Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"BET PREMIUM VIP - Apostas Esportivas" |
"J Pensou em ganhar dinheiro Assistindo a jogos de Futebol ??Venha conhecer a BETPREMIUM empresa especializada em assessoria de investimentos esportivos .Canal no Telegram onde ensinamos pessoas a gerarem renda de forma profissional nas Apostas esportivas, assistindo a Jogos de Futebol , Tnis , Basquete , Corrida de Galgos. E o Melhor de Tudo podendo feito de qualquer lugar do mundo utilizando apenas um celular com Conexo a internet.Possumos Mtodos , estratgias que iro te fazer se tornar Profissional no TRADING ESPORTIVO !!O que voc ter adquirindo nosso servio mensal :- Retorno do seu investimento em 7 dias seguindo nossas orientaes ; - Acesso a todo os Mdulos do curso guia pratico contendo tutoriais sobre estratgias / gesto de banca / cadastro ;- Suporte e mentoria profissional para dvidas ; - Dicas dirias sobre mindset , controle emocional e temas motivacionais; - Acesso a Tips/ Sinais todos os dias enviados por profissionais altamente qualificados ;- Canal com rendimentos mensais de lucros acima de 50 % ;BONUS :Acesso ao nosso robo com entradas geradas por inteligncia artificial ;Acesso ao Grupo Extra de Sinais em Operaes binrias ;Acesso ao grupo Extra de Sinais em Corrida de Galgos ;"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Fun Way to Learn Programming: 101" |
"Want to learn computer programming but don't know where to start? Learn programming THE FUN WAY, by making video games! This course teaches you everything you need to know to start your journey in computer programming. You'll re-create the classic video game Pong while learning the basics of programming, and you'll also learn important strategies for sticking with your programming practice.If you enroll in this course and do the homework, I guarantee you will become a computer programmer!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Portfolio digitale Interattivo per Ipad Indesign 2020" |
"Sei un architetto, un grafico,un fotografo, lavori nel mondo del design o semplicemente hai dei disegni da voler raccogliere in un file digitale? Con questo corso tratteremo gli strumenti principali per creare un portfolio semplice, minimal ma professionale, in grado di poter stupire un datore ad un colloquio di lavoro o di convincere un cliente su un progetto.Utile difatti, anche per creare una presentazione portatile, coinvolgente anche per il destinatario, senza aver ingombranti portatili dietro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Thai cooking with Mr. Mettri: Sun-dried pork" |
" It is widely known that Thai foods have strong flavor. Moreover, each herb that is used for cooking Thai dishes has its own unique flavor. You may find many Thai foods are very hot and spicy but the heart of cooking Thai foods is actually creating the balance of the taste. You might have tried some famous Thai dishes, such as Pad Thai, Tom Kha Kai, Tom Yam Kung, Green Curry, and Papaya Salad. If these foods could impress you before, then Im sure that this course wont disappoint you. Id like to share the recipes which can be applied to a bunch of different ingredients. For example, if I use dried pork to make spicy salad, you may use chicken instead while you still can follow the same cooking recipe. Finally, I'd like to say that if you love cooking Thai food, this course is for you! If you have any question, please e-mail to"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Design of PV mounting structures" |
", . (STAAD.PRO) . 25 :- Cold- Formed steel - ( STAAD.PRO) .- .- .- : .- .- DEFLECTION .- . , . .."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Conquering Breast Cancer: The Complete Guide" |
"""You have breast cancer.""These are the four words that can change your life forever. No matter what stage of Breast Cancer you are at, your mental well-being and will power are more important now than ever before.Surrounding yourself with knowledge, facts, options and empowerment will arm you with the essential components of information that you need to make decisions that will positively impact you.In this course, we shatter the myths that can be harmful to your physical & mental health and walk you through how to take back control and update your daily habits to make days a little better and a little happier.Phase 1 of this course is designed to help you understand what breast cancer is and how it can impact your life as a patient or as a family member. We will go over the symptoms of this disease, how it is diagnosed, and what conventional and alternative remedies you can use to cope with this disease.Understand breast cancerProgression of breast cancerConventional & Alternative treatment optionsIn Phase 2, we will talk about how simple changes in your lifestyle like working out, eating the right foods, and managing your expectations can help you reduce your breast cancer symptoms and make you feel better overall. You will also get an overview of different technologies that might help you in managing your disease.Using Diet & Exercise To Boost Immune SystemTravelling Guidelines For Breast Cancer PatientsManaging Your ExpectationsTechnology for Breast Cancer PatientsIn Phase 3, we will take a look at the lives of a few heroes living with breast cancer - they, despite their cancer status, lived to their fullest. We will also talk about the importance of effective communication, how to manage stress, and how people react to stressful situations.Managing Stress while being Cancer PatientHow To Talk About Your IllnessAdopting a Positive Mindset Towards LifePhase 4 of this course is designed specifically for friends, family members, and employers who would like to help the patients suffering from this disease. This phase focuses on providing care-giving guidelines to family members, how to communicate with the patient and some guidelines on how employers can facilitate their employees who have breast cancer at the workplace.Guidelines For Breast Cancer CaregiversDealing With Breast Cancer StigmaBreast Cancer and WorkplaceLet's Start Feeling Better Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google AdWords for Beginners - Google Ads Training Course" |
"Google AdWords for Beginners - Google Ads 2020 Training CourseUpdated MAY 2020 ALL VIDEOS up to date - NEW GOOGLE ADS INTERFACE & DASHBOARDFree 1-2-1 Support VIA Zoom or EMAIL For The First 30 Days After Your Purchase of Google AdWords for Beginners - Google Ads 2020Google Ads For Beginners Step By Step Training Course On How to Use Google Adwords To Generate More Customers In 2020This course is delivered by Google certified practitioner Shev, who has 14 years experience of Google Ads experience. He has previously delivered face to face Google ads training and has now brought the course online. What you will learn:How to effectively structure a Google Ads accountHow to choose the most effective Google Adwords keywords and keyword match typesGoogle Ad creation and how to create compelling PPC adsHow to gain the best Google Adwords quality score and get the lowest cost per clickHow to build a Google Ads campaign start to finish including the correct settings to use.How to optimise your Google Ads campaignHow to add remarketing tag to your website and create a remarketing campaignHow to implement call tracking and contact form submission trackingSome testimonials of the Google Adwords course he has delivered face to face is shown below:""Shev has worked with the School of Education at the University of Buckingham to optimise Google Ads PPC campaigns and provide 1-1 expert training. Clear, simple guidance, without the jargon, has helped to streamline Google Adwords campaigns and his expert knowledge has improved campaigns across a whole suite of topics. Highly recommended!"" - Sally Elvin - Head Of Marketing (University Of Buckinghamshire.)""I went on Shevs Google Adwords course. As a consequence of the Googel Adwords course I have had more enquiries for new business via my website than at any time since I developed my webpage. Thank you!"" - Jonathon Radcliff - Director (JMR Sales.)""We utilised Shevs Google Ads knowledge on a consultative basis when devising and implementing our Google Adwords PPC and re-marketing campaign. Early indications show a substantial increase in website traffic. I found Shev ultra professional to work with.. - John Shelley - Sales & Marketing (Langley Distribution.)This Google Adwords course will show you the best practices so you can make the most out of Google ads. Google ads (adwords) is an essential part of the digital marketing mix. This Google AdWords Tutorial is always evolving. It evolves day by day as new methods are discovered, and new options start working and bringing results.This Google Ads Tutorial focuses on the Performance Marketing aspect of Google AdWords. I don't want you just to learn Adwords, I want you to succeed.You have unlimited access to our Google AdWords Course so you can come back anytime to rewatch any of the videos.Get your copy of the Google (PPC) Adwords 2020 Course Today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) with Node.js" |
"While working with JavaScript Isomorphic apps its important for us to plan the server code for modularity. Using Node.js for server-side coding helps to implement modules. Node.js uses Sequelize package for performing database operations for Relation database like MySQL, MS-SQL, MariaDB, Postgres etc. Sequelize is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) package. This package provides various approaches of building Data Access Layer. In this course we will use Code-First Approach, Database First Approach for database operations. We will also use migrations to generate Database Table Schema for production. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover Meditation - 4 Week Course" |
"Meditation practice brings incredible results. It has a hugely positive impact on stress and anxiety, it also allows us to quieten our mind and feel calmer.Learning these simple and effective techniques will help you easily develop a meditation practice.In this course, you will be taught core methods each week with daily videos to help you gradually build up your ability to meditate.At the end of the course, you will have everything you need to continue to develop your meditation and the skills you need to help you feel calmer, happier and more energised."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Birth Trauma Training for Birth Workers" |
"1 in 3 people experiencing a traumatic birth is WAY too high.The statistics showing upwards of 15% of midwives and obstetricians developing PTSD from vicarious trauma is WAY too high.My name is Dr Erin Bowe. This trauma course is like no other. I have the professional background as a clinical psychologist of 10+ years AND the lived experience of two traumatic births. I am the bridge between the research about birth trauma, and the lived experience.Ive used these experiences as a conduit for personal growth and strength. I believe that trauma can actually be your biggest teacher. Im here to teach you how to navigate birth trauma, so that you can have a sustainable career as a birth worker.This work isn't all darkness and shadow! I teach you to find lightness in without making light of trauma.You can make phenomenal change. You just have to decide. I can teach you to align your thoughts, words and behaviours to create the strength and resilience you want. To feel confident, calm and like you're actually making a difference to birthing outcomes.This course is specifically designed for you to feel a massive shift in how you think about trauma, and how you are showing up in the world to be with other people in theirs. Make the first step towards changing birth outcomes. For birthing people, for the babies, and for yourself.Australian College of Midwives CPD Recognised Activity (16 CPD hours upon completion of the full course)This is an evergreen course. Take it whenever you like, and take as long as you like. You will be issued with a certificate of completion at the end. Note that Udemy provides this only for the total video hours watched. For midwives and other people looking for a full certificate of completion, please email me."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo Inicial de Bachata" |
"Aprende los bsicos laterales, hacia adelante-atras y pasos como el deslizo, caminata, abro-cierro, uno y uno, basico por detras y mucho mas.Trabaja en pareja los basicos, figuras con giros, diferentes agarres, enrosques, ondulaciones y tecnicas para que aprendas diferentes figuras.Aprende musicalidad para comprender mejor la musica y poder improvisar y bailar sin problemas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Active Listening Skill The key to be a successful leader" |
"The ability to listen is a key ingredient to become a successful leader. A person who listens to others with empathy, without interrupting and being judgmental earns love and respect from people, both in the workplace and personal life. This course covers the Importance of Listening, How you got to be the listener you are, Barriers between the speaker and listener, Listening to Yourself, Making Listening Work for you and finally Getting Others Listen to you.Great listeners always listen to others with empathy, Keep an open and curious mind, Listen for new ideas, listen from the heart to help stay non-judgemental, be introspective and have the capacity and desire to critically examine the content, understand the intent."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google Data Studio: il Corso Definitivo, dalla A alla Z." |
"Nell'ambito delle iniziative #iorestoacasa, Iulm AI Lab vuole garantire il proprio contributo al Paese, offrendo questo corso in promozione, per permettere a tutti di poter accedere ai corsi di alta formazione e preparare le proprie competenze alle sfide future.******************************************************************************************Non sarebbe fantastico poter avere a tua disposizione i consigli di un professionista, che ti guidino ad apprendere tutti i segreti e le potenzialit del tool di Data Visualization - Google Data Studio, partendo da zero?Grazie ai corsi di alta formazione Maestr.ia di Iulm Ai lab scoprirai come progettare una dashboard efficace e lasciar parlare i tuoi dati, per cogliere visivamente gli insights generati dal tuo lavoro di reportistica, renderli immediatamente attivabili e migliorare il Business della tua azienda.Hai sentito parlare di Intelligenza Artificiale e vuoi comprenderne le potenzialit per migliorare il tuo business? Hai bisogno di una consulenza per orientarti sulle soluzioni di Intelligenza Artificiale offerte dai player tecnologici per il Marketing e la Comunicazione della tua azienda? Vorresti sviluppare un progetto utilizzando lIntelligenza Artificiale per la tua azienda ma non sai da dove iniziare? Sei una start-up, un centro di ricerca o uno sviluppatore che ha gi realizzato soluzioni di Intelligenza Artificiale e vorresti aiuto per il go-to-market?Per rispondere a tutto questo nasce il Laboratorio di Intelligenza Artificiale dello IULM, spin-off dellUniversit in partnership con il Venture Capital italiano Prana Ventures.Grazie a questo corso su Google Data Studio, pensato per Data Analyst, Marketers e Professionisti della comunicazione, avrai lopportunit di:Comprendere come progettare una Dashboard efficace, comprensibile e interattiva da poter condividere in azienda o con il tuo teamComprendere come valorizzare i dati raccolti in un unico quadro, bello da vedere e facile da capire, per migliorare la tua attivit di Web AnalysisSaprai utilizzare i tool pi avanzati di questo strumento di reportistica, come il Data Blend e le dimensioni e metriche calcolateInoltre, grazie a risorse aggiuntive e quiz di fine sezione, avrai lopportunit di accedere ad una formazione completa, stimolante ed interattiva, padroneggiare gli argomenti trattati e mettere alla prova le tue conoscenze.IULM AI LAB - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR BUSINESS AND HUMANITYLinnovazione tecnologica non si fa con la tecnologia, ma con la cultura della tecnologia!Senza cultura, competenza e vision, qualsiasi tecnologia inutilizzabile.La formazione la base imprescindibile per lo sviluppo della cultura dellinnovazione, la generazione di competenze e lo sviluppo dei talenti. Il mondo delle imprese e il sistema Paese hanno bisogno di intelligenze umane consapevoli e competenti per poter gestire al meglio le intelligenze artificiali che, nel giro di pochi anni, cambieranno il modo di fare impresa e, pi in generale, il mondo che conosciamo.Per questo motivo IULM AI Lab organizza percorsi di alta formazione sulle opportunit offerte dallAI al business, al marketing e alla comunicazione, strutturati per diversi obiettivi e livelli.Lo IULM AI Lab il centro di un sistema composto da pi attori:Le competenze disciplinari di eccellenza proprie dellUniversit IULM sui temi della Comunicazione, del Marketing, dei Comportamenti di Consumo, della Ricerca di mercato e sociale, unita a una profonda conoscenza del sistema delle imprese di ogni dimensione e industry di cui sono portatori i docenti e i professionisti che lavorano in AteneoLa vision imprenditoriale e lexpertise sullinnovazione del venture capital Prana VenturesLe risorse computazionali di AI offerte dai grandi player tecnologici partner del progetto come IBM e MicrosoftLa capacit di progettazione e sviluppo di algoritmi e soluzioni originali di AI elaborati dai centri di ricerca avanzata pubblici e privatiUna rete selezionata di start-up e aziende tecnologiche in grado di sviluppare soluzioni di AI ritagliate sulle esigenze delle imprese di ogni dimensioneLe quattro aree di attivit dello IULM AI Lab:Maestr.ia-Formazione: Aiutiamo le imprese e la Pubblica Amministrazione a presidiare le tecnologie basate su soluzioni di Intelligenza Artificiale creando cultura e formando competenze e talenti. Offriamo percorsi di alta formazione sulluso dellAI in aula e online, modulari e personalizzabili, strutturati per obiettivi di apprendimento e livelli di specializzazione.Empir.ia-Ricerca e Sviluppo: Generiamo modelli dindagine allavanguardia nel campo del marketing e delle scienze sociali, anche attraverso lutilizzo del cognitive computing. Realizziamo progetti di ricerca di base e su commessa, finalizzati allo sviluppo di soluzioni innovative di utilizzo dellIntelligenza Artificiale per attivit di business, marketing e comunicazione.Empat.ia-Progetti e Soluzioni: Ideiamo e sviluppiamo proof of concept, progetti e prototipi di soluzioni basati sullIntelligenza Artificiale. Accompagniamo le aziende nello sviluppo di soluzioni AI, dallidea iniziale alla realizzazione finale. Facilitiamo il go-to-market di soluzioni innovative prodotte dalle imprese, fino, ove ve ne siano le condizioni, ad accelerarle.Sinerg.ia-Connessioni: Mettiamo in relazione le intelligenze umane per generare soluzioni di AI. Offriamo spazi di lavoro e contaminazione a start-up che lavorano sullAI. Disseminiamo cultura sullinnovazione attraverso tavoli di discussione di alto profilo sullimpatto socio-economico dellAI e sui principi etici che dovranno orientarne gli usi.Fai il tuo primo passo verso il futuro! Acquisisci e integra le tue competenze per diventare punto di riferimento per la tua azienda e comprendere come utilizzare al meglio il tool Google Data Studio per la reportistica in real-time e la costruzione di Dashboard.E non dimenticare, la tua formazione non si ferma qui. Scopri i corsi online dello IULM AI LAB - Maestr.ia"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Premium Amazon FBA Accelerator Course, 50+ videos" |
"FBA Accelerator: How to Sell Private Label Products on AmazonEverything You Need To Know To Operate A Wildly Profitable Amazon BusinessAll Access Pass...In this comprehensive self-paced course, you'll learn everything you need to know to build a successful Amazon business or bring your existing business to the next level!Module #1: Amazon Selling 101Module #2: Setting Up Your BusinessModule #3: BrandingModule #4: Product DiscoveryModule #5: Product ProcurementModule #6: Product Detail PageModule #7: Sales VelocityModule #8: Pay Per ClickModule #9: Scaling Up Your BusinessFree Gift #1: Identity WorksheetUsing this worksheet, we guide you through the process of setting up your business identity. Everything including entity structuring, Tax Classification, Federal EIN, Sales Tax Permit, Branding and more.Free Gift #2: Dealing with Hijackers S.O.P.This is my personal Standard Operating Procedure for dealing with Hijackers and Squatters on your private label products and detail page. I give you the exact words to use and steps to get rid of a hijacker immediately. Free Gift #3: Product WorksheetThis spreadsheet automatically calculates all of your Product Costs, so nothing slips through the cracks. The Product Worksheet calculates your true ROI and Profit Margin based on all of the costs and overhead, automatically taking into account Amazon Referral Fees, FBA Fees, shipping, and so much more.Free Gift #4: Supplier LettersDealing with suppliers in other countries like China can be challenging. With time zone and language barriers, you may find yourself going in circles. We provide sample letters so you can have effective communication with your suppliers, and successfully source products that meet all of your product objectives.Free Gift #5: Members Only Facebook GroupAccess to my Members Only private Facebook group. Here you can get help from me and other Amazon sellers, as well as give advice based on your own experiences. Free Gift #6: Sourcing & Logistics ContactsI give you direct access to my logistics team. You get my customs broker and freight forwarder so you can import products like a pro. And you get access to my secret weapon, for some next level boots on the ground procurement."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Employee Onboarding Crash-Course" |
"Have you had a day one at your new job where your employee onboarding looked like the following?Talking to people who made you feel that you've made the wrong choice in joining the organization.An abrupt change from the interview and recruiting phase. While you were interviewing, they seemed like they couldnt wait for you to start. Now, you feel like you were being taken for granted.Getting in trouble for breaking unwritten rules that you weren't aware of.Due to a lackluster onboarding experience, you're wondering how long you're going to be stay before looking for greener pastures. I'm sure it took you awhile to get up to speed and find success at that organization. A poor onboarding experience can have a detrimental impact on the employee experience at your organization.A Quality Employee Onboarding Experience Tends To Be Exception, And Not The Norm.Gallup found that only 12 percent of employees strongly agree their organization does a great job of onboarding new employees.A negative onboarding experience results in new hires being 2x more likely to look for other opportunities.The organizational costs of employee turnover are estimated to range between 100% and 300% of the replaced employees salary.But what happens with a good employee onboarding experience? From day one, you know that you've joined the right organization.Instead of constantly onboarding due to turnover, youre spending more time onboarding for new roles as your organization grows and build out a solid employee experience.Research by Glassdoor found that organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82 percent and productivity by over 70 percent.You had several people help you understand the unwritten rules, and gave you everything you needed to know, but were afraid to ask and can ease themselves into the organization. Introducing The Employee Onboarding Mini Crash-Course!Create a stellar employee onboarding experience to set up new hires for success from day one. Use this to improve your overall employee experience and create an experience that other organizations will be jealous of. Here is What We'll Cover:Why You Should Invest In Your Employee Onboarding Experience.Determining The Goals For You Employee Onboarding Experience.11 Onboarding Ideas And Best Practices That Other Organizations Use.How To Make Your Onboarding Experience More Personalized.How To Scale Up Your Employee Onboarding Experience.How To Iterate & Improve Your Employee Onboarding Experience On The Regular."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness for Teachers" |
"Why this course?Learn mindfulness principles and practices, applicable in the classroom and beyond.Learn from someone who has first-hand experience applying these skills in classroom settings.Ask me any questions you have about the course via e-mail, for free.All secular meditation doesnt interfere with any faith you may or may not have.Download guided meditations, including micro-hit meditations to do anywhere, anytime.An overview of what the science on mindfulness tells us to date.Learn more about the roots of secular mindfulness.Lifetime access no subscription required.What this course wont teach youHow to explicitly teach mindfulness to your students.How to stop thinking.How to remain in a perpetual state of bliss."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Relaxing Massage techniques (Body & Mind in Bliss)" |
"Within this course, your main goal is to learn the basic and advanced techniques of Relaxing massage. You will learn a full body massage sequence of 90min. There will be provided lectures of basic anatomy, it is important to give attention to few basic muscle parts of the body, in order to develop your knowledge and skills of massage in depth. Then equally important is to understand the idea of ''sharing is caring''. We remind everyone in our anxious society, how precious is the practise of Relaxing. Survival instinct and obligations, have in many ways gather much tension and stress in Ourselves. We need to remind our clients or friends and family that this special gift, is so unique, that it will reinforce the body and mind and will prepare it for any upcoming daily challenge."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Break Dance dla pocztkujcych, dla osb w kadym wieku !" |
"Kurs nauczy si podstawowych elementw breakdancingu, aby mg sta si tancerzem . Podstawami breakdancingu s Toprocking, Go Downs, Footwork, Freeze i Powermoves. Na tym kursie nauczysz si 7 setw tanecznych atwymi do naladowania filmami, ktre zawieraj instrukcje oraz ujcia z kamer z przodu z tyu oraz gry, dziki temu wygodnie podczas kadej lekcji moesz przeczy widok ktry Cie najbardziej interesuje. Instruktorzy :Grzegorz Molo Moczko : tacem zajmuje si od 1999 roku. Wraz z grup ""Conflict Zone"" wielokrotnie stawa na najwyszym podium w oglnopolskich zawodach. Finalista i pfinalista takich programw telewizyjnych jak ""Mam Talent""(2 edycja), ""You Can Dance""(2edycja, warsztaty w Buenos Aires) i ""Got To Dance""(2 i 3 edycja). Instruktor taca z pitnastoletnim starzem. Aktywny tancerz ktry co roku daje wiele pokazw w Polsce i za granic, prowadzi warsztaty taneczne oraz sdziuje zawody. Na swoim koncie ma rwnie wystpy w teledyskach jak rwnie w koncertach na ywo z takimi artystami jak Doda, Ich Troje, Ingrid, Zakopower...i ukasz izi Skowron : swoj przygod z tacem rozpocz w wieku 11 lat uczszczajc na zajcia taneczne do Miejskiego Domu Kultury w Mysowicach. Niedugo pniej jego prawdziw pasj sta si breakdance, ktry trenuje z sukcesami od 24 lat. Wielokrotnie zdobywa 1 miejsca w grupowych turniejach breakdance taczc w grupie Progresive Crew. W stylu breakdance najbardziej pociga go moliwo freestyleu i tworzenia swojego indywidualnego stylu. W tacu wykorzystuje rwnie elementy akrobatyki, ktrych nie brakuje rwnie na prowadzonych przez niego zajciach. By rwnie uczestnikiem programu Got to Dance z grup breakdance Shogun Crew . Od 2008 roku szkoli si na warsztatach tanecznych w kraju i za granic. Na swoim koncie ma rwnie wspprac z Gliwickim Teatrem Muzycznym, w ktrym jako tancerz bra udzia w musicalu Footloose. W 2005 roku jako tancerz uwietnia Wybory Miss Polonii. Jako tancerz oraz model wsppracowa te przy produkcjach wielu teledyskw. W 2016 roku wraz z ekip z JDC Dance Studio prezentowa si w trakcie wystpu zespou Ich Troje na festivalu Roztaczony PGN Narodowy w Warszawie, ktry transmitowany by w stacji telewizyjnej Polsat. ukasz jest rwnie instruktorem kulturystyki i fitness. Jednym z jego osigni w tej dziedzinie jest zajcie 5 miejsca na Mistrzostwach Polski w fitness gimnastycznym."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Secrets of Maamool Sweets -" |
"Maamoul is a delicious sweet that is made on Easter and Eid el Fitr in Lebanon and the Middle East. Maamoul doesn't have one recipe nor an easy one, it needs a lot of experience for one to make it the right way. 3 Flavors Included: Walnuts, Pistachios, & DatesMarie Rose has had more than 30 years of experience cooking Lebanese cuisine. She will teach you the secrets to the best Maamool you've ever had. . : ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Luxury Marketing" |
"In this course you will be introduced to luxury marketing strategies for products, services and destinations. You will be also learning about:- The New Consumer: The HENRY's (what are they looking for, how can you connect with them)- How to market: Wellness, Food, Places, Art and Fashion- How to build a Unique Value Proposition based on the Made In Italy Principles- How to use LInkedIn and Instagram to reach your audience"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Shoe Illustration" |
"This footwear design course will take you through all the processes involved in designing a variety of footwear styles. Youll start by looking at how shape and function affect footwear design and learn drawing techniques to enable you to develop your own design ideas.The course includes:Drawing techniques for beginnersFootwear sketching and designDesign developmentBonus section: using vegan paint to create your collection"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cmo ser feliz todos los das." |
"Te gustaria ser feliz todos los das ? Te gustara aprender a mantener esa felicidad el mayor tiempo posible en tu vida? Te gustara saber como utilizar nuestra mente a favor de nuestra felicidad?Pues este curso es para ti!Todos los seres humanos queremos ser felices, muchos hasta estn dispuestos a sacrificar casi cualquier cosa a fin de lograr esa meta. Por esa razn, existen tantas personas vendiendo frmulas mgicas para encontrar la felicidad.En este curso, no encontrars una nueva frmula mgica. Ms bien, encontrars una receta cientfica, neuronal y natural para sentirte feliz, basada en la qumica cerebral. Este curso te ensear a usar la qumica cerebral para tener una vida ms feliz, para encontrar esa felicidad que todos buscamos, con unos simples pasos que debes implementar en tu vida diaria.Con este curso , se abrir para ti un mundo nuevo, un mundo de felicidad que es sorprendentemente sencillo de alcanzar, pero que debe ser puesto en marcha cada da; porque se trata de un ciclo que slo t puedes poner a andar.Atrvete a ser feliz siempre!S tu mejor versin , vulvete excepcional.Bendiciones.Joan"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Apply Classic manicure with gel polish" |
"After my course, you will have a firm understanding of the essentials: how to provide a sparkling clean manicure, how to apply for the fullest, deepest and thickest gel polish coverage, and most importantly, how to keep your nails healthy and shining!The course consists of several sections:What you'll need to get startedSterilization and its importanceShaping nails: correct techniques for shaping and filing without damagingClassic manicure techniques: all the artforms from A to ZPreparing the nail for the gel coverageThe technique for deep application of gel polish"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Business Growth Crash Course" |
"Most small business owners either stumble upon an idea and make it big or may keep pivoting until they get it right or in traditional family businesses they grow with high dependency on one or few people, one or few vendors and one or few customers. Whilst things may seem all right. The businesses built this way will not be able to face the storm of market volatility or disruptions, simply because no work has gone into thinking what makes the business work.This course will help you think thru and improve your business idea and how you execute it objectively. It will also help you set financial control limits to keep healthy. This course has taken inspiration from Business Model Canvas designed Alexander Osterwalder."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Apache NiFi (Cloudera DataFlow) - Be an expert in 8 Hours" |
"Finally, A complete course on Apache NiFi is here. This course is going to discuss latest version of NiFi and Processors step by step. With more than 3500+ students enrolled since the course went live Last Month. and has already become a bestseller now. This course has 8+ Hours of comprehensive hands-on lessons which can take you through the journey of Data Flow Manager from Beginners to Advance Level. This course has latest version of Apache NiFi Processors covered.Please feel free to ask any question you have during your journey of learning Apache NiFi. I would love to answer your queries.A Quick Intro About NiFi:Apache NiFi is an excellent open source software for automating and managing the data flows between various types of systems. It is a powerful and reliable system to process and distribute data. It provides a web-based User Interface for creating, monitoring, & controlling data flows. It has a highly configurable and modifiable data flow process that can modify data during executing also known as run time. It is easily extensible through the development of custom components.Github Link to download the templates is updated in lecture - 5, resources.Note: All my courses have 30 days money back guarantee, So don't hesitate to enroll and start your journey on Apache NiFi Data Flow Management."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn varieties of facial scrubs from comfort of your home" |
"Learn Varieties of facial scrubs from comfort of your homePractical demonstration of below scrubsEmulsified scrub base Green clay face maskChocolate ScrubCoffee scrubSandal saffron scrubcharcoal scrub Walnut Foamy ScrubBody Ubtan Powder (dry) (bath powder)Formulation Shared for below scrub varieties:Foot ScrubLip ScrubHair ScrubHerbal ScrubHerbal anti aging scrubDetan scrubAcne scrubBrown sugar scrubNourishing dry skin scrubAnti Aging Scrub"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"DJ course for beginners (InBeat)" |
"So you've got a DJ controller for your bedroom and you've been playing around with some music and pressing some buttons... But you want to take it to the next level. This course gives you the core, beginner skills that you need to transition from bedroom DJ to nightclub DJ. Learn how you can mix and blend songs smoothly. Learn how to beat match and count beats. You will get an introduction to the software needed, an explanation of core buttons such as cue points and EQs on your DJ equipment. By the end of the course you should have a good understanding how you can mix and blend between two songs smoothly so that you can start putting together your own mix."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cuidador de Idosos: Curso Completo" |
" Seja muito bem vindo ao Curso de Formao de Cuidadores de Idosos mais completo da Plataforma!Por qu fazer o curso? O aumento da populao idosa uma realidade mundial, principalmente nos Pases Desenvolvimentos e em potencial desenvolvimento, como o Brasil. Com isso, cresce cada vez mais a necessidade de profissionais capacitados para cuidar dos nossos idosos. Embora o envelhecimento seja um processo inerente a nossa existncia, no to simples oferecer cuidado de qualidade a essa populao. Existem muitos pormenores que devem ser levados em conta na prtica do cuidar. Alm do amor pelo cuidado, necessrio ter conhecimento e muita tcnica. O que vou aprender? Nesse curso, abordaremos de forma objetiva, cientfica e prtica os seguintes assuntos: Conceitos iniciais: - Cuidado, cuidadorEnvelhecimento- Senescncia e senilidade- Abordagem adequadaAlimentao e hidrataoCuidados com medicamentosHigiene e muito mais.Ao fim, voc ainda ter direito a duas aulas extra que te tornaro o Profissional Habilidoso e de alto valor de que o mercado necessita, torne-se um profissional livre financeiramente e com o conhecimento necessrio para realizar os cuidados."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Retouch like a Pro in Adobe Photoshop" |
"In this master course you will find all the tools and resources that you need in Adobe Photoshop to take your images to a professional level. From how to import your images to Photoshop, to how to export them to social media and resizing. Sign up now to learn more about retouching."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Portraits In Microsoft Paint" |
"This Course Is For You If:You've always wanted to learn to draw portraitsYou don't have a ton of free time but want to learn a new skillYou've taken a break from art and need some motivation to start againYou want an easier start to drawing than pulling out paper or a canvasJust looking to see if you have a hidden talent :pWhat Is Included In This Course:You will learn techniques I use on how to make portraits of a subject of your choosing. Each lecture breaks down the process into easy steps so you can take an organized approach to finishing your masterpiece. Starting with the shape of the head, then facial features, hair and headwear, drawing their name, coloring your subject, and finally, handling revisions if you happen to be doing a commission for a customer.If you prefer to learn offline to avoid distractions, I have given all my students the option to download my lecture videos. I will also show examples of other pieces I have completed using these techniques to give you an idea of what creations are possible, even with a basic program like Microsoft Paint. Although I prefer making portraits with a drawing tablet, it is not necessary at all. Each brushstroke can be done with your computer mouse as well.It's super fun drawing portraits of people and characters I idolize but I also enjoy seeing how satisfied my clients are from drawings I've made of their faces. Making digital art is honestly something I am still a bit new to, but since I have been seeing lots of great results and positive feedback from it, I thought I'd show you guys just how easy it is to get started with making portraits like these. Whether you want to make art just for the love of it, or one day have it paying all your bills, I think this course can help any beginner or intermediate artist improve their skills and confidence to pursue their passion. Art has been a passion of mine since I've been a toddler and if you haven't begun your artist journey or have taken a break from it, this is your chance to start or start anew. I'm ready when you are. :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Everything Resin Art Beginner to Intermediate Masterclass" |
"Self Paced so you can watch your favorite modules over and over againThis Resin Art Masterclass Is For You If...If you have no experience but are an art enthusiast, looking for something fun to do.If you have worked with resin before and looking to take your knowledge to the next level and develop new techniques.If you are a passionate artist who is looking for additional art practices.If you have attended one of my in-person workshops or watched my youtube tutorials and want to extend your knowledgeWhat Is The Value & Benefits Of Doing This Online Course For You?Gain expert knowledge from a professional resin artist that you can't get anywhere elseSave yourself from making beginner errors and wasting expensive resinLearn a new skill and make your own artworks for yourself and friends and family7 modules covering1. Safety when working with resin2. Tools & equipment 3. Types of Resin4. Dirty Pour5. Direct Pour 6. Swipe Method 7. Double Layering & Creating CellsIn-depth Everything Resin Series Masterclass. Everything you need to know about Resin Art before getting started and so much more.Reviews: Thank you so much the course is amazing and so helpful I played around this morning with some scrap wood and then took on my first big project of a table top for my kids that was so ruined we were going to throw it out Thank you again I have wanted to do this for years and over the last 2 years seriously looked into it but didnt k ow where to start so thank you so much for your course and helping me to do it all .. KylieThank you so much for making the course! Ill make sure to tag you and suggest people to do the course if they ever ask where I learned my tricks from ahhaha ... BrookeA Little About SheriSheri Vegas is a fulltime Australian Brisbane based abstract artist specializing in Resin Art and Flow Acrylic Painting.Sheri has always had a passion for art since she was young and has received multiple arts and creative design awards.She is passionate about sharing her love for resin art and has created this beginner to Intermediate resin art masterclass, so you can also develop your own passion for this unique art form.Sheri is also a Youtube Artist with a large engaged following and currently teaches workshops all around the world."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |