Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Fundamentos de Mejora de Calidad" |
"Para tener xito en el mundo empresarial actual, las personas y las organizaciones deben aprovechar el poder de la mejora de la calidad y la gestin de la calidad. Este curso presenta una descripcin general de la mejora de la calidad y una introduccin a varias metodologas de Mejora de Calidad, como Plan-Do-Check-Act, Lean y Six Sigma. Cubre una introduccin al marco DMAIC (Definir-Medir-Analizar-Mejorar-Control) para la Mejora de la Calidad, la filosofa subyacente y presenta los conceptos de valor, desperdicio, variacin, mtrica, equipos y gestin del cambio."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Lightroom para fotografia social: eventos e estdio" |
"Um curso especialmente voltado para a fotografia social do Brasil, com propostas de ensino prticas, testadas e aprovadas em aulas presenciais na Oficina de Photographia, escola com mais de 30 anos de tradio. Um fluxo de trabalho consistente, lgico e padronizado que tornam a vida de qualquer profissional da fotografia muito mais fcil e inteligente. Criaremos preset's de revelao, de exportao, colees inteligentes, marca d'gua, vamos renomear arquivos, selecionar, ajustar posies, muitas dicas de revelao, sincronizao de ajustes e muito mais."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Money Management en trading : la cl du succs" |
"Si un trader vous dit quil gagne 7 fois sur 10, 200$ par trade, vous vous dites sans doute quil doit gagner beaucoup dargent. Alors quen fait il perd 10% par an! Comment est-ce possible? Cest ce que nous allons voir dans cette formation. Par un raisonnement logique, nous pouvons dduire une formule mathmatique nous permettant doptimiser au mieux largent que nous allons placer dans un trade. Ensuite, lissue de cette formation, vous aurez votre disposition une calculette Excel qui vous permettra doptimiser au mieux vos investissement en fonction de votre profil de trader."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mimari izim Teknikleri ve Uygulamalar" |
"uygulamal derslerde balang seviyesinden balayarak mimari bir projeyi tm aamalar ile srasyla uygulama derslerinde temel izim teknikleri srasyla verilmitir.Uygulama derslerini ieriinde mimari izimin nasl yaplaca konusunda anlatmlar yaplm olup ncesinde verilen teknik izim derslerinde izim tekniinin gelitirilmesi amalanm olup komut kullanmnn pekitirilmesi salanmtr.uygulama dersleri basitten daha karmak uygulamal derslere doru oluturulmu olup kursiyerlerimiz dersleri devam etmesi durumunda izim becerilerini gelitireceklerdir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learning from scratch" |
"This course will allow students to learn the basics as well some more detailed information concerning information technology. Notes, study guides and practice tests will also be provided for further information on topics related to this course. Students with sight problems will have audio notes provided to them which will be helpful during their learning of this course online."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: UB Training Exercises" |
"Unconscious Bias in the Workplace; Unconscious Bias Training Exercises begins by considering what unconscious bias is and considers real life examples of the types of unconscious bias particularly common in the workplace.Our unconscious bias training exercises are broken down into whether they are effective in reducing unconscious bias in the short-term or long-term. In one particular lesson (Proximal vs. Distal explanations of Phenomena), Ermin breaks down the science and reasoning for why some strategies for reducing unconscious bias are only short-term and why others are long-term.Throughout the course, Ermin relies on different strategies to raise awareness and combat unconscious bias. There is a clear focus on education, in particular how human behavior and unconscious bias are related, critical thinking, and practical activities. Short-term solutions are more about awareness and action to reduce bias, while long-term solutions are more about building social networks of influence that make permanent change more likely."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Treinamento de Improvisao para Guitarristas e Violonistas" |
"Aprenda todo o passo a passo para solar e improvisar do nvel iniciante ao avanado.Essas aulas so voltadas para pessoas:1 Que no querem perder tempo com aulinhas sem foco e objetivo no youtube.2 Pessoas cansadas de assistir vdeo aulas com informaes erradas na internet. (olha que tem bastante enh)3 Quer estudar todo o passo a passo sobre improvisao musical;4 Quer desenvolver tcnicas e habilidades para improvisar em diversos estilos e tonalidades;5 Descobrir as digitaes e como aplicar as principais escalas musicais;6 Aprender de uma vez por todas como funciona os Modos Gregos;7- Criar solos rpidos e meldicos para tocar em bandas ou na Igreja;Se voc uma dessas pessoas (e eu sei que ), voc est convidado a participar dessas 30 aulas sobre improvisao. Seu acesso ser vitalcio. O que isso quer dizer? Que voc pode assistir por quanto tempo quiser.Nesse treinamento voc vai encontrar mais de 30 aulas mostrando todas as tcnicas de improvisao e composio de solos e melodias que eu aprendi quando estudei na California College of Music. E todo o meu suporte tira dvidas na plataforma do curso.Certo, vou te explicar exatamente cada aula que voc ver no curso:Aulas que voc ir encontrar no curso.Como achar as notas musicais no instrumentoComo montar escalas maiores e menoresO que so trades e ttradesCampo harmnico em trades e ttradesComo achar o tom da msicaComo transpor shapes e escalasComo nunca se perder nas ttradesComo tocar as escalas por todo o brao do instrumentoExerccio grupo de cordas (velocidade nas escalas)O que so arpejos?Principais arpejos parte 1Principais arpejos parte 2Tocando as trades pelo braoExerccios de escala - Tocando de Forma HorizontalPentatnica TeoriaPatatnica FraseadosPenta M6 TeoriaPenta M6 FraseadosPenta Blues TeoriaPenta Blues FraseadosComo improvisar em JnioComo improvisar DricoComo improvisar FrgioComo improvisar LdioComo improvisar MixoldioComo improvisar ElioComo improvisar LcrioComo achar as notas chavesModos GregosExerccios de Improvisao (Tocando com naturalidade)etc...Direo: Gabriel Felix (Graduado na California College of Music)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda suas primeiras 8 msicas no violo - Iniciantes" |
"Aprenda suas primeiras 8 msicas no violo Todo o passo a passo para iniciantes.Todo o passo a passo para voc sair do zero a zero e tocar suas primeiras musicas. Aulas divididas por temas e tcnicas especficas que vai fazer voc ganhar conhecimento terico, harmnico, rtmico e tcnico no seu instrumento favorito.Confira algumas aulas que voc ir encontrar:-Como escolher o violo certo para o seu tipo de som-Achando as notas no brao do violo-Cromatismo-Acordes maiores-Acordes Menores-Exerccios rtmicos (parte 1)-Star Wars - Toque com seus filhos-Pearl Jam - Last Kiss-Ganhando velocidade nos acordes (A-E-D-E)-Acessrios para violo-Ganhando velocidade nos acordes (C-Am-F-G)-Bob Dylan - Knocking on Heavens Door-Como usar o Capotraste-Legio Urbana - Que pas esse-Zeca Baleiro - Proibida pra mim-Nando Reis - All Star Azul-Red hot chili peppers Californication-The plain white t's - Hey there delilahConhea seu professor Gabriel Felix.Graduado na escola internacional ''California College of Music - EUA''.+ 3989 alunos na plataforma Udemy.+ de 243 Alunos presenciais sua escola Meio Musical localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.+ de 576 cursos vendidos nas plataformas Hotmart e Eduzz.+ de 13 anos de msica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Violo & Guitarra Nvel Bsico" |
"Violo & Guitarra Nvel BsicoAprenda os principais acordes, ritmos, batidas e tcnicas para voc dominar e tocar qualquer msica de forma simples e fcil em poucas aulas. Sempre de forma bem clara e objetiva apresentado pelo professor de msica graduado na California College of Music, Gabriel Felix.Confira algumas aulas que voc ir encontrar no curso:-Achando as notas no brao do violo-Cromatismo-Acordes maiores-Acordes Menores-Exerccios rtmicos (parte 1)-Exerccios rtmicos (parte 2)-Star Wars - Toque com seus filhos-Pearl Jam - Last Kiss-Ganhando velocidade nos acordes (A-E-D-E)-Acessrios para violo-Ganhando velocidade nos acordes (C-Am-F-G)-Bob Dylan - Knocking on Heavens Door-Como usar o Capotraste-Legio Urbana - Que pas esse-Zeca Baleiro - Proibida pra mimConhea os 3 Tipos de acordes mais comuns.Acordes Clichs - Conhea as sequncias mais comuns de acordes.e muito mais...Conhea seu professor Gabriel Felix.Graduado na escola internacional ''California College of Music - EUA''.+ 3989 alunos na plataforma Udemy.+ de 243 Alunos presenciais sua escola Meio Musical localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.+ de 576 cursos vendidos nas plataformas Hotmart e Eduzz.+ de 13 anos de msica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Gmail |
"LINEFacebook Messanger SNS Gmail 201912500Google Gmail GmailGmail GoogleGmail Outlook Gmail Gmail"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
bsoxyeus |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online vs Aplos vs Xero Not for Profit Accounting" |
"Learners will understand how to set up QuickBooks Online, Xero & Aplos accounting software for Not for Profit Organizations.QuickBooks Online & Xero are very popular accounting software applications. Aplos is less popular but is specially designed for Not for Profit Accounting.The course will show how to use free resources to optimize learning.We will demonstrate the use of funds and tags to generate Not for Profit reports.The course will demonstrate how to enter and track restricted resources.We will enter month end adjusting entries.Learners will see how to allocate expenses to programs and administrative categories.We will record net assets released from restriction.The course will show how to generate, analyze, memorize, & export to Excel financial reports."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Express FINAL CUT Pro X Completo Espaol 2020" |
"Quieres saber como editar vdeos o an mejor, a como editar vdeos con Final Cut Pro de una forma rpida y dinmica? Entonces ests en el sitio adecuado!Imagina que ests delante de un ro que quieres cruzar, en este hay una hilera de rocas separadas entre si, lo suficientemente cerca como para que puedas saltar de una en una, hay veces que por impaciencia queremos llegar a la otra orilla lo mas rpido posible, as que damos un gran salto con la esperanza de llegar cuanto antes. Pero al igual que en todo en esta vida, si quieres avanzar demasiado rpido, acabas cayndote y retrocediendo, es por eso que las cosas hay que hacerlas paso a paso, y escoger muchas veces el camino mas lento. Siempre sers libre de escoger, si dar un gran salto o avanzar roca a roca. Con todo esto lo que quiero transmitirte es que el camino hacia aprender a editar vdeos, hay que empezar por lo primero, que en este caso es la organizacin y no desesperarse si no te salen las cosas rpido, la primera roca para cruzar el ro, una vez tienes los conocimientos necesarios podrs dar el salto hacia una nueva roca que te acerque a la otra orilla, en la edicin, una vez has cruzado varias rocas, estas se bifurcan en varios sentidos, aqu tu decides cual tomar, pero al principio hay que pasar por las primeras rocas que te encuentras.Este curso se adentra en el conocimiento de la edicin de Final Cut desde 0 o con pocos conocimientos. Saber progresar y entender lo que explico es fundamental. 1 hora y 30 de material nico y exclusivamente de vdeo para conseguir un aprendizaje sencillo y consolidado de como editar. Mediante el curso, veremos distintos conceptos que nos ayudarn a llegar a ese objetivo que desde un principio habamos soado.La idea del curso es que puedas editar vdeos perfectamente sabiendo las cosas bsicas y sin que te agobies.Yo uso el editor de pelculas ms profesional Final Cut Pro X en mi uso diario de edicin, pero si estis empezando y no queris ir directamente a Final Cut, tambin tengo un curso de iMovie. IMovie, es como Final Cut pero ms bsico. Aun que en este curso no necesitas conocimientos previos ya que est muy bien estructurado y te enseo las cosas ms bsicas a un poquito ms avanzadas.Si tienes un iMac y no sabes como descargar Final Cut, ningn problema, en el curso te enseo a descargarlo de forma gratuita. En este curso de Final Cut, cubrir todo lo que necesita saber para empezar de cero en esta aplicacin y acabar el curso sabiendo usar Final Cut correctamente. Incluso si tienes conocimientos de Final Cut, despus de completar este curso podrs lograr cosas que ni siquiera te habas imaginado. Y sin duda sorprenders a tus amigos y familiares.Si no entiendes algn concepto, no dudes en escribirme en la seccin de preguntas y respuestas o en mensajes, si te gustara saber algo bsico que no queda claro o que no digo, puedes hacrmelo llegar y aadir la clase si me parece bien la propuesta.Estoy seguro de que encontrars suficiente informacin nueva en este curso para que valga la pena.Seguro de que cuando acabes sabrs hacer tus propios vdeos y espero que me los hagas llegar para opinar y ayudarte! Un saludo y nos vemos en el siguiente curso. No hay un curso similar de Final Cut disponible en ninguna parte. Todo lo que necesitas saber en sobre este, est aqu en espaol.No Esperes Ms! "
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Unisoc (Spreadtrum) Android Software Repairs" |
"Whether you're a novice looking to start a device repair outfit or trying to save money by learning to fix your own Unisoc device issues, this course is exactly what you need to build a solid foundation.This course assumes you have no prior knowledge; therefore, it starts from the ABC of Unisoc software repairs with practical examples and scenarios. Note: Spreadtrum (SPD) has been re-branded to Unisoc so these names might be used interchangeably during the course"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Her Ynyle Uygulamal FLUTTER Eitimi" |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Uygulamal Flutter EitimiAndroid ve IOS Uygulama Gelitirmek iin 10 Tane Uygulama ile Batan Sona Flutter Kursu ile tam anlamyla mobil uygulama gelitirebileceksiniz. Flutter konularna sfrdan balayarak konulara giri yapacaz ve kursun sonunda mobil uygulamann her konusuna temas edeceiz.Temas edeceimiz balca konular:Layout WidgetlarGestureAnimasyonlarListelerFormlarNetworkingVeritaban (SQLite)FirebaseDurum YnetimiBu konulardan sonra gelitirebileceimiz uygulamalar:Profil UygulamasAtaszleri UygulamasSearch UygulamasQuiz UygulamasVKI Hesaplama UygulamasDnya Saatleri UygulamasHava Durumu UygulamasSu Takip UygulamasTodo List UygulamasKahve Siparii Uygulamas"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Tez Yazm" |
"Lisans, yksek lisans ve doktora rencileri iin, tez yazmnda ve dzenlenmesinde uyulmas gereken kurallarn tantlmas ve bilimsel sunu standartlarna uygunluun retilmesi amalanmtr. Teslim edilecek tezlerde uyulmas gereken yazm kurallar ve dier biimsel zelliklere detayl bir biimde deinilmitir.Tez ieriini oluturan be ana blm ayrntl olarak anlatlmtr.Orcid nedir? Nasl orcid'e kayt olunur?ntihal nedir? ntihal raporu nasl alnr?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"NLP ile Gemii Deitirme" |
"Psikolojinin, negatif durumlar acmasz bir baskyla ortadan kaldrabilen ve Mega Mutluluk yaratan bir kolu deildir. NLP pratisyenleri, Zen felsefesiyle yaayan ve olumsuz durumlar veya problemlerle hi kar karya kalmayan insanlar deillerdir. Onlar da bu dnyada yayorlar ve bu da, onlarn da yaamn gerekleri olan inileri ve klar yaadklar anlamna gelir. Ancak bu teknikleri bu kurs ile birlikte sizlerde bunu aabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Romanian language and conversation" |
"This course builds on the first course- Romanian basic conversation, by adding new grammar concepts and new examples of conversation. You will be able to build your own sentences and you will not need to carry around a conversation guide should you need to speak Romanian. It deals with almost all parts of speech and gives you a short overview of Romanian grammar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: Excel - Beginner to Advanced (Full Excel)" |
"*** This Microsoft Excel: Excel - from Beginner to Advanced course access includes project files, quizzes & homework exercises, Excel workbook with all sheets from course, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a money-back guarantee!***LAST UPDATE - 06/17/2020__________FULL MICROSOFT EXCEL : FROM BEGINNER TO ADVANCE COURSE DESCRIPTION:Microsoft Excell nowadays is an absolutely essential tools for life. The truth is that, Microsoft Excel is a really powerful, and dynamic data performing software . Absolutely everyone could get their life on a new level after studying this Microsoft Excel: Excel - from Beginner to Advanced (Full Excel course) course and applying this knowledge in their lives.This Microsoft Excel: Excel - from Beginner to Advanced (Full Excel course) provides you with all the tools and instruments which you need, to understand this software. I am sure it is not so important to remember each of the functions, more essential is how to understand how Microsoft Excel ""thinks"" and know where you could find explanation of function which do you need.Thats why my Microsoft Excel: Excel - from Beginner to Advanced (Full Excel course) consists of very individual, deep and simple explanations of each of the functions, which I placed separately. In this case if you forget some function you could come back to my video course and refresh all information in your memory.__________We will be raising such topics as: Microsoft Excel InterfaceMicrosoft Excel basic skills (Printing, Resizing, Creating/saving/editing sheets and workbooks, Autofill, Shortcuts, Working with Templates, Sharing Excel documents)Microsoft Excel data skills (Import, finding and replacing text, constant links, linking text)Microsoft Excel Formulas (SUMM, AVERAGE, SUMIF, COUNTIF, IF, TODAY, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP etc.)Formatting skills in Microsoft Excel ( Filling, Bordering, work with pictures and other)Visualisation skills in Microsoft Excel ( Charts, Conditional formatting)Extra skills in Microsoft Excel ( Smart tables, Protection information, changing menu bars)And more...Just check a couple of reviews on my Microsoft Excel: Excel - from Beginner to Advanced (Full Excel course)Amazing course!! There's so much to do with Excel that i couldnt imagine. Now im able to use it not only better in my work, but also for personal stuffs, even for gaming! Thanks a lot!!!!!Nice lectures.I have learned amazing stuff about excel.IT WAS A GOOD EXPERIENCE FOR ME AND IT HELPED ME IN MANY's very good , i benefit from every minute in this courseand intructor is be graetthank to himMy suggestion to you..If you really want to understand all features and aspects ( such as formulas and functions, data visualization, data analysis, conditional formatting, charts and etc.)in Excel.... Just try this excellent course...You could use next Software to learn this course:Windows:Microsoft Excel 2007Microsoft Excel 2010Microsoft Excel 2013Microsoft Excel 2016Microsoft Excel 2019Microsoft Excel 2020Macbook:Microsoft Excel 2011Microsoft Excel 2016And all upper Microsoft Excel version of softwareAny Laptop or SmartphoneGoogle Spreadsheets (sheets)__________NOTE: Microsoft Excel: Excel - from Beginner to Advanced (Full Excel course) includes downloadable resources and project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee.This Microsoft Excel : from Beginner to Advanced (Full course) were created on Microsoft Excel for Macbook 2016"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: Excel Conditional formatting master(Excell)" |
"*** Microsoft Excel: Excel Conditional formatting master (Excell) course access includes project files, quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a money-back guarantee!***LAST UPDATE - 05/10/2020__________FULL MICROSOFT EXCEL: EXCEL CONDITIONAL FORMATTING MASTER COURSE DESCRIPTION:Microsoft Excel nowadays is an absolutely essential tools for life. The truth is that, Excel is a really powerful, and dynamic data performing software .And one of the powerful tools there - is Conditional formatting and Data visualization. Absolutely everyone could get their life on a new level after studying this Microsoft Excel: Exel Conditional formatting master (Excell) course and applying this knowledge in their lives.This Microsoft Excel: Excel Conditional formatting master (Excell) course provides you with all the tools and instruments which you need, to understand each of the aspects of Conditional formatting and Data visualization. I am sure it is not so important to remember each of the functions, more essential is how to understand how Microsoft Excel ""thinks"" and know where you could find explanation of function which do you need.Thats why my Microsoft Excel: Excel Conditional formatting master (Excell) course consists of very individual and simple explanations of each of the functions, which I placed separately. In this case if you forget some function you could come back to my video course and refresh all information in your memory.__________We will be raising such topics as: Conditional formatting interface in Microsoft ExcelRules and rules managing in Microsoft Excel Conditional formattingBasic Conditional formatting sets ( Top 10, bottom 10, Average, date, text and etc.) in Microsoft ExcelFormulas and Custom settings in Microsoft Excel conditional formatting (AND etc.) How to do a conditional formatting on a whole row or column in Microsoft Excel.Formatting skills (different types of formatting, how to highlife and hide information by using formatting) in Microsoft ExcelAnd more...Just check a couple of reviews on my Microsoft Excel: Excel - from Beginner to Advanced (Full Excel course)Amazing course!! There's so much to do with Excel that i couldnt imagine. Now im able to use it not only better in my work, but also for personal stuffs, even for gaming! Thanks a lot!!!!!Nice lectures.I have learned amazing stuff about excel.IT WAS A GOOD EXPERIENCE FOR ME AND IT HELPED ME IN MANY's very good , i benefit from every minute in this courseand intructor is be graetthank to himMy suggestion to you..If you really want to understand all features and aspects ( such as formulas and functions, data visualization, data analysis, conditional formatting, charts and etc.)in Excel.... Just try this excellent course...You could use next Software to learn this course:Windows:Microsoft Excel 2007Microsoft Excel 2010Microsoft Excel 2013Microsoft Excel 2016Microsoft Excel 2019Microsoft Excel 2020Macbook:Microsoft Excel 2011Microsoft Excel 2016And all upper Microsoft Excel version of software__________NOTE: Microsoft Excel: Excel - from Beginner to Advanced (Full Excel course) includes downloadable resources and project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee.This Microsoft Excel : from Beginner to Advanced (Full course) were created on Microsoft Excel for Macbook 2016"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Zen MeditationFind your inner peace and practice mindfulness by learning different meditation techniques taught step by step for every level.All beginners or experienced people who want to learn new techniques and tools of meditationAnyone who has never meditated and interested in starting meditationAnyone who wants to deal with stress managementIf you feel overwhelmed in your personal lifeIf you are fighting with work stress and want to clear your mindIf you want to improve your overall wellnessI have been a student of meditation for almost half my life. I began experiencing the healing benefits that arise from a routine meditation practice in my mid-teens, in the midst of struggling with anxiety. From that point on, I've been committed to continuing the practice, as well as sharing with others the gifts that arise from sitting still.My hope is that by teaching mindfulness meditation, it can help ground, nourish and expand others in the same way that it has done so for me.On this path, I've been fortunate enough to study with many wonderful teachers. My primary teacher is Hoben Kim Hansen from the White Plum Lineage of Soto Zen. My secondary teacher is the late Buddhist & yoga teacher Shoken Michael Stone, from whom I've received certification to teach.Remington Cooney (M.Ed) - Mindfulness Meditation CoachCredentials:- Mindfulness Meditation Facilitation training (90 hour)- Master's in Education (Contemplative Inquiry)- Hatha Yoga teacher certification (200 hour)Feel Your Meditation Come Alive as Your Use of Breath and Gravity Comes AliveMany traditions teach that your meditation deepens as the length of your exhalations deepens.Lengthening exhalations comes out of an exploration of the connection between your breathing and the ways in which every part of your body experiences gravity.One way to explore that connection is through practice with a sword.Another way is to split firewood with a splitting maul.When done properly both of those practices strongly reinforce the use of breath and gravity when doing Zen meditation.The work of Zen meditation is to resolve duality the simplest duality to begin working on is the mind and body duality.Dear friend, as we are doing this class for free right now, we ask only one thing from you, after you finish this course and if it brings you usefulness, please write for us a great review! Thank you a lot dear!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Master per animali" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come Maestro di Reiki per animali, Animal Reiki Master.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Requisito essenziale, aver conseguito almeno il terzo livello di Usui Reiki e Aver conseguito il livello di Animal Reiki Pratictioner.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria e attraverso le esercitazioni pratiche e le nozioni fondamentali per poter operare, sarai accompagnato passo passo in modo da essere in grado, appena finito il corso, di fare trattamenti professionali agli animali e alle piante e di attivare le persone come operatori di Reiki per animali e come Animal Reiki Master.Il Master di Reiki per animali una figura semi sconosciuta in Italia, quindi molto interessante per i potenziali sbocchi.Inoltre otterrai una comunicazione e una comunione pi profonda con il regno animale e con il regno vegetale.Sei pronto ad immergerti in questa nuova, emozionante ed affascinante pratica di Reiki?"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Ascension Reiki per animali" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come Maestro di Reiki per animali di questo sistema canalizzato e creato da Marty e Gerry Donnelly, Ascension Reiki per animali.Stiamo dunque parlando di due corsi Master in uno.Inoltre, sempre nel corso, ci sar la sezione bonus che ti certifica come Master di Animal Protection Reiki, sistema canalizzato e creato da Linda Colibert.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che i certificati siano riconosciuti a livello internazionale.Requisito essenziale, aver conseguito almeno il terzo livello di Usui Reiki e aver conseguito il livello di Animal Reiki Pratictioner, corsi che trovi tra quelli che ho pubblicato.Otterrai le attivazioni necessarie, imparerai la teoria, i nuovi simboli e sarai accompagnato passo passo in modo da essere in grado, appena finito il corso, di fare trattamenti professionali agli animali e di attivare a tua volta i tuoi studenti. Il Master di Reiki per animali una figura semi sconosciuta in Italia, quindi molto interessante per i potenziali sbocchi.Con questi due corsi diventerai un Guardiano Energetico del regno animale, una responsabilit e un onore.Ora pi che mai il mondo animale ha bisogno di te.Sei pronto a tutto ci?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Complete Italian course for Business (B1)" |
"Hello and welcome to this business Italian courseMy name is Stefano Rastelli, I am a language teacher and language mediatorThis course is structured in a very simple wayIn the first part we will see everything related to the oral language in the context of commercial negotiation (dialogues relating to how to make an appointment on the phone, the first meeting, the steps of a commercial negotiation and we will see what the so-called 4As of Made in Italy are)In the second part we will see some commercial letters in Italian (for example the order letter, the information request letter, the complaint letter etc.)The whole course will be in Italian, but don't worry! Each topic I explain, has the English translation, take a look at the trial lessons!For each single text we will see the words you may not know, with an example sentenceAnd then we read the text, where I will explain the parts that could be unclear.Buono studio!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aramak Bal Bana Bir tir" |
"AIKLAMA; dnyasna ilk kez adm atarken ya da i deiiklii yaparken bavuru srecinde doru admlar atmak, mlakatlarda etkileyici bir izlenim yaratmak ve kendiniz olarak bir ie kabul edilmek son derece mmkn.Her ne kadar, mlakatlarn olduumuz kiiyi yanstmak iin yeterli olmad ynnde dnceler mevcut olsa da, herkesi kapsayan bu sreci oyunu kurallarna gre oynayarak avantajnza evirebilirsiniz. Oyunun kurallarn paylatmz bu eitim ile kariyerinizde olumlu gelimelere kap aabilirsiniz."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Content Marketing Strategy & Planning For Small Business" |
"It's a fact - content marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies in existence. It's also one of the cheapest! But too many business owners feel content marketing is a strategy only relevant to big corporations. They're worried about spending time on an activity that might not guarantee results. After all, small businesses have extreme priorities, they need to grow quickly to have any chance of surviving and that means getting customers through the door!But with the right strategy and plan, content marketing can help your small business thrive! This course is specifically built for small businesses and start-up founders! Now you can learn how to create an effective content strategy, and content plan that (if executed correctly) WILL get new customers in and grow your business!Although the focus of this course is content strategy and planning, it also contains great tips on audience building and content distribution!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"350-601 (DCCOR ) CCNP Data Center Core Exam : Test 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam 350-601 (DCCOR ) CCNP Data Center Core Exam : Test 2020The Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (DCCOR) course helps you prepare for the Cisco CCNP Data Center and CCIE Data Center certifications and for advanced-level data center roles. In this course, you will master the skills and technologies you need to implement data center compute, LAN and SAN infrastructure.This exam tests your knowledge of implementing core data center technologies, including:NetworkComputeStorage networkAutomationSecurity This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Siemens PLM - Teamcenter Lifecycle Visualization - Mockup" |
"Teamcenter Visualization comes in 4 license products Base, Standard, Professional and Mockup. Mockup is advanced version of all.Lifecycle Visualization is a Teamcenter application used to View & Analyze design data and Collaborate with teams to share ideas and work seamlessly through any approval or change management process. Teamcenter Visualization helps every team member to view 2D, 3D data in visualization application to gain better clarity and make faster decisions."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Why should you choose my course?This course will help you understand, learn and practice your skill set in order to pass the certification exam and of course to exceed your current level of knowledge and become more prepared in your field. By taking this course you will be able to test your skills, find out what you dont master very well and overcome the obstacle which will lead you one step closer to the obtaining your certification.Why is a good idea to get certified?This certification will highlight your abilities in designing and implementation of scalable, cost-optimized, reliable, and secure ML solutions.It would be great for your career and it will help you get a better paying job or a higher position in hierarchy of the company you currently work for.Last but not least, your skills will be recognized worldwide and you will easily find a job in any given country."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"United States Medical Licensing Examination 2020" |
"Why should you choose my course?In this course you will find valuable resources that will help you to prepare for the USMLE. By taking this course you would be able to review some important piece of information and to be more prepared and familiarized with the examination.Why is important to get certified?USMLE assesses a physician's ability to apply knowledge, concepts, and principles, and to demonstrate fundamental patient-centered skills, that are important in health and disease and that constitute the basis of safe and effective patient care.It is a three-step examination that must be passed before a physician with an M.D. degree is eligible to apply for an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the United States. U.S. osteopathic medical school graduates are permitted to take either the USMLE or the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) exam for medical licensure. Students who have graduated from medical schools outside the US and Canada must pass all three steps of the USMLE to be licensed to practice in the US, regardless of the title of their degree."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |