Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Achieve your first Machine Learning project in Python in 2h" |
"In just 2 hours you will be able to complete a Machine Learning project from start to finish.You will know all the steps of a Data Science project and how to carry them out in Python.So far you have probably learned a lot about the theory of Machine Learning but you have no idea how to apply it to real life cases.You may want to incorporate Machine Learning into your professional projects to improve your results but this seems overwhelming.If you keep going like this, you can continue to learn about Machine Learning without going into practice and lose a lot of time. Worse, you might even get discouraged and give up all your efforts.The real problem is that there are a lot of things to take into account in a Data Science project, from data collection, to data preparation, to the choice of model, to the optimisation of the algorithm.The solution to all this is a clear plan with simple to follow but very powerful instructions, applicable to any Machine Learning project.That's why I wanted to create a complete course, which details all the steps of Machine Learning projects, from start to finish, by implementing them directly in Python.Be careful, this training is intense, many technical concepts are covered, as well as several Python libraries and functions. You need to be motivated.You will have to carefully follow the different steps mentioned to make sure that the final result is valuable.After completing this training, you will know how to solve a problem using Machine Learning and Python. You will discover how powerful this discipline can be.Whenever you will be given any set of data, you will switch on your computer and start your project by following the different steps presented here. You will no longer be confused by where to start.As you keep coding, you will remain confident in your approach because you will know where you are going.You will have more and more ideas of how to apply it in your professional life.In this course, you will discover the powerful technique of feature engineering.You will learn 3 simple but powerful techniques used to explore data.You will discover how to automate data preparation with 4 tools used by data scientists.Finally, you will learn how to significantly improve your model, automatically, with a very robust method.If you currently know few Machine Learning models, don't worry, I explain the intuition behind the models I use. This course is also suitable for those who only have a few basics in Python because the code is explained as we go along.This course is a real guide for any Python Learning Machine project.See you in the training.See you soon, Damien"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
eqskiller |
"? ! World Economic Forum, 2019 10 2030 ! 2,5 . . aletsmar! , ? . , . , , , . ! ? - ( , ), . , ; , ; (, ), , ; . ? , , ?;; ; ."
Price: 3299.00 ![]() |
"Easy Adobe Illustrator CC Basic Course" |
"In this course I will show you a fast and easy way to learn Adobe Illustrator.Adobe Illustrator is one of the best vector-based programs in the world.In just 34 minutes you will learn the basics of how to use Illustrator and after that I recommend creating your very own objects and trying the tools you learned to cement your knowledge.This course is structured in 18 videos, each covering a specific topic:How to download IllustratorCreating ObjectsHow to use the Pen ToolHow to use the Pathfinder ToolHow to use the Type ToolExport your creations My goal is to show you the essential things you need in Illustrator as fast as possible, because I know how frustrating it is to learn a new program from scratch."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Superhuman Productivity!" |
"In this course, I'll share strategies that will allow you to exponentially increase your productivity. By incorporating these tactics into your life, you'll be able to accomplish more than you ever have before. You'll eliminate the bad habit that are holding you back while building new habits that will keep you focused on your goals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emotional intelligence - emotions management" |
"Managing emotions is not about rejecting them and not feeling them. The fact that they appear in us is a natural process, which most often we have no influence. Anger, irritation, anxiety or irritability are a constant part of the game called life. We all experience them and we are threatened not by the fact that they appear, but only by letting them take over us. Emotion management is the process of regaining control over your own emotional system and at the same time acquiring the ability to diagnose and suppress other people's emotions. We have the right not cope with our emotions, because no official education system has equipped us with such skills. But it is worth changing it.Developing skills in the area of emotional intelligence can significantly increase the quality of our lives: private, professional and relational. The benefits of mastering such skills are enormous, which is confirmed by the participants of our trainings and online courses. Why not give it a try how does it work? Why not use this knowledge and make your life easier?Exploring the world of emotions can be a fascinating adventure of our cognition possibilities, because they are important responsible for our reactions, cooperation with other people and relationships that we build with ourselves. I invite you to a video course offering knowledge in the field of emotional intelligence as well as techniques and tools for managing emotions. These more than three hours material can be an extremely valuable investment, bringing life gains that cannot be overestimated. Welcome to the course!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn Music Production at Home from Scratch - Stage I" |
"Hi! I am Sebastian and I want to welcome you to our course.You have probably seen fantastic videos that claim ''Learn to master a song in 5 minutes!'' or ''You'll be on top of Spotify with this Audio Interface!'' and stuff like that. If not, please go and watch them. I promise, they're out there.After watching them, you might feel like you're on top of the world, ready for anything. Sadly, this is far from the truth and many people end giving up working in their Home Studios because they feel they're inadequate, they simply ''don't have it'' and more. The good news is that anyone is able to do it, and achieve professional results, even in precarious situations. The bad news is that there's no magic shortcut or guru that's going to save us all: it takes effort, the right tools and above all knowledge. Not information, knowledge.The problem with sound is that it is invisible. So let me us a real, tangible example to clarify this further. Let's suppose you watch a video titled 'Building a skyscraper in an hour'. Would you go ahead and try it after watching it? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Well, if it helps, think that what you're about to do is building houses made of air. This course is only the foundation stone. The first step into getting to work in a serious environment, be able to analyze critically many things and much more. This course is an adaptation of our ProSoundWaves course, that goes from absolute 0 (where we stand right now) to advanced mastering techniques in seven stages. The idea is to translate what is commonly referred as an Audio Engineering Degree to a Home Studio setting, scraping all the math and physics as much as possible but leaving every important topic in a simple way. This course is Stage I and a bit of Stage II of said course. It covers all the basics you need to start working seriously. I will be speaking in simple English, with an accent as neutral as possible in order to make it easier for all of you who might have problems understanding the language.After the course you'll be able to:Record music in DAWsUnderstand technical specifications of audio interfacesBuild your own PCUnderstand different ways to use FXs and what is the best choice in each caseEdit audio & MIDIUse destructive processesUnderstand how a console worksDo all this and much more in 5 different DAWsUnderstand what sound isAnd much, much more in 9+ video hoursWe won't be covering mixing (but with what you learn here you can start doing it by yourself) and all the processors needed such as compressors, equalizers, etc. We won't cover recording techniques, mastering or acoustics. All these things are more advanced and part of the ProSoundWaves course, and we are currently working hard to bring all this to Udemy as other courses.So, that's it! If you got this far reading it means we're in sync. Thank you for evaluating all this and hope you join us in this adventure! "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Sell and Buy in English" |
"How to Sell and Buy in English is for people who need to communicate effectively with international clients and colleagues.Although sales and purchasing pursue different objectives within a business, both roles require fluent business English to achieve their goals. Buyers and sales people manage international clients, deal with foreign suppliers, attend international exhibitions, draw up proposals, and deal with all manner of complaints and enquiries.How to Sell and Buy in English presents all the essential expressions and conversation techniques which will enable you to communicate successfully in all these situations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic lesson - Mermaid on sunset - Landscape" |
"Today we paint with acrylic! Its Beautiful mermaid jumping out of the water on sunset! Sounds a bit complicated:) But it's not so! Just create your favorite sunset and use traceable I prepare for you!You will also receive traceable for this tutorial! Easy to print and transfer all the lines you need. You can add any details you like and create unique art based on this tutorial.I'm sure - everyone can paint it! My mission is to motivate you to believe in yourself. Paint with me and open the talent you have!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Minimalist Yoga italiano" |
"Minimalist Yoga si basa sul Hatha Yoga e ti aiuta a migliorare la tua pratica diventando consapevole a molti livelli di attenzione.Conosci meglio il tuo corpo:Durante queste sei lezioni, imparerai come muovere il tuo corpo nel rispetto della tua naturale struttura anatomica. Imparerai come il respiro pu espandere la tua forza vitale nel tuo corpo e nella tua mente. Sperimenterai la vastit del tuo spazio interiore. Come risultato tangibile otterrai flessibilit nel tuo corpo e una colonna vertebrale sana e pi forte.Cosa farai durante ogni lezione:Ogni lezione inizia con una breve meditazione che allinea il Corpo-Mente al tuo respiro naturale, inoltre imparerai il respiro guidato (Pranayama). La classe procede gradualmente in una routine di movimenti di preparazione alle posizioni, chiamata Kriya. Quindi ti guider passo dopo passo nelle posizioni Yoga (Asana) prestando attenzione alla precisione nell'esecuzione, nell'allineamento e nella postura. Ho decostruito le sequenze approfondendo le posizioni. Imparerai come coinvolgere il tono muscolare rimanendo rilasciato e aperto, con movimenti fluidi per allentare articolazioni e muscoli per contrastare qualsiasi rigidit che potresti avere. Terminiamo ogni pratica con una meditazione di rilassamento guidata. La mia speranza che tu trovi la pace e ti senti rigenerato alla fine di ogni lezione, diventando centrato e pronto ad andare avanti con il tuo scopo nella vita. I benefici di Minimalist Yoga: Scopri la semplice meccanica del respiro profondo per contrastare un diaframma congestionato Migliorare la mobilit e la flessibilit ottenendo una buona postura e muoverti con grazia per contrastare la rigidit Calma e centra la tua mente acquisendo consapevolezza e un grande senso di pace per contrastare l'ansia Acquisire competenze su una scala pi ampia di possibilit di movimento per contrastare le abitudini di movimento ripetitive quotidianePer chi Minimalist Yoga:Ho creato questo corso per chiunque voglia avvicinarsi allo Yoga con semplicit e chiarezza sentendosi supportato nella propria routine di pratica. Questo corso per tutti i livelli. Pu essere per principianti assoluti e studenti intermedi che saranno guidati passo dopo passo in questo viaggio di corpo e mente. Posso anche raccomandare questo corso per avanzati che desiderano rallentare e conoscere l'essenza e i dettagli di posture, sequenze e movimenti e scoprire un approccio diverso a ci che gi sanno dello Yoga. Credo che la mia guida ti sostenga e desidero che possa ispirarti a integrare Minimalist Yoga nella tua pratica. importante ed essenziale che pi persone possano trovare spazio per le pratiche spirituali personali, con la consapevolezza che la pratica individuale pu alimentare positivamente la coscienza collettiva!INFORMAZIONI SULLA MIA PASSIONE E GUIDA:Pratico Hatha Yoga da 15 anni e insegno da 8 anni, padroneggiando la mia pratica personale basata sulla consapevolezza del mio corpo e mente. Oltre a essere un insegnante di Yoga sono una danzatrice e praticante di arti marziali. Conduco con semplicit, amorevolezza, presenza, entrando nell' essenza della pratica. Ho una conoscenza approfondita del corpo e dell'anatomia. Ho avuto esperienza di lavoro con pazienti affetti da dolore cronico negli ospedali. Mi occupo di supportare chiunque voglia lavorare su se stesso e sul proprio benessere.STRUTTURA GENERALE DEL CORSO:Lezione di prova e introduttiva: Un idea generale della lezione pi lunga (28:30)Lezione 1: la prima lezione un'introduzione delicata alla pratica che introduce la routine. Breve meditazione, preparazione alle posizioni e riscaldamento chiamato Kriya. Introduzione del respiro guidato in tre fasi. Sequenza di base focalizzata sulla colonna vertebrale e sulla relazione testa-coccige. Ganesha Mudra per un cuore e polmoni sani e acquisire la fiducia e il coraggio. (Supporti: un cuscino o una coperta, 53:00)Lezione 2: A poco a poco diventi pi consapevole dell'importanza della routine con una breve meditazione, padroneggiando il meccanismo del respiro guidato, preparazione del Kriya per le pose. Una sequenza per la mobilit della colonna vertebrale e del bacino, posizione centrale del Cane verso il basso (Adho Mukha Asana) e una sequenza per la flessibilit degli arti inferiori con due blocchi o due libri come supporto se necessario. Rilassamento in Shavasana. (Supporti: cuscino o coperta e 2 blocchi o libri, 43:18)Lezione 3: inizia con la routine (respiro e Kriya). Sdraiati la posizione centrale Il Ponte (Setu Bhandasana). Coordinamento di braccia e spalle in piedi, ripetizione della sequenza degli arti inferiori (classe 2) con fluidit. Rilassamento in Baddha Konasana con supporti (blocchi e cuscini). (Supporti: cuscino o coperta e 2 blocchi o libri, 37:00)Lezione 4: inizia con la routine (respiro e Kriya). Questa classe focalizzata sulle flessioni laterali in posizione seduta e in piedi, con ripetizione della sequenza focalizzata sulla colonna vertebrale e sulla relazione coccige-testa. La posa di base Trikonasana per un addome forte e molta mobilit nella parte superiore del torace. Costruiamo forza e contemplazione nella Montagna (Tadasana), questa posa ha il potere di allineare la mente al cuore e al resto del corpo (Supporti: cuscino o coperta, 50:09).Lezione 5: inizia con la routine (meditazione, respiro e Kriya). Questa lezione incentrata sulla sequenza Saluto al Sole (Surya Namaskara). In preparazione per la sequenza, la posa centrale Il Cobra (Bhujangasana) molto utile per la colonna vertebrale e la pulizia della mente. Seguita da una sequenza di attivazione che aumenter la tua forza. La sequenza di Saluto al Sole sar guidata con la coordinazione del respiro, con una qualit di movimento libera e fluida. Termina con la contemplazione e il rilassamento in Shavasana. (Supporti: un cuscino o una coperta e una fascia o sciarpa 54:58)Lezione 6: l'ultima lezione ricomincer dalla routine (meditazione, respiro e Kriya). Questa lezione si concentra sulla torsione della colonna vertebrale. Praticherai diverse posizioni a spirale con torsione nella parte superiore e inferiore della schiena dalle pose sedute a quelle in piedi. La torsione rivitalizza la colonna vertebrale per una schiena sana incanalando l'energia dal pavimento pelvico alla parte superiore della testa (Kundalini). Chiusura del corso Minimal Yoga con contemplazione e rilassamento finale in Shavasana. (Supporti: un cuscino, 48:34)Musica originale in ogni lezione di Mikronesia."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Opes Binrias - Anlise Grfica (Bsico)" |
"CURSO OPES BINRIASSe voc esta em busca da sua liberdade financeira e quer aprender a operar no mercado financeiro, esta a sua oportunidade! As Opes Binrias um tipo de investimento onde o retorno para curto e mdio prazo.O operador analisa se o grfico ir fechar (Acima ou Abaixo) em um determinado perodo de tempo podendo ele(a) obter lucro na operao de at 90% do valor investido.Esse curso aborda todo o conhecimento necessrio para que voc venha aprender a operar e lucrar de forma correta e prtica. (todo contedo tambm til para outras modalidades de mercado) (Suporte para duvidas e perguntas)""VALOR PROMOCIONAL, GARANTA A SUA VAGA!""(Duvidas:)Whats: 21 99330-6975Instagram: @Jhenrique_tros resultados podem variar de pessoas por pessoas"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Baby Massage for Relaxation, Relief and Bonding" |
"Covering Relaxation, Bonding, Stimulation and Relief with FREE Bonus SOS Help for Colic, Teething Coughs and Colds. The course is layout like a 5 weeks course, you can do the modules more often or less often if desired. We will cover :The history of massage The equipment you will needTime of day to massage Contra indication to massage Newborn massage routine 4/8 weeks massage routine Full 8 week plus massage routine using oils on the skin Settling techniquesAdditional resources with lots of helpful information to help explain why we massage and science behind it. We also include a mummy challenge every week for you to complete. FREE BONUS - we include massage routines to help with Colic, Teething, Coughs and Colds. You will learn everything you need to know about massage and how to settle your baby in the first years of life. Not only are we a course we are also a community of mum to connect with."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
khead-beginner-j |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Uyarlamal Sinirsel Bulank Mantk (ANFIS)+PSO Algoritmas" |
"ANFIS Yapsnda Eitim Algoritmas Olarak PSO Algoritmasn Nasl KullanabilirizANFIS Yapsnda Eitim Algoritmas olarak genelde (Gradient Descend) veya (Back-Propagation) kullanlr biz bu eitimde Parack Sr Optimizasyonu (PSO) Algoritmas Eitim Algoritmas olarak nasl kullanabiliriz anlatmaya altk ve uygulamal olarak MATLAB programnda nasl uygulanacan gsterdik.Bulank mantk modellemenin ilk aamas, problemin tanmlanmas ve buna gre uygun parametrelerin seilerek yelik fonksiyonlarnn oluturulmasdr eitimde uygun parametreleri nasl Parack Sr Optimizasyonu (PSO) bulabiliriz anlatmaya altk.Uyarlamal Sinirsel Bulank Mantk (ANFIS)+PSO Algoritmas Video Eitimde neler var?1-ANFIS yapsn Matlab programnda uygulamak2-Hazrladmz ANFIS yapdan parametreleri alma ve kurulum yapma 3-Maliyet fonksiyonu tanmlama ve kodunu yazma4-Parack Sr Optimizasyonu (PSO) Algoritmasna entegre etmek5-rnek olarak Sins Fonksiyonu tahminde bulunmak"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Academic Essay Writing for English Language Learners" |
"In this course for NON-NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS, you will learn how to plan and write different types of essay to a high standard in an academic, logical and fluid way. The course gives easy-to-follow strategies that will give you the skills you need to become a successful student now, and a successful writer in the future. NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN IELTS COURSE. But... you can also use a lot of what you learn in the course to help you improve your IELTS writing task 2 score to 7+."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Video Editing untuk Newbie: Buat Video keren dengan mudah" |
"Video editor memegang salah satu peran paling penting dalam industri pembuatan film dan content creator. Tidak hanya terbatas pada industri film saja Video editor juga banyak diperlukan di banyak bidang media, termasuk berita, dokumenter, production house, televisi, dan serial web. Profesi yang Anda bisa pilih pun beragam seperti Video editor, youtuber atau menjadi crew nya, bahkan untuk membuat video marketing untuk usaha sendiri.kursus video editing ini berisi:pengalaman langsung mengerjakan project dengan bahan praktek yang disediakan (project base learning) instruksi Step by step bagaimana cara import, mengedit dan menggabungkan video, menambahkan music, koreksi warna, menambahkan effect, transisi, animasi dlldisediakan bahan praktek footage dan music yang bisa di downloadpendampingan selama belajar di kolom Q&A"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Autism & Executive Function - The Girl With The Curly Hair" |
"Learning outcomes:By the end of this course, you will understand:what executive function iswhat it is responsible for, e.g. planning, organisation and working memoryhow executive function is affected in autistic peopleways of improving executive functionAudience:This course is suitable for:Anyone working with autistic adults or autistic childrenParents and carersAutistic individualsCourse content:Narrated presentation: You watch, read and listen to the learning materials.Animations: Unique, charming, sweet animations based around the central character, The Girl With The Curly Hair, and her experiences of struggling with executive function.Visuals and infographics: No plain writing!Questions: Answer questions to check your understanding along the way.Notes: Print a set of summary course notes for your records.This course was written, created and narrated by autistic author and founder of The Curly Hair Project, Alis Rowe."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Compliance Risk Management CRM" |
"Do you know why companies and institutions are being penalized by regulators? How companies manage risk of non compliance to regulatory requirements? Why Board of Directors of companies are concerned about risk management and more specifically the compliance risk management CRM?In this course you will get insight about how the companies and regulators are focusing on strong compliance culture to manage the affairs of the company or institutions and avoid penalties and reputation losses. You will learn why it is important for risk functions such as Risk Management, Compliance and Controls, IS Security, Quality Control and Audit to support each other in their work. You will learn new and emerging risks and their significance in compliance risk management process.You will learn the new terms applicable in risk and compliance function that are used by Managers and Executives of the company. This course will help you in your job roles particularly if your area is risk assessment and management.You will be able to understand and prepare the risk inventory database. This course will also make you understand how important is this now for internal audit, compliance and risk management to work together.After attending this course you will be able to confidently talk and communicate with risk, compliance, audit and related professionals.Who is this course for:Compliance professionals and studentsRisk management professionals and studentsInternal audit professionals and studentsInternal controls professionalsFinance professionals and studentsACCA, CPA, CGA, CMA students"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conhea profundamente a App LITCHI para drones DJI" |
"Neste curso aprender como funcionam todas as configuraes e parmetros da aplicao LITCHI. Em cada aula analisaremos cada menu de configurao e seus parmetros definidores. Imagens muito cativantes e esclarecedoras do funcionamento da aplicao. Abordo tambm os temas d Home Lock, Course Lock muito importantes para execuo de fotografoia e vdeo de alta preciso e estabilidade, destinado a cineastas e videografos. Ensino do modo de voo em FPV VR com culos de realidade virtual."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How I Graduated Early, Debt Free, and with Money in the Bank" |
"Stressed about paying for your kids's higher education? You should be. In today's economic environment, we see unprecedented increases in the cost of higher education and simultaneous increases in the need for a college degree to get a good job. Additionally, students from middle class families are particularly affected, as their families often do not earn enough to afford ever rising tuition costs, but earn too much to qualify for student aid. They are trapped between handicapping their future by burying themselves in student loans and handicapping their future by not pursuing their goals. Fortunately, there is another way. This course gives students and their families hope. This 10-lecture course from of Debt Free Degrees delivers a proven step by step guide to achieving a college education while avoiding all student loan debt. Your instructor was able to use this system to graduate from college a year early, 100% debt free, and with $25,000 in the bank! Strategies covered in the course:- Smartly Selecting a University- Dramatically Reducing your College Costs- Graduating from College Early- Working while in School - Getting your Employer to Pay for Your Tuition - A Trick that will Automatically Save you $10,000 on your College Education"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"All About Facebook Marketing in urdu or hindi" |
"MASTER Facebook Advertising and Marketing, Facebook Business Pages, Facebook ads, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Groups and Facebook Business Manager with Strategy to make you a hero from zero.Every lecture is defined in a detailed manner, much more appealing and to the point. Certainly, the course is educating about all you need to know about Facebook Marketing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kids' Art and Animation Projects with PuppetMaster" |
"Create artwork and animate it - great creative projects for kids!(The videos are time-lapsed for brevity, but the activities last much longer, providing hours of engaged activity.)Learn techniques to make beautiful characters and backgrounds, using materials you probably already have in your home. Experiment with drawing, painting, collage, and sculpture. Work with arts and crafts supplies like pencils, pens, watercolor and modeling clay, and recycled items like empty toilet paper rolls.Through these example projects, learn advanced tips on how to set up your characters as PuppetMaster puppets. Then animate them quickly and easily in the app, just by moving your hands or body while you talk.You can get the PuppetMaster app on your iPad or iPhone, on the App Store.NOTE: Michal Finegold, the creator of this course, is also the creator and seller of the PuppetMaster app."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CISSP Exam Prep Questions 2020 Plus Study Tips & Exam Guide" |
"You are at the right place to start your CISSP Exam preparation journey. The CISSP Certification became a standard for information security professionals in the IT world and you have taken the right decision to acquire this certificate. This exam pack will help you to build your knowledge about the exam questions and help you to tune your mind towards how to think about answers.This course will provide you will be regularly updated to provide updated questions, exam tips and study guide methods based on actual exam experience of our community experts who are CISSP certified and work in information technology domain for many years.The set of exam questions will cover the following topics:1.Security and Risk Management 2.Security Engineering 3.Asset Security 4.Communication and Network Security 5.Identity and Access Management 6.Security Assessment and Testing 7.Security Operations 8.Software Development SecurityYou'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to the course and all course updates. Support in the Q&A section. Bonus materials: Drag and Drop Questions.Who this course is for:Anyone who is preparing for the CISSP exam and would like to evaluate their knowledge, identify their weakness and clear the exam from the first attempt.Current IT Security Specialist Who Wish to Validate Their Skills by Pursuing The Certification.Anyone wanting to test their IT Security knowledge."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de estudio realmente eficientes" |
"En este curso te muestro todo mi conocimiento referente a TCNICAS para que tu estudio sea PTIMO.Es decir. que puedas estudiar el mximo contenido en el menor tiempo posible, evitando as que te desmotives o incluso evitar que abandones el estudio de esa materia.Te lo explico de una manera tcnica pero cercana, basndome en mis 11 aos de experiencia impartiendo este curso.Necesitas aprobar ese examen como sea? Necesitas sacar ese curso como sea?ENTONCES, ESTE ES TU CURSO!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Ciberseguridad |
"Alguien me ha robado todo el dinero que tenia en mi tarjeta de dbito y la de credito por igual, Dios mio, que catstrofe. Y lo peor es que a un amigo le rompieron la seguridad de su internet en la casa y descargaron videos y conversaciones muy personales que haba tenido con su novio. Esto parece como una pelcula de terror, pero lamentablemente son cosas que suceden diariamente en el mundo en que vivimos. Por eso, en ese curso, comparto tcnicas y estrategias de seguridad las cuales puedes aplicar inmediatamente en tu hogar y pequea empresa. Los ms importante es tomar accin inmediatamente y protegerte a ti y a los tuyos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gastos en tus Finanzas Personales" |
"Si, es cierto que tengo un buen salario, pero tengo tantos gastos que no me queda nada absolutamente al final del mes. La verdad no s que hacer, siento que los gastos crecen y crecen cada vez ms cada mes, pero mi salario no lo hace. Qu es lo que tengo que hacer para que me quede un poco de dinero el cual usara para ahorrar e invertir? La mayora nos sentimos de esta misma manera, por eso en este curso el cual surge del Libro Finanzas Personales en Norteamrica, escrito por m, trataremos especficamente como ser ms inteligentes a la hora de gastar y que hacer para reducir estos gastos y que nos quede ms dinero al fin de mes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Working with Maximo Workflows" |
"This course is in a series of lectures I am preparing to address the concerns of Maximo Developer Community on usage of out-of-the-box Maximo configurations which are readily available inside the package but due to time constraints or on the job work pressures we do not try to fully explore or understand their usage. This course will give you an insight of different workflow nodes and their usage, how to create business process flows using Maximo Workflows application, and how to manage and invoke them from other Maximo applications."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Streamline your Instagram and Sky Rocket your Following 2020" |
"For those who already have an existing Instagram profile. Make use of all the features to streamline your page for maximum reach. Find and build on your true following, leading them to your website with products and services provided. Simple techniques to make posting regularly quick, easy and fun, using your time more effectively. Enjoy, use your creativity and have fun!"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Tissue Engineering" |
"Loss or defect in the tissue is a common phenomenon with high medical costs that millions of people suffer annually. Some body tissues effectively undergo a self-healing process and initiate processes during tissue damage that lead to rapid and usually complete repair of damaged tissue. In some cases where the tissue is extensively damaged, for example in grade 3 burns, the body's self-healing methods are not sufficient and searching for methods to control natural processes is essential.In tissue engineering we seek to engineer living tissues and the desired tissue must be well known to be engineered on the basis of its various properties. Tissue engineering is to take care of nature and imitate the conditions inside the body. The human body is made up of cells and cells make up tissues and they make organs. Understanding the context in which cells grow is called the extracellular matrix as well as the molecules present in the environment are essential for the design of living tissues.Tissue engineering is nowadays considered as a possible alternative to tissue or organ transplantation. With this technology, organ failure can be treated through biologically engineered alternative implantation. In this way, the cells are removed from a patient and their numbers are increased and placed on a scaffold. Scaffolds can be either natural or synthetic or a combination of both.There are three basic factors that affect tissue engineering: cells, scaffolds, growth factorsIf only the cell is used, the cells must be able to secrete extracellular matrix material. If we use only biomaterials, migration of host tissue cells to the damaged area is essential for tissue regeneration.This course provides an overview of: Introduction to tissue engineering Cells in tissue engineering Scaffolds in tissue engineering Growth Factors in tissue engineering Interaction with biomaterial surface Body tissue engineeringThis course can be useful for students of tissue engineering, polymer and medical engineering and interested in this field."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ferramentas para Aulas Online" |
"Voc um professor engajado em criar novas oportunidades de aprendizado para seus alunos, mas ainda no domina a tecnologia educacional? Este curso para voc! Vamos abordar as principais ferramentas tecnolgicas do Google for Education, bem como dicas e estratgias para aumentar o engajamento dos seus alunos e potencializar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Davinci Resolve Cinematic Color to Any Footage" |
"In this course, you will learn how to get the full cinematic color grade for any footage.Most of the grading tutorials use stock footage most of the stock footages shot on very professional Hollywood level cameras.Those footages can have a lot of color information them selfs so its easy to grade those footagesBut The real challenge comes when you try to grade your footage with those specific methods. 90% of the times you failed to achieve your desired specific look.And in 80% percent cases even LUTS wont help you to get your desired resultsSo here I am to help youwe will see some practical scenarios like most of the people will haveWe will use footage from consumer-grade cameras even you can use your cell phone footage if you want we will grade them to achieve a full cinematic gradeAt the end of this course, you will have no longer hesitation to color grade any footage either its shot with your cell phone camera, consumer-level camera or Hollywood level professional cameras.We will use Davinci resolve 16 but you can work on the previous version of Davinci resolve and can get the same resultsThe course will not cover all the tools in DaVinci resolve the course is 85% concentrated to enhance your color grading skills for any possible scenario while I added some of the basics that will help you to import your footage edit that footage and ad music and voice-over and export it into any format."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Type 2 Diabetes: It's Time You Started Living a Better Life" |
"1 in every 11 adults has diabetes, and 12% of the global health expenditure is spent on this disease. In 2015, there were 415 million people worldwide living with the disease, out of which more than 10% were from North America and the Caribbean. It is estimated that by 2040, there will be 642 million people diagnosed with the disease.Let us remind you, diabetes type 2 is a disease that you will need to manage continuously, and it can affect you in many ways. The signs and symptoms or the appearance of a complication can affect you and your family, both physically and emotionally. Also, the importance of eating well, exercising daily and monitoring your blood glucose levels can wear you out without a proper guide.Taking this course shows that even though this disease has directly or indirectly impacted you, you are fearless, and you know when to make the right decisions.This course is meant to complement advice from your health care provider so you can fully understand your options and make better use of your time during visits. This course is to bring an understanding of the power you have to make decisions that enhance your quality of life, not to replace doctor's recommendations or to use as an alternative treatment.You have already taken the first step by investing your time to learn about the disease so you can improve your and your loved one's life!We are happy that you are fighting the good fight and are motivated to live a better life, signing up for this course is proof of that. Through this course, we will give you the information about type 2 diabetes that you will need to help you make the right decisions.Our diabetes course is composed of 4 phases, with 4 information-filled videos in each phase. Throughout this course, you will understand the disease, learn about different symptoms and tests associated with it. You will also get an actionable diet and exercise to manage your blood sugar levels, as well as different strategies you can use to lead a stress-free and happy life.Let's take a look at the course outline.Phase 1 of this course is designed to help you understand what type 2 diabetes is and how it can impact your life as a patient or as a family member. We will go over the symptoms of diabetes, how it is diagnosed, and what conventional and alternative remedies you can use to cope with this disease.Phase 2 of this course, we will talk about how you can live your life to the fullest by making the right lifestyle changes, like adjusting your diet and adding exercise to your daily routine. You will also get an overview of different technologies that might help you in managing diabetes.Phase 3 focuses on your emotional and social well-being by giving you motivation and pointers on how to manage stress. In addition, you will learn how to speak about your disease and communicate with your loved ones. We will also talk a little about the power of the mind.Phase 4 of this course is designed specifically for friends, family members, and employers who would like to help diabetic patients. This phase focuses on providing care-giving guidelines to family members, how to communicate with the patient and some guidance on how employers can facilitate their employees who have diabetes in the workplace.There is a LOT more that will be covered during this course besides what we mentioned in the outline.Now, let's start our journey of understanding diabetes and how to live with it- Register Now!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |