Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Taller de Cocina Cetognico (Keto)" |
"Bienvenid@ al ""Taller de cocina cetognico"" en el cul aprenders recetas muy fciles para implementar en tu dieta cetognica y as evitar comprar productos costosos. Todas las recetas que vas a aprender se pueden congelar y utilizar cuando quieras.Que voy a aprender?aprenders las Bases de la dieta cetognica, una gua de las proporciones de grasa, protena y vegetales que estn permitidos, as como la lista de alimentos que puedes consumir en la dieta.4 recetas keto:-Pan de barra (caja)-Tortillas-Focaccia (base de pizza)-NutelaTodas las recetas vienen en video y en PDF y puedes verlas las veces que quieras. Recuerda que la dieta keto NO es para todos y es MUY importante que antes de hacerla consultes con un especialista, debido a que si no la haces con las proporciones adecuadas pata ti puedes llegar a tener un problema serio de salud. Cada cuerpo es diferente y cada quien necesita una dieta personal.Al incorporar alimentos keto (aunque no hagas la dieta) eliminas azcares y carbohidratos que son los grupos principales de alimentos que causan enfermedades, as que aunque no lleves la dieta keto estas recetas te puedes ayudar a que tengas un estilo ms saludable."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"Esse curso tem como objetivo de introduzir o conceito de Industria 4.0 e as tecnologias disruptivas que esto mudando os modelos e paradigmas de produo e consumo ,alm de demonstrar onde essas tecnologias j esto sendo utilizadas e qual seu impacto positivo no Brasil e no Mundo. Nesse curso voc ter um introduo ao que : Internet das Coisas(IOT) e Machine To Machine(M2M), Inteligncia Artificial (IA), Big Data e Bussines Inteligence (BI) e suas diferenas, casos de uso dessas tecnologias.Alm do Perfil do Profissional 4.0 e o que se espera dele ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Developer Bootcamp" |
"Hi there! Welcome to The Complete Developer Bootcamp, the course you need to learn Best Practices in Software Development. This complete course is designed to educate and transform you into a job-ready, high-quality software developer. You will learn the most popular best practices in software development, such as:CODE QUALITY GATESCODING STANDARDSCODE REVIEWTESTING OVERVIEWUNIT TESTINGTEST AUTOMATIONTESTING OF NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTSRELEASE AND BRANCHING STRATEGYCONTINUOUS INTEGRATION/CONTINUOUS DELIVERY BUSINESS ANALYSISESTIMATIONSAGILEIt doesn't matter are you a front-end or back-end developer, junior or senior - this course will provide a huge impact on your professional life.By the end of this course, you'll have learned how do deliver high-quality software to a customer or production environment. How to do it fast and with minimal effort. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I have a huge experience in development and would love to share it and help students learn something new. Sign up today and see how fast you can improve your seniority in Software Development!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Organic Chemistry Simplified (Part 1)" |
"This Course is designed to lay the foundation for your organic chemistry. Here you will learn what is organic chemistry, how organic compounds are represented, what is the reason for formation of large number of organic compounds, functional groups, homologues, nature of carbon & hydrogen, saturation and unsaturation, hybridization, classification of organic compounds along with IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Autobiographical Method for the Emotional Intelligence" |
"Creative Autobiographical Method ""is a theoretical-practical online course, with twenty-one demonstration videos that explain how to organize laboratory activities in a group. It provides tools for personal growth, self-knowledge and knowledge of others through the canvas of the classic fairy tale and the writing of stories.When the magic of self-understanding occurs, knowing the other becomes a possible goal. This course was born from this basic assumption, the result of years of workshops conducted within public schools and communities for the training of teaching staff and operators through the practice of the Arts Therapies, with particular attention to the techniques of fairy tales ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Az 300: Examen de prctica de arquitectos de Microsoft Azure" |
"Este Az 300: Examen de prctica de arquitectode de Microsoft Azure curso le ayudar a construir y aprobar sus habilidades para que pueda sacar el mximo provecho del examen az-300. Le ayudar a aprobar el examen, as como mejorar sus conocimientos sobre los exmenes az-300. Estas son pruebas de prctica de longitud completa que le dar una simulacin de examen real.Despus de tomar este curso, los estudiantes deben estar preparados para tomar el examen de certificacin az-300 y aprobarlo. He incluido alrededor de 103 preguntas reales para el examen con. Puede tomar este curso cuando lo desee. Hay dos tipos de preguntas en estos cuestionarios de prctica:1. Opcin mltiple, respuesta nica2. Opcin mltiple, respuestas mltiplesQuines son sus estudiantes objetivo?Este curso es para personas de la industria de TI que planean realizar un examen de certificacin az-300.Qu aprendern los alumnos en su curso?1.103 pregunta para prepararse para su Examen de prctica de Arquitecto de Az 300: Microsoft Azure Architect Existen requisitos o requisitos previos del curso? se necesitan requisitos previos, ya que esto es slo una prueba de prctica"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Az 300: Microsoft Azure Architect Practice Examen" |
"Cet Az 300: Microsoft Azure Architect Practice Exam cours vous aidera construire et approuver vos capacits afin que vous puissiez tirer le meilleur parti de lexamen az-300. Il vous aidera passer lexamen ainsi que damliorer vos connaissances sur les examens az-300. Ce sont des tests de pratique de longueur qui vous donneront une simulation dexamen rel.Aprs avoir suivi ce cours, les tudiants doivent tre prts passer lexamen de certification az-300 et le russir. Jai inclus autour de 65 vraies questions pour lexamen avec. Vous pouvez suivre ce cours quand vous voulez. Il existe deux types de questions sur ces quiz pratiques :1. Multiple-Choice, Rponse unique2. Multiple-Choice, Rponses multiplesQui sont vos lves cibles?Ce cours sadresse aux personnes de lindustrie informatique qui prvoient passer un examen de certification az-300.Quapprendront les lves dans votre cours?65 question pour prparer votre Az 300: Microsoft Azure Architect Practice Exam Y a-t-il des exigences ou des conditions pralables?aucune condition pralable ncessaire car il sagit simplement dun test de pratique"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Az 300: Exame de Prtica do Arquiteto Microsoft Azure" |
"Este Az 300: Microsoft Azure Architect Practice Exam curso vai ajud-lo a construir e aprovar as suas habilidades para que voc possa tirar o mximo proveito do exame az-300. Vai ajud-lo a passar no exame, bem como a melhorar o seu conhecimento em exames az-300. Estes so testes de treino de comprimento completo que lhe daro uma simulao de exame real.Depois de fazer este curso, os alunos devem estar preparados para fazer o exame de certificao az-300 e aprov-lo. Inclu cerca de 70 perguntas a srio para o exame. Pode fazer este curso quando quiser. Existem dois tipos de perguntas sobre estes testes de prtica:1. Escolha mltipla, resposta nica2. Escolha mltipla, respostas mltiplasQuem so os seus alunos-alvo?Este curso para pessoas da indstria de TI que planeiam fazer um exame de certificao Az-300.O que os alunos vo aprender no seu curso?70 pergunta para preparar o seu Az 300: Microsoft Azure Architect Practice Exam Existem requisitos ou pr-requisitos de curso?no so necessrios pr-requisitos, uma vez que este apenas um teste de prtica"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Az 300: Praktijkexamen Microsoft Azure Architect" |
"Dit az 300: Praktijkexamen microsoft Azure Architect cursus zal u helpen om uw vaardigheden te bouwen en goed te keuren, zodat u het meeste uit de AZ-300 Examen halen. Het zal u helpen om het examen te halen en uw kennis over az-300 examens te verbeteren. Dit zijn volledige lengte praktijktests die u een echte examensimulatie zullen geven.Na het volgen van deze cursus moeten studenten bereid zijn om het az-300-certificeringsexamen af te leggen en te slagen. Ik heb ongeveer 70 echte vragen voor het examen met. Je deze cursus volgen wanneer je maar wilt. Er zijn twee soorten vragen over deze praktijk quizzen:1. Meerkeuzekeuze, enkelantwoord2. Meerkeuzekeuze, meerdere antwoordenWie zijn je doelgroep studenten?Deze cursus is voor mensen in de IT-industrie die van plan zijn om az-300 certificeringsexamen te doen.Wat leren de studenten in je cursus?70 vraag ter voorbereiding op uw Az 300: Praktijkexamen Microsoft Azure Architect Zijn er cursusvereisten of vereisten?geen voorwaarden nodig, want dit is slechts een praktijktest"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CISSP Certification Practice Exam (2020)" |
"Want to prepare for your CISSP exam? We are here to help!This 300 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official CISSP exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the CISSP practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.What will students learn in your course?300 high quality questions for your CISSP examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Willingness to LearnWho this course is for: Students who are interested to clear the CISSP exam Students who want to feel confident about being prepared for the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Examen de Prctica de Certificacin CISSP (2020)" |
"Desea prepararse para su examen CISSP? Estamos aqu para ayudar!Estas 300 preguntas aqu en aqu estn emulando 100% las condiciones oficiales del examen y le permitirn prepararse mejor para el negocio real.Nuestro equipo pas horas preparando esta prueba especficamente para que usted obtuviera la puntuacin ms alta en el examen cISSP oficial.Esta prueba cubre todos los requisitos del examen oficial, lo que significa que si obtienes una buena puntuacin en este examen prctico, es porque ests preparado para el examen oficial!Tenga la seguridad de que si por alguna razn no le gusta la prueba de prctica CISSP.Le daremos 30 das para solicitar un reembolso.Qu aprendern los alumnos en su curso?300 preguntas de alta calidad para su examen CISSPExisten requisitos o requisitos previos del curso?Voluntad de aprenderPara quin es este curso: Los estudiantes que estn interesados en borrar el examen CISSP Estudiantes que quieren sentirse seguros de estar preparados para el examen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft MS-100: 365 Identity & Service Practice Test" |
"Want to prepare for your Microsoft Ms-100 exam? We are here to help!This 122 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official MS-100: 365 Identity & Service exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the Ms-100 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.What will students learn in your course?122 high-quality questions for your MS-100: 365 Identity & Service examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Willingness to LearnWho this course is for:Students who are interested to clear the MS-100: 365 Identity & Service examStudents who want to feel confident about being prepared for the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MS-200:Planning and Configuring Messaging Platform Prep Test" |
"Want to prepare for your MS-200 exam? We are here to help!This 80 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official MS-200 exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the MS-200 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.What will students learn in your course?80 high-quality questions for your MS-200 examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Willingness to LearnWho this course is for:Students who are interested to clear the MS-200 examStudents who want to feel confident about being prepared for the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Testing 101" |
"Hi! Welcome to Python Testing 101 - Unit Testing Python code with unittest framework.This course will help you master the fundamentals of Unit testing Python code. It teaches you various techniques for writing unit tests in Python and how to execute them efficiently, and find the bugs before your users do!We will be using Python unittest framework which comes with Python standard library and it assumes that you have minimal prior experience with Python coding. You'll learn how to assert parts of your tests, how to discover the tests, and make tests easier to read and manage. Throughout the course you will see lots of unit test code examples in Python.Some of the interesting topics covered in the course are:Create Project in Pycharm with Virtual EnvUnittest Fixtures & Test DiscoveryUsing Mock and Test DoublesPytest as Test Runner and generating nice reportsJenkins to run and share the test reportsParameterized TestsWriting unittest for a Real, Working ApplicationThank you and see you in this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Modern Slang Expressions" |
"In these fast moving modern times, as technology changes so does our language.The way we communicate and interact with each other has been so dramatic altered, new words and phrases are popping up everyday. Many native english speakers even have a hard time keeping up. This book is a guide to modern slang words and expressions that have appeared in the last 10 years. Some are older than that but are necessary to know because they are used commonly and in conjunction with other modern slang words. I especially focused this book on ESL learners as well. Most ESL students are learning from outdated books and when they have to communicate on a social level, they are easily frustrated and discouraged. English should be fun and I hope you enjoy the contents of this book. Yo Fam, what's good?. I hope you bang with us and floss your English skills. #esketit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to become Self Aware" |
"21 professionals share valuable lessons on how to become self aware and master your inner voice and remove what is self sabotaging you to allow you to have the life you want and deserve.Among these experts, we have fitness instructors, coaches, authors, actors.All coming from different backgrounds have grouped together to share their experience to allow you to excel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Know The Key Elements for The Success of an Ecommerce Site" |
"This course is suitable for Ecommerce Site Owners, Entrepreneurs, Online Business Managers and Ecommerce UX Designers who have an Ecommerce site, or are planning to have one and wants to learn how to increase their online sales. In this course, we will be discussing a lot of essential elements that you must have on your Ecommerce site to convert maximum visitors into paying customers.This is NOT a technical or a design course and is suitable for anyone and everyone who is responsible for the success of the Ecommerce business in your organisation."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"MA0-100 McAfee Certified Product Specialist Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Query results are displayed within ePO in what form?a) PDFb) Chartsc) XMLd) tablese) textQ) Which of the following options are available when right-clicking on a file and selecting ""Scan for threats""?a) Cleanb) Deletec) Go ond) action Requeste) continue scanningQ) The configuration of the client product distribution, the setting ""Enable"" randomization should be activated when the managed client nodes pass.a) 100b) 500c) 750d) 1000Q) Which of the following should be the primary consideration when managers agent distribution?a) Database increasing in sizeb) The increasing log file sizec) The memory and resource allocationd) High speed and low-latency connectionQ) When you back up an ePO server, which of the following security key is required to restore communication Server Agent?a) Master Repository Local Communicationb) Agent Server Secure Communicationc) Legacy Server Agent Communicationd) McAfee SIA Repository Communication"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"IBM C2010-503 Tivoli Monitoring Fundamental Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which statement is correct in relation to the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) in an IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 environment?a) There can be only one active Hub TEMS in any environment.b) There can be more than one Hub TEMS active in any environment.c) The number of needed Hub TEMS is determined by an updated file during installation.d) The number of Hub TEMS required depends on the number of active connections to agents.Q) Which statement is true about the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server V6.3 (PTO)?a) Oracle is now a supported database for TEPS.b) application authorization policy is enabled by default.c) IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 recommends upgrade to Java 6.d) The dashboard data provider is optionally enabled during setup TEPSQ) Pots for Service Management accelerates deployment, integration and automation of workflow through which instruments?a) Only IBM toolsb) Only third-party toolsc) Only IBM tools and partnersd) IBM intends to partner tools, and third-partyQ) What enhancement is added to IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Agent (ITM) for the UNIX operating system?a) Support for self-describing agents.b) Support the monitoring of the file system of the NES.c) New TM feature to run the prerequisite check to agents before installing.d) A variety of parameters were brought by the agent AIX Premium agent TM UNIX OS.Q) If Java is not installed initially, which version is installed when the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client runs?a) IBM Java 6b) IBM Java 7c) Oracle Java 6d) Oracle Java 7"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Control Valves : Final Control Element in the Control Loop" |
"Process Control Valves for oil & gas,power,petro-chemicals-Throttling/Modulating Type Globe type;Ball valve;Butter fly valve; Construction; Major parts; Sizing Equations valve flow coefficient Cv definition ;Cv determinants;valve charecteristics; ANSI valve leakage class; Sizing Software; Installation Data,process data,Cv calculations, Selection of valve,port area,valve travel, Noise limitations ;Actuators; Pneumatic actuators; I/P converter, valve positioner. Electric Actuators,Hydraulic Actuators"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
DataScience-Stats,MachineLearning,NLP-Python-R-BigData-Spark |
"This Course is designed for Beginners to start learning/Understanding Data Science from the basics of Mathematics , Statistics, Machine Learning , NLP (Text Mining) & Deep Learning using Python, R Programming Language's and also Big Data technologies like Hadoop Spark/PySpark- MLib etc..I will be teaching everything from scratch for any person to learn all Data Science related topics in detail from Scratch including Multiple Use cases with hands-on. Also , Will be providing multiple use cases and Practical assignments for Python,R and Spark Programming to Learn Machine Learning and Text Mining Etc..I have added all the required Tolls and Technologies needed for a Data Scientist based on Current Industry needs and also for future needs in this Course , and made this one as ONE COURSE to learn everything to become Full Stack Data Scientist ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Data Science -Statistics,Machine Learning & NLP with R" |
"This Course is designed for Beginners to start learning/Understanding Data Science from the basics of Mathematics , Statistics, Machine Learning , NLP (Text Mining) & Deep Learning using R Programming Language.I will be teaching everything from scratch for any person to learn all Data Science related topics in detail from Scratch including Multiple Use cases with hands-on. Also , Will be providing multiple use cases and Practical assignments R Programming to Learn Machine Learning and Text Mining Etc.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deploying Cisco SD-Access (ENSDA)" |
"The Deploying Cisco SD-Access (ENSDA) v1.1 course teaches you how to successfully deploy the Cisco Software-Defined Access (SD-Access) solution in your enterprise network. This advanced-level, instructor-led, lab-based, hands-on course covers SD-Access fundamentals, provisioning, policies, wireless integration, border operations, and migration strategies. The course also discusses how Cisco SD-Access fits into the Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA).ObjectivesUpon completion of this course, you should be able to:Describe Cisco SD-Access and how it relates to Cisco DNAOrchestrate a Cisco SD-Access solution using the Cisco DNA Center orchestration platformUse the Network Data Platform to demonstrate the assurance and analytics capabilities of SD-AccessPrerequisitesBefore taking this course:You should have an understanding of network routing and switching principles equivalent to the Cisco CCNA certification level.OutlineCisco SD-Access OverviewExploring Cisco SD-AccessDescribing the Cisco SD-Access ArchitectureExploring Cisco DNA CenterConfiguring Underlay AutomationCisco SD-Access ImplementationISE Integration in Cisco DNA CenterPolicy Provisioning BasicsNavigating and Managing the Policy Application WorkflowsCisco SD-Access Border OperationsCisco SD-Access Deployment ModelsConnecting the Fabric to External DomainsWireless Integration OrchestrationIntegrating Wireless with the Cisco SD-Access SolutionWorkflow of Cisco SD-Access WirelessCisco SD-Access Wireless Network DesignCisco SD-Access Wireless Basic OperationCisco SD-Access Assurance and MigrationCisco Network Data PlatformCisco SD-Access Migration Strategies"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Udemy, Inc.Udemy, Inc.UdemyUdemyUdemyUdemy UdemyUdemySEOUdemyUdemyUdemy Udemy50%UdemyUdemy96%UdemyUdemy50%Udemy97% Search Engine Optimization GoogleSEOWEB"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
myinteriorschoolproject |
", . -, - , . , - . : - !- ( )- ( )- .- - , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"No sabes qu vestir nunca? Defnete y sal a la calle." |
"Si te digo que hace 3 aos que estoy en este mundillo, pensaras que es mucho tiempo para algo tan innecesario como es la ropa o la moda pero, en general, este mundo esta lleno de oportunidades y a esta rama del arte le queda muuuucho por dar. Vintage, street, negro de vida, fashion, designer... Todos estos conceptos los puedes aplicar a tu da a da y hacer que los dems se interesen por tu forma de vestir. Si algunas vez has sentido que puedes mejorar tu imagen y sentirte mas cmodo en sociedad, es totalmente posible. A veces nos preocupamos por el que dirn y si te soy sincero a mi me pasaba mucho, pero, hoy en da la gente que sabe arriesgar y seguir su personalidad es ORO."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Te enseo a crecer en redes sociales de forma rpida!" |
"Hace unos 4 aos que tengo instagram y tengo que decirte que durante 3 aos no crec casi nada. Ademas...te mostrar ejemplos de mi cuenta para que veas que no te hablo en vano!. A partir de este tercer ao empez a hacer cosas nuevas y a descubrir nuevas oportunidades en la plataforma. Quiero compartir contigo estos secretos para que tu tambin puedas escalar tu cuenta. Vamos a ello???."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende impresin 3D con Ultimaker Cura" |
"En este curso adems de conoce Ultimaker Cura y todos los parmetros con los que cuenta para configurar tus modelos, aprenders claves como la importancia que tiene la orientacin de los modelos, cmo optimizar varios modelos en la plataforma de impresin e incluso a optimizar los soportes.El curso est desarrollado principalmente para ser ledo y puedas descargarte la informacin para obtener un manual completo de Cura."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Web Development Beginner's Bootcamp 2020" |
"Hello and welcome to this course.This course is an introductory course to web development for absolute beginners.The aim of the course is not take you from beginner to expert but to take youfrom beginner to a point where you can you can decide if you want to explore more.The three technologies every web developer must know are :HTML : Used to create contentCSS: Used to present the contentJavaScript : Used to create interactionThey are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects.This course will teach you the basics of these three technologies by creating a basic one page website project."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Fundamentals Of Node.js Programming" |
"NodeJS is a rapidy growing web server technology, and Node developers are among the highest paid in the industry. Knowing NodeJS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications.In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Node, learn how NodeJS works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a Trabajar con Electricidad en VIVO" |
"Por su puesto que la forma ms segura de trabajar con Electricidad es SIN Energa, sin embargo tarde temprano surge aquel trabajo urgente en el que NO HAY otra opcin ms que realizar una maniobra con Electricidad. Por ests razones, ms que un Curso, ste es un Entrenamiento para que ests preparado para una situacin de EmergenciaEste Curso es para ti, sobre todo si...Si sientes Miedo a Sufrir un Accidente una Descarga Elctrica, deseas Superarte aumentando tus Conocimientos y Habilidades en la Electricidad Residencial inclusive has PERDIDO Clientes por no saber hacer una Maniobra con Electricidad.... Con este Curso SENTIRS Auto-Confianza para realizar Maniobras, Tranquilidad por trabajar de forma segura y evitando accidentes y Ser Reconocido por tus Clientes como un Buen Electricista por estar ms Capacitado."
Price: 1545.00 ![]() |