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"How to get an IT Job- 4 essential skills that Employers seek" |
"Maybe working in that plush cool IT Job was your dream.Learn about the most important 4 skills that companies look for, in a candidate. (in 2020 and Beyond)These 4 skills are:1) Tech Skills2) Domain Skills3) Soft Skills4) Process SkillsIf you are not just knowledgeable, but wise and practical about these skills, you stand a good chance of getting an exceptional IT Job. No need to be afraid of things like - 'I don't have it in me'. All these skills are learnable and not born with.We lift the covers off these skills and get you involved in a tour of what and how these skills are acquired. In this course, you will get yourself acquainted with the following details1) Tech Skills (Java, Python, JavaScript)2) Domain Skills (Banking, Healthcare, Retail)3) Soft Skills (Attitude, Creativity, Communication)4) Process Skills (Agile, Scrum and Kanban, CMM and ISO)As you can see that the topics covered are a slice of what is out there, but nevertheless we have covered the important ones.Once you go through the course, you will have a good understanding of what is missing in your skillset and how to align yourself to learn the new skills that are very much in line with what companies seek. To acquaint yourself further, there are 52 resources attached along with this course. Do go through them to expand your understanding of these topics.Note that the course will give you a fair overview and can be a stepping stone towards your IT career.All the best in getting that dream job."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Project Management using Primavera P6" |
"Introduction to Planning and Scheduling. Project Scope Management according to PMBOK. Project Schedule Management according to PMBOK and PRACTICE STANDARD FOR SCHEDULING, including: Activity relationships Activity types Duration types Constraints Project Resources Management according to PMBOK, including: Creating Resource dictionaries Loading Resources Leveling Resources Creating Resource profiles Project Cost Management according to PMBOK. Creating Cash-Flow diagrams. Creating Resource Codes, Project Codes and Activity Codes. Project Updating. Creating Reports. Printing and Presentations. All Other Program Features."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"2020 Millennial Course Healthy Balanced Habits" |
"Set Your Healthy Habits for a balanced life!Habits are a widely proven way to boost productivity. Though, it has also be researched that setting blindly habits can be counter-effective. In this course, we help you to set healthy habits. What do others say over setting habits?Vince Lombardi: Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.Stephen Covey: Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.Colin Powell: If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.Did you know?Research from Duke University clarifies the importance of setting habits in our lives. They state that 40% of what we do is determined by habits. This suggests that setting the right habits is of paramount importance if we want to live in line with what we envision in life.Hello. It's Amplio.We want to help you to make the most our of life. You owe it the world to be your happy self. Because the happier you are, the happier the world is. Let us show you how we envision life and how we can help. Just straight from the heart. No pompous and overexcited stuff. Just genuine. That's Amplio!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Facebook Ads & Marketing Course - All in 1" |
"Get Complete Knowledge step by step of Facebook Ads. Social Media Marketing, SEO, YouTube, Facebook Marketing, Analytics & More. Join Today. Also You will Learn How to Increased CONVERSIONS VIA FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM ADS.This is my Best out of Bestselling Facebook Marketing & Social Media Marketing and Ads course on Udemy. Start from Today and Become Social Media and Facebook Marketing Expert."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Anti-bullying Guide for Kids" |
"Explore robust effective ways to prevent bullying among young children. Last updated 17 March 2020The magic combo: Martial Arts & Reading - a great way to learn and teach:To help teachers and educators raise awareness and effectively change behavior among young children, this course uses a variety of teaching methods:1. The power of storytelling - using 2 picture books to instill values of courage, self-belief and respect in tackling bullies2. Martial Arts strategies - 5 non-violent ways to deal with bullies at school or in the playground3. Standing tall - take charge of your life, moving from victim to empowered4. Importance of respect - learning the life skill of respect and self-respect1. StorybooksFun rhyming picture books with characters the children can relate to.Jack's RoarJack may be small but he has a mighty ROAR. Follow Jack and cheer him on as he not only defeats the bullies, but opens their eyes to a new way of thinking and being. Help your child find their roar!Kiki the Kung Fu KittenA shy little kitten faces the challenge of living with bully-baddie Banjo. Using her powers of compassion, understanding and self-belief she teaches him a lesson or two in the ways of empathy and friendship. Let Kiki empower your child to believe in themselves and help take the bite out of bullies.2. The ""bully-busting"" program for kids provides 5 proven self-defence techniques kids can use at school or in the playground:Non-violent techniques based on the ancient laws of Martial Arts. System devised by Master James Hudson, Owner of AIM Martial Arts & Leadership Academy.2.1 Avoid2.2 Block2.3 Divert2.4 Evade2.5 Battle cry3. How do you show up?The importance of owning who you are. How you appear to others may be making you an easy target. Help your child stand tall and use the powerful Law of Attraction to ease bullies out of their life for good.4. RespectLearning life skills at a young age is essential. One of the most important ones is that of Respect - both for others and yourself. Follow a simple reward system to help your child adopt the mindset of Respect and all its benefits (other LIfe Skills, see A Positive Start)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"E-Ticaret Sitelerinin Olmazsa Olmazlar %100 Deneyim Srlar" |
"Srdrlebilir veya yeni kurulan bir alt yap sonras, ele alnmas gereken noktalar gzden karabiliriz. Bunlar ciddi seviyede ciro kaybna neden olacatr. E-Ticaret iinde bulunduunuz ynetiminde, listeleme, revelance, rn karlama, hiyera, banner ynetimi ve arama motorlarn ieren harika bir eitim sizleri bekliyor. zellikle hzlca alabileceiniz revizeler, sre ynetiminde size ok fayda salayacak. Detaylarn ince bir ekilde aktarld bu eitimin ok faydal olacana inanyorum."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI Desktop Masterclass pour les Dbutants" |
"Microsoft Power BI est aujourd'hui le leader du march des solutions Business Intelligence en libre-service (Quadrant Magique de Gartner, fvrier 2020).Il ne fait aucun doute que matriser un outil comme Power BI cette poque o le rgne de la ""Data"" est son apoge savrera, sur tous les plans, tre une comptence distinctive cruciale.Cette formation sur Power BI est l'une des trs rares proposes en Franais Wilfried A. : En toute franchise, c'est un rel plaisir de suivre ce cours: - Trs bien structur - Formateur pdagogue, l'coute et ractif, mme sur des questions qui ne sont pas abordes dans ce cours J'ai connu PowerBI en 2016, mais je ne l'ai utilis qu'environ 3 mois, et pendant la dure du cours, j'ai regrett de ne pas m'tre beaucoup plus intress cet outil en 2016.Samaad A. : Trs bonne formation. J'ai vraiment apprci la clart des explications, les exemples, l'accompagnement pas pas. Je recommande!Eric P. : Jai commenc la formation sur mon pc qui a t suivie galement sur lapplication mobile . Je nai pas eu de problme et les sessions sont courtes et bien expliques et dtailles . Le formateur est clair dans les explications quil donne pour suivre les coursAvec prs de 8 heures de contenu, vous serez capables l'issu de cette formation de conduire un projet de conception de rapports et tableaux de bord (reporting) de A Z dans Power BI Desktop. Cela implique que vous serez en mesure de :D'importer les donnes provenant de multiple sources de donnes dans Power BI DesktopNettoyer et transformer cette donne brute dans l'diteur de requtes Power Query Crer votre modle de donnes en mettant vos diffrentes de donnes en relation entre-ellesEnrichir votre modle de donnes en crant des informations nouvelles par le biais de Colonnes Calcules et de MesuresComprendre les rudiments du puissant langage DAX (Data Analysis eXpression)Mettre en oeuvre les meilleurs techniques d'laboration de tableaux de bord et rapportCe cours allie les concepts thoriques cls la pratique puisqu'il est bas sur la ralisation d'un projet complet, et contient ce titre :Un support pdfDes fichiers de travail tlchargeablesDes dmosDes quizzzDes devoirs"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn C# for Beginners" |
"Have you always wanted to learn a programming language but thought it was too hard? Think again because this course is for you! There has never been a better time to learn C# programming.The content in this course is delivered in a slow-paced yet clear and concise manner. As your instructor, I have carefully designed this course to build your knowledge in step-by-step tutorials. This course includes a range of coding exercises to both challenge you and reinforce the skills you learn. In addition, I work through the solution to each coding exercise in detail.C# is a fantastic choice for a first programming language. Why? Because it relatively easy to learn, and it is well-supported by Microsoft and open source contributors.When you are just starting to learn programming, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with too much information. That is why you should not try and learn everything at once.In this course you will learn basic to intermediate coding skills in C# . You will also gain a solid foundation and understanding of the C# programming language.You don't need anything to start the course. We will start from absolute zero. I show you how to install Visual Studio and this is where we will write and execute the code from.Once you learn the fundamentals of C# and programming with the .NET framework, you'll have lots of options in front of you. As long as you know the fundamentals well, switching to a different technology stack is easy to do."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coronavirus - How to Fight it!" |
" This course provides the best known preventative measures to deploy. You will find much to aid you on this research based course that also investigated optional sources. Provided are nine downloadable and printable hand-outs including a multi-page Q&A to answer your questions and a resource sheet for further sources of reliable info. It tells how to recognize it and distinguish it from other illnesses. If you have it, youll learn how to prevent spreading it to your loved ones. You wil learn a few things that help treat the symptoms and maybe hasten its departure and to learn what you need to know on when to end your quarantine. Also in the course is a description of what it is, how it is contracted, symptoms and how to distinguish from other illnesses. How to recognize cabin fever during your time stuck at home and things to do to keep the isolated and bored feelings at bay and what to do for the kids. Also covered are what to use and how & what to clean and disinfect including things you may not have considered whether it's in prevention or quarantine of yourself and others."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Moroccan Hammam Or Moroccan Spa At Your Own Home" |
"In this course, I introduce students to the rituals of Moroccan Hammam or Moroccan Spa. I show them step by step how they can perform the Moroccan Hammam at the comfort of their own home.I show them the materials they need to have, in order to experience this unique and exotic treatment , that has endless benefits for the body , the skin and the mind."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NR0-015 Teradata Design Architecture V2R5 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) For what two reasons were the primary index Partitione (PPI) should be considered on the table? (Choose two.)a) to eliminate areas of data values from the query, thereby reducing the scanning timeb) faster response times, putting all the data in the same section at the same AMPc) reducing the number of I / O required for processing questionsd) In order to reduce the number of columns in a table, which is necessary for most issuesQ) As the availability of the system is guaranteed in case of failure node in MPP environment with multiple nodes of a bunch?a) AMP on the failed node migrate to other nodes in the clique.b) The remaining components migrate to alternative mice.c) Raid groups belonging to the AMP nodes necessarily closed.d) Raid groups belonging to the node failure AMP switch to AMP have already run on the remaining nodes in the clique.e) NoneQ) Relatively fixed load two statements is correct? (Choose two.)a) no magazineb) support NUSIs but USIc) no secondary index on the target tabled) loads duplicate rows from table multisetQ) Which of the following apply to non partitioned primary index (NPPI) tables when determining the size of the string in Teradata? (Choose two.)a) two bytes for a variable length of placementb) eight bytes per line for ROWIDc) two bytes per line for the line lengthd) one byte column to compresse) four bytes for the primary index"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-238 EBS R12 Install Patch Maintain Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ)Three of which are correct definitions of objects in the Oracle Applications data? (Choose three.)a) Hybrid object contains a materialized view objects and to store and process data.b) code objects contain Index package, PL / SQL and Java objects stored proceduresc) Data objects include tables, indexes and a sequence index and table objects organized.d) Hybrid object contains / package PL SQL and Java stored procedures, as well as process data objects.e) code objects contain a trigger, PL / SQL package, Java stored procedures, synonyms and view objects.Q) AD schema task management tools Compile APPS such problems Validate APPS Schedule"", except that instead of simply producing a list of invalid objects with an invalid object with several workers in an attempt to move them back to an acceptable state of the object. This task is usually triggered when the user packets travel in the APPS schema and during the upgrade process. Function Compile APPS Schedules"" can be switched to collect all items, or only invalid objects. Choose three correct advantage of using this data. (Choose three.)a) increase the run time performance in these applicationsb) corrects all corrupted schedule packet headers and bodyc) find a really spoiled things before users receive an error message at run timed) allows a new user or patches package immediately verifiedQ) Which three statements about the use of the file context right? (Choose three.)a) This is the file system configuration.b) It must be edited manually using a text editor.c) It is stored in Oracle Applications Manager schedule (OAM).d) It can be downloaded from the Oracle Applications Manager (OAM).e) He created Rapid Installation using auto-tuning during installation and updates.f) It stores all information required to configure an Oracle Applications instance.Q) Choose two statements are true for Auto patch running in test mode. (Choose two.)a) This is due to all executable files.b) He does not put the patch history.c) He reads and verifies patch driver file.d) This creates some forms, reports, PL / SQL library or menu files.e) It copies all the files from the patch to the installation site."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Your program has 121 parties that you need to communicate with. Your plan determines the communication control how the message should be done, what needs to be transferred, and the expected modality of communication. You also need one of the following as a contribution to the process of dissemination of information in the program?a) change requestsb) Value Management Earned resultsc) Plan Stakeholder Analysisd) Results ~~ POS = Trunc reports ~~ POS = HEAD COMPe) NoneQ) What is the formula for determining the earned value (EV) for the program?a) The percentage of the total percentage of time remaining in the programb) The percentage of time culminating in the program costc) The percentage of the total time budget for completion of the programd) The percentage of the total time for the program costs for labor and materialse) NoneQ) Olive is the program manager for its organization. She created a request for proposals for a significant part of their program. This work should be purchased, she set a number of requirements for suppliers to participate. Advanced among these requirements is the supplier must have at least four certified electrician in his team. This requirement is four certified electrician is an example of some of the following conditions?a) screening systemb) scoring systemc) Analysis of claims Supplierd) Evalutionskriteriee) NoneQ) You program manager for your organization. Management asks you to create a document that will capture stakeholder issues, perceived threats and the specific objectives of the program and its projects. What is Document Management asks you to create in this case?a) claim documentb) project planc) business cased) statemente) None"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Escritura de proyectos de investigacin paso a paso" |
"En este curso voy a compartir informacin prctica sobre cmo elaborar un proyecto desde el ttulo hasta los anexos, desde la primera pgina hasta la ltimaY lo har de forma prctica, veremos qu contenido debe incluir en cada seccin de su documento, cul es el propsito de cada una de las secciones, compartir tambin con usted los errores ms frecuentes para poder evitarlos. Y adems le dar algunas sugerencias que darn ms calidad a su proyectoCuando usted acabe el curso va a saber qu contenido debe elaborar en cada seccin de su proyecto desde el principio hasta el finalIncluso tendr una lista de tareas y un cronogramaSi est haciendo un proyecto de investigacin, si quiere avanzar en su carrera profesional y sobre todo si no quiere seguir el ao que viene en el mismo punto que est ahora, con las mismas dudas le invito a inscribirse y comenzamos a trabajar."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Como Aumentar Suas Vendas Adicionais?" |
"Aumente as vendas da sua loja, fazendo mais vendas adicionais!Prepare agora a sua equipe para aumentar as vendas para cada cliente. Isso pode ser mais fcil do que voc imagina!Ns mostramos em detalhes o que fazem e como fazem OS SUPER VENDEDORES para vender o mximo que cada cliente pode comprar!Um treinamento rpido e a distncia, direto para vendedores que precisam aumentar as suas vendas para cada cliente!Falado em ""LOJS"". A linguagem prtica das lojas.Prepare Agora a Sua Equipe para VENDER MAIS!Voc treina em qualquer tela que tenha acesso a internet!Recebe o link e pronto! J pode comear o treinamento, que dura apenas 38 minutos. tudo muito rpido e prtico. O treinamento e os resultados!Centenas de lojistas satisfeitos j fizeram este mesmo curso com suas equipes e aumentaram as vendas de cada vendedor e de toda a loja.O que vai acontecer com a sua loja a partir do dia seguinte?Comeam a aumentar suas vendas para cada cliente;Aumentam as vendas de toda a sua loja;Melhoram a autoconfiana e a motivao da sua equipe;Sua loja comea a se transformar em uma LOJA SUPER VENDEDORA!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Como um Vendedor de Loja Pode Bater Metas Todos os Meses?" |
"Vendedor de loja precisa bater suas metas TODOS os meses!Voc tambm pode preparar TODOS os vendedores da sua equipe para isso!Ns mostramos em detalhes ""o que fazem"" e ""como fazem"" os SUPER VENDEDORES para baterem suas metas!Curso On Line e Objetivo! Para vendedores que tem dificuldades de bater suas metas de vendas.Falado em ""LOJS"". A linguagem prtica das lojas.Prepare Agora a Sua Equipe para VENDER MAIS!Voc treina em qualquer tela que tenha acesso a internet!Recebe o link e pronto! J pode comear o treinamento, que dura apenas 40 minutos. tudo muito rpido e prtico. O treinamento e os resultados!Centenas de lojistas satisfeitos j fizeram este mesmo curso com suas equipes e aumentaram as vendas de cada vendedor e de toda a loja.O que vai acontecer com a sua loja a partir do dia seguinte?Seus vendedores comeam a atingir suas metas dirias de vendas;Aumentam as vendas de toda a sua loja;Melhoram a autoconfiana e a motivao da sua equipe;Diminuem as queixas e as resistncias s mudanas;Sua loja comea a se transformar em um LOJA SUPER VENDEDORA!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"TE0-123 Teradata Physical Design Implement Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which three statements produce a result that includes data derived? (Choose three.)a) SELECTSUM (Salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary> 20000;b) SELECTDeptId, AVG (Salary) FROM Employee GROUP BY deptid;c) SELECTDeptId deptid FROM Employee GROUP BY ORDER BY SUM (Salary);d) SELECTEmpName, HireDate + 10 FROM Employee WHERE EmpId = 1,239,045;e) SELECTEmpName FROM Employee WHERE HireDate + 100> TerminationDate;Q) Which two statements are true about denormalization? (Pick one.)a) denormalized rows are likely to be tighter.b) Denormalisation may use re-defined groups.c) Aggregate join indexes are a ofdenormalization shape.d) The tables use compression can bedenormalized with fewer penalty.e) Denormalisation often introduces update anomalies in the database.Q) Which two statements are true when related Upis hashing? (Pick one.)a) A UPI search is performed based on the value.b) Two distinct UPI hash values will be different.c) Two different UPI values can have the same hash row.d) Tables with the same UPI will have identical distributions.Q) A great value in vendor table will be accessed using the Name column. Maximum lines for name is 50 and there are 100 lines per block in the table. What will improve the performance of queries that access the table with the column name?a) Partition by name.b) Put a USI on the Name column.c) Put a Nusi the Name column.d) Putting a value on the orderly Nusi Name column.Q) A query is retrieving data from two very large tables that have different primary indexes. What type of index could be used to optimize the query plan and redistribution of data processing and join avoid?a) hash indexb) multi-table join indexc) single table join indexd) Nusi composite on the columns join"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Stress Management & Inner Healing-Tips & Techniques" |
"Today stress is present in everyone's life with a feeling of emotional or physical tension .Some health problems related with stress are:DepressionAnxietySleep ProblemsHeart DiseaseThinking & Memory IssuesDigestive ProblemsSo the powerful antidote in 21st century is a unique technique which unites mind, body and soul.This course will show you how to get rid of stress and will also teach you to handle day to day stresses of life.Also you will become aware of stress, its consequences and eventually learn the process of STRESS MANAGEMENT. Control of mind is the key to life and results in happiness, hence it becomes important to understand the functioning of the mind and learn some useful methods to calm it down.This course contains simple techniques to condition the mind to overcome stress and learn ways for self-discipline.All over the world, people today are leading miserable lives due to presence of some kind of stress in their lives because of having too many ambitions and desires.In this course you will learn a new method of working in a relaxed background and will develop in you emotional stability.HAPPY LEARNING !!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"One Point Perspective" |
"I have been drawing since I can't remember. I believe that knowing the rules of perspective make a huge difference in our drawings whatever the media you use. This is the key of almost any drawings, sketches, paintings... This class is for designers and artists, or anyone interested in art. As I am passionate about it, I never got tired of learning perspective. I am still practicing every day and I would like to share with you all what I know. I will show everything step by step and answer all your questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chakra Healing & Balancing" |
"* Discover each chakra and symptoms of under or over-performing chakras* Tools for balancing and healing your chakras* Understand what issues manifest from blocked Chakras* Each chakra has its own beautiful meditation which can be performed at your own pace* Learn the physical and emotional connection of your Chakras* Be able to identify where the Chakra blockages are in your bodyAbout The AuthorThis course has been written by Anne-Marie Mayers Clapp.Hi, my name is Anne-Marie and I am so proud to say that every day when I wake up, I am grateful for my life.I have a business I love that speaks from the heart and Im lucky enough to get to help people create the same for themselves in their lives.Sounds great, doesnt it? But my life wasnt always this way and, of course, with every triumph there has to be tribulation, right?Im sure weve all experienced that at some point, the down that always comes before the up.So, what is that magic something that allows some people to navigate through the most difficult waters when others seem to simply give up and give in to life?You see, I learned from a very young age the power of the mind and Im so very grateful I did because I believe that it sparked something in me that would not only later save my life but also turn me into what I am today.When I take stock of how my life is now, its barely recognisable from living on the streets and being in care at the age of 11. Of bailing out of the education system and not being able to cope with life to now creating this loving, happy, abundant life and business for myself and my family.Through personal empowerment and learning about my own core issues, I can now look at myself as a mother and think, do you know what, youre doing the best you can!I can look at myself as a business owner and be proud of the authentic business I have created and the service it provides to others.And I can now look at myself as a woman and love and accept my body and flaws, express my own emotional wants and needs, and love myself no matter what.So, how do I do what I do, and more importantly, can I help you?The answer is undoubtedly yes because the answer lives inside each and every one of us.I believe we all have a light within us, our own unique spark of spiritual creation that has a right to fulfil itself and live according to its own Soul Truth.My life has been about experiencing love both positively and negatively. It has taken me down paths so painful I nearly abandoned my own baby because I thought I was so unlovable, I thought I was unworthy of him, that he deserved better than me. I thought I was unable to love or be loved.You see, statistically, for people like me, the odds of me achieving any kind of success were pretty slim. I was taken from my natural mother at two weeks old andplaced in an adoption institution. I was later adopted then placed back into care at age 11. I was a lost, vulnerable child who was so confused about life, love and who I actually was. My only defence or way to survive was to shut down emotionally and not feel.That said, I got on with life and eventually started my own business at 23. I was materially and financially, a never-ending supply of things that could fill me up momentarily. But deep down, I was so empty, so hurt, so unfulfilled and so desperate to feel something but I couldnt.The turning point came when I had my first child, who I am so proud of, yet he has no idea how he transformed my life. At first, I hit rock bottom as my fake world dissolved around me.I lost my husband, my business and my sanity all within a short space of time, but to this day, I thank God I did.Why? Because I got a real opportunity to ask myself, for the first time ever, who do I want to become?Through my own personal journey and pain, I can see the beauty in people who dont believe in themselves. I can see the strengths that lie beneath the suffering and it is my complete honour and purpose to work with these amazing and brave people to help them uncover their own greatness.Your Soul Has the Ability to HealMy life was changed forever after this experience and I worked hard on my self-development, seeing myself as my own project! I had to change the story I was telling myself of self-hate, worthlessness and rejection. It took a long time, but eventually, I began to like, love, accept and value the person I truly was, something I had never done before.In my early 30s, I discovered that there was so much more to life than what you are taught at school. I learnt more and more about spirituality and discovered that we are all spiritual beings. I had a profound life-changing experience during a Reiki session when I was pregnant and although I had had quite a few out of body and paranormal experiences in my childhood this confirmed to me we are not just our physical body. This experience set me off on a dedicated path to understanding the body, mind and spirit. I studied a variety of different spiritual techniques over the years; from Reiki, E.F.T [Emotional Freedom Technique] to Hypnotherapy I even studied BioMedicine, Naturopathy & Acupuncture and followed my passion to help myself and others. This is when the Soul Awakening Method really began."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Data Science -Statistics,Machine Learning & NLP-Python" |
"This Course is designed for Beginners to start learning/Understanding Data Science from the basics of Mathematics , Statistics, Machine Learning , NLP (Text Mining) & Deep Learning using Python Programming Language.I will be teaching everything from scratch for any person to learn all Data Science related topics in detail from Scratch including Multiple Use cases with hands-on. Also , Will be providing multiple use cases and Practical assignments Python Programming to Learn Machine Learning and Text Mining Etc.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Big Data(Spark) for Data ScienceMachine Learning &NLP" |
"This Course is designed for Beginners to start learning/Understanding Big Data & Data Science from the basics of Mathematics , Statistics, Machine Learning , NLP (Text Mining) & Deep Learning using Big Data technologies like Hadoop Spark/PySpark- MLib etc..I will be teaching everything from scratch for any person to learn all Data Science related topics in detail from Scratch including Multiple Use cases with hands-on. Also , Will be providing multiple use cases and Practical assignments for Spark Programming to Learn Machine Learning and Text Mining Etc.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda ERP TOTVS Protheus na Prtica - Faturamento" |
"Curso prtico voltado usurios e analistas que queiram conhecer mais rotinas do mdulo faturamento.Nesse treinamento abordamos as principais rotinas com exemplos prticos, dessa maneira acreditamos na maior fixao do contedo abordado.O curso est dividido entre cadastros, cenrios de vendas, movimentaes, integraes e relatrios.Na concluso abordamos a usabilidade do mdulo de maneira macro, sabendo quando utilizar cada uma das rotinas apresentadas.Venha conosco aprender com quem atende e entende ;)"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Android Materyal Tasarm + Kotlin Programlama Dili (2020)" |
"ncelikle kursumuz MEB Ortaretim Mobil Uygulamlar Dersinin btn kazanmlarn kapsayacak ekilde hazrland.Android mobil uygulama gelitirme srecinde Kotlin programlama dilini , temel seviyeden ileri seviyeye doru, alannda uzman retmenden reneceksiniz.Android Uygulamalar iin Materyal Tasarm gelitirmeyi renmek, Java ve Kotlin programlama dilleri ile uygulama iinde kullanmn renmek istiyorsanz, doru yerdesiniz. Udemy, EBA, ve Youtube zerinden Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme, Android Materyal Tasarm ve Kotlin programlama dili zerine eitim veriyorum. Ayn zamanda Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesinde Biliim Teknolojileri Alan retmeniyim. Uzun sredir mobil uygulama gelitirme zerine retmen ve rencilere eitim vermekteyim. Edindiim tecrbeleri sizinle paylamak adna Udemy EBA ve Youtube zerinden dersler yaynlyorum. rencilerim mobil uygulama gelitirirken, Kotlin programlama dilini ok rahat rendiler. Fakat materyal tasarm ksmnda zorluk yaadlar. nk ok fazla materyal tasarm elemanlar mevcut. Bunun zerine , Android uygulama gelitirirken, tasarm ksmnda kullanlan btn component, widgets, activity vb. btn bileenleri tek tek uygulama iinde kullanmn gsterdim. Bir szlk dnn unuttunuz kelimeyi, ap bakabileceiniz yapda bir kurs oldu. Google tarafndan 2014 ylnda gelitirilen materyal tasarm dili srekli gncelleniyor. Materyal tasarm ve Kotlin programlama dilini resmi kaynaklar zerinden dzenli takip ediyorum: Gelien teknolojiler olduunda, gerekli gncellemeleri kurs ierisine ekliyorum.Dinamik mobil uygulama gelitirmek isteyenler iin Android Materyal Tasarm + Kotlin programlama dili kurslar, sizler iin rehber niteliinde olacaktr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
kenmagic |
Price: 12600.00 ![]() |
senzokuyo |
"101000PARAMITACEO1 &2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"vol.1 Saxophone(sax) Basic Lesson" |
"- - - [] [] [] [] a b() Octave-key "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Spatial databases" |
"Durante le lezioni che compongono questo corso di base verranno trattati molti argomenti, come molte sono le sezioni che compongono un Sistema Informativo Territoriale, nello specifico e partendo da zero simulando una possible richiesta avremo modo di:analizzare dati non omogenei;normalizzare la banca dati secondo criteri di miglior mantenimento delle informazioni;conoscere ANSI SQL;conoscere i principali tipi di dato e comprendere il perch del loro utilizzo;comprendere la differenza tra strutture relazionali e NOSQL.installare e conoscere i software a nostra disposizione tra cui Quantum Gis, DIA e SpatialiteGUI;attivare le estensioni spaziali e comprenderne la potenza applicativa;costruire le colonne di mantenimento geometrico tramite le principali funzioni e operatori spaziali;estrarre e generare nuove informazioni territoriali basandoci sull'analisi dei dati in nostro possesso;costruire interrogazioni e viste spaziali riutilizzabili come livelli in un qualsiasi editor GIS;importare un network stradale basato su dati Open Street Map;connettere tramite link spaziali e layer dinamici nostre tabelle a un network stradale per il calcolo del miglior percorso.Tutto ci per arrivare a capire cosa realmente risiede sotto al cofano di un servizio territoriale."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Google Assistant development with Java & Spring & Dialogflow" |
"Hi,Welcome to my course on building your first Google Assistant Application using Java and Spring Boot framework.I am happy to present you the step by step process of building the application that will be integrated with your own Google Assistant device.But first, what is a Google Assistant?is Google's voice assistantoffers voice commands, voice searching, and voice-activated device control, letting you complete a number of tasks after you've said the OK Google or Hey, Google wake wordsa personal assistant that it's used globallyWhy you should create a Google Assistant application?you can customize your interaction with your Google personal Assistant in the way you wantlearn how Google Assistant actually worksimpress your friends by showing what your Google Assistant device is capable of doingWhat will we build under this course?will build a simple Book Management Collection Application that will provide us the flexibility to interact with the Google Assistantwe use the most popular Java based framework on the market (Spring Boot) in order to build our applicationhow do we store data you might ask? For this we will use MySQL Databasecreate our Google Assistant actions under Dialogflow and communicate with our Java back-end service using a bonus tool that I will present called NGROKsetup the infrastructure of building your own Actions On Google project requirementsDo you need a real Google Assistant device to take this course?You don't need a real deviceI will show you different ways to test the application under simulatorsWill show you how this application runs on a real Google Assistant deviceDo you need to know Java or Spring Boot framework to build this app?Not really. I will explain the entire process of building the application from scratch/you will learn on the go. But indeed, if you know Java and/or Spring Boot it will help you on your way.I am happy to help and respond to any questions you might have on your course journey.Now...let's build together this app for Google Assistant.Enjoy"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Aquarell - Malkurs - Rose - Watercolor" |
"In diesem Videokurs lernst du die Basics der Aquarellmalerei kennen, wir schauen uns die Materialen an und wie man mit ihnen umgeht. Anschlieend bertragen wir gemeinsam erst unsere Skizze auf das Aquarellpapier und gehen dann strukturiert, Schritt-fr-Schritt, durch den den Kurs.Am Ende des Kurses hast du eine fertige Rose.Inhalt:Grundtechniken & Materialien die verwendet werdenFertige Skizze zum bertagen auf dein AquarellpapierSchritt-fr-Schritt-AnleitungFr wenn ist dieser Kurs geeignet:Alle die gerne mit mir durch Wasser und Farbe gehen mchten, egal ob Anfnger oder Fortgeschrittener."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Produzindo leo de Coco Puro e Outras Delcias Saudveis" |
"Mais do que nunca a sua imunidade est sendo testada. Foi com esta realidade em mente que buscamos lhe apoiar ainda em tempos de quarentena para voc poder agir em prol da sua sade. Assim, preparamos um passo a passo bem didtico para voc poder reagir com agilidade no sentido de prover para voc e para a sua familia produtos essenciais para elevar a sua imunidade e a sade das suas clulas.Venha voc tambm produzir, artesanalmente, o seu leo de Coco Extra Virgem - Prensado a Frio e alguns outros alimentos extrados do coco. Um curso com dicas fundamentais para encurtar a sua curva de aprendizado e permitir acertos nas suas produes artesanais dos alimentos funcionais, ou seja, alimentos que vo alm de fornecer nutrientes, alimentos que podem lhe curar e lhe preparar para fazer frente a este momento que estamos enfrentando."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |