Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Yoga para Quarentena" |
"O curso explica a tcnica do yoga que usa um sistema de respirao e movimentoBenefciosAo alterar os movimentos de alongamento e compresso da regio abdominal, tonificando assim o sistema digestivo. MAssageia os rgos internos, o estmago, o fgado e o bao.Ativa a digesto e ajuda a reduzir a constipao intestinal.Ao sincronizar respirao e movimento os pulmes so intensamente ventilados e o sangue oxigenado, criando assim um efeito desintoxicante.Alonga e mantm flexvel a coluna fazendo com que o sistema nervoso tonifique.Toxinas so eliminadas atravs da pele, pulmes, intestinos e os rins, aumentando a imunidade ao fortalecermos todo organismo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to find the next move" |
"The course is on chess strategy for Intermediate and Expert chess players. Contains practical tips and advice for various types of positions, on how Grandmasters look for their next move, and what should be paid attention for so that your next move was successful, and what to focus on building your further chess training program and analysing your own games on your own."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Substation Fundamentals Complete Understanding" |
"DescriptionWe have covered following topics in this training What is Substation Function of SubstationTransmit PowerStep Up of Down Voltages / CurrentSwitchingMeteringPower Dispatching & ControlIsolating Faulty Parts, Load SheddingReactive Power Compensation Types of SubstationTransmission SubstationDistribution SubstationCollector SubstationConverter SubstationSwitching SubstationMobile Substation How Substation Work Components of Substation1.Power transformer or distribution transformer (depending on substation type)2.Circuit breakers3.Disconnecting switches4.Earthing Switches5.Busbars6.Capacitor Bank7.Current transformers8.Potential transformers9.Lightening arrestor10.Protective relays11.Station batteries12.Earthing system Introduction to Substation Single Line Diagram Substation Interlocking Walk Through Video of Substation, where you can see virtually all Substation Equipment and Identify C.T,V.T, Transformer, Breaker, Control & protection panel, battery room, charger and much more. It is like you visit substation yourself exciting. Explained Why AC is used over DC for Generation, Transmission and distribution Auxiliary Transformer Medium Voltage Capacitor Bank Neutral Ground Resistor (NGR) Types of Protection Relays installed GAS INSULATED SUBSTATION , CT,VT, CB, Isolator, Earthing Switch GAS INSULATED SUBSTATION SURGE Arrestor, Gas Compartments Demonstration How to Checkc CT. VT Wiring in Substation Actual site video Live captured 230kV Operation of Isolator Substation Interlocking Explained, When CB can be operated ?? Brief Introduction of Substation Busbar Schemes Visit of Surge Arrestor Manufacturing Factory Hubbell Power System, Showing Manufacturing process, material used, testing of Surge Arrestor Site Visit and Actual Circuit Breaker Visit showing different components of CB A Walk Through Power Transformer . showing & identifying componentsMedium Voltage Switch Gear Introduction of MV SWGRIntroduction to MV SWGR is divided in four compartments MV SWGR Cable Compartment MV SWGR CB Compartment MV SWGR Compartment MV SWGR Busbar Compartment Operation Maintenance of SWGR, Interlocking Msc Item of SWGRMV SWGR in Detail MV SWGR CIRCUIT Breaker CB Mechanical Operation CB Stored Energy Principle CB IEC Rating Rated voltage, Ur (kV)Rated lightning impulse withstand rating, Up (kV)Rated frequency, fr (Hz)Rated current, Ir (A) Rated short-time withstand current, Ik (kA)Rated short circuit duration, tk (s)Rated peak withstand current (kA)Rated short circuit breaking capacity, Isc (kA)Transient recovery voltage, TRVRated TRV (Uc) for circuit breakers intended for use on cable systems (Class S1)Rated out-of-phase breaking current, Id (kA)Rated capacitive switching currents MV SWGR CB Compartment in detail MV SWGR Componets MV SWGR Mimic CB Trolley CB Trip Coil CB Closing Coil CB Closing Spring CB Tripping Spring CB Latch CB Push button Operation CB AUX contacts CB Vacuum bottle CB Terminal Types CB Interrupter Unit CB Trip Free Mechanism Tulip, Jaw type Contact VCB Contact Shapes CB Mechanism Anti Pumping Relay Three Position Switch Name Plate in Detail Current Trasformer CT Name Plate CT IEC Standards Types of CT CT Primary & Secondary Data Installation drawing of CT CT Magnetization Curve , Saturation Region, Linear Region VT in detail Types of VT VT name plate VT IEC standards VT Primary & Secondary Data Cable Compartment Cable Sealing End Cable insulators Type of Cable Compartment ( For Transformer, Feeder, Ring Main) How Phase sequence is shown Selection of Cable Sealing End 1 Core & 3 Core Cable Sealing End HRC High Rupturing Capacity fuse assembly HRC on Mimic HRC Fuse Feature, Mode of operation HRC Fuse Selection Busbar Compartment Busbar Compartment IEC Rating How to identify phase sequence in busbar compartment VT,CT Connection at BB compartment LV Compartment Protection relays, auxiliary relays, control, alarm Voltage detection system For voltage detection according to IEC 61243-5 and VDE 0682 Part 415 with the followingvoltage detecting systems: LRM plug-in sockets VOIS+, VOIS R+ (option) CAPDIS -S1/-S2+ (option) WEGA 1.2/2.2 (option) Accessories of MV SWGR Interlocking of MV SWGRPower Transformer Basics Construction & Symbols Magnetic Coupling , Electrical Coupling, Step Up Step Down Transformers Impedance and isolating Transformers Losses in Transformer Copper , Core Loss, Hystersis Loop Buchholz Relay in Detail , Main and Conservator Tank Pressure Relief Device Transformer Silica Gel and it maintenance GA Drawings of Transformer Transformer Rating Plat 26MVA WTI and OTI , Winding Temperature & Oil Temperature Indicator Oil Level Indicator Short Circuit and open circuit Test of Transformer Bushing of Transformer HV MV Radiators of Transformer ranformer Name Plat , Main Characteristics Power Transformer Maintence Power Transformer MCQsWish you best of luckBest RegardsM.Kashif"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Power Transformer Substation Complete Guide" |
"Unless you are living 'off the grid', you are using electricity from an electrical system that uses a transformer. Power stations use electrical transformers to increase voltage. Sub-stations use electrical transformers to decrease voltage. Even your smartphone and laptop use transformers to charge their batteries. But what are transformers? How do they work? And why do we need them? This course will help you answer all of these questions and many more! In this course, you will learn:How electrical transformers work.How to identify different types of electrical transformer. The name and function of all of a transformer's main components. How Buchholz relays work.How silica gel breathers work.The purpose of a conservator tank.What ONAN means.Why we need transformers in the electrical grid.Where transformers are installed in the electrical grid.And much more!I have design this course to cover Power Transformer in full depth. This is unique course that you will not find online any other place online. I have covered theory as well as practical actual Power Transformer aspects. Actual Name plate, GA drawings, Transformer Control Cabinet, Tap changer drawings are included that will help you to learn actual things.Transformer BasicsTransformer Construction and Symbols Magnetic Coupling , Electrical Coupling, Step Up Step Down Transformers Impedance and isolating Transformers Losses in Transformer Copper , Core Loss, Hystersis Loop Buchholz Relay in Detail , Main and Conservator Tank Pressure Relief Device] Transformer Silica Gel and it maintenanceGA Drawings of Transformer Transformer Rating Plat 26MVAWinding Temperature and Oil Temperature indicators Oil Level IndicatorShort Circuit and open circuit Test of TransformerBushing of Transformer HV MV Radiators of TransformerTransformer Name Plat , Main CharacteristicsPower Transformer Maintenance"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Supreme Physique: Peak Strength Blueprint" |
"Muscles are the engine of the body and strength is the foundation for building a good physique, health and longevity. If we know what we're doing we can build exceptional levels of strength and a phenomenal physique, using our body weight only.This is about ability, not appearance. If you're done with training that leaves you stiff and injured instead of supple and bulletproof, you're in the right place.This training will help you:Achieve real physical accomplishment and strength through the roofQuickly build an outstanding physiqueEliminate injury, stiffness and weaknessProtect your joints and make them stronger for lifeDevelop useful, functional athletic abilityIncrease energy levels and become more productiveImprove your posture and move better, without painMaximize efficiency and never waste time againAge gracefully, in a way that lets you enjoy lifeIt might seem counterintuitive but bodyweight training is actually the shortcut, it is the more effective and efficient way to build strength and get fit. Zero time wasted getting to a gym, and the exercises work the body as it evolved to work; not by using individual muscles, or portions of a muscle, but as an integrated unit. This means developing joints, tendons and the nervous system as well as the muscles.Another advantage of bodyweight training is that you can start at any age and in almost any condition. This course is designed to help you become more powerful over time instead of wearing down. I have intentionally placed extra focus on the spine and back to counteract our sedentary modern lifestyle and byproducts like forward head posture.If you want to be in better shape in your 50's than in your 20's I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wattie Karate - White Belt Course" |
"This course contains introductory technique and basic information on Karate, that the average student is able to learn (reasonably well) in their first month of classes in the dojo. This program helps you learn the basics of Karate, in technique, kata, terms and some basic foundational items. Doing your very best every time you practice, while going a reasonable (slow) speed is the way to success!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Haydi piyano almay renelim - 1" |
"Deerli piyano severler,Bu kursu sizler iin hazrlamamn sebebi, bir mzik aleti ve zellikle piyano almay renmek hem ocuklar iin, hem de yetikinler iin pek ok fayda salar; belki de hayatnzn akn deitirmeye katk yapar.Gelin neden piyano renmeliyiz, faydalar nelerdir, birlikte inceleyelim.Piyano almay renmenin ocuklar iin faydalar:1- Beyin geliimi asndan : Beyin de dier organlarmz gibi bir kas ve ne kadar alrsa o kadar geliiyor. Ne kadar ok uyarana maruz kalrsa o kadar alyor. Beyni altrmann en iyi yolu ise bir enstrman almaktr.2- ocuklarn yaam tarz asndan : Mzikle uramak ve piyano almann beyni gelitirmesinin yan sra, disiplinli olmamza da faydas vardr.Piyano almay renen ocuklar, bir program dahilinde derse gitmek, evde pratik yapmak, belli bir srede verilen devleri tamamlamak gibi, piyano almak iin gereken kurallara uymay rendii iin, bu kurallar ocuun byrken daha planl, daha dzenli, daha sabrl ve daha disiplinli, yani kurallara dikkat eden bireyler olarak yetimesine yardmc olacaktr.3- Vcut koordinasyonu asndan : Dzenli olarak piyano almann, beynin grme, duyma, hareket etme ve koordinasyonla ilgili blmlerinin bymesini salad tespit edilmitir. Beynin kaslar gibi, egzersiz yaptka byd tespit edilmitir. rnein; piyano almann, notalar alglayan beynin, tulara dokunan parmaklara ve pedallara basan ayaa emir vermesiyle, bir koordinasyon oluturarak, beynin birden fazla blgesini ayn anda altrd bilinmektedir.Bunun faydas ise, beynin ok ynl dnmesini ve balantlar kurmasn salamasdr.4- ocuk psikolojisi asndan : Piyano almaya balayan ocuun, ncelikle kendine gveni artacaktr. Bu sayede zgveni ykselen ocuklar daha kolay sosyallemektedir. Bu sosyalleme esnasnda, ocuun kendini daha deerli hissetmesi ve arkadalarnn iinde dikkat ekmeye balamas, ocuun psikolojisini olumlu etkiler.rnein, konserlere katlan bir ocuun alklanmas, onun insanlara mutluluk veren iyi bir ey yaptn dnmesini salarken, piyano almann deerli bir beceri olduunu hissetmesine yol aar. Her iki ynden de yaadklar, ocuun psikolojisini olumlu etkilemektedir.Yetikinler iin faydalar:1- Salk asndan: nsanlar yalandka, bir takm aktiviteler, hobiler ve yaam tarzlar beyin saln korumaya ve yalandka beyni diri ve gen tutmaya yarayabilir. te bu aktivitelerden biri de piyano almay renmektir. Aratrmalar bir mzik aleti, zellikle piyano almay renmenin, her yatan insana bu fayday salayabileceini, hatta beyin hasar olan hastalara bile yardmc olabileceini gsteriyor. Mziin duygular, duygularn da anlar canlandrldn, baka hibir eyin yapamayaca ekilde, hastalarn anlarn hatrlattn syleyen aratrmalar mevcuttur.2- Gnlk hayat asndan : Piyano almay renmek, yetikinler iin gnlk hayatn monotonluundan kurtulmak asndan iyi bir yoldur.Mzik ile uramak, hayatnza nee ve renk katar. Her eyden nce piyano almay renmek, zellikle alan insanlar iin, gnlk hayatn temposu iinde, bir ara vermek ve rahatlamak, ayn zamanda beyni dinlendirmek iin ok faydaldr.Haydi piyano almay renelim..."
Price: 349.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Banho e Tosa" |
"Curso de banho e tosa para iniciantes e interessados no ramo de banho e tosa pet. Contedo didtico, explicaes passo a passo para tornar o seu dia-a-dia pet mais prtico.Realize os principais procedimentos pet de forma profissional e atenda seus clientes com excelncia.Instrutora Roseli Figueiredo: Groomer, Instrutora, palestrante, 30 anos de experincia Pet.Curso com certificado International Quality Company"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curs ONLINE de Croitorie i Design Vestimentar" |
"Se studiaz individual pe baza filmuleelor proiectarea tiparelor de baz (se nva a costrui abloane dup marimi individuale pentru toate tipurile de produse vestimentare) . Se indic toi paii de prelucrare a fiecrui produs n parte. Pentru partea practic ai nevoie de : masin de cusut, croiul, materiale potrivite si toate detaliile vestimentare."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"photography masters -" |
".. ! . .. . . , , ! :( . :) : Photography Masters ! : . , . : . ... , : , . . : ( , , ) : . ! RAW ( ) . lightroom . : . : HDR . : , 100%. - - - . , :) : , 100% . : , : , . . , ! , , , :) . : : . . ."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Autism & Sensory Processing - The Girl With The Curly Hair" |
"Learning outcomes:By the end of this course, you will understand:what is meant by the term 'sensory processing'how autistic people are affected by sensory processingthe differences between hyper- (over-) and hypo- (under-) sensitivityhow to manage hyper- and hypo-sensitivitythe dangers of hypo-sensitivityhow to communicate about sensory discomfortAudience:This course is suitable for:Anyone working with autistic adults or autistic childrenParents and carersAutistic individualsCourse content:Narrated presentation: You watch, read and listen to the learning materials.Animations: Unique, charming, sweet animations based around the central character, The Girl With The Curly Hair, and her sensory challenges in different situations.Visuals and infographics: No plain writing!Questions: Answer questions to check your understanding along the way.Notes: Print a set of summary course notes for your records.This course was written, created and narrated by autistic author and founder of The Curly Hair Project, Alis Rowe."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
". : , , . . , , ."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan keman dersi" |
"Merhaba ;Keman almaya yeni balayan ya da ald eitime devam edemeyip sfrdan balamak isteyen rencilere ynelik eitici bir set hazrladm. zel ders verdiim rencilerimle ilediim konular tek tek videolarda sizinle de paylatm. Bylece zel ders alamayan renciler iin, hazrladm videolar yeterli olacaktr. 1.BLMKeman kprs nasl taklr? (kemann kurulumu) Kemann blmleri nelerdir? Keman alarken duruumuz nasl olmal? Keman yast, reine ve susturucu nedir, nasl kullanlr? Keman ve yay (are) nasl tutulur? Keman akort etmeyi renelim. Kemanda parmak yerlerine bantlar hazrlayalm. 2.BLM Arede alt yar, st yar ve btn yay almay renelim. ekerek & iterek almay renelim. Birlik ve ikilik nota nedir, nasl alnr? Drtlk nota nedir, nasl alnr? Kemanda bal ve basz almak. Telden tele gemeyi renelim. 3.BLMKeman tueden tutmay renelim ve la telinde 1. Ve 2. Parma alalm. La telinde 3. Parma renelim. La telinde 4. Parma renelim. Sus (es) nedir? La telinde ett alalm. lk arkmz renelim (Lightly Row) 4.BLM Re telini tanyalm. 2. arkmz renelim (Yaasn okulumuz) Rpriz nedir? Gam ve arpej nedir? Diyez ve bemol nedir? 3. arkmz renelim (neeli ol ki) 5.BLMMi telini tanyalm. Mi telinde ett alalm. La ve mi telini kapsayan ett alalm. 4. arkmz renelim(postac) 6.BLMSol telini tanyalm. Sol telinde ettler alalm. Sol majr gam ve arpej alalm. Bir notann altnda, stnde ya da yannda nokta olmas ne anlama gelir? Dolap ve seny nedir? We wish you a merry christmas nasl alnr? (sol, re, la telini kapsar)Konularn videolarda ele aldm. Sklkla ett, gam ve arpej aldrmamn amac rencinin mzik kulann gelimesini salamak, enstrman hakimiyetini arttrmaktr. Bir mzisyen iin gam ve arpej almak olmazsa olmazdr. Ayrca bu almalar rencinin retmene bal kalmasndan ziyade kendi kendine ett ya da eser deifre edebilmesini salar. Ders videolarm 2-3-4-5 dk eklinde olup konular net bir ekilde anlatlmtr. Asl nemli olan rencinin haftalk yapaca tekrardr. imdiden baarlar dilerim. DUYGU KESER Keman Eitmeni"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Fundamentals" |
"An Online Class Created for HumansThe course is way more than a collection of online videos. Its real online trainingIt covers most of the material of two-day in-person courses, but at a level of depth appropriate for remote learningThe 12 modules average 25 minutes in length, so you can make meaningful progress in small increments.Videos are under 10 minutes, allowing learners to stay focused and retain informationDesigned for adult learners, each crisp and clean module includes a brief introductory exercise to engage learners, a video explaining the topic, exercises to reinforce the concepts from the video and a learning log to reflect on what they learnedThe Theory and the RealityFake Agile and Scrum charlatans run amok. In this course you will learn how proper Scrum works, because this course was created by Agile pioneers whove been on the hook for making it work. You will learn lessons gained from the trenches. There is a continual focus on what works well, where teams fall short and common dysfunctions to avoid. This course embodies agility In Real Life. Learn from people who have been there.You will learn the right way to practice Scrum, as detailed in the Scrum GuideYou will also hear knowledge gained from the trenches. There is a continual focus on what works well, where teams fall short and what common dysfunctions do you need to look out for.All of that in a format that allows people to work at their pace, on their time, for a fraction of the cost of in-person training classes.Dont Be a Poser Dont fake it - own it! The human capacity to detect a poser is immediate. With this course, feigning a working proficiency with Scrum is unnecessary. Scrum Fundamentals is designed for: People new to Scrum, to gain a solid foundation of the theory AND the practice. People working in Scrum who seek a quick, easy, and reliable recalibration. Companies who want a common foundation of knowledge and language. People who have a stake in the success of a product or service being developed using the Scrum framework"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Neuropsychoanalysis within Neuro-Rehabilitation" |
"This course has been developed by a 'jobbing' clinical neuropsychologist, applying core ideas from neuropsychoanalysis within clinical practice in the support of survivors of brain injury and their significant others. This course reviews the history of psychoanalytical and psychodynamic ideas within neuro-rehabilitation, an proceeds to explore defining characteristics of applied clinical neuropsychoanalysis: dissolving of traditional conceptual boundaries between cognition, affect and relationship; intersubjectivity, and a dynamic model of the mind post-injury. The latter is explored with reference to post-injury difficulties in executive functioning, memory, communication, mentalizing and seeking versus rage affective systems. All ideas are developed with reference to theory, empirical findings and detailed presentation of clinical case studies."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Fotografia e Equilbrio Emocional" |
"Esse curso tem o intuito de te fazer aprender a fotografia e a profisso de fotgrafo. A teoria tcnica, a prtica, meios de voc ser mais seguro, motivado e organizado. Juntando a rea da espiritualidade e autoconhecimento com a rea da fotografia. A fotografia uma arte que te deixa mais sensvel, mais criativo, te conecta com seu interior atravs da imagem exterior. Estamos fazendo da profisso uma forma de evoluir como pessoa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
waytoyou |
"( ) ? , ?, , ? , , ? , ? ? ? 1 """", - ! , . ., , : , . , . 2- - , , , ."
Price: 2799.00 ![]() |
"Ingresos en tus Finanzas Personales" |
"Sientes que no sabes como administrar tu dinero? Cobras hoy y ya no tienes un peso maana y no sabes como podras sobrevivir por lo que te queda de mes?Las deudas te arropan y sigues endeudndote ms da tras da? La idea de este curso, el cual surge del Libro Finanzas Personales en Norteamrica, es ayudarte a entender mejor las cuatro rea principales donde el dinero se desenvuelve, estas son: Ingresos, Ahorros, Gastos e Inversiones. Lo ms importante no es solo tomar el curso, sino aplicar lo aqu aprendido."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Online GST Certification Course - Fundamentals / Advanced" |
"GST Course , use content / notes English demo videos GST 100 80 jobs accounts field taxation, commerce job GST knowledge course GST detail GST LAW course"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
Tableau |
"Tableau Tableau 147FinTech, +5"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Microsoft Teams: The leading communication hub" |
"Mastering Microsoft Teams course will bring you up to speed with Microsoft Teams. This course gives you the fundamentals you need to use Microsoft Teams effectively at work.Microsoft Teams is the new Skype for business. Teams is integrated into the Office 365 application landscape and knowing how to use Teams is essential in today's digital working environment. Setting up meetings with remote working colleagues / clients, or using Teams in the educational space to enhance digital teaching / learning is just part of everyday life for many.Enrol Now and learn essential skills about Microsoft Teams. MS Teams is one of the most popular applications supporting communication at the workplace. The current course combines deep MS Teams expertise and practical working expertise with Microsoft Teams. The course creator team has active expertise working with Microsoft Teams from both the business and the higher education space. Practical business usage of Microsoft Teams included a global project work covering companies working together from North America, LATAM and Europe by using Microsoft Teams as the main communication tool for remote meetings. As your instructor we will use our Teams expertise to guide you step by step on your way to learn this.At the end of this course you will be an empowered user of Microsoft Teams and be able to use the most popular Teams functions with great confidence. You will also be able to perform tasks using MS Teams with efficiency. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master: Confidently using Teams and navigating in the interfaces Start a conference call / chat on Microsoft Teams Give a presentation via Microsoft Teams Record a conference call on Microsoft Teams Sharing Files with the help of Microsoft Teams Managing Teams within Microsoft Teams Invite guests to your Microsoft Teams meetingsDo not hesitate to develop your Microsoft Teams skills. Enrol now and take your next step in mastering MS Teams!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda SELinux com Exemplos do Mundo Real" |
"Apresentar ao aluno aulas expositivas e prticas de forma que o aluno entenda o funcionamento, aplicabilidade, mtodo de operao e procedimento para troubleshoot do SELinux de forma que possa trabalhar conjuntamente com suas aplicao e servios de rede sem a necessidade de desativar o SELinux, garantindo assim a isolao de processos pretendida ."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Trovare in automatico casa al miglior prezzo" |
"Se sei un investitore immobiliare o semplicemente stai cercando casa da comprare o da prendere in affitto questo il corso perfetto per te!Alla fine del corso saprai, in autonomia, estrarre automaticamente dati da qualunque sito tu voglia riuscendo a trovare il miglior prezzo. Una volta imparato, in pochi minuti potrai estrarre un enorme quantit di dati ed analizzarli come meglio credi: per zona, per prezzo, dimensione, ... o magari creare tu stesso dei criteri che ti permetteranno di scovare il miglior affare.Utilizzeremo due software per raggiungere tale obiettivo, uno dei quali Excel. L'elaborazione dei dati con Excel riguarder la parte finale del corso, fase in cui andremo manualmente ad organizzare al meglio le informazioni e a dare un senso critico ai dati che sono stati estratti massivamente in precedenza.Il software che utilizzeremo per estrarre i dati ci permette di incolonnare in un archivio CSV automaticamente tutte le informazioni che sono riportate nei siti web di annunci immobiliari purch siano informazioni ben organizzate e riportate in maniera sistematica all'interno della pagina web.Ti guider passo passo alla corretta configurazione e uso di entrambi i software. Utilizzeremo funzioni intermedie di Excel, quali: filtritesto in colonnagenerazione e interrogazione di tabelle pivotcreazione di grafici pivotSe non dovessero esserti familiari, non preoccuparti ti mostrer io come fare!E' preferibile avere come sistema operativo Windows in quanto il il programma che utilizzeremo per estrarre i dati non supportato da altre piattaforme. E' possibile utilizzare il programma anche su altri sistemi operativi servendosi di una macchina virtuale (non sar argomento del corso).Il programma del corso cos strutturato:INTRODUZIONE - Daremo uno sguardo rapido al programma del corso, obiettivi e vantaggiRICOGNIZIONE GENERALE e TOOLBOX Impareremo a riconoscere i migliori siti da utilizzare per estrarre le informazioniVedremo quali software ci servono per raggiungere gli obiettivi e perchINSTALLAZIONE SOFTWARE - Installeremo insieme il software che ci permetter di programmare l'estrazione automatica dal sito di annunci immobiliariESTRAZIONE AUTOMATICA DEI DATI - Imposteremo gli automatismi del programmaGENERAZIONE DEL DATABASE - Generazione dell'archivio ""*.csv"" in automatico ELABORAZIONE DEI DATI CON EXCEL - A titolo d'esempio, elaboreremo insieme i dati identificando il prezzo medio di acquisto di un appartamento per zona, identificando la la zona pi cara e pi economica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Core Exercise" |
"This course is an introduction to the key concepts related to activating your core effectively, as well as performing foundation core exercises with correct technique.Through this course you will learn how gain a strong and controlled core activation. You will then learn the key core exercises that will improve your core muscle strength, stabilisation and endurance.This course is a prerequisite for more advanced core exercise techniques"
Price: 900.00 ![]() |
"How To Choose And Apply Face Makeup For Beginners" |
"Hello, my name is Amrit. Welcome to the course! I will be teaching you the basics to how to choose and apply your own face makeup. When choosing your own makeup, many factors must be considered. For example, this can include your skin type (e.g. oily skin) and your skin tone. I will help you understand which makeup products will be best suitable for you according to these factors. Moreover, when applying your own makeup, the different kinds of brushes and where the product should be applied must be considered. I will help you understand what kinds of brushes are used for certain products and where they must be applied on the face. You will master the skill of choosing and applying your own makeup in a very short amount of time with the help of this course. There are many benefits of learning makeup, for instance, saving your time and money. I hope you are inspired to learn how to choose and apply makeup and I cannot wait to guide you through the process."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
sunnyworldgeneral |
"- - - ( Solar Panel ) ( Inverters ) ( Batteries ) ( Charger Controller )- ( Off Grid System ) ( ON Grid System ) ( Hybrid System )- ( Solar Heaters ) ( Solar Pump ) ( Solar Light )"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chat Spanish: Basic level" |
"I was fortunate to learn Spanish as a second language, and Im proud of what I was able to accomplish through Spanish. This is the first step to learn all the necessary structures in order to furthermore produce in the language. Youll learn from the most basic topics to verb conjugations and more. Never give up and keep practicing."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Negotiation 101: NEW self paced online course on negotiation" |
"Negotiation 101 is an introduction to Negotiation as a formal subject. It aims to convey essential concepts of negotiation in as elemental a form as possible, thereby providing a stellar foundation for your foray into an otherwise broad discipline. With practice, you will recognize the recurring tools and tenets of negotiation and will know how best to apply them to extract better results. Each chapter is short, easy to understand and to the point; allowing you to absorb the concepts at your own pace and in your own time. The course is intended to help you get more out of your negotiations, whether for inter-personal leverage or for financial gain. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
yunfuxuexiao |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Python Dersleri: Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Temel Eitim" |
"Python, genel amal, yksek seviye bir programlama (daha dorusu bir script) dilidir. Python;Dnya genelinde i ilanlarnda 2. en ok aranan dil,GitHub zerinden 2. en ok ekme talebi (pull request) yaplan dil,Makine renmesi ve Veri Bilimi alannda en ok kullanlan dildir.Yazm kurallar asndan dier programlama dillerine gre ok daha kullanl olan Python, daha azsatrla daha fonksiyonel kod yazmanza olanak tanr. Python, dinamik deiken tipi sistemi veotomatik bellek ynetimi sayesinde, dier dillerden daha farkl bir programlama paradigmas sunar.Python; Windows, Linux, MacOS gibi iletim sistemlerinde alabilmesinin yan sra, gmlsistemlerde de alabilme zelliine sahiptir.Python dilinin en nemli zellii ok geni ve ak kaynakl ktphaneler ve aralardr. zellikleMakine renmesi ve Veri Bilimi alannda srekli gelitirilen ktphaneleri ile Python, bilimselalmalar ve Yapay Zeka alannda en ok tercih edilen dildir. Bunlarn yannda dnya genelinde engeni topluluk ana sahip olan Python, karlalan bir probleme hzl ve doru zm bulunabilecekbir dildir.Yapay Zekann bir alt alan olan Makine renmesi, sistemlere (aka kodlanmadan) kendikendilerine renebilme yeteneinin kazandrlmasdr. Bu sayede sistemler, insanlarn mdahalesineveya yardmna gerek kalmadan, ilgili veriden otomatik olarak renebilecektir. Finans, Salk, Akllehirler, Toplu Tama, Perakende, letiim ve daha birok alanda insanlarn ve programlanmsistemlerin yapamayaca ilemler, Makine renmesi ile yaplabilir.Bu eitim, Veri Bilimi ve Yapay Zeka Dersleri'ne gemeden nce kendinize bu dorultuda bir Python altyaps oluturmanz hedefler. Bylece bu eitimde Python Temelleri, Veri Bilimi ve Yapay Zeka lemesinin ilk admn atm olacaksnz."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Data Networking 101" |
"This course is an introduction to Data Networking principles and concepts. From understanding the layered model of communications and how TCP/IP fits that model, to understanding how TCP/IP packets are forwarded through the network. These fundamentals in data networking are essential comprehension as to how the Internet and Ethernet technologies work together.The objectives of this course are to provide a solid foundation of understanding of Data Networking including packet switching, the layered model of data communications, and the TCP/IP protocol."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |