Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Internet of Things (IoT) Mega Premier - in Urdu/Hindi" |
"Internet of things is when we connect up everyday physical things to the Internet. Yes, Even things like shoes.Things like your fridge can be connected to the internet to find out when your milk is going off and when you need to order some more. But its much more than that. In the medical field, in agriculture, in manufacturing, the internet of things is going to change the way we do things. It gathers information. it processes that information and presents it back to human beings in a way that can understand. In the background, a lot of communication is going on between the machines or things machine to machine communication.Want to develop the next big thing with IoT? This course is Carefully Crafted to meet the requirements of new Learners. We will start with the Architecture of IoT, implementation models, How IoT is different from Automation and what actually makes IoT the revolutionary technology. What makes this course Stand out?Say goodbye to all the home automation tutorials that claim themselves as 'IoT'. Watch the Preview videos to Know how we proceed and dig into the real IoT. Besides various IoT related concepts you will also learn:What is an IoT Platform? How to use one? How many are there?Difference between Smart, Connected and IoT ProductsHow Amazon Alexa can be used with your IoT ProjectsIoT Development boards and how to work with them?Arduino vs Raspberry Pi - Which one to use?Developing a complete IoT system -Layered Architecture of IoTHow to find new IoT ideas?Future scopes of IoT and how to be on the Top?Note: the Whole Course is in Urdu/Hindi Language."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"7 Steps Strategic Sourcing - Supply Chain" |
"Have you been dealing with Procurement for long but there is no progress in your career? Could you be missing one important skill - strategic thinking and planning? Learn the 5 phases and 7 steps in Strategic Sourcing today. We will discuss the essential elements in each step, including the recommended approaches to solve the problemsThis Course includes the below1. The Preview of 7 Steps Strategic Sourcing2. Data Management and Analysis3. Understand Clients Requirements4. How to Strategize Market Intelligence5. Strategy Development6. How to create winning RFx7. How to make sure my project is implemented SMOOTHLY8. Performance Development Plan9. Actual Sourcing Project Reference"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Electric Guitar for Beginners" |
"This Course has Italian Language and English Subtitle Meet Emilio, your new online electric guitar tutor and start playing immediately with this 6 lessons video course: the first chords, the tempo and the rhythm, the right tuning of the instrument, the power chords and much more. HQ examples and graphics,Also with a bonus lesson where you'll learn about to tune you guitar, perfectly!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certification Angular 4 Guide" |
"Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps with HTML, CSS and TypeScript. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or a full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular.This course was crafted to benefit absolutely any level of developer. We will start from scratch and learn how to create a development environment for Angular 5+, Setup Angular CLI and learn all of the fundamentals. We start by building a sandbox application to look at all of the main Angular concepts as well as building a logging application, then move to a much more advanced client management system with authentication and data storing with Firebase's new Firestore platform."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ayurvedic Nutrition Masterclass: Ayurveda Beginner to Pro!" |
"Have you ever felt tired, lethargic, low on energy or like there isnt enough time in the day?Would you like to know how you can feel more energetic, healthy and refreshed in your daily life, without spending thousands of dollars on a nutritionist, dietitian or monthly gym membership fees?Did you know that from Ayurvedic point of view a disease appears when there is:- inappropriate diet.- accumulation of metabolic waste found in the common diet- Neglecting the needs of regulators- insufficient, excessive or false stimulation of the regulators.First, we would like to thank you for joining our class, for your time and interest to learn an ancient practice of Ayurveda.""Your body does not age with years but with the mistakes you have done?What are you going to learn in this class:what to eathow and when to eatWhat are the 3 elements and their importance.The elements needs and how they change throughout the seasons and during the day. What is the digestive fire and how to maintain its perfect burning, which is vital for your health.And what are the benefits we are offering in this class:This class deals with the three elements Vata, Pitta and Kapha, explaining their features, how they switch throughout the seasons of the year and daytime, when are the elements active and how to balance them by choosing right food for yourselves in regards to its amount, structure, quality and taste. All is explained using a simple tool called Ayurwheel.How to help yourself on your own without further mentorshipEnergy boostWeight lossSelf healing capabilitiesrapid improvement of your peristalticsImprovements in skin qualityBetter moods without the swings!And much much more!Meet Your TrainerMy name is Monika and the reason I started with Ayurveda was my poor health. From childhood I suffered from atopic eczema and asthma. 30 years I had been looking for a solution and tried every possible or guaranteed cure starting with hormone therapy, multiple creams, starch baths, different drastic diets but all leading to nowhere. Going for a consultation with an Ayurvedic therapist did not seem to be any different and I was, of course, skeptical about it. But I was wrong. After returning from the consultation, my husband and I started to prepare Ayurvedic meals according to my recommendation, did few simple changes regarding the timing and the structure of the meals which led to a huge improvement to my condition. We started to enjoy following the basic rules of Ayurveda simply because we felt amazing, both physically and mentally. Our excitement went so far that we signed up for an Ayurvedic school. For 3 years we had been improving and applying all we learned about Ayurveda in practice. Our friends and family, of course, noticed and began to share their own hearth issues and asked for a help. Here, we realized that there is a lot of information about Ayurveda and it is easy to get lost.In order to make it super smooth and effective for anyone to begin and to help themselves as quickly as possible we created Ayurwheel a simple Ayurvedic nutrition tool which follows the basic principles and helps you get better the moment you start to use it, without knowing much about the topic. In order to be healthy it is not enough just to want it. You need knowledge and to apply it in practice. Ayurwheel gives your all you need to know.We invented the world's first Ayurvedic nutrition tool, which we offer in two languages. It has been a best-seller in Czech Republic and now we are reaching English speaking audience. Our class allow to start practicing Ayurveda within 10 minutes without the need of prior knowledge or experience with Ayurveda. We have realized that people are mainly interested in what Ayurvedic type they are, but when they find finally find out they often struggle to move on. We offer a simple, well organized and functional system of Ayurvedic nutrition via Ayurwheel. It puts together the most important Ayurvedic principles that are common to all of us. We also offer online nutritional counseling, cooking classes, video recipes and much more.If I could do it you can do it too. Reaching your health independence has never been easier. Enroll today, and dont delay your health any longer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Gua Definitiva: Aprender, Crear y Consultar Bases de Datos" |
"Quieres aprender base de datos relacionales y no relacionales, pero no sabes por dnde comenzar? Aqu vas a aprender TODO sobre las bases de datos, iremos aprendiendo tanto de bases de datos relacionales como no relacionales, vamos a aprender a crear base de datos y a hacer consultas en sql desde principiante hasta experto. Vers que no es demasiada ciencia si sabes las estrategias que tienes que utilizar, y la manera en la cual te explicare ser totalmente sencillo aprender base de datos desde cero en Microsoft SQL Server (Orientado a principiantes) .Hola mi nombre es Emmanuel Polanco y Ing. En Sistemas, Certificado e Instructor en Udemy.Existen Tres razones para TOMAR ESTE CURSO ahora mismo!1. Tienes acceso de por vida a todos los mdulos y recursos!!2. Podrs hacerme preguntas y las responder de inmediato a cada una de ellas! Ser tu entrenador en lnea!3. Lo que aprenders en este curso es muy detallado, pero a la vez concreto para que puedas aplicarlo rpidamente!!En este curso se explicar de manera prctica los principios de los queries y consultas para recuperar datos relacionales a fin de proveer informacin empresarial a los directivos de negocio. Este es un curso con un enfoque eminentemente prctico a fin de introducir al estudiante en los principios de los queries Transact-SQL. Este curso es indicado para futuros administradores de Microsoft SQL Server, profesionales que se dedicarn al desarrollo de reportes empresariales, Data Science, Data-mining, Cubos, manipulacin de datos y Business Intelligence en general.Aprenders los Fundamentos bsicos para manejar el Microsoft SQL Server (Orientado a principiantes) y las Bases de Datos Relacionales y no Relacionales (No-SQL), aprenderemos tambin sobre la manipulacin de datos con las mejores practicas para ser un DBA o Analista de Datos de calidad en el mercado laboral. No es necesario ningn conocimiento previo, haremos todo desde cero, por tanto, solo debes de tener deseo de aprender, y todo lo dems, lo haremos juntos.Instalaremos y configuraremos desde cero el Microsoft SQL Server y su gestor SQL Server MANAGEMENT STUDIO, Crearemos una base de datos Relacional para entender el modelo Entidad-Relacin y tambin crearemos una base de Datos No-Relacional (NoSQL) y muchos temas ms, como por ejemplo la manipulacin de datos con SQL Server.Al finalizar este curso obtendrs un Diplomado en Bases de Datos MICROSOFT SQL SERVER, debido a que tendrs las bases solidas para adentrarte al mundo de las bases de datos, tanto como Analista y Administrador de Base de datos.Acerca del costo de usar estas herramientas, es totalmente gratuito, es decir, utilizaremos herramientas proporcionadas por Microsoft para fomentar el aprendizaje a un nivel bsico, as que.. No esperes mas!!Te introducirs fcilmente a las bases de datos de Microsoft SQL Server, MYSQL, ORACLE (Orientado a principiantes) . Debido a que los comandos son totalmente similares en todas las bases de datos. Debido a que utilizan el mismo tipo de sintaxis (en la mayora de los casos).Este curso desde cero, tendr mas de 5 horas en total y te aseguro, que no te arrepentirs de tomar todas estas horas aprendiendo de las bases de datos relacionales y tambin de las bases de datos no relacionales. Vamos a aprender a crear base de datos y a hacer consultas en Microsoft SQL Server, todo desde cero.Si tienes instalado algn otro tipo de versin, no te preocupes estas Consultas Con Sql Server aplicada a las versiones: 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019. Por tanto, estars totalmente actualizado.Mi primera recomendacin: EMPIEZA HOY MISMO!Vas a correr con ventaja. Sabrs lo que otras/os no. Es informacin muy valiosa, ES ORO PURO. Con esta informacin aprenders sobre las bases de datos de Microsoft SQL server, todo sobre las bases de datos Relacionales y manipulacin de datos100% ASEGURADO!Te lo resumo: tienes 3 opciones 1) Ver otros cursos, que quizs no te enseen todo lo que te mostrare y gastardinero sin necesidad 2) Aprender por tu cuenta en base a prueba y error (QUE ESTA MUY BIEN) pero te llevar 3 veces ms tiempo y SACRIFICIO. o 3) Aprender de este curso, que te ahorrar DINERO, Y LO MS VALIOSO TIEEEEEEMPO. Vas a ACORTAR MUCHO CAMINO REALMENTE. Te pido que no me califiques hasta que pueda aclararte todas tus dudas. Es un trato? Es un ganar-ganar. T habrs quedado conforme con el curso y yo de que me des las 5 estrellas, vale? Un saludo.Es una OFERTA MUY MUY LIMITADA luego se cerrarn las puertas definitivamente...Este es tu momento para aprender base de datos y ser un profesional con este curso vamos a aprender a crear base de datos y a hacer consultas en sql, manipulacin de datos y hacer consultas en Microsoft SQL Server de manera avanzada.Dale a ""Comprar ahora""Un saludo y nos vemos dentro."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Beginners" |
"This is a very special course that I made after being told by my students, over and over again, that they tried to meditate but were unable to. Some of them were only able to do so a few times or used one of the meditation apps that are so popular nowadays but, unfortunately, none of their efforts ever translated into real, life-changing success.If you recognize this description, well, then this course is made especially for you! : )This course will lead you, step by step, through various practical exercises, starting first by relieving any tension that you might have from within, removing emotional attachments to your thoughts, developing focus and, finally, unblocking your path to having a successful meditation practice!This course includes:2.3 hours of video lessons.A printable Meditation Journal that includes extra activities and a Practice Log sheet for keeping track of one's exercises.3 Downloadable, Guided Audio Relaxations with fun story lines.And an extra hour of video with an exclusive interview, featuring Abi, the Psychic Strategist, who gives extra tips and advice for meditation practice.Receive a Meditation Certificate upon completion!Music in the course trailerRoyalty Free Music from Bensound"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Selling Luxury Masterclass" |
"Selling Luxury Masterclass is an interactive luxury session that focuses on the transfer of knowledge through exchange of experience. The workshop is structured in five sessions, focused on case studies, examples of good practice and analysis, thus giving participants the opportunity to adapt content to their specific problems and concerns, increasing the usefulness and relevance of each interaction.Selling Luxury Masterclass presents a step-by-step approach to explore the universe of luxury, leading to a better understanding of the luxury product and discovering the luxury consumer. Combining demonstrations and interactive sessions, Selling Luxury Masterclass will teach you how to build a luxury brand and how to develop customer relationships in luxury retail, thus giving the experience of a luxury brand."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Wildwuchs |
"Wir haben verlernt, wild zu sein. Angepasst schreiten wir durch unser Leben und verpassen so die Dinge, die uns ausmachen. Dieser Kurs hilft Dir dabei, selbstsicherer im Umgang mit Krisen und auergewhnlichen Situationen zu sein. Er gibt dir das notwendige Handwerkszeug, um auch in schwierigen Situationen einen khlen Kopf und Deinen Humor zu bewahren und authentisch zu handeln. Die bungen in der Natur werden Dir die notwendigen Wurzeln geben, um bei sturmartigen Ben, den Halt zu bewahren. Wie ein Adler wirst Du nach diesem Kurs Deine Perspektiven und Blickwinkel ndern und einen positiven Fokus setzen knnen. Dein Alltag wird Dir leichter fallen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pilates MAT bsico en casa" |
"Con este curso aprenders los ejercicios bsicos del mtodo pilates. Desde la respiracin, las preparaciones y modificaciones segn cual sera tu nivel y/o tu patologa o lesin.Solo necesitars un espacio mnimo donde colocar tu mat y... muchas ganas de aprender!Estar disponible para cualquier duda que te surja a lo largo del curso, y al finalizar sabrs crear tus propias sesiones para entrenar en casa."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to find a career you love" |
"This should be everyones FIRST career course. One of the most experienced front line practitioners takes you step-by-step from discovering career options youll love through to planning your own career path to get you where you want to go.No matter where you are now in your career - beginning, middle or end. If you feel like you are stuck or in the wrong place, this course will help you find a career youll love and show you how to create a plan to get there.Logical, step-by-step instruction and fully supported by worksheets and resources. You will explore whats important to you about your dream job and career. Including your own unique PASSIONS, your PURPOSE and motivations, the skills you want to PERFORM (and dont!), the type of PLACE youd love to work and the PEOPLE that inspire and motivate you.You will learn how to check out your decisions including the reality of the day-to-day before making any big career decisions that cost you your TIME, MONEY and EFFORT.And once you are happy with your decision we will show you how to create your own career path and build a logical step-by-step plan to get there - FROM WHEREVER YOU ARE RIGHT NOW.This course, How to find a career you love' is packed full of straight talking useful advice from a career expert who has travelled around the world helping over 1000 people find, enter and succeed in their own careers.Delivered in short bite sized videos that explain the WHAT, WHY and especially the HOW."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"100% Practical Guide to Build Websites from Scratch to Pro" |
"Becoming a Professional in Website Design in Days with HTML & CSS Leveraging Guide by Learning with our Step by Step Ways to Build Website from Scratch to Pro. We expose you to HTML & CSS Leveraging, why website is so important in digital market, choosing 2020 best platforms in domain and web hosting, installing WordPress, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Posts and Pages, Customization and endless Tweaks including website speed."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"In this course we are going to understand and breakdown the basic elements inside of Ableton Live 10. This knowledge will help you to build an Ableton Live Set for your Live Performances. Whether your in a band or a solo artists, using Ableton Live on stage can transform your show!! Helping you achieve the high production sound of all your favorite major artists... but without the huge stage crew!!I've been running Ableton Live for over a year in my Live Shows and I can't imagine playing without it!! Understanding how to correctly use this software, can add huge value to you as a musician! If youre ready to take your music to the next level, this course is for you. In this course Im going to teach you, how to: Navigate the Ableton Live InterfacePlan your Ableton Live SetUse Audio/MIDI FXHow to Create SamplesHow to Import SamplesAND MORE!!As a BONUS... I have included a module explaining how to record and export your Live Performance. So you can show off to everyone online that your stage show is better than theirs... ;)I hope you enjoy it!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ngilizce ren - From Zero to Pro" |
"uan kariyer alannda ingilizce bilmeden gelimenin gerekten ok zor olduu herkes tarafndan kabul edilen bir gerektir. Bir ok kii renemeyecei veya beceremeyecei teredddyle bir trl renmeye balamazlar. Bazlarysa kurslara binlerce lira para verip de verimli bir ekilde renemediklerinden dolay bu konuda umutlarn tamamen kayb ederler.Okullarda yllarca ingilizce dersi verilmesine ramen hala ngilizce size zor mu geliyor? zel derslerle bile hala bu dili renemediniz mi? ngilizceyi artk kolay bir ekilde renmek ve konumak m istiyorsunuz? Bir ka gn deneyip hounuza gitmese ayrlmak istediiniz bir kurs mu aryorsunuz? O zaman doru yerdesiniz!Neden bu kursu semelisiniz?Bu eitim programnda her yatan ve her seviyeden renciler gramer konularyla birlikte ayn zamanda Listening(Dinleme), Reading(Okuma), Speaking(Konuma) ve Writing(Yaz) becerilerini gelitirme ans elde edecekler.Her gn yeni konu anlatmlar eklenecek olan bu kursumuzda, sfrdan ileri dzeye kadar tm konular izlediiniz ve devleri ilediiniz takdirde ngilizcedeki hemen hemen tm konulara hakim olacaksnz.Online eitim setimizin sradan kurslardan en nemli farklar: Dilediiniz zaman dilediiniz konuyla ilgili destek alabilirsiniz. Dilediiniz zaman dersleri izleye ve telefonunuza ykleye bilirsiniz. En kolaydan balayp en zora doru giderek hi biri konu anlatmnda zorluk ekmeyeceksiniz. devler yardmyla yeni rendiklerinizi ok iyi bir ekilde pekitire bilirsiniz. Sadece gramerle yetinmeyip ayn zamanda listening, reading, speaking gibi nemli becerilerinizi gelitireceksiniz.Note: Eitim setimiz her gn gncellenerek ksa srede toplam 48 saatlik video serisinden oluacaktr.100% Garanti Bu set 100% garanti vaad eder. Eer setden memnun kalmazsanz, kayt olduunuz gnden sonra 30 gn iinde denilen cretin tmn geri ala bilirsiniz.Yani hi bir riskiniz olmadna gre hemen kursa kayt olun ve korkmadan renmeye balayn. :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma - White Belt Certification (with Minitab)" |
"We at Edeccentra provide executive certifications which are very high in the demand though are priced exceedingly in the online course market. Our mission is to give these learnings at a price that can help us reach many more who seek premium education though at a bargain price.Lean Six Sigma has become a global standard to improve the quality, profitability by improving the processes with well-established methodologies and tools. Some learnings provide Lean as a separate topic and six sigma as another one. However, that is a fragmentation created only to sell you another course. In modern quality management, Lean and Six Sigma are very well connected, which you will soon learn during the session. We have created a curated content for you to understand these great tools and techniques which are usually not well understood by most people."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Stress- und Selbstmanagement" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie Stress entsteht, warum es diesen gibt und wie wir ihn nutzen knnen. Auerdem lernen wir, wie automatisierte Denkprogramme, die uns zu denselben wenig hilfreichen Verhalten und Bewltigungstrategien fhren, loswerden und durch neue ersetzen knnen. Du wirst lernen, was Lebensqualitt ausmacht, wie wir Vergleiche positiv nutzen knnen, was Glck ist und wie du dieses in dein Leben holst. Du lernst Entspannungsmethoden und konkrete Strategien bei Stress und auch Angst, die dich von negativen Gedanken wegholen und in das Hier & Jetzt bringen. Zum Schluss wirst du einen konkreten Manahmenplan haben sowie einen Koffer voller Strategien, Methoden und bungen, die dich deinem Ziel nher bringen und ein glckliches, stressfreies Leben fhren lassen.SELBSTERKENNTIS & REFLEKTION- Verstndnisfrderung (Theorie)- Vernderung von erlernten Denkprogrammen und Handlungsmustern- Erlernen von Prventivmanahmen und Entspannungsmethoden- Aktivierung und Erschlieung von Energieressourcen- Steigerung der Lebensqualitt und Zufriedenheit- Zahlreiche Praxisbungen"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"SCHNELLER LERNEN - 200 Vokabel in 1 Stunde lernen" |
"Vokabel lernen ohne AnstrengungIn diesem Kurs lernt ihr eine leichte Methode, um 200 Vokabel in 60 Minuten zu lernen - und das auch noch mit Spa, ohne Anstrengung. Lernen kann jeder Lernen ist leicht Lernen macht SpaVokabel 1 x hren und merkenIhr kennt es sicher: Wenn euch ein Freund eine Geschichte erzhlt, merkt ihr euch diese nach dem 1 x hren. Das funktioniert auch mit Vokabel!Wir mssen nur wissen, wie unser Gehirn funktioniert und was wirklich zum Lernerfolg fhrt.Nach dem Motto: ""Gehirngerecht"" lernen#Lerntechnik#Vokabeltraining"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SIEMENS DIGSI 5 Engineering & Configuration Tutorial" |
"DIGSI 5DIGSI 5 is the versatile engineering tool for parameterization, commissioning and operating all SIPROTEC 5 devices. Its innovative user interface includes context-sensitive user instructions. Simple connection to the device via USB enables you to work with a device easily and efficiently. The full capabilities of DIGSI 5 are revealed when you connect it to a network of protection devices: Then you can work with all of the devices in a substation in one project. DIGSI 5 offers superior usability and is optimized for your work processes. Only the information you actually need to carry out your tasks is shown. These can be reduced further using expanded filter mechanisms. The consistent use of sophisticated, uniform mechanisms in the user interfaces requires less training. For the system engineering of DIGSI 5 parameterized devices the IEC 61850 system configurator is used. The IEC 61850 system configurator is used for the system integration of DIGSI 4 devices. The IEC 61850 system configurator is the manufacturer-neutral solution for the interoperable engineering of IEC 61850 products and systems. The tool supports the SCL (substation configuration description language) configuration files from the IEC 61850-6 through import or export of all formats (ICD/IID/CID/SCD/SSD/SED). Thus, IEC 61850 devices can be added and a complete IEC 61850 station is available for the substation automation Technology."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Substation Control & Protection Schematics/Drawings Part 1" |
"Description:I guaranteed that you can not find such training about learning control & protection schematics on web or text book.I have gathered my pure field experience to prepare this course.This is part 1 & covering from basic, I will be releasing new parts soon covering more advance topics. I have design this training so that any one without any prior knowledge can start immediate learning.Excellent drawings & documents are included for self practice.Following topics are covered in part 1. Introduction to drawings Electrical Symbol IEC codes of device introductions to common devices How Page is Divided in Column and Rows. Cross Reference, internal external wiring Front Sheet. DWG Number and revisions. List of Documents. List of AppratusSymbol List. Z Sheets of Equipements, MCBs etc.General Characteristics How Ferrules are marked. What is Loop. AC and DC loops. Loop Supervision Relay. Normally Open and Normally closed Contact Change Over Contact.I highly encourage to attend this training. I am available to answer any questions.Regards Muhammad Kashif"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Amazon KDP" |
"Private Amazon Canada Step by Step ""KDP Kindle Direct Publishing No Content/Low Content Book ""Module 1 : Module 2 : KDP Module 3 : Module 4 : (niche) Module 5 : Module 6 : BONUS!!1) 10 (How to create a book step by step within 10 minutes)2) KDP (How to upload a book on KDP)3) Book Research Live4) Projecting Income: +5) : Commercial Use Photos & FontsADVANCE STRATEGY: Add Categories 30%"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sitting Eight Brocades Qigong with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming" |
"A powerful ancient practice. In his bestselling qigong lesson, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming instructs and demonstrates the 1,000-year-old Eight Pieces of Brocade. These are the most popular sitting Qigong (chi kung) healing exercises and are considered the origin of Medical Qigong and all energy healing modalities. These gentle breathing, stretching and strengthening movements increase the Qi (energy) and blood circulation in your body, helping to stimulate your immune system, strengthen your internal organs, and give you abundant mental and physical energy. Perfect for beginners, anyone can practice these simple and effective SITTING EIGHT BROCADE exercises in only 15 minutes a day.You may press pause and increase the number of repetitions according to your preference, but it is advised to not skip any of the exercises. This set is designed to comprehensively improve your whole body circulation. Known in China as the Ba Duan Jin, Eight Pieces Brocade, these movements can be traced back to Shaolin Temple and beyond. Also included is an ANALYSIS section including the secret words: poems and songs that have been used to pass this knowledge down from generation to generation in an unbroken oral lineage between teacher and student, which contain the key to each of these ancient medical qigong movements.This lesson includes detailed and fascinating qigong demonstration and instruction by Master Yang, Jwing-Ming of each these powerful qigong movements.Time-tested, traditional Chinese healing energy work while sitting.Clear explanation of healing principles for each movement.Narrated in English, with original Chinese poetry narrated by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming.Includes: Follow-along Demonstration, Detailed Instruction and Analysis of each movement.Eight Seated Qigong and Meditation Exercises to maintain health and boost immunity.Perfect for Beginners, no experience necessary.Includes details for experienced qigong practitioners.All ages, seated meditation and exercise enthusiasts.Seated Qigong (energy healing) Exercise to boost health and immunity with renowned Master Yang, Jwing-Ming (YMAA).ALSO AVAILABLE: Separate Standing Eight Brocades Set."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Go From An Average Person To A High-Value Person" |
"Become the person you have always wanted to be following a sustainable and doable lifestyle. You will learn how to implement a lifestyle that gets you from the person that you are right now to the person that you want to be. No more luck involved, you will have a method that you can implement daily to get to where you want. What if I already have a good life? If you feel like your life is missing something then this course is for you. Maybe you have money but you are still not satisfied with your current life. This course might give you a different perspective on what it means to be happy. The reason we want to take control of our life is to be happythat's the end goal. Why is the course short?The course is short because the whole concept matters more than the information itself. If you are willing to pursue your adventure, you will have a recommendation for that. The course's goal isn't to overwhelm you with content but to give you a simple way to transform yourself. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Redaccin Profesional de Artculos SEO" |
"Aprende a hacer artculos efectivos para atraer ms visitas y lograr mejor ranking en Google para tu sitio web o blog. Conoce cmo debe ser la estructura de los artculos, cmo buscar palabras clave (keywords) y otros elementos que conviene incluir en los artculos o posts para que tu contenido tenga excelentes resultados en los buscadores y ayude a atraer ms visitas y lograr ms ranking.Estas herramientas te durarn para toda la vida ya que al aprender a estructurar un artculo SEO, puedes trasladar estos conocimientos a la redaccin de otros tipos de artculos.Algunos de los conocimientos que adquirirs son:Tipos de artculos SEOEstructura del artculoCmo buscar palabras clave o keywordsCmo utilizar las palabras clave en tu artculoUso de etiquetas en el artculo para mejor indexacinIncorporacin de call to action y otros elementos importantesLink buildingY mucho msConstantemente estoy actualizando las clases y agregando nuevas lecciones que me parecen tiles. Ten en cuenta que es un curso bsico y que si no sabes nada de SEO aqu vas a aprender las bases para ser un copywriter SEO exitoso.Hago nfasis nuevamente en que esto es un curso BSICO. Se realiz tomando en cuenta a personas que no tengan ninguna experiencia con SEO o redaccin SEO por lo que si buscas algo avanzado, este curso no es para ti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn English: Curso Bsico por Carolina Costa" |
"Aprenda ingls de verdade! Saber ingls deixou se ser um diferencial e agora passou a ser algo essencial. Requisitado em praticamente todas as profisses e especializaes. Pensando nisso, o curso foi criado para todos que desejam aprender Ingls com contedo e vdeos didticos, bem resumido mas contendo o importante para se comunicar.Dicas para facilitar o aprendizado;Contedo dinamizado;Contedo organizado;""Vocabulary Class"": pondo em prtica os assuntos gramaticais aprendidos;Vem ser um vencedor!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: A Beginners Guide to Playing the Guard" |
"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsus greatest contribution to the martial arts world is that is demonstrated that a person in the bottom position could reliably and consistently win a fight from there. Whereas throughout most of martial arts history the bottom player was always losing BJJ showed that you could win from there. While, this certainly should not be a goal (getting to bottom) we should learn what to do once there.For many of us who are studying Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu there is a dilemma. There are SO MANY types of guards and moves and strategies to play from those guards. It can become very overwhelming. This course will help! The purpose of this course is to teach you 3 fundamental guards (the Closed Guard, the Half Guard and the Open Guard) and how to connect them together with submission attacks and transitions to and from one another.The instructors hope is that this course will make playing from the bottom an easier and more rewarding part of your training."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Habilidades do Futuro com a IKME" |
"Estrutura do curso:- 12 mdulos de vdeo-aulas- Carga horria total de aproximadamente 2 horas e 30 minutos- 12 arquivos com material de apoio incluindo cadernos de atividades- Acesso total vitalcio- Acesse por dispositivo mvel, computador e TV- Certificado de conclusoO que aprenderei:- Como mudar o rumo da sua carreira e encontrar a oportunidade certa- Como descobrir quais habilidades precisa desenvolver para atingir seu objetivo- Como se reinventar e se conhecer ainda mais (de um jeito diferente)- Como ser reconhecido e aumentar suas chances de promoo- Como usar seu tempo com sabedoria- Como desenvolver as habilidades do futuro para atingir um alinhamento pessoal e profissional - Como potencializar seus talentos e equipes- Como se destacar em qualquer ambiente atravs de suas atitudes- Como arrebentar no seu prximo processo seletivoO que esperar:- Metodologia prpria que combina casos reais e conceitos mundialmente reconhecidos- Aplicao do contedo na prtica (sim, sairemos do campo das ideias)- Habilidades comportamentais explicadas atravs de atitudes e exemplos- Boas prticas- Dicas reais O que no esperar:- Zona de conforto- Um curso que fala das habilidades do futuro de um jeito tradicional"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Connecting to your Akashic Records Certification" |
"Become your own intuitive reader, receive your own Akashic information. You will be given all the tools and knowledge needed to access information from your Book, Masters, Guides & Beings of Light. This course will allow you to be your own Akashic channel. Connecting to your Akashic Records Certification will allows you to become an Akashic Records reader. This is the first step to creating a direct channel to receiving your own information that can profoundly enhance your connection to Higher-Self and to help you make important life decisions. You will be your own intuitive guide! The direct contact to your sacred information will allow you to heal past/current trauma, emotional blockages and to see your life/path with a broader perspective. This new tool will allow you to further develop your spiritual abilities, life mission and overall wellbeing. With this course you will learn to trust your intuitive messages and allow your connection to progress and grow with time and practice. This course was created via the channeling of the Akashic Masters through both our sacred books. We have added our own knowledge and experiences to help you develop this intuitive side of yourself. We invite you to connect to your Akashic Records and to use our knowledge and experience to become the best reader for yourself and your sacred information.We are so excited for you to embark on this journey and experience all the Akashic Records have to give you in this soul incarnation.x love and light xLucia and Lorena Soul Tribe Academy"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Asset management fundamentals for management consultants" |
"Starting a new project on asset management can be stressful, especially if you do not have a finance background. It is a complicated industry with lots of jargon. This primer is designed to get you up to speed on the fundamentals of the industry and boost your confidence from day one of your client engagement."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Arabic food" |
"Its a course dedicated to some popular middle eastern dishes . Not only will students get to experience dishes from all over Arabia, but also learn about some side dishes that are presented with the main recipes.the recipes are very clear quick and easy If you are a food lover and a passionate cook you would love these tasty recipes and if you are thinking about inviting guests over and cooking a meal for them, you won't want to miss out on trying one of these delicious Arabic dishes ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Theatre for Kids - Basics" |
"Theatre for KidsThis Theatre and Acting Learning Program is for students aged 7-11 years and who would like to:enhance their confidence and focus in life using Theatre reduce their stage fear and anxietyimprove their social skills and reduce shynessexplore the field of Theatre and ActingThe teacher in this Program, Prashant Chawla, is a student trained by the professors of National School of Drama, Theatre Guru Neeraj Kabi and Japanese Art Teacher Yuki Illias in Mime and Movements. After completing approximately 1000+ episodes on television, 200+ Advertising commercials, Theatre Plays and Films, he went on to create Drama workshops for over 10000+ individuals including children in last 6 years. In this Program, students will learn the basics of Theatre, Acting, Emotions, Expressing Yourself, Scripts and what goes into delivering a good performance on stage."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Expertise in Present Tense." |
"If you are feeling challenged by the toughness of four forms of present tense,join me on this course for a complete solution.This course is designed to gain an accurate and deep understanding of all forms of present tense and make you capable to differentiate between them.This course will develop confidence in writing and speaking activities and clear all doubts related to present tense."
Price: 6720.00 ![]() |