Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Creativity, problem solving and generating alternatives" |
"In today's world of automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and algorithms soft skills are becoming more and more important. Out of the box thinking, creativity, leadership are just some of the skills that will become more and more valuable since they cannot be transferred to machines. In this course we will go through various techniques that are used for creativity and problem solving. We will go through rational and creative methods and we will see how these can be combined in order to obtain the best result. We will talk about various techniques, some known and some unknown. If you are interested in how to generate better alternatives, how to incorporate various techniques in your day to day life or business then you have come to the right place. I will step you through all of this information and provide you with real life examples of how these can be applied. Enroll now in order to have lifetime access to this course and all of it's content."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"I Certificati di Investimento" |
"Negli ultimi anni i certificati di investimento hanno registrato una crescita significativa. Si tratta di strumenti finanziari che si caratterizzano per un'ampia variet di profili di rischio/rendimento e consentono pertanto di realizzare soluzioni finanziarie personalizzate. I certificati dInvestimento condensano in un unico prodotto strategie altrimenti difficili da attuare. Il Corso fornisce una conoscenza completa del mondo dei certificati, utile per sfruttare appieno il loro potenziale. La prima parte del testo introduce gli elementi caratteristici dei certificati, analizzandone vantaggi e punti di attenzione, in un confronto sinottico con altri strumenti: azioni, obbligazioni, ETF, fondi comuni. Ogni tipologia di certificato poi descritta analiticamente in schede tecniche di facile consultazione e si guida lo studente all'utilizzo pratico dello strumento. La seconda parte del percorso si inserisce nel pi ampio contesto della gestione del portafoglio di investimenti, descrivendo il contributo dei Certificates alla creazione di valore per l'investitore, anche con l'utilizzo di esempi pratici. In questo Corso lautore, forte di unesperienza decennale nel settore, fornisce una guida completa allutilizzo dei Certificati dinvestimento, illustrando, anche attraverso numerosi esempi tratti da casi reali, non solo le best practice, ma anche le worst practice, e fornendo cos un ampio ventaglio di casistiche di riferimento.Ad ogni modo i Certificate, in quanto strumenti finanziari derivati, sono caratterizzati da una rischiosit elevata, il cui apprezzamento da parte dellinvestitore ostacolato dalla loro complessit. L'obiettivo di questo percorso di formazione quello di trasmettere le principali nozioni teoriche riguardanti i Certificati, semplificandone al massimo i concetti grazie ad un'ampia variet di esempi pratici.A livello finanziario, i Certificate sono costituiti da una combinazione di pi Opzioni e linvestitore deve tenere presente che il valore dei Certificates dipender dal valore di ciascuna opzione componente il Certificate stesso, per cui si pu affermare che il prezzo dei Certificates non determinato unicamente dalle variazioni nel valore dellattivit sottostante. Dopo un modulo introduttivo in cui si esamineranno le macrocategorie di Certificati, le definizioni e i Mercati in cui vengono scambiati, Gianluca Sidoti, Presidente e CEO di TraDetector, analizzer le diverse tipologie di Certificates con strategie pratiche ed esempi numerici:Airbag CertificatesBenchmark CertificatesBonus CertificatesButterfly CertificatesCash Collect CertificatesCollar certificatesDiscount CertificatesDouble Win CertificatesEquity Protection CertificatesExpress CertificatesMini Futures CertificatesOutperformance CertificatesTwinWin CertificatesTurbo CertificatesValuta Plus CertificatesPer un'ottima fruizione delle lezioni, si consiglia di stampare le dispense fornite e prendere appunti durante lo svolgimento delle lezioni video.Al termine del percorso, lo studente sar in grado di scegliere, valutare ed operare in Certificates a seconda del suo profilo di rischio e delle preferenze personali."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Web Scraping using Python" |
"Web Scraping is a very important way of gathering data. In a world where Machine Learning is used in almost everything, data mining is a very important aspect. Web scraping is a way to extract data from web pages where interfaces like API or data blocks are not available. Ever thought about automating those boring product searches? Ever thought of automating job searching? Ever thought of building a bot that uses Machine Learning to tell you an appropriate time to buy a product? These questions are answered in this course. This course consists of 2 main sections:Introduction to Data Mining: This section focuses on the fundamentals of data collection and validation. The aspects surrounding Web Scraping are also discussed in detail.Build a GitHub bot: This section will focus on providing a project based learning experience."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CorelDraw Training with 16 SAMPLE PRODUCT for Laser Cutting." |
"It has over 5000 students and 4.73 course points. The most successful laser cutting course in Udemy.Welcome to the course.CorelDraw is one of the most widely used graphic design programs today. It is used in many fields ranging from printing houses to technical drawing companies and laser cutting machines. Learning about this program will open doors to new income that will complete a big lack in your career. With this course you can improve your skills. You will be able to write to your CV the advanced level of CorelDraw.What's in Course?In our course, we can show you almost all the samples you can make with laser cutting machines. Some of those;Wood or Plexiglass Keychain Design for Laser Cutting MachinesWood or Plexiglass Magnet Design for Laser Cutting MachinesWood or Plexiglass Wall Clock Design for Laser Cutting MachinesBookmark Design for Laser Cutting MachinesWhat are Future Courses?Wooden Box Design for Laser Cutting MachinesWood or Plexiglass Promising Tray Design for Laser Cutting MachinesWood or Plexiglass Groom Coffee Tray Design for Laser Cutting MachinesWood or Plexiglass Table Name Design for Laser Cutting MachinesWall Plug Frame Design for Laser Cutting MachinesShoe (Saya) Design for Laser Cutting MachinesGift Candle Holder Design for Laser Cutting MachinesGift Keychain Strap Design for Laser Cutting MachinesGift Door Ornament Design for Laser Cutting MachinesRearview Mirror Ornament Design for Laser Cutting MachinesKitchen Ornament Design for Laser Cutting MachinesCake Decoration Design for Laser Cutting MachinesExtra Things to LearnIn addition to all these examples, you will also learn how to adapt your own designed products to laser cutting machines, and where to find ready-made vector drawings to speed up your business and how to evaluate what you find. I will teach you about the drawings and subtleties of almost all the products I have done with nearly 6 years of laser cutting machines. When you finish the course, whether you want to do your own job or work in a workplace, how to design a laser cutting machine will not be in your mind. I wish good work already. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Silver Peak SDWAN" |
"Why to learn and adopt Silver Peak SDWAN Business intent drives your applications, not your network, and network resources are priority-driven to match the business criticality of every application.Top-down approach: performance, security and routing dictated by top-down business policy, not bottoms-up network constraintsApplication-specific routing: ensures business intent overlays power a virtual WAN for every class of applicationCentralized orchestration: delivers sophisticated management and reportingLearn the Basics of Silver Peak in this course ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python ve Derin renme: Pytorch ile Derin renme (5.3)" |
"PYTHON ve DERN RENME: PYTORCH ile DERN RENMEFacebook'un Yapay Zeka Aratrma laboratuvar tarafndan gelitirilen, ak kaynakl bir makine renme ktphanesi olan, bilgisayarla grme ve doal dil ileme gibi uygulamalar iin kullanlan Pytorch ktphanesini reneceiz.Pytorch ile Derin renme Kursu erii: Pytorch ile Derin renme GiriKaggle TantmPytorch TemelleriLinear RegressionLogistic RegressionYapay Sinir Alar (Artificial Neural Networks)Evriimsel Sinir Alar (Convolutional Neural Networks)Yinelenen Sinir Alar (Recurrent Neural Networks)Uzun Ksa Sreli Bellek (Long Short Term Memory)GPU (Grafik lemci Birimi) ile PytorchNeden Python -- Makine renmesi -- Derin renme -- Pytorch?Python 2019 IEEE aratrmasna gre dnya apnda en ok kullanlan ve tercih edilen programlama dili.Python kolay renilebilirlii sayesinde kodlamaya yeni balayanlarn ilk tercihi oluyor.Python open source (ak kaynak) olmas nedeni ile Facebook yada Google gibi dnyann en byk irketleri tarafndan destekleniyor.Veri bilimi, makine renmesi yada yapay zeka denince akla ilk olarak Python dili geliyor. Bu durumda Python'n dnya apnda byk bir kitlesinin olmasna neden oluyor.Python renmesi en kolay olan dillerin banda geliyor.Kariyer asndan Python en ok frsata sahip dillerinden biri.Makine renmesi alannda i frsat ok geni,Dnya yapay zeka yani makine renmesine doru inanlmaz hzl srkleniyor,Makine renmesi gelecei parlak meslek dallarnn olmazsa olmaz,Makine renmesi bir veriden derinlemesine bilgi karmaya olanak salyor.Derin renme modelleri veri says artt zaman klasik makine renmesi yntemlerinden ok daha baarl sonular veriyor.Derin renme furyas tm dnyada gibi byyor ve bizlerde yolun bandayken derin renmeyi renmeliyiz.Derin renme bilgisine sahip olmak i hayatnda fark yaratacak.Derin renme herkesin renebilecei kolay bir konu deil bu nedenle derin renme bilen biri olarak her alanda daha kymetli olursunuz.Pytorch'u renmesi ve uygulamas daha kolaydr.Pytorch'u debug etmesi kolaydr ve bu zellii pytorch'u dier ktphanelerden ne karr.Pytorch dier ktphanelere gre nispeten daha hzldr.BU KURSU EN Y YAPAN NEDR?Bu kurs Pytorch ve Derin renme alannda en kapsaml bir kurstur.Basit seviye anlatm ve algoritmalarn dnda ileri seviye teknik ve kodlama becerisinin gelitirildii bir kurstur.Gerek dnya projeleri ile alrken zorluklarn stesinden nasl gelindiini reneceiniz bir kurstur.BU KURS LE SAHP OLACAKLARINIZSfrdan Kodlama Becerisi: Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk: Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek: Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"The Perfect Podcasting Voice" |
"Imagine if you could unlock the hidden charisma in your voice.What would that do for your career, business, or job?If you want to go from sounding boring and monotone to confident and powerful, listen up.I've gone through the painstaking process of improving my podcasting voice. Literally, it's taken years.I used to be shy, meek, uncertain, and I kinda wondered if I was really cut out for this podcasting thing. I tried learning a bit about how to improve my voice, but all the techniques were hokey or didn't work.Man, I was frustrated. But, simply from sheer determination (and out of spite for one of my competitors), I kept at podcasting. It took a while, but slowly, I began to see a bit of progress.I could hardly believe it, but I started to have people say to me wow, you have a great podcasting voice, and I even got invited to speak at dozens of seminars and workshops.Somehow, I went from a soft-spoken blogger to a powerful podcaster.I made sure to write down everything I was doing, from the vocal exercises to the strategies I was using. What accumulated was a war chest of strategies that are proven to work to enhance your voice, no matter how you sound.I still use them to this day, and they never fail to cause a virtually instant change in my speaking patterns.In my life, Im a quiet, introverted guy who enjoys a good book, some strong coffee, and a dog curled around my feet. But, put a microphone in front of me, and Ill transform into a speaking wizard. I now control my voice and can turn the charisma on whenever I want. Its a blessing.What Ive done is Ive put all of these strategies (and more) into a course that will take anyone, whether youre a soft-spoken rookie, or a fairly decent podcaster, and give you the tools to completely transform your voice.This is the course that I wish was available to me. Its a turnkey solution for rapid vocal transformation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Immunity" |
"Currently organizations face a problem in evolving new Cyber Security threats which can relate to trust, ransomware, insiders, AI attacks and Bring Your Own Device issues. This course will introduce a new solution to build up Cyber Immunity, not only tackle known issues.It can cause a huge issue in an organization which is under attack. Legacy solutions may recognize the issue, but not solve it proactively. Cyber Immunity means a system which can recognize the threat and also respond immediately or at least alert security officer.These system are build up with Artificial Intelligence (AI), or more likely with Machine Learning (ML). The important part is not to build totally new system, but also rely on existing security measures together. Recently most common issues in cyber security are related to Advanced Persistent Threat (ATP) and Zero-day exploits. ATP refers to cyber-espionage and cyber-sabotage. There can be commercial groups doing them, but because most likely there will be spying or destroying as a target several governments have ordered them. Zero-day exploits are difficult to manage since developer may have left backdoor in purpose to offer later patch fixes or have a workaround until issues are solve. This needs Cyber Immunity, systems that can know what's correct, normal usage and not cause a threat to organizations.Furthermore, IoT and cloud infrastructures need better cyber security, transition to Cyber Immunity. We have three kinds of threats that need to be prevented. Attacks by cyber criminals, typically related to blackmailing or stealing data among others. Attacks by hacktivists like Anonymous group which have political agenda and can cause a lot of harm to governments or even enterprises. Attacks by commercial groups which are related to cyber-espionage and cyber-sabotage. All these crimes should cost more to execute than the harm which they will cause to organization.Start your next generation IT security era by learning in this course what Cyber Immunity means and what kind of threats it can offer solution. Let's start the journey!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gestor (a) de procesos por Acoso Sexual en Costa Rica." |
"Por medio del curso Introduccin en al tratamiento del Acoso Sexual en el empelo y la docencia, adquirirs las herramientas necesarias para convertirte en Gestor (a) de procedimientos por acoso sexual en el empleo y la docencia.Conocers la definicin de acoso sexual, las manifestaciones aplicables, los principios legales (Constitucionales, generales y especficos) que regulan el tema, podrs responder los las principales interrogantes acaecidas de previo a denunciar, durante el procedimiento administrativo y durante el proceso judicial.Tambin conocers el tratamiento de las medidas cautelares para proteger a las vctimas y por ltimo las sanciones aplicables para cada caso."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Makeup Artistry: Create a Quick and Easy Makeup Look" |
"Do you want to be able to know how you can master your everyday makeup routine?Do you want to be able to understand how you can apply a good looking everyday makeup look with confidence and have som fun doing it?Are you passionate or just curious about makeup? Then this course is definitely for you!Hello gorgeus!Welcome to this everyday makeup look course where me, Matilda, will walk you through every step of the way to creating that natural everyday makeup look that can come in handy at any time where you want a quick but really pretty natural look.The courses begins to cover:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to apply makeup everydayCreating a flawless, natural looking baseProducts and tools that I use for that purpose, everydayWe are then going to go trough how to continue on with doing your eyebrows everyday, with little to no effortWe are also going to be contouring and highlighting of course!As the course goes on I am going to give you tips and tricks on my own ways of putting makeup onThese are a couple examples on what we are going to be working with:Creating a basePrepping your face Creating a natural looking contourHighlighting our face to make it pop beautifullyand more...After completing this course you will be able to for example:Master your everyday makeup look with your own tools and productsReally get a handful of tips and tricks that I've learned after many, many years of doing my own makeupHave a broader knowledge on how you can apply and create an everyday makeup lookKnow how to create a natural lookin everyday makeup look ready in minutes!If you are curious about who I am:My name is Matilda and I am a 27 year old girl with hobbies such as:MakeupNail artBeautySocial Mediaand more...I have a burning passion for makeup and I am also very passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge.Feel free to look through the course description, watch some previews and I look forward to seeing you inside the course!Have a nice day! Xx"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como investir seu dinheiro de forma rentvel e segura" |
"O curso te ensinar a montar uma carteira combinando diferentes fundos e fazendo uma gesto dos riscos cuidadosa, atravs de clculos matemticos que so feitos automaticamente em uma planilha.O investidor que usar o mtodo com pacincia e consistncia ter a possibilidade de viver apenas dos rendimentos das suas aplicaes ainda jovem.ASSISTA AO VDEO - L EU EXPLICO EM DETALHES COMO ISSO POSSVELNo perca a chance, voc est tendo a oportunidade de mudar a sua vida financeira para sempre.Carteira SMARTSegura voc no ir correr riscos excessivos, e o retorno garantidoMalevel a carteira pode ser adaptada para pessoas com perfis mais arrojados ou conservadores, com muito ou pouco dinheiro para investirAutomtica aps montar a carteira, voc no precisa fazer mais nada. Apenas acompanhar de vez em quando (6 em 6 meses)Rentvel rentabilidades comparveis s dos maiores investidores do mundoTtica a carteira possui uma estratgia muito bem definida e que sempre funciona, no podendo ser violada*ATENO*- Este curso para quem quer investir para o longo prazo. No se trata de pirmides ou retornos milagrosos, isso no existe. Os ganhos projetados esto dentro da realidade do mercado.- A estratgia ensinada segura e comprovada, mas necessrio pacincia e consistncia. Se voc quer ficar rico rpido, este curso no para voc!Um pouco sobre mim e o cursoSou engenheiro com mestrado e doutorado em engenharia. Trabalho como professor universitrio e empreendedor, tenho experincia como coordenador e idealizador de cursos. Sou estudioso e investidor de fundos de investimento desde 2013, e desenvolvi o mtodo ensinado neste curso aps muito trabalho e estudo. A Carteira SMART baseada em critrios matemticos para possibilitar que pessoas comuns possam ter acesso aos melhores investimentos do pas, de uma forma organizada e sem correr riscos excessivos. Disponibilizo este conhecimento a um valor acessvel com o objetivo de ajudar os brasileiros a investirem melhor.Te vejo durante o curso! Grande abrao,Prof. Marcus Oliveira"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
10stepsbusinessplan |
"consultants 500 com. . . . .- 15 - 15 - KFC Pizza Hut Hardee's Costa Coffee .- The Secret Compass"" ""The CODE of Business Transformation""- ""Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP"" - - - Navigator - : : : : : : : : : : : ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing 2020: A Guide To 0-10k Followers & Money" |
"**JOIN OVER 8000+ STUDENTS ON THEIR WAY TO INSTAGRAM SUCCESS ON THIS UP TO DATE 2019 COURSE!**Instagram is a powerful social media platform that allows you to market your business to thousand of new customers everyday! There are over 1 Billion active Instagram users, and learning simple strategies from this course can teach you how to grow your account and find new customers!Instagram is a simple platform which allows you to connect to new customers everyday!In this course you will learn:How to create an attractive, powerful and professional Instagram business profileGrow your account to 500-1000 followers per dayBuild strong trustworthy relationships with your Instagram followersUse marketing skills to turn your followers into customersSeveral simple yet easy ways to make money on Instagram, no matter your followersInstagram is a small investment for a huge return!Once you start learning the powerful techniques provided in this course, you will see why we recommended this to you! You will learn how to grow an Instagram account, become insta-famous and make thousands on this social media platform!Your time will be paid off by the strong, professional account you will have built. You will have a strong platform with highly active fans who are eager to become your customers and buy from you. You will be building your own brand by making your own content and selling promotions.When people are purchasing a product, people check the brand. By having a strong, professional Instagram page, this will help build your business brand and back up your credibility due to your highly active real Instagram followers.Instagram Marketing: A Guide To Grow Followers & Make Money Overview:This Instagram course contains 20+ lectures and hours of content. It's designed for anyone who wants to start/continue their Instagram account, grow their page and make money. We continuously changed and update this course and guarantee you a lifetime access.In this course, we start with basic, core lessons which are required to start and build your Instagram account. You will learn how to start and the right way to, how to grow your account from 0 followers, how to extend on that growth to start growing 500-1000 followers per day and then how to turn your followers into high paying customers.You will then learn bonus tips. These bonus tips will teach you extra strategies to expand your growth and help you gain followers fast.Once you have learned all the growth tips and tricks, you will then learn how to make money on Instagram. This strategies work for anyone no matter your following.What sets this apart from other Instagram courses is that by the end of this course you will have learned all the tips, tricks, strategies and growth hacks I've learned from reading countless amounts of books and watching hours of videos.By the end of this course you will have learned how to start your Instagram page and grow it at an exponential rate to gain 500-1000 followers per day. You will then learn how to convert those 1000 followers per day into paying customers and make money on this social media platform. You will then learn how to automate your page so that someone else can take over it for you while you work on building up another Instagram account.I am looking forward to seeing you on the inside :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Simple and Cute Cat Drawing" |
"Learn how to draw these cute cats using ink and watercolorThis course is designed as a guide for you to create cute cartoon cat illustration.You will learn about the tools, how to prepare the colors, and many more! It's beginner friendly and very suitable for everyone who want to improve their watercolor drawing skills.So lets join this course now and having fun to draw cute cats!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to Build a Blog Using Gatsby JS: The Complete Guide" |
"Gatsby is one powerful too for creating static websites. In this course, you'll learn how to create a blog using Gatsby JS. We will walk you through every step of the way, from creating markdown files to incorporating the all-powerful Gatsby Image. You'll learn:How GraphQL worksHow to create Markdown FilesHow to links (slugs) from Markdown FilesHow to incorporate a featured image along with images in the markdown fileHow to design a basic layoutHow to Implement and use React BootstrapHow to incorporate SEO (Search Engine Optimization)How to build, serve and fix any errors that may come your wayHow to deploy the site to a hosting platform (look ma, no MySQL)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Praktini vodi kroz FREELANCING" |
"Kao freelanceri, radimo kad god i koliko god to elimo, pravimo pauzu kad god nam doe i zaraujemo koliko god elimo. Sve iz udobnosti vlastitih domova. To je stvarnost modernog, profesionalnog freelancinga.Svijet je to u kojem TI vodi glavnu i jedinu rije.Ako ima smisla i strasti za pisanje (blogova, akademskih radova, knjiga i tutorijala), grafiki i web dizajn, frontend/backend web development, ilustracije, prodaju i marketing, programiranje web i mobilnih aplikacija ili pak eli zaraivati kao virtualni asistent svjetski poznatih brandova, freelancing je karijera za tebe.Ako ne moe nai posao ili ak i radi, ali ti se plae svaki put kada vidi platnu listu, a uz to ima blokiran raun zbog neplaenih obveza po kreditima ili raunima, freelancing je najbolje rjeenje. Vidjet e kako se iz udobnosti naslonjaa otvara internacionalni bankovni raun kojim se koristi kao svakim drugim bez opasnosti da ga netko blokira ili skine novce bez tvog znanja. Ako je diploma u depu, a od unosnog i sigurnog posla ni p, freelancing je dokazano bolja i profitabilnija opcija, nego odlazak u inozemstvo. Ako pak freelancing nije strana stvar, ali ostvareni rezultati nisu zadovoljavajui, ovo je teaj za tebe. Spoznat e greke i nauiti kako to ispraviti. Postat e profesionalac u svega nekoliko dana!Mi ustajemo kad hoemo, poinjemo s poslom kad hoemo, pravimo pauze kad hoemo, radimo s bilo kojeg mjesta koje nam se svia i zaraujemo koliko hoemo.To je realnost freelancinga i bilo kojeg drugog tipa online samozapoljavanja nakon to postane profesionalac. Sve je vrlo cool, nije tako teko kako tvrde i ne mora biti arobnjak u nekom polju.Freelancing je idealan za svakoga tko je voljan uposliti odreenu vjetinu koja se trai na tritu kako bi lova curila iz online pipe dok sjedi u lapama, u svojoj fotelji.. A takvih traenih vjetina je preko stotinu!Koliko love?Recimo nekih $2,000-$3,000 mjeseno? Dosta?Kroz sve te, korak po korak, vodi profesionalni freelancer s preko desetljea dugom, aktivnom meunarodnom karijerom. Ne treba nikakvo prethodno znanje jer e, pod vodstvom iskustva i stvarnim primjerima iz prakse, a ne teorijom, kako je to sluaj u velikoj veini ovakvih teajeva i tutorijala pa ak i onim najskupljim ($199 USD), nauiti kako zaraivati 2000, 3000 i vie na europskom i amerikom tritu. Bit e ti detaljno objanjeno i pokazano:Gdje i kako poeti to pripremiti kako bi se slijevali unosni freelance ugovori putem najveih svjetskih freelancing platformi ili direktno s klijentima (cold pitch!). Kako izgraditi razvijenu mreu klijenata koji trae iskljuivo TVOJE usluge!Kako najbolje organizirati svoju radim-od-doma rutinuKako profesionalni freelancer organizira svoje vrijeme (i ne, nije ni priblino slino onim sranjima to piu po netu)I sve ostalo bitno za uspjenu freelancing karijeru!Posebna pozornost stavljena je na pisanje ponuda odnosno ""prodaju"" tvojih usluga na tenderima ili direktno, cold pitchem. Dobit e prilagodljivi predloak ponude (cover lettera, bida, proposala) koji dokazano osvaja ugovore s detaljnim objanjenima svakog pojedinog segmenta. Takoer e vidjeti stvarne poslove i ponude koje su ih dobivale - poglavito na amerikom tritu. Na kraju e proi praktinu vjebu, odnosno poslat e svoju prvu ponudu koja e biti detaljno pregledana i komentirana. Vidjet e to treba popraviti kako bi tvoje ponude izazivale trenutnu panju klijenata i poslodavaca. Igor te iskustvom vodi kroz sve elemente tvoje budue, dugorono uspjene freelancing karijere, ukazujui na potencijalne zamke i greke i nudei u praksi provjerena rjeenja kako bi se ti skriveni problemi izbjegli. Ui od profesionalnog freelancera koji zarauje iz svog doma ve dulje od desetljea. Sve to treba je primijeniti naueno u praksi i ve nakon nekoliko dana zaradit e svoje prve ozbiljne novce online. A to e biti samo poetak jer, kao i Igor, vrlo brzo e dati otkaz na svom trenutnom poslu i postati profesionalni freelancer koji radi kada hoe, bira poslove koji najbolje odgovaraju i zarauje koliko god hoe - iz svog dnevnog boravka!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trading Online: Corso Completo" |
"Corso completo per neofiti su come investire al meglio sui mercati finanziari in totale sicurezza.Il trading online un mondo molto complicato che necessita di grandi conoscenze ma sopratutto di tanta pratica. All' interno di queste lezioni troverete quale la giornata tipo di un trader esperto che porta risultati positivi sia nel breve che nel lungo termine."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"DataDog for DevOps" |
"DataDog is the leading monitoring service out there, whether it's could applications, operating systems, servers or browsers, DataDog covers it all. If you are an aspiring DevOps Guru, this course is for you! DataDog's valuation and popularity is sky-rocketing, be ahead of the curve and a handle on it!The course will guide you through the architecture of DataDog and where it should fit in your DevOps Lifecycle. You will setup a DataDog account as well as install an agent. The data the agent reports will be used to calculate metrics like Apdex Scores, SLO's, SLI's and SLA's.Everything is well documented and separated, so you can find what you need. Assignments and Quizzes will make sure you stay on track and test your knowledge. The course will have a combination of theory and practical examples.The IntroductionUnderstand why we should use Datadog and how much it is going to cost you. Everything in this course will be straight from the free trial version, so you you don't need to buy anything.Sign up for DataDog and understand where it fits in the larger scheme of things, your DevOps architecture. How does the Datadog agent work?The SetupUnderstand how to setup an application to go along with the videos. In particular, setup ""Pineapples on Pizza"". Also setup an agent on your machine which will then send metrics and other data to DataDog on the cloud.DataDog for a developerWhere does DataDog fit in your DevOps cycle? What are the build stages and how does DataDog aid them? Start off by dealing with a few production issues using APM or Application Performance Management. Datadog is well suited for this. Send out some alerts from DataDog when things go south. After which you integrate with Slack. Move on to some more advanced concepts like Apdex Scores, SLO's and SLA's.In the end we will investigate some testing strategies like RUM (Real User Monitoring) And Synthetic Testing.Getting everyone on boardSo you have learnt how to use DataDog but how does it help ease the burden on non developers. DataDog can help integrate with other tools which help the Business Analysts, Managers and Testers.Reference GuideThink of this section as a reference guide, like a dictionary. Whenever you want to learn how to set something up, come here."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BPM. -?" |
"BPM -? : - 10 , :)"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Ferramentas da Qualidade Mdulo II" |
"Os profissionais mais requisitados e valorizados no mercado, so aqueles que consegue resolver problemas!Voc faz parte deste grupo de profissionais? Se a resposta for no, ou voc ficou com dvida, ento este curso para voc!Ao realizar este curso, voc ser capaz de utilizar ferramentas da qualidade para se tornar apto a resolver problemas e encontrar solues para as organizaes, se tornando diferenciado no mercado.Sou o Prof. Ronaldo, atuo no mercado de consultoria, treinamento e auditoria desde 1990, e junto com minha equipe criamos uma srie de treinamentos RPIDOS e PRTICOS de ferramentas da qualidade, tambm conhecidas como ferramentas de gesto. Essas ferramentas so usadas nas organizaes para aprimorar os seus produtos, processos, sistemas e projetos, visando melhorias e soluo de problemas.Nesta Srie Mergulhando nas Ferramentas da Qualidade (que futuramente se tornar um livro) iremos abordar ao todo aproximadamente 100 ferramentas da qualidade/gesto, em vrios mdulos.Neste treinamento especifico, vamos mostrar de forma prtica as ferramentas da qualidade:Ferramentas da qualidade mdulo II - (NVEL BSICO)Diagrama de causa e efeito5 Porqus 5W2H (Plano de ao e descrio de um problemaMaterial didtico: ser disponibilizado um arquivo PDF com todos os slides apresentados durante o treinamento. Faa parte desta srie de treinamentos rpidos e prticos.Venha mergulhar nas ferramentas da qualidade com a gente!Prof RonaldoEquipe Doutor gesto"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Certified Developer Practice Exam 2020 (August)" |
"Course Description1. This course is an preparation practice for ServiceNow professionals to get certified as a ServiceNow Certified Developer. Each of the 115+ questions are aligned with real exam, carefully designed to test understanding of the concepts behind the platform and development jargons associated to it and consolidated with other actual exam experience(s). After taking the test(s), you will be able to review explanation for questions as per ServiceNow documentation to enhance your knowledge on exam topics. 2. Questions from all topics as per the ServiceNow Developer Exam Blueprint are covered in these practice test(s).3. Dedicated & prompt support to queries through 'Q & A section' or DM. Expect a response within 3 hours, I work in IST.4. Access this course seamlessly through Udemy mobile app. Let there be no stoppage in your exam preparation.FAQsQ: What version of ServiceNow does this cover? A: The content of this course covers upto the Paris (2020) release of ServiceNow instance. Course is reviewed every week for new additions and address student feedback. Last reviewed on 27th September 2020 Q: Can I pass the exam using only this course as a guide?A: This course is based on the ServiceNow Certified Developer exam blueprint and will significantly increase chances to pass the exam. This course is intended to review your readiness and help you improve in areas you lack. Course context should suffice anyone to correct answer & its explanation provide there in."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Communication: Communicating your Best-Self" |
"I'm sitting on the floor because, who the hell am I really?We're communicating with everything that we do.Interpreting intention.Information moving through energy. How we interpret those patterns is our reality.Communicating is one thing that if we change about ourselves will have the biggest impact on our livesWhen we didn't say what we knew we should have. When we felt something and covered it up with something else just to get by.--The people that know us will resist us changing.--How we communicate with the world is how we see the world--Join me."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Wasserfall Diagramm - Teil 3" |
"AllgemeinEine BWA bzw. Deckungsbeitragsrechnung kann ziemlich unbersichtlich sein. Meistens ist es ein klassischer Zahlen-Dschungel, der erst bei genauerer Analyse ein Bild abgibt. Mit einem Diagramm knnen Sie hier Abhilfe schaffen. In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie eine BWA bzw. Deckungsbeitragsrechnung als Wasserfall-Diagramm darstellenInhaltTabellenaufbau mit den entsprechenden FormelnEinbau von Kosten und Ist Werten (Deckungsbeitrge)positive und negative WerteBeschriftungen im DiagrammGestaltung fr eine PrsentationZustzlich erhalten Sie die Excel-Datei mit der fertigen Lsung zur bung bzw. direkten Anwendung."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tarot - Curso de Tar Arcanos Menores" |
"O Curso de Tar Arcanos Menores vai Habilitar voc a realizar leituras e consultas tanto para voc, como para demais pessoas. Esse curso ir apresentar cada um dos 56 arcanos menores do Tar, com a transliterao s atividades cotidianas, de maneira simples e clara. Neste curso apresentaremos uma forma estruturada de aprendizado desses arcanos, sem a necessidade de ficar decorando. Com exerccios prticos e didticos voc ir aprender a usar o mtodo americano e europeu em suas leituras, assim como as principais mesas de tiragem.Um ponto importante: voc NO precisa conhecer os arcanos Maiores para participar desse curso."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Excel, les indispensables pour tre productif !" |
"Frustr(e) de perdre du temps sur Excel ? Tu ne sais pas comment devenir productif sur Excel ? Tu ne veux pas passer par du VBA ? Tu as envie d'en apprendre encore plus sur les formules et l'automatisation de tches ? Alors, n'hsite plus , clique sur ""+ Voir plus"" pour dcouvrir ce que contient la formation.Ma formation est faite pour toi. Je vais t'apprendre les formules que j'utilise tous les jours.Contenu de la formation : La formation est spare en trois parties. Les formules indispensables de texte. C'est dire les formules qui vont te permettre de modifier des lments textes dans une base de donnes. Par exemple : Extraire du texte d'une base de donnes, compter le nombre de caractre ...etc.Les formules indispensables business. C'est dire les formules qui vont te permettre de rcuprer des informations dans des bases de donnes, faire des actions, des sommes. Par exemple : extraire une information dans une base de donnes sans passer par un tcd, faire des sommes plusieurs critres ...etc.Les imbrications indispensablesC'est dire automatiser des tches, avec les formules que tu auras appris, du quotidien pour te concentrer sur ta valeur ajoute : ton analyse. Par exemple : Faire une recherchev gauche, automatiser un top 10 ...etc. Comment est construit la formation : Pour chaque formule tu auras Une vido de moins de 5 minutes pour t'apprendre comment fonctionne la formule puis je te montre sur Excel comment l'utiliserUn exercice Excel pour t'entraner.Un ebook avec des explications dtailles.Une fiche que tu pourras imprimer et garder prs de ton bureau (si tu as oubli comment elle fonctionne).Comment bien suivre la formation : Pour bien suivre cette formation, il te faudra simplement Excel sur un ordinateur. Pour mettre toutes les chances de ton ct et pour tirer pleinement profit de ma formation, je t'invite vraiment suivre assidument les explications, refaire les exercices, m'envoyer un message si tu as une question. Je serais ravi de pouvoir t'aider ! Alors on se retrouve pour la premire vido de ma formation ?Thomas."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"In this course, you will learn logic of the program. The first thing is introduction step. In this step, you will be familiar with main and pull down menus one by one. Then, modeling frame structures and loading of the structure will be introduced basically. In next lectures, designing and modeling of manhole will be introduced. In manhole modeling, you will be introduced creating circles, meshing, loadings and load combinations for shell members. After those lectures, a more complicated building modeling will be designed under earthquake and some other loading types. The last step of the course is the designation of cross section of members. The course offers you the basic properties of the program, however, with the help of those lectures you will obtain logic of the program. Therefore, if you follow the lectures, you can make design and analysis of any type of the structure."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"In this course, you will learn logic of the program. The first thing is introduction step. In this step, you will be familiar with main and pull down menus one by one. Then, analysis of slope will be introduced basically. In next lectures, slope under pore pressure, water table, dynamic forces, rapid drawdown condition.Probabilistic, sensitivity and water table analysisCreating support for slopesFinite element ground water analysisCreating different surfaces for analysis and introduction to stability calculation methodsCreating tension layer and weak layersRapid Drawdown Analysis"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"In this course, you will learn logic of the program. The first thing is introduction step. In this step, you will be familiar with main and pull down menus one by one. Then, modeling frame structures and loading of the structure will be introduced basically. In next lectures, designing and modeling of manhole will be introduced. In manhole modeling, you will be introduced creating circles, meshing, loadings and load combinations for shell members. After those lectures, a more complicated building modeling will be designed under earthquake and some other loading types. The last step of the course is the designation of cross section of members. The course offers you the basic properties of the program, however, with the help of those lectures you will obtain logic of the program. Therefore, if you follow the lectures, you can make design and analysis of any type of the structure."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete AutoCAD Course" |
"Online video lecturesAll files are available to download250 autocad command list is prepared and show all commands by one byPractise drawings and files are preparedAuto generated closed captioning id different languages (generated by Udemy)Taught by certified AutoCAD professionalNew features of AutoCAD 2018, 2019 and 2020 version includedSelf assessment quizzes and Practice drawings at the end of every section"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Observational Drawing: Foundation" |
"This course gives a solid foundation in the comparative measurement way of drawing, taken from classical methods of observing subjects and drawing them onto paper.You will learn about values and edges and how to use them in your drawings.The method of drawing in this course is focused on drawing in mass and not line, although we start off drawing in line the end goal is to see and draw in mass, using proportions, values and edges to describe/draw a real 3D object onto a flat using this method of mass drawing it will allow us to transition into painting much easier."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Eletirel Dnce" |
"Eletirel Dncenin ne olduuna dair fikir retimi yzyllardr srmekte. Belki bu srete dnme biimlerimizi gelitirmek ve yaadmz yeri daha ok anlayabilmek istediimiz iin, insanlar olarak, farkl grlerde eletirel dnce almalar yapmaktayzdr. Bu kursun ieriinde de daha fazla mantk felsefesi alanndan anlatmlar yaparak da olsa Eletirel Dnce tarihinden bir ksm anlatm ve metot sunmaktaym."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |