Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"SAS Enterprise Miner (Trke)" |
"Kursumuzda Neler Yapacaz?SAS Enterprise Miner ekranlarn tanyacaz. lemlerimizde SAS n arayzn kullanacaz.SAS Enterprise Miner (SAS EM) zerinden verimizi ekip analizini yapacaz.Veriden rneklem alp yeni deikenler retme/deiken seme ilemlerini yapacaz.Regresyon, karar aalar, sinir alar, SVM, boosting methodlar gibi birok modelleme yntemi kullanp bu modelleri karlatracaz.Bulduumuz en iyi yntemi test verisi ile skorlayp sonularmz kaydedeceiz.Kod bile kullanmadan yukardaki admlar aklayarak teker teker uygulayacaz.Kursumuza veri madencilii renmek isteyen tm renciler katlabilir.Veri analizlerinizi, analitik modellerinizi ve raporlamalarnz kolaylkla SAS kullanarak yapabilirsiniz.Gelecein en parlak meslei olan ""Veri Bilimci"" olarak almak istiyorsanz, SAS sizin iin en iyi balang olacak."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Secrets Of Reverse Aging & Longevity" |
"This Online Course On Reverse Aging You Will Show You How To Transform Your Body, Mind & Turn Back The Clock! This Anti-Aging Course Covers ALL The Major Strategies You Need To Turn Back The Biological Clock & Be Younger. Try These Techniques And Feel Amazing!These Techniques & Strategies ALSO Reduce Your Chance Of Getting MOST Ailments! WOW!!! You Cant Beat That! Get Your Energy, Youth & Vitality Back!By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover 1) Discover Exactly What Reverse Aging IS & HOW It Works!2) Learn The SCIENCE & SECRETS Behind Reverse Aging3) Discover the MANY Powerful BENEFITS Of Reverse Aging4) Learn How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Add MANY Healthy Years To Your Life!5) Discover Powerful Anti-Aging Supplements That Can Add YEARS To Your Life!6) Discover SECRET Anti-Aging Routines That Turn Back The Clock Every Day7) Learn The Hidden SECRETS Of Younger Looking Skin. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!Dont Miss This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Learn Life Skills That Can Transform Your Life From Our Pros At Advanced Ideas - Who Have Condensed Their Many Years Of Learning, Training & Testing Into This One Quick & Easy Course For You."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Temel NLP Eitimi (Ayrntl)" |
"Temel NLP eitimi ile davran deitirme, iliki ve iletiim farkndal ile deiim, NLP renme davranlar aamalar ve srelerini net bir ekilde renebileceksiniz, NLP ile davran deitirme ynetimini grecek ksa ve uzun sreli hedeflerini dzenleyebileceksiniz. NLP teknikleri ile insan davranlarn ve insan kiilik analizlerini renecek, kiileri daha rahat bir ekilde karakter, ruh analizi yapabileceksiniz."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Tools for Agencies2020" |
"If you are an advertising agency but you are not using Facebook Business Manager yet, you are wasting a lot of time jumping from advertising account to advertising account, switching between multiple FB users and so on. Facebook Business Manager is just a tool from you. It will save you a lot of time and let you easily manage your employees and all of your Facebook pages and Facebook ad accounts.Check my promo video for this course to find out more details about this course.Everything that we'll learn here is fresh and just got updated in 2020, Facebook is changing very fast, so that's why I've collected only accurate data for you right here.If you just starting your agency or you already have one, this is course will provide you with all the tools that you need in order to work properly on Facebook."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.81 Master: Escultura Digital Personagem Cartoon" |
"Escultura digital com BlenderQuer aprender escultura digital 3d de personagem para jogos ou animaes? Se destacar como artsta 3D e surpreender a todos que voc conhece, tendo mais oportundides nesse mercado que s cresce?Meu nome Edson Camacho e j ajudei centenas de pessoas como voc a melhorar suas habilidades com criaes 3D, com meu curso completo de Blender.Aprendi desenhar e iniciar meus primeiros passos na animao 2d com um amigo meu que foi diretor de arte dos estudios Maurcio de Souza, o criador da turma da Mnica.Depois estudei introduo a animao 3D com um professor que foi animador do filme ""Planeta dos Macacos"".Estudei programao de jogos no Unity com cursos autorizados pela prpria Unity e por ultimo estudo animao 2d com um professor que foi animador da Disney.Tudo isso para entregar o melhor contedo para voc.Dou aula a mais de 5 anos nessa rea e agora voc poder melhorar suas habilidades com o curso de escultura digital 3d de personagem para jogos ou animao com Blender.Voc aprender como:Otimizar a interface para esculpirFazer um correta blocagem da cabea do personagemComo esculpir a cabea de seu personagemEsculpir bocaEsculpir narizEsculpir orelhasColcoar olhosEsculpir cabelosPintar o personagem com tcnica hand paintinge muito mais...Porque usar o Blender para esculpir?O Blender um software livre, no h custo algum para voc usar ele, sem restrines, essa a grande vantagem em relao aos softwares pagos, voc pode comear hoje sem precisar investir em nenhum software e os resultados so muito similares.Esse curso completo conta com mais de 1:30 hs de contedo sobre demanda, que voc poder aproveitar a qualquer momento e em qualquer dispositivo.O que voc est esperando? Centenas de alunos j melhoraram suas habilidades em escultura 3d de personagem para games ou animaes comigo.Srie Blander Master 3DO curso ser uma srie composta de escultura, retopologia, hand painting, roupagem, rig, ilulminao e render final, dividiremos o curso em partes, essa primeira parte voc ter aqui nesse curso, que tratar da escultura digital no Blender.Esse curso para todos aqueles que tem alguma ou nenhuma experincia com o Blender e que querem melhorar suas habilidades de escultura 3d para jogos ou animaes, esse treinamento faz parte da Srie Blender Master 3D, no fique fora de nosso grupo de artstas e aproveite essa oportunidade e se inscreva ainda hoje, vejo voc no curso!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"The Teacher and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)" |
"The very concept of Social and emotional learning (SEL) provides a foundation for safe and positive learning, and enhances students' ability to succeed in school, careers, and life. Hence this module encapsulates the The Teacher and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in view towards bringing WOW classrooms a reality in particular."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Successful Speaker" |
"The module delivers to become a better speaker, use the following strategies: Plan appropriately. Practice. Engage with your audience. Pay attention to body language. Think positively. Cope with your nerves. Watch recordings of your speeches. This explores the reality in practice with priority on ground. The objective is towards being a wow speaker."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Node.js REST API: Express, MySQL, Basic Auth, OAuth2, JWT" |
"This bootcamp is designed for everyone who wants to learn and upgrade REST API development using Node.js. Various Node.js REST API projects are provided to increase your skills and experiences. All projects are delivered with step-by-step approaches.You will develop the following REST API projects:Hello world REST APICalculator APIMySQL CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) APIApplying basic authentication for Node.js REST APIApplying OAuth2 for Node.js REST APIApplying JWT token for Node.js REST APIFor students without Node.js programming skill, this bootcamp delivers a brief Node.js programming so you can follow this bootcamp easily. In this bootcamp, you will learn how to build REST API using Node.js and Express from the scratch . Starting to create a project, writing codes, and testing REST APIs."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Leadership devenez un leader inspirant" |
"Programme complet sur le leadershipCette formation contient tout ce que vous devez savoir pour devenir un leader inspirant dans votre organisation.Dans cette formation, je vous partage avec vous les diffrents styles de leadership et comment les utiliser en fonction du contexte dans lequel vous tes.Vous dcouvrirez pourquoi il faut dlguer et comment le faire efficacement. Je partage aussi avec vous les diffrentes sources de motivation et comment les utiliser en fonction de chaque type de personnalit. Je vous donnerai aussi des exemples et des exercices pratiques pour illustrer chaque point.Voici quelques tmoignages venants de participants mes cours : Je suis content de pouvoir couter des personnes comme Jamal. Cest concret, il va l'essentiel, il y a un vritable partage, c'est prcis et surtout on sent qu'il sait de quoi il parle avec une belle prparation en amont. Je ne peux que recommander cette formation car c'est clairement un investissement faire ! . Salahddine Agrablement surpris par ce cours, j'ai appris plein de choses. Du coup, grosse remise en question qui tombe au meilleur moment dans ma vie. Trs motivant ! Nicolas Merci pour le concret, la clart et la synthse ! . Lyne_________________________________________Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur le leadership ?Si vous voulez dcouvrir les diffrents styles de leadership pour choisir celui qui vous correspond le mieux ?Si vous voulez apprendre motiver les autres pour adhrer votre vision ?Ou si vous voulez apprendre mieux dlguer ?Cette formation est pour vous !Le leadership est une comptence cl dans le monde de lentreprise mais aussi dans notre vie prive.Malheureusement, la plupart des gens ne se voient pas comme des leaders. Ils pensent que le leadership est rserv une poigne de personnes qui ont eu ce don la naissance. Des tudes ont prouv que le leadership sapprend et se dveloppe avec la pratique et lexprience.Certains sont des leaders naturels mais on connait aujourdhui les qualits et les comportements adopter pour devenir un meilleur leader.Cest exactement ce que je partage avec vous dans cette formation.Il y a un grand leader lintrieur de chacun dentre nous.Vous pouvez librer ce leader qui est en vous. Imaginez en quoi votre vie serait diffrente si vous arriviez influencer les personnes qui travaillent avec vous, si vous arriviez les inspirer et si vous arriviez les motiver pour adhrer votre vision.Vous navez pas besoin de deviner, voici juste quelques comptences que vous allez acqurir la fin de cette formation :Dcouvrez les diffrents styles de leadershipCommuniquez comme un leader inspirantDlguez plus efficacementMotivez vos collaborateurs en fonction de leur type de personnalitDonnez des feedbacks plus efficacementFormulez des demandes sans crer de conflitsFaites passer votre message avec assertivitEt bien plus encoreCe nest pas un cours thorique, les techniques je partage avec vous, vous pouvez les mettre immdiatement en application et aussi voir des rsultats. Tout au long de la formation, vous trouverez des exercices pratiques pour appliquer immdiatement ce que vous apprenez.Maintenant, si vous tes prt pour faire passer votre communication au niveau suprieur, je vous dis tout de suite lintrieur."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Como fazer uma loja virtual do zero" |
"Com este curso voc vai aprender a criar prottipos de baixa, mdia e alta fidelidade e depois ser capaz de aplicar na construo de lojas virtuais super profissionais assim como para sites em geral! No perca tempo e faa sua inscrio agora mesmo! Tambm vai aprender a instalar o wordpress manualmente na hospedagem, instalar o certificado SSL que representa a segurana da loja virtual, vai aprender tambm como criar um email profissional. Como aulas bnus voc vai aprender a integrar o meio de pagamento com carto de crdito e frete dos correios para a loja virtual."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"VMWARE NSX SDWAN Velocloud Basics" |
"What is SD-WAN ? Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) is an overlay architecture that overcomes the biggest drawbacks of traditional WAN. SD-WAN builds a secure, unified connectivity over any transport (MPLS, Broadband, LTE, VSAT etc.)and provides simplified operations with centralized management, policy control and application visibility across the enterprise.Significance of Velocloud : From Last 2 Years in the Gartner Magic Quadrant . One of the Most Deployed SD-WAN in Global 1000 Companies .With SD-WAN built on the Viptela Fabric, enterprises can provide secure connectivity everywhere, deploynew services and applications faster, and drastically simplify operational complexity in the WAN.Topics covered : !Section 01 NSX SDWAN Velocloud Introduction & Features01 NSX SDWAN Velocloud Introduction02 What is Velocloud ...03 Market Players & Gartner report04 Velocloud SDWAN benefits05 Velocloud Architecture06 Velocloud Edge Devices07 Velcloud Features08 Velo_500 UI09 Velocloud Orchestrator DashboardSection 02 Velocloud vs Viptela Feature Comparison & Edge Installation10 Velocloud vs Viptela Compare 0111 Velocloud vs Viptela Compare 0212 Velocloud Network Topologies13 Velocloud Key Concepts14 Velcloud vEdge Installation15 Velcloud vEdge Basic DiagnosticsSection 03 Velocloud Profile Configuration16 Velocloud Edge Profile17 Cloud VPN18 Rest of the Configurations Part01 Auth Netflow DNS19 Rest of the Configurations Part02 Multicast20 Rest of the Configurations Part03 vlan ntp snmp optionsSection 04 Velocloud Business Policy & Firewall Rules with Edge Override21 Configure Profile Business Policy22 Dynamic multi-path Optimization23 Link Steering Options24 Firewall Rules25 Velocloud Edge Template & OverrideSection 05 Velocloud Routing Protocols : OSPF BGP OFC(Overlay Flow Contro)26 Velocloud OSPF27 Velocloud BGP28 Overlay Flow Control : OFC"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"TYT - Canllarn Temel Bileenleri" |
"ki oturum olarak geekleecek olan YKS snavnn ilk oturumu olan TYT snavnda Biyoloji ksmnda karnza gelecek olan canlnn temel bileenleri inorganik maddeler ve organik maddeler olmak zere iki gruba ayrlr. Canllarn yapsnda bulunan temel bileikler inorganik temel bileikler ve organik temel bileikler olarak iki grupta incelenir. norganik temel bileikler; su, mineral, asit, baz ve tuzlardr. Organik bileikler ise; karbonhidrat, protein, ya, vitamin, nkleik asitler, enzimler ve hormonlardr.Bu testle konu hakknda kapsaml bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MEAN. Angular, Node, Express, Mongo." |
"JavaScript- (MEAN STACK) FullStack JavaScript- MEAN STACK: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular Node.js FullStack JavaScript-, FullStack- CRM- FullStack-FullStack- - , Frontend-, Backend-.FullStack- (FullStack Developer) , -: (Frontend), (Backend), . JavaScript- (MEAN STACK) FullStack JavaScript- MEAN STACK: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular Node.js. 10 . , , , , . . ! 2018 : Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js Angular. REST API , , Google Amazon. Express.js Node.js- , 1-2 . . , , FullStack JavaScript-, FullStack- CRM- C Junior JavaScript Developer 50-80 ., R-, , . , : Material Design Materialize CSS"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 Amazon Product Launch Secrets Gurus Don't Want You To Know" |
"Do you want to effortlessly master 7 proven product launch methods to rank on page 1 of Amazon & generate organic sales FAST, WITHOUT spending a ton of time, money or effort?(Oh, and did I mention these 7 methods work even if you have ZERO online marketing experience or have failed Amazon product launches in the past?)Keep reading because 67% of Amazon Sellers make less than $100/month in profit!This means that 2 out of every 3 Amazon Sellers deposit less than $100 into their bank account every month!Why are so many Amazon Sellers making such little profit?The problem is that most Amazon Sellers only know one or two product launch methods and are completely unaware of the strategies the top 1% of Amazon Sellers use to effortlessly launch their products fast with as little time, money and stress as possible. (HINT: they're not doing giveaways or 50%-90% discounts!)Knowing only one or two product launch methods leaves your entire Amazon investment at the mercy of a service, agency, or platform that couldn't care less about your Amazon business and ultimately burn your entire investment alive and leave you bankrupt, crying in the corner of your room eating a gallon of off-brand ice cream.Trust me...I've been there.Not only that, but many of these so-called ""product launch services"" use black hat ranking tactics that can have your Amazon account shut down FOREVER!Luckily for your there's a solution.Let me introduce you to the Amazon Product Launch Secrets Course.In this course you will learn... The step-by-step guide to rank products & generate organic sales on Amazon faster, more profitably AND with less stress than ever before.#1 Amazon product launch MYTH that can cause you to lose your entire investment (and mind) and how to spot & avoid it like a pro. (Lecture 4)Uncover he mystery of Amazon's A9 ranking algorithm so you can stop putting yourself at the unforgiving mercy of bad product launch methods and gurus/services that don't care about your business. (Lecture 3)Learn how to reach hundreds of THOUSANDS of potential buyers for only $14.00 by tapping into the power of influencer marketing. (Lecture 48)Ethically steal MASSIVE amounts of traffic from the world's largest search engine and send it to your listing for a huge surge in keyword ranking AND SALES. (Lecture 41 - 43)So much more!You may be wondering why I (Sumner) have any credibility to teach this topic.Well, I am an (actual) full-time Amazon Seller who generates a LOT more than $100 in profit per month and I've been burned many times before by trying to launch products on Amazon without any guidance OR relying on so-called ""product launch services"" that blew through my investment with absolutely ZERO results to show.I've spent MONTHS interviewing & studying 7 and 8-figure Amazon Sellers to learn their secret ranking strategies as well as relentlessly testing different ranking methods of my own to find the absolute BEST ways to launch products on Amazon with as little time, money and stress as humanely possible.Oh, and learning how to NOT put myself and my business at the mercy of one or two crap strategies.If you've made it this far I know I can drastically help your Amazon business but don't take my word for it!Take a look at the course reviews for yourself.By the end of this course you will have every single thing that you need to profitably rank products on Amazon faster and with greater confidence & success than ever before.30 DAY GUARANTEE: The best part is if this course does not have a profound impact on every single product you launch on Amazon for the rest of your life Udemy will refund your entire purchase amount within 30 days.BONUS: Along with everything listed above I will also teach you 3 little-known TOS-friendly hacks to generate your first 10 Amazon reviews FASTER than your competitors and other Amazon Sellers as well as a couple other tricks ;)Enroll now and launch every single product on Amazon easier, faster and with greater confidence than ever before!I look forward to seeing you inside :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Practical guide to AI in Unity" |
"Learn how to create state of the art AI for video games using Unity.I believe in a practical approach in learning so this course will be primarily project-based. You won't just learn dry theory and forget everything within a matter of days but instead apply the learned concepts to two actual Unity-Projects:Catch: A simple digital replica of play every kid's favourite game: catchColony Simulation: A game like Rimworld or Oxygen Not Included, where you can't control the NPCs directly, but instead they are controlled by the AI and you need to help them survive by making sure they've got enough to eat.Also this course contains a free exclusive Behavior-Designer Educational-License, which would normally cost ~70$. Behavior Designer is the industry-standard solution for Behaviortrees and generously provided me with an exclusive Educational License, which they specifically built for this course. So you won't get it anywhere else. Also you will of course get full lifetime access to the course. We'll start with the simplest AI-System that there is, namely State-Machines.After that we'll improve State-Machines and make them more extensible with the State-Pattern.Then we'll hit the main topic which is one of the more advanced techniques that are used in Indie- and AAA-Gameproductions alike: BehaviorTrees.Lastly we'll have a glimpse at one of the more experimental AI-Approaches, namely Genetic Algorithms, which are more of a niche topic but have the potential for very interesting game-mechanics that stand out of the crowd.Whereas this course is already rather extensive and covers the most important aspects of AI for modern gamedevelopment, I can't possibly cover everything of this huge field. For example I won't address machine learning because this topic alone would fill a whole bunch of courses and really isn't that practical for most Game-AIs because of the lack of control you have over it.By the end of the course you'll be confident with the most important AI-Techniques- and Design Patterns for modern Gamedevelopment.So what are you waiting for, join me now and start creating astonishing AI-Systems yourself."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kpek taat Eitimlerinde Sezgisel Liderlik" |
"Sezgisel Liderlik Kursu planlamas yaplrken verilecek teorik eitimlerin hemen ardndan organize edilecek workshoplarla kpek sahiplerine ynelik uygulamal eitimler dnlmtr.Ancak aniden meydana gelen Pandemi sreci sebebi ile uygulamal eitim organizasyonlar yaplamadndan , teorik eitimler en azndan kpek sahiplerinin bilgilenmesi iin uygun cretle sunulmaya allmtr.Bu Teorik eitim program yaplan uygulamal kursun ilk blmdr. lave ekimler ilerleyen dnemde eitim programna eklenecektir.Kursumuz Kpekle birlikte yaama konforunun vazgeilmezi olan taat eitimlerine farkl bir pencereden baklmasn, Yaplacak workshoplar ve eitim organizasyonlar ncesinde Kpek Sahipleri ve Kpek Eitmeni adaylar iin teorik bilgileri iermektedir.Teorik bilgilerin sunulmasndan sonra Yaplacak Uygulamalar da planl bir ekilde video derslerle sunulmaya allacaktr.Bu eitim programn alan kpek sahipleri ve Kpek Eitmenleri iin ayrca online webinarlar dzenlenerek destek verilmeye devam edilecektir.stanbul ilinde ikamet eden Kpek sahipleri , dilerlerse uygulamal eitimler iin dan randevu alabilirler."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) 6 Practice Test, 300 Questions" |
"In these practice test, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Certification Exam. With 6 full-length practice exams with 50 unique questions and each of which is timed at 75 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence. None of the questions are repeated! These practice exams were updated to reflect the new 2020 Project+ exam.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501)exam for all 6 domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Certification Exam with confidence! You will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further. You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further. All 6 Domains are covered:1.0 Threats, Attacks and Vulnerabilities 21%2.0 Technologies and Tools 22% 3.0 Architecture and Design 15%4.0 Identity and Access Management 16%5.0 Risk Management 14% 6.0 Cryptography and PKI 12% This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501), and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"010-151 (DCTECH) CCT Data Center : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test 010-151 (DCTECH) CCT Data Center : Practice Tests 2020Cisco Certified Technician Data Center (CCT Data Center) certification focuses on the skills required for onsite support and maintenance of Cisco Unified Computing Systems and servers. Technicians in this area must be able to identify Cisco Unified Computing System components and servers, accessories, cabling and interfaces; understand the Cisco UCS and NX-OS operating modes and identify commonly-found software; and be able to use the Cisco Graphical User Interface to connect and service product components.This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo Ventas" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo VentasSi deseas poder gestionar el modulo de Ventas de Odoo este curso es perfecto para ti.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y aprende a utilizar el modulo de Ventas de Odoo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Hyperledger Sawtooth Fundamentals" |
"Learn from the industry experts!Learn the key concepts of Hyperledger Sawtooth in-depth and in the simplest terms.Welcome to the Complete Hyperledger Sawtooth Fundamentals Course. People have heard about Hyperledger Sawtooth as a project similar to Hypereldger Fabric but a certain clarity is required to see the benefit of each framework separately. This course has been designed in such a way that you will get a thorough understanding of how the Hyperledger Sawtooth Technology is being used as a solution to various problems being faced by the industries. This is a very comprehensive course that explains all the fundamentals of Hyperledger Sawtooth most simply.This is not a Developer's course, this course is created in order to clear all the basic concepts and fundamentals of Hyperledger Sawtooth. We will be coming out with a Hyperledger Sawtooth Developer's course soon which will explain how Hyperledger Sawtooth works with a Capstone Project.In 2018, the rise in jobs in the Blockchain sector has been 7000%, with a further increase of 517% in the year 2019. For every 14 jobs in the USA, there is only 1 person who is available to take up a job in Blockchain Technology. Blockchain skills are ranked in the top three job openings in almost every global region. Hyperledger Sawtooth is a solution that is at the top of the curve for governments and enterprises alike. With it's simplified blockchain application development process which separates the core system from the application domain, industries like Intel, TraceRx, etc. have already implemented Hyperledger Sawtooth and many more are seeking the help of Hyperledger Platform to solve their problems and get an efficient solution.What you will get with this course:In order to make this course more interactive, we have provided various quizzes as a part of the modules. With this Hyperledger tutorial, you will get more clarity and will be able to master all the important topics related to Hyperledger Sawtooth.What we cover in this course: Overview of different projects under the Hyperledger Umbrella Introduction to Hyperledger Sawtooth Key Functionalities offered by Hyperledger Sawtooth Key Concepts of Hyperledger Sawtooth Layout of Transaction and Batches Sawtooth Journal Proof of Elapsed Time Consensus Algorithm Blockchain States and Addressing Hyperledger Sawtooth Architecture Transaction Processors Validator Network and PermissioningBonus material we provide: Various examples have been provided to understand how Hyperledger Sawtooth works in the practical scenarios A peek into Events and Transaction Receipts Examples of Key Transaction Families under Hyperledger Sawtooth BlockchainWe2Blocks is a Blockchain Consultation and Training Company having a global presence. With this course, we aim to promote Blockchain and create an environment for people interested in Blockchain to learn and expand their knowledge. We currently running various blockchain tutorials related to fundamentals of the blockchain technology, practice questions related to blockchain certifications, Hyperledger Fabric fundamentals, Hyperledger Fabric Composer, Hyperledger Sawtooth Fundamentals as well as courses related to blockchain development."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kanban Basics" |
"Kanban is such a flexible framework you can adopt it for teams of different sizes, for your business or personal projects and teams across different time zones.The basics are very simple, and can be applied to very complex projects.I used it for work and now I am using it for my own projects. It helps me be more productive and I also have a better focus since I adopted the Kanban philosophy.Implementing Kanban has helped me to achieve just that. And it can help you too!All you need to get started is a white board and sticky notes, or you can go digital and create an account in the digital space, for example in Trello.But Kanban is more than sticky notes on the wall. It is productivity, focus and collaboration.And if you grasp the main principles the transition into the new work mode will be almost natural.You and your team will become more agile and will get more work done. Less chaos and more productivity!So, lets do it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aplicao Client-Server com Xamarin, .Net Core e MongoDB" |
"Atravs deste curso, o desenvolvedor ser capaz de criar aplicaes mveis de maneira simples e prtica, utilizando a linguagem C# e tecnologias como Xamarin.Forms e .Net Core. O objetivo mostrar que em pouco tempo possvel ter um aplicativo cross-platform. Alm disso, ser abordado conceitos arquiteturais como Arquitetura em Camadas, utilizado na API, e MVVM, utilizado na aplicao mvel. E, tambm, como utilizar o Microsoft Azure para publicar aplicaes web."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Professional Trading Program" |
"""Ontdek hier het stappenplan voor winstgevend traden en werk locatie onafhankelijk!""De sleutel tot winstgevend traden?Bouw een extra, locatie onafhankelijke, inkomstenstroom op. De voordelen hiervan zijn eindeloos. Iedere dag dat jij winstgevend kunt traden, betekent een dag locatie onafhankelijk werken. Veel mensen zeggen te streven naar passief inkomen, maar in werkelijkheid willen zij een locatie onafhankelijk inkomen. Maar hoe kun jij winstgevend traden?De afgelopen jaren heb ik mezelf gespecialiseerd in het beleggen (investeren) en hiermee prachtige rendementen op de korte n lange termijn behaald. Ik heb daarnaast beleggingstrainingen gegeven aan meer dan 300+ beginnende beleggers & Traders. Ook heb ik meerdere studenten, inmiddels winstgevende beleggers, persoonlijk geholpen om een goed rendement te maken. Onze e-books en gratis trainingen worden meer dan 500+ keer gedownloadJe zou het misschien niet verwachten, maar je hoeft echt geen tonnen te hebben om een winstgevend te kunnen traden. Je hoeft al helemaal geen professor te zijn om een goed rendement te maken. Dit is iets wat ik jou kan leren.Als ik jou overspoel met informatie is de kans klein dat jij een winstgevend belegger wordt. Wanneer ik jou daar echter een stap voor stap recept bijgeef, dan kun je binnen no-time een prachtig rendement maken op de beurs. Om winstgevend Trader te worden is er zo stappenplan.+130,- in 2 uur tijd!De afgelopen jaren ben ik druk bezig geweest met het ontwikkelen van trading systemen en heb dit getest in de praktijk. Dankzij dit systeem ben ik nu in staat om in korte tijd extreme winsten te boeken! Dit stappenplan pas ik ook toe op andere ""trades"" (practice what you preach). Hierdoor ben ik in staat om consequent, locatie onafhankelijk geld te verdienen.De kracht van ChartreadingDe fout die veel beleggers maken is dat zij handelen op basis van emotie. Het gevolg hiervan is dat iedere genvesteerde euro gelijk staat aan een euro verlies... Dankzij de principes van Chartreading verkrijg je zeer schaarse en zeldzame informatie die jou vertelt tot welk punt de koers zal stijgen of dalen. Hierdoor zie je een bizarre toename in het aantal winstgevende posities(Omdat dit zo krachtig is, is dit gentegreerd in al onze strategien)Dit is wat je krijgt als lid van de Professional Trading Program!Turbo StrategieJe leert wat turbo's zijn en hoe deze werken. Vervolgens krijg je een praktisch stappenplan zodat jij de turbo kan kopen die aansluit bij jouw ""Trade""GrafiekenOm een goede voorspelling te doen van het koersverloop is het belangrijk dat je de juiste grafiek gebruikt. Je leert welke grafieken er zijn en hoe je deze leestTrendkanalenDe markt beweegt altijd in trends. In dit deel leer je de trends te ontdekken en het koersverloop te voorspellenFibonacci MasteryKoersen vinden altijd een waarde rond de Fibonacci niveau's. Hierna ben jij in staat om de koers te voorspellen met de Fibonacci RetracementCandlestick artCandlesticks kunnen jou aanwijzingen geven wat de koers op korte termijn gaat doen. Hierna kun jij de koers voorspellen met Candlestick patronenOmkeerpatronenOmkeerpatronen zijn lastige patronen om te spotten. Desondanks kun jij deze patronen spotten, en zeggen tot welk punt de koers gaat stijgen of dalenContinueringspatronenContinueringspatronen vertellen jou tot hoever de koers gaat stijgen of dalen. Je kunt deze patronen ontdekken en koersdoelen bepalenIndicatorenIndicatoren bieden handelsregels die tegen jou ""koop"" of ""verkoop"" zeggen. Hierna weet jij welke indicatoren er zijn en wat de handelssignalen zijnJouw stappenplanJe beheerst het stappenplan met de juiste verhouding Chartreading vs indicatoren. Deze hoef je maar te doorlopen om je trade te bepalenMoney Management90% van jouw resultaat wordt bepaald door de categorien waar je in belegt. Na dit deel heb jij je portefeuille optimaal ingericht.De SuperindicatorDoor meerdere indicatoren te combineren krijg je de krachtigste handelssignalen. Hierna heb jij je eigen superindicator opgesteldVolume-indicatorenHet volume zegt iets over de emotie in de markt. Hierna ben jij in staat om te bepalen in wat voor emotionele toestand beleggers zijn+Onderdeel 11 Jouw eerste transactie t.w.v. 200,-!Na dit deel ben je gegarandeerd in staat om jouw eerste transactie uit te kunnen voeren. Of dit nou aandelen, turbo's of obligaties zijn, jij kan het.De voordelen van de Professional Trading Program voor jou:De Professional Trading Program tovert jou stap voor stap om tot winstgevend traderEen stijgende of dalende markt, in beide markten kun jij geld verdienenJe bent in staat om je eerste transactie uit te voerenJe bent in staat zelf je analyses uit te voeren, hierdoor hoef je niet te bouwen op de mening van een anderJij weet precies hoe turbo's werken en hoe je deze koopJe weet wat het voortschrijdend gemiddelde is en kunt op basis hiervan voorspellen wat de koers gaat doenOf je nu een groot of een klein vermogen hebt, jij kunt starten met tradenDeze methodes profiteren van de zwakte van andere beleggers. Het is dus 100% Future-proofJij kent het hoofd-schouder patroon en weet tot welk punt de koers gaat dalen na dit patroonDoor het maken van de opdrachten heb je na de cursus direct een lijstje klaar met investeringenJe kunt voorspellen naar welk punt de koers stijgt of daalt met behulp van ""Chartreading""Kansen pakken, kansen grijpenBen jij een Action-Taker? Pak jouw plekje in de Professional Trading Program"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Let's plan efficiently Allen Bradley pilot devices" |
"Hi,welcome to this course where we efficiently and reliably plan Allen Bradley 22mm pilot devices, most common ones:Emergency stop push buttonpush buttons under normal conditions (START/STOP)pilot lights (GREEN/RED)selector switch with both momentary and latching contacts/positions (SPECIAL CASE STUDY)twin push button (space saving solution and looks cool).Generally, problem with the planning of such devices is that they have a lot of small pieces (similar to terminals with their accessories) that constitute a whole working part.This might get complicated sometimes. So that's why this course - to help you efficiently plan complete pilot devices without making errors or omitting necessary parts (or missing a logic NO/NC), holder, labeling plate, label holder, actuator of the right type etc.As we work our way through the course I will show you additionally what all these components are for and I will parallel to that show you in EPLAN circuit diagrams where we typically incorporate such devices.Altogether a well rounded story that will make your life easier when planning manual controls for your project. From real-life, as always.See you in the lectures.Wish you all the best and stay safe and well.Best regards,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vendere Online" |
"Una Panoramica generale per chi vuole avvicinarsi al mondo delle vendite online. Dieci anni di esperienze in due ore di videocorso...Sono Antonio Costanzo, per circa 10 anni ho avuto una societ riguardante la vendita online di Strumenti Musicali con un punto vendita fisico e un team di dipendenti, raggiungendo ottimi risultati ed oltre 10.000 clienti soddisfatti. Durante gli anni in cui ho gestito questa attivit ho avuto modo di approfondire le mie conoscenze riguardo le piattaforme, gli strumenti e le strategie di webmarketing pi' adatte, quindi dopo questo fantastico capitolo della mia vita ho deciso di racchiudere le mie esperienze in questo video corso in modo da fornire consigli utili a chi intende iniziare un attivit di vendita online."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dynamo. Advance. Part 1" |
"In this course you will see how you can use dynamo in real cases, you will learn how to use Data, geometries, bool operations in Dynamo. In this course, I will cover all the basics things to be professional in dynamo. All methods will help you a lot in the future It was helped me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chatbots: La guia definitiva con python y Dialogflow" |
"Dentro del curso aprenders a desarrollar Asistentes Virtuales que te permitan automatizar la mensajera de diversos medios.Utilizaras python para crear la funcionalidad de estos chatbots, aprenders a crear servicios web que te permitan hacer la integracin con Dialogflow, crearas conversaciones automticas y lo integraras a diversas plataformas.El chatbot contara con funciones como la integracin a bases de datos con Firebase para permitir la recuperacin y agregacin de datos a este mismo."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Stop Drinking : Crash Course" |
"Learn practical, holistic, relevant approaches and effective strategies that will empower you for the rest of your life. Free yourself from the shackles of your dreaded alcohol addiction, freedom is just a step away and is completely attainable, however you need to approach your alcohol problem from an inclusive and multifaceted perspective.Alcohol addiction has taken control and even gone to the full extent of destroying people's lives! This course will help you realize that you do not have to become victim to the clutches of alcoholism, and thus, if you are looking for a permanent solution this course is worth checking out.What You'll LearnSocial Influences & Triggers Physiological AspectsAll natural solutions ( herbs, supplements, etc)Long term and sustainable lifestyle changes and strategiesAnd, much, much more!Whether you are an alcoholic suffering from the chains of addiction or simply someone who wants to learn about this serious subject matter to help a loved one struggling, this course will be a significant and impactful aid on your journey to complete remission from alcoholism.There is hope, and remember light can always be found at the end of the tunnel.In incremental steps freedom can be reached!Do yourself or loved one a favor and equip yourself with the knowledge to further your progression in permanent remission and freedom.Buy Now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FE Computer and Electrical practice tests." |
"Hello aspiring FE exam takers. The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is generally your first step in the process to becoming a professional licensed engineer (P.E.). It is designed for recent graduates and students who are close to finishing an undergraduate engineering degree from an EAC/ABET-accredited programThis course will give you an idea of the kind of questions asked in the FE Electrical and Computer exam. New questions added weekly! New Sections/topics added monthly! Correct solutions available. Covers all sections of the syllabus. Complete the tests as a practice for the FE exam. Only free FE exam handbook needed for reference. No extra material necessary."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master ROS with Mobile Robot Complete Rosification" |
"A simple Mobile Robot will be converted into functional ROS robot having all sensors communication and driving over ROS using its package over Wifi.We will Progress in the following order .Work with simple TurtleSim package to develop ROS workflow understandingBring in STL files from 3D model of robot to represent in GazeboUse Rviz to visualize the robot using XacrosProduce Encoders output from motors and count revolutionsUse ROS Teleop_Keyboard package to drive RobotUse ROS differential Drive package to produce Odometery of RobotIf you want to understand ROS more then take a look on my "" Beginners guide to ROS course "". otherwise things will not be much clear to you .Before buying the course i want you to watch complete introduction video so you can understand what is going to be taught in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Da cameriere a Guest manager" |
"Il corso illustra limportanza del ruolo che il cameriere ha all'interno di unazienda, per capire i propri obiettivi, le proprie necessit formative e le proprie possibilit professionali. Se si rivolge la domanda ""Che cosa fa un cameriere?"" si ottengono risposte come: ""Porta da mangiare e da bere ai clienti"", porta i piatti, serve i clienti. Siamo sicuri che sia tutto qua? Se si invitano le persone a una riflessione pi attenta le risposte diventano un po' pi complete e articolate. Da cosa deriva questa visione ristretta? Da vari fattori, ma probabilmente i pi importanti sono:Per cultura molte persone prestano molta attenzione alle cose materiali, il mangiare e il bere, e poca a quelle immateriali, come il servizio;A camerieri e baristi non ancora riconosciuto lo status di persona che gestisce la clientela. Questi fattori relegano spesso cameriere e barista a una funzione secondaria e marginale, con effetti negativi nella gestione delle imprese. Fortunatamente la situazione sta migliorando, soprattutto perch la clientela cambiata, si ""evoluta"", e considera sempre pi importante la qualit del servizio oltre che del prodotto; e perch molti imprenditori, anche grazie agli esempi e insegnamenti di paesi esteri, hanno compreso che cameriere e barista sono figure strategiche, che contribuiscono in modo determinante al successo o al fallimento di unazienda.Il cameriere e il barista professionista, oltre alle mansioni pratiche (preparare bevande e servire le preparazioni), svolgono due funzioni determinanti per leconomia di unazienda: venditore e responsabile della clientela o guest manager."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |