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"4 Ways for Teachers: To Make Money Online [In 15 Days]" |
"This course has 7680+ enrollments with 4.32 Star rating.I am grateful to all those who have given the review. Thank You!COVID-19 has created an impact on most of the industries. Education industry has been witnessing this impact too.We are in a transformational phase.Online Teaching has become a new normal in almost all the colleges & Universities.Will Technology take over human Teaching?""Technology will Not replace Teachers - But Those who Do not use Technology""This means that in coming years, the method of Teaching will shift from classroom Teaching to Digital or online Teaching.I mean, look at the kids and youngsters in the age group of 5-20 years. They spend most of the time on mobile devices, Laptop, I-Pad or Computer. Most of their knowledge comes from the Internet.These are the future students who are habitual and comfortable with Online Learning.I am Dr. Syed Mohsin, Professor at a University in Chennai, India. I am Director- Centre for Digital Media.In my decade long Teaching Career, I have seen a major shift in the way students learn. Use of Google, YouTube, Quora and so many other online apps to learn unknown concepts have increased manifolds.Look at the basics!A Teacher's job is to Teach and get paid for it! But are Teachers paid the salary they deserve? Are you satisfied with your Earning?If your answer is No, this Course is for YOU!Let us understand education system with these 2 Case Studies!Any Education system consists of three components1. Teacher - who is a Knowledge giver2. Student - who is a Knowledge receiver3. Facilitator - as a Medium for exchange of this KnowledgeCase Study- 1: Trend of Education in the PastTwenty five-Thirty years ago, the Education System, especially in India, had few Institutes of Higher Education.Students used to take admission in a University. Successfully complete a degree Course and get a good Job. Not all but most of the students used to earn a livable income through these Jobs.In this Case it was a Win-Win-Win situation for all the three parties. Teacher, Student and the Education Institute, as all of them were earning well.Case Study- 2: Trend of Education at PresentIn present scenario, the number of Educational Institutes has grown manifolds. The fee structure has skyrocketed.Yet a lot of Students are taking admission in a University. They Successfully complete a degree Course and are finding it difficult to get a good Job. Many of them settle for a lower position and underpaying jobs. Lot of them struggle to earn a livable income through these Jobs.They load teachers with Co-curricular and extracurricular work. So it is 20% teaching and 80% Non-teaching work for them.In this Case, now it is a Loose-Loose-Win situation for the three parties. Teacher and Student loose while the Educational Institute is still earning well.So what's the Solution??I offer a solution through this Course. I want to empower Teachers in realizing the combined potential of Teaching and Internet. Where Internet serves as a medium for exchange of knowledge.I present 4 tried and tested Successful methods of making money online. Fourth method will blow your mind. This Course comprise Self Evaluation Quiz, Video Lectures, Actionable workbooks, Assignment to improve your Skill and loads of information. At the End of this Course, there is a Challenge to 'Create and Set-up Your Own Online Store.See you in the Course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"30 GOLDENE AKTIEN GEBOTE: Brse und Aktienhandel lernen" |
"Worauf kommt es bei der Brse und Aktien an?Welche teuren Fehler knnen Anfnger machen?Was sind die besten Strategien & Regeln um an der Brse erfolgreich zu werden?Dieser Videokurs gibt dir die Antworten,wir werden uns ansehen,worauf es bei der Brse & Aktien ankommtwie du deine eigene Brsenstrategie entwickelstwie du teure Fehler vermeiden kannst.wie du langfristig erfolgreich an der Brse bestehen kannst.In diesem Kurs stecken ber 30 interessante Impulse & Brsenstrategien der erfolgreichsten Brseninvestoren.Die praktischen und sofort umsetzbaren Regeln helfen dir dabei, dein eigenes Aktienportfolio aufzubauen und grer werden zu lassen.Worauf wartest du noch? Dieser Kurs ist die perfekte Grundlage fr deinen persnlichen Brsenerfolg. Lerne noch heute die 30 goldenen Regeln von den besten Brseninvestoren kennen.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen guten Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >><< Kurz und prgnant, hat mich weitergebracht. So muss das sein! >>-----------------------"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"A biblical understanding of creation" |
"In past generations the topic of creation was theologically not very important, and ministers of the gospel could simply gloss over it by teaching the saints that God created everything over six days, six thousand years ago. The reason bible teachers could do that, was because knowledge in the earth was limited and there was no real scientific evidence available to challenge that point of view. Today things have changed however, and every day more and more scientific evidence is discovered that completely refutes that view of scripture, thus highlighting the error of that teaching. And so, bible teachers that continue to teach such error by not rightly dividing the word of truth about this subject, do a disservice to the church and young people in particular, because they are the ones confronted with scientific facts and theories, that ridicule a literal six day creation account that occurred six thousand years ago. Not all scientific theories and facts are correct however, and many are demonstrably false, but even though a lot that is presented as scientific fact is in actual fact error, because the church has not been taught correctly what Gods word says on the subject, many Christians become confused and some begin to question their faith in God. And so, this course is presented to reconcile legitimate scientific facts and theories with what scripture actually teaches about the subjects of the universe, the earth and the origin/history of life.This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of what the bible says about the subject of God's creation. Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the subject of the bible creation account, and how that doctrine impacts the life of the believer.This course focuses on explaining the biblical view of God's creation. As a supplementary resource, this course can be taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book, The Bible Creation Account.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Temel Hipnoz Eitimi (Ayrntl)" |
"Hipnozun esiz dnyasn kefedebilecek ve bilin, bilinaltnn zellikleri sayesinde trans boyutuna girebilmeyi reneceimiz bu kursumuzda Gereklik ad verdiimiz srece olan bak amz deitirdiimizde, farkl bir gereklik duyumuna doru ynlendiimizi hissederiz. Tipik olarak trans durumlarnda, d dnyaya ynlenmi olan dikkatlerimizi, kendi erevelerimizin matrixlerine ynlendirerek bir igr olutururuz.Bu daha st dzeydeki dikkat, tipik durumda bilinli farkndalmzn snrlarnn dnda yer alan dnceler zerinde odaklandndan dolay, bilin d zihnimizin hakim konuma geldiini syleyebiliriz. Aslnda bu terminoloji, hipnoz konusunda birtakm yanl anlamalara da yol amaktadr."
Price: 229.99 ![]() |
"Measures & Schools Response to COVID-19 Pandemic" |
"The module activates safety and Security of our kids and colleagues at schools. The purpose of this module is to provide clear and actionable guidance for safe operations through the prevention, early detection and control of COVID-19 in schools and other educational facilities. The objective is also to make them happy, joyful and comfortable once they are back in school for learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Engineering Thermodynamics" |
"Note: The lectures in this course are not downloadable. And also the instructor of this course has a second language English. So the learners who often complain and leave the course in between as an excuse about the way of communicating English are not advised to enroll in the course. The last thing learners should keep in mind that this course involves the application of engineering mathematics, so please don't complain later that this course is too advance for them.In this course, various topics of Engineering Thermodynamics will be dealt with in week wise. The course structure is the following:WEEK 1: Thermodynamics process and Zeroth Law of ThermodynamicsWEEK 2: Work and HeatWEEK 3: First Law of ThermodynamicsWEEK 4: Second Law of ThermodynamicsWEEK 5: Exergy"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro - made easy!" |
"These video will get you up and running quickly and easily in the best video editing software available today. Output for any platform from social media to TV broadcast. Add, mute or edit sound, record voice-overs, fix colours, create transitions and edit each clip to exactly the length you need. There's also a host of special effects, all of which can be precisely controlled. After this course, you'll be able to edit like a pro!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop fr komplette Anfnger 2020" |
"Beginne deine Reise zum Photoshop Profi hier und jetzt! ...selbst wenn du nie zuvor das Programm geffnet hast oder du noch absolut keine Ahnung von Bildbearbeitung hastDEINE VORTEILE Spare dir so unglaublich viel Zeit und Mhe beim Erlernen des Programms Keine Vorkenntnisse in Photoshop erforderlich Lerne alle Funktionen die das Programm bietet kennen! Punkte bei Freunden und Verwandten mit deinen neuen Photoshop SkillsWAS KANNST DU NACH ABSCHLUSS DIESES KURSES? Smtliche Grundlagen der Bildbearbeitung Am Ende des Kurses kannst du das Programm mit Leichtigkeit benutzen Alle deine eigenen Projekte umsetzenANGABEN ZUM KURSJede Menge Aktivitten, bungen und Herausforderungen Einwandfreie Ton- und Videoqualitt Alle Vortrge sind auf den Punkt gebracht - minimaler Aufwand, maximale Ergebnisse Lernen durch Arbeiten, nicht durch Auswendiglernen! Lerne das Arbeiten mit verschiedenen Ebenen Anwendung von unterschiedlichen Ebenenmodi Erstelle Ebenenmasken und bearbeite diese entsprechenWhle Motive perfekt aus Einstellungsebenen anwendenLerne die gesamte Werkzeugpalette kennen TypografieFilter kennenlernen und richtig anwenden Lerne das Arbeiten mit verschiedenen Pinseln und deren Vielfalt kennenLerne das richtige Blenden von Ebenen Viele, viele weitere Anwendungen, Effekte, Tipps und Tricks... Starte jetzt deine Photoshop Reise und werde zum absoluten Profi!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bilgisayar Programcl" |
"Bu kurs, bilim ve biliim anda olduumuz iin herkesin anlayabilecei bir dille ve grsel olarak desteklenmi, ok yararl bir kurstur. Bu kursta, eski yazlmlarn kkeninden, kendinizi daha iyi gelitirmeniz iin adm adm retim teknii uygulanmtr. retmeniniz rettiklerini, tam da sizin anlayacanz ve uygulayacanz ekilde anlatyor. Birebir uygulamalar tam olarak evde renip uygulayacanz, kendinizi gelitireceiniz ve yaptklarnzla gurur duyacanz bir teknikle anlatlmakta. Balamak ve kendinize ok fazla deer katmak iin bu kursa dair elinizde ve evinizde her ey var."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Complete Event Planning and Organization course" |
"Have you been organizing events for some times but still want to IMPROVE your results?I have been working using events as a marketing strategy and revenue tool for one decade now and have been sharing it for the last 3 years as an online and face-to-face instructor.This course if very much focused on helping you hit the TARGET on the spot! Yes, we are going to focus a lot on your event's goals and how to meet it, without breaking your timetable and budget, all while wowing your audience and managing your team (even if you're solo!)This course is aimed to those professionals, leaders, makers and visionaries that KNOW they can and WANT to make out of their events, be it brand promotion, lead generation, post-event sales, learning points and team or employees motivation! You can use event as a strategy for a LOT of things and we are going to learn how to yield the moment!You will learn how to:Structure and lead a team to organize your event and meet your goalsHow to design the agenda to control and boast your audience's perception of your eventBudget your event accordingly and without any hassleBetter state your goals and outcomes so it has purpose and meaningAnd how to manage it like a pro and project manager so you don't miss any deadline!All of this using more than 10 unique tools that I have created during my decade of experience with event creation, planning and executon!ATTENTION: This event will cover BEYOND THE BASICS of planning and event structure. Though, if you're new to the area, this may be the GREATEST way to kickstart your journey!Welcome to my course EVENT PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION, where you will finally learn how to become the pro event organizer I wish I knew I could be when I started organizing events!I'll reveal all my secrets during this course and frameworks that I have created along the years - I am swearing to you. There's no holding back. Plus, you have a 30-day guarantee or your money back ;)What you will find on this course:5 hours of exclusive video contentExercises: multiple choices and open-ended questions to which I'll personally provide feedback11 unique tools and frameworks: with printable PDFs files, spreadsheet templates and instructional videos on how to use them!Your instructor is a certified Instructional Designer by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a face-to-face instructor here in Brazil. I'm also an Udemy instructor for the past 3 years, with over 300 students!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Engineering Materials or Material Science" |
"The course consists a comprehensive yet concise approach towards Material science/Engineering materials. Spanning around 40+ lectures yet completing in just around 3 Hours !!. Perfect for engineering students having one of their subject (out of the dozens others) as material science or engineering materials. Covered topics are listed below.Atomic & crystal structures - Crystal systems, Bravais lattices, Miller indices, cell characteristics, BCC (Body centered cubic), FCC (Face centered cubic) and HCP (Hexagonal close packing) structures.Crystal Imperfections - Point (both elemental and compound crystal's), Linear, Planar, and bulk defects.The grain theory - Grain formation, measurement of grain size, grain structure, deformation types and mechanism.Multiphase structure - Solid solution, phase diagram (Unary and Binary), eutectic microstructure, types of invariant reactions, Fe-C phase, TTT diagram.Heat treatment of steel (HTS) - Hardening, tempering, austempering, martempering, annealing, stress relieving, spheroidizing, normalizing, case hardening.Mechanical properties of material - Tensile strength, Impact strength, Fatigue strength, Creep and hardness testing (Brinell, Vicker's and Rockwell).Engineering metals - Plain carbon steel, alloy steel, cast iron, non-ferrous materials."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"R Programming - Master course" |
"In this course, you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Produtividade no home office: gesto de tempo e organizao" |
"O curso completo para voc vencer a procrastinao, organizar seu trabalho e trabalhar de casa de forma tranquila e profissional.Voc lembra de alguns dias em que voc fez muita coisa, mas ficou com a sensao de que no fez nada? A falta de produtividade causa frustrao, mas tambm estresse e irritabilidade. No futuro esses sentimentos podem levar a ansiedade, depresso e problemas de sade.No curso vou te ajudar a ter uma vida organizada atravs de uma separao clara do pessoal e profissional. Faremos isso atravs da diviso de blocos de tempo. Alm disso voc aprender:Organizar seu bloco de tempo utilizando o calendrioGerenciar suas tarefas com a ajuda de um aplicativo de gesto de tarefasEntender quais atividades voc deve priorizar e fazer primeiroNa segunda parte do curso vamos trabalhar a comunicao. Uma comunicao proativa essencial no trabalho home office deixando as pessoas a sua volta confiantes e seguras. Trabalharemos para fazer alinhamentos constantes com:Gestores e lderesColegas de trabalhoFamlia, amigos e/ou pessoas que moram com vocE por ltimo organizaremos o local de trabalho. Quando estamos trabalhando em casa muitas vezes no temos auxlio de profissionais para organizar nossa estao de trabalho (mesa, cadeira e equipamentos), corrigir nossa postura e nem ajudar a definir o melhor ambiente para o home office. Essa seo ajudar nessa organizao.Ento se voc est trabalhando de casa e quer se tornar mais produtivo e ter dias de trabalho leves e tranquilos esse curso para voc!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Android Kotlin -" |
"! , API. - Java Kotlin! Kotlin - Android, Java, . Java ! - Java Kotlin - Android Rockstars! , ! ""Android Kotlin - "". , Java Android, , , Kotlin. ? Android , . - Java Kotlin. Kotlin Android, , Java. , . , - , Java. , Android , Java Kotlin, . , . ?, Google , Android Kotlin, Kotlin - iOS Objective-C, Apple Swift. , Swift. Android. , Java, Kotlin. , Google , . Oracle ( Java) Java. Google I/O Kotlin. , . Kotlin - Android. Java Android - Kotlin. , Kotlin. , Kotlin , Kotlin. , Kotlin . : , () . . , Android. Android. Java. Kotlin, Google Kotlin Android. ConstraintLayout.And more! , Android ! !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"irket Deerleme ve Finansal Strateji Gelitirme" |
"kinci kurs cretsiz! Bu kursu satn aldnzda ikinci kurs cretsizdir. Yapmanz gereken, satn alm sonras cretsiz almak istediiniz kursu bana mesaj ile bildirmektir. cretsiz tercih edebileceiniz kurslar:1. Excel Eitimi - Temelden Uzmanla Kadar2. Excel Makro (VBA) - Temelden Uzmanla Kadar3. irket Deerleme Eitimi4. Finans Matematii, Finansal Modelleme ve Finansal Analiz5. Business Plan (Proje Finansman, Kaynak Planlama, Deerleme)6. Hayatnda Stratejik Planlama ve Analitik zm retme Eitimi7. Hayatnda Excel8. Excel Power Query9. MS Word Temelden Uzmanla10. irket Deerleme ve Finansal Strateji GelitirmeBu kurs, bugne kadar yapm olduum yzden fazla irket deerleme almalarndan edindiim bilgileri sade, basit bir dille anlattm tecrbelerimden olumaktadr. Bu kursu bitirdiinizde1. irketin deerini hesaplamay reneceksiniz.2. irketin deerini etkileyen tm unsurlar tespit edeceksiniz.3. irketin deerini artran veya azaltan hereyi tespit edeceksiniz.4. irket politikalarna yn vereceksiniz.5. Alnan veya alnacak kararlarn doru veya yanl olduunu, ne kadar doru ve ne kadar yanl olduunu tespit edecek ve leceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"12 in 1 sales masterclass: sales skills & influence mastery" |
"12 top sales courses bundled into 1: The ultimate sales skills masterclass""I can say this is the best sales course I have ever attended in my entire life."" Rebecca. Dinmore""From 17th January to 20th January I had sold five packages. Those are three working days. Last year, this time, I sold five packages in a two months. It's true that I am improving myself by the time, but I also think that this is an incredibly great result made after Stefan's lessons. Thank you so much for creating this course."" Sonja S""One of the best courses on Udemy ever! Highly engaging and practical."" - David KrejcaAfter having taken this course, you will be a master of sales and persuasion.Lead generation and prospectingBody language and tonality Greeting and introduction Qualifying and fact findingTHE PITCHSpecial case - pitching an idea for venture capitalThe inner game of sales and persuasion Closing the saleDISC model - tailoring communication to personality typesAdapting closing techniques to personality typesHandling any objectionCongratulations & BonusesLead generation and prospectingTools and tips to find great leadsWhat to mistakes to avoid in the fact finding processYou will learn what it means to be a good listener and build rapport while asking questions""I found the content to be accurate, relevant and most definitely helpful. Stefan is a great teacher and shines in the delivery of explaining the selling process"" - Ipe GhoumaBody language and tonalityBody language to potray certainty and confidence10 tonalities of influence and persuasionGrabbing anyone's attention ""I've been a sales and marketing professional for decades, and this is fact about sales. It took me quite a while early in my career to discover customer value, communication and this course absolutely hits the nail on how I succeeded in growing my sales career."" - Matt. HopeGreeting and introductionMake a great first impression Build rapport from the first word out of your mouthOvercome the ""not interested"" objection""I enjoyed the energy in the presenter and the way in which topics were explained. I was surprised at the level of philosophic and scientific references in the course which gives me [...] faith in the value of the content. ""- Simon KaracinskiQualifying and fact findingWhich tonality to use for maximum successHow to build massive rapport with the prospect while fact-findingHow to understand which personality type the prospect is having & how to tailor your presentation The PitchHow to frame an idea to create intrigue, scarcity and urgencyHow not to be needy in the eyes of your prospects and instead flip the script and let them chase youHow to anticipate and overcome objections way ahead of timeHow to pitch to their emotional side while at the same time giving them loads of numbers and making logically sense of your dealHow to create hot cognitions in your prospects brain, the ultimate sense-overflow in the prospect's mind that gets them to chase you""I have learnt several new techniques to master sales which I haven't come across in other videos. I highly recommend this course."" - Piotr. MatyjasiakThe inner game of sales and persuasion50% of success in business development & sales is your inner mindset. In this module, you are going to learn how toBring your A-game to the table every dayUse NLP anchoring to get you into the right state of mindCreate a compelling vision statement that drives you forward even if your motivation or energy level are lowEmpower yourself to go into the sales call with high confidence""Great information and practical tips. LOVE Stefan's teaching style, energy and all the experience / strength that he shares. Great course for sales, impact, engagement, and confidence! 5 Star."" - Whit HensonClosing the saleLooping - the high art of sales prosOver 100 techniques to close any sale in any industryUnderstanding the importance of cognitive biases and human psychology of decision making""I can say this is the best sales course I have ever attended in my entire life."" Rebecca. DinmoreDISC model - tailoring communication to personality typesunderstand in an instant which personality type any person has, know the strengths and weaknesses of your own personality and how to use that to your advantageassess the right strategy for persuading and influencing different personalities and off the jobPersuade and sell your product or service with tailored messaging, feel confident in communicating with anyone about anything ""The course is very intuitive and loaded with knowledge. It is great to see that you implement examples that people can relate to. Now I just need to Practice, Practice, Practice!"" - Tony KnightAdapting closing techniques to personality typesclosing a dominant personality typeclosing a supportive personality typeclosing a analyst personality typeclosing a influencer personality type""Very good course, easy to understand and the stories are great!"" - Gloria GiraldoHandling any objectionHandling ""I need to think about it"", ""Could you send information over?"", ""I'm not interested"" and many moreOver 60 objection handling techniques your turn-key solution for any tough sales callUnconscious AND conscious communication skills to follow it up with to get out of the deadlock and the prospect craving for the deal in other words you turn a selling situation into a buying situation""Excellent course, Stefan covers a lot of material I've been missing from my sales experience. This was well worth the time."" - C. Andrew WolfeCongratulations & BonusesHow to grab anybody's attentionSupplements to boost motivationReading anybody's eye movementsYes, I enjoyed it a lot. I think the body language, tonalities and voice training were very insightful! - Elzanne SmutsEinstein once said that his achievments were actually not that great, because he had already built his theries ""on the shoulders of giants"". This course has also been built on the shoulders of the world's sales titans:Jordan Belfort - the Wolf of Wall Street Grant Cardone - Mr. 10XBrian Tracy - the sales gentlemanMike Brooks - Mr. Inside Sales Russell Brunson - Clickfunnels founderOren Klaff - Venture capitalist & professional pitcherThis 12 in one sales mastery course covers a wide range of topics includingthe sales pitchautomotive salesinsurance sales inbound sales sales enablement retail sales sales prospecting sales representative sales management sales operations inside sales direct sales sales presentations sales rep training sales training telephone sales It is a true masterclass for everyone interested in developping master sales skills This offer includes a 30-day full money back guarantee, so there is no risk at all but a huge upside for you and your company.""The course is very intuitive and loaded with knowledge. It is great to see that you implement examples that people can relate to."" - Tony Knight""Very interesting and easy to learn"" - Gloria Giraldo""Excellent course, Stefan covers a lot of material I've been missing from my sales experience. This was well worth the time."" - C. Andrew Wolfe""I like the way he right away starts with practical in lines and techniques. Thank you Stefan! - Gincy Binny""Great information and practical tips. LOVE Stefan's teaching style, energy and all the experience / strength that he shares. Great course for sales, impact, engagement, and confidence! 5 Star."" - Whit Henson"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon AWS Desarrollo. Curso de AWS programador certificado" |
"Programacin en AWS. Curso bsico para programacin en Amazon AWS.Aprende a desarrollar software dentro del entorno de Amazon AWS, el lder de la computacin en la nube.Estos son los temas tratados en el curso:IAM - Gestin de usuarios, grupos y asignacin de permisosIAM - IntroduccinIAM - Crear un grupoIAM - Crear un usuarioIAM - Crear un rolIAM - Crear una polticaIAM - ContraseasIAM - Acceso multifactorIAM - Entrar en la consola con otro usuarioIAM - Multifactor al nuevo usuarioS3 - Almacenamiento de ficheros en la nubeS3 - IntroduccinS3 - Crear un bucket y subir un fichero al bucket creadoS3 - Versionado de ficherosS3 - Encriptacin - IntroduccinS3 - Encriptacin - LaboratorioS3 - Seguridad - IntroduccinS3 - Seguridad - LaboratorioS3 - Alojar sitio web esttico en un bucketS3 - CORS, rendimiento, modelos de consistencia y Glacier SelectEC2 - Gestin de computacin informtica (servidores, ...)EC2 - IntroduccinEC2 - Crear servidor webEC2 - ELB - Balanceador de carga elsticoEC2 - Route53 - Servicio de DNSEC2 - CLI - Consola de comandosEC2 - Asignar un rol a una instanciaEC2 - Acceso a una base de datosEC2 - Servidor web con ficheros PHPEC2 - Servidor web con acceso a base de datos MySQLKMS - Gestin de claves de accesoKMS - IntroduccinKMS - Crear clave de cifradoKMS - Encriptar y desencriptar un ficheroKMS - Eliminar clave de encriptacinSQS - Servicio de gestin de colas de mensajesSQS - IntroduccinSQS - LaboratorioSNS - Servicio de envo de notificacionesSNS - IntroduccinSNS - LaboratorioSES - Servicio de envo y recepcin de correos electrnicosSES - IntroduccinSES - LaboratorioElastic Beanstalk - Implementacin de aplicaciones webElastic Beanstalk - IntroduccinElastic Beanstalk - Crear aplicacin webElastic Beanstalk - Configuracin del entornoElastic Beanstalk - Borrar aplicacin web creadaKINESIS - Datos en streammingKinesis - IntroduccinKinesis - LaboratorioElastiCache - Almacenar datos en cach con Memcached y RedisElastiCache - IntroduccinElastiCache - Crear cach RedisElastiCache - Estrategias de implementacinElastiCache - Ver y modificar caractersticasElastiCache - Borrar la cach creadaServicios de desarrollo en AWSIntegracin continua - IntroduccinCodeCommit - Servicio de control de versiones GitCodeCommit - Creacin de un repositorio Git y subida de ficheros al mismoCodeBuild - Servicio de compilacin y pruebasCodeDeploy - Automatizar implementaciones de cdigoCodePipeline - Servicio de entrega continuaCodeStar - Servicio de administracin de todas las tareas de desarrolloFunciones Lambda Funciones Lambda - Introduccin Funciones Lambda - Explicacin prctica Funciones Lambda - Laboratorio Funciones Lambda - Time out Funciones Lambda - Variables de entorno Funciones Lambda - Monitorizacin con CloudWatch y X-Ray Funciones Lambda - Concurrencia e invocacin asncrona Funciones Lambda - Versiones y alias Funciones Lambda - Ejecutar ficheros zip con libreras externas Funciones Lambda - Buenas prcticas con bases de datos Funciones Lambda EdgeDynamoDB - Servicio de Base de datos NoSQLDynamoDB - IntroduccinDynamoDB - Conceptos bsicosDynamoDB - RendimientoDynamoDB - Laboratorio - Crear tablas y elementosDynamoDB - Laboratorio - Capacidad de las tablasDynamoDB - Laboratorio - Operaciones sobre los datosDynamoDB - DAX - Introduccin a la cach en memoriaDynamoDB - Laboratorio DAX - Cach en memoria de tablasDynamoDB - Laboratorio - Capturar actividad de las tablas con Lambda y CloudWatchDynamoDB - Laboratorio - Tiempo de vida o expiracin de registrosDynamoDB - Laboratorio - Acceso a DynamoDB mediante CLI - Terminal de comandosDynamoDB - Notas sobre seguridadAPI GatewayAPI Gateway - IntroduccinAPI Gateway - Laboratorio - Crear una nueva APIAPI Gateway - Laboratorio - Pubilicar API en la etapa de desarrollo y en produccinAPI Gateway - Laboratorio - Mapeo del mensaje de respuesta a XMLAPI Gateway - Laboratorio - Swagger - Exportar e importar ficheros swaggerAPI Gateway - Laboratorio - Activar cach en nuestra APIAPI Gateway - Laboratorio - Monitorizacin y los con CloudWatch y X-RayPodrs obtener un certificado de la realizacin de este curso para incluirla en tu curriculum o enlazarla en linkedin.Tienes una garanta de devolucin de 30 das, en el caso de que no quedes satisfecho con el curso.Apntate hoy y nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Criando sua experincia de viagem e aprendendo francs" |
"Agora voc tem um curso que envolve aprendizado de francs para viagem e dicas para deixar suas frias mais fceis de planejar. Tudo aqui, neste curso de 10 mdulos que te levam pelas ruas de Paris, pelas obrigaes de papelada, dicas de passagens, transporte, alimentao... O melhor do Oh lala, Dani! compilado em mais de 6 horas de contedo para voc acessar de onde e quando quiser.Alm disso, voc conta com um material de apoio para download com informaes que vo te poupar horas de pesquisa no Google. Ah, e atravs dos nossos canais de comunicao (rede social e aqui na plataforma) voc pode tirar todas as suas dvidas e interagir com outros viajantes.Afinal, crescemos com experincias. As nossas e as suas.Bienvenue, bem-vindo, ao #FatorOhlala"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin.Forms Masterclass: Native Apps mit C# und VS 2019" |
"Vermutlich bist du gerade auf der Suche nach einem Videokurs, in dem du schnell und einfach mit Xamarin mobile native Apps fr Android und iOS programmieren kannst, stimmts? In diesem Videokurs lernst du, wie du mit Xamarin.Forms mit nur einer Programmiersprache und einer gewohnten Entwicklungsumgebung eine App fr Android als auch iOS entwickelst. Und das beste ist: Du brauchst die App auch wirklich nur einmal zu entwickeln! Ja, du hast richtig gehrt! Du musst also kein Objective C und Swift lernen, um die App dann in beiden Programmiersprachen erstellen! Cool, oder?Und vermutlich stellst du dir auch die Frage, wenn du meinen Kurs siehst.. Hey wie soll ich das innerhalb so wenigen Minuten schaffen? Das liegt einfach daran, ich verrate es dir: Dieser Videokurs beinhaltet kein ewig langes Vorgeplnkel, sondern ist auf den Punkt gebracht. Du bekommst eine ganz klare Anleitung, wie du von A nach B kommst, ohne groes Geschwafel und unter uns Entwicklern: So Labertaschen, das nervt einfach nur und Zeit zu vergeuden haben wir auch nicht! Darum freue ich mich, dich in meinem Videokurs zu begren!WAS WERDE ICH ALLES LERNEN?Mit Xamarin.Forms native mobile Apps fr Android und iOS erstellenEntwicklungsumgebung Visual Studio 2019 aufbauen und Werkzeuge verwendenGrundlagen von Xamarin.Forms verstehenBenutzeroberflchen mit XAML erstellenMVVM verstehen und mittels FreshMvvm einsetzenGrundstruktur von Android- und iOS-Apps mit Xamarin.Forms einrichtenDu erhltst qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte. Keine Zeitverschwendung durch das Erlernen von unntigen Details! Du bekommst wirklich nur relevantes Wissen, das dich effektiv und effizient zu deinem Ziel fhrt!Auerdem enthlt der Kurs die Codebeispiele aus den bungen, bungsaufgaben und hilfreiche Tools.*** Dieser Kurs wird stetig ausgebaut! Daher wird er aktuell zu einem reduzierten Preis angeboten. Wenn du also jetzt zu diesem Preis kaufst, dann erhltst du alle weiteren Videos im Laufe der nchsten Wochen kostenlos dazu!WAS BENTIGE ICH UM ZU STARTEN?Alles was du fr diesen Kurs bentigst, sind allgemeine Programmierkenntnisse in C# und als Entwicklungsumgebung Visual Studio 2019 Community oder hher.* Du bentigst KEINEN Mac, um eine App mit Xamarin.Forms zu entwickeln!WARUM ICH?Ich bin seit 2018 selbststndige Software-Entwicklerin und bringe Programmier-Erfahrung aus ber 10 Jahren mit. Meine Schwerpunkte dabei sind Webanwendungen mit ASP.NET Core und Azure, als auch plattformunabhngige App-Entwicklung mit Xamarin fr Android und iOS. Dabei habe ich schon viele unterschiedliche Apps mit Xamarin.Forms entwickelt:Eine App, die Arbeitszeugnisse analysiert und bewertetEine App, mit der E-Rezepte vom Arzt ber den Patient an Apotheken digital weitergeleitet werden kannEine App, mit der Lagerzu- und abgnge verbucht werden knnenu.v.m.Ich mag Abwechslung, denn in jeder Vernderung sehe ich die Mglichkeit, etwas Bestehendes zu verbessern. Ganz nach dem Motto von Steve Jobs: Folge deiner Neugier und Intuition - und tue, was du wirklich liebst.FAQ:Mit welcher Entwicklungsumgebung wurden die Videos erstellt?-> Mit Visual Studio 2019 CommunityBrauche ich einen Mac, um eine App fr iOS zu entwickeln?-> Nein, eine Xamarin-App entwickelt man gewhnlich auf einem Windows-PC mit Visual Studio. Wahlweise gibt es auch Visual Studio fr Mac. Wenn man nun mit Xamarin eine App fr iOS entwickeln mchte und keinen Mac hat, dann kann man sich auch einen Mac in der Cloud mieten.Ist es schwierig eine erste eigene App zu entwickeln?-> Nein, nicht wenn du dir das Wissen aus diesem Kurs gekauft hast!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Practice Tests" |
"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Practice Tests*One test contains only 37 questions ( the official exam varies between 40 and 60 questions ) and the time limit is 90 minutes (instead of the official 85 minutes)* *The minimum score to pass is 70% - same as the official exam*Mixed set of questions covering all sections and objectives of the AZ-900 exam, seen below:Sections Included in the Practice TestsUnderstand cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe the benefits and considerations of using cloud servicesunderstand terms such as high availability, scalability, elasticity, agility, fault tolerance, and disaster recoveryunderstand the principles of economies of scaleunderstand the differences between Capital Expenditure (CapEx) and Operational Expenditure (OpEx)understand the consumption-based modelDescribe the differences between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)describe Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)describe Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)describe Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)compare and contrast the three different service typesDescribe the differences between public, private and hybrid cloud modelsdescribe public clouddescribe private clouddescribe hybrid cloudcompare and contrast the three different cloud modelsUnderstand core Azure services (30-35%)Understand the core Azure architectural componentsdescribe Regionsdescribe Availability Zonesdescribe Resource Groupsdescribe Azure Resource Managerdescribe the benefits and usage of core Azure architectural componentsDescribe some of the core products available in Azuredescribe products available for Compute such as Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, App Service Functions, Azure Container Instances (ACI) and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)describe products available for Networking such as Virtual Network, Load Balancer, VPN Gateway, Application Gateway and Content Delivery Networkdescribe products available for Storage such as Blob Storage, Disk Storage, File Storage, and Archive Storagedescribe products available for Databases such as Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Database, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database Migration servicedescribe the Azure Marketplace and its usage scenariosDescribe some of the solutions available on Azuredescribe Internet of Things (IoT) and products that are available for IoT on Azure such as IoT Hub and IoT Centraldescribe Big Data and Analytics and products that are available for Big Data and Analytics such as SQL Data Warehouse, HDInsight, and Azure Databricksdescribe Artificial Intelligence (AI) and products that are available for AI such as Azure Machine Learning Service and Studiodescribe Serverless computing and Azure products that are available for serverless computing such as Azure Functions, Logic Apps, and Event Griddescribe DevOps solutions available on Azure such as Azure DevOps and Azure DevTest Labsdescribe the benefits and outcomes of using Azure solutionsUnderstand Azure management toolsunderstand Azure tools such as Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI and Cloud Shellunderstand Azure AdvisorUnderstand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Understand securing network connectivity in Azuredescribe Network Security Groups (NSG)describe Application Security Groups (ASG)describe User Defined Rules (UDR)describe Azure Firewalldescribe Azure DDoS Protectionchoose an appropriate Azure security solutionDescribe core Azure Identity servicesunderstand the difference between authentication and authorizationdescribe Azure Active Directorydescribe Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationDescribe security tools and features of Azuredescribe Azure Security Centerunderstand Azure Security Center usage scenariosdescribe Key Vaultdescribe Azure Information Protection (AIP)describe Azure Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)Describe Azure governance methodologiesdescribe policies and initiatives with Azure Policydescribe Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)describe Locksdescribe Azure Advisor security assistancedescribe Azure BlueprintsUnderstand monitoring and reporting options in Azuredescribe Azure Monitordescribe Azure Service Healthunderstand the use cases and benefits of Azure Monitor and Azure Service HealthUnderstand privacy, compliance and data protection standards in Azureunderstand industry compliance terms such as GDPR, ISO and NISTunderstand the Microsoft Privacy Statementdescribe the Trust centerdescribe the Service Trust Portaldescribe Compliance Managerdetermine if Azure is compliant for a business needunderstand Azure Government cloud servicesdescribe Azure China cloud servicesUnderstand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)Understand Azure subscriptionsdescribe an Azure subscriptionunderstand the uses and options with Azure subscriptions such access control and offer typesunderstand subscription management using Management groupsUnderstand planning and management of costsunderstand options for purchasing Azure products and servicesunderstand options around Azure Free accountunderstand the factors affecting costs such as resource types, services, locations, ingress and egress trafficunderstand Zones for billing purposesunderstand the Pricing calculatorunderstand the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculatorunderstand best practices for minimizing Azure costs such as performing cost analysis, creating spending limits and quotas, using tags to identify cost owners, using Azure reservations and using Azure Advisor recommendationsdescribe Azure Cost ManagementUnderstand the support options available with Azureunderstand support plans that are available such as Dev, Standard, Professional Direct and Premierunderstand how to open a support ticketunderstand available support channels outside of support plan channelsdescribe the Knowledge CenterDescribe Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs)describe a Service Level Agreement (SLA)understand Composite SLAsunderstand how to determine an appropriate SLA for an applicationUnderstand service lifecycle in Azureunderstand public and private preview featuresunderstand the term General Availability (GA)understand how to monitor feature updates and product changes"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Peak Productivity" |
"Whether at home or at work, tripling your productivity offers a host of advantages.When youre more productive, every area of your life can benefit.Tripling your productivity can eliminate this anxiety and stress. As a result, not only will you achieve more, youll also enjoy better mental health.This video course reveals all the proven strategies and tactics to uplevel your productivity.You will discover how to train your mind to be ultra-productive, time management secrets, how to create an environment that 'forces' you to be productive, the power of delegation, outsourcing, and powerful tools to get things done and much more!Topics covered:Creating the Right Environment for ProductivityDeveloping a Productive MindsetTime Management Strategies - The Key to a Productive DayDeclutter Your LifeHealthy Routines for Greater ProductivityRecognize Whats ImportantDelegate, Outsource and Utilize ToolsIncreasing Productivity at Home"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Get Your Project Funded" |
"The world of nonprofit grantmaking can seem mysterious to outsiders, but writing a grant is not difficult. You may need to shift your thinking and do a lot of prep work, but this course is meant to show you how to write your first grant in a straight-forward manner. Although only 60 minutes of instructor time, the information can be dense, so take some time to let the information sink in and do all of the assignments."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Live Stream Beautifully" |
"In this course we will be going over how to live stream in high quality!The promo video was actually taken from my live stream! :DIn this course you will learn:All the equipment necessary to make an EPIC live streamHow to make your audio professional How to make the video look amazingHow to connect a DAW to a live stream (Add Reverb & Effects!)How to stream directly to Youtube (Private, Unlisted, Public)How to stream directly to Facebook (Private Groups, Pages, Timelines)How to stream anywhere else!How to add your branding into your videoI am excited to walk you through this process and share this valuable knowledge with you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microrganismos nos alimentos: aprenda como evitar." |
"Este curso vai lhe fornecer informaes importantes sobre os microrganismos e como evitar contaminaes nos alimentos.Voc tambm ir aprender sobre Boas Prticas em Servios de Alimentao, regras importantes para manter os alimentos viveis para o consumo, alm das principais doenas transmitidas por alimentos no Brasil e os mecanismos naturais de defesa do organismo humano."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Blazor Asp.Net Core 3.1 con Entity Framework Core (C#)" |
"Aprende a crear aplicaciones SPA (Single Page Application) , como actualmente se desarrollan las aplicaciones modernas , aprenders el uso de los componentes , como te ayuda en la reutilizacin del cdigo y evitar estar pegando y copiando cdigo . Blazor es equivalente a aprender Vue , React o Angular , pero con un lenguaje mas sencillo y practico."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Developing an Employee Onboarding Program" |
"An effective onboarding program means that new employees get the information that they need to be successful in their new role. Thoughtful programs are an important mechanism for businesses to reduce turnover and hiring costs because the employees that are hired get the information and resources needed to build a positive relationship with their new workplace and co-workers. But, onboarding programs can be very time consuming and complicated to develop! And just getting started can be overwhelming. That's why this course was built to help businesses get started and navigate their way through the onboarding program development process with EASE!This course will help you to organize and understand the components of the onboarding program, and what type of consideration you need while youre planning your own process.We'll cover:What is onboarding?Why is effective onboarding important for businesses and what are the benefits?What topics should be covered during an onboarding program?What does an onboarding program look like?How is an onboarding program structured?What are the steps to create an onboarding program for your business?This course also offers great additional resources, including:Step-by-step workbook for developing an onboarding programOnboarding program topics guideEmployee handout to onboarding process templatePresentation template for your onboarding programSurvey/feedback templateIf you're ready to get started, enroll today!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Engenharia Social: Campanhas de Ataques de Phishing" |
"Como muitas das ameaas direcionadas a corporaes, a intruso pode comear com um e-mail. Por esse motivo, essencial que as empresas capacitem seus colaboradores acerca dos conceitos de segurana e principais ataques e fraudes pela internet como o ""e-mail phishing"". Um Programa de Conscientizao em Segurana da Informao pode ser composto por vrias etapas, mas uma delas que extremamente fundamental testar o nvel de maturidade de sua equipe quanto s fraudes por Phishing. Assim, essas corporaes normalmente contratam servios que simulam esses ataques atravs da execuo de Campanhas de Phishing.O foco desse treinamento fornecer subsdio de conhecimento e solues prticas que possibilitem aos times de segurana das empresas, implementar em seus Programas de Conscientizao de Segurana da Informao, suas prprias Campanhas de Ataques de Phishing.Ao final desse curso o aluno estar apto a implementar uma infraestrutura bsica na AWS e realizar os seus prprios testes de ataques de phishing quando permitido, avaliando o nvel de segurana comportamental e tecnolgico contra ataques de engenharia social."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
strategic-management-tools-to-analyze-business-environment |
". . . :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SOC Analyst (Cybersecurity) Interview Questions and Answers" |
"What is so special about this series? This is not a typical cybersecurity course, trying to teach you concepts, tools or technologies. This course is purely designed to help you clear 7/10 cybersecurity interviews. Whether you are a fresh college graduates or a working professional if you are looking to kick start your career Cybersecurity (especially in the area of Security Operation Center) this series of videos will help you do that.This series is complied with the information from more than 600 different real Security Analyst (SOC) interviews.I believe most of you have either taken-up cybersecurity in your college or have completed vocational training or might have gained Cybersecurity knowledge from various online platforms. After having completed several course and certification, you are still yet to get the break in cybersecurity. So use this course to master the art of clearing Cybersecurity job interviews.This is not a replacement for your regular ongoing learning, instead act as a catalyst to speed up the process of cracking interviews."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"CAS-002 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam" |
"165 UNIQUE practice questions for CAS-002 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CAS-002 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Practice ExamTotal Questions : 165Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (201 of 165)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Revit 2020 Temel Eitim" |
"Bu eitim serisinde Autodesk Revit 2020 programnn batan sonra tm temel modelleme ve dokmantasyon aralar gsterilecektir. Revit, Mimarlk ve naat sektrnde yaygn bir ekilde kullanlan bir BIM aracdr. Bu video serisi sayesinde projelerinizi BIM prensiplerine gre tasarlayp dokmante etmeyi reneceksiniz. Bu kapsamda hem BIM prensipleri hem de Revit yazlmnn renilmesi kursun temel ktlardr."
Price: 209.99 ![]() |