Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to teach online when you might not be ready" |
"You will learn basic, free ways to enhance online instruction from using Google Classrooms to how to record videos for your students. Pedagogy for effective instruction is also provided. This course is great for beginners just looking to take their teaching online but it also includes resources for those that might be not so new."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bulank Mantk(Fuzzy Logic) Uygulamas-Zaman serisi analizi" |
"Bulank Mantk(Fuzzy Logic) Uygulamas-Zaman serisi analizi Bulank mantn temeli bulank kme ve alt kmelere dayanr. Klasik yaklamda bir varlk ya kmenin elemandr ya da deildir. Matematiksel olarak ifade edildiinde varlk kme ile olan yelik ilikisi bakmndan kmenin eleman olduunda ""1"", kmenin eleman olmad zaman ""0"" deerini alr. Bulank mantk klasik kme gsteriminin geniletilmesidir. Bulank varlk kmesinde her bir varln yelik derecesi vardr. Varlklarn yelik derecesi, (0, 1) aralnda herhangi bir deer olabilir ve yelik fonksiyonu M(x) ile gsterilir .Bulank Mantk(Fuzzy Logic) Uygulamas Video Eitimde neler var?Bulank mantn temelini rneklere anlattktan sonra Mamdani ve Takagi-Sugeno karm Yntemlerini anlatlyor ve Matlab programnda nasl uygulayabiliriz gsteriliyor daha sonra Uyarlamal Sinirsel Bulank karm Sisteminin (ANFIS) nedir ve nasl uygulayabiliriz bir rnekle gsteriliyor en sonunda Zaman Serisi Analizi ANFIS model ile tahmin yaplyor."
Price: 229.99 ![]() |
"Parack Sr Optimizasyonu (PSO) MATLAB Kod Yazm" |
"Learning how to write particle swarm optimization(PSO) codes in MatlabPSO ku veya balk srsnn davranlarn benzetir. Bir alanda rasgele yiyecek arayan bir ku grubunun olduunu ve arama yaplan alanda yalnzca bir para yiyecek olduunu varsayalm. Kularn hibiri yiyecein nerede olduunu bilmesin. Bu durumda en iyi strateji nedir?Video ierii: PSO Algoritmann-Tarihesi-Tanm-Temel Kavramlar anlatlyor.PSO Algoritmann Matlabda kod yazm ve uygulamas (kod yazarken her satrda kullanlan komutlar anlatlyor.)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Mtodo Adeus Emprego" |
"Empreender no fcil e nem para qualquer um, para isto necessrio ter disciplina, foco, resilincia e, acima de tudo, perseverana. Imagina agora empreendendo no Brasil, um pas onde a carga tributria uma das maiores do mundo! Realmente precisa ter um incentivo especial, mas quanto maior as dificuldades, maior ser nosso crescimento, portanto...Este mtodo foi criado para possibilitar que voc saia do seu emprego atual para abrir seu prprio negcio, ou caso j tenha um, vai aprender como alavanc-lo, possibilitando crescimento exponencial a cada ano. Ele foi feito tambm para quem funcionrio pblico e se sente preso (a). Aqui, voc ver que possvel obter a liberdade de trabalhar com o que voc realmente gosta. Basta seguir os ensinamentos e fazer as tarefas para que pratique o que est sendo proposto...Apesar da resistncia sobre a ""Falsa segurana"" os funcionrios pblicos tambm podero faz-lo, e logo que estiver lucrando mais em seus negcios do que em seu emprego, podero optar por ser o prprio patro. Este mtodo funciona at mesmo para voc, que ajudante numa industria, ou auxiliar de limpeza e est consado (a) de trabalhar muito e ganhar pouco e quer mudar de vida. Mas tambm foi criado para aqueles que j so especialistas, possibilitando que contrua seu prprio negcio partir do zero, comeando com aquilo que voc j conhece, pois partimos do princpio de que, se voc sabe fazer para seu chefe, voc tambm poder fazer para seu negcio! Mostra que possvel passar de empregado empregador utilizando-se de tcnicas elaboradas pelo Consultor de Negcios Vitrio Santos, um Advogado, Escritor e Empreendedor Digital que j teve mais de 4 tipos de negcios diferentes e hoje, ele atua especialmente pela internet, com produtos digitais, escrevendo livros e atuando como co-fundador de novos projetos, alm de disponibilizar diversos produtos para que seus alunos possam ser afiliados e para que tambm possam lucrar junto com a equipe. Vitrio entende que, para que haja sucesso em tudo que faz, necessrio que todos saiam ganhando numa relao e ele far o possvel para que isto acontea! Se voc ainda no abriu um negcio, est na hora de repensar no assunto e aprender com quem j atua no mercado, mesmo com todas as crises que assolam nosso pas, ser um empregado no a melhor escolha! #empreenderparacorajosos At.te. Vitrio Santos - Advogado, Escritor e Empreendedor Digital"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Formation Professionnelle EXCEL Perfectionnement" |
"Excel est un vritable outil de gestion permettant danalyser et danticiper les rsultats de lentreprise, et de faire des statistiques sous forme des tableaux ou des graphiques simplifis et analysablesCette Formation est faite purement pour vous afin de vous permettre de devenir oprationnel et autonome sur Excel en utilisant les Fonctions et Formules avances d'Excel, Perfectionner vos Tableaux de bord laide de tableaux et Graphiques Croiss Dynamiques, les Options danalyses de donnes et les GraphiquesLa Formation est organise comme suit:Introduction et Prsentation d'Excel (3 Cours)Fonctionnalits d'Analyse de donnes et Dynamisme de Classeur Excel (6 Cours)Fonctions et Formules Excel (Simple) (4 Cours)Fonctions et formules de calcul avances (7 Cours)Astuces et bonnes Pratiques Utiles (4 Cours)Prparer les tableaux de bord via les Tableaux et Graphiques croiss Dynamiques (6 Cours)Etudes de Cas (3 Cours)NB: Chaque cours dispose d'un cas Pratique.Alors inscrivez! vous ne regretterez jamais, c'est un travail de 12 ans d'exprience :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) Practice Exams" |
"The practice tests cover all three domains as per the latest CLAD-2017 preparation guide. NamelyHardware (10% of exam questions)LabVIEW Programming Environment (25% of exam questions)LabVIEW Programming Fundamentals (50% of exam questions)Programming Best Practices (15% of exam questions)What's included in this practice examThere are 6 practice exams with 345 unique questions.Practice exams follow the official blueprint and topic areas.You can take the test as many times as you like.You can pause the test at any time and resume later.If time runs out, you can still complete the test.After completing the test, you will see the result immediately."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"62-193 MCE - Technology Literacy for Educators - Practice" |
"Note: One of my student passed this exam successfully today (16/04/2020). There's lots of reading to do, if you read & understand the link I have given you'll pass successfully.MCE Technology Literacy for Educators Practice Exam (62-193)The Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) certification validates that educators have the global educator technology literacy competencies needed to provide a rich, custom learning experience for students. MCE certification is ideal for educators-in-training, faculty of teacher training colleges, and in-service educators.Microsoft offers a comprehensive e-learning curriculum, 21CLD, to help educators prepare for this rigorous exam.Skills measuredFacilitate student collaborationFacilitate skilled communicationFacilitate self-regulationFacilitate real-world problem solving and innovationFacilitate student use of Information and Communication Tools (ICT)Use ICT to be an effective educator"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python:Corona Virs Veri Analizi ile Yapay Zeka iin Python" |
"Dijital amzda en ok kullanlan programlama dili olan Python hep birlikte kefedelim. Python ile sadece bir programlama dilini renmeyeceksiniz, nesne tabanl programlamann mantn kavrayarak Java, C++, PHP, JavaScript gibi birok programlama diline kolaylkla hkim olabileceksiniz. Yapacamz veri analizi uygulamalar ile Yapay Zek dnyasna ilk adm atacaksnz. Gnmzde insanln karlat en byk problem olan Corona virs salgnn, veriler zerinden inceleyerek salgn hastalk hakknda matematiksel analizler yapacaz. zelikle Corona virsn, Trkiye iin etkilerine ayrntl bir ekilde inceleyerek, veri grselletirmeleri ile grafikler oluturacaz. Sizde kresel lekte projeler gelitirmek istiyorsanz doru kurstasnz.Kurs ile renecekleriniz1)Blm sonlarnda yapacamz yazlm altrmalar ile yazlm yeteneiniz geliecektir.2)Her blmn sonunda yapacanz snav ile kendi yeterliliinizi test etme imkann yakalayacaksnz.3) Her derste onlarca rnek yaparak yalnzca kod yazmayacaz, programlamann mantalitesini kavrayacaksnz.4)Derslerin koduna ve dokmantasyonuna eriim salayarak srekli renme yetkinliine sahip olacaksnz.Kurs erii Python Veri Yaplar Koul fadeleri Dng Yaplar Fonksiyonlar Decorator Fonksiyonlar Gml Fonksiyonlar Hata Yakalama ve stisnalar Dosya lemleri Nesne Tabanl Programlama(OOP) Modller SQLite Veritaban Iterator-Generator Data Analysis with Numpy Coronavirus Data Analysis with Pandas Coronavirus Data Visualization with Matplotlib"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Plantas Medicinais" |
"Os avanos registrados pela medicina e pela indstria farmacutica com o passar dos anos foram notveis. Justamente por isso, gratificante ver o espao que tratamentos naturais a base de plantas medicinais tem ainda hoje. No presente curso iremos muito alm de apontar qual ch bom para o que (alis, voc sabia que o termo ch est, na maior parte das vezes, incorreto???); discutiremos alguns temas transversais com relao s plantas medicinais, bem como teremos noes das principais cincias envolvidas com o estudo srio destas espcies. Pronto para comear?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Docker for Beginner - Learn Docker Ecosystem From Scratch" |
"Docker software is very famous technology today. It is also one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to software development, operations, systems architecture, testing and compliance practices.Docker is becoming a must tool for developers. the Dockers approach gives you the opportunity to work without any need of dependencies. Docker allows developers to focus on the things which actually matters without worrying about the environment where the application runs.What is this course about:This course covers all the fundamentals about Docker software and teach you everything you need to know about deploying modern applications with Docker software.Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud.This course introduces Docker to an absolute beginner and is designed for beginners in DevOps using really simple and easy to understand course. Courses are explained by demos showing how to setup and get started with Docker. The coding exercises that accompany this course will help you practice Docker commands and developing your own images using Dockerfiles and practice Docker Compose. In the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Docker software and general DevOps skills to help you to apply the right docker workflow and continuously deliver better solution.What will you learn from this course:Some of the main course highlights:Run your own containers on the command line with Docker.Build your own container images with Dockerfiles.Compose multicontainer applications with Docker Compose.Update containers dynamically with volumes.Create private networks for Docker containers.Persist data across containers with mounts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cara Mudah Belajar MS Project 2016 Basic - Intermediate" |
"Pelatihan dan workshop e-learning ini memberikan pengetahuan dan keahlian cara cepat dan mudah kepada peserta untuk menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Project 2016 dalam pelaksanaan suatu proyek untuk semua bidang seperti IT, Teknik, Manajemen dan lainnya. Memahami fungsi dan fitur-fitur Microsoft Project sebagai perangkat lunak dalam penjadwalan proyek, persiapan perencanaan, input tugas atau aktifitas kerja, durasi waktu, mengatur sumber daya hingga input anggaran dan pelaporan dalam suatu proyek.E-learning dilakukan dengan komposisi 10% pemahaman terhadap konsep dan teori inti dan 90% untuk video praktek online komputer dan workshop menggunakan Microsoft Project 2016. Pelatihan dilengkapi dengan tampilan slide presentasi dan video demonstrasi online tahapan penggunaan aplikasi agar mudah difahami dan berjalan lancar. Partisipasi aktif peserta diharapkan dalam bentuk tugas / latihan individu."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Emocional Aplicada em Gerenciamento de Projetos" |
"Neste curso estudaremos as boas prticas da Inteligncia emocional, aplicada no ambiente do Gerenciamento de Projetos. Passando pela conceituao da Inteligncia Emocional, at chegar aos grandes pilares da Inteligncia Emocional.O objetivo capacitar o profissional a administrar emoes de pessoas envolvidas em projetos. A meta aprimorar o desempenho da equipe, em busca dos melhores resultados."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Autism & Socialising - The Girl With The Curly Hair" |
"Learning outcomes:By the end of this course, you will understand:what social challenges autistic people havehow to support autistic people to have better social experienceshow to help autistic people manage friendshipshow introversion and extroversion affects autistic peoplehow social anxiety might be different for autistic peoplehow to help autistic people feel less anxious during social situationswhat 'masking' is, how it affects autistic people, and how to help autistic people avoid maskinghow autistic people can communicate their social difficulties to othersAudience:This course is suitable for:Anyone working with autistic adults or autistic childrenParents and carersAutistic individualsCourse content:Pre-learning questionnaire: You complete an online survey before you begin learning in the module.Narrated presentation: You watch, read and listen to the learning materials.Animations: Unique, charming, sweet animations based around the central character, The Girl With The Curly Hair, and her experiences of socialising in different situations.Visuals and infographics: No plain writing!Questions: Answer questions to check your understanding along the way.Notes: Print a set of summary course notes for your records.This course was written, created and narrated by autistic author and founder of The Curly Hair Project, Alis Rowe."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"A Practical Guide To Learn Angular From Scratch" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning AngularJs which is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . it is a Javascript framework or a library which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will learn all basics in less than one hour you will get a very good grip on topics in AngularJs . By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of AngularJs and you will be able to code in AngularJs on your own"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C++ Course For Complete Beginner" |
"C++ is one of the most popular and most complete programming language which is not only a major enhancement to the language C, but an enhancement which stood the test of time. The current course aims at teaching this course to a novice user in a way that from the very first minute the learner starts writing the program, without learning too much theory.It explores basics of programming with competency to C++ with inclusion of the header files to the usage of various statements and functions within the program codes."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Java Beginner's Bootcamp 2020" |
"You will learn basics of programming in Java - how to work with variables, data types, loop control, arrays, methods and at the end of the course will be a quick glance to the object oriented programming. After you finish this course, you will know the basics of Java programming and you will be able to write a small Java application."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"The JavaScript Crash Course" |
"Anyone who want to learn web development then JavaScript is an essential things to learn. there is a lot of potential jobs outside for JavaScript. So,when you start learning this course. it will give you a very sound basics in JavaScript. At the end of course you will know how to Validate Form elements in webpages using JavaScript. Anyone who want to learn web development can enroll for this course as this is a very beginner level course. it is very easy to learn if you devote some amount of time for it and constantly practice the topics which we discussed in this course"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Venditori Top:la chiave del TUO successo" |
"Il corso affronta le tematiche di chi quotidianamente in front office con il Cliente. Aiuta a risolvere le problematiche pi comuni ed insegna le metodologie teoriche e pratiche di sviluppo di una vendita di sicuro successo. Implementa le fondamentali nozioni che costruiscono le fasi di una vendita contribuendo alla formazione specifica indispensabile in un contesto 4.0 del mondo della vendita diretta vincendo sul crescentemondo online."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning applied to manufacturing processing" |
"In this course, you are going to learn how to develop a machine learning project to solve real-world problems that you can find in the manufacturing area.You will learn the more practical and useful algorithms that can help you to do predictions and work with big data.If you are not familiar with machine learning and manufacturing, don't worry, because, in this course, you will learn the necessary to understand these manufacturing areas and machine learning thinking, so easily you will apply these techniques to this field.And as we know, the best way to learn is making, so we will develop a project using python, in which we are going to analyze a real production power plant and we are going to develop different machine learning in order to predict the production of electricity based on various variables.So, get started in machine learning with this amazing course and start to learn a bit about how machine learning can improve the manufacturing world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Enter IT in English" |
"Discover how to enter the job market and proceed in your IT career, learn basic question types and phrases to communicate with HR, team lead and colleagues effectively.Skills you will acquire:The course consists of 4 modules:1.Career development - you will learn how to enter the job market, write resume and cover letter, discover questions which are generally asked at the job interview.2.Communication with HR - you will find out basic question types and phrases to speak about salary, everyday routine, schedule, being late, sick leave and maternity leave and vacation.3.Communication with team lead - you will learn phrases to communicate about current and general tasks, work performance, deadlines and career promotion.4.Communication with colleagues - you will find out how to ask for help and what to answer if you are asked to help; how to say ""No""; phrases to speak about distribution of work; what to ask during coffee breaks, smoke breaks, birthdays and company parties. You will also discover how to present yourself at a networking event, phrases to use during a skype call and tips for writing business emails.Structure of the course:Totally there are 26 video lessons in the course. There are useful phrases to read and repeat below every video. Each module finishes with the overview video lesson and test (4 modules = 4 tests). The last video is the course overview, after which you are welcome to complete the final test, write your review about the course and get a certificate."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Msica" |
"Total de 74 videoaulas com mais de 8 Horas de gravao e contedo de teoria musical abordando o aprendizado da Introduo a msica e instrumentos, englobando praticamente todo o contedo necessrio para o incio da vida musical e da estruturao musical (escalas maiores menores e intervalos etc...). Nesse curso voc ter contedos vitais para o conhecimento bsico da teoria musical.Esse curso vai te levar do nvel bsico ao intermedirio te dando toda base para iniciar sua carreira no mundo da msica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Scrum with Kanban Practice test" |
"The Course is a set of question and explanation inspired by the Scrum guide and the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams itself.This will help you to better understand the Scrum Guide and the Kanban guide for Scrum teams become effective servant leader.It may help you to pass the PSK I or any other globally recognized certification exams. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum. org or Scrum Alliance."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"User Story Mapping - mapowanie historii uytkownika" |
"Praca z wymaganiami moe by niesamowit przygod, w trakcie ktrej odkryjesz wiele nowych, innowacyjnych rozwiza. Podaj za opowieci, jak maj do przekazania Twoi uytkownicy. Zbieraj te treci i buduj z nich czytelne oraz logicznie spjne mapy historii uytkownikw. Ten kurs jest o tym jak nie da si przygnie setkom stron nudnej dokumentacji analitycznej. O tym jak pracowa zwinnie i kreatywnie oraz dostarcza wysokiej jakoci produkty na rynek."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Corso di fotografia con lo smartphone" |
"In questo video corso avrai a disposizione tutti gli strumenti per imparare a fare foto professionali.Ti insegner in maniera molto semplice e intuitiva cos' la luce e come sfruttarla al meglio utilizzando anche regole compositive per dare un tocco personale alle tue foto.In pi ho creato per te una sezione extra con un mini corso di videomaking, ti torner utile per fare video accattivanti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Eberick Basic" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender a elaborar projetos estruturais em concreto armado no software Eberick de acordo com as diretrizes vigentes na ABNT NBR 6118. necessrio que o aluno possua o software instalado em seu computador para acompanhar as aulas, podendo utilizar a verso demonstrativa que totalmente gratuita, sendo adquirida no site do fornecedor. Durante o curso ser elaborado um projeto estrutural de uma Edificao Comercial em Concreto Armado."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Improviso na prtica!" |
" O curso de guitarra/violo Improviso na prtica, conta com aulas objetivas focadas no exerccio da sua criatividade, abrangendo estudantes de nvel iniciante a intermedirio. Se voc pretende conhecer melhor o brao do seu instrumento, improvisar com conscincia e liberdade, este curso para voc!!! Vasculhando e revisitando meus estudos dos ltimos dez anos, escolhi a dedo esses materiais, que se estudados com disciplina, vo colocar seu improviso na guitarra e violo em um nvel elevado. Ideias em que voc vai sempre estar utilizando, independente de onde ou o que voc toque, esses recursos so realmente versteis, faa bom proveito!!!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"[2020 Edition] Korean Consonants+Vowels for Beginners" |
"[GRD KOREAN with Ji - Course 1 of Level 1]This course is about learning Korean consonants and vowels.You will learn,1. Basic consonants & Basic vowels2. Double consonants & Combined vowels3. Vowel positions4. '79 words' to practice consonants & vowels5. Reading and Writingand more.I designed very practical, informal and casual course so that you can enjoy learning Korean with easiness.Thank you for visiting and I will see you in the course soon!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"E commerce Expert Dropshipping influencer" |
"Comment faire du Dropshipping avec les Influencer ?Que vous soyez dbutant ou avance, cette formation est faites pour VOUS !Nous allons vous montrer comment faire des chiffres incroyable en quelques semaines !Ce que vous allez acqurir :- Rechercher des produits Winner pour influencer- Avoir un site PROFESSIONNEL et OPTIMISER- Savoir choisir les MEILLEURS influencer - Savoir comment tre rentable en utilisant ce marketing- Apprendre SCALER jusqu' avoir des chiffre inimaginable (tre libre financirement) NOUS VOUS OFFRONS UN COACHING TLPHONIQUE DE 1 HEURES GRATUIT !!NOUS VOUS OFFRONS GALEMENT UN ACCOMPAGNEMENT PERSONNALIS PAR MAILS ILLIMITS PENDANT UN MOIS!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master your Health - Own your Space" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a stress- free, toxic-free environment at home, your office, even at school.Clutter creates a lot of stress without us being really aware of it. Removing clutter & replacing toxic products with natural ones to take care of your home is key to create the best environment for your home.You will learn how to declutter your place, how to start using toxic-free cleaning products & natural solutions to create a nice scented atmosphere at home. You will also learn what may be the emotional wounds you need to heal in order to prevent from coming back into your life once the decluttering process will have been done.Enjoy!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sports Psychology for Coaches 101" |
"This program will provide parents, as well as junior/intermediate, and senior level coaches with the critical concepts of Sports Psychology that can be DIRECTLY implemented with their young athletes between the ages of 10-16. Coaches will learn about the various tools and techniques that can help boost the confidence, limit stress and anxiety, increase the fun and joy of competing, as well as enhance the performance levels of their athletes. The skills and techniques provided to the parents and coaches who attend this program, are ones that will empower their athletes throughout their entire lifetime. This is a class that will help young athletes both on and off the field!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"IBM QRadar Administration" |
"IBM QRadar SIEM provides deep visibility into network, user, and application activity. It provides collection, normalization, correlation, and secure storage of events, flows, asset profiles, and vulnerabilities. QRadar SIEM classifies suspected attacks and policy violations as offenses.In this you learn how to perform the following tasks:Describe how QRadar SIEM collects data to detect suspicious activitiesDescribe the QRadar SIEM component architecture and data flowsNavigate the user interfaceInvestigate suspected attacks and policy breachesSearch, filter, group, and analyze security dataInvestigate the vulnerabilities and services of assetsUse network hierarchiesLocate custom rules and inspect actions and responses of rulesAnalyze offenses created by QRadar SIEM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |