Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Agile 101-A simple introduction to Agile origin & principles" |
"Hello and welcome to Agile 101This class is perfectly suited to anyone with little to no understanding of Agile.In less than an hour, I aim to answer the question of What Is Agile?Agile grew in the shadow of two important philosophies, Lean and Waterfall. I start with a brief description of both to help to lay the foundations. I then move on to give a high level view of Agile and the themes that are the fundamental building blocks. From there, I help you to understand the paradigm shift in philosophy that arrived with Agile. I then gives a brief history of the topic. Next, I move on to explain about the values and principles of the founding fathers before outlining some facts and figures to explain the growth. Ending with a short description of how Agile is moving to address the challenge of scaling to global enterprises.And who should take this course? Anyone who wants a high level but comprehensive understanding of Agile.BTW: I have a number of paid courses on Udemy. This course started as a two part webinar that I presented (Lean 101 and Agile 101). The feedback was great so I have decided to put it up here as a FREE course. The graphics are not brilliant but the content is good. I hope the quality is good enough for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Social Engineering and HUMINT" |
"Youre about starting the course that will change your life. Seriously. Here is why.If you work in the security sector, be it cybersecurity, business intelligence, law enforcement, private investigations, etc., the benefits are obvious. Your professional skills will skyrocket, so it pushes your career and gives you a bunch of advantages over your competitors. And reward you with that amazing feeling of satisfaction that comes only when you know that your job performance is outstanding.But what if youre not a kind of a security specialist? Fortunately, you can gain even more. Would not it be dreamy if youll be able to detect at a glance when people try to conceal something important from you? What about knowing what your competitors are up to? What about easy spotting scammers, criminals and other bad guys hunting for you? What about your friends and loved ones who fear to own up in something? And would you like to know how others covertly elicit your secrets from you and finally stop this dangerous process?Youll be able to do everything from the list after taking this course. In fact, youll be able to do much, much more.Social Engineering nowadays considered a kind of communicational black magic that forces people to execute any command of a Social Engineer. And when we say SE, what it comes to mind first is cybercriminals. Yes, social engineering is a part of their dark arsenal but not limited by it. For example, law enforcement uses social Engineering to catch the bad guys too. In reality, Social Engineering is an essential part of many walks of life, including politics, intelligence and law enforcement, sales and marketing and even personal relationship.In short, social engineering is the hidden influence.In this course, Ill teach you a special part of social engineering unlocking people's secrets. Making people voluntary share their secrets, to be precise. And this is the only way to learn how to keep your secrets safe.This course is unique. Because unlike many courses on Social Engineering existing on the market, its not about technical tools and software. Its about the essence of Social Engineering: peoples psychology. Its not about the vulnerabilities of a computer. Its about vulnerabilities of the human brain -- how it can be attacked and how to protect it.This course is unique for many other reasons. Firstly, its based on my 20 years in psychological security and 7 years in cybersecurity areas experience. On this way, I was privileged to work with the brilliant intelligence and law enforcement pros, who had been promoted from lieutenants to generals. Ive learned from them plenty of exclusive useful techniques and tricks that help me in work and life. I share some of these techniques in this course.More of that, the course is also based on tens of authoritative phycology books and science research. So youll not only learn the techniques but deeply understand the patterns behind them and why they work. It gives you a fantastic possibility to create your own techniques precisely suitable for your special circumstances. After learning these principles, spotting scam or phishing of different kinds will become a walk in the park for you let alone revealing secrets.And here is your way to the top.In the first section, you'll learn what is Social Engineering and why it's so effective. You'll discover the main principle that makes Social Engineering almost unbeatable for most people. Then you'll find out what HUMINT is and what benefits you'll get from it. Then you'll see why revealing people's secrets may be extremely hard and how to bypass these hinders.Then, in Section 2, we'll deep into tactical Social Engineering. You'll find out about various natural vulnerabilities of the human brain and how they can be exploited in seconds. You'll discover why so many people, including most intellectual ones, fall prey to phishing attacks and give away their bank credentials or infect their computers with their own hands. You'll know sophisticated techniques used by cybercriminals to force their victims to give away their important secrets like passwords and private data. You'll learn how your basic instincts and emotions can be used to play against you and how easily they are triggered.In Section 3 you'll learn the magic of the effective HUMINT elicitation techniques used by law intelligence agencies, law enforcement, secret agents and other pros of such kind. You'll learn to become a person to whom people want to confide their secrets. On this way, you'll know how to gain trust instantly, grab attention, set emotional bonds and become likable for everyone you want (no exaggeration here!). Then you'll learn some extremely effective time-proven techniques that make people share with you even the darkest secrets. More of that, those people will be obliged to you for providing them with this possibility. So, with these techniques, you'll be able not only to get any information you need but also gain many friends and admirers. That's a pleasant side effect.Finally, in Section 4 we'll see how all the techniques we've learned work in the wild. We'll consider three different Social Engineering scenarios. You'll see how an ethical hacker, an intelligence officer and a police officer can use these techniques to establish their missions on obtaining secrets.And of course, in the final video you'll find the answer on how to protect yourself from even the most sophisticated Social Engineering attacks and keep your secrets safe. You'll know, You'll understand why untrained people can't fight back a social engineering attack and what do you need and how to train yourself to be able to spot and stop a Social Engineering attack and never fall prey to Social Engineer.Did I tell that this course would change your life? Now you know how exactly. Imagine yourself, possessing all these skills. Imagine how you apply them and get fantastic results. Imagine yourself as a person who can reveal any secret...Well, are you ready? Lets start then."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Italiano - Mtodo Extraordinrio Rumo FLUNCIA" |
"Todas as vdeo-aulas tm facilidades para assistir e realizar os exerccios. Solicito que tenham em mos material escrevente para, no final, verificar o seu aprendizado.Este curso possui:a) Introduob) Conversazionec) Curso Bsico A1d) Curso Bsico A2e) Curso Pr-intermedirio B1f) udios variados com textos em Italiano-PortugusEu desejo todo o SUCESSO nesta nova caminhada."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Clube de Idiomas - O Mtodo Extraordinrio para Aprendizado" |
"Todas as vdeo-aulas tm facilidades para assistir e realizar os exerccios. Solicito que tenham em mos material escrevente para, no final, verificar o seu aprendizado.Este curso possui:a) Curso Bsico A1b) Curso Bsico A2c) Curso Intermedirio B1d) udios variados com textos no idioma estudado e em PortugusEu desejo todo o SUCESSO nesta nova caminhada."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Fotografa profesional para principiantes." |
"Este curso te dar las bases necesarias para pasar de CERO a PRO. Veremos los principios y conceptos bsicos de la fotografa, composicin fotogrfica, tcnicas de iluminacin, los tipos de cmaras y objetivos que hay y cules son los mejores para ti, veremos tambin cmo hacer fotografa con smartphones y mucho ms. Este curso se ir actualizando y aadiendo ms temas conforme sea necesario, para que te mantengas actualizado con las nuevas tecnologas y dems temas que te llevarn a ser un profesional."
Price: 1545.00 ![]() |
"LGEBRA (Aprende RPIDO y FCIL)" |
"Luego de haber finalizado el curso de Aritmtica y tener una buena base en todos los conocimientos suministrados all, es el momento de darle paso al LGEBRA.De fondo, el LGEBRA es llevar toda la aritmtica a operaciones donde se combinan letras y nmeros que muestran de manera genrica expresiones matemticas que independientemente del valor que tomen esas letras, se va a cumplir el resultado que se obtiene. Ac vers:. Operaciones Algebricas con sus formas de expresin. Factorizacin (todos los mecanismos). Racionalizacin de Binomios (races cuadradas y races cbicas). Ecuaciones. Sistemas de Ecuaciones. Mtodos de solucin de Sistemas de Ecuaciones. Sucesiones y Progresiones (aritmticas y geomtricas). Polinomios (todas sus operaciones y base conceptual). Ecuacin Cuadrtica y cantidad de soluciones.... y mucho ms!Puede parecer enredado lo que te digo por ac, ingresa al curso y mira el primer video para que te enteres de que se trata y te dejas llevar por el orden que te muestro en cada captulo.Si quieres prepararte o nivelarte para ingresar a la universidad, ESTE ES EL CURSO QUE NECESITAS.Recuerda que el problema no est en la Matemtica, est en la forma en que se ha enseado... por eso enpsilon Akdemy, lo que aqu aprendes... no lo olvidas!Date la oportunidad y mira de una forma diferente el lgebra.No olvides dejarme tus impresiones del curso :D"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
prototypes-in-javascript-in-persian |
"... ( !) . """" """" ( ) ( ) ... ( ) ... ( ) :-)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Cyber Security" |
"Technological advancements are making our life easy but also making us vulnerable to the Cyber Attacks. Therefore, Cyber Security is becoming more critical lately due to the dependence of individuals on the internet and networking. This results in the hiring of Cyber Security Professionals by IT Industries.Under this course of Introduction to Cyber Security get acquainted with the Cyber Security modules from the basics such as Ethical Hacking, Risk Assessment, Vulnerability, and Cyber Threats. Learn the risks and methods of securing data and information from online theft. Practices intended to protect software, systems, gadgets from the damage or unapproved access and how to maintain the smooth process of computer systems by avoiding the errors and obstructions of the services."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Wi-Fi Hacking: A Step by Step Guide to Wireless Hacking" |
"Since the introduction of Wireless Networks, the number of people switching to a Wireless Network have increased at a rapid rate! It is believed that these Wireless Networks are designed as a secure solution but that is not the case. These networks are as vulnerable as any other network are!After the successful completion of this course you will be able to:Understand what makes a Wireless Network vulnerable.Learn about different Attack Vectors.Get familiar with concepts such as WAP, WEP, WPS, SSID.Understand how to Bypass WLAN Authentication."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Cryptography for Beginners to the Advanced Level" |
"Cryptography is associated with the process of converting ordinary plain text into unintelligible text and vice-versa. It is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is intended can read and process it. Cryptography not only protects data from theft or alteration, but can also be used for user authentication.After the successful completion of this course you will be able to:Understand what cryptography really is and how it works.Understand the working of different tools used such as AES and DES.Understand the encryption and decryption algorithmsUnderstand how cryptography and cyber security are connected."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Bug Bounty Hunting: Guide to an Advanced Earning Method" |
"This course includes all the methods to find any vulnerability in websites/ web applications and their exploitation. This Bug Bounty Hunting program is designed to inform all the latest vulnerabilities on websites like CSRF attacks, Web Application attacks, Injection attacks and many more. You will also learn the procedure in which you get paid or earn many other rewards by documenting and disclosing these bugs to the websites security team. So, this course will give you a precise introduction to the bugs that you can report and earn money."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Nmap Guide: Basic to Advanced Level" |
"This course focuses on comprehending the basics to advanced topics of the most used open-source Network Security tool Nmap. Starting from download and installing Nmap on your Windows or Linux systems, we will move to the advanced topics related to the uses of this tool.Learners will discover techniques like scanning and interpreting the results in this course. We will use the most compatible Linux distribution Kali Linux and its examples, so it would be better if you have a basic understanding of Linux before getting started here."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Networking" |
"Computer networks establish the connection between two or more computers to form a network that enables the exchange of data, files and other resources with each other. The connection link formed between computers is called nodes.This Basic Computer Networking Course will teach you all the fundamentals of Computer Networking. Understand the basic working of computer networks and their types, along with the comprehensive lectures on the TCP/IP model explaining the functioning of each layer. By discussing the practical application of the networking modules, this course will cover all the required practical aspects of networking."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Hacking with Metasploit" |
"This course will explain the advance level concepts of the largely popular penetration testing tool: Metasploit. Metasploit framework is extensively used for testing and describing common security vulnerabilities.This is a practical based course that will work on real-life case studies and also introduce you to multiple latest features of Metasploit. Those features include post-exploitation techniques such as reverse connection and remote access of someones computer, screenshot of the victim's desktop, search function, etc. You will get to install the GUI version of Metasploit and learn how can you scan and analyze the target using GUI Metasploit. This is an advance level course that also provides a brief introduction of Metasploit and the lab setup for its framework."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Hacking with Metasploit: Pre Exploitation Techniques" |
"Metasploit is a powerful penetration testing tool used to make hacking easy. It is an open-source tool that can be used to interact with payloads on victim machines - download documents, create remote users and take screen captures from exploited Linux and Windows servers. This course will explain all the fundamentals of Metasploit, from its basic introduction to the lab environment setup. Identify and exploit the vulnerabilities to find the methods of hacking into the system. Learn the environment setup of Metasploit for practice purposes using Kali. You can establish a strong ethical hacking base by learning the essential penetration testing techniques with this comprehensive course from scratch!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Application Security and Penetration Testing" |
"In this Mobile Application Security Course, you will learn most of the important tools and techniques used to test the security of your Mobile Devices and Applications. This course will begin by introducing Basics of Penetration Testing, Mobile Application Security, Android Architecture, Android Debug Bridge (ADB), Decompiling and reversing APK.Also, you will learn to identify security flaws and the techniques to safeguard your mobile device from them using tools such as DIVA, MobSF, QARK, and Drozer."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Pen-Testers Guide to Spoofing" |
"Spoofing is a technique of performing a Cyber Attack for gaining access to someones computer system or account to steal data, spread malware, and performing other malicious activities. Learn how spoofing attacks takes place by impersonating another device or user on a network, disguising as the known or trusted source to safeguard own devices from attacks.This course is structured to guide you through several different types of spoofing attacks like IP address spoofing, MAC address spoofing, URL, ARP, and DNS spoofing along with their protection methods with the help of practical demo. Also, you will learn email and call spoofing, its implementation, and the transmission method."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide to Social Engineering Attacks" |
"People are the weakest link of the security because the technological security methods are getting stronger. Social engineering is the term used to refer the art of manipulation of the users into revealing sensitive information that can be used to gain access to their computer system.In this course, you will learn various malicious methods attackers use to perform Social Engineering Attacks. You will get to know how these attacks are conducted; common attack techniques- use of tools- information gathering- utilizing acquired information; and their countermeasures.This course will outline several social engineering threats and explains how you can defend yourself against them."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Network Security Implementation: Complete Guide for Learners" |
"This Network Security Implementation course teaches you to protect the sensitive data and information that transmit throughout the networks from unauthorized access and malicious activities. This course is designed to provide you with practical training on the tools like Snort, its installation and configuration on the network. Learn to implement Network Security solutions in a security system through techniques like Firewall, Intrusion Detection & Prevention system and Honeypot.In this course, you will learn to analyse the network for the potential risks and find suitable countermeasures to remove the particular security vulnerability."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Der groe ultimative Email Marketing Videokurs" |
"Hey Herzlich Willkommen mein Name ist Markus und ich sage, Email Marketing ist ein Muss fr jedes Business.Ich wollte das erst selbst nicht glauben, weil mein Gedanke immer war - Emails liest doch eh keiner. Ich habe im Grunde mein Verhalten, auf alle Menschen projiziert. Deswegen habe ich gut ein Jahr lang, nach meinem Start als Unternehmer kein E-Mail Marketing benutzt. Und diese zeit bereue ich. Den Fakt ist, heute macht E-Mail Marketing ein groen Teil meines monatlichen Umsatzes aus. Und da ist mir bewusst geworden, wie sehr ich E-Mail Marketing unterschtzt habe.Und im Grunde ist dass vollkommen logisch. Den an wen gehen denn diese Emails die ich versende. Richtig, an Menschen die Emails und Angebote von mir erhalten wollen. Es sind sozusagen warme Leads. Anders als bei Facebook, das ist Anzeigen Kaltakquise. Der Vorteil am Email Marketing ist der, das man absolut unabhngig ist, und dabei noch mit Menschen kommuniziert und ihnen Angebote unterbreitet, die sich darber freuen. Und deswegen empfehle ich auch dir wrmstens Email Marketing. Egal ob du Dropshipper bist, Coach und Berater oder Affiliate Marketer. In meinem Kurs lernst du dass komplette Wissen ber automatisiertes erfolgreiches Email Marketing.Egal ob du gerade erst dein Business startest oder schon lnger dabei bist, gerade dann solltest du das Potenzial des Email Marketings nutzen, um dein Business nach vorne zu treiben. Ich hoffe ich sehe dich in meinem Kurs, ich freu mich auf dich, bis gleich."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Profissionais de sade: aprenda como investir mais e melhor" |
"O curso tem como escopo fornecer aos profissionais da rea de sade e outros profissionais interessados no tema subsdios tericos e prticos sobre investimentos em renda fixa, sobre as ""armadilhas"" que o mundo dos investimentos podem trazer para investidores iniciantes. O curso capacita os interessados a identificar tipos de investimentos, rentabilidade e aborda pilares da educao financeira como ferramenta para construir reservas financeiras. Desmistifica a ideia de que investir para 'rico', investir para quem aufere renda, tem conhecimento e principalmente, constncia nos aportes. O curso prope fomentar autonomia e confiana aos pequenos e mdios investidores na hora de investir sem precisar delegar a administrao do seu dinheiro terceiros."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"PHP 7 ile Sfrdan PDO CRUD Eitimi" |
"Merhaba Sevgili renci, Kursumuza Hogeldiniz , Kursumuzda reneceklerin ;Sfrdan PDO ve PHP 7 ile CRUD ilemlerini A'dan Z'ye tm detaylarna kadar basit ve profesyonel bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Kursumuzda RNEK PROJEMZ LE PDO snfnn CRUD ilemlerini detaylca renmi olup bunun yannda uygulamada gelitirmi olucaksnz.PDO CRUD lemlerine hakim olucaksnz.Ve daha birok ey reneceksiniz.Sevgili renci , Temel PHP bilgin bu kursumuzda olmaldr.Sfrdan PHP anlatmyorum ltfen bunu bilerek bu kursu satn al.Sfrdan Proje gelitirerek sitemizi pdo snf ile kodluyacagz. En temelden profesyonellie adm atacaksnz.Gnmzde birok web siteleri artk PDO snf ile kodlanmaktadr.Sizlerde en gncel PHP 7 ile PDO snfn renerek web sitelerini kodluyabileceksiniz.Algoritmanz geliecek ve yeni projeler yeni fikirler retebileceksiniz.Her rendiginiz bilgiyi kendinize bireyler katarak yeni eyler renerek dnerek doru ve en iyi grenme srecine girmi olucaksnz.imdi hemen kursumuza katlarak en gncel PDO snf ile projemizi beraber gelitirelim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Palo Alto Networks - PCNSE Preparation" |
"Successful completion of this course should enhance the students understanding of how to configure and manage Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls. Students must have a basic familiarity with networking concepts including routing, switching, and IP addressing. Students also should be familiar with basic security concepts. The modules Covered include-Security Platform and Architecture Initial Configuration Interface Configuration Security and NAT Policies App-IDContent-IDURL Filtering Decryption WildFireUser-IDGlobalProtectSite-to-Site VPN Monitoring and Reporting Active/Passive High Availability"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica para Machine Learning" |
"O curso fornece uma abordagem prtica para trabalhar com dados e se concentra nos principais conceitos matemticos que voc encontrar em estudos de aprendizado de mquina. Ele foi pensado para preencher as lacunas para os alunos que perderam esses conceitos-chave como parte de sua educao formal, ou que precisam se atualizar depois de uma longa pausa de estudar matemtica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pass MB-200 Exam On Your First Try-Practice Tests (Aug 2020)" |
"*** UPDATE: 70 New Questions Added With An Explanation of Each Question (Updated Aug 2020)*** UPDATE: Added An Important Resources PDF File To Fully Prepare You For The Exam.############################Do you want to test your knowledge for the MB-200 exam (Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core)?############################If yes, then this practice test course is for you.You will find 6 practice tests (as per the MB-200 exam curriculum) so you can evaluate which areas you need to study more and the areas you have already mastered! You will get a score for each practice test.Each question has a detailed explanation, so you know why your selected answer is right or wrong.You will also get MB-200 Exam Preparation Book (more than 240 pages) - so you can understand the concept of each question.############################HERE'S WHAT YOU ARE GETTING TODAY!6 practical tests as per the MB-200 exam curriculum.The practice tests cover all the topics of the MB-200 exam curriculum provided by Microsoft.240+ pages book of MB-200 exam preparation.############################HERE'S WHAT INCLUDED IN THIS MB-200 PRACTICE TEST COURSE!Practice Test 1 - Perform Discovery, Planning, and Analysis (5-10%)Practice Test 2 - Manage User Experience Design (20-25%)Practice Test 3 - Manage Entities and Data (15-20%)Practice Test 4 - Implement Security (5-10%)Practice Test 5 - Implement Integration (15-20%)Practice Test 6 - Perform Solutions Deployment and Testing (25-30%)Enroll in this practice test course today and be fully prepared for the MB-200 exam.Have you got any questions? Message me on Udemy.I wish you all the best.To Your Success,Abhay SharmaFounder - Online CRM Training & Learn MS DynamicsPS: This is neither an official Microsoft practice test nor endorsed by Microsoft."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Simulado com 240 questes em PORTUGUS - PSM I" |
"Scrum uma metodologia gil para gesto e planejamento de projetos de software, que vem sendo bastante difundido em todo o mundo.Nesse simulado, disponibilizo 240 questes em PORTUGUS, baseadas na Certificao Oficial Scrum, para ajudar no entendimento do contedo, para que a fixao sobre o assunto seja ainda melhor.Dicas IMPORTANTES. LEIA-MEA PSM I uma das certificaes de entrada no Agile e s est disponvel apenas no idioma INGLS. Porm, o prprio Scrum sugere que, se voc no possui muita familiaridade com a lingua, USE O PLUGIN DE TRADUO DO GOOGLE. Funciona muito bem. Existe uma ou outra palavra que no traduz corretamente, porm voc ter exito com o plugin e entender a questo.Leia o Scrum Guide em PORTUGUS e INGLS para ajudar o entendimento e familiaridade das palavras. A fixao sobre o assunto ser muito mais vantajoso e ler em ingls te ajudar naquelas tradues que no forem 100%.A prova de certificao contm 80 questes de mltipla escolha para serem resolvidas no Time-Boxed de 60 minutos;Administre seu TEMPO. Ele um fator IMPORTANTE na hora da prova e o seu maior concorrente.Para ser aprovado preciso acertar 85% das questes, que o equivalente a 68 acertos de 80.Certificado nunca expira.Faa MUITAS vezes os simulados at voc obter mais de 90% de acerto. A sim, voc estar apto a fazer a prova.Voc pode estar fazendo a prova de certificao da sua casa. Basta se cadastrar no site, comprar a prova e fazer. Assim que efetivar o pagamento, ser enviado uma senha alfanumrica para o incio da prova.O Resultado sai imediatamente aps responder a ultima questo.AVISO!Este um curso de Simulados, por isso no inclui vdeos. Voc ter um material com 240 questes dividias em 3 simulados de 80 questes. Exatamente como na prova oficial.Boa Sorte e Sucesso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Lose Weight Not Your Soul" |
"There are thousands of options when it comes to losing weight; from weight loss diet, fat burner pills, meal replacements, calorie controlled meals, weight loss supplement and so on. But if you are like me, you know that these methods though it may give us some sort of weight loss results, we continue to struggle to maintain our weight loss. So we continue our search to find the right weight loss methods. Unfortunately, before long, we realise weight loss has become more than just a goal that is on your list below all the other important lives goals. Weight loss has become your top priority in your life where you plan your life based on your weight loss program. You choose where you can hang out or dine out, you limit the number of social events you allow yourself to attend, or you are simply just too occupied, thinking about how to burn off the calories you just consumed from the chocolate cake you should not have eaten. Can anyone relate? I am not immune as well. I remember growing up as a teenage girl feeling so insecure with my body and how I look, especially when the media around me (from magazine, TV, ads) were showing the perfect beautiful woman. How a woman supposed to look like. And just like many other teenage girls out there, my mission of attaining the world's definition of beauty was started. I started to go on a diet, put on some color-changing cream on my skin so I have the perfect skin tone color, learn how to do makeup and hide my flaws, and so on. I even worked as a Fitness Trainer and completed a Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition because I was so obsessed with getting the perfect body that I even made a career out of it. So I helped many women lost weight and get leaner or flat tummy; but I noticed even though they love their new skinnier leaner body, there is always something else to be 'fixed' to improve their physical appearance. And so was I. I lost weight, I became leaner, I have nice tanned skin. Yet, I always found something else about my body that I need to improve/ change. I realize it was not the physical appearance that needed to be changed, it was the condition of my heart, how I see my body. This course is created to help women and teenage girls to not fall for the temptation and obsession to lose weight fast or with any kind of fad diets out there promising a quick fix. Quite the opposite, this course is all about helping women to finally attain real maintainable natural weight loss without costing your soul or mental health. You will also learn how to set yourself FREE from unhealthy diet mindsets and behaviors that you may have adopted as well as from the pursuit of trying to attain the perfect ideal woman body or be and look like someone else. Because you have the permission to be you and you are uniquely beautiful. BeYoutiful!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master Roofs on Xactimate in less than one hour" |
"Welcome to my Master Roof on Xactimate course. I will show you everything you must know when you have to calculate cost for your roofs using Xactimate.This course will help you:If you want to save time when sketching roofs,Be more efficient when dealing with complex or detailed roofsGet more accurate when calculating your total cost for your roof structurePerform cost estimate including roof components and membraneLearn tricks to save time and gain precision with you roof estimationI hope you will enjoy the my course and learn precious skills and new knowledge."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The Rebozo Reborn" |
"Learn how a little piece of cloth can make a mom more comfortable during pregnancy and enhance the birthing experience. We will also explore the rich cultural history of the hispanic rebozo, selecting a rebozo that works for your needs, incorporating it into your doula practice, and the many simple ways to relieve pregnancy discomfort."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Salkl Yaam in Spor Yapmay renin" |
"Salkl yaamak, zellikle baklk sistemimizi kuvvetlendirmek iin dzenli olarak egzersiz yapmak gnmzn en nemli konusudur. zellikle virs salgnnn yaand bu gnlerde bir kez daha anladk ki salmz her eyden nemli.Salam kafa salam vcutta bulunur demiti Atamz. Biz de bu yolda salkl bireyler olmak iin alyoruz.Salkl olmak bakln kuvvetlendirmek isteyen herkese bu eitimi neriyoruz."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Franais Magique" |
"Este curso de francs feito para quem quer avanar mais rpido e melhor nesse idioma. Trata-se de um curso intensivo cujo ttulo Franais Magique devido ao seu impacto positivo intelectual e emocional na vida dos alunos que o fizeram.Ele indicado para alunos que compreendem o bsico do idioma mas precisam revisar pontos de pronncia, de gramtica e de compreenso oral.Quem est no incio vai avanar demasiadamente e quem est no avanado vai aprimorar seus conhecimentos com tcnicas infalveis.Voc vai aprender as regras bsicas de pronncia e tambm de gramtica francesa, alm da compreenso oral de cada detalhe no prprio idioma.Alm do aprendizado tcnico, voc vai entender o mtodo para aprender idiomas facilmente, que pode ser usado para o francs ou para qualquer outro.Esse mtodo infalvel foi criado por mim e consiste em revisar cada tpico por uma semana, alm de realizar os exercicios online. No final tero sido 23 semanas de reviso e voc estar apto a se comunicar com qualquer francfono.No h subdivises de nveis. Ao contrrio: voc comea pelo fim, falando em francs e vai voltando para as premissas de base. Isso promove uma maior autoconfiana em si prprio e quebra paradigmas de que o curso deve ser feito em longos e interminveis anos. Seria como uma grande imerso num pas francfono, onde voc comea por tentar falar, ainda que no domine todas as regras.Esse mtodo garantido por mim e caso voc no aprenda nada eu devolvo seu investimento financeiro. As nicas trs condies para avancar so: 1) Assistir todo o curso; 2) Realizar todos os exerccios online; 3) Conversar com francfonos atravs de aplicativos online ou no seu entorno.H 11 anos eu utilizo esse mtodo e ele infalvel! Todos os meus alunos que seguiram as trs regras acima falaram francs em 6 meses, alem de obterem sucesso nos exames de DELF, DALF, TCF e nas provas de francs para o concurso de admisso carreira de diplomata (CACD).Trata-se de acreditar em si prprio e avancar com confiana nesse mtodo comprovado por centenas de alunos.Abaixo seguem os tpicos explorados nesse curso: Les phonmes Les groupes verbaux Les partitifs Les temps verbaux Le pass compos Les verbes auxiliaires Le plus-que-parfait Le grondif Limpratif Les verbes impersonnels Le sujet indtermin Les pronoms Y et EN Les prpositions gographiques Le et le A Les prpositions en franais Les pronoms indirects toniques Les pronoms possessifs Les prpositions de lieu Voici et Voil Les prpositions de temps Les chiffres en franais Les pronoms dmonstratifs Les pronoms relatifsSeja muito bem-vindo/a ao nosso curso de francs magique! Contem comigo para o que precisarem atravs das mensagens na Udemy, pelo e-mail:, e por meio do meu Instagram @francais_magique"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |