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"Ebook: como fazer um ebook - o guia completo para iniciantes" |
"O curso Ebook: como criar um ebook o guia completo para iniciantes se baseia em um projeto 100% prtico, onde voc ir aprender a criar o seu primeiro e-book desde o planejamento at a execuo.Iremos juntos criar o seu primeiro livro digital, desde a concepo do tema at a escrita, diagramao e distribuio do seu ebook.Juntos criaremos um e-book completo. Neste curso voc vai aprender:Levantar e validar ideias para seu e-book;Definir a estrutura;Criar a identidade visual do seu ebook (mesmo que voc no entenda nada de design);Criar a capa;Criar a pgina mestre do contedo;Criar o ndice;Criar uma pgina de respiro;Criar a pgina de fechamento;Onde encontrar imagens em alta resoluo e gratuitas;Trabalhar com insero de imagens no ebook;Adicionar hyperlinks externos no ebook;Exportao do projeto final em PDF;Criao de pgina de distribuio ou landing page;Construir uma lista de emails de pessoas interessadas em seu contedo;Aprender a usar o Canva, uma ferramenta amigvel para quem no designer.Com um e-book voc ir:Aumentar sua autoridade no tema escolhido;Gerar Leads (oportunidades de negcios);Criar uma ponte de contato direta com seu cliente (sem depender exclusivamente das redes sociais);Entender melhor seu pblico/clientes;Criar um ebook para ser usado como estratgia de Marketing de Contedo para a sua empresa ou seus servios.Se voc um profissional que precisa se reinventar e comear a utilizar a internet a seu favor, um ebook a melhor maneira de conquistar a sua audincia. Este curso te ensina, na prtica, o passo a passo para criar e-books que geram listas de e-mails, vendas e autoridade. Voc aprender a criar seu livro digital mesmo que voc no entende nada de redao, formatao, diagramao ou como fazer uma landing page para distribuir seu ebook. Resolva um problema do seu leitor, crie sua comunidade, aumente sua autoridade e presena online: crie seu e-book em apenas 1 semana. Dvidas? Todos os meus contatos voc encontra no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy.Bom curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Un modo diverso e pi intelligente di capire il cibo" |
"In questo corso viene presentato il problema della nutrizione umana affrontato da un punto di vista differente e innovativo, partendo da un breve excursus riguardante alcuni preoccupanti dati a livello mondiale e nazionale. Durante il percorso didattico, si vanno ad acquisire le nozioni di base riguardanti le bio-molecole pi importanti, per poi focalizzare l' attenzione su quelli che sono i nutrienti essenziali per la nostra dieta, e su come fare concretamente per individuarli all' interno degli alimenti con l' ausilio di uno strumento costruito appositamente."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Arte terapia gana confianza, autoestima conquista tus sueos" |
"A nadie nos gusta que nos juzguen ni nos critiquen verdad? Pero es algo que sucede y ms si nos exponemos con nuestro trabajo al mundo, si tenemos un negocio, o queremos vivir la vida al 100%.Cuantas veces te han dicho que no se puede tener todo en la vida? Y renunciaste a ser t.La gente que est feliz con su vida o est en su camino de crecimiento no necesita juzgar o criticar, sabe cul es su verdadero potencial y se conecta con ello para crecer y lograr sus sueos. As me paso a mi y quiero hoy competirte el modelo con arte terapia que yo misma use para lograr mis metas y llegar incluso ms all de lo que so.En este curso con arte terapia, mandalas, libros super enriquecedores y meditaciones no solo aprenders a re-conectar contigo sino que te divertirs a travs del color y la creatividad que impulsan el cambio desde las emociones y no del pensamiento.A travs de cada clase irs conectando contigo, descubriendo aquello que te hace vibrar, desbloqueando tus creencias limitantes, rompiendo con tus miedos ms recurrentes y atrevindote a salir de tu zona de confort. PARA VIVIR LIBRE, FELIZ Y EXITOSO.Es un curso que cree a travs de mis propias experiencias y herramientas, aquellas que me funcionaron creando pinturas, dibujos o fotografas. Ahora lo convert en un curso para que t crees tus propias obras y encuentres t camino de xito. Si no sabes pintar o escribir, pero te gusta imaginar o meditar y te llama la atencin encontrar nuevas perspectivas de vida, ESTE CURSO ES PARA TI! adems aqu te propongo las plantillas y patrones bsicos de trabajo; Sin embargo si eres muy creativo y avanzado en el arte puedes echar a volar tu creatividad y seguir las clases creando tu obra con libertad. 1.- Sers libre de conectar con tu creatividad.2.- Aprenders a conocerte a profundidad.3.-Descubrirs tu esencia con color y creatividad.4.- Superaras los bloqueos e ideas limitantes que no te dejan crecer.5.- Estar disponible para guiarte y darte los nuevos ejercicios que hagan falta, se que todos somos diferentes y no pretendo crear un formato fijo y rgido."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Happy Wife Happy Life Massage Course" |
"Have you always felt that you have an innate sense for caring touch, but dont know why?Do you love spoiling your family and friends with massage, but are not sure what you are doing?Want to take your massage skills to the next level and perform treatments like a professional spa therapist?Then the Happy Wife Happy Life Massage course is for you!In this series of instructional videos and lessons, you will be introduced to the gift of giving a massage and the power of positive touch. All with the aim to teach you how to deliver a wonderful massage experience to your Wife, Husband, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Partner, Friend, Family Member or just that Special Someone that you want to spoil.Throughout this course we will be covering: What is safe to massage. Preparation. Techniques you will be using. Foot and lower leg massage. Hand and forearm massage. Seated shoulder, neck and back massage. Face and head massage. Along with some tools that you may want to include to take your massage to the next level of bliss.All performed in a caring and soothing way.This course will introduce you the fundamental principles of massage and give you a broad spectrum of wonderful techniques, that applied safely & effectively, will have the recipient of your treatment, feeling amazing. And ultimately, it may even unlock a hidden talent or instil a confidence for you, to seek out further learning and possibly even open the door to a whole new career.You never know?!?Now, are you ready to oil up, learn, practice and master the feel great skills for giving the ultimate gift of massage to that Special Someone in Your life?The gift that only You can give!What are you waiting for? Join me and lets get startedDisclaimer:As there is a mandatory requirement for massage therapists, working in a professional capacity and charging for their services, to be: qualified, licensed, registered with a governing body and correctly insured,this course does not have the means to grant you any professional qualifications.This is due to the online nature of the instruction and the inability to measure and assess your ability to meet the standards of practicing a safe and professional massage. For these qualifications, it is recommended that you attend a professional massage college to be instructed and examined accordingly on the required skills, in person.The Happy Wife Happy Life Massage course, Fibre Tense Massage and/or Adam Ilko cannot be held liable for any adverse reactions to massage, resulting in any irritation, harm, injury or death, caused by subscribers to this course. This includes/but is not limited to non-qualified, inappropriate or harmful application of skills and/or techniques, of those that were learned within this course.It is always a recommendation that before any person receives a massage, that they seek professional medical approval for any pathology that may be a contraindication to massage and manual therapy. If any contraindication for massage is identified, then treatment should be withheld or altered in accordance with the medical professional recommendation.Your subscription, download and/or commencement of this course is your acceptance of this disclaimer, your adherence to safe massage practice and your commitment to only working within the confines of any contraindications to massage is assumed."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Ao logo do tempo, o Ministrio gape Reconciliao sempre procurou se manter atualizado tecnologicamente, tendo em vista que lidamos diretamente com as questes de nosso tempo.Alm disso, sempre consideramos possibilidades de expandir nosso contedo, para que ele fosse acessado por todas as pessoas, afinal de contas, acreditamos que atravs disso, a Igreja ter instrumentos para se manter edificada e saudvel.Com esse propsito, a Escola AMAR, passar a disponibilizar os seus cursos on-line. Logstica e planejamento adequados para cursos EAD e toda a especificidade de nossos cursos so levados em considerao para que a experincia seja completa."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Os segredos do MELISMA - CANTO" |
"Aprenda a fazer melisma de uma forma prtica e simples. O curso mostra todos os caminhos para se tornar um cantor gil e criativo, ensina diversos segredos e dicas para voc se tornar um cantor tecnicamente melismtico.Aprenda tcnicas avanadas como, falsete, apogiatura, improvisao e diversas outras.Venha conosco e se torne um cantor ainda melhor."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
10-ijpuc |
"101 0102032 040506Work07 Work080910Work11Work12_ 134 STEP1 14 15 16 1417 5818 19 STEP15 STEP21020 10+6 STEP321 22 +7 STEP43Q23 3Q24 3Q1025 26 Q+8 STEP5 0327 328 29 30 01+31 01+32 01+33 11+34 1135 162+36 162+37 23+38 23STEP539 STEP5Work40 STEP5Work9 STEP.6 3741 42 +43 +44 +45 3446 34NG+47 3448 4549 45+50 4551 5752 5753 STEP654 STEP6 +Work55 STEP6Work10 STEP.7 71056 57 +58 7859 78+60 91061 91010462 91063 91064 STEP7 65 STEP7Work66 STEP7Work116768"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI Grundlagen Workshop (Deutsch)" |
"Microsoft Power BI war eine Liebe auf den ersten Blick. :-) Ich habe das Programm entdeckt und es ist um mich geschehen. Diese vielen Mglichkeiten Daten zu importieren, zu modellieren und zu visualisieren sind einfach gigantisch. Zahlreiche Datenquellen lassen sich mit Leichtigkeit importieren, transformieren, mit weiteren Informationen anreichern und natrlich optisch sehr ansprechend visualisieren. Mit DAX-Funktionen und Measures, kannst du das Datenmodell um dynamisch berechnete Felder erweitern und so noch mehr Informationen aus den Daten herausholen. Es macht einfach viel Spa. Du wirst schon nach ein paar Minuten in der Lage sein, Daten zu importieren und eine Visualisierung zu erstellen. Ich freue mich darauf, dich auf deinem Weg zum Power BI Profi ein kleines Stck zu begleiten. Aber lange genug der Vorrede. Lass uns beginnen und bis gleich!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Excel Essencial - Aprenda Excel do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Este treinamento tem como objetivo capacitar voc no melhor uso das principais funes e ferramentas do Excel. O treinamento inicia com dois pilares bsico muito importantes para que voc consiga entender todos os passos futuros mais avanados. No treinamento falaremos de funes como PROCV, PROCH, PROCX, SOMASES, CONT.SES, DESLOC, CORRESP, SE, E, OU, SES, INDIRETO... Alm disso falaremos de ferramentas muito importantes, dando nfase a Tabela Dinmica, utilizando solues avanadas desta ferramenta."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Master your Health - Own your thoughts & emotions" |
"I will walk you through understanding how you can regain control over your mind, how you can change the reality youre in by learning to control your thoughts & emotions.This will bring an awareness that will create a shift within. You will get out of the course empowered as youll have the tools you need to start creating the life you truly want to live.This course is about taking ownership of your mind & life, it's about taking your power back. It's about giving you the tools that no one gives you to re-empower yourself so you can start living the life you truly want to live."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"How To Earn 7-Figures Using Your Unique Talent" |
"Come with me on the journey of being even taking it one step further. Helping you accomplish what you want to accomplish in your life more step by step. Identifying more step by step the things that are holding you back. It's time to celebrate life and accomplishments, one thing after the other.Say strong and know that you can and you will!With God's help, with your commitment, with your energy, and with your determinaton,you're going to ultimately end up at the Finish Line!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ansiedade Controlada" |
"O mundo est tomado pela ansiedade!As pessoas esto se tornando zumbis da procrastinao,do medo de realizar, da insegurana e a ansiedade o fator que amplifica todos esses problemas.Voc se sente paralisado na frente do computador sem conseguir produzir?A agitao to grande que voc faz vrias coisas, sem sentido e repetidas vezes? Pega o celular 5 vezes para ver as novidades em menos de 5 minutos?No consegue sair do lugar nas tarefas e parece que sempre fica em dbito e se culpa por isso?Se voc respondeu a SIM para pelo menos uma pergunta eu tenho uma notcia que na verdade um alerta: Voc se tornou refm da ansiedade.Mas calma continue lendoO que voc poderia realizar no trabalho, na vida pessoal e familiar se conseguisse controlar a ansiedade?Voc com certeza vaiSe sentir mais feliz por realizar mais e melhorSentir um grande alvio por no ser mais refm da ansiedadeConseguir planejar melhor suas metas para realizar aquilo que te faz bemTer mais tempo para cuidar de si e tambm da sua famliaSair do estado de tenso e poderia ser mais voc mesmo em suas relaes evitando estresse, desentendimentos e brigasSair do ciclo da escassez de tempo, realizaes, relacionamentos, financeiro, e entraria para o ciclo da prosperidade e felicidadeO que voc vai aprender no Ansiedade ControladaIdentificar os gatilhos que te levam a ansiedadeA desbloquear seus medos e inseguranas que te levam sempre para a ansiedadeAjustar seus pensamentos para controlar a ansiedade e assumir o controle de suas aesAprender a lidar melhor com o tempo evitando se colocar sempre sob presso com os efeitos da ansiedadeQuebrar o hbito de sentir ansiedade em momentos de desafioControlar rapidamente o incio de uma crise de ansiedadeMelhorar seus relacionamentos no trabalho, famlia, casamento controlando seu medo, insegurana e ansiedadeSou Fabio Jarrett, terapeuta e mentor de vida plenaNos ltimos 9 anos, atendi pessoas com sintomas de ansiedade em mais de 13 pases.Ao todo somo mais de 12 mil horas de atendimento individual e experincia em terapia, coaching e pnl.Ajudar pessoas a viver uma vida plena sempre foi minha misso e esse o objetivo de eu estudar tanto, no Brasil e exterior para oferecer sempre ferramentas baseadas em estudos cientficos para a transformao do comportamento.Todos precisamos de um mentor para direcionar nossos passos rumo a realizao, prosperidade e abundncia.Contra a ansiedade serei seu mentor a partir de agora.Veja o que diz a Keli aluna do Ansiedade Controladahoje vim para agradecer, fiz o curso Ansiedade Controlada e me ajudou muito!!!Uma das coisas que mais me causavam crises de ansiedade eram meus relacionamentos amorosos.Mas depois que fiz o curso, minha viso foi outra e consegui lidar melhor com isso. Hoje estou em uma relao saudvel e feliz!Seu tempo corridoPor isso preparei aulas em vdeo com contedo de fcil entendimento pra voc assistir indo pro trabalho, na hora do almoo ou at mesmo no domingo a noite que no tem tanta coisa para fazer.E voc tem acesso as aulas durante um ano para assistir como, quando e onde quiser. Pode ser no notebook, tablet ou smartphone. Tudo do seu jeito!Voc ainda ter acesso a ferramentas em PDF para aprofundar seu desenvolvimento e mandar a ansiedade pra bem longe de voc.E um detalhe super importanteQuanto mais corrido for seu tempo, mais a importncia de voc controlar sua ansiedade, pois ela se torna um ralo de tempo e realizaes.Quanto antes voc comear a controlar a ansiedade mais cedo ter tempo de qualidade para cuidar melhor da sua vida pessoal, profissional e familiar."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
Rapport |
"Curso bsico de tcnicas simples de Rapport para melhorar a comunicao interpessoal.Rapport conhecido como ""a arte de encantar pessoas"".Voc ir aprender algumas tcnicas simples, mas de grande potencial para conseguir que algum goste de voc, simpatize-se com voc, de modo a que possa conseguir alcanar seus objetivos com ela, como vender algo, por exemplo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The De Pasquale Yoshitsune jiu-jitsu Program" |
"The Story of Yoshitsune JujutsuJunji Saito, founder of the Yoshitsune Jujutsu system, moved to the United States in 1960. He had been a reporter for a Japanese newspaper and was assigned to London, England some years prior to Lloyd George becoming prime minister of England. Saito after being disappointed with Kodokan Judo first trained with an 86 year old Jigen Ryu master who taught him their form of Jujutsu. He later trained with his long time childhood friend, Ryuho Okuyama, the founder of Hakko Ryu and he eventually became the highest rank possible in that system, Shihan Menkyo KaidenMichael DePasquale Sr. met his teacher, Junji Saito for the first time in Januaryof 1960. At the time Mr. DePasquale Sr. was employed as a railroad police officer. One night while he was traveling to the Pennsylvania Station, NY to pick up work papers related to freight thefts, he chanced to meet his future teacher for the first time. Saito Sensei had just arrived at the station himself from Philadelphia.Saito Sensei can be described being very small in stature, 5 feet tall and very slender with a full head of white hair. Saito Sensei was not very strong looking, was very soft spoken and wore wire framed glasses. This all added to his appearance and the impression one got when meeting him for the first time. Shihan DePasquale Sr. described Saito Sensei as having ability far superior to anyone he had ever met, and that his ability was to teach was unsurpassed! He had a way about him to make people listen attentively and understand as he passed on his martial arts knowledge.Soon after arriving in the United States Saito Sensei took all of his favorite techniques from the systems he had studied and combined them into a system that became known as Yoshitsune Jujutsu. His thought was these techniques were more suited to the larger physique and self defense needs of Americans. In addition, Saito Sensei transmitted the Hepi Ryu system of Bo Jutsu at the Yoshitsune Dojo.Michael DePasquale Sr. founded the Yoshitsune Dojo in 1961. He trained in and taught traditional, authentic Japanese Jujutsu for more than half a century, and was commissioned as Shihan (""master instructor"") in Hakko Ryu Jujutsu by Soke Ryuho Okuyama of Omiya, Japan. DePasquales principal instructor for more than 26 years was Junji Saito, a Shihan Menkyo Kaiden (master instructor with all of the style's secrets). In 1964, Shihan DePasquale performed Jujutsu demonstrations at the Japanese Pavilion of the New York World's Fair.Upon Junji Saitos passing in 1988, Michael DePasquale Sr. became the headmaster of the Yoshitsune Jujutsu system. Shihan DePasquale is regarded by many to be the father of American Jujutsu who started his Jujutsu training in 1944 while a member of the CID Division in the US Army. He received numerous awards and distinctions during his life time including his induction into the Black Belt Hall of Fame, Jujutsu Americas Hall of Fame and was the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from Black Belt Magazine.He remained Yoshitsune Jujutsus headmaster until his passing in October, 2006. His son, Michael DePasquale Jr. is now the headmaster. Michael Jr started his training under his fathers guidance at the age of 6 and has been awarded numerous awards and distinctions as well, with over 60 different awards from members of his peers, Jujutsu Americas Hall of Fame, Battle of Atlanta Hall of Fame, Blue Grass Grand National Hall of Fame and many others. He has published 3 different magazines, his last one being Karate International Magazine, as well as 8 different books his first one being Simon and Schusters 1977 Monarch Illustrated Guide to Ju-Jitsu. He is till this day a sought out seminar leader teaching the Combat and Traditional Yoshitsune Ju-Jitsu that was taught to him by his late father."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Online Dog Training" |
"Our Online Dog Training Classes & Community are great for people who want help training their dogs, but dont have the time or know-how to get to a class with professional dog trainer.Enjoy the comfort and flexibility of learning from home while building a better bond with your best friend. This course is intended to take six weeks, but can be done faster or slower depending on your pace. You want to make sure you are working at your dogs pace and practice consistently to help your dog retain the information. This course will cover basic obedience and a few commonly asked questions regarding dog training. If you have any questions that are not addressed or have a specific question about your dog, please message me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Systematically Find Reliable & Trustworthy Tenants" |
"Learn the start-to-finish process of getting the perfect tenant to look after your investment property.Need help finding the right people to occupy your property? Join our Perfect Tenant Academy and get access to 8 in-depth modules made by our in-house expert, explaining the key steps to finding, vetting and securing the perfect tenants.Here's what you're going to get:Full Access to the 8-module online course, so you can learn the systemized method for finding reliable & trustworthy tenants.($4999 Value)Complete Landlord Form Bundle with 23 essential legal forms/templates, so you can stay compliant in any state. ($2999 Value)Cheatsheet for accurately calculating how much rent to charge, so you can get maximum rent without undercharging in your area.($699 Value)Rental Listing Secrets to show you how to create professional rental listing adverts, so you can attract the best tenants even in competitive markets. ($999 Value)Phone Scripts for verifying previous & current landlords/employers, so you can be confident that information applicants provide is truthful and accurate. ($599 Value)Smart Questionnaire that will automatically filter out all unsuitable applicants, so you can save time by dealing with only qualified prospective tenants.($399 Value)Full Access to Facebook Community Group, so you can learn and get support from other successful landlords first hand. ($1299 Value)Tenant Screening Criteria Template to help you systemize the judgment process around tenants who apply for your rental, so you can protect yourself against a discrimination claim. ($699 Value)30 Day Guarantee. If you dont like this online course for any reason, we'll give you a full refund. No questions asked (Priceless)Total Value = $12,692"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AZ-120: Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads" |
"Candidates for this exam are architects and engineers who are knowledgeable in the SAP Landscape Certification process and industry standards that are specific to the long-term operation of an SAP solution. Candidates make recommendations on services and adjust resources as appropriate for optimal resiliency, performance, scale, provision, size, and monitoring.Architects of Azure for SAP Workloads should have extensive experience and knowledge of SAP Applications, SAP HANA, S/4HANA, SAP NetWeaver, SAP BW, OS Servers for SAP Applications and Databases, Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, high availability design, disaster recovery design, data protection concepts, and networking.It is strongly recommended that candidates for this exam have an Azure Administrator or Azure Architect certification, in addition to SAP HANA and Linux certifications."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quebec Immigration: Skilled Worker Program" |
"Welcome!Thank you for choosing this course. We are thrilled to accompany you in this exciting process.In this course, and through a series of short videos and supplemental materials, you will learn about the immigration process to the province of Quebec in Canada as a skilled worker. Quebec is well-known for its welcoming outlook on immigration and is one of the top destinations for individual and families who want to explore their academic and professional potential all while providing a better future for their loved ones. This course will equip you with the necessary tools and information to initiate your immigration process and get a head start on your integration to Quebecs society.Course ExpectationsThis course will provide you with an overview of the basic steps you need to know about Quebec and its immigration requirements. For a more personalized approach and private consulting, you can reach the course instructors via email."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"English for beginners: The complete survival English course" |
"ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS: THE COMPLETE SURVIVAL ENGLISH COURSELove travelling? Want to live in an English speaking country? Simply want to improve your everyday English?You have come to the right place! This course has been designed to specifically help people like you to communicate with native English speakers. Together we will cover the following topics:* Greetings and responses (both formal and informal)* How to create a self introduction* Telling the time* Asking for directions* At the restaurant* At the supermarket* At the bank* At the Doctors* At the airportAll videos include slow and clear explanations with activities to complete in order to practice the content learnt. For full experience, it is recommended that you watch all videos, complete all activities and download the PDF summary sheet that comes with each module.** A LITTLE ABOUT ME **Hello, I'm Sharmani, born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. Nice to meet you and thank you for visiting my English survival course. Learning a new language can be exciting yet challenging. The idea of creating an English survival course came about when I spent one year abroad living in Spain. Not knowing a single word of Spanish made me realised how much I used to take for granted when I was back at home. Things like, going to the shops, asking for directions, just your day to day communication. I thought, why not flip it around and use my personal experiences and struggles to create an English course which will help people like you to comfortably travel or settle into an English speaking country. Happy learning!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr: Gana dinero por Internet" |
"En este curso aprenders de manera prctica cmo ganar dinero por Internet. Siguiendo una metodologa que me ha tomado 8 aos perfeccionar te ensear paso a paso cmo convertir tu conocimiento, habilidades y talentos en un producto rentable para la plataforma de outsourcing, Fiverr.Fiverr es un excelente medio para generar ingresos en lnea, tanto para aquellos que busquen aadir un extra a su economa o iniciar una profesin de tiempo completo como vendedor de servicios digitales. La gran ventaja de este taller es que No estoy resumiendo libros... el conocimiento que vas adquirir aqu es EXPERIENCIA BRUTA.Bsicamente te estoy entregando mi Know-how de forma estructurada para que T puedas poner en marcha una idea de negocio que ya esta probada.Nos vemos en clase ?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Trening Mentalny -jak si podnie, otrzepa i i do przodu" |
"By moe potrzebujesz wanie teraz bardziej zrozumie siebie, pozna i oswoi emocje, zredukowa stres i nauczy si y peni ycia!Moesz odmieni swoje ycie poprzez budowanie super mistrzowskich nawykw, ktre bd wspieray twj mental, twoje ciao i daway super energi do ycia. Ustalisz te, czego potrzebujesz robi w yciu wicej. Czemu to wane? Kady z nas ma zamiecony umys i podwiadomo wszystkimi negatywnymi informacjami na swj wasny temat: nie umiesz, nie nadajesz si, to nie dla Ciebie, jeste jak... Kady chodzi do szkoy, gdzie zamiast rozwija swoje pasje i talenty, uczy si w wikszoci zbdnych informacji na pami (budowa pantofelka i wiza wglanu wapnia) i stopniowo zapomina, e ycie moe by super przygod pen pasji, motywacji i energii do dziaania. Popatrz na swoje zdjcie jak miae kilka lat - to doskonaa, radosna istota, ktra wiecznie prbowaa i dowiadczaa nowych rzeczy! A jak jest z Tob teraz? Czy chciaby w yciu wicej radoci, flow, dziaania z pasj i zgodnie z marzeniami! To moliwe. Kurs skada si z 3 sekcji oraz 10 dni i 10 podsumowa i wicze. 3 sekcje to10 dni to: po kadym dniu zaproponuj Ci kilka wicze, ktre pozwol inaczej patrze na siebie, na wiat i na szczcie i poczucie spenienia. Czas zbudowa nowe nawyki i przekonania i now osob - Nowego Ciebie!Znajdziesz w kursie najnowsz wiedz z zakresu psychologii pozytywnej zmiany, relacji ze sob, technik zmiany przekona, pracy z emocjami oraz technik uwanoci, medytacji i korzystnego wpywania na swj organizm. "
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Curso BB-Glow [certificado]" |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para realizar diferentes tratamientos con el dermapen. Tratamientos como el de BB-Glow, que es el ms conocido, rejuvenecimiento facial, anti-ojeras, tratamientos efecto botox y muchos ms.Est diseado tanto para alumnos sin experiencia donde aprendern todo lo necesario para iniciarse, como para profesionales de este sector que quieran renovarse o aprender una tcnica nueva."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Psychopathy" |
"Through this course, we aim to challenge your pre-conceptions of the concept of psychopathy. Specifically, we will be exploring early conceptualisations of psychopathy as well as how we test, categorise, and risk assess psychopaths in the modern day. Moreover, we will be exploring the constellation of factors that define a psychopath and see how these facets map onto criminal and maladaptive behaviour in both community and forensic settings. Finally, we will be introducing models of psychopathy (The Biopsychosocial Model) before closing the course with discussion around how psychopathic traits might be considered adaptive - and even, successful."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Tan Rosie Caribbean Masterclass Cookery Course" |
"What words spring to mind when you think of the Caribbean? Sandy beaches? Music? Dancing?...Or perhapsAll the delicious Caribbean food you can eat, with a cool sea breeze, under the heat of the tropical sun? (we thought so!)Well look no further, because if the thought of cooking delicious classic Caribbean dishes floats-your-boat, then enrolling on a Tan Rosie Online Caribbean Cookery Masterclass course, will quickly get you up to speed and impress your family and friends with a little bit of Spice, in no time whatsoever.In the comfort of your own kitchen, learn how to make such well-loved dishes as; Curry Mutton Rice & Peas Salt Fish Fried Dumplings Salt Fish Fritters Fried Plantain Jerk ChickenTan Rosie, was founded in Birmingham UK in 2010, by mother-and-daughter business founders, Lee and Monica, whose ancestral roots originate in Carriacou, Grenada. The inspiration for the business came from fond memories of the food they enjoyed tasting, and learning how to cook, while growing up as children.In 2018, the Tan Rosie Cookery School was officially opened in Witton, Birmingham, with a mission to teach everyday people from around the UK, how to create wonderful Caribbean dishes at home, and has since gone from strength to strength.Now in 2020, to spread their knowledge and love of cookery cross the world, Tan Rosie Online Caribbean Cookery School has diligently designed and recorded a programme of online courses for this very purpose, exclusively available to you online. Each cookery masterclass is full of easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, presented in a fun, relaxed atmosphere so you can go at your own pace. Lots of hints, tips and advice throughout, as well as, background information, culture food, & history of the Caribbean Full recipe pdfs and information on Caribbean ingredients available to download.Enrol now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Apple Caramel" |
"Curso de Mas Carameladas - Caramel Apple - Mas GourmetsNesse curso eu mostro TODOS os SEGREDOS para preparar as Mas mais saborosas do mundo e isso sem falar da lucratividade... um doce perfeito para voc comear a fazer e vender...As receitas so fceis de preparar e o curso muito fcil de entender com passo a passo super bem explicadinho e VDEOS que vo te ajudar a preparar tudo com perfeio..."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso Guitar Rig 5 (COMPLETO) Tutorial e Criao de Timbres" |
"No dia-a-dia da criao musical importante ter, alm de talento, as melhores ferramentas para auxiliarem durante todo o processo, de modo que facilite o trabalho e que se tenha aquele toque nico atravs de ajustes personalizados. Com algumas ferramentas em seu computador possvel atingir resultados profissionais, antes somente obtidos em grandes estdios.Guitar Rig 5 transformar seu computador em um estdio profissional para guitarras e poder ser utilizado para os mais variados gneros musicais, ligue sua guitarra e toque em tempo real ou utilize o Guitar Rig 5 como um plugin VST. Atravs deste curso voc ir conhecer as ferramentas mais importantes do Guitar Rig 5, descobrir novos timbres e criar os seus prprios timbres.Voc ir aprender a configurar e usar o guitar rig ao vivo sem controlador midi."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aratrmaclar in Kaynak Taramas" |
"Bu eitim, akademisyenler, uzmanlar, yksek lisans ve doktora rencileri, aratrmaclar, bilimsel bildiri veya makale yazmak isteyen niversite rencilerine ynelik hazrlanmtr.Akademik kariyer dnenler, Aratrma yapmak isteyenler,Akademik kaynaklara nasl ulalabildii hakknda bilgi sahibi olmak isteyenler,Tez veya aratrma konusu bulma srecinde olan herkes bu eitimden faydalanabilirler.Bir tez yazmaya balamadan nce veya bir makale yazmadan nce literatr tararz ki o konu allm m alnmam m nceden belirleriz. Aklmdan geen konu acaba allm m diye cevabn ararz. Ben yeni bir eyler ortaya karabilecek miyim? Alanmda bir eksiklii giderebilecek miyim? gibi sorularn cevabn bulabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Day Trade em Opes Binaria" |
" Neste curso voc que iniciante, ter uma base muito bem explicada para comear a ter resultados no mercado de Opes Binrias. Mesmo voc que j tem um certo conhecimento no mercado financeiro tambm sair com bons conhecimento que poder agregar no seu operacional. Com este curso voc ir aprender a rentabilizar o seu prprio capital, conseguindo dentro de sua casa resultados que podero lhe dar uma renda extra ou at mesmo uma liberdade financeira.SEJAM BEM-VINDOS!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Pro 2020 & QuickBooks Online - 2 Course Bundle" |
"**Course includes LIFETIME access**Whether you are using the Online version of QuickBooks or the Desktop Pro version, we have you covered with this two-course 2020 bundle! This course covers both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Pro 2020. We cover both in this one Udemy course to give even more value. Below are the details of what is covered in each.QuickBooks Pro 2020In this QuickBooks Pro 2020 course, we take you on a journey from QuickBooks novice to QuickBooks expert in 8 hours.Your certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor will show you important features from how to set up correctly in QuickBooks through to tracking mileage and running payroll. This comprehensive QuickBooks 2020 course starts at the very beginning and assumes no prior knowledge.In this part of the course you will learn:How to navigate the QuickBooks 2020 interfaceTo create a company file and set up your chart of accountsSetting up your preferences in QuickBooks to suit your companyAll about processing payroll and payroll taxesCreate invoices, enter and pay bills and purchase ordersAll about estimates and working with customers and jobsHow to work with sales taxAbout receiving items, inventory, creating purchase orders and paying for itemsHow to reconcile bank statementsHow to deal with checks and credit card accountsAll about Quick Reports and customizing reportsTo back up your company dataCreate stunning reports that visualize your company financial dataWorking with automated payment reminders (new in 2020)How to deal with vehicle mileageQuickBooks OnlineIn this QuickBooks Online course, we introduce you to this essential cloud accounting software. QuickBooks Online looks different from the traditional QuickBooks desktop software (which we also cover in this two-course edition!). We've developed this course specifically for QuickBooks Online users.In this QuickBooks Online course, We start at the very beginning and cover everything thats required to get set up in QuickBooks Online before moving onto more advanced features.In this part of the course you will learn:How to create a company file and set up your chart of accountsSetting up your preferences in QuickBooks to suit your companyCreate invoices, enter and pay bills and purchase ordersAll about estimates and working with customers and jobsHow to work with sales taxAbout receiving items, inventory, creating purchase orders and paying for itemsHow to reconcile bank statementsHow to set up recurring items and journal entriesWhat people are saying about QuickBooks courses from Simon Sez IT:""The format for this course is making the assumption that you are in the business world and want information that you can instantly apply. I feel Cindy does a great job of cutting to the meat of the matter and doesn't waste a lot of time on the extra bells and whistles that very few people will find useful.""- DEANNE RYAN""Great explanation and easy to follow. Great instruction from Cindy"" - MELISSA SUPERNOR""So far, I am enjoying this course. It has reached and exceeded my expectations, the speaker has a wonderful, clear voice that does not make me drowsy, and explains things fully. I would recommend to anyone wanting to learn ALL about Quickbooks. 10/10"" - YELTZIN ARISTID GOMEZ VENEGAS""This is a great intro for a new QB user. I could have used less info in some places (how to edit a field and other things that are intuitive if you are comfortable on a PC) and more info in others (more general process, how-tos, and a few basic accounting principles for a better understanding of what QB can and should do.) Also, if you skip the modules on topics you think aren't relevant, you may miss some useful information about the software features. The instructor is easy to understand and pleasant to listen to. ""- MARGARET W. SEICSHNAYDRE"" I have had to restart my QuickBooks company file twice now, and finally just decided that it was time for some lessons. I am only a couple of videos in and have learned many tricks that I was unaware of before. I look forward to the video lectures to come and the useful information within."" - KATRINA BIGGS""I am so glad that it is for beginners like me because I want to fully understand the concept from the very start of Quickbooks. Thank You"" - JUDITH DELUCAThis bundle includes:12.5+ hours of video tutorials140+ individual video lecturesCertificate of completionCourse CompatibilityThis course was recorded using QuickBooks Pro Desktop 2020 edition and QuickBooks Online (in 2020). Much of what is shown is also available in older versions of QuickBooks as well as the other desktop editions (Premier, Enterprise).This course was designed for people new to QuickBooks but may also be useful for students with some QuickBooks experience who are looking to improve their knowledge of accounting software.Did you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"5 SEO Secrets for 2020 & beyond - All you need to profit NOW" |
"SEO IS NOT STATIC BUT CHANGING FAST!IF YOU DO NOT ADAPT & IMPLEMENT THE STRATEGIES I WILL SHOW YOU IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LOSE YOUR WEBSITE RANKINGS SOON!If you buy this course you will get my updated knowledge from over 14 years of experience in SEO. Further, you will get to know my latest strategies for top rankings, free access to one of the best SEO Tools as well as free checklists and questionnaires to evaluate and improve your SEO rankings.Are you not sure if you should join my course?Here is some information that you should consider when making your choice:- Over 70000 satisfied students enrolled in my courses (not just on udemy!) - Some of my courses have been featured as Nr #1 of Udemy's Top Trending and Top Selling Courses in Marketing and SEO- Over 500 5 Stars reviews from very happy studentsStill not convinced?- CEO of 2 Google certified online marketing agencies- Amazon bestselling author of 4 online marketing books- Speaker and SEO meetup host- Marketing and SEO consultant for international companies like Microsoft, Nivometric, Head, Zalando.______________________________________________________________________HERE'S WHAT YOU GET FROM THIS COURSETake a look at what youll learn and how it will make sure that you see real results on Google. More traffic. More opt-ins. More sales in 2020 and beyonde.- Learn what changed in SEO over the last years - especially over the last 10 months. You NEED to KNOW THIS if you still want to rank in top positions and if you dont want to risk losing your current rankings!- Learn about all the latest Google updates and how they will impact Search in 2020- Learn how to identify the weak points of your website and how to optimize them with my proven simple & winning SEO strategies!______________________________________________________________________Gain instant access to all my strategies and checklists that I developed over the last 14+ years and let me show you how we deal with ranking problems of our clients and how we can also help you to massively increase your rankings in 2020 and beyond.SEO is a fundamental marketing strategy for all kinds of businesses because you can generate a large amount of traffic FOR FREE. But SEO changed a lot over the last years. Strategies that used to work dont anymore. NOW the time has come: The Google search algorithm does not work anymore like it used to work. Many important factors have changed!NOW it is your chance to use all the knowledge of my course and to get a BIG competitive advantage for you and your business!What are you waiting for?________________________________________________________________________WHAT YOU'LL LEARNIn this course, you'll learn many new skills, including:- How to check and evaluate all the latest Google SEO updates- All about the Google Medic Update and the impact on rankings- All about the Google Core Update and its impact on Googles SEO Core algorithm- All about the Google BERT Update and how you can use the learnings to improve your SEO rankings.- All about E.A.T. and which SEO and content creation factors it impacts- All about YMYL and what it stands for and if this has an impact on your website or industry- All about what Google SEO Updates overall taught us and how we can use this knowledge to improve rankings and revenues.- All about user intent and why it is now critically important- Find out how you can evaluate and classify user intent (free excel spreadsheet included)- Learn how to create the right kind of content matching User Intent to maximize your traffic and ROI-Learn all about Google Search Quality Guidelines and how they can help you to improve your SEO rankings (I already filtered the most important questions for you)- Learn where you can find Googles latest Search Quality Guidelines so you will always be one of the first to know about the latest changes.- Learn all about mobile SEO and why it is so important now for having a chance to rank in top positions in 2020 in beyond- Learn how to evaluate, check and modify your mobile website- Learn what we do in our agency to boost our clients rankings and profit from my over 14+ years of SEO experience and knowledge!- Learn how Linkbuilding changed over the last years and how you need to build links now.- Learn how you can stay connected with me so you can keep on profiting from my knowledge and experience_______________________________________________________________________ THE BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE:- Rapidly Improves RankingsOnce you apply the techniques and strategies in this SEO course, your ranking will increase almost instantly, bringing in a new flow of traffic and hungry customers- Explode Your Income From Free TrafficWith this course, you will gain more search engine visibility that will skyrocket your leads and sales.- Convert More Visitor to LeadsBetter Google rankings will show your customers that you are a trusted source and as a result, they will be way more likely to buy from you.- Get New Customers & Sales for FREEBy using the SEO strategies in this course, you will save a lot of money! You wont need to pay large amounts of money to drive quality traffic to your website anymore! Google does that for you!- Build Healthy Links In this course, you will learn the most effective, safe and up-to-date link building strategies in 2020 that will dramatically boost your business without hurting it!- Protect Your website against SEO attacksWho likes having his business under SEO attacks? No one does... and this is why Ill teach you how to protect your website against them._____________________________________________________________________QUESTIONS & ANSWERSQ: My SEO knowledge is limited, is this course for me?A: Yes, this course is not covering the very basics but it shows you all the things you need to know to gain top rankings in 2020. If you also want to know all the basics please also consider to take one of my other coursesQ: I already have advanced SEO skills, it this course for me?A: Yes, because this course will show you what still works and whatnot. I can not repeat this enough, this is extremely important and critical: If you do not adapt your SEO strategy now you will not be able to rank in top positions anymore and if you still rank well you are at BIG risk losing all your good positions and the revenue coming from your SEO traffic sources.Q: What if I buy the course but dont like it, can I get my money back?A: Yes, there is a 30-day money guarantee. If you can say that you learned nothing, just email us and we will refund your money. It is a 100% no-risk deal for you.Q: Do these SEO strategies really work?A: Yes, we use the strategys I teach in this course ourself in our SEO / marketing agencies to boost our customers results and revenue and yes, they work!Q: Who is this course for?A. Entrepreneurs and business owners that want to bring more traffic to their websites and want to make more money! Also, this course is for the ones who want to protect their websites from upcoming Google updates and make sure SEO traffic will not stop driven revenue.B. People who work in marketing or are generally interested in SEO and want to get knowledge about it.Q: What you can expect from this course# You will learn how SEO dramatically changed over the last months and what you can do to have a BIG competitive advantage.# This course also teaches you how to avoid upcoming Google penalties and tells you many more SEO tips and tricks!Some of my courses have been featured as the No. #1 of Udemys Top Trending Courses in Marketing! Over 70000 people from all around the world enrolled in these courses already!(not just on udemy)# More than 500 - 5 Star reviews from very happy students!______________________________________________________________________WHAT MY STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT MY COURSES:Extremely thorough, up to date and easy to follow course. AAA++. Harald is a very talented and highly informed speaker on all things SEO and beyond. Super helpful when it comes to answering questions and looking after his students. The best SEO course on Udemy from several I have tried. Highly recommend to anyone at any level."" Arnold TuchinskyProfessional advice from an expert. My online business has never really been much of a success Since implementing wholesale changes to my business structure and the way I advertise and marketing techniques my business has taken off. The SEO research was a dream comes true. This course is very helpful and will make your online life a pleasure. It is well set out and very well wrote with in-depth knowledge on all topics. A gem of a course that reaps great positive results."" Nick JamesOne of my best training! I have taken many classes, but they are only in mind and cannot use it for the practical. We need practical knowledge more, so this is the best training."" Aman AwalYou have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Try this course and if you can honestly say that youve learned nothing, just email Udemy and they will give you a 100% refund within 30 days._____________________________________________________________________If you don't act, you will never tap into your SEO potential and finally, learn what really works NOW and what doesn't. This course has not only the best SEO strategies you can find on Udemy, but this course has safe and proven strategies that won't hurt your business, but only improve it which will make you save a lot of money and time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Project Changes and Closing (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Project Changes and Closing (PMI - PMP) is course 3 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). The course is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).It happens every time. Your customer or team members come up with great ideas during a project of how the product could be so much better if. But that can be a sure recipe for disaster. This course teaches you how to apply the perform integrated change control process. It also explains the closed project or phase process. Guiding you how to ensure product acceptance, tie up loose ends, and assess the project's success.1. Integrated Change Control2. Configuration Management3. Inputs to Perform Integrated Change Control4. The Change Control Process5. Outputs of Perform Integrated Change Control6. Inputs to Close Project or Phase7. Close Project or Phase Tools and Techniques8. Outputs of the Close Project or Phase Process9. Exercise: Managing Change and Closing the ProjectThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |