Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Impara a calcolare il Food cost - Menu Engineering" |
"Negli ultimi tempi, avendo un approccio pi manageriale alla gestione di un ristorante, si nuovamente affacciato nel mondo della ristorazione il concetto di food cost, assolutamente fondamentale per assicurarsi il successo economico di una qualunque attivit ristorativa. Ma di cosa si tratta esattamente? E qual il modo migliore per sfruttare il food cost a favore del proprio guadagno? Food cost percentuale cosa ? E la formula per il food cost? Tante domande, ma cerchiamo di fare chiarezza. In questo corso di formazione ti mostrer come e perch il calcolo del food cost e del full cost sono alla base della strategia di pricing di un men e perch fondamentale conoscere nel dettaglio tutti i costi diretti ed indiretti da attribuire ad ogni referenza.Cos il food cost?Il food cost un valore in percentuale, dato dal rapporto tra il costo delle materie prime impiegate nella preparazione di un piatto ed il prezzo di vendita dello stesso. basilare calcolare il food cost, sapere come gestirlo e come realizzare un menu."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"WCAG 2.1 / 2.2 Simplified With Examples" |
"All lectures have professional captions (subtitles).All the audio and video issues mentioned in the reviews have been fixed. Are you just beginning to code accessible websites and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) have you confused? Are the descriptions incredibly difficult to understand and the success criterions seem impossible since there are few images and real-life examples? Do you prefer things explained in plain language, instead of searching for hours for outdated blog posts about the WCAG?Then this course is for you.This course will help you better understand the WCAG via real life examples and code (whenever possible). All the success criterions are covered.If you ever have doubts about a guideline, don't hesitate to contact me and I will help you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a SAAS B2B startup with Flask (Arabic)" |
"What is Scraping? how does it work? who needs scraping for data? Which language you should learn ?. Why scraping in Arabic?Crash Course Python ( if, For)? what you need to know in python.Build your first scraper from scratch? (Souq, Jamalon, Amazon ...etc)Install Python, beautiful soup, Pandas and FlaskBuild the first app using flask( simple, Return data).Combine flask app + your ScraperPublish your app on Heroku Link your App with Continuous integration & Continuous delivery (Github) Customize Your App to export CSV Customize Your App to import to Firebase QA"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"OSHA Safety Training: Conducting Safety Meetings" |
"This course discusses the essentials of safety meeting design. Many organizations utilize safety meetings (sometimes called toolbox talks) as part of their workplace safety programs.The course is broken down into five, easy to complete sections:Section One: Introduction to Safety MeetingsSection Two: Designing and Delivering Effective Safety MeetingsSection Three: General Safety Meeting TipsSection Four: Safety Meeting Gone BadSection Five: Bonus MaterialsIn addition, students will also receive a certificate of completion after completing the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Django Web Development:Practical Approach" |
"Welcome to the Python Django 3 Web Development:Practical Approach Course with 40 Hours of HD Content. Worlds Only Top Level Course in Hindi and Urdu Language. This Course is going to be Your One Stop Shop to learn and master Django with practical life project.Question is why would you be taking this Course. First and foremost, there is no course like this in the market period. There are many courses on Django, but none of them is so detailed and project driven as this course is, plus, none of the Django course delivered is in Hindi/Urdu. Learning becomes much easier when we dont have to worry about another language.The concepts are taught in easy and seamless manner, As Assistant Professor , What i have learnt in my teaching experience in various international universities, I have distilled all in this course.Some of the features of this course are as follows1- Entirely delivered in Hindi and Urdu2- Easy to Understand the concepts3- Practical and Project Based4- Ideas are put across in funny and seamless way to make Programming Enjoyable5- One and Only course of its type in Market None like it.Here are some of the skill set you are going to get at the end of this course.+Python Refresher Course+***Basic Level Project***+Article Analyzer Web App+***Intermediate to Advance Level Project***+Django Backend Fundamentals+File Upload+User Authentication+How to Add User Registration+User Groups and Accessibility+User Permissions+IP and Location+Pagination+For loop Counter+Importing and Exporting the CSV Files+QR Code and Automate Tasks+Advanced Search+Scraping others web and displaying data on your web using BS4+Django Rest Framework APIs+Search Engine Optimization+Bulk Operation Deletion+***DEPLOYING ON INTERNET***+Deployment on Linode Web Server+Deployment on Amazon AWS+Deployment on Digital OceanI have 100% response rate , so I will always be there to respond to your questions. And of course after Completing this course not only you will built your portfolio but also get Certificate of completion which you can post on your linked Profile and Attract potential Employers.Now Lets Get You a Brand New and Rare Skill Set"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Sky's The Limit: Learning How to Learn" |
"The skys the limit, although a clich, is an apt metaphor for this course, because it captures the idea that many of us sell ourselves short and underachieve. Like the sky, we dont know our limits. Like the sky, we can sparkle radiant blue once the clouds of doubt and fear dissolve so that our natural, unique, creative brilliance can shine through.The truth is we dont know how high we can fly or how far we can go once we have the passion and presence of mind, the resilience and quality of effort, to pursue our dreams.We need to learn how to learn.This course is based on the story of my own learning journey in school, university, business, public service, and in my personal relationships. My achievements and especially my failures have taught me about the art of learning, particularly deep learning towards excellence.The course is also informed by my research into the art of learning, masterly learning, the acquisition of expertise and learning to learn. My intention is to share my knowledge and experience so that others can pursue their dreams more effectively. Or, to help anyone lost for direction and purpose to find sparks of meaning that excite and ignite. As Irish poet William Butler Yates put it: Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire.To live is to learn; the only way to stop learning is to die (and even then, who knows)? The only useful questions are WHAT are we learning and HOW well are we learning. This course can help students make better learning choices about what and how.The course is aimed at anyone who wants to learn something as well as they can so they can perform and achieve as best they can. What a person learnsa subject, profession, hobby, sport, art form or pretty much anything elsematters less that how a person learns. Students will also learn to learn and to find joy in learning deeply, so they can transfer their knowledge and love of learning to anything they genuinely desire. I had direct experience of this: what I learned about myself and about learning in completing an Ironman triathlon at 61 enabled me to complete a PhD at 69.The course features:a series of 10 structured lectureskey concepts, terms and principlesthe nuts and bolts of the art of learningexamples from my own and others learning experiencesexercises to make the material more alive, real and interactivequestions to consider and address in the discussion sectionAs a teacher of learning I need to stretch students enough, but not so much that they break or breakdown. We only learn when we are stretched by challenges, at the point of resistance, when we run into I dont know that or I dont know how to do that. Preparing this course has been a stretch for me, not because I lack knowledge or material, but because Im learning the technology of presenting, producing, editing and publishing online videos. In so doing, Im walking my talk. I know that I cant get to second base, much less score a home run, until I get to first.The course can help you:became a passionate and joyful learnerunderstand the principles of high level learningcultivate a mindset that is conducive to learning and achievementknow a strategy that lies behind acquiring expertiseappreciate the importance of passion, resilience, effort and presenceappreciate the pitfalls and tricky bitsThis course is all about relationships, more than about things or entities. Relationships between students, between students and the lecturer, between students and the course content and activities, between students and their entire lifeworld.Upon completion of the course you should be:clearer about your dreams and intentions and how to follow themsee learning as incremental and unendingable to learn faster, perform better and achieve moreappreciate the joy, beauty and value of Quality to you and otherslearn how to learn so that you can apply your knowledge to anything you desireappreciate the value of intuition in high-level learningThe course is divided into 10 modules of lectures. Lectures run on average for approximately 15 minutes. The lectures will include exercises for students to do either by pausing the lecture or after the lecture. There will also be questions posed that students can answer in the discussion section. Conversation in the discussion section is encouraged. The more active and reflective students are in conversation, the more they learn and the more fulfilling the learning journey.Learn How to Learn Now!Use Great Learning Strategies in Your Learning Journey Towards Excellence!Enrol now and join me in the course!Peter le Breton"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Facial Expressions Class" |
"Our emotions are visible on the outside even when we do our best to hide them. We cannot hide the heat from the flame of emotion that bursts on the inside. In this course, you will learn how to read facial expressions, a very powerful part of reading body language, not the only powerful one but one of the pillars, that is essential for complex and successful reading body language. Facial expressions are movements that are carrying a specific message about the emotional and mental state of the person and we need to understand the theory behind it so we could properly read and interpret facial expressions. We will go through all the basic emotions and its movements:HappinessSadnessAnger DisgustContemptSurprise Fear And its specific micro-expressions. Facial expressions are often subconscious so it makes them so powerful source of information but we also have to think about the fact that all the people are thought how to fake facial expressions since they were very young, it means we have to careful and attentive readers. If you put your effort into gaining this skill, it will pay off! My promise!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Infection Control for the Esthetician" |
"Infection control affects everyone. In the Esthetic industry we as providers are in close proximity with our clients. As touch therapies have been for relaxation, treatment, and preventative measures, we are finding more and more that the level of exposure to disorders and diseases must also be addressed. This course brings awareness to the owners and management teams that are responsible to implement regulations for employees, the employees to themselves educate on infection control, and clients to be aware that all participating to treatments are vulnerable. Each part must communicate, document, and acknowledge the safety of the each counterpart to continue to provide result driven treatments in a safe environment for everyone."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks ve Excel le Titreimli Besleyici Tasarm" |
"Titreimli Besleyiciler, zellikle cevher hazrlama tesislerinde kullanlan, madenin bir sonraki ekipmana dzgn ve srekli olarak aktarlmasn salayan bir makinedir. Aktarm salamak iin alma srasnda vibrasyon motorlaryla tahrik edilerek srekli bir titreim verilir. Bu titreim besleyici gvdesinin oturtulduu yaylar ile snmlenir fakat bu srada beslenen malzeme ilerlemi olur. Excelde bu besleyici iin vibromotor seimi yapacaz. Bu seimler srasnda kullandmz parametreleri kullanarak, solidworks ile boyutlu olarak bu titreimli besleyicinin tasarmn yapacaz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Teora de Grafos: Aprende desde Cero" |
"Convirtete en un experto de la Teora de Grafos y aprende una de las habilidades ms solicitadas en 2020!Este es el curso ms completo, aunque sencillo, para la Teora de Grafos en Udemy! Tanto si no has visto nunca nada de grafos antes, si eres principiante o si quieres aumentar considerablemente tu nivel... Este es tu curso!En este curso te formars como un experto en la Teora de Grafos. Conocers los distintos algoritmos que mueven nuestro mundo y aprenders conceptos avanzados de una forma sencilla y amena. Luego de acabar, sers un experto de la Teora de Grafos y podrs resolver mltiples ejercicios y problemas de manera muy sencilla. Algunos de los conceptos que estudiaremos son:Concepto de grafo y recorridoGrado de un grafoVrtices y aristas de un grafoTipos de grafosGrafos regulares y grafos trayectoGrafos conexos y 2-conexosIsomorfismo entre grafosGrafos derivados y subgrafosGrafos nulos y grafos completosOperaciones entre grafosVrtices de corte y aristas puenteDistancia y radio entre vrticesExcentricidad de un grafoGrafos eulerianos y hamiltonianosEn este intrpido viaje pondrs a prueba tu capacidad lgica y analtica as como entrenars tus habilidades en las ciencias matemticas e informticas. Recorrers temas diversos como Conexin Entre Grafos, Isomorfismo, rboles y mucho ms.Obtendrs acceso de por vida a todas las conferencias!Entonces, Qu esperas? Aprende la Teora de Grafos de una manera que avance en su carrera y aumente su conocimiento, todo de una manera divertida y prctica!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MCSA WINDOWS SERVER 2016 (741, 742, 743) Practice Exam" |
"Who Should Take This MCSA WINDOWS SERVER 2016 Practice Test? These tests is intended for individuals who want to earn their MCSA: Windows Server 2016 certification.These practice tests will not only help anyone who is looking to pass the Microsoft exams, it will also help anyone who wants to learn the real ins and outs of the Windows Server 2016 operating system.Included in this MCSA WINDOWS SERVER 2016 course:360 question practice tests, with the same percent of weighted questions, from all the MCSA WINDOWS SERVER 2016 domains as you will see on the real exam.- 6 FULL practice tests, 60 questions each- More practice for studying- Practice like the real MCSA WINDOWS SERVER 2016 exam- Targeted studying, don't waste time studying for topics you already know- Detailed explanation of answers- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the wrong answers are incorrectOfficial MCSA WINDOWS SERVER 2016 Exam DetailsTotal MCSA Questions : 360Type of MCSA Questions : Multiple choice & Multiple selectionDuration : 120 min/practice testPassing Score : 70If you dont have Necessary experience ,You can take and pass the MCSA exam to earn an Microsoft designation.30 day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this MCSA course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sales force DEV-401 Building Applications Visual force Exam" |
"175 UNIQUE practice questions for Sales force DEV-401 Building Applications Visual force ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Sales force DEV-401 Building Applications Visual force ExamTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"LSSBB Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified Practice Exam" |
"268 UNIQUE practice questions for LSSBB Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : LSSBB Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 268Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (201 of 268)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Skills For A Hotel Manager" |
"You should take this course if you are new to hotel managerial career or you already work as a hotel manager and you want to be more authoritative at your hotel in a persuasive way so that your staff members should listen to you willingly and they do the job right as it should be done.And also, If you are worried about staff conflict and how to keep your team in a way so that they be working in a hotel to help you run the hotel as you want then this course will give the right tools for that.I know doing micro managing with team members is not easy, in this course you are going to learn great strategies which will help you to put micro managing on rest for good, instead you be able free up your time to do other important tasks and have a wonderful day at your work.And if you are worried about that the staff members will run away for some reason If you ask them to do job then in this course you are going to learn how to hire great team members that will stay at work for long period of time and actually with them you be able run your hotel on autopilot.And if you are worried about if customer might asks unnecessary refunds or ask for false claims, then this course will give you the right thinking tools with which you be able to know your customers & their problems so that you can avoid those situations and if any tough situation arise then you be able to deal with them more intelligently in the current situation and be able to make the right decision in conflict situations.I have worked myself in the hospitality industry for long time and I know how it feels when you have to face the conflict situation with customer face to face, In this course you are going to learn strategies that will enable you to handle conflict situations confidently and easily.And if you are trapped in the trap of chasing the staff to please them then this course will provide you the tools so that you can stop chasing them, instead by applying persuasive skills and strategies which you will learn in this course your staff members will begin to admire you and like you even more.And as result of applying these thinking tools, you be able to produce actual results to business owner while enjoying at work & keeping your job secure for long period of time. And also, you will have higher chances to get raise in wages.This course consists of 8 modules, and each section of the modules is packed with practical exercises which you can do to enhance & integrate the learnings from this course.And you do not have to rush for the exercises, you can do these exercises at your own pace. All of the strategies are easy to use. Each exercise is explained in each section on how you can do them best.By doing these exercises you will be able to install these strategies in your unconscious mind as these exercises will help you to stimulate your mind to make the learning deeper.And good thing about these skills and strategies are that once you have honed them, they will yours forever. And as I said earlier these are practical strategies that you can apply at your work or in personal life immediately, so when you apply them at your work or in personal life, your success is guaranteed. So, lets take this personal development journey together during this course and I will speak to you inside the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Google AdSense e SEO - 2020 (AdSense Survival 2.0)" |
"Conhea a metodologia do Treinamento AdSense Survival 2.0, baseado em SEO e Copywriting o foco o cadastro de leads para no dependermos somente do trfego orgnico, mas de diversos canais de comunicao como: Chatbot do Facebook, Fluxo de Nutrio, e Trfego Orgnico.Voc ir aprender como o SEO poder lhe ajudar a ganhar dinheiro com o Google Adsense,e entender como funciona o comportamento do Bot do Google:Como procurar keywords e seus fluxos atravs de ferramentas.Copywriting e gatilhos mentais.Como criar contedos que gerem trfego orgnico mais rpidoComo monitorar suas keywords atravs de ferramentasMelhore seus contedos atravs do Search Console e aumente o trfego orgnico dos posts.Atravs do SEO voc ir aprender a capturar leads e ganhar dinheiro tambm vendendo infoprodutos que gerem valor para a sua persona atravs do Marketing de Contedo.Descubra como gerar valor atravs do chatbot e gerar dinheiro com AdSense e Infoprodutos. Aprenda como o marketing de contedo ir lhe ajudar a replicar essa metodologia em qualquer nicho existente do planeta.O que voc vai aprender, com a metodologia com SEO:Seja aprovado no Google AdsenseAprenda a montar um blog com todos os pr-requisitos necessrios para ganhar uma conta no Google Adsense.Estude e aplique a metodologia Adsense Survival e atinja os $100 inicias nos primeiros 30 dias.Atravs da captura de leads ser possvel entender a sua persona e vender infoprodutos usando fluxo de automao.Chatbot do Messenger x AdsenseAprenda a criar e configurar uma mquina do Messenger do Facebook e ganhar dinheiro com Adsense.Aumente o trfego do seu blog atravs do SEOMonitore os seus posts no Google, identifique melhorias e aumente em at 3x o trfego do seu blog.Crie contedos perfeitosChega de criar contedos que no geram trfego orgnico, aprenda a criar pautas e desenvolver um contedo que tenha um alto engajamento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Cinema4DC4D1 |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"The Memory Improvement And Learning MasterClass For Success" |
"The human memory is very complex, it is one of the most complex cognitive functions that we, as human beings have. Every single second of your life is stored somewhere in your brain through your memory and retention system. Through this course, you will first and foremost understand your memory, how it works from a neurological, psychological and biological standpoint. You will learn systems, formulas and techniques that can help you optimize and improve your memory and cognitive ability. Afterwards you will understand how you can change memories and experiences by controlling the impact and outcome. Your memory will be an asset and not a liability. We learn from the things that happen to us - our experiences. For example, we learned that lightning is followed by thunder, we learned not to tell lies because it can cause us to lose our credibility and to lose our friends, or that we learned how to dance by watching others demonstrate dance steps to us. We can say that we have learned these things because we have acquired appropriate responses for them - we cover our ears when lightning strikes, we try to avoid telling lies, and we dance. Learning is acquiring relatively permanent change in behavior through experience. We experience things and learn to modify our behaviors based on what we know.In this course, you will learn about a lot of different topics: 1) You Will Have Access To 20+ Learning Strategies, Formulas, And Systems2) You Will Learn How To Improve Your Learning Ability And Concentration, How To Manage Memory Properly, And How To Control Your Emotions, Personality And Memory3) You Will Learn How To Read Faster, Comprehend Faster, And Improve Your Focus - You Will Be Able To Focus And Concentrate Longer And Deeper. You Will Be Able To Read 10x Faster Than Usual And You Will Learn How To Apply These Principles When It Comes To Learning Strategies And Abilities4) You Will Learn How To Improve Your Learning Ability And Concentration, How To Manage Memory Properly, And How To Control Your - Emotions, Personality And Memory.5) You Will Learn The Psychological, Neurological And Biological Basis Of Your Memory And How To Improve ItThis course is made for those of you who want to explore the potential of their memory and see how much they can improve and how it can impact their lives in a positive way. If this person is you, then you're in the right place! So get ready to learn!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
kak_effektivno_rabotat_udalenno_udalennaya_rabota_s_nulya |
"- , ! "" ? "" , . , . , , ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu Modelo de Negocios y Vende en 21 das by Val-u" |
"En Val-u slo enseamos finanzas, pero lo hacemos bien. Sabemos que empezar siempre es lo ms difcil.Es normal sentirse abrumado al principio cuando queremos emprender y no sabemos por dnde empezar. Ms an, Pensamos que todo puede salir bien cuando en realidad debemos pensar en todo lo que puede salir mal para prevenirlo!Pero tranquilo!Por eso, creamos este curso 100% prctico con Jos Betancourt, que es un experto en modelos de negocios, para que te ayude a realizar tu emprendimiento.No necesitas saber nada de emprendimiento para tomar el curso. Al finalizar, entenders cmo funciona tu negocio en todas sus partes, lo que te permitir convertir tu idea en una realidad. Adems, aprenders a identificar los riesgos que amenazan a tu emprendimiento y cmo mitigarlos.Tienes acceso ilimitado, puedes completarlo al ritmo que desees y puedes descargar todo el contenido. Hola! Mi nombre es Jos Betancourt y ser tu profesor en este curso.Soy Consultor Financiero independiente, Licenciado en Economa egresado de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) y Magister en Finanzas egresado del Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracin (IESA) en Venezuela.Fui profesor universitario en la ctedra de ""Fundamentos de Economa"".Adicionalmente, tengo varios emprendimientos, entre los cuales estn una tienda de muebles y artculos de oficina, un bar-restaurant y una tickera online.Mis pasatiempos son jugar softball y estar constantemente aprendiendo cosas nuevas para mejorar mis negocios y descubrir ideas para nuevos proyectos.Espero que lo disfrutes!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MB-330 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Exam" |
"This is the right IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for the instructor to Design these kinds of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of the exam.If you want to look for how the questions are asking in exams These kinds of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is to give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from the same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self-knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about Certification Microsoft Dynamic 365MB-330 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Supply Chain Management Exam1. Implement Product information management (25-30%)2. Implement Inventory management (20-25%)3. Implement and manage Supply Chain processes (25-30%)4. Implement Warehouse management and Transportation management and perform business processes (25-30%)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Manipulationstechniken + Rhetorik Tricks: Erkennen. Abwehren" |
"Mach Dich fit gegen Manipulationen. Mit einem der umfassendsten deutschen Kurse zum Thema Manipulation und verbale Beeinflussung hier auf Udemy. Gefllt Dir die Vorstellung manipulierbar zu sein? Die Vorstellung, dass andere Dich verbal so beeinflussen knnen, dass sie von Dir bekommen, was sie mchten? Den meisten gefllt das berhaupt nicht. Aber leider sind wir Menschen massiv verbal beeinflussbar. Ob im Alltag oder im Job. Und merken es oft noch nicht einmal.Doch wer die wichtigsten Tricks und Techniken kennt und damit berhaupt merkt, dass jemand gerade versucht ihn zu beeinflussen, kann etwas dagegen tun. Und vielleicht kann er das Wissen sogar an der ein oder anderen Stelle auch einsetzen, um selbst das zu bekommen, was er mchte.Und genau darum geht es im Kurs.Wenn Du wissen mchtest, wie Beeinflussung und manipulative Rhetorik funktionieren, dann kann dieser Manipulations-Crash-Kurs mit einer umfangreichen Sammlung von praxisrelevanten Manipulationen bzw. Abwehrtechniken fr Alltag oder Job genau das Richtige fr Dich sein.Rd. 9 knackige Stunden geballte Infos mit jeder Menge Beispielen, konkreten Formulierungstipps und hilfen.Angefangen bei logisch-sprachlichen Manipulationen ber Sprachtaktiken bzw. Manipulationen mit Worten bis hin zu eher psychologischen Manipulationen und Manipulationstechniken.Was sind Deine Vorteile in diesem Kurs?Vorteil: Du erhltst hier alles an einer Stelle. Jede Form der Manipulation hat ein oder mehrere Lektionen. Hier erfhrst Du:1. Was ist das Ziel der Beeinflussung und wie funktioniert die Manipulation2. Woran kann ich die Manipulation erkennen - verstehe und durchschaue die Manipulation anhand von anschaulichen Beispielen, Vorgehensweisen und/oder Formulierungen und3. Wie kann ich der Manipulation begegnenVorteil: Je mehr Techniken und Tricks Du kennst, umso besser kannst Du Dich schtzen. Wer sie aber nicht kennt, ist in der permanenten Gefahr, fies manipuliert zu werden. Daher bietet der Kurs ein breites Spektrum von ber 70 Manipulationsmglichkeiten bzw. Abwehrtechniken aus den Bereichen, die in der Praxis besonders hufig vorkommenDie wichtigsten logisch-sprachliche Manipulationen, wie Argumentationsfallen, Scheinargumente oder unfaire Dialektik erkennen - und wie Du sie abwehrstDie wichtigsten psychologisch-sprachlichen Manipulationen durch Wahrnehmungsfehler, Wahrnehmungsverzerrungen und Nutzung von menschlichen Verhaltenstendenzen durchschauen - und was Du dagegen tun kannstHochwirksame Sprachtaktiken, hypnotische Sprachmuster und Manipulationen mit Worten erkennen - und worauf Du achten solltestWirksame Techniken, um bei (eigener) Unwissenheit von anderen nicht blogestellt zu werden sondern dies geschickt zu kaschieren und dabei souvern zu bleibenVorteil: Lerne, die Tricks zu durchschauen und ihnen zu begegnenErfahre, wie andere Dich dazu bringen, (ungewollt) ihrer Meinung zu folgen oder ihnen einen Gefallen zu tun und wie Du dies abwehren kannstErfahre, wie es anderen gelingt, mehr fr sich herauszuholen (als Du vielleicht mchtest) oder Dich dazu bewegen, das zu tun, was sie von Dir wollen (ohne dass Du es direkt merkst) und wie Du dem begegnestErfahre, wie andere Dir Antworten in den Mund legen, ohne dass Du es mchtest und was Du dagegen tun kannstUnd vieles, vieles mehr Also: gleich anmelden und sich praktische Tipps abholen! Es lohnt sich!!Egal ob Anfnger oder schon etwas fortgeschritten: Wenn Du etwas aktiv gegen mgliche Manipulationen im Alltag oder Job tun mchtest, dann ist das Grundlagenwissen aus diesem Manipulations-Crashkurs ein echtes Muss.Und wenn Du nach Tipps suchst, um selbst souverner zu kommunizieren, denn schau doch mal in meinen Kurs Rhetorik Crashkurs Selbstbewusst reden. Wirken. berzeugen hier auf Udemy."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Arapa Dil Eitim Seti 28 Video Ayrntl Orta Dzey" |
"Deerli Arkadalar, Salam bir Arapa Temel Dzey bilgisine sahip iseniz bu set, zorlanmadan ""Profesyonel Dil renimi ve Kullanm"" aamasna gemenize katk salayacaktr. Bu dzeydeki her konu, Temel Dzey Konularna gre daha fazla detay iermektedir. Bu konular, daha anlaml ve daha detayl cmleler kurabilmemiz ve bu tr ierie sahip cmleleri kavrayabilmemiz iin olduka nemlidir. Bu yzden, bu konulardan her birinin renimine ayr bir zen gsterilmeli ve nerilen tekrarlar ihmal edilmemelidir. Bu aama, okuma, yazma, dinleme, telaffuz ve yeterli kelime daarc gibi alanlardaki eksiklerimizin telafisi iin son dnemetir. Bu alanlarn herhangi birisinde yetersiz bilgiye sahip olmamz bizim profesyonel bir dil birikimine sahip olmamza engel olacaktr. Bunun iin ltfen,- Ksa cmle ve paragraflar yksek sesle okuyunuz. - Ksa sreli videolar izlerken bilmediiniz veya sk kullanmadnz szckleri not alnz ve onlar vurgusuna uygun tekrar ediniz. - Dinlediiniz veya kurduunuz cmleleri yazmaya aln. - Bir metni renme amal okurken ltfen 4 aamay gz nnde bulundurun;1. aama: Metni doru okuma. 2. aama: Dil bilgisi ynnden szcklerin ilevini gzden geirme.3. aama: Genel olarak metnin ieriini kavramaya alma.4. aama: O dili konuan birisinin zorlanmadan ve tercme etkisi hissetmeden o metni anlayaca ekilde evirme.Bu aamadaki rencilerimize uyarlarmz: 1- Profesyonel bir dil bilgisine sahip olmak istiyorsanz ltfen dilin okuma, konuma, dil bilgisi, eviri, dinleme anlama gibi herhangi bir ilevini taknt haline getirmeyin. Okuma, yazma, dinleme anlama ve konuma bir otomobilin eit hava basncna sahip olmas gereken tekerleri, dil bilgisi direksiyonu, kelime daarc gvdesi, yeni reneceiniz szckler de yaktdr. Profesyonel bir srcnn sadece bir tekeri veya direksiyonu taknt haline getirip, otomobil = teker veya otomobil = direksiyon eklinde bir aymazla dmesi dnlemez. 2- Dil bizden ciddi bir ilgi bekler. Bunun bilincinde olduumuz srece dilde ilerleyiimiz hep srecektir. 3- Kolaymza geldii iin eviride genellikle kar dilden kendi dilimize eviri tercih edilir. Bu da bizi, tek ynl bir dil donanmna sahip olmaya iter. Bunun bilincinde olmamz ve kendi dilimizden de kar dile eviriyi ihmal etmememiz daha doru olacaktr. 4- Orta Dzey konularn anlamakta glk eken veya Arapa Temel Dzey konularnda salam bir alt yapya sahip olmayan rencilerimizin bu setin konularna balamadan, temel dzey bilgilerindeki eksiklerini gidermeleri, bu ve bundan sonraki aamalarda daha kolay ilerlemelerine katk salayacaktr. Baar dileklerimizle..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: Best Practice Exams 2020" |
"Are you ready to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exam ?Practice test for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification. This will help assess how ready you are to pass the exam.There are new questions. not old style. All questions created and updated 08.April 2020 . This practice test is bestAlso You can find Certification Exam informationsFormatMultiple choice, multiple answerTypeFoundationalDelivery MethodTesting center or online proctored examTime90 minutes to complete the examCost100 USD LanguageAvailable in English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified ChineseDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you valuable leads.Go ahead and hit the ""take this practice test"" button to start your career today!Thank you very much and have a wonderful day!Good Luck :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La aritmtica es la base cuando quieres aprender la Matemtica. Sobretodo para las pruebas de admisin de cualquier universidad en cualquier pas que te encuentres la vas a necesitar. De hecho, la aritmtica es tan elemental para el ser humano que sin ella no existira el Razonamiento Cuantitativo. Tienes toda la parte terica que requieres para entender el tema al inicio del curso en las primeras cuatro secciones. A partir de la quinta seccin tienes CINCUENTA, si leste bien, son 50 ejercicios desarrollados para que practiquemos juntos lo aprendido. Te invito a que cada ejercicio lo pauses al inicio, lo intentes resolver por ti mism@ y luego veas la explicacin para comprar caminos y formas de pensarlos. Bienvenidos!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner's Guide to the Futures and Options In Hindi" |
"There are a number of ways to invest, like the investment in mutual funds, investment in the stock market, etc. One such way of investment is through future and options trading. If you want to know how this sector of investment works then this course is definitely your cup of tea. The course is designed in such a manner that it explains all the key concepts of the future and options. Along with this, you get to learn about terms like hedging, derivative market, short selling, etc. The course videos are made for beginners who are keen to explore the world of future and options trading in a simple and easy to understand language with the help of motion graphics."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Cisco Switched Network Implementation" |
"This course is all about How to Install a Cisco Switch Fast and Easy and everything you need to master your knowledge to become a Cisco network engineer.I have explained all commands in detail so that you can easily get a grab on that feature. If you cannot find a feature or command, this means either it is obsolete and a better feature replaces that or I have forgotten to include it. In the latter case, I will be more than happy if you let me know what you want and I will add it to the curriculum.I have used GNS3 and packet tracer for the simulation. However, you can execute all commands on a real gear without any change."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Do Zero ao Currculo Perfeito, em 30 Minutos" |
"Caso voc no esteja sendo convidado para entrevistas de emprego, a culpa no sua!! Caso voc no no receba nenhuma ligao ou nenhuma mensagem de nenhum recrutador, a culpa tambm no sua!!Vou te dizer de quem a culpa: A culpa toda do seu currculo!!Todavia, entretanto, contudo... A responsabilidade de mudar de vida sua...!!! Ningum nasce sabendo escrever um currculo de forma que ser sempre entrevistado para as oportunidades de emprego.No entanto, muito importante que ao longo de sua trajetria profissional, isso esteja em seu ""sangue"".Seja para conquistar um novo emprego, seja para conquistar o primeiro emprego. Saber construir um currculo essencial para a manuteno de sua empregabilidade!!Excelentes profissionais no so chamados para entrevistas de emprego porque cometem erros como:No escrevem os seus resultados alcanados em empresas anteriores;Deixam de colocar informaes importantes;Escrevem de maneira desorganizada e confusa;Se prejudicam e nem sabem que estavam redigindo um currculo que distancia os recrutadoresDeseja corrigir esses problemas e SER CHAMADO PARA UMA ENTREVISTA?Este curso foi desenvolvido com uma experincia de mais de 13 anos em contratao de pessoas. focado para pessoas que j escreveram o seu currculo e para profissionais que nunca escreveram o seu currculo.Abordarei, detalhadamente, de forma simples e objetiva, tudo o que voc precisa para ter um Currculo Perfeito!!Explicarei a importncia de cada item e apresentarei os principais erros e os principais acertos dos profissionais.NO aguento mais trabalhar na minha empresa atual. Quero mudar de Empresa? Esse CURSO PARA VOC!!!Quero me atualizar e aprimorar o meu currculo ?? Esse CURSO PARA VOC!!!QUERO o meu primeiro emprego?? Esse CURSO PARA VOC!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mind-mapping a Novel" |
"The first draft of a novel needs consistency and continuity: the more the better the better the novel will be. Mind-maps offer a way to gain that consistency.What if you knew how to create mind-maps to ensure that consistency? And that continuity?What if you had a way to make sure your characters didnt inadvertently change in the middle of the story?Imagine have a visual diagram to keep your plot on track.What if you could have the synopsis of the novel displayed on a single graphic? It could be used as a roadmap to control your first draft.Hank Quense is the author of a number of highly regarded novels and often writes and lectures on fiction writing techniques. His non-fiction book Creating Stories has been praised by novices and published authors alike.In this lecture series, youll learn how to:Use mind-maps to ensure the first draft is consistent.Create a mind-map depicting the characters important traitsCreate mind-map to ensure the plot events and turns are in syncDevelop a graphical synopsis of the entire story.Get control of your first draft! By using mind-maps! Inconstancies are difficult to root out. Learn how to prevent making them. Grab a seat in this innovative lecture series now by clicking on the Buy Now button on the top of the page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master en ASP.NET Core y React Hooks en Azure" |
"Desarrolla App profesionales usando como backend ASP.NET Core y Entity Framework, quieres consumir procedimientos almacenados con ASP.NET Core, tenemos una seccion solo de mantenimiento con Procedimientos Almacenados y .NET CORE. Tambien crearemos Reportes en PDF. Para el FrontEnd trabajaremos con React Hooks, Redux y Material DesignToda nuestra App sera publicada en los servidores de Microsoft AzureEstos seran algunas de las herramientas y tecnologias que desarrollaremos:Visual Code y extensiones para .NET Core y C#SQL Server como motor de base de datos.Entity Framework Core para persistencia y creacion de transacciones en SQL Server.Crear Procedimientos Almacenados en SQL Server y consumirlos en ASP.NET Core.Generar Reportes en PDF usando Entity Framework Core y ASP.NET CorePaginacion con ASP.NET Core y SQL ServerArquitectura del proyecto en multiples capas.Crear, Actualizar, Consultar data usando un Aplicacion desarrollada en capas.Crear procedimientos de seguridad con Core IdentityMigracion de entidades desde Entity Framework hacia SQL ServerCrear Login con Core Identity y React HooksCrear Registro de nuevos usuarios con React HooksJWT para manejar Tokens de seguridad.Documentar Web Services EndPoints con SwaggerCreacion de proyectos SPA con React HooksImplementar toda la estructura de Redux en tu AppImplementar manejo de Consumers y Providers con React Context APIReact Hooks consumiendo Web Services EndPoints desde ASP.NET CoreSubir todo tu proyecto ASP.Net Core y React Hooks a Microsoft AzureRequisitos para llevar el curso, conocimientos de C# y Javascript/ES6."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
ljsnufay |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lightroom Classic CC 2020 - A Beginners Guide" |
"Hi, I'm Rob Price, I was a full-time Professional Photography for a number of years, and my studio based business used Lightroom for the backbone of the image processing, so the efficiency was paramount. I teach you the tools and methods we used in order to get the maximum work done in the minimum time without sacrificing quality. What you will learn:The InterfaceLibrary modeDevelop ModeThe Clone ToolExposureClarityGradients and VignettesThe Custom Brush ToolPrinting ToolsTone CurvesSuper Useful Quick TipsHue and SaturationIf you have any questions, please feel free to ask, I am more than happy to help.I hope you enjoy my course. Good Luck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |