Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Acoustic Blues Guitar Licks & Soloing Strategies" |
"""ACOUSTIC GUITAR BLUES LICKS & SOLOING STRATEGIES"" Course - This course is a structured curriculum to get you comfortable and creative on the acoustic guitar. Throughout these lessons you will be inspired by tons of new licks, new ways to add rhythmic spice to progressions, new devices, and new and different ways to look at the acoustic guitar that will help springboard your playing to the next level.Get a complete new palette of acoustic blues sounds and skyrocket your acoustic blues playing to the next level. In this course you will learn tons of new licks and approaches AND how to easily incorporate them into your playing and soloing. - Do you need help understanding how to solo and improvise?- Would you like to play rhythm and lead at the same time?- Are you tired of playing the same things over and over again?- Have you hit the dreaded wall?- Do you feel limited in your acoustic playing?- Would you like to ""Blues Up"" your licks and rhythms?- Are you tired of staying in the same position all the time?- Want to get better at jamming and improvising on acoustic?- Do you need help understanding how to solo and improvise?Well, if you answered yes to any of the above questions then this course is for you.This course consists of Over 2 hours of detailed HD video lessons, ten killer Jam Tracks so you can practice and apply what you are learning, tablature eBook - a PDF eBook of all licks tabbed out for each lesson lick by lick, and a scale reference eBook - a PDF reference eBook of scales, lessons, and soloing strategies.This course will not only teach you a TON of acoustic blues licks but also how to build blues licks, why they work, what scales they are built from, what makes them bluesy, and how to play them over chords, progressions and in your solos. So you not only learn licks but we teach you to learn FROM the lick.You learn the critical approaches so you can truly understand the process of building licks, jamming, and improvising.This is a complete educational package where we give you much more more than just a pocket full of licks - you get the knowledge, tools, and soloing approaches as we teach the licks and devices. So you can really get to that next level in your acoustic blues playing and jamming.This course is recommended for beginning to intermediate acoustic guitarists, as well as electric guitarists. It is perfect for those who would like to move their acoustic blues playing to the next level and try some new techniques to help develop their own style.And learning is easy with our instantly downloadable PDF tablature eBook where we tab out each and every lick. Plus you also get video on-screen tablature so you can follow along with the video lessons. So all the licks are written out in tablature in the included eBook and ALSO appear on-screen. This makes it easy to follow along and to start making music! All rhythms and licks are broken down, explained, and demonstrated at slow speed and regular speed so you don`t have to keep hitting the rewind button. We also have close up shots of the fret hand so you get a bird's eye view of the neck and fret fingers. We break each section into digestible parts and get you playing and rocking out in the fastest most efficient manner. Players of all levels will be inspired by the interesting licks, techniques, approaches, and devices throughout this course.Throughout this course you will learn:-Tons of killer blues licks -Lots of fun blues turnarounds-How to spice up your blues rhythms -How to connect lead licks to chords-Learn how to build bluesy arpeggio licks -To expand your open position vocabulary-Learn bluesy dominant 7th chord inversions -How to play lead and rhythm at the same time-To enhance and ""blues up"" basic blues rhythms -How to add licks and fills within blues progressions-All about the ""key"" bluesy notes when building licks -How to add killer micro string bends on the acoustic-All about the 2-5-1 approach when playing the blues -To create movement, groove, and motion within chords-How to to liven up your playing utilizing open string licks -Classic blues devices you can easily add to your playing-How to introduce bluesy flavors into your acoustic playing -Learn to liven up your playing to fill out the sound on your acoustic-How to build lead lines, tension, and licks to set up chord changes -How to thicken up your sound with double stops and double stop licks-All about swung 8th notes and triplets and how to build licks with them-Huge batches of licks, how to build them and how to easily add them to your playing repertoire-How to ""sneak"" in licks within blues rhythms so you can play rhythm and lead at the same time-Learn all about vibrato, hammer ons, pull offs, slurs, slides, trills, rakes, and the use of dynamics to create playing variety and expressiveness.Feel free to email me any questions and keep having fun with those guitars. Take care and rock on!-David Taub, Next Level Guitar Inc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SketchUp 2020 From 2D to 3D Home Design" |
"In this course we use SketchUp Pro 2020 to create a 3D model of the exterior of a residential home using 2 dimensional CAD floor plan. We will go through each step in creating a professional architectural model. This course is taught with SketchUp Pro 2020 and as a bonus we will quickly go over creating a photorealistic rendering using the Lumion 10. If you think modeling with sketchup is too hard this course is for you! Learn in a few lessons how to create awesome 3D models. Lets get Started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Signaling System No.7 SS7" |
"Signaling system number 7 Technology From A to Z SS7"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Seminario Internacional de Psicologa El Suicidio en Nios" |
"El arma ms eficaz contra el suicidio consistira, pues, en dar sentido a la existencia, pues ello cambia el modo de percibir lo real. Cuando un nio es desresponsabilizado, cualquier pena se convierte para l en insoportable, porque no sabe por qu sufre. La construccin social del gnero desempea un papel primordial en la interiorizacin de los roles de cada sexo. Quiz sea sta la razn de que las sexualidades minoritarias se suiciden tanto en la adolescencia? Cuando son menos agredidas por la cultura, esas minoras se suicidan menos.Cuando un preadolescente descubre que se orienta hacia una sexualidad no conforme, se desorienta y se angustia: Mis compaeros de clase estn todos enamorados de una nia y yo estoy enamorado de un nio. No soy como los dems. Este desconcierto identitario puede hacer que algunos homosexuales conciban la idea de la muerte como lo que permite evitar ese doloroso conflicto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"INTP - The Ultimate Personality Course" |
"The goal of this course is to study the 32 different variations of INTPs. Afterward, we will talk about your strengths and weaknesses based on which specific type of INTP you are. Then, we will cover some game plans to help your specific INTP type work on your biggest problem which is dealing with the tribe.In this course you'll learn:The 32 different types of INTPs.How your 4th function, Fe, works, and how to prevent problems in the future from the lack of using it.The function stack of the INTP.Who the ideal mentor and peers for INTPs are to help you grow as this specific personality type.Examples of Famous INTPs.The INTPs blind spot of not being able to see the tribe's point of view and getting tribe hate as a result.Why INTPs are balanced with gathering and organizing as well as control and chaos.How to avoid getting a tribe hate tidal wave.Bonus - we'll also cover time booming industries that are best suited for INTPs and time management skills.One of the biggest problems that INTPs have is being obsessed with their truths and being too logical. As a result, they create and design great things but because they alienated the tribe, no one cares about their achievements. Only through developing your Fe can you maximize your potential as an INTP. The opposite of logic is the popularity factor and if you can understand how that works, you will have the upper hand in your career and personal life compared to other INTPs."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Opanuj NPM" |
"W tym kursie przyjrzymy si bliej narzdziu NPM. Trzeba przyzna sobie szczerze, e Node Package Manager nie jest najbardziej ekscytujc rzecz do nauki, natomiast jest on podstawowym narzdziem kadego programisty tworzcemu w ekosystemie JavaScript. Niewane czy to front-end i React czy moe back-end z NestJS, Express i TypeScript, wszdzie NPM jest w uyciu. Warto wic go dobrze pozna, zwaszcza e czasem potrafi napsu troch krwi.Opowiem o podstawach codziennej pracy z NPM - instalacja i usuwanie bibliotek, semantyczne wersjonowanie i problemy, jakie si z nim wi, czy czym jest plik package-lock.js. Ponad to omwiony zostanie plik konfiguracyjny, poka jak dewelopowa jednoczenie kilka zalenych od siebie moduw.Porusz temat bezpieczestwa i komend npm audit, a finalnie zobrazuj jak publikowa nasze wasne biblioteki na gwnym repozytorium NPM. Zapraszam."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
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"1-1. 1-2. 2-1. 2-2."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Positive Psychologie - 35 interessante Psychologie Effekte" |
"ber 35 spannende psychologische Effekte warten auf dich...In diesem Videokurs werden wir uns ansehen:wie sich Menschen verhalten.wie wir tglich manipuliert werden.wie wir andere beeinflussen knnen.was unbewusste Gefahren fr uns sind.wie wir ein erflltes und glckliches Leben fhren.Oftmals knnen wir das Verhalten unserer Mitmenschen nicht nachvollziehen. Warum sind sie so geworden? Wie entwickelt sich die menschliche Psyche? Was hat einen Einfluss auf unsere Handlungen? Finde es heraus mit diesem Psychologie Kurs.Die Welt der Psychologie ist eine der interessantesten, die wir uns ansehen knnen. Hier werden die Fragen geklrt, was den Menschen ausmacht, wie er handelt und vor allem, warum er so handelt.Schreib dich noch heute in diesen Psychologiekurs ein und lerne 35 sehr interessante psychologische Effekte und Theorien kennen.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Hipnotik Metafor ve Metafor Oluturma" |
"yi bir metafor, binlerce kelime veya birok resimle edeerlidir. yi bir iletiim, baarl yaz yazma sanat, eitim, retim ve terapinin temeli, metaforlar etkili bir biimde kullanabilme yeteneine dayanr.Metafor kelimesi, daha teye tamak anlamnda olan Yunanca bir kkten gelir. Metafor, sizi belirli bir anlamn tesine gtrerek, zihninizde birok farkl anlamlar olumasn salar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"High Performance Habits" |
"High Performance Habits, activate the learning wisdom towards excellence at large. A win-win attribute on cards with the inception of ideas and explore of learning as a priority. The segment has an objective towards learning to learn as a hobby to execute the perfection at workplaces with a positive framework and success at large. The outcome is a learning delight."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Skills That Matter the Most" |
"The module explores the competency and skilled base towards excellence in work life. The professional credibility goes hand-in-hand with having a good reputation and the showcase delivers the priority in exploring the standards of professionalism in particular. Get set go for the win win approach towards excellence. The new workforce defines a new page of the learning culture via technology! The inception is here to make it a priority."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn SIEMENS PLC Using Simatic Manager" |
"In this course, you will learn about the SIEMENS PLC Programming software ""SIMATIC MANAGER"". Bit Logic operations, Timers, Counters, Comparators, Analog Ios, scaling, Conversion operations, coil type timers, and counters, Simatic Manager connection with PLC SIM , Hardware configuration, Profibus DP MAster System. Slot rule,Jump and Label instruction in SIMATIC MANAGERMath Functions in SIMATIC Manager"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TutorialBay presents PLC Course the ultimate PLC training experience to learn PLC programming. Our video tutorials will bring you right into the world of PLC explaining what you need to know to understand the fundamentals. This PLC course is a step-by-step introduction to controllers, built on a everyday experience of a practicing automation experts!So What is a PLC?A programmable logic controller, also called a PLC or programmable controller, is a computer-type device used to control equipment in an industrial facility. The kinds of equipment that PLCs can control are as varied as industrial facilities themselves. Conveyor systems, food processing machinery, auto assembly linesyou name it and theres probably a PLC out there controlling it.What is this PLC Course about?This innovative PLC online training, is addressed to all automation enthusiasts. The tutorial is based on Siemen's LOGO! 12/24 RC and Siemens S7-1200. If you are thinking about working in automation industry, you have to deal with PLCs. If you work or study, and wondering if- and how - to start your adventure with PLC, see our course! All over the world, the continuing development of industrial automation makes PLC training a good investment.What does this course teach?Provides you a complete introduction to understanting PLC logic and career building skills needed for this industry. Creating your first projects will teach you solving real world problems in practical projects you may encounter when working with PLC's.What will I learn in this course?First programs basic instructions and challenges filmed using Siemens LOGO Training kit for visualizationHow to assemble a PLC deviceWhat are the uses of programmable controllers in industry and building automationHow to write programs in LOGO! Soft ComfortFunctions used in programmingFundamentals of ladder logicHow to work with analog inputs and timersMore Advanced topics for S7-1200Familiarize with S71200 PLC and TiA Portal software (available CPUs,extension modules, Tia software, comparison with S7300 and STEP 5)Easy start with TiA (description of main parts of the screen project tree,instructions, program view)Parameterization of PLC (hardware parameters, create hardware set insoftware)Hardware parameterization part 1 (I/O, PROFINETinterface, onlinediagnostics, timesettings)Hardware parameterization part 2 (memory bytes, generators, protection,webserver)Watch and force tableWriting your first programs basic instructions and challengesIntroduction - LADDER, FBD, SCL definitions and historyOrganization of memory in PLCOB,FB,DB,FC how to useCopy input signals to outputs (open coil)Switching output on each pulse of input signal (P/N-slopes)Activation hardware generators special memoryProgram for turn signal on basis of system in cars (S/R coils)Operations on variablesIintroduction to variables (int,dint,real -> byte, word, dword)CountersCTUCTUDProgram which use counters (parking) cars (S/R coils)Timers and other usefull operations! The list goes on please take a look at the Curriculum of this course.Autors of This is PLC Course Compilation are:Szymon Kurpisz raduate of Poznan University of Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engeeniring and Management.Jakub Chmielewski by is a graduate od Wroclaw University of Technology and Otto von Guericke UniversityFrom the Autors:""We have a few years' experience working with various programming systems used in industrial automation, from PLC to visualization systems (SCADA)... It was our intention to do this course based on practical examples, and to relate it to what I see in my work. It means introducing a measure of problem-solving to the tutorials, along with the knowledge you'll need to write the programs we will work on. We hope my course will be a good introduction to the fascinating world of logical controllers...""New career opportunities learning PLC Industrial Automation and ControlPLC devices have been present on the market for over 40 years. The need for automation propels their continuing popularity and development. PLCs are used in various industries but also in building automation. Their big advatage is that they promote green solutions. All over the world, the continuing development of industrial automation makes PLC programming skills increasingly sought by potential employers. Want to take your career to the next level? Go ahead see for yourself and get going with this exciting courseWho this course is for:This PLC course is meant for new users who are not familliar with PLC programming. Non prior programming knolwledge is needed. This course is probably not for you if you're looking to learn more advanced and complex queries"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Tasarm Kursu" |
"Bu kurs, hi bilmeyenlerden, bildiklerini gelitirmek isteyenlere kadar, teknoloji ve internet dnyasnn bir ekilde iinde olan herkese uygun ve herkesin anlayarak pratikte uygulayabilecei bir kurstur.Bu kurs ile sfrdan, batan adm adm dersleri izleyeceksiniz. Dersler grntl, anlalr bir dille anlatml video kurslardan olumaktadr.Bu kurs sizi internet ve teknoloji dnyasnda adm adm ileri gtrecek. ok ge kalmadan bu nemli eksiinizi bu kursla giderebilirsiniz."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma (White Belt Level)" |
"The primary objective of this White belt course is to help you build up the foundation of Lean Six Sigma.If you are new to Lean Six Sigma and looking for an easy to comprehend course, here is one for you. In this course, we shall cover:Why Lean Six Sigma is required?What is Six Sigma? What is Lean philosophy and management?Comparison of Lean & Six Sigma.Concept of value, value stream and waste.Learn the basic tools and their implementation.Learn how to create charts like Pareto, the histogram in excel along with the basic charts- Bar, Pie & Line.Learn how to analyse a data set with the help of Basic Statistics.There are a lot of supporting templates and reading material as well, for your reference. Please do enrol and step up your contribution to the Improvement project's success."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Lezioni di Tromba per Principianti - Livello Intermedio" |
"Ci siamo signori! Dopo aver completato il primo ""Corso di Tromba Base per Principianti"", ora siamo pronti per immergerci nell'utilizzo creativo dello strumento! Inizieremo con un bel riscaldamento sotto forma di esercizi che contribuiranno a migliorare anche le nostre tecniche di suono. Applicheremo questi esercizi all'apprendimento di due brani nazionali:Il Silenzio e l'Inno di Mameli. Daremo un'occhiata a come si legge lo spartito e ci cimenteremo nello studio di due grandi classici:La Pantera Rosa e l'Hallelujah (Leonard Coehn).Alzeremo l'asticella e andremo a imparare i temi di due Standard Jazz che hanno fatto la storia e scelti spesso da moltissimi trombettisti:Satin Doll e Summertime (nella versione di Chet Baker).Concluderemo questo percorso in piena creativit: vedremo come improvvisare su un giro di Blues.Impareremo come si forma una scala blues e in cosa si differenzia da una scala tradizionale. Analizzeremo le caratteristiche del giro blues e con tutti i mezzi finalmente a disposizione, finalmente diremo qualcosa di nostro con una piccola improvvisazione."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking and Network Security Applied" |
"This course IS NOT like any other Ethical Hacking courses you can take online. At the end of this course you will MASTER the key concepts and you will become an Ethical Hacker and Network Security Expert. This is a brand new Ethical Hacking and Network Security Applied course just recently launched in April 2020 and its updated to teach you the skills required for the future that comes. Course Updates:Update: June, 2020 - NEW Section: Anonymity and Privacy (Web Tracking, Onion Routing, Tor, Tor Hidden Services - Dark Web, Deep Web)Update: May, 2020 - NEW Section: Vulnerability Assessment Systems - OpenVASCourse Launch: April 15, 2020The world is changing, constantly and at a fast pace! The technology-driven future in which well live is filled with promise but also challenges. This Ethical Hacking course is really different! Youll learn what really matters and youll get the skills to get ahead and gain an edge.I wont teach you how to run an exploit on a vulnerable application that will be patched in a few days and will not work anymore. Instead Ill teach you the network security principles that will last for years to come using a practical approach but without neglecting the theory which is the base of a deep understanding.Do you want to learn a new valuable skill, get hired, get a promotion or simply prepare for the future that comes? Well, then this course is for you! By enrolling in this course now, you make the best investment in your career!Given the surge in the cyber-security threads millions of new jobs will open across the industry and the global digital security spending will exceed hundreds of billions of dollars in the years to come.After this course you'll have an in-depth understanding of how hackers think and behave.This course is for you, if you want to learn Ethical Hacking and Network Security applied to the real-world.Its especially designed for you whether you have no experience in Network Security, youve taken other related courses and you want to level up your skills, or you are coming from other fields like Network and System administration or Programming.You'll have access to my closed and exclusive online Group in order to provide you with improved, faster and better support for your course-related questions.This course is taught by me, a Senior Network Engineer and Professional Trainer. Why should you learn from me?I'm a Practitioner and an Enthusiast. Welcome to the real world! I entered the Network Security world 15 years ago. Im not just a random guy that teaches Ethical Hacking and Network Security. Just imagine that during this time Ive learned and applied more and more almost on a daily basis. And now Im giving everything to you!I'm an Educator and I know how to make a Curriculum. I know exactly what is important and what is not. For the last 10 years I've trained thousands of people on Security, Networking and Programming.You'll learn not only some commands and tools, but also advanced concepts for real-word jobs that will last. After this course you'll be an effective Ethical Hacker!You'll have lifetime access and you can return and look for a specific hack or countermeasure anytime you want. And let's not forget, if you don't like the course, you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!The topics covered in this Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Security Applied course are:Setting the Hacking Environment (Kali Linux, Metasploitable, VMs)Use Kali to Hack Networks and DevicesHacking Routers and IoT Devices using RouterSploitHacking anything with MetasploitCryptography In Depth (Hashes, Digital Signature, Encryption)Attacks on Hash AlgorithmsFull Disk Encryption (Data at rest protection)GnuPG In DepthSteganography In DepthHiding files in other filesAnonymity and Privacy (Web Tracking, Onion Routing, Tor, Tor Hidden Services - Dark Web, Deep Web)Cracking Passwords (John & Hydra)Rainbow TablesInformation Gathering (Reconnaissance)Nmap & Zenmap, Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)arp-scan & net-discoverHacking Google Searches In DepthShodanVulnerability Assessment Systems - OpenVASSniffing Traffic (Wireshark & tcpdump)Hacking WiFi NetworksHacking WPA2Hacking ARP (Ettercap & Bettercap)Hacking HTTPSHacking DNSHacking DHCPHacking Cisco DevicesHacking SwitchesHacking STPMitigating all attacks presented in the courseEvery topic includes many live examples in Kali Linux, a command section, quizzes, slides and many practice challenges.The skills youll learn will broaden your horizons and could change your life."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dog Behavior Rectification & Dog Health Care: 2 Courses in 1" |
"Our dogs depend on us for their care and well being. As pet parents its our responsibility to know them enough so that we can figure out when something is wrong with them.For instance, most dogs will readily eat anything left on the ground, but if you observe that your dog is not even eating from his own food bowl, or his energy levels are down, then it is a clear indication that he needs help. Similarly if you find that your dog is barking excessively or is becoming extra clingy it may indicate some behavioral or medical issue in him.Decoding the unusual symptoms and behaviors exhibited by your dog will help you to understand your dog better. And this in turn will help you to provide him the required support at the right time.So if you are also looking for ways to understand your dog better and provide him the best life possible, you have come to the right place. This course is designed specifically for all of you lovely dog parents.The basic objective of this course is to help you to enrich the lives of your dogs.Broadly, this course is divided into 2 major sections. The first section deals with common health issues, their symptoms and the respective preventive measures, while the second section deals with common behavior problems and ways to rectify them.Here is a detailed overview of these 2 sections that we will be covering in this course:As discussed earlier, the first section of this course will cover various health problems faced by our canine friends that will include and will not be limited to gaining excessive weight, vision and hearing issues, bloat issues, dental issues, skin and ear infections. Further we will also discuss about joint pain or Arthritis, vomiting and diarrhea, losing control over bladder, infections caused by ticks, fleas and worms, kennel cough, suffering from seizures, diabetes, cancer, memory loss, lactose intolerance and many others.In this section, we will be discussing about thePossible symptoms and the underlying causes of these common health ailmentsTips for managing your dog if he is suffering from any of these health related issuesPreventive measures that you can take to avoid these health problems in your poochIn the second section of this course we will discuss about common behavior problems found in dogs like begging, different types of fears and aggressions, food guarding, separation anxiety, attention seeking behavior, excessive barking, urination and defecation issues, compulsive disorder, destructive chewing, chasing behavior, eating and rolling in the poop, eating grass and othersIn this section, we will also look at the possible reasons & the potential solutions for these behaviors exhibited by dogs. Understanding the exact reasons behind these behaviors will help you to prevent such unwanted behaviors in your dog.In addition to this, we will also be taking you through several basic obedience commands like sit, stay, lie down and come to name a few.And all of this, you will be able to learn in the comfort of your home and that too without the need to spend hundreds of dollars. So enroll in this class to understand your dog better and give him the best life possible.With all this in store, we can assure that you would enjoy this course thoroughly and with a 30 days money back guarantee there is nothing to worry about!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gatsby JS Beginner Gatsby [2020] Gatsby Project" |
"Do you want to Improve your knowledge, value and be a top candidate in recruitment processes? Learn Gatsby JS and be a top contender for modern Front End developer jobs!Level: BeginnerThis is a beginners course in Gatsby but you need to have basic knowledge about React and Web Development before enrolling this course.Want to learn one of the hottest things in Web Development in 2020? Do you already know some React and want to push forward from there? Do you enjoy project oriented and fast paced courses? Do you want to learn quick and straight down to the point? Then this is the course for you!Guaranteed no ""foo"" and ""bar"" ... and no ""to-do-list"" app ;)My teaching style is learning by building small projects. My decades of experience in web development have taught me that this style lets you learn fast and efficient. Stop wasting your time!What will we do in the course?We'll build a beautiful blog from scratch with Gatsby.jsMy main goal with this course is to mix fun with teaching. There's many tutorials and courses out there that are great but too complex and focus on a lot at the same time. That's why this course isn't 20+ hours long.In this course you'll learn and use:- Gatsby Fundamentals- React Hooks API with functional components- GraphQL and the built in GraphiQL editor- Components, props and state- JSX syntax and expressions- Markdown- Styled Components- Deploy the finished App to Netlify and Gatsby Cloud- ES6+ concepts and syntax- Gatsby Browser API and Gatsby Node API- And a lot more ..."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Human Genetics" |
"Genetics has revolutionized the field of science and technology in the recent past. Thorough knowledge of the subject will help you succeed in life. Be it a student or just a curious and inquisitive mind, this course will help you understand and grasp the complex processes involved in human genetics. A section on genetic diseases helps you understand the genetic basis behind the disease which afflicts humanity as a whole or your own body as an individual. Gene Therapy and Genetic engineering are also interesting topics to learn and which will help you see into the future of medicine."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Custom NodeJS package in Typescript with TDD" |
"Make your own nodeJS package with test driven development using TypeScript. Through a real example, I will help you understand and learn how to build high quality modules for your projects that take advantage of TypeScript and have the least amount of bugs thanks to TDD.In this course we will make a copy of a package from an application I made earlier. This means that you can learn the package creation method that I use on a daily basis through a code that represents true business value."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"De vendas a relacionamento: Atraia e mantenha o cliente" |
"O curso uniu duas reas fundamentais em qualquer empresa: comercial e relacionamento.Para fazer a venda certa preciso montar um funil de vendas eficiente, que ajudar o vendedor em todo o processo e permitir que ele traga para a base o cliente certo.Aps a venda acontecer, preciso definir quem cuidar da experincia do cliente, garantindo que ele enxergue valor no produto e alcance o sucesso.Essas duas reas so o corao da empresa, pois juntas elas so capazes de atrair e manter o cliente.O que o curso ensina: O segredo da vendaFunil de vendaPassando a bola para relacionamentoJornada de sucessoAprendendo com a perda"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Project+ PK0-004 Full Review Course & Practice Test" |
"In this course, I will fully prepare you for what it is like to take the CompTIA Project+ (PK0-004) Certification Exam. With full-length explanations & a full length practice exam with unique questions , I have carefully hand-crafted each question & video to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.This course includes 2 practice exams and quizzes after each section. The practice exams will help you reinforce everything you learn through the material so that you can prepare for the exam and pass the certification fast!All videos & questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CompTIA Project+ (PK0-004) exam for all 4 domains of the exam (Project Basics, Project Constraints, Communication and Change Management, and Project Tools & Documentation), so you can take and pass the actual CompTIA Project+ (PK0-004) Certification Exam with confidence! You will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After watching these videos & taking the practice test , you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further. This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA Project+ exam (PK0-004), and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Python Practice Series Level 0 Level 1 61+ Exercises" |
"Students! Are you planning to learn Python or are you started with learning Python or May be you guys have done course for Python but you are not confident to write your own code or you need practice in Python, in any case you will get help from this course to learn python while practicing. I am uploading python practice questions everyday minimum 1 video for different angles of Python language. So students will get good practice.Content is original, so you wont get anywhere else other than from my courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Wireshark 3 in 5 Days" |
"Wireshark is the worlds foremost network protocol analyzer. It lets you see whats happening on your network at a microscopic level. It is the de facto standard across many industries and educational institutions.This course will be your go-to guide through the latest release of Wireshark, showing you exactly what you need to do, and do it well, by explaining the fundamental network terminologies, using Wireshark for network analysis, and running through its myriad features. We will begin with a quick introduction to Wireshark and how it is used to capture and analyze your protocol packets. We will then work with the various TCP/IP layers and learn some important network communication techniques. Moving on, well create and work with several Wireshark Filters. You will gain the skills to capture data using the various network protocol techniques, alongside analyzing and troubleshooting your network.By the end of the course, you will be confident to utilize Wireshark for your network analysis tasks effectively on a day-to-day basis."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn SQL Made Simple" |
"From the creator of SAP LSMW Made Simple, comes another introductory course. Follow the instructor as he shows you step-by-step on how to properly execute queries in a database using SQL. This course assumes you have no prior knowledge of SQL.The lectures are organized in an 'easy-to-learn' format so as to make learning fun. It is important that you go through the lectures in the sequence given, i.e. from the very first lecture to the last one. Additionally, in this course, the instructor will teach by writing over the screen. This simulates what you might have experienced in a traditional classroom setting.The instructor recommends that you view each lecture in its entirety first. Immediately after watching each lecture, practice in the database - using the same example used in that lecture - to 'lock-in' the new material. To facilitate this, you will be shown where to download and more importantly, how to install both the SQL Server and the Database. (Both are free.)Not decided yet? Then read the 5-star rated reviews from our enrolled students :This is the best SQL course I ever attended as a beginner. Thanks a million - Nsikak EdetWell-structured course, simple explanations, achieve the proposed - Marco SilvaIt was very much easier and I have learnt a lot from. Thanks. Much appreciated - Tumoitsile SegomotsoIt was so easy to understand. I had tried to learn basic but didn't understand - Mah MThe course was presented in small steps which made it easier to absorb the material - Trish DonaldsonStill unsure? Read on.Once you have completed this course, you will acquire not only a taste and appreciation of the potential of SQL. You will also be more than ready to properly execute queries in a database.Sign up today!Disclaimer: We are not associated or affiliated with Microsoft in any way. For details regarding Microsoft and/or its products, you may contact them directly."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Org ve Piyano iin Parmak Hzlandrma Egzersizleri" |
"Klavyeli alglarda (Org,Piyano,Akordeon) recilerin ekstradan parmaklarn hzlandran ve glendiren egzersizler yer almaktadr. Bu Egzersizler eitli Grsel ve iitsel kaynaklarla zenginletirilmitir. Bylece renci ho ve zevkli vakit geirerek ayn zamanda ald enstrmanna st seviyede hakim olacaktr. Parmaklarnz hareketlendiren kaslarn glenebilmesi iin egzersizleri gnde birka saat dzenli olarak tekrar etmelisiniz. Birka hafta iinde parmaklarnzn geliimine sizlerde tank olacaksnz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento funcional en suspensin TRX." |
"Es una guia para aprender a usar el TRX, sacarle el mayor partido y obtener beneficios al incluirlo en los entrenamientos. Aprenders ejercicios para todas las zonas del cuerpo. Piernas, gluteos, espalda, pecho, brazos y zona abdominal. Esta diseado para 6 semanas de entrenamiento con 4 sesiones de entrenamiento semanal. Te enseo la correcta ejecucin de los ejercicios y sus diferentes variantes para incrementar la intensidad del trabajo.El programa responde a los principios bsicos del entrenamiento deportivo, como intensidad, frecuencia y volumen. La progresin continua es la clave para obtener una mejora constante, y esta regla se cumple en el plan de entrenamiento en suspensin con TRX. Los beneficios del entrenamiento de fuerza son importantes al momento de conseguir una ptima salud y apariencia fsica, puesto que contribuye con la reduccin de tejido graso, mejora postural, y trabajo constante de un gran nmero de grupos musculares en simultneo.Los entrenamientos tradicionales en gimnasios no siempre son posibles por falta de tiempo, por viajes, y dems responsabilidades. Si sabes usar tu TRX no tendrs excusa para dejar de entrenar. Lo puedes usar en casa, parques, hoteles, etc... y lo mejor es que activaras todo el cuerpo con pocos minutos de entrenamiento gracias al gran conocimiento que obtendrs aqui."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming Your Good & Bad Grief" |
"Inside this course, we will explore the The Stages of Bad & Good Grief.The focus of this class will be on:Defining & Understanding what is Grief.Good & Healthy vs Bad & Unhealthy Grief.The Stages of Good & Healthy + Bad & Unhealthy Grief.Course Overview:Bad Grief & Good GriefGood Grief According to PeanutsWhat is GriefThe Flower of GriefDifferent Models of GriefWhat Your Grief Might Look LikeNegative GriefBad GriefC_______ & R________ GriefC_______ & P________ GriefR________ & R_________GriefThe Class ProjectGood GriefOther Types of GriefClass ConclusionThank YouWhat will students learn in your course?What is Grief?How to identify Good, Positive & Healthy GriefHow to identify Bad, Negative & Unhealthy GriefAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Students who would like to learn how to identify Good, Positive & Healthy GriefStudents who would like to learn how to identify Bad, Negative & Unhealthy GriefWho are your target students?Anyone who is grievingAnyone who wish to learn more about Healthy GrievingAnyone who wish to learn more about overcoming their Grief* Check out the Intro to Grief Slides PDF for a preview of what the course will cover."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advance HVAC Designing" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Vegan and Gluten free family meals" |
"This course is for those with a family who want to cook easy gluten-free and vegan meals for the family.The recipes are simple and quick to put together with ingredients that are easy to access from your pantry.There is well over an hour of video with these family favourites including,Felafels.minestroneSpaghetti bolognaise.sticky toffee.Brownies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |