Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Dropshipping en Wordpress con Oxygen, Woocommerce y Wooshark" |
"Hacer Dropshipping con WooCommerce es la mejor opcion para crear tu tienda online con Oxygen Visual Builder, en este curso aprenders desde como instalar WooCommerce, trabajar con Wooshark, un plugin premium Dropshipping para Woocommerce con el que tendras una tienda virtual 100% funcional.En este curso tambin aprenders:Crear productos, asignar categoras, imgenes, precios, descuentos, inventario, medidas y mucho ms.Exportar productos a tu tienda online de otros paises.Tener una tienda virtual con Oxygen Visual BuilderPersonalizar el plugin de WooCommercePersonalizar el plugin de WoosharkTener una tienda de Dropshipping FuncionalAgregar Proveedores Fiables al momento de venderNunca has creado una tienda virtual y tienes dudas de como empezar? he creado una seccin especial sobre todas las consideraciones que debes tener a la hora de crear tu tienda virtual que despejar todas tus dudas.Crear tiendas virtuales te dar mucho dinero si eres desarrollador o si eres empresario el saber como montar una tienda virtual te permitir ahorrar esa inversin. Estas en el curso adecuado para aprender a crear Tiendas Virtuales con WooCommerce.Si te enfocas en el Dropshipping, veras que podras tener una tienda basica potente y sin inventario en la cual podras vender lo que desees desde la comodidad de tu casa u oficina."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Pardot Specialist Certification Practice Exam/MCQ" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist CertificationOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 90 minsNumber of Questions :60Passing Score : 72%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 360 (Actual exam contains 60 questions)Exam OutlineThe Salesforce Pardot Specialist exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience integrating the Pardot platform into marketing workflows and can demonstrate the application of each of the features/functions below.Visitors and Prospects: 8%Describe the relationship between visitors and prospects.Given a scenario, apply the appropriate plan of action using Prospect Audits.Administration: 11%Illustrate how to create, edit, and map fields.Explain the relationship between Pardot and Salesforce.Describe the capabilities of the Pardot Recycle Bin.Pardot Forms, Form Handlers and Landing Pages: 20%Given a scenario, identify the capabilities, use cases and interpret metrics of Pardot forms.Identify the capabilities, use cases and interpret reporting metrics for landing pages.Lead Management: 24%Explain the components and use cases of an automation rule.Distinguish between the capabilities of, use cases for, and how to create different types of lists.Define the capabilities of a completion action.Define the capabilities of a segmentation rule.Define the capabilities of page actions.Explain what a Score measures and how scoring is managed.Explain what a Grade measures and how grading is managed.Identify the capabilities and use cases of custom redirects.Email Marketing: 20%Distinguish between an Email and an Email Template.Given a scenario, identify the capabilities and use cases for email.Distinguish between the metrics collected in Pardot email reporting.Engagement Studio: 17%Distinguish between the components of an engagement program.Explain the process of updating an engagement program including its assets."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn to build real time search engine using Apache Storm" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to build real time SEARCH engine with using apache storm. Apache Storm is distributed , fault tolerant and highly scalable and real time message processing system. It was developed by Twitter Inc in 2011 and was open sourced few years layer. It's free to use. Numerous companies like Twitter, Spotify, WebMD etc use Apache storm to process analytics data in real time, build insights and search engine on tops of this data.In this course I shall cover basics of Apache storm and we will apply that knowledge to build a real time search engine. We'll also build a trending hashtag generator. I'll walk you through the code step by step.Build a strong foundation in image search engines with this tutorial for beginners.Understanding fundamentals Apache StormBuild real time search engine using Apache StormBuild Trending hashtag generator Build a local and remote storm topologyBuild a real life web application for search and trendsA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of Apache Storm puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Java, Apache Storm are free, easy to learn and has excellent documentation.No prior knowledge Apache Storm. I'll be covering topics like Nimbus, Zookeeper, Spouts and bolts . Jobs in real time search area are plentiful, and being able to learn real time search will give you a strong edge. Real time search is state of art technology that can quickly help you stay at top of your career.Content and Overview This course teaches you on how to build real time search engine using open source Apache Storm, Java, Python and Jupyter framework. You will work along with me step by step to build following answersIntroduction to Apache StormBuild an real time search engineBuild Hashtag Trend GeneratorBuild a real world web application for search and trendsWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn real time search engine from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 10 lectures teaching you how to build real time search engineSuitable for beginner programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Entendendo a NR13 - Caldeiras e Vasos de Presso" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo capacitar o aluno ao entendimento da aplicao da NR13 - Segurana em Caldeiras, Vasos de presso, tubulao e tanques no que diz respeito a classificao, instalao, inspeo e capacitao dos trabalhadores para operar uma caldeira e sistemas pressurizados.Voc entender como classificar, quais so as categorias tanto para caldeiras como para vasos de presso, quais critrios para instalao, para inspeo e capacitao de trabalhadores.Voc entender tambm qual a funo e responsabilidade do PH - Profissional Habilitado"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 150+ UNIQUE practice questions for DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.3 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Microsoft Azure Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR MICROSOFT AZURE CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Microsoft Azure DP-200 exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many Microsoft Azure DP-200 practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 150+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 3 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 150+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SPSS for Researchers & also Data Analysis-for Businesses" |
"Recoding, Syntax, Regression analysis, Graphical representation, and Data FilterTable making, Regression Analysis from given dataRecoding in same and different variablesDescriptive and Crosstabulation analysisYou should have a basic understanding of data and the regression equation. If you have this information then this will be very easy to understand like regression analysis and interpretation of the analysis. I will also explain the interpretation of the results."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Job Interview" |
"Excel on your Job Interview. Check these few tips on how to write the perfect cover letter and how to make your CV stand out from the pile. Learn to communicate without speaking and get ideas on how to answer some of the most common questions interviewers ask during the interview. Do all this by listening to our Native British speaker who will guide you through this course. Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Healthy Business, Healthy Life" |
"Hello, I am Julian Wright and welcome to my Course. I am really looking forward to working with you!There's a long way and a short way.The long way?Trying to figure out everything yourself, only to go around in circles. All that time wasted could have been put into something more worthwhile.Want to know the short cut instead?Good news!I recorded 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that'll give you advice on how to work from home happier and healthier.Complimentary material:20 Super Tips For a More Healthier Business And You!The 5-Minute Guide To Staying Healthy Running A Business From HomeGET STARTED TODAY!************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate of completion. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of.************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access and unlimited instructor support."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Evil Eye and Psychic Protection" |
"What is the Evil Eye?What is a Psychic Attack?Are you suffering the symptoms and devastating effects of the Evil Eye?Is your life a constant struggle? Having accidents? Injuries? Money problems? Chronic illness? Has your life suddenly become unbearable or has it been drudgery for a long time?The contents of this course could be your salvation. You will learn just where the Evil Eye may be coming from, and you may be very surprised!A variety of methods will be revealed to help you fend off the Evil Eye!Know the symptoms; find out if you are guilty of casting the Evil Eye upon another and if so, discover the antidote; learn a special mantra you can tweak so you own it; retrieve your lost personal power; what to do if you have been infected with the Evil Eye or another Psychic Attack.Discover how to protect, defend and heal from the Evil Eye and Psychic Attacks!This course is loaded with information and easy to apply techniques. Come, improve your life!You have nothing to lose but the curse and hexes and negative psychic forces that have plagued your life --- up until now.Come to freedom!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vive mejor la Navidad con simplicidad" |
"Un curso que te llevar de la mano para que disfrutes cada momento de la Navidad, haciendo tradiciones valiosas en tu familia.Curso hecho para cualquier persona, no se ocupan niveles de educacin.Curso muy simple y valioso que verdaderamente aprenders de nuestra maestra Aline Vargas.Es recomendado tomar notas y poner mucha atencin."
Price: 1320.00 ![]() |
"Habilidades socioemocionales en los nios" |
"En este curso practico veremos los puntos ms importantes de la socioformacin requerida para el xito escolar.Curso hecho para cualquier persona, no se ocupan niveles de educacin.Curso muy simple y valioso que verdaderamente aprenders de nuestra maestra Aline Vargas.Es recomendado tomar notas y poner mucha atencin.Estrategias prcticas y cientficamente comprobadas para modificacin de habilidades socioemocionales en los nios."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Psicologa Positiva: la ciencia para vivir mejor" |
"Este es un curso prctico de ejercicios y estudio cerebral para mejorar la calidad de vida.Clases dictados por la Licenciada Aline Vargas de Murillo directora del Instituto Superior de Educacin, en Monterrey, Mxico.Curso hecho para cualquier persona, no se ocupan niveles de educacin.Curso muy simple y valioso que verdaderamente aprenders de nuestra maestra Aline Vargas.Es recomendado tomar notas y poner mucha atencin."
Price: 1320.00 ![]() |
"Desarrollo Socioemocional: la clave para mejorar tu vida" |
"Aumenta tu inteligencia social y emocional y observa como toda tu vida evoluciona para bien.Clases dictados por Jessica Handall, maestra del Instituto Superior de Educacin, en Monterrey, Mxico.Curso hecho para cualquier persona, no se ocupan niveles de educacin.Curso muy simple y valioso que verdaderamente aprenders de nuestra maestra Aline Vargas.Es recomendado tomar notas y poner mucha atencin."
Price: 795.00 ![]() |
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Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"10 Ways to Overcome Task Avoidance Panic and Anxiety" |
"In this course, you will learn how to overcome task avoidance procrastination that is caused by anxiety.The course will cover 10 techniques to help you become more productive. These techniques are specially designed for those who feel anxious or panic at the thought of completing specific tasks.You will be given an acronym to help remember the 10 approaches."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Organic Chemistry : Structural Isomerism" |
"This course shows how to write structural isomers for organic molecules . It involves how to calculate the degree of unsaturation for every molecular formula and structural functional groups expected from the given formula. Examples that are given in this course can be applied in every situation in organic chemistry and students should use this as a guide in all class lectures and assignments in organic chemistry."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn C++ Programming from Zero to Mastery in 2020" |
"So, you've heard a lot about C++, but you don't know how to get started? This Udemy course is exactly what you need!Choosing a course thats perfect for you can be damn hard. You need Instructor:Who are passionate about what they doKeep their courses continually updatedAnd most important, provide outstanding support and follow up to your questionsThats what I do.This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the C++ programming language on Udemy!This course assumes no previous coding experience . It doesn't matter if you have never written any programs or you have no idea about programming... After my course all of this will change. You will bust the myth that programming is a difficult thing!A major focus is problem-solving skills, algorithms and strong fundamentals. Also, the focus of this course will be to make sure that you have done the substantial amount of coding by the end of it. You'll be exposed from very easy to hard level of questionsAfter this course you will become smarter with your solutions and able to use the advanced components of the C++ language easilyCourse is designed keeping in mind the requirements of beginners. Course starts with fundamentals of logic building and problem solving..This course will enhance the problem solving skills of the students using C++. Course follow step-by-step approach to make students fall in love with programming and ignite their passion of coding with the help of problems ranging to easy to intermediate to expert level.Moreover , I am using a pen tablet to write on the screen and provide even more visual explanations.This course will teach you all the fundamentals you need. Trust me, you won't need any other course to reach the intermediate/advanced level after this course.With over 75+ lectures and more than 16+ hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned!You will learn how to program in C++ in a fast and easy way! .This course will teach you C++ in a practical mannerAs for the curriculum, curriculum is designed to make students proficient in programming .You will learn theory and you will also gain lots of practice. During the course we will write many programs that will make you a great programmer.I believe that when learning coding, it is best that you learn it while typing codes on your computer rather than just listening. This course exactly do thatI have made the course as friendly as possible. You don't feel like you are listening to a professor but rather a friend with some funny jokes and we know friends are best teachers :)The course is continually updated and enhanced. This guarantees what youre learning is relevant for you today and will never be obsolete..Ill personally answer all your questionsAs if this course wasnt complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have within 24 hours ,7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.Theres no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.You either end up with learning C++, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itYou literally cant lose.Many people think Coding can be mastered only by geniuses who have some supernatural intelligence levels but I must tell you, You dont need to be a genius to learn how to code. Only determination is requiredI strongly believe that with the right guidance and perfect determination, any student willing to learn programming can become a master of codingImportantly, this course teach students the real-life skills needed to get those in-demand jobs or further your programming skills.If you want to take ONE COURSE to master C++ take this course.Ready to get started, ?Enroll now using the Buy Now button on the right, . Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you. See for yourself the great quality of my course and enjoy it!So what are you waiting for? Learn C++ in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!See you on the inside (hurry, class is waiting!)Click the Buy Now button and start learning now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Portraits in Charcoal" |
"This is a detailed step-by-step course in drawing highly realistic portraits in charcoal. it is divided up into 20 video lectures of ten minute each. There are no time lapses and every detail is explained and demonstrated. Alan has a 100% success rate in drawing portrait commissions and is passionate about teaching what he has learnt over many year to others. This is suitable for aspiring and professional artists."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Spor Serveni-2 & Fitness Antrenman Programlar" |
"Fitness antrenman programlarn,antrenman sistemlerini,hipertrofi(kas bymesi) ve definasyon gibi kavramlarn neler olduunu reneceksiniz.Kendiniz iin uygun olan antrenman programn ve programdaki egzersizlerin nasl uygulanmas gerektiini renip,amacnza uygun bir ekilde antrenman yapm olacaksnz.Eitim seti ierisindeki excel uygulamalar sayesinde antrenman programlarnz kolaylkla takip edebileceksiniz.Sporda snma,souma,motivasyon,uyku,kardiyo,kas arlarnn sebepleri ve yaplmas gerekenler gibi daha birok konu hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Genel olarak doru bilinen yanllar ve yaplan hatalar renip,emin admlarla spor yapmaya devam edeceksiniz.Spora yeni balayanlar kiilerde vermi olduumuz tavsiyeler sayesinde,daha kolay bir ekilde spor yapmaya balayacak."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Guide to Machine Learning" |
"If you are looking to start your career in machine learning then this is the course for you.This is a course designed in such a way that you will learn all the concepts of machine learning right from basic to advanced levels.This course has 5 parts as given below:Introduction & Data Wrangling in machine learning Linear Models, Trees & Preprocessing in machine learning Model Evaluation, Feature Selection & Pipelining in machine learning Bayes, Nearest Neighbours & Clustering in machine learning SVM, Anomalies, Imbalanced Classes, Ensemble Methods in machine learning For the code explained in each lecture, you can find a GitHub link in the resources section.Machine learning is the fuel we need to power robots, alongside AI. With Machine Learning, we can power programs that can be easily updated and modified to adapt to new environments and tasks to get things done quickly and efficiently.Here are a few reasons for you to pursue a career in Machine Learning:1) Machine learning is a skill of the future Despite the exponential growth in Machine Learning, the field faces skill shortage. If you can meet the demands of large companies by gaining expertise in Machine Learning, you will have a secure career in a technology that is on the rise.2) Work on real challenges Businesses in this digital age face a lot of issues that Machine learning promises to solve. As a Machine Learning Engineer, you will work on real-life challenges and develop solutions that have a deep impact on how businesses and people thrive. Needless to say, a job that allows you to work and solve real-world struggles gives high satisfaction.3) Learn and grow Since Machine Learning is on the boom, by entering into the field early on, you can witness trends firsthand and keep on increasing your relevance in the marketplace, thus augmenting your value to your employer.4) An exponential career graph All said and done, Machine learning is still in its nascent stage. And as the technology matures and advances, you will have experience and expertise to follow an upward career graph and approach your ideal employers.5) Build a lucrative career The average salary of a Machine Learning engineer is one of the top reasons why Machine Learning seems a lucrative career to a lot of us. Since the industry is on the rise, this figure can be expected to grow further as the years pass by.6) Side-step into data science Machine learning skills help you expand avenues in your career. Machine Learning skills can endow you with two hats- the other of a data scientist. Become a hot resource by gaining expertise in both fields simultaneously and embark on an exciting journey filled with challenges, opportunities, and knowledge.Machine learning is happening right now. So, you want to have an early bird advantage of toying with solutions and technologies that support it. This way, when the time comes, you will find your skills in much higher demand and will be able to secure a career path thats always on the rise.Happy learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Home Office para iniciantes e gestores" |
"Este curso foi especialmente desenhado para empresas e profissionais que enfrentam um novo cenrio de trabalho, O Home Office. (Home Work)Voc aprender tudo o que necessrio para trabalhar remotamente. Como preparar seu espao, configurar seus aparelhos, entregar seus trabalhos e manter a comunicao entre os membros da equipe sempre em alta. Home Office j uma realidade para muitas empresas, porm a pandemia acelerou esse processo. Agora existe a necessidade de estabelecer novas regras de trabalho. Novos processos. Novas ferramentas, novas prticas, novos mtodos, nova postura, novas atitudes.... Trabalhar de casa uma grande mudana ocasionada pela pandemia. O Covid-19 no vai deixar de existir da noite para o dia, precisamos aprender a conviver com o vrus. Chegou a hora de reinventar e melhorar as formas de trabalho no dia a dia. Sobre o InstrutorJuliano Kimura um dos maiores especialistas em inovao digital e redes sociais do Brasil. Eleito duas vezes melhor profissional de redes sociais. Trabalhou para o Facebook Brasil como especialista de contedo e palestrante para o Facebook Brasil."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Crear una Pgina Web En 2020 Con WordPress Y Elementor" |
"Porque inscribirme a este Curso?Aprende como usar el famoso constructor de pginas Elementor.Domina WordPress y Elementor para crear cualquier tipo de pgina web que quieras.Logra una Increble y Moderna Pgina Web que impresionara a cualquiera.Aprende de un Profesional, que vive de crear pginas web para todo tipo de negocio en todo el mundo.El Tutorial ms actualizado y reciente (2020)La mayora de los tutoriales no suele durar mucho y ven todo por arriba, en este dedique todo el tiempo posible para que cualquier persona, ya sea que tenga 18 o 60 aos y sin la necesidad de contar con conocimientos previos, pueda crear un sitio web realizado como un profesional. Esta misma forma de crear una pgina es la que utilizo con mis clientes alrededor de todo el mundo.Que aprenders en este curso?Configurar tu Dominio y Hospedaje Web.Crear una Moderna, Hermosa y Maravillosa Pgina Web.Usar el constructor de pginas ms famoso ""Elementor"".Como arrastrar y soltar Elementor para crear cualquier tipo de Sitio Web.Crear la pgina web de tu negocio, el negocio de algun familiar o incluso para comenzar un nuevo.Los conocimientos para vender pginas web y empezar tu negocio!Dominar WordPress y Elementor.Cul es el publico objetivo de este curso?Cualquiera persona que desee aprender!Cualquiera que dese crear la pgina web para su negocio.Cualquiera que quiera empezar su propio negocio.Cualquiera que desee dominar WordPress y Elementor en 2020.Requisitos para tomar este curso?Solo Internet y una computadora.Sin conocimientos ni experiencia requerida."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_BOWI_30 Application Associate Business Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You can create a report summarizing the number of cars sold by region. What items you need to use to collect the number of cars sold?a) numberb) detailc) Measured) measuremente) NoneQ) What are the three calculations can be used to measure objects in Web Intelligence? (Choose three.)a) myb) Maximumc) countd) count allQ) What are the two screens can be used to clean the data from Business Objects Web Intelligence XI 3.0 documents (WID)? (Choose two.)a) Questionb) reportc) Active Xd) Meat grinderQ) What are the three elements are part of the query filter? (Choose three.)a) Classb) an objectc) operatord) Operand"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"SAS A00-250 SAS9 Administration Platform Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Select the method of updating the metadata table that provides maximum control over the functionality of the update and can be run in batch mode.a) Updating metadata option in the manager data libraries in SAS Management Console.b) Library update metadata task SAS Enterprise Guide.c) Updating metadata options in SAS Data Integration Studio.d) MetaLib procedure with SAS code.e) NoneQ) Which statement is false? Updating metadata of the table, you can:a) add table metadata tables in the physical library, but lacks the metadata repository.b) determining an update of the table to match the corresponding physical tables.c) change security settings metadata tables and operating system. Leveld) determination remove metadata table in the metadata records, but does not have a corresponding table in the physical library.e) NoneQ) The client wants to have their system set up so that stored procedures can access the library without having to manage the library missions in the code of the stored procedure. How should the library to be shared?a) defaultb) client applicationc) by preemphasisd) user accesse) NoneQ) MetaLib procedure allows you to update the metadata of the table. Which method does not provide access to the process MetaLib?a) SAS Management Console feature update metadatab) SAS Enterprise Guide Explorer library management functionc) SAS Data Integration Studio feature of updating the metadata tabled) custom code with PROC MetaLib.e) None"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When you try to run an instance of EC2, but an instance, it seems to go at once in a finished state. That probably is not the reason why this is happening?a) AMI is not a necessary part ofb) The picture is damaged.c) You have to create the first EBS storaged) You have reached the limit of the volumee) NoneQ) You have created Auto Scaling group. Cooling group Auto Scaling period of 7 minutes. The first copy is started after 3 minutes, while the second copy is started after 4 minutes. How many minutes after the first run Auto Scaling to take a different scale in effect to my request?a) 11 minutesb) 7 minutesc) 10 minutesd) 14 minutese) NoneQ) The service container components of Amazon EC2, that the name of a logical grouping of container instances that you can put the data?a) clusterb) the container bodyc) Containerd) specific taske) NoneQ) In connection with support for the AWS, why EC2 instance can not be reached within 20 minutes instead, to allow customers to open tickets immediately?a) Because most problems are resolved achieve power through automated processes in less than 20 minutesb) Since all instances of EC2 can not be reached within 20 minutes every day, when AWS does routine maintenancec) Since all EC2 instances can not be reached within 20 minutes, when it was first launchedd) Because of all the reasons listed heree) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-701 E2C + Essentials Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following types of memory is clocked at 400 MHz?a) PC133b) PC2700c) PC3200d) PC10600e) NoneQ) Attendants get a laptop for Windows, which does not work properly, because the user has changed some of the parameters of the registry errors. Which of the following factors have to be judged in the first place?a) Reset CMOSb) Rolling back to a restore pointc) Booting into Safe Moded) BIOS Setupe) NoneQ) The technician is faced with the IP-address The IP-address is a member of one of these classes?a) class Ab) class Bc) class Cd) class De) NoneQ) Which of the following cables allow transmission of video and audio?a) VGAb) S-Videoc) DVId) HDMIe) None"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Como Manter Motivados Seus Vendedores Todos os Meses?" |
"Aumente as vendas da sua loja, aumentando a motivao dos seus vendedores!Uma equipe sempre motivada, vende sempre muito mais!Ns mostramos em detalhes o que fazem e como fazem as LOJAS SUPER VENDEDORAS, para manter suas equipes motivadas todos os dias do ano!Um treinamento distncia, especial para lojistas e gerentes super vendedores!Falado em ""LOJS"". A linguagem prtica das lojas.Prepare Agora a Sua Equipe para VENDER MAIS!Faa esse treinamento agora, em aproximadamente 42 minutos, de onde voc estiver.Sua equipe salta para outro patamar de vendas e motivao em at 30 dias! tudo muito rpido e prtico. O treinamento e os resultados!Centenas de lojistas satisfeitos j fizeram este mesmo curso com suas equipes e aumentaram as vendas de cada vendedor e de toda a loja.O que vai acontecer com a sua loja a partir do dia seguinte?As vendas de cada vendedor comeam a aumentar;Crescem a motivao e o bom humor da equipe;Diminuem as queixas e as resistncias s mudanas;Aumentam as vendas das promoes e dos produtos menos procurados pelos clientes;Sua loja comea a se transformar em uma LOJA SUPER VENDEDORA!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Intro to @RISK version 8: Monte Carlo Simulation on Excel" |
"This is an introductory course to @RISK's latest version 8 (Palisade's Monte Carlo simulation software on top of Excel). You will learn how to set up, run a simulation and interpret results for any type of model.We use an example of a simple business example: Joe runs a small contracting business repairing residential exteriors. We introduce the decisions he has to make. Step by step we explain how, by using @RISK, he is able to make sound and consistent decisions around his business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_TSCM52_66 Certify Associate Procurement Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You have received an order confirmation from a supplier. What you must do before you can enter the delivery date confirmed and the amount confirmed in a purchase order item?a) Set the flag of the receipt of goods.b) Set confirmation light received in the header.c) Use a confirmation control key in the purchase order entry.d) Set the necessary confirmation mark in the master vendor supplier.Q) Where do you define a fixed supplier for a specific period in time?a) In the record information at the client level (regular supplier)b) In the arrangement contingent at company levelc) source list on the plant floord) In the material master at plant levelQ) What are the characteristics of material valuation to the average moving price? (Pick two)a) If you book a further debt for a quantity greater than the total amount of stock then valued detachment is generated a difference in price.b) If the price in the purchase order is different from the moving average price then a posting price difference is generated goods receipt.c) The moving average price is equal to the total value divided by the total amount of enhanced warehouse.d) Goods movements are always valued at the average price rising from material master records.Q) Which indicator value creation is shown in the Contact Person tab when you create a purchase request manually?a) Production orderb) direct procurementc) Real timed) Material Requirements PlanningQ) What does a group account control when you create master data provider? (Choose three)a) The determination procedure Partnerb) The definition if the vendor master record is an account of the past or notc) The possible levels of data retentiond) The reconciliation account in the general ledger"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"HANDS-ON Functional Programming + Building Real Applications" |
"Functional programming is one of the fastest-growing programming paradigms.F# and Haskell are repeatedly on StackOverflow's Surveys as the best paid and most loved technologies.This course will cover both languages in-depth, giving you the option to understand both of the languages as well as the differences between them.Most importantly, this is a HANDS-ON course! You will be writing the code yourself! You will have the opportunity to try out functional programming on your own by following my lectures and therefore learn even faster."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |