierigen Situationen authentisch, souvern und schlagfertig reagieren kannst. Du erfhrst, wie Du zum einen Deine innere Einstellung verndern und Dein Selbstwertgefhls steigern wirst und wie Du zum anderen souvern, schlagfertig und authentisch reagieren kannst. Kritik, vor allem, wenn sie einen unvorbereitet und vielleicht sogar in Beisein von anderen Menschen trifft, ist fr die meisten Menschen hchst unangenehm. Doch wie reagiert man in solchen Momenten optimaler Weise? Und was hat das Ganze mit dem eigenen Selbstwertgefhl zu tun?Das und vieles mehr erfhrst Du in diesem Kurs"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 Configuracin y Administracin" |
"En este curso aprenders desde cero a instalar, configurar y administrar Windows Sever 2016.Veremos desde la instalacin de un servidor controlador de dominio, hasta como podemos aplicar polticas a los usuarios y PC de un Dominio utilizando Windows Server 2016.Tambin aprenderemos sobre los diferentes roles y servicios que ofrece un servidor como son DNS, DHCP, File Server y ms."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking for Parents - Teach Your Kids to Present 1Hr" |
"Public Speaking for Parents - Teach Your Kids to Present - learn in less than 1HourYou can teach your child or kid to become a confident and strong public speaker. Public speaking and presentation skills are essential for success in most careers, yet they are rarely taught in public or private schools.TJ Walker has taught public speaking skills to top CEOs, presidents of countries, prime ministers, and business visionaries. He brings the most modern techniques to you now in this innovative course. Additionally, Walker shares with you tricks and tips he uses in is teaching his own daughter on how to become an excellent public speaker.Your time is valuable. You will learn everything you need in this public speaking course in less than one hour!You will learn the secret to building your childs confidence as a communicator. You will also learn techniques to help your child become a better speaker, gradually, for decades to come.And most important, you will learn how to make this experience for you and your child pleasant and uplifting, and devoid of negativity and unpleasantness. This is a streamlined and efficient course designed for busy parents to complete in less than one hour.If you are ready to start helping your child today become a better public speaker, then enroll right now."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Stunning Color and Light in Acrylics" |
"Do you want to create rich color and light in your acrylic paintings?Do your acrylic paintings look flat? Lacking vibrancy?If you answered yes to any of these you are in the right place. This course will show you:How to make deep, rich color effects in acrylics,How to see color temperature;How to relate one color to another;And how to make your acrylic paintings stand out.You can take your acrylic painting to new levels by learning how to see color and mix color better.Start the course and then take on the project. The step-by-step demonstration will help you create your own painting in no time. A reference photo is included plus a PDF summary of the lesson to keep at hand.I am looking forward to giving you feedback on your course project too."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Hands-On Course in Mindfulness and Meditation." |
"This course is designed for everyone who is looking for an easy, quick & playful way to learn everything about mindfulness, without reading tons of books or attending costly seminars. After this course you will have learned about:- the foundations of mindfulness and meditation- the 7 mindful attitudes- how you can re-wire your brain to be more mindful- how mindfulness can increase your quality of lifeand you will have practiced:- mindfulness meditation- mindful walking- mindful eating- mindful listening- and a body scan meditation.Although after the course you can fully practice mindfulness, I will provide you with more ideas on how to take it from here, with tips for- books- apps- gadgets- and toolsAfter the course, I am available for your questions. Reach out to me!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Arduino SMS Sending Motion Detector using Python" |
"Arduino SMS Sending Motion Detector using Python: Step by step guide is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks & Engineers who want to move their Arduino Programming to the next level by implementing Python APIs to receive SMS Notification whenever Arduino detected a Movement.Welcome to this new course.The course lesson will explain How to achieve the full potential of your Arduino using Python by using Python APIs. This course will work best for you if you have got basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. you'll find out how to interface the Arduino along with your Computer and Control it using Python and the way to share data between Arduino and Python to initiate an action like sending an SMS.Arduino is often employed in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects or Home Automation related projects.Arduino is one among the cost-effective tools which you'll create or purchase & starts programming to interact with physical elements along with your logic & create results the way you wish.And using Python, you'll fully control the Arduino Board and therefore the various process parameters like Motor Speed, LED ON/OFF Feedback, Temperature Signal, you'll also create unlimited Buttons, Switches & Message Box to manage the Arduino After ending this course, you'll create Innovative Projects. the sole thing that you simply got to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING.Note: No Previous Python experience is required."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Belly Dance Basics 7" |
"In this seventh course in her Belly Dance Basics series, Shyama will teach vertical and horizontal chest movements. Following a detailed breakdown of the movements, some variations will be taught to explore the diversity of the moves. Combinations will be taught using individual moves to form the building blocks of a dance choreography of your own. Students will explore precise technique, fluidity, and varying speeds. Concepts learned in previous courses in this series will be referenced as well, building off one another to expand students' repertoire! After completing this course, students will have a foundation for continuing their dance study, and for practicing on their own. Students will get a great start in learning to belly dance for fitness, fun, or performance! Belly dance is a naturally good core workout, designed to power muscles in your core, legs, arms, and back. Absolutely anyone can benefit and enjoy this art form--people of all ages, genders, shapes and sizes have enjoyed belly dance! Learning and performing belly dance can do wonders for self esteem, self confidence, and promote positive body image! Whether you are looking to form a new and unique fitness regimen, learn a new style of dance, drill moves you already know, or just want to try something different, this course is for you! Shyama breaks down moves to their simplest aspects so students can follow along and learn the techniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Compose Relaxing Music" |
"Your Journey in Relaxing MusicHello Composers and Creative People! Do you love to listen to relaxing music. Music that feels like a soft blanket, and puts your body and mind at ease. In this course you will learn how to compose relaxing music in any style, from ambient soundscapes to chillout beats.Learn the Guidelines of Relaxing MusicExplore the Sounds & ColorsDiscover Practical Tips & InsightsGet Live Examples & DemonstrationsBecome a Master of Relaxing MusicMy name is Mike, and I am a composer.Just. Like. You. =)If you are ready to learn the secrets of relaxing music composition and production, then take action, and begin your learning adventure, right now!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Coronavirus: The Epidemiology" |
"Do you want to better understand Coronavirus? Do you want to be empowered through knowledge instead of gripped by fear over a pandemic? Do you want to unlock the keys to understanding how diseases work and spread? Do you want to be able to share knowledge of the spread of disease with those around you confidently? If you answered ""yes"" to any of those questions, you're in the right place!This course will teach you the basics of epidemiology, viruses, how diseases spread, how to measure the impact of disease, how to stay healthy & well during a pandemic and so much more! Take this course at your own pace and apply this knowledge to empower you during the COVID outbreak and beyond!All future lectures and other bonuses added to the course are always free once you have enrolled.I am always available by email and the course discussion board to help you along your journey!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fishing with Grandpa" |
"Students will review basic techniques in watercolours, by using the inspiration of a photo of a Grandson fishing with his Grandpa. . Bev will provide 'step by step' instructions with demonstrations and explanations with 4 hours of video instruction. She will be showing you, her process and techniques so that you can apply them to your own photo reference! This course is not appropriate for the absolute beginner painter, but if you have taken Bev's courses in the past, you will be just fine! As a bonus Lecture, students will learn how to stretch watercolour paper onto a wood frame. By protecting your final painting with Krylon varnish, you do not need to put your watercolour under glass?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autocad Civil 3D Tutorial Paso a Paso" |
"Usa este Cupn del 20% de Descuento:>> DESLU65 <<< Este cupn expira en 72 Horas.Hola estimado visitante, Te saluda Ing. Gustavo Orosco *Instructor y Mentor del Curso Civil 3D 2019, Creador de la comunidad virtual de ingenieros experimentados.*En este curso mentorado, Tendrs la capacidad de aprender, Dominar el programa y disfrutar de todos lo beneficios de esta maravillosa plataforma, Entre estos beneficios que obtendrs son: + Seguimiento de Aprendizaje + Mentora y Asesora. +200 Bonos. + Accesos Vip Elite Profesional en Whatsapp y facebook. + Formar parte de Comunidad de Ingenieros Experimentados. + Certificaciones y Acceso a Todos Los Beneficios Del Curso.Este curso no solo es un curso, Es una comunidad de profesionales virtuales experimentados con propsitos de ejecutar proyectos locales e internacionales. Precio Normal:>> $100 USD (Dlares Americanos) Precio con 20% descuento:>> 69.99 USD Usa este Cupn:>> DESLU65Nota. El cupn de descuento del 65% expira en 72 Horas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ArcGis Tutorial Paso a Paso" |
"OBJETIVO El curso capacitar a los alumnos en el manejo avanzado de ArcGIS Desktop 10, y concretamente en los programas Arcmap, ArcCatalog y ArcTool Box, centrndose en el uso y gestin de modelos de datos raster, anlisis espacial complejo, la geodatabase, programacin con model builder, creacin de topologas y el anlisis de redes. Se formar al alumno en la creacin y edicin de informacin raster, el anlisis multicriterio avanzado, el uso de la topologa para la correccin de capas y el anlisis de tiempos de acceso y rutas ptimas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 365: Analtica de datos usando Tablas dinmicas" |
"Si eres de las personas que no saben nada de tablas dinmicas, o sabes hacerlas pero no sabes qu hacer con ellas, este programa de entrenamiento es para ti.Este contenido te proporciona las tcnicas de analtica de datos que utilizan empresas de primer nivel, tales como LEGO, MERCEDES BENZ, HEINEKEN, COCA-COLA, entre otros, para comunicar de forma efectiva el estado que guardan sus operaciones, reportar resultados, y tomar decisiones.Este entrenamiento te aportar los conocimientos y habilidades que necesitas para convertirte en una persona clave en la organizacin, desempendote como analista de datos.El entrenamiento incluye explicaciones detalladas en video, archivos de trabajo meticulosamente preparados, y guas paso a paso para que t puedas desarrollar los ejercicios a tu propio ritmo.Est especialmente diseado para aquellos profesionales que recopilan datos de diferentes fuentes (sistemas ERP, Archivos de datos, Libros de Excel, Bases de datos, etc.), y que, a partir de ellos, son responsables de generar informes y reportes ejecutivos que comunican el estado de las operaciones y los resultados en las organizaciones.El curso parte desde cero, explicando qu son las Tablas dinmicas y cmo es que se elaboran; lo ms importante: no se centra en el cmo, sino en el qu, ya que A) te explica diferentes herramientas de analtica de datos (tablas de datos, tablas de frecuencias, anlisis de tendencias, etc.); B) cundo se deben utilizar, C) cmo se implementan usando Tablas dinmicas, y D) cmo interpretarlas adecuadamente.No slo aprenders a usar las herramientas: aprenders cundo usarlas, y cmo usarlas bien y de manera efectiva.Al final, sers capaz de elaborar en un, dos por tres, informes de tablero profesionales (dashboard), interactivos y elegantes, que bien pueden competir con herramientas ms sofisticadas y costosas, como Power BI o Tableau."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Meditation: Art of Energy Healing" |
"This course will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.This course will explain how the health of your energy body affects every part of your life. This course will empower you to heal blockages in your energy body, regain your balance in areas of your life that need attention, and gain a deeper appreciation for yourself and others."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Build A Website Using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4 and Jquery" |
"What is this course about?In this course you will learn how to build a professional looking responsive website using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and jquery .Who is this course for?Aspiring Front End Developer who are curious to enhance their front end skills.What you will learn from this course?Using and customising a text editor for front end devlopment.Learning new HTML5 tags.Importing Font Awesome icons and Google font.Creating a preloader and cool transition effect using CSS3 onlyUse of Bootstrap for responsive designAdding and Customising Open source Javascript libraries.How to implement Owl carousel and Image gallery with filtering option.Adding animation to the website.Working with Flexbox.etcAfter completing the course you will have a solid understanding of how to use HTML CSS. Bootstrap and Jquery to build model looking website."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Schritt fr Schritt Tennis lernen - Kurs 2 inkl. Bonus-Clips" |
"Dieser Tenniskurs folgt dem logischen und stufenbasierten Ansatz der ""mobile sports academy"". Tennis-Technik pur! Inklusive praktischem Lehr- und Lernmaterial (Bonus Clips in Zeitlupe)Kurs 2 zum Erlernen folgender Tennis-Schlge:AufschlagSlice (mit Stopp)SchmetterballTweener / Durch die Beine (mit Lob)Die Videosequenzen enthalten jeweils einfache und leicht verstndliche bungsanweisungen und Erklrungen zu den Bewegungen in Text und Ton. Die Kurse sind nach folgendem Muster aufgebaut:Bewegungsdarstellung in EchtzeitBewegungs-/bungsdarstellung mit Hinweisen in ZeitlupeDarstellung der Bewegungen aus weiteren Perspektiven in ZeitlupeFr jede Lektion und jeden Schritt gibt es als Bonus: 3 Videos der Bewegungen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln in Zeitlupe. Diese werden Dir beim Training sehr helfen. Schaue sie Dir mehrmals an, wiederhole und visualisiere die Bewegung im Kopf. Dadurch kannst Du effektiver lernen, egal wo Du bist! Anschliessend gehe auf den Platz und fhre die eingeprgten Bewegungen aus. Das Videomaterial kann von Trainern verwendet und in das bestehende Training eingebunden werden. Aber auch fr das Selbststudium einzelner Tennisspieler eignet sich das Videomaterial optimal und kann zur Verbesserung der Technik genutzt werden.Wir freuen uns jederzeit ber konstruktives Feedback zum Kursmaterial und wnschen Dir viel Spa beim Tennis spielen."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Instalar Windows 10 de 0 a Profesional" |
"Tras diez aos, el soporte para Windows 7 dejar de estar disponible el 14 de enero de 2020. El cambio puede resultar algo difcil, por lo que en este curso aprenders a instalar Windows 10, el vigente sistema operativo desarrollado por Microsoft en su compilacin 1909.En algn momento todos hemos intentado instalar Windows valindonos de diferentes guas, consejos o videos que encontramos por la web, sin embargo, no siempre explican el modo correcto de hacerlo. En algunas otras ocasiones hemos tenido que pagar alguna cantidad en efectivo por llevar nuestra computadora a algn taller o centro de reparacin, obteniendo resultados poco favorables o temporales, y que por desconocimiento podramos haber hecho por nuestra propia cuenta.Es por eso que, si no tienes una gua correcta, podras equivocarte y cometer errores de principiante"", lo que podra ocasionar que el equipo falle o el sistema operativo quede daado, causndote muchos problemas.No te preocupes, todos hemos iniciado en este mundo de la informtica cometiendo errores, es por esta razn que he decidido crear este curso, donde aprenders a instalar desde 0 un sistema operativo como Windows 10 y a travs de la prctica ir mejorando tus habilidades.Para implementar correctamente el sistema operativo de Windows 10, es importante comprender las distintas formas que se puede implementar; formatear e implementar no es lo mismo. Por lo general, las empresas han implementado Windows mediante procesos basados en captura de imgenes creadas con las herramientas de Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit, es decir una copia que pueden instalar en cualquier equipo.En este curso aprenders:- Instalar Windows 10 desde 0 en su versin Single, Home o Pro.- Actualizar Windows 7 a Windows 10.- Conocer los requisitos para instalar Windows 10.- Crear mquinas virtuales, tambin conocidas como virtual machines.- Conocer particiones MBR y GPT- Crear Windows 10 en formato .iso y USB.- Conocer 2 formas de implementar Windows.- Crear medios de recuperacin para tu equipo.- Consejos sobre posibles problemas al implementar Windows para que en un futuro pases de ser un principiante a un profesional.Recuerda que tienes acceso de por vida a todo el material, no dudes en preguntar si tienes alguna incertidumbre, estar para atenderlas.Te doy la bienvenida al curso y espero que aprendas pronto a implementar Windows 10.Saludos!"
Price: 1695.00 ![]() |
"FOREX Lntroduction - Trader le forex de faon autonome" |
"Vous tes un passionn des finances mais n'avez jamais su comment commencer dans le monde du trading, ne cherchez plus vous tes au bon endroit. Le cours suivant est une introduction complte l'univers du trading dedevise (Forex). Mon objectif quand j'ai conu ce cours tait d'offrir une exprience unique ainsi qu'une introduction complte l'univers du trading. Ainsi, lorsque vous aurez complter le cours vous serez en mesure de crer vous mme votre stratgie en appliquant tout les conseils que vous aurez vu dans le cours suivant. En plus d'offrir des bases solides en trading, vous aurez galement accs divers ressources directemet en ligne et apprendrez utiliser des programmes trs pratique et gratuit pour vous entrainer au trading. N'attendez plus et prenez l'opportunnit d'apprendre une nouvelle passion."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Deep Web- The complete Introduction to the hidden web" |
"Have you heard many times about the deep/dark web but you never knew what it is. Or you you have an Idea of what is it but you never visited this part of the web. Then this course for you. You will learn all the basics of the deep/dark and how to access this part of the web. At the end of the course, you will be able to use the TOR browser as your default browser and surf on all the parts of the Web."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Estude lgica de programao com Visualg" |
"O curso Estude lgica de programao com Visualg voltado para estudantes da rea de Cincias da Computao, ou rea afins. Tambm, podem se matricular, no curso, qualquer pessoa que goste dessa rea. Nesse curso, abordo os seguintes temas: introduo, operadores, variveis, entrada e sada de dados, estruturas de condio e de repetio e, finalmente, reviso o contedo do curso com exerccios. Faa a sua matrcula, pois est imperdvel!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create a connection with your Guardians in 11 days only!" |
"Step by step, during 11 days, I will guid you to the simple and natural connection you can have with your Guardian Angels.Each day we will practice together in a video the next insight or technique that is needed. What you learn here is your birthright. Most likely you will feel as if you get home again. The practice is fun. No special effort is required. Enjoy the way!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"GoPro Professional Guide: How to excel in Photography" |
"This course will teach you the basics of using the GoPro. Dive into the menu to learn all of the settings. Shoot better-looking videos with amazing tips on GoPro cinematography.The course is divided into 4 parts for a better understanding, they form my 4S for GoPro -Set-Shoot-Studio-Share-- GoPro Setting- Photography Tips- GoPro Studio- Share Your WorkTo get started click the enroll button.I hope to see you in the course soon! TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with this course is a success. Best"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover the I Ching 3: View Readings & Practice Your Skill" |
"A review from Part 2: ""The BEST course on Udemy! Ron and Debbie are expert guides, always available to answer questions. I (rate) a ten out of ten."" (Kobus Berger)Unlike our first two classes, this course does not include any abstract theory. In response to popular demand, this new class laser-focuses solely on real, live I Ching readings and illustrated stories from the real world and gives you the option to practice interpreting them along with us. We recommend that you watch ""Discover the I Ching"" Parts 1 and 2 first to get the most out of this course.In this class, you will view three actual I Ching Readings, plus you can practice interpreting them if you wish!This class includes what students have asked for most:1. Videos of I Ching Readings recorded Live (from Dr. Ron's 2003-4 TV show, with added follow-up info on how events turned out!)2. Step-by-Step PRACTICE options (You can interpret the readings yourself and compare your conclusions to ours -- Or -- just Watch & Learn)3. Real-Life Case Stories of how people relate to the I Ching and how it has enriched livesRon rescued and re-purposed classic videos of his former TV-show that featured I Ching readings (with Toby Stearns) . Learn just by watching or Pause (when invited) and actively do the reading along with us. Then compare your answers with ours. Now you can practice interpreting the readings one step ahead of us and see how your interprations compare. You can spot insights we may have missed. We have never created or seen an I Ching practice method like this before. Ron and Debbie also share further fascinating and instructive examples of the I Ching in action. This is a Richly Visual class. Discover detailed short stories of how people have employed the I Ching in ways that made a difference in their lives. Watch a variety of real-life examples to learn from. Get to know the Sage in action. This is not a theory course, but a practical one.Observe the Sage in Real-World Situations. You even get to take a deep dive with two of the people who did I Ching readings in the videos as they answer detailed questions about how and when and why they use the I Ching, providing insider info that is rarely shared.Real Life Examples let you Practice, Practice, Practice -- Or Simply Watch & Learn!The I Ching (or Yijing) magnifies your own intuition. It's a megaphone for the ""still, small voice within."" You can get help with any question from this ancient book that has been shaped over millennia by the best minds of China and beyond. This was Carl Jung's trusted oracle for good reason.Dr. Ron used the I Ching extensively as a Jungian psychotherapist. Together, he and Debbie teach, do professional readings, and consult the I Ching at the beginning of every day and as their primary guide for growth and real-world decisions. Debbie Hart (Ron's life partner) is an artist and educator who co-teaches this unique Introduction to the I Ching. With the yin and yang theory of complementary opposites that underlies the I Ching, it seems fitting to have the balance of both a male (yang) and a female (yin) teacher co-teaching these classes. Enroll now and benefit from Udemy's 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. With nothing to lose, Take this exciting step now!A final review from our first class of this series: ""I highly recommend this I Ching course to anyone seeking greater self awareness. I have taken many courses across my life but none that ever treated this subject with such profound understanding, reverence, wisdom, and experience. Dr Ron and Debbie congratulations! You did the I Ching proud!"" (Phyllis Olivas) Not sure yet? Watch some Free Preview lessons."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"5-Minute Meditation Daily with Mirror Twin Shadow Work" |
"Dear Friend -Namaste. The compassion in me honors the compassion in you.We make a difference from inside of our own homes by mergine together in Sacred Silence and radiating our compassion out to all living beings. In these guided silent meditation experiences, I invite you to sit together in silence for 5 minutes for as many days as you choose. In Sacred Silence, let us explore the dark parts within us to bring them into a state of inner peace. This inner peace we can radiate out to our planet as we brave the Coronavirus pandemic.I believe in you. I believe in me. I believe in us. Namaste,Neelu"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ingles Nivel Tres (OANI INSTITUTE)" |
"Este curso Ingls Nivel Tres es la continuacin del curso Ingls Nivel Dos, para que el alumno obtenga mayor dominio del idioma Ingls en cuanto a Gramtica, Vocabulario, Pronunciacin y Comprensin. El Nivel Tres tiene 12 lecciones, cada leccin comprende; Vocabulario, Gramtica, Lectura, Conversacin, Ejercicios, Cancin, y Chiste. Esta orientado al dominio de la Gramtica desde el Presente Simple hasta el presente perfecto incluyendo los progresivos y estructuras gramaticales como condicionales, diferencias entre how much, how many etc"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NMAP e WIRESHARK para Segurana da Informao" |
"Milhares de coisas estranhas podem acontecer em uma rede de computadores, como identificar falhas e realizar testes?Com esse curso, voc ir dominar o uso de duas das principais ferramentas gratuitas e que TODO profissional de TI ou estudante deveria dominar, estamos falando do NMAP e WIRESHARK.Nesse curso, vamos estudar todas as categorias de comandos do NMAP:- Host Discovery- Target Specification- Scan Techniques- Port Specification- Scan Order- OS and Service Detection- Miscellaneous- Output- Firewall/IDS EvasionE tambm vamos estudar o uso de script usando o recurso de NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine), assim o NMAP se tornar uma ferramenta muito mais forte. Por exemplo, utilizando o NSE vamos inclusive realizar Anlise de Vulnerabilidades.Em relao ao WIRESHARK, ns vamos estudar:- Introduo Sniffer de Rede- Interface, Filtros e Coletas - Expresses para captura de pacotes- Explorar protocolo SMB- Explorar protocolo HTTP- Realizar Arp SpoofingE conhecer muito bem essa importante ferramenta.No nosso curso ainda vamos abordar Redes de Computadores e Segurana da Informao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Programao Orientada a Objetos utilizando a linguagem C#" |
"O curso Programao Orientada a Objetos utilizando a linguagem C# tem como finalidade ensinar o paradigma de programao mais utilizado por todas as linguagens de programao da atualidade.Durante o curso voc ir aprender:Criar aplicaes modo console no Visual StudioCriar objetos baseados em classesDefinir Objetos e recursos por meio de classesAbstrao, Encapsulamento, Herana, PolimorfismoSobrecarga, classes abstratas, interfacesPara apresentar esses conceitos o aluno desenvolver vrios projetos durante o curso para fortalecer os conceitos/funcionalidades da linguagem C#.Todos os projetos desenvolvidos no curso utilizando o template Modo Console do Visual Studio, o que facilita o entendimento da linguagem C# e do paradigma de programao orientado a objetos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Preparatrio- Exame 70-742 passo a passo + questes de prova" |
"Ao termino do curso voc vai dominar todo o contedo referente ao Exame da Microsoft 70-742 do Windows Server 2016.Alm disto, neste curso sero apresentadas tcnicas e conhecimentos para serem utilizados no cotidiano de um profissional Certificado Microsoft, que vo aumentar a sua produtividade e reduzir os gastos da empresa aonde voc atuar.CONTEDO OU MDULOS:1- Instalar e Configurar Servios de Domnio do Active DirectoryInstalar e configurar controladores de domnioCriar e gerenciar usurios e computadores do Active DirectoryCriar e gerenciar grupos e unidades organizacionais (OUs) do Active Directory2- Gerenciar e manter o AD DSConfigurar polticas de conta e autenticao de servioManter o Active DirectoryConfigurar o Active Directory em um ambiente empresarial complexo3- Criar e Gerenciar Poltica de GrupoCriar e implementar Group Policy Objects (GPOs)Configurar o processamento de Poltica do GrupoConfigurar Poltica de GrupoConfigurar preferncias de Poltica de Grupo4- Implementar Servios de Certificados do Active Directory (AD CS)Instalar e configurar AD CSGerenciar certificados5- Implementar solues de acesso e federao de identidadeInstalar e configurar Servios de Federao do Active Directory (AD FS)Implementar Proxy de aplicativo Web (WAP)Instalar e configurar o Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS)Perguntas mais frequentes dos alunos :1- Quando foi gravado o curso?R: O curso iniciou suas gravaes em Dezembro de 2019.2- Aps assistir a todos os laboratrios, apostilas e VCES, tenho chance de passar na prova ?R: Sim! Muita! Diversos alunos j esto atingindo os seus objetivos e tirando a to sonhada certificao.3- Como funcionam os arquivos VCES ?R: Eles simulam o ambiente real de prova! Logo, voc poder verificar sua pontuao! A cada mdulo, o professor desenvolveu um arquivo .VCE exclusivo para o aluno treinar para o grande dia!4- Com quanto tempo aps realizar o curso, j posso fazer a prova ?R: possvel em menos de um ms voc j estar com sua certificao! Depende nica e exclusivamente de sua dedicao! O contedo est fantstico! Basta assistir, criar os laboratrios, se dedicar e obter a to sonhada certificao! 5- Como funciona o suporte do professor?R: Voc poder enviar uma mensagem para o professor, diretamente pela Udemy e ser respondida em at 24 horas. Te aguardo no curso! Rumo a certificao!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Buddhism & Anxiety Meditation and Mindfulness for Anxiety" |
"Surprising ways to heal Buddhism using the techniques taught by Buddhist meditation masters and the Buddha himself. 2,500 years ago, the Buddha promised us something no psychologist ever has...the complete and utter destruction of all anxiety.""The only Buddhist course out there dedicated solely to anxiety reduction, delivered perfectly with actionable advice and an actual CURE for anxiety!""Can you imagine your life without anxiety? No more tightness in your chest when you speak in public. No more restlessness before you go to bed. No more biting your nails. Confidence when you speak to strangers. Excitement when you go somewhere new. Complete emotional FREEDOM. This is what the Buddha promised us. Not merely relief from anxiety, but its complete and utter destructionforever, never to return.It was a bold promise that many didnt believe. But he was right, and thats why were still talking about him 2,500 years later. The Buddha didnt tease us with fantasies. He gave us extensive, step-by-step instructions how to meditate, how to live our lives, and how to eliminate anxiety forever.For the past 10 years, Ive traveled the world to learn everything I could about Buddhist psychology. I lived at a monastery at the top of the mountain, read through the most ancient Buddhist texts, and met with some of the most dedicated meditation masters. This course collates this wisdom in a single how-to guide for eliminating anxiety using Buddhist practices.meditation meditation and mindfulness mindfulness meditation practical meditation meditation for beginners urban meditation guides social anxiety depression and anxiety anxiety management anxiety relief anxiety disorders anxiety boot camp mindfulness for anxiety conquer your anxiety anxiety secrets zen buddhism tibetan buddhism buddhism meditation buddhism ancient strategies buddha conquering your anxious thoughts stress management"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |