Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"AWS Container Services - ECS ECR with Fargate and EC2" |
"Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Create ECR repositoryBuild Image, Push to the repositoryTag ImagesScanning Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) using CoreOS Clair projectMarking image for Immutability in ECRElastic Container Service (ECS) - Fully managed container orchestration service.ECS cluster management with EC2 and Fargate provisioningIntegration of ECS with IAMEC2 provisioning with On-Demand and spot instancesUsing images from ECRScaling of ECR ClusterScaling of Services by increasing and decreasing tasksUsing Spot instance to optimize costLeverage capacity providers for cost optimization and High AvailabilityLeverage serverless option with FargateDeploy high available ECS cluster with task distributed across Availability ZonesDeploy ECS in custom created VPCSetup AWS ENI TrunkingIntegration with AWS App MeshService Discovery with inbuild optionsCluster ManagementCreate and Manage ECS ClustersCreating Task definitionUpdating Task definition and create a newer versionConfigure ECS cluster capacity providersMonitoring cluster performance in CloudwatchTasks ManagementCreating and managing tasksCreating scheduled tasksDeploying tasks using various deployment and placement typesBin packed and Availability zone distributed tasksService ManagementManaging ServicesCreating rolling and blue-green deploymentsLeveraging service discovery using Route 53"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pacote Office 2019 - Do Bsico ao Avanado com VBA" |
"Pacote Office Avanado. Macros, VBA e Muito Mais.Neste curso completo de Microsoft Office Avanado vamos abordar o que de fato aplicado na rotina profissional e pessoal de um desenvolvedor de solues computacionais.O Office j h muitos anos o pacote de aplicaes de de escritrio mais exigido no mercado de trabalho.Praticamente todas as empresas de pequeno, mdio e grande porte tem como exigncia certa conhecimento em Microsoft Excel, Word e PowerPoint.Neste curso ser mostrado o uso profissional das ferramentas desde o absoluto ZERO at o desenvolvimento de uma aplicao completa com o uso de VBA - Visual Basic for Applications.Mesmo que voc no tenha conhecimentos em programao, este curso visa guiar o aluno(a) pelos caminhos mais fceis e intuitivos desta rea de conhecimento.Certamente aqui est o primeiro passo para voc que deseja ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou at mesmo obter melhores chances de sucesso, conhecendo mais a fundo as principais e mais exigidas ferramentas administrativas disponveis no mercado que so Excel, Word e PowerPoint.Contedo Programtico:Sesso 1 - Excel CompletoIntroduo ao Excel e Tipos de ClculosConhecendo macros e primeiros passos em VBAProjeto 1 - Macros e VBAProjeto 2 - VBASesso 2 - Word CompletoWord para iniciantesConexo com bancos de DadosTCC - Trabalho de Concluso de Curso COMPLETO com regras ABNTAutomatizando Processos com MacrosSesso 3 - PowerPoint Profissional (Bnus)Conhecendo o PowerPointRecursos de animaoRecursos de Transies e Configuraes de SlidesRecursos de TCC - Trabalho de Concluso de CursoSim!Este um dos mais completos cursos de Microsoft Office disponveis.Com a imensa vantagem de ter todo seu contedo pensado para iniciantes e NO PROGRAMADORES que desejam conhecer o lado avanado das ferramentas.Aulas dinmicas e prticas com exemplos realmente aplicveis no mercado de trabalho e no uso pessoal.O que mais Vou Aprender?Se voc um estudante de qualquer rea, temos aqui uma tima notcia.Neste curso abordamos a formatao e apresentao COMPLETA DE UM TCC.Com a aplicao de normas ABNT (Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas) passo a passo aplicados e mostrados em detalhes, alm de dicas e macetes teis e aplicveis.Tudo isso utilizando a ferramenta Word.Para a apresentao do trabalho vamos abordar o PowerPoint, de forma tcnica e alinhado com as exigncias do mercado e das principais instituies de ensino.Este curso conta com garantia total de 30 dias e suporte via campo de perguntas e respostas.No perca mais tempo e inscreva - se agora mesmo neste curso completo e esteja preparado para o mercado de trabalho, para as mais importantes instituies de ensino e claro... para a vida!Te vejo l."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Astronomy: Eclipses Prediction" |
"This course is made for those people who ever wanted to predict Solar and Lunar eclipses Manually.The course features prediction of Solar and Lunar eclipses with accuracy of upto a few minutes, finding type of eclipse (Total/Annular/Hybrid/Partial etc), Coverage area (Where eclipse is visible) and contacts time of Eclipse and much more by using Microsoft Excel as well as doing all calculations by hand."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Complete course on Consignment Accounting Accountancy" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount..!!Hello Guys,Learn entire accounting with problem solving on Consignment with our Consignment Accounting course.Consignment refers to an arrangement whereby goods are sent by their owner to an agent who holds and sells the goods on behalf of the owner for a commission. Note that the consignment is different from sale of goods. So watch out the session to understand the difference between both.The owner of the goods who sends goods on consignment is known as Consignor and the agent who sells the goods for commission is known as Consignee.So here, we will understand the complete consignment accounting with journal entries and ledger accounts in the books of consignor and consignee.Also, we need to find the value of unsold goods lying with consignee at the year end. Here it is important to note that the consignee is never the owner of the goods. He only has physical possession of the goods but the ownership always lies with the consignee. So here we will also understand valuation of closing stock.What will you learn? All the basics terms and concepts of Consignment Accounting Difference between consignment and sales Types of commission on consignment sales Journal entries on Consignment Accounting Valuation of unsold goods and goods in transit Accounting when goods are sent on consignment at Invoice Price Accounting when advance received from consignee as security money 7 comprehensive problem solving sessions Tips session on common mistakes in consignment which one can avoid.This accounting course consists of simple and logical explanatory videos on all the topics of Consignment along with various problems solving sessions which covers all the different varieties of concepts and adjustments and lastly the tips video on the mistakes to avoid in Consignment accounting.Who can take this course?This course is beneficial to all the students or professionals or anyone who wants to have in depth knowledge on Consignment Accounting with the help of explanatory and problem solving videos.Benefits of taking this courseOn completion of this course, your knowledge on Consignment Accounting will be stronger. This course consists of total 20 sessions which will make Consignment Accounting very easy and interesting with deeper knowledge of the entire topic.Explanatory videos ensure complete concept understanding.Problem solving sessions helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Tips video helps in revising the entire chapter and common mistakes to avoid in exams.In short it is an interesting and complete course on consignment fulfilling all the needs.So hurry up and enroll now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IPSec IKEv2 Internals" |
"Students will learn how to implement the IKv2 protocol as per RFC 5996 in C language and build a simple simulator that can be used to test another IPSec implementation. Students will also learn on how test the simulator with strongSwan open source implementation and see messages in wireshark tool. The course primarliy works on 4 initial messages of IKEv2 exchange, i.e. SA INIT and SA AUTH messages."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build an Image Classifier with Angular and Django" |
"In this course you will learn to build an image recognition service with Django as our server-side language and Angular as our client side framework. We will get Angular to send requests to the Django server using rest API's.We will also use some libraries such as Dropzone, Angular Material and Tensorflow to complete the app."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Find and Close Clients for Social Media Marketing FAST" |
"SMMA DRAGON SLAYERS SALES MASTERCLASS FOR 2020: Having trouble finding leads for your Ad Agency, no problem, we will train you to find and retain high-ticket clients and SLAY the competition!Don't know what to say on a call? Leads aren't answering emails? You can't find the right offer, and don't know much about sales? Whatever your skills may be, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Instagram Ads, etc. This course teaches you how to get clients for Social Media Marketing, quickly and efficiently! This course will also be packed with email scripts, follow-up email scripts, the best contract script, a cold calling script, and a free-consultation call script!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Play Generals Zero Hour Like a professional" |
"after watching this course you will be able to play command & conquer generals zero hour like a professional , i've explained everything from the menu untill the practice .i explained the game with rise of the red mod so do not worry it's the some prepare your coffee and follow me step by step and Enjoy :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360" |
"Dans cette formation avec Fusion 360, je vous propose la modlisation d'un canon SCI-FI.Nous allons utiliser une fois de plus Fusion 360 comme outil de design. Cet outil est vraiment bien adapt pour modliser rapidement des objets complexes qui peuvent servir pour de la recherche de design avant de les raliser sous un logiciel de modlisation plus classique.Au programme de ce tuto Fusion 360 Modlisation d'un canon sci-fi :Voici les notions qui seront abordes dans ce tutoriel en vido :sketch ligne, rectangle, circle et spline,outils mirror,outils Extrude, Fillet, Chamfer, Offset, Trim...time line pour modifier rapidement une action,outils de constructionUne formation destine pour tout public.Cette formation est faite pour une prise en main rapide de Fusion360 et de son interface pour une utilisation immdiate. Je reste disponible dans le salon d'entraide du cours pour rpondre vos ventuelles questions sur la modlisation dans Fusion 360.Les fichiers de travail sont fournis.Bonne formation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Crawling with Nodejs (H&M, Amazon, LinkedIn, AliExpress)" |
"Do you want to build a webcrawler in Nodejs?In this course you will learn how to build a webcrawler using the newest JavaScript syntax with popular sites like H&M, Amazon, LinkedIn and AliExpress!You'll learn how to find hidden API's on sites like H&M and AliExpress and see how you can even avoid building a web crawler in the first place, you can save a lot of time this way!Then I show how to build a web crawler for Amazon the test-driven way, by building out tests for the various product page layouts there is on Amazon.After that we'll take a look at how to automate login and scraping profiles from LinkedIn using Puppeteer, the automated Chromium browser!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"+ "" iPhone""" |
""" iPhone"".!!! , . . . "" iPhone"". : + Tilda :1. 2. Wordstat3. 4. Keyword Planner5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . .: 3,5 50 . ( ) Wordstat, , Keyword Planner Keyword Planner Tilda . , (, , ) ( , ) . 3,5 50 ,"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Construye reportes comerciales de empresas multinacionales" |
"Las empresas multinacionales buscan mentes creativas, rpidas y eficientes que aporten valor al rea de inteligencia comercial. Cuando los grandes empresarios buscan a un Analista Comercial, no exigen nicamente un dominio de Excel, sino una mente capaz de transmitir informacin compleja (desempeo, mtricas, incentivos, etc.) a cada parte de la operacin de una forma simple y eficaz.El curso est diseado desde la ptica de un Analista Comercial con experiencia en empresas multinacionales. Quieres aprender las herramientas que se usan en ese tipo de empresas?Los estudiantes obtendrn las herramientas necesarias para comprender la dinmica de las empresas multinacionales, y las principales funciones que cumple un analista comercial dentro de ellas. Dentro del curso se crear un reporte comercial como herramienta indispensable de las grandes empresas.An y si no buscas ser parte de una empresa multinacional, podrs adaptar el conocimiento en cualquier empresa, industria o sector en el que te desempees. Es el momento de encontrar soluciones sostenibles a exigencias complejas."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"ENTJ Personality Course" |
"This course will help you figure out what kind of ENTJ you are. There are 32 kinds of ENTJs and each one is different from each other. Once we find out what kind of ENTJ you are, we will match your specific ENTJ personality type with a booming industry in the next 20 years so not only will you have the potential to earn a good income but you will be happy working in a field that you enjoy.In this course you'll learn:What kind of ENTJ you areWhat are the strengths and weaknesses ENTJs haveWhat the ENTJ identity crisis is and steps to understand itWho would be your best mentor to help you grow as an ENTJHow to match your specific personality type with a booming industry in the next 20 yearsTime management skills for the ENTJ personality typeExamples of famous ENTJs you have succeededThe ENTJs blind spot with the selfWhy ENTJs are balanced with gathering and organizing as well as control and chaosOne of the biggest problems with ENTJs is that despite their outward and material success, they often times feel a void inside because of neglecting their 4th function Fi. We will be discussing how neglecting that Fi will affect you negatively in the long run and how you can put in the work on that Fi to prevent midlife crisis as a result of that neglect."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Descrevendo Meus Requisitos de Negcio" |
"Descrever as necessidades do seu negcio/processo/atividade para um profissional de TI d mais trabalho do que trabalhar de fato, certo? Pois bem, este curso foi elaborado para voc conseguir, de uma maneira simples e direta, obter melhores resultados dessa atividade complexa. Com uma linguagem fcil, acessvel; sem utilizar termos tcnicos e nem padres de especificao que mais atrapalham do que ajudam, passamos uma tcnica experimentada capaz de fazer a definio de requisitos virar uma tarefa simples e proveitosa.Voc s precisa ter uma ferramenta de BPMN que, neste caso, usaremos o Bizagi - ou at mesmo o Power Point, ou outra ferramenta que tenha as famosas caixinhas. :)Durante o curso, voc poder entrar em contato comigo para tirar qualquer dvida referente ao contedo e, ao final do curso, poder ter o material utilizado em cada capitulo.Lembre-se, teremos um pequeno trabalho ao final do treinamento para fixar seu conhecimento.Boa sorte!Lenidas do Nascimento"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Structures, Unions, Enums for C Programming MCQ Practice" |
"A struct in the C programming language (and many derivatives) is a composite data type (or record) declaration that defines a physically grouped list of variables under one name in a block of memory, allowing the different variables to be accessed via a single pointer or by the struct declared name which returns the same address. The struct data type can contain other data types so is used for mixed-data-type records such as a hard-drive directory entry (file length, name, extension, physical address, etc.), or other mixed-type records (name, address, telephone, balance, etc.)The C struct directly references a contiguous block of physical memory, usually delimited (sized) by word-length boundaries. It corresponds to the similarly named feature available in some assemblers for Intel processors. Language implementations that could utilize half-word or byte boundaries (giving denser packing, using less memory) were considered advanced in the mid-1980s. Being a block of contiguous memory, each field within a struct is located at a certain fixed offset from the start.Because the contents of a struct are stored in contiguous memory, the sizeof operator must be used to get the number of bytes needed to store a particular type of struct, just as it can be used for primitives. The alignment of particular fields in the struct (with respect to word boundaries) is implementation-specific and may include padding, although modern compilers typically support the #pragma pack directive, which changes the size in bytes used for alignmentA union can be pictured as a chunk of memory that is used to store variables of different data types. Once a new value is assigned to a field, the existing data is overwritten with the new data. The memory area storing the value has no intrinsic type (other than just bytes or words of memory), but the value can be treated as one of several abstract data types, having the type of the value that was last written to the memory areaIn type theory, a union has a sum type; this corresponds to disjoint union in mathematicsDepending on the language and type, a union value may be used in some operations, such as assignment and comparison for equality, without knowing its specific type. Other operations may require that knowledge, either by some external information, or by the use of a tagged unionAn enumerated type (also called enumeration, enum, or factor in the C programming language, and a categorical variable in statistics) is a data type consisting of a set of named values called elements, members, enumeral, or enumerators of the type. The enumerator names are usually identifiers that behave as constants in the language. An enumerated type can be seen as a degenerate tagged union of unit type. A variable that has been declared as having an enumerated type can be assigned any of the enumerators as a value. In other words, an enumerated type has values that are different from each other, and that can be compared and assigned, but are not specified by the programmer as having any particular concrete representation in the computer's memory; compilers and interpreters can represent them arbitrarilyFor example, the four suits in a deck of playing cards may be four enumerators named Club, Diamond, Heart, and Spade, belonging to an enumerated type named suit. If a variable V is declared having suit as its data type, one can assign any of those four values to itAlthough the enumerators are usually distinct, some languages may allow the same enumerator to be listed twice in the type's declaration. The names of enumerators need not be semantically complete or compatible in any sense. For example, an enumerated type called color may be defined to consist of the enumerators Red, Green, Zebra, Missing, and Bacon. In some languages, the declaration of an enumerated type also intentionally defines an ordering of its members; in others, the enumerators are unordered; in others still, an implicit ordering arises from the compiler concretely representing enumerators as integersSome enumerator types may be built into the language. The Boolean type, for example is often a pre-defined enumeration of the values False and True. Many languages allow users to define new enumerated typesValues and variables of an enumerated type are usually implemented as fixed-length bit strings, often in a format and size compatible with some integer type. Some languages, especially system programming languages, allow the user to specify the bit combination to be used for each enumerator. In type theory, enumerated types are often regarded as tagged unions of unit types. Since such types are of the form 1+1+...+1, they may also be written as natural numbersThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Structures, Unions, Enums for C Programming. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 53 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Command Line Arguments for C Programming MCQ Practice" |
"A command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text. The program which handles the interface is called a command-line interpreter or command-line processor. Operating systems implement a command-line interface in a shell for interactive access to operating system functions or services. Such access was primarily provided to users by computer terminals starting in the mid-1960s, and continued to be used throughout the 1970s and 1980s on VAX/VMS, Unix systems and personal computer systems including DOS, CP/M and Apple DOSToday, users rely upon graphical user interfaces and menu-driven interactions. However some programming and maintenance tasks may not have a graphical user interface and may still use a command lineAlternatives to the command line interface include text user interface menus (for example, IBM AIX SMIT), keyboard shortcuts, and various desktop metaphors centered on the pointer (usually controlled with a mouse). Examples of this include the Microsoft Windows, DosShell, and Mouse Systems PowerPanel. Command line interfaces are often implemented in terminal devices that are also capable of screen-oriented text user interfaces that use cursor addressing to place symbols on a display screenPrograms with command-line interfaces are generally easier to automate via scriptingMany software systems implement command line interfaces for control and operation. This includes programming environments and utility programsC allows a program to obtain the command line arguments provided when the executable is called, using two optional parameters of ""main()"" named ""argc (argument count)"" and ""argv (argument vector)""The ""argc"" variable gives the count of the number of command-line parameters provided to the program. This count includes the name of the program itself, so it will always have a value of at least one. The ""argv"" variable is a pointer to the first element of an array of strings, with each element containing one of the command-line argumentsThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Command Line Arguments for C Programming. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 32 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Youtube Ads Expert 10x" |
"Hi,Do you realize that most people out there learn best when they watch a video or see something done instead of reading about how to do something?This is called visual learning do you learn best?There is no doubt that, with some time and effort, almost everyone can get great results with YouTube advertising ...But, it's the little details that make the difference between getting results so early today ... and complete and total failures ...When you do things right, YouTube advertising can be extremely profitable ...But, if you miss any of these details or do things the wrong way, and you could lose traffic ...... wasting time and money ...or worst... you can even end your banned account.That's why you need to focus on all the details to avoid problems and get the BEST possible results with Youtube Ads Expert 10x ...With Youtube Ads Expert 10x, you:Set everything up correctly, so you can start seeing results a few hours after you start.Maintain focus and responsibility to follow and see resultsGet more traffic and increase your return on investment ... putting more profit in your pocket ...This course will help you get the bestPossible results and maximize your ROIWith YouTube advertising ...Are you ready to get traffic on demand that turns like crazy?If you are a visual learner and want to get results quickly ... this is for you.If you are REALLY serious about using YouTube advertising as part of your traffic strategy, this course is for you.If you are one of those people who learn best by watching and not just reading, you NEED it.And, if you are looking to see EXACTLY how everything within the course is actually implemented ... you need it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como vender ms en mi tienda online" |
"El objetivo del curso es que el alumno adquiera las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para liderar la estrategia y lanzamiento de una tienda online, estableciendo una poltica de precios e implantando un catlogo de productos acorde al sector y el modelo de negocio.Adems ser capaz de tener en cuenta los puntos ms importantes a nivel de planificacin y gestin presupuestaria."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Healing Childhood Trauma and PTSD - Personal Development" |
"This is a course by a survivor, for survivors. Short and to the point lessons with focused worksheets give you the tools to build self-esteem and confidence while healing childhood trauma. Instructor James Buffin lived through child sex abuse and the suicide of his brother. Having transformed his own challenges, he now leads workshops at renowned mental health organizations. This course is based on his own personal experience combined with research interviews of world leading trauma experts."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Projeto Completo: XD, NodeJs, MongoDB, React Native e React" |
"Eu acredito que a melhor maneira de aprender fazendo. com essa motivao que elaborei esse treinamento, sem enrolao e direto ao ponto. Bor criar passo passo um projeto de tarefas completo com Backend desenvolvido em NodeJs armazenando tudo no MongoDB, ReactJs no frontend Web e React Native para o aplicativo Android & iOS."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Spark create amazing graphic documents" |
"Adobe sparkAdobe Spark is a tool from the Adobe series for quickly creating different types of content for social networks, but also for other types of support. To multiply the creation of visual marketing, or simply to create your posts for social networks, tools like Photoshop can seem an obstacle, due to the complexity, and by a higher time for the creation of marketing content. With Spark, you have a free tool that works with predefined templates, as well as click and drop tools. For this you must have an internet connection because the tool is available online. The strong point of Spark lies in a large number of templates, suitable for all types of design, from the book cover to the post for social networks, from the banner to the photo montage. It also allows you to create the simple design of a web page or even a video slideshow. Spark also gives you all the sizes defined for each type of visual, so you don't have to do this research. In addition, the image library is extensive and you can also upload your own images.Why use Adobe Spark- You want to create personal designs with an affordable tool- You need to create posts for social networks- You want to create original montages- For your work you need to create different visuals- You lack ideas to create visuals- You do not want to look for the sizes to respect different supportsTraining videoIn this course, I will show you how to use Adobe Spark to realize all your designs. We will work step by step starting with the interface and the dashboard. I will show you all the tools so that I can then use them in your compositions. I will also give you some techniques. You will also see how to create the design of a web page, or even a video slideshow, which are very interesting features. Finally we will work on designs from scratch, but also from predefined models."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Biohacking Secrets: Boost Your Physical & Mental Health" |
"In This Biohacking Online Course You Will Learn How Can Transform Your Mind, Body, Health & Longevity! This Self-Help Course Covers ALL The Major Skills You Need To Start Biohacking .,. And Get Amazing Mental & Physical Benefits! EVERYBODY Should Be Living Their BEST Life NOW You WILL Have The Skills To Make That Happen With One Simple Course!By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover 1) Discover How Sleep Has A Huge Impact On Your Mind, Body, Health & Longevity2) Learn How Activity Impacts WAY More Than Your Muscles & Best Practices3) Discover The Importance Of PROTECTING Yourself From Blue Light & The Amazing BENEFITS Of Red Light4) Learn The Amazing Benefits Of Mindfulness & Meditation Astonishing!5) Discover What A Secret Therapy Known As CryoTherapy Can Do For You!6) Discover The Impact Of & Benefits Of What You Put In Your Mouth & Lungs7) Learn The POWERFUL Benefits Of Probiotics You Will Be AMAZED!. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!Dont Miss This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Learn Life Skills That Can Transform Your Life From Our Pros At Advanced Ideas - Who Have Condensed Their Many Years Of Learning, Training & Testing Into This One Quick & Easy Course For You."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Profesyonel Koluk Eitimi" |
"Temel koluk becerileri sayesinde tm koluklarn temelini renip bir koun sahip olduu tm becerilere sahip olabilecek ve ayn zamanda koluk srelerini renebileceksiniz. Koluk srelerini uygulayabilecek kiisel potansiyeli ortaya karmak iin yaplabilecek becerileri ve almalar renebileceksiniz. Bu sayede bir profesyonel koun sahip olduu tm becerilere sahip olacaksnz. Temel koluk becerileri ile tm koluklarn temelini renebileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Python |
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to stop biting your nails and feel more beautiful" |
"If you are sick of how your hands looks,if it disturb your vision of yourselfIf you want to put this nasty habit behind you..Boy, I have a perfect fit for you...Using my very hard and difficult training as an IDF soldierI can show you an amazing and simple way to get ride of it for good...Check it now"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MINDSET- The New Success Mantra!" |
"Get Set Go for the module on Mindset. Explore the positive mindset and creativity at its peak with the deliberations on ground of managing success as a priority. Get to the known facts about the power of positivity and the flow of ideas towards excellence via a positive mindset and peace of mind. Explore Positive thinking as a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results through the modules in an effective manner. Cheers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Distancing in Schools" |
"Social Distancing: A priority! The course covers priority measures on ground of maintaining the social distancing in schools after the schools open in some time now. This is about we need to explore the health and safety measures in our schools in order to assure the safety and security of our students in particular. The module fetches ideas and guidelines towards the best one can get and explore towards the safety of our future builders of our nations in particular."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Valves : Principles , Operation & Designs" |
"Dear student,Valves of various designs and applications are encountered nowadays throughout petroleum refining, petrochemical and process industries as well as in power generation and environmental engineering.This course is designed to provide you with a complete understanding of construction details and functioning of valves. This understanding is a prerequisite for successful operation of your plant and piping system.The course includes extensive graphics, 3D animations and cross-sectional views to give you a virtual practical exposure on valves.In this course, you will :1. Discover the major types of valves used in the process industry2. Learn their components, their function & their operation3. Have the opportunity to dismantle many valves and assemble them using 3D models, cross-sectional views and 3D animations4. Also included in this course, an in-depth discussion on actuators and control valves. You will learn how control valves are used to regulate the flow of a fluid. Concepts such as head loss, pressure drop, valve coefficient ""Cv"", flow resistance, valve curves and cavitation will be presented.5. Finally, the course introduces you to valve symbols and representation in engineering drawings such as Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID's). Standards and conventions that apply to valves and their accessories will be discussed in details. You will learn how valve status and failure modes are depicted in engineering drawings.So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.Also remember, as enrolled student you will have unlimited access to this material and one-on-one instructor support. So feel free to ask us for help in the Q&A section when needed. It will be our pleasure to help you and make sure you are learning valuable information with us.Hope to see you thereCheers,WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LEED Accredited Professional Interior Design & Construction" |
"About This ClassYouve been interested in Sustainability, and perhaps even working in this field. You may have been asked to consult and manage a LEED Interior Design & Construction (ID&C) project. You appreciate the vote of confidence, and are determined to do good job. You want to achieve your LEED ID&C Accredited Professional status.You know that there is a lot information, with the reference guide close to 500 pages. Commissioning, Water Reduction, Interior Lighting, Refrigerant Management, Accoustic Performance , Waste Management, Thermal Comfort, Daylight & Views, Think of this course as the foundation course on LEED Interior Design and Construction.. This foundation course will allow you to master the most important concepts and tools. And this all in 2 hours.This LEED Foundation Course has been designed to enable you to understand all credits and prepare for the exam in the most effective way. You will learn from an experienced consultant.What will you learn?The key concepts and tools for LEED ID&C. Around 45 specific lessons ranging from 2 to 7 minutes on all important credits. Here a handful of examples.Location & Transportation Access to quality TransportMaterial and Resources Long Term commitment IEQ DaylightIEQ - Low Emitting MaterialsAll other creditsDefinitions, concepts, tips, and how to avoid common mistakes.Become more confident in your abilities as a sustainability manager.Why take this course?You will be prepared for the LEED ID&C Accredited professional Exam.You will be able to speak about LEED and sustainability with confidence.You will understand the difference terms, definitions and requirements.You will learn from an experienced sustainability consultant and educatorIt's short, effective and practical. Think of this course as exam preparation together with tips and focus points.It's been developed from the ground up with a focus on quality.How will this help you?You will prepare your self for the LEED ID&C Accredited Professional ExamYou will deliver projects, better, quicker and avoid common mistakesYou will go prepared to a job that requires knowledge in LEED and sustainability .You will feel more confident about LEED ID&C and how to apply it.You will be able to add this to your CV (just put it under ""Professional Development"" LEED Operations & Maintenance Course, Udemy, Year of Completion).Who is behind this course?I am the Managing Directorof a green building consultancy in Malaysia, and a LEED AP, Before that I was a university teacher (Yonsei University Korea), Project Manager, entrepreneur, and enjoy teaching. I have an MBA from London Business School. I enjoy creating courses.This course is specifically for:People who want to learn about LEED ID&C.Professionals that have a LEED Green Associate , this would be an excellent starting point in terms of experience or knowledge.People who are interested in a career in sustainability consultancyDevelopers, Engineers, Business Analysts, Architects, and basically anyone interested in learning about LEED People with an open mind and a willingness to learn.People capable of taking notes and applying the concepts and tools provided in this course.This course is not suitable for:People that prefer quantity over quality.People that like lengthy and theoretical explanations.People who aren't prepared to go through the entire course and take notes.People who expect things to work out without any effort or preparation.People who want to learn about the details about other certification programs than LEED.What other students wrote about me:Hans was my professor in strategic management and entrepreneurship in Yonsei University, in Seoul. Attending these courses enabled me to find a job in this field. Hans has great teaching skills and a valuable experience that he delivers very well to his students. He could bring us to adopt a strategic way of thinking with multiple perspectives. Besides, Hans is very responsive and always willing to help. I really recommend him.. -Solene Moitry """"Hans was my professor of ""Entrepreneurship and Strategy"" during one semester this year. I have to say that this class was one of the best I ever had. Indeed, the content was very interesting and Hans made it even better. He explained us things with well known examples and very interesting shows. Moreover, he always knew how to make the class lively and dynamic by pushing people to express what they thought. I also really liked the way Hans structured the class throughout the semester and I think that it the best way to learn how to become an entrepreneur! -Arnaud GirardIcannot recommend Hans enough! He was an amazing lecturer during my time at Yonsei University. He taught was able to project his knowledge in such an interesting way, which made the learning experience enjoyable. Prior to this class I had no background knowledge of anything business related. Hence, It is amazing that after his short three week class, I have learnt so much. Hans is definitely one of the best lecturers I have ever encountered, if not, the best. Elizabeth NguyenHans was my professor in in Yonsei University, in Seoul. Attending these courses enabled me to find a job in this field. Hans has great teaching skills and a valuable experience that he delivers very well to his students. He could bring us to adopt a strategic way of thinking with multiple perspectives. Besides, Hans is very responsive and always willing to help. I really recommend him Yassine BenjellounJoin me and start learning about LEED ID&C now. You will learn all the concepts a d requirements that will enable you to achieve your LEED ID&C AP Certification. projects. We will go cover all the topics from the definitions, intent, requirements, concepts, and exemplary performances. So take the course now to learn what all of this means in more detail and how you can apply it to become and LEED ID&C Accredited Professional ExpertMy Pledge to You (both current & future students)Students First. The first objective is for you to enjoy and learn. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Yes, this is a premium course but this is only to make sure people are serious. I am professor and just want to share more of my content with you. Students are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience.24x7x365 Support.You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise.Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility.I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your coach. If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 2 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Byzantine Iconography Series 4: Drawing the Full Figure (P4)" |
"In this course, Part 4 of Series 4, we will continue to draw full figure Saints and their garments, by putting into practice what was learned in the series on Garment Basics and Series 4 Part 1. We will study figures in dynamic poses. In section one we will be studying the garments of St John the Forerunner and how to create rhythm in the camel hair garments.In Section two we will learn to draw angels and their wings.Finally, in Section 3 we will draw the garments of the soldier saints.Required Materials: Pencil, paper and eraser."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Data structures & Algorithms using Python for Freshers" |
"The course Data structures and Algorithm using Python covers basic algorithmic techniques and ideas for computational problems arising frequently in practical applications: sorting and searching, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming. You will learn a lot of theory: how to sort data and how it helps for searching. How to break a large problem into pieces and solve them recursively and it makes sense to proceed greedily. Implemented all the concepts using Python 3 using Pycharm IDE and explained the time complexity and difficulty of the data structures.This course contains of these below mentioned topic:Recursion.Algorithm run time analysisArraysStack Linked listData StructureBinary TreeBinary Search TreeAVL TreeHeap treeQueueSortingHash TableGraph TheoryMagic FrameworkComputer ProgrammingDynamic Programming"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |