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"Xamarin.Forms - Build A Cross Platform Augmented-Reality App" |
"In this project you will learn the fundamentals of Augmented Reality while using Xamarin.Forms. You will be integrating a AR control in Xamarin.Forms. You will do this using UrhoSharp in a shared project on a Mac using Visual Studio 2019 for Mac. Every step of the way output is tested with with both Android and iPhone. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prince2 Agile Foundation Question & Answers and Explanations" |
"PRINCE2 Agile is the most comprehensive guide to agile project management, giving you an up-to-date overview on approaches and techniques from across the agile space, so you are better equipped to adopt what is right for you. It provides excellent overviews of approaches such as from Scrum, Kanban, Lean start-up, and Cynefin all applied within the good governance of PRINCE2, the de facto standard for project management.Agile is a fast-paced movement. Launched in 2015, PRINCE2 Agile is the most current, relevant agile project management certification in the market right now. Aligning agile frameworks and techniques with PRINCE2 ensures that you benefit from the flexibility and quick delivery of agile and the proven success of PRINCE2.As the worlds most commonly practiced project management method, PRINCE2 is used in organizations worldwide. With the increase in agile adoption, PRINCE2 Agile will equip you with the tools you need to use PRINCE2 in an agile project environment, and more importantly, how to leverage the benefits from both. PRINCE2 Agile guides you through using the best agile tools, techniques and frameworks, all within the strong governance of a PRINCE2 project.BenefitsUsing PRINCE2 Agile will give you :A solid understanding of how to use key agile concepts and techniquesThe know how to use agile to help you to deliver faster resultsThe ability to leverage agile within a PRINCE2 project environment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5G Roaming Networks Security" |
"The 5G Roaming Security course is designed for anyone looking to get a quick and concise understanding of Roaming threats and security solutions in 5G. The 5G Roaming course:Gives an overview of the main use cases that drive the development of 5G networks.Provides a high-level of Evolution towards 5G networksProvides an overview of 5G roaming threats.Describes in detail the 5G Roaming security architecture and procedures.Who would benefit from this courseThis course is for students, a fresh graduates, working professionals, or anyone interested to learn more about the exciting topic of 5G roaming networks security solution.PrerequisitesThis course assumes an engineering or IT background. An understanding of LTE roaming security would be an advantage as would a basic understanding of mobile network architecture.Are you ready to get started of learning the exciting space of 5G roaming security? Lets get started."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Rhino 6 from scratch" |
"This course will help you get familiar with the tools of Rhino 6, and see how creative you can get once you really understand the nature of the tools at hand. This course will also allow you to get extremely comfortable with designing whatever products you want. This course will help you become an intermediate level user of Rhino 6 and open up a lot of doors for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Astrology 2020 Predictions and Feng Shui Remedies" |
"In this course, you'll discover information about yourself through Chinese Astrology. We'll look at how each sign will fare in 2020 and you'll get a specially chosen Feng Shui remedy to bring in prosperity energy. Plus you'll learn how the animal signs of the Chinese zodiac relate to the 12 Western Astrology signs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WooCommerce Membership Secrets" |
"If you're trying to sell your product online, or you would like to earn recurring incomes, setting up your very own membership site is crucial to your success.That said, one of the biggest problems is that many people don't know where to start. What membership script should you use?By using WordPress, you can make your site beautiful, but most of the plugins that integrate into it are not great looking, or user friendly.This 7-part video course is designed to show you exactly how you can quickly and easily brainstorm, plan, and set up your WordPress membership site!Topics covered:Mapping Out Your Membership Site FunnelWhich WordPress Membership Plugin?Access, Install, and Getting Started Creating a Membership LevelCreating and PricingTesting"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de pginas web (HTML + CSS + JS + Bootstrap)" |
"Com o uso crescente da internet, o desenvolvimento de pginas web se tornou uma tima oportunidade para os profissionais da rea de tecnologia da informao. Esse curso tem como objetivo ensinar com aulas tericas, prticas e exerccios, como desenvolver uma pgina web com as linguagens e ferramentas mais usadas na atualidade.Contedos ensinadosIntroduo ao HTMLEstrutura bsica e ttulosListasTabelasEndereos e linksImagens e vdeosFormulrios e botesIdentificadoresDivisesClassesIntroduo ao CSSCoresModificando listas e textos com CSSFontesPosioLargura e alturaMargem, borda e preenchimentoPseudo-classesPseudo elementosIntroduo ao JavaScriptVariveis e constantes no JavaScriptEstrutura de SeleoEstrutura de repetioFunesVerificar formulriosModificar HTML e CSS com o JavaScriptIntroduo ao BootstrapMetodologiaCada aula possui uma parte terica e prtica, na parte terica dada uma explicao clara dos conceitos e para que so utilizados, na parte prtica mostrado como utilizar as linguagens e ferramentas e so dados exemplos de aplicaes reais. Tambm dado ao final de cada seo um exerccio para se treinar o que esta sendo aprendido. RecursosO curso fornece ao aluno vrios recursos para realizao de atividades prticas dos contedos ensinados."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"**20209 **3EXCEL312KPI8EXCEL3WebWeb"
Price: 16800.00 ![]() |
"Crear Una Pgina Web Desde Cero con HTML y CSS [2020]" |
"Cansado de cursos con teoras que nunca vas a aplicar y de proyectos tan simples que tampoco vas a usar? En este curso vamos a estar creando una Pgina Web increble y de la actualidad con HTML y CSS.Este es un curso para todos los niveles, si nunca escribiste cdigo o ya tienes un poco de experiencia no dudes en tomar el curso. Vas a aprender a crear una Pgina Web Responsive con las ltimas tecnologas de 2020.No voy a andar con vueltas, ni con teoras que nunca vas a aplicar solo para demostrar que s mucho sobre el tema. Mi objetivo en este curso es que vos te conviertas en un profesional.Vas a estar aprendiendo:HTML y CSSResponsive Design para adaptar la Pgina Web a dispositivos mviles y tabletsEfectos al pasar el mouse por encima de un elemento con la propiedad hoverAnimaciones con jQueryEstructurar el HTML para aumentar el Posicionamiento en los BuscadoresY lo ms importante, vas a estar aprendiendo como crear una Pgina Web IncrebleListo para crear una pgina web increble de 2020? Apuntate al curso que no te vas a arrepentir"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NET Paper 1 ,2019 June 20 Previous paper set." |
"NET PAPER 1 JUNE 20 ,SHIFT 2 PAPER FOR PRACTICE .This test is to practice net paper 1 teaching aptitude .You can practice previous year questions to prepare . UGC NET is a national level exam conducted by NTA on behalf of University Grants Commission to certify the eligibility of candidates for the post of Assistant Professor or jrf .Paper 1 and Paper 2 which will be held consecutively . The total duration of the exam is 3 hours. Candidates are free to devote any amount of time to any paper. Paper 1 and Paper 2 will have 50 and 100 multiple choice questions ."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Rigging with joysticks n'sliders in After Effects" |
"In the first chapter of this course we will introduce the Joystick script and explain its tools.We will first explain the tools of the joystick panel and how they work and then we'll talk about Sliders panel tools, so that in the next few chapters that we'll be doing the project and rigging the face, no more ambiguity about the tools of this script.In the second chapter we will start with the design of the girl's head and then how to rig the third chapter of this course you'll learn another way to rig a character which is suitable for cases the charachter's face has more details or you need more poses of your character's headand in the fourth chapter we'll talk about how to rig a car an create 3D modes for it, to understand that Joystick script is not just for the head and facial rigging but also for other objects.Here some of the techniques you will Learn:you will learn how to use this script professionally for rigging,youll learn how to use expressions in your rigging process,you'll learn how to rig your character's head in two useful waysand how to rig your character's head using joysticks paneland how to rig your character's head using switch panel.How to rig a 3d car with joystick script in after effects.and many other techniques of rigging!This is a very practical course, That will give you the Practical knowledge of Rigging in Joysticks n Sliders and Adobe After Effects.With our 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and start rigging your character for your next Project.So, I'll see you inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB Mock Exam (CTFL Foundations) 1000+ Q&A" |
"ISTQB foundations certification has been recognised worldwide and at least 673,000+ candidates certified by ISTQB until Oct'2019. Foundation level certification has been chosen by 87% professionals among the overall ISTQB certification test takers. Hence ISTQB has been made as a benchmark for initial assessment of any QA Resumes to screen and shortlist for Job Interviews.Average salary of an QA/Test Lead/Automation Test Engineer is 5,93,458 per year in India (as per Indeed India website), 72K in European countries such as Germany (as per Glasdoor), $75513 in USA (as per payscale website), 42,535 in United Kingdom (as per Indeed UK website) and AU$74,980 in Australia (as per payscale website). 1000+ Repeated Questions are answered part of Practice Tests and it helped majority of the test takers before appearing in their foundations certification examination since 2006.Note: This is purely a practice test and not a training course. ISTQB training has been provided part of 'ISTQB Foundation and Selenium Java Automation Testing'***Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'***AudienceThe Foundation Level syllabus forms the basis of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) Certified Tester Scheme.ISTQB Foundation Level is relevant across software delivery practices including Waterfall, Agile, DevOps and Continuous Delivery.The 2018 Foundation Level qualification is suitable for anyone who needs to demonstrate practical knowledge of the fundamental concepts of software testing including people in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and software developers.It is also appropriate for individuals who need a basic understanding of software testing including project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors and management consultants.The new 2018 syllabus is recognised as a pre-requisite to other ISTQB certifications where Foundation Level is required (note: all previous releases of Foundation Level, including the 2011 syllabus and grandfathered Foundation Level certifications, will remain valid).Training for 2018 Certified Tester Foundation Level is available from Accredited Training Providers (classroom, virtual and e-learning). We highly recommend attending accredited training as an ISTQB Member Board will have assessed the materials for relevance and consistency against the syllabus. Information about Accredited Training Providers can be found here or contact your local ISTQB Member Board or Exam ProviderSelf-study, using the syllabus and recommended reading material, is also an option when preparing for the Foundation Level exam. Your local ISTQB Member Board or Exam Provider will be able to provide information on exams e.g. languages available, where to find an exam centre etc.Have a look at the Foundation Level introduction video. Business OutcomesThe Business Outcomes expected of a candidate who has achieved the 2018 Foundation Level certification are as follows:Promote efficient and effective communication by using a common vocabulary for software testing.Understand fundamental concepts of software testing.Demonstrate understanding of how different development and testing practices, and different constraints on testing, may apply in optimizing testing to different contexts.Contribute effectively in reviews.Use established techniques for designing tests at all test levels.Interpret and execute tests from given test specifications. Report on test results.Understand test management principles for resources, strategies, planning, project control and risk managementWrite and communicate clear and understandable defect reportsUnderstand the project factors that drive the test priorities and test approachUnderstand the value that software testing brings to stakeholdersAppreciate how testing activities and work products align with project objectives, measures and targetsAssist in the selection and implementation process of testing toolLearning ObjectivesLearning objectives are indicated for each section in the syllabus and classified as follows:K1: remember, recognize, recallK2: understand, explain, give reasons, compare, classify, categorize, give examples, summarizeK3: apply, useK4: analyzeThere are 62 Learning objectives in the 2018 Foundation syllabus:15 K140 K27 K3The 2018 Foundation Level Learning objectives are as follows:Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Testing1.1 What is Testing?LO-1.1.1Identify typical objectives of testing (K1)LO-1.1.2Differentiate testing from debugging (K2)1.2 Why is Testing Necessary?LO-1.2.1Give examples of why testing is necessary (K2)LO-1.2.2Describe the relationship between testing and quality assurance and give examples of how testing contributes to higher quality (K2)LO-1.2.3Distinguish between error, defect, and failure (K2)LO-1.2.4Distinguish between the root cause of a defect and its effects (K2)1.3 Seven Testing Principles (K2)LO-1.3.1Explain the seven principles of testing (K2)1.4 Test ProcessLO-1.4.1Explain the impact of context on the test process (K2)LO-1.4.2Describe the test activities and respective tasks within the test process (K2)LO-1.4.3Differentiate the work products that support the test process (K2)LO-1.4.4Explain the value of maintaining traceability between the test basis and the test work products (K2)1.5 The Psychology of Testing (K2)LO-1.5.1Identify the psychological factors that influence the success of testing (K1)LO-1.5.2Explain the difference between the mindset required for test activities and the mindset required for development activities (K2)Chapter 2 Testing Throughout the Software Development Lifecycle2.1. Software Development Lifecycle ModelsLO-2.1.1Explain the relationships between software development activities and test activities in the software development lifecycle (K2)LO-2.1.2Identify reasons why software development lifecycle models must be adapted to the context of project and product characteristics (K1)LO-2.1.3Recall characteristics of good testing that are applicable to any life cycle model (K1)2.2 Test Levels (K2)LO-2.2.1Compare the different test levels from the perspective of objectives, test basis, test objects, typical defects and failures, and approaches and responsibilities (K2)2.3 Test Types (K2)LO-2.3.1Compare functional, non-functional and white-box testing (K2)LO-2.3.2Recognize that functional and structural tests occur at any test level (K1)LO-2.3.3Recognize that functional, non-functional and white-box tests occur at any test level (K1)LO-2.3.4Compare the purposes of confirmation testing and regression testing (K2)2.4 Maintenance Testing (K2)LO-2.4.1Summarize triggers for maintenance testing (K2)LO-2.4.2Describe the role of impact analysis in maintenance testing (K2)LO-2.4.3Describe the role of impact analysis in maintenance testing (K2)Chapter 3 Static Testing3.1 Static Testing BasicsLO-3.1.1Recognize types of software work product that can be examined by the different static testing techniques (K1)LO-3.1.2Use examples to describe the value of static testing (K2)LO-3.1.3Explain the difference between static and dynamic techniques, considering objectives, types of defects to be identified, and the role of these techniques within the software lifecycle (K2)3.2 Review ProcessLO-3.2.1Summarize the activities of the work product review process (K2)LO-3.2.2Recognize the different roles and responsibilities in a formal review (K1)LO-3.2.3Explain the differences between different review types: informal review, walkthrough, technical review and inspection (K2)LO-3.2.4Apply a review technique to a work product to find defects (K3)LO-3.2.5Explain the factors that contribute to a successful review (K2)Chapter 4 Test Techniques4.1 Categories of Test TechniquesLO-4.1.1Explain the characteristics, commonalities, and differences between black-box test techniques, white-box test techniques and experience-based test techniques (K2)4.2 Black-box Test TechniquesLO-4.2.1Apply equivalence partitioning to derive test cases from given requirements (K3)LO-4.2.2Apply boundary value analysis to derive test cases from given requirements (K3)LO-4.2.3Apply decision table testing to derive test cases from given requirements (K3)LO-4.2.4Apply state transition testing to derive test cases from given requirements (K3)LO-4.2.5Explain how to derive test cases from a use case (K2)4.3 White-box Test TechniquesLO-4.3.1Explain statement coverage (K2)LO-4.3.2Explain decision coverage (K2)LO-4.3.3Explain the value of statement and decision coverage (K2)4.4 Experience-based Test TechniquesLO-4.4.1Explain error guessing (K2)LO-4.4.2Explain exploratory testing (K2)LO-4.4.3Explain checklist-based testing (K2)Chapter 5 Test Management5.1 Test OrganizationLO-5.1.1Explain the benefits and drawbacks of independent testing (K2)LO-5.1.2Identify the tasks of a test manager and tester (K1)5.2 Test Planning and EstimationLO-5.2.1Summarize the purpose and content of a test plan (K2)LO-5.2.2Differentiate between various test approaches (K2)LO-5.2.3Give examples of potential entry and exit criteria (K2)LO-5.2.4Apply knowledge of prioritization, and technical and logical dependencies, to schedule test execution for a given set of test cases (K3)LO-5.2.5Identify factors that influence the effort related to testing (K1)LO-5.2.6Explain the difference between two estimation techniques: the metrics-based technique and the expert-based technique (K2)5.3 Test Monitoring and ControlLO-5.3.1Recall metrics used for testing (K1)LO-5.3.2Summarize the purposes, contents, and audiences for test reports (K2)5.4 Configuration ManagementLO-5.4.1Summarize how configuration management supports testing (K2)5.5 Risks and TestingLO-5.5.1Define risk level by using likelihood and impact (K1)LO-5.5.2Distinguish between project and product risks (K2)LO-5.5.3Describe, by using examples, how product risk analysis may influence thoroughness and scope of testing (K2)5.6 Defect ManagementLO-5.6.1Write a defect report, covering defects found during testing (K3)Chapter 6. Tool Support for Testing6.1 Test tool considerationsLO-6.1.1Classify test tools according to their purpose and the test activities they support (K2)LO-6.1.2Identify benefits and risks of test automation (K1)LO-6.1.3Remember special considerations for test execution and test management tools (K1)6.2 Test Planning and Estimation (K3)LO-6.2.1Identify the main principles for selecting a tool (K1)LO-6.2.2Recall the objectives for using pilot projects to introduce tools (K1)LO-6.2.3Identify the success factors for evaluation, implementation, deployment and on-going support of test tools in an organization (K1)Back to Top SyllabusThe Foundation Level Syllabus forms the basis for the International Software Testing Qualification at the Foundation Level.The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) provides it to the national examination bodies for them to accredit the training providers and to derive examination questions in their local language.Training providers will produce courseware and determine appropriate teaching methods for accreditation, and the syllabus will help candidates in their preparation for the examination.The Certified Tester Foundation Level in Software TestingThe Foundation Level qualification is aimed at anyone involved in software testing. This includes people in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and software developers.This Foundation Level qualification is also appropriate for anyone who wants a basic understanding of software testing, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors and management consultants. Holders of the Foundation Certificate will be able to go on to a higher level software testing qualification.**Reviews (of trainer's ISTQB Udemy Training):""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""FAQs:Why some of the questions are repeated in practice tests?Topics such as Unit Testing,Unit Integration are similar and always co-related but they have different objective. While going through these questions one by one ,it would be easy to practice where as the same questions become complex when it is asked indirectly or asked after few straight questions in areas such as regression testing. So few questions are carefully hand-picked and placed nearer to complex questions in order to prepare for the high complexity exam model.This course contains 1500 Questions-but why just 1000 mentioned in the course description?Even though the course practice tests span across six different tests and each consist of 250 questions each (1500 overall), the original handpicked questions are just 835. Due to the nature of chapter 3 and 4, few questions are repeated in practice tests 4,5 and 6 to make them more harder than the tests earlier.Syllabus: ISTQB 2018 V3.1,ISTQB 2018,ISTQB 2011,ISTQB 2010,ISTQB 2007,ISTQB 2005DISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT).Copyright International Software Testing Qualifications Board"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Training for Customer service & Support" |
"Do you work for an international organization in the Sales or Customer Service department, or speak to clients on the phone from a Help Desk or a Call Centre?Whether you refer to them as customers, clients, members, patients, constituents, partners, or users, these people deal with you and your organization for the products and or services you offer and rely upon you for the work that you do. Their needs, expectations, and demands are ever-changing and it is essential that todays business professionals are equipped with the tools to maximize customer focus and enhance the overall customer experience.The importance of training and development is no stranger to large businesses. But what is foreign to these businesses is gathering the answers to these questions from the learners themselves.Sections:1. Welcome!2. Understanding Society. 3. Developing your own attitude.- understand that successful people have a positive mindset- learn some strategies for building and maintaining a positive mindset- gain the necessary skills to enhance customer relationships4. The Ultimate Customer English Language review.- Revising key vocabulary and Grammar5. Pitch Winner. Competition.- identify and define vocabulary used to enhance customer service- discuss and explain what customer service is and why its important- develop strategies to assign a script to every stage of your sales pipeline, to progress your prospects towards your ideal outcome- paint a picture of your clients world as it is- win your customers over6. Got Your Customers!- use your knowledge of personality traits for better communication- determine your customer's personality - develop your marketing strategies- practice selling to your customer's personalities7. Your time to shine. The Final Project.- show your understanding as you bring together what you have learned from this course- identify your ability to perform a customer service& support project and apply your research linked to the knowledge discipline- Identify result, and define lessons learned throughout the project8. Conclusion. ""The Student Room"". This is a place where you can submit an idea for change about!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spiritual Healing: 21-Days of Energy Healing" |
"In this 21-day healing course you'll be guided to work through 21 different issues that are holding you back from living an authentic, free, fulfilling life. Each module focuses on a singular issue so you can isolate that issue within yourself, acknowledge it and become aware of where it stems from, and then work to heal it. Featuring video modules, daily journal templates, assignments, and more, this hands-on course will be your energy healing guide for the next 21-days so you can work through fear, doubts, limiting self-beliefs, and more in a productive and loving manner. At the end of this course, you can expect to feel freer, lighter, and more in touch with your empowered self!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Winning at Assessment Centres" |
"This course has been designed and delivered by a leading Chartered Occupational Psychologist and published author. With over twenty years' experience of creating and assessing at Assessment Centres, she will take you through the purpose and thinking underpinning Assessment Centres, and then precisely show you what to expect, how to prepare and what to do at the Assessment Centre itself. You will complete the course armed with all the tools, techniques and confidence to help you wow the Assessors at your next Assessment Centre. You will also receive a voucher giving you a 30% discount off any purchase of practice assessment tools from Graduates First (Global supplier of job assessment tools)!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide to Forex Trading." |
"In this course you are going to learn the basic fundamentals of Forex Trading. You will get to learn about the Forex Terminology, like Pips, Spread, Lot Size, Margin, Leverage and a whole lot of other important terminology related to Forex Trading. Furthermore, you will learn and understand the basic types of Market Analysis which are Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis.I thoroughly explain how the Forex Market works, so that you are able to grasp and have a strong foundation for your Forex Trading journey. You will also learn how to read the Economic Calendar and also understanding and reading of the Candlestick Chart and candle structure.I will also be adding new lectures to the course constantly, at no extra cost to you! This course will continue to grow and grow over time.Take this course now and learn from my 6+ years of experience. Avoid the most common pitfalls that catch 90% of Retail Traders!This course is for complete beginners! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!This course comes with: - Unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs. All future additional lectures, bonuses in this course will always be free Am always available to you if you get stuck or have a question.Enroll to the course today and start this incredible journey. See you inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Certification - Sales Cloud Consultant" |
"The Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification Course is for students who are interested in acquiring Salesforce Sales Cloud Certification and to Learn about various industry practices which are followed globally by consultants. The course will take you through various customization's possible in salesforce lightning. The course also covers how to implement some of the commonly used business scenarios in lightning so that students can have a hands-on experience of some real business use cases.About the Certification : A Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant designs and deploys solutions that support customer business processes and requirements using Salesforce applications. Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultants are interested in demonstrating their expertise as cloud computing implementation consultants with a specialty in Salesforce automation. The consultant has experience working with sales and marketing organizations and has expertise in Salesforce applications, including the knowledge needed to implement multiple applications in common customer scenarios.The course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information mentioned in the exam guide is covered. The Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification course will help the existing admins to successfully design and implement maintainable and scalable Sales Cloud solutions that contribute to long-term customer success.This course has over 5 hours of video content. At the end of course you will have knowledge and hands on experience on various customization's that can be done in the lightning platform which is needed to take up the Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification . I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly."
Price: 11840.00 ![]() |
"Premire Pro : Kit de dmarrage en 10 tapes" |
"Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans le montage vido pour proposer des vidos votre audience. Et vous avez raison, la vido a marche et le montage vido cest une comptence recherche aujourdhui dans le monde de lentreprise.Cette formation est donc spcialement conue pour des personnes qui veulent comprendre le fonctionnement du logiciel et raliser rapidement des montages simples et dynamiques.Cette formation courte est idale pour tre rapidement oprationnel sur des projets. Elle aborde en 10 capsules lensemble du processus de production dun montage dans Premiere Pro. Cest donc un excellent dmarrage, court, simple et efficace, pour acqurir les premires bases solides du logiciel Premiere Pro !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Pass the 10+ Exams and Gain Scholarships" |
"This course is an interesting and informative course that will educate your student and help them gain the best possible chance into getting into their dream school, and hopefully alongside a scholarship. This course will involve doing many past papers as i know many of my students have struggled with this and also doing practice on subjects they find difficult with"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Kids Public Speaking Course" |
"Students will learn elements of Public Speaking, working forward to become the better version of themselves. Upon completing this course, student will understand a clear picture in their mind of what they want to get out of this public speaking program and aware of the importance of public speaking & presentation skills in their future career.This Public Speaking course for students is conveyed basically through a recoded video. Since the skill you're learning is speaking related, it just makes sense that you just learn through speaking.This course contains various kids-friendly videos and many exercises with complete guidance. To what extent this public speaking training for students takes is dependent on you. The longest part of the public speaking course for kids involves you speaking on video and doing it over till you wish it.However, if you get to the purpose where you love how you look and sound once you present it will be worth the time spent. Furthermore, having this skill will save you time for all future presentations in your life.You can start enhancing your presentation skills today. You may have a chance to talk out as soon as NOW, therefore why waste another day troubled that your presentation skills don't seem to be up to high standards. Please enrol this public speaking training for students now.There is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for this Public Speaking training for kids. What's more, the instructor additionally gives an enhanced guarantee. Looking forward to seeing you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan ileri seviyeye Temel Japonca" |
"Japonca dndnz kadar zor deil. O kargack burgack entik omak yazlar renmeden de japonca konuabileceksiniz.!... Kim korkar japoncadan :=)Temel seviyeden ileri seviyeye doru japonca konuabilmeyiJaponlar ile japonca dilinde iletiim kurabilmeyiDinleme ve konuma becerileri gelitirmeyiYurtdnda kendinizi tatmin edebilecek dzeyde sohbet edebilmeyiBu kursta kendinizi, aile ve arkadalarnz japonca tantabilmeyi,Yanz memleketinizi sylemeyi,Markette fiyat sormay,Bilmediiniz nesnelerin adn sormay,Saylar saymayGnler haftalar ve aylar saymay,200+ yeni kelimeGn iinde yaptklarnz anlatabilecek temel japonca ifadeleri kullanmay renebilirsiniz.Ayrca kurs iinde her niteye yerletirilen dinleme egzersizleri ve ksa altrmalar ile pratik yaparak Japonca kelimeleri sorunsuz telaffuz edebileceksiniz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Customer Service Practice Tests (Orlando)" |
"Well-designed practice tests that will help you pass ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Customer Service Management exam (CIS - CSM certification). Although this is not the real certification exam, but these preparation tests cover the vast majority of the exam material. If you pass these practice tests, you should be pretty confident you will pass the real exam. It consists of 5 practice tests each one of them consists of ~58 questions (Total number of questions is 293)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Flask for Beginners - Urdu / Hindi" |
"In this course we will learn how to work on Python's Flask framework. We will build an application in Flask from scratch.We will build a blog application with CRUD (create, read, update and delete) functionalities with user authentication and database. We will use SQLite database for development and when we are ready to deploy our application on Heroku, we will switch to PostgreSQL database. The course content is delivered in Urdu language so you must understand Urdu / Hindi language to take this course.If you have basic knowledge of Python which is required for this course and wants to learn Flask framework then by the end of this course you will be able to build applications with Flask framework."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Brief course on Auditing" |
"This is a course suitable for all kind of students .The course is very much self explanatory and expressed in a lucid way.All international students who are interested to pursue a career in auditing can also take up the course.The course is updated from time to time to reflect the changes happening in the field of auditing.This course also contains MCQ and Case studies which would help the students to check their understanding of the subject towards the end of the course"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Create Ability Effect In Unreal Engine - Wizard Part" |
"Often times, learning a new game engine can be difficult, especially when it comes to Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 4 makes your effect games stand out, as long as you know how to properly use it.This course will teach you exactly how to use it. The lectures course starts off with the basics. It teaches you how to implement the basics to create great effect that are real to the human mind. From there, you are taught simple, clear concepts. That way its easy to follow and Unreal Engine 4 becomes much easier to use.The best part is, you will use the concepts learned for every single game FX that you will ever develop. You will even discover and love using the difficult feature, the marketplace. While others (who didnt take the course) will find that feature hard to maneuver.By the end of the course, you will be able to:Apply what you learned to build your own effect games.Organize your effect game development to make your workflow not only quality but faster.Make use of Unreals blueprints to expand on every game and create new mechanic which works in your game.Whats more? If you struggle with programming and coding, you are in luck! This course gives you examples upon examples guiding you through the fundamentals of Blueprint programming. So that in little to no time, you will be able to make magic with Blueprints.You will finally get a course that teaches you how to build a game, from A to Z. When you are done, you will know how to make quality 3D that sets you apart.Dont let change stop you from building your skills. Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started right now!More about the Instructor:Merlion SG Academy is an online training website offering video courses taught by industry experts in game development, they has enjoyed sharing their knowledge and has given a way to quickly provide very specific training to those students who learn game development online and helps your career move forward.We believed that Your career is defined by what you know and how well you know it. NOTE FOR STUDENTS - please take a look at Section 1 / Lecture 1 to downloads for the source attachment link with the lesson.)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CCNP Security (350-701 SCOR) Professional Training 2020" |
"This course helps you prepare for the CCNP Security and CCIE Security certifications and for senior-level security roles. In this course, you will master the skills and technologies you need to implement core Cisco security solutions to provide advanced threat protection against cybersecurity attacks. You will learn security for networks, cloud and content, endpoint protection, secure network access, visibility, and enforcement. You will get extensive hands-on experience deploying Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall and Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Firewall, configuring access control policies, mail policies, and 802.1X Authentication, and more. You will get introductory practice on Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise and Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud threat detection features."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Accountant's Guide to Climate Change" |
"Climate change is real, and it is having an increasing impact on organisations across the world. Accountants can play a key role in supporting their organisations to understand the costs and benefits of adapting to the impacts of climate change, and to carry out investment appraisal on the opportunities that climate change presents.This course covers the main impacts of climate change on organisations, from the move to sustainable investing; to changing to zero-carbon; to the opportunities for technological innovation; to increasing regulation; and so on.For each impact, the course identifies the opportunities for organisations and how the finance team can support the organisation through this aspect of change.The key message is that accountants need to remain flexible and develop their skills to understand the potential costs and benefits that climate change will inevitably bring to their organisation.I hope you enjoy the course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Data science for algorithmic trading" |
"Its with pride that I offer this data science course for algorithmic trading. It is the fruit of several years of work in the field in order to truly understand all the subtleties of the world of quantitative finance.Using libraries will allow you to do complex mathematical calculations applied to finance in just a few lines of code. We will see how to create a algorithm of trading from data import to automatic positions. You will create an algorithm that will yield more than 50% annually on the Nasdaq 100 using an algorithm.In summary, we will study:The numpy library to do scientific calculationsThe pandas library to organize and visualize dataThe Matplotlib library to make powerful graphicsFeatures engineeringLinear regression for financeMachine vector supportDecision treeRandom ForestApply and understand the Sharpe ratioApply and understand the Sortino ratioUnderstanding the volatility of a stock market assetUnderstand and create a backtesting universe that is easy to reuseBacktest the strategy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Java Course" |
"Welcome to my comprehensive course ""Learn Java From Scratch"". In this comprehensive course you will learn the basics and advanced methods of Java. If you want to learn about Java practically and also the basics then this is the course! Learn to write Java programs like a professional. In every part first we shall cover the theory and basics then we will cover the main topic. This course will teach you everything that you need to become an expert from scratch. In this Java course you will learn, Basics Of Java Functions Strings Variables Object Oriented Programming In Java Advanced Java Practical Java Coding"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dart programming language for absolute beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn about dart programming language. Even if you don't have any programming language knowledge. You can take this course. All the key concepts are explained with animation and analogy. Dart version 2.8.With animation and various analogy, we will explore the basics to most important Dart Programming Language Features.Some of the key topics will be covered in this course are,Dart Installation and setting up visual studio code - Install dart-sdk and workstation setup for dart in visual studio code.Variables - What is variable and different datatypes in dart (number, boolean, String, Object and dynamic)Comments - Single and multi-line commands in dartCollections - List, Set, Map (functions in collections)Import and package management in Dart - various ways to import the library in the dart.Flow control statements - if..else, switchLoop and loop control statements - For, For-in, While, do-while, break, continue and break continue with label.Operators - List of operators in the dart, unary, arithmetic and logical operators.Object-oriented programming - Object-oriented programming explained with Television example. Class, Object, Constructor, this, Named constructor.Inheritance - Simple, Multi-level, Hierarchical Inheritance explained with television example (with animation)Mixin - Abstract class, Multiple inheritances explained with mixin explained with the electronic device.Functions - What is function?, Optional positional parameters with default values, Named Parameters and using functions as an object.Exception Handling - Try, on, Catch, Throw an exception, Create custom exception.Constant - Constant and difference between constant and final.Asynchronous Programming - Asynchronous programming - Introduction, Future, Async and Await and Single subscription stream.Generators - Synchronous generator and asynchronous generatorAll the code used in the course can be found in my GitHub repository. JayaramachandranAugustin/Dart_programmingWho this course is for:You have ZERO programming experience and want to learn Dart ProgrammingYou want to develop beautiful and competitive mobile applications using dart(Flutter) for android and iOS.You want to develop web applications using Dart.You want to learn the Object-Oriented Programming with DartProgrammers switching languages to Dart."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kedi ve Kpek Bakm 2" |
"Bu kursta kedi ve kpeklerinizin rutin hayatn bilmenin size ne gibi faydalar salayacan renip onlarla daha kaliteli nasl yaarsnz reneceksiniz.Kedi ve kpeklerinizde agresyon sorunlarn en aza indireceksiniz.Kedi ve kpeklerinizle aranzdaki iletiimi daha da salamlatracaksnz.Onlar iin en iyi uygulamalar greceksiniz.Sizlere bunu bir veteriner hekimin gznden anlatmaya altm.Umarm sizler iinde yeterince yararl olmutur."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |