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"Tasarmc Dnmenin Temelleri [Design Thinking]" |
"Tasarm odakl dnmek, bata inovatif rnlerin gelitirilmesi olmak zere, eitim ve salk sistemini iyiletirmek, yeni finansal rnler tasarlamak, firmalarda i kltrn yenilemek, irket ii alan motivasyonu artrmak ya da sosyal giriimcilik gibi birok farkl alanda uygulanan, popler bir yaratc dnme sreci. Kursta, bu srecin dayand temel prensipleri ve aamalar anlatyorum. Her aamada kullanlan tipik aktivelerin neler olduunu, kurs projesi zerinde alarak, uygulamal olarak reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"AZ-120 Practice Tests : 2020" |
"Candidates for this exam are architects and engineers who are knowledgeable in the SAP Landscape Certification process and industry standards that are specific to the long-term operation of an SAP solution. Candidates make recommendations on services and adjust resources as appropriate for optimal resiliency, performance, scale, provision, size, and monitoring.Architects of Azure for SAP Workloads should have extensive experience and knowledge of SAP Applications, SAP HANA, S/4HANA, SAP NetWeaver, SAP BW, OS Servers for SAP Applications and Databases, Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, high availability design, disaster recovery design, data protection concepts, and networking.It is strongly recommended that candidates for this exam have an Azure Administrator or Azure Architect certification, in addition to SAP HANA and Linux certifications.Skills measuredNOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured in the document below are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive.Migrate SAP Workloads to Azure (10-15%)Design an Azure Solution to Support SAP Workloads (20-25%)Build and Deploy Azure for SAP Workloads (35-40%)Validate Azure Infrastructure for SAP Workloads (10-15%)Operationalize Azure SAP Architecture (10-15%)"
Price: 19.99 |
Management |
"Der Kurs vermittelt einen systematischen und kompakten Einstieg in die Unternehmensfhrung. Es wird gezeigt, welche Ziele Unternehmen verfolgen knnen und wie die Zielerreichung durch Formulierung geeigneter Strategien untersttzt werden kann. Die Strategieumsetzung setzt ihrerseits eine positive Unternehmenskultur, eine adquate Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation sowie fhige und motivierte Mitarbeiter voraus. Die Herstellung optimaler Rahmenbedingungen fr die Erreichung der Unternehmensziele ist die Aufgabe der Fhrungskrfte, wobei diese bei Bedarf betriebswirtschaftliche Untersttzung vom Controlling erhalten."
Price: 19.99 |
"Fundos de Investimentos Guia completo" |
"Este curso foi feito pra voc que quer aprender a investir em fundos de investimentos e conquistar a liberdade financeira.Este curso contm aulas com explicaes em vdeo sobre os principais conceitos relacionados a fundos de investimento.Voc aprender sobre os tipos de fundos de investimento disponveis no Brasil, suas principais caractersticas e custos, alm de receber dicas de sites onde voc pode encontrar uma lista de fundos existentes. Dessa forma, voc vai estar mais preparado para escolher os fundos que estejam mais adequados ao seu perfil de investidor e aos seus objetivos.:: Inscreva-se tambm no curso FUNDAMENTOS DE ECONOMIA para aprender os principais conceitos da rea: inflao, PIB, taxa de juros e taxa de cmbio ::"
Price: 39.99 |
"Arena ile Simlasyon Uygulamalar" |
"ndirim Kuponu: ""EYLULARENA""Merhaba arkadalar, nsanlarn i hayatnda ilerleyebilmesi iin sahip olduklar donanmlar ok nemlidir, phesiz bir mhendis iin bir simlasyon programna hakim olmak, onu bir adm ne karacaktr. Simlasyon konusunda en yaygn kullanlan programlardan birisi Arena programdr. uan Arena programna ait Udemy platformunun ilk eitim setinin ieriine bakyorsunuz. Arena programnn bize salad byk faydalar vardr. letmelerde minimum masraf ile sistemlerin n grlen modellerini oluturabiliriz. Farkl senaryolarn sitemde oluturaca etkileri gzlemleyerek olas durumlara dair bilgileri st ynetime aktarabiliriz. Ayn durum mevcut sistemler iinde geerlidir. Mevcut sistemler zerinde daha az zamanda daha az masraf ile analizler yaplabilir. Mevcut ve n grlen durumlarn getirecei kazanc veya zarar nceden gzlemlemek irketler iin byk nem arz etmektedir. Byle bir durumda bu konuda bilgili olmak, sizi irket iin nemli bir alan klacaktr. Bir bankann mteri hizmetleri modelinden, bir atlyenin retim modeline kadar ok sayda rnei birlikte inceleyeceiz. Srekli yeni modller renip, bu modllere dair bilgilerimizi pekitirmek iin uygun rneklerin simlasyon modelini oluturacaz. Simlasyon modelini oluturduktan sonra, rapordaki bilgileri okuyup bizden istenilen kriterlere gre yorumlar yapacaz.Umarm sizler de bu eitimde bana elik edersiniz ve birlikte elenceli vakit geiririz. Sayglarmla."
Price: 49.99 |
"Bundle Oracle 12c Certified Expert, Data Guard Adm + RAC Adm" |
"Hello there,This is Rod here.The Oracle Database 12c: Data Guard Administration 1Z0-066 exam is difficult andthe Oracle Database 12c: RAC and Grid Infrastructure Administration 1Z0-068 exam is no joke.The majority of the questions has multiple answers and a few questions are not perfectly written.You should use these practice tests to get really prepared for the exam and clear it.If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.Wish you the best of luck.Rod."
Price: 199.99 |
"ServiceNow - Prep ITSM Exams Orlando" |
"Here you will find exams to prepare for ServiceNow certifications along with their updated deltas, each new release.To be successful on this exam, candidates must have attended the ServiceNow Fundamentals class and have at least six months of hands-on experience with ServiceNow, industry experience with database and systems management concepts, as well as knowledge of IT help desk processes and incident, problem, and change workflows, are also helpful.All your questions will be resolved ASAP."
Price: 19.99 |
"Tratamento de feridas ( Bsico )" |
"O cuidado com as leses de pele necessita de ateno especial por parte dos profissionais de sade, destacando-se o papel do enfermeiro, que deve buscar novos conhecimentos para fundamentar sua atuao e cuidado. Atualmente com o avano tecnolgico os produtos e mtodos utilizados na rea do tratamento de feridas esto cada vez melhores, e hoje em dia tratar uma leso no apenas fazer com que ela cicatrize, preciso saber a causa, e tratar as comorbidades presentes que contribuem para a piora ou para o surgimento de novas leses.Com o objetivo de dar subsdio aos profissionais de sade que buscam atualizar seus conhecimentos tcnicos cientficos, para melhorar sua prtica clnica no cuidado de feridas o Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Leforte desenvolveu uma serie com trs (3) cursos sobre a Avaliao e Tratamento de Feridas , divididos em curso : Bsico, Intermedirio e Avanado.Confira abaixo o contedo abordado neste primeiro curso Bsico.Contedo:O mdulo bsico de avaliao e tratamento de feridas sero abordados:Anatomia da PeleFisiologia do processo cicatricialFatores sistmicos e locais que retardam o processo de cicatrizaoTcnicas e solues para limpeza do leito da feridaAspectos gerais na avaliao de feridas complexasAspectos gerais no tratamento de feridas complexasIndicao de coberturasRegistro da ferida"
Price: 69.99 |
"Raciocnio Clnico - Mdulo III" |
"O raciocnio clnico permeia o pensamento crtico que est ligado capacidade de reconhecer problemas, ponderar condies e construir solues. O fluxo da assistncia requer agilidade, sabedoria e preciso, e, em alguns casos, a excessiva demanda sobre o tempo dos enfermeiros prejudica esse processo crtico.Este curso ser dividido em mdulos (5 mdulos ao todo) e em cada mdulo sero apresentadas 3 patologias diferentes que abordaro: fisiopatologia, tratamento e preveno. No curso completo o profissional ter a oportunidade de ampliar seus conhecimentos sobre as 15 principais doenas que acometem os brasileiros e poder desenvolver um raciocnio clinico de maneira mais gil e assertiva."
Price: 69.99 |
"8th Science Lectures In Hindi (Part-1)( )" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 8th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take topics of Chapter-1 to Chapter-6 of 8th science.Course Content:Chapter - 1 -: ( ) Crop Production & ManagementChapter - 2 -: ( : ) Microorganisms: Friends and FoeChapter - 3 -: ( ) Synthetic Fibres & PlasticsChapter - 4 -: ( ) Materials Metals &Non-MetalsChapter - 5 -: ( ) Coal & PetroleumChapter - 6 -:( ) Combustion & Flame"
Price: 1280.00 |
"8th Science Lectures In Hindi(Part -2)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 8th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take topics of Chapter-7 to 10 & Chapter-17 & 18 of 8th science. 7, 8, 9,10,17 18 :7 - :8 - :9 - :10- :17 - :18 - Chapter :7- Conservation Of Plants & AnimalsChapter :8 - Cell Structure & FunctionChapter :9 - Reproduction In AnimalsChapter :10 - Reaching The Age Of AdolescenceChapter :17 - Stars & Solar SystemChapter :18 - Pollution Of Air & Water"
Price: 1280.00 |
"8th Science Lectures In Hindi (Part-3)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 8th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the topics of chapters 11 to 16 of 8th science.Course Content:Chapter - 11 -: ( ) Force & PressureChapter - 12 -: ( ) FrictionChapter - 13 -: ( ) SoundChapter - 14-: ( ) Chemical Effects Of Electric CurrentChapter - 15 -: ( ) Some Natural PhenomenonChapter - 16 -: ( ) Light"
Price: 1280.00 |
"9th Science In Hindi (Part-1) ( -1)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 9th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 1 to 5 of 9th science.Course Content : Chapter - 1 -: ( ) Matter In Our SurroundingChapter - 2 -: ( - ) Is Matter Around Us PureChapter - 3 -: ( ) Atoms & MoleculesChapter - 4 -: ( ) Structure Of The AtomChapter - 5 -: ( ) The fundamental Unit Of Life"
Price: 1280.00 |
"9th Science In Hindi (Part-2) ( -2)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 9th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 6 to 10 of 9th scienceCourse Content :Chapter - 6 -: ( ) TissuesChapter - 7 -: ( ) Diversity In Living OrganismsChapter - 8 -: ( ) MotionChapter - 9 -: ( ) Forces & Law Of MotionChapter -10 -: ( - ) Gravitation"
Price: 1280.00 |
"9th Science In Hindi (Part-3) ( -3)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 9th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 11 to 15 of 9th science.Course Contents :Chapter - 11 -: ( ) Work & EnergyChapter - 12 -: ( ) SoundChapter - 13 -: ( ) Why Do We Fall ILLChapter - 14 -: ( ) Natural ResourcesChapter - 15-: ( ) Improvement In Food Resources"
Price: 1280.00 |
"6th Science In Hindi (Part-1) ( -1)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 6th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 1 to 6 of 6th science.Course Contents :Chapter - 1 -: (: ) Food:Where It Does Come FromChapter - 2 -: ( ) Components Of FoodChapter - 3 -: ( ) Fibre To FabricChapter - 4 -: ( ) Sorting Materials In To GroupsChapter - 5 -: ( ) Separation Of SubstancesChapter - 6 -: ( ) Changes Around Us"
Price: 1280.00 |
"6th Science In Hindi (Part-2) ( -2)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 6th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 7 to 11 of 6th science.Course Contents:Chapter - 7 -: ( ) Getting To Know PlantsChapter - 8 -: ( ) Body MovementsChapter - 9 -: ( : ) The Living Organisms : Characteristics & HabitatsChapter - 10 -: ( ) Motion & Measurement Of DistancesChapter - 11 -: (, ) Light, Shadows & Reflections"
Price: 1280.00 |
"6th Science In Hindi (Part-3) ( -3)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 6th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 12 to 16 of 6th science.Course content : Chapter - 12 -: ( ) Electricity And CircuitsChapter - 13 -: ( ) Fun With MagnetChapter - 14 -: () WaterChapter - 15 -: ( : ) Air Around UsChapter - 16 -: ( - ) Garbage In Garbage Out"
Price: 1280.00 |
"7th Science In Hindi (Part-1) ( -1)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 7th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 1 to 6 of 7th science.Course Contents:Chapter - 1 -: ( ) Nutrition In PlantsChapter - 2 -: ( ) Nutrition In AnimalsChapter - 3 -: ( ) Fibre To FabricChapter - 4 -: () HeatChapter - 5 -: (, ) Acid, Bases & SaltsChapter - 6 -: ( ) Physical & Chemical Changes"
Price: 1280.00 |
"7th Science In Hindi (Part-2) ( -2)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 7th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 7 to 12 of 7th science.Course Contents:Chapter - 7 -: (, ) Weather,Climate & Adaptation Of Animals To ClimateChapter - 8 -: (, ) Winds, Storm & CyclonesChapter - 9 -: () SoilChapter - 10 -: ( ) Respiration In OrganismsChapter - 11 -: ( ) Transportation In Animals & PlantsChapter - 12 -: () Reproduction In Plants"
Price: 1280.00 |
"7th Science In Hindi (Part-3) ( -3)" |
"In this course we will understand all the concepts of 7th science.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of science.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.In this course we will take the chapters from 13 to 18 of 7th science.Course Contents:Chapter - 13 -: () Motion & TimeChapter - 14 -: ( ) Electric Current & EffectsChapter - 15 -: () LightChapter - 16 -: (: ) Water : A Precious ResourcesChapter - 17 -: (: ) Forests :Our LifelineChapter - 18 -: ( ) Wastewater Story"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Arc Welding Processes In Hindi ( )" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Arc Welding.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Welding.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Structure : -1. Welding Introduction ( )2. Arc Welding Process ( )3. Carbon Arc Welding ( )4. Shielded Metal Arc Welding ( )5. Tungsten Inert Gas Welding ( )6. Submerged Arc Welding ( )7. Metal Inert Gas Welding ( )8. Electroslag Welding ( )9. Plasma Arc Welding : Transfer Arc & Non Transfer Arc ( : )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Resistance Welding In Hindi ( )" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Resistance Welding.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Welding.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Contents:1. Resistance Welding : Introduction ( : )2. Spot Welding ( )3. Seam Welding ( )4. Projection Welding ( )5. Upset Butt Welding ( )6. Flash Butt Welding ( )7. Percussion Welding ( )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Gas Welding Processes In Hindi ( )" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Gas Welding.we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Welding.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Contents : 1. Gas Welding : Basics ( )2. Oxygen Acetylene Welding ( )3. Acetylene Generator ( )4. Oxygen Hydrogen Welding ( )5. Air Acetylene Welding ( )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Solid State Welding Processes in Hindi ( )" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Solid State Welding. we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Welding.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Contents : 1. Forge Welding ( )2. Friction Welding ( )3. Explosive Welding ( )4. Cold Pressure Welding ( )5. Diffusion Welding ( )6. Thermo Compression Welding ( )7. Ultrasonic Welding ( )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Soldering,Brazing,Radiant Energy & Thermit welding, Defects" |
", , , , In this course we will understand all the concepts of SolderingBrazing, Electron Beam Welding, Laser Beam Welding, Thermit Weldingand Welding Defects. we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Welding.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Contents : 1. Soldering ( )2. Brazing ( )3. Electron Beam Welding ( )4. Laser Beam Welding ( )5. Thermit Welding ( )6. Welding Defects ( )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Plant Layout & Types ( )" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Plant Layout & Types. we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Plant Layouts.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Contents : 1. Plant Layout introduction ( : )2. Fixed OR Position Layout ( )3. Process OR Functional Layout ( )4. Line OR Product Layout ( )5. Combination Layout ( )6. Cellular Layout ( )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Shop Layouts In Hindi ( )" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Shop Layout & Types. we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Shop Layouts.This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Contents : 1. Shop Layout Introduction & Carpentry Layout ( )2. Layout Of Fitting Shop ( )3. Layout Of Forging Shop ( )4. Layout Of Foundry Shop ( )5. Layout Of Machine Shop ( )6. Layout Of Sheet Metal Shop ( )7. Layout Of Welding Shop ( )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Melting Furnaces In Hindi ( )" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Melting Furnaces & Types. we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Melting Furnaces. This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Contents : 1. Blast Furnace ( )2. Cupola Furnace ( )3. Open Hearth Furnace ( )4. Induction Furnace ( )5. Pit Furnace ( )6. Air OR Puddling OR Reverbratory Furnace ( )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Carpentry Tools In Hindi ( )" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Carpentry Tools & Types. we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Carpentry Tools. This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.Course Contents : 1. Measuring Rules & Types ( )2. Try Square ( )3. Combination Set ( )4. Bevel Gauge ( )5. Mortise Gauge ( )6. Adjustable Clamp & C Clamps ( )7. Work Bench & Bench Vice ( )8. Saw & Types Of Saw ( )9. Planes ( )10. Chisel & Types ( )11. Scraper & Files ( )12. Boring Tools ( )13. Striking Tools ( )14. Miscellaneous Tools ( )"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Foundry Tools, Sand,Pattern & Core Making In Foundry [Hindi]" |
" In this course we will understand all the concepts of Foundry Tools & Types. we will try to reach every student who want to improve their concepts of Foundry Tools. This course language is Hindi so that every student who comfortable in Hindi take benefit from this course.1.Foundry Tools : 2.Constituents Of Moulding Sand : 3.Kinds Of Moulding Sand : 4.Properties Of Moulding Sand : 5.What Is Pattern & Its Material : 6.Pattern Material-Metal : -7.Pattern Material- Plastic,Wax & Plaster : - , 8.Types Of Pattern : 9.Pattern Allowances : 10.Flasks - Moulding Box,Crucible & Ladle : - , 11.Core & Types : 12.Core Boxes : 13.Colour Code For Patterns & Core Prints :"
Price: 1280.00 |