Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Escalas Musicais para Guitarra e Violo - Nvel Iniciante" |
"Escalas Musicais para Guitarra e Violo - Nvel InicianteAprenda todo passo a passo para voc dominar as primeiras habilidades no violo e na guitarra para tocar e improvisar em qualquer escala musical. Nesse curso eu vou te mostrar todo o passo a passo passando pela teoria, prtica e aplicao musical, seguindo a metodologia que eu aprendi durante a minha formao musical na California College of Music nos Estados Unidos.Confira algumas aulas que voc ir encontrar no curso:Escalas maiores e menores;Escala pentatnica menor e blues;Modos gregos (Jnio, drico, frgio, ldio etc...);Exerccios para ganhar tcnica e velocidade;10 riffs de guitarra super famosos;Anlise musical para iniciantes;e muito mais ....*Todo o passo a passo para voc iniciante aprender do absoluto zeroOBS2: Voc pode encontrar todos os PDFs do material complementar na primeira aula do captulo 1Conhea seu professor Gabriel Felix.Graduado na escola internacional ''California College of Music - EUA''.+ 3989 alunos na plataforma Udemy.+ de 243 Alunos presenciais sua escola Meio Musical localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.+ de 576 cursos vendidos nas plataformas Hotmart e Eduzz.+ de 13 anos de msica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Arranjo Musical para Iniciantes do Violo e Guitarra" |
"Arranjo Musical para Iniciantes do Violo e GuitarraAprenda todo passo a passo para voc dominar as primeiras habilidades no violo e na guitarra para montar qualquer arranjo. Nesse curso eu vou te mostrar todo o passo a passo passando pela teoria, prtica e aplicao musical, seguindo a metodologia que eu aprendi durante a minha formao musical na California College of Music nos Estados Unidos.OBS: Nesse curso eu no vou te ensinar a tocar msicas e sim tcnicas prticas e tericas que vo te ajudar e muito na hora de tocar.Confira algumas aulas que voc ir encontrar no curso:Escalas maiores e menores;Acordes maiores e menores;Todos os tipos de acordes com stima;Anlise musical para iniciantes; (Como as msicas funcionam)Acordes com 9th, 11th e 13th;Acordes de baixo alterado;Sus 4 e sus 9;Como montar arranjos sensacionais;Como transformar uma progresso de acordes em um arranjo;e muito mais ....*Todo o passo a passo para voc iniciante aprender do absoluto zeroOBS2: Voc pode encontrar todos os PDFs do material complementar na primeira aula do captulo 1Conhea seu professor Gabriel Felix.Graduado na escola internacional ''California College of Music - EUA''.+ 3989 alunos na plataforma Udemy.+ de 243 Alunos presenciais sua escola Meio Musical localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.+ de 576 cursos vendidos nas plataformas Hotmart e Eduzz.+ de 13 anos de msica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Guitarra e Violo - Com mais de 40 aulas" |
"Curso Completo de Guitarra e Violo - Com mais de 40 aulas Aprenda todo passo a passo para voc dominar as primeiras habilidades no violo e na guitarra para tocar qualquer msica e solar do absoluto zero. Nesse curso eu vou te mostrar todo o passo a passo passando pela teoria, prtica e aplicao musical, seguindo a metodologia que eu aprendi durante a minha formao musical na California College of Music nos Estados Unidos.OBS: Nesse curso eu no vou te ensinar a tocar msicas e sim tcnicas prticas e tericas que vo te ajudar e muito na hora de tocar.Confira algumas aulas que voc ir encontrar no curso:Notas musicais;Escalas maiores e menores;Como ler tablaturas;Pentatnica menor;Pentatnica blues;Acordes caractersticos do estilo;Padres rtmicos do blues;Blues de 12 compassos;Fraseado blues;Exerccios de walking bass blues;Exerccios prticos com tablatura para ganhar velocidade e preciso;Fraseados com tablatura;Modos gregos (Jnio, Drico, frgio etc...);Intervalos musicais;Mais de 22 exemplos de fraseados para tocar e evoluir tecnicamente;Tcnicas de harmnia e teoria para montar arranjos;Formao de acordes;Acordes maiores, menores, stima, sus e power acordes;As progresses de acordes mais comuns;Arranjos musicais e fingerstyle;e muito mais ....*Todo o passo a passo para voc iniciante aprender do absoluto zeroOBS2: Voc pode encontrar todos os PDFs do material complementar na primeira aula do captulo 1Conhea seu professor Gabriel Felix.Graduado na escola internacional ''California College of Music - EUA''.+ 3989 alunos na plataforma Udemy.+ de 243 Alunos presenciais sua escola Meio Musical localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.+ de 576 cursos vendidos nas plataformas Hotmart e Eduzz.+ de 13 anos de msica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de guitarra completo con ms de 35 lecciones." |
" Ahora tu puedes aprender a tocar guitarra con este mtodo con el que cientos de estudiantes han aprendido. Un mtodo prctico que funciona.Clases musicales:*Las notas musicales;*Estructuras armnicas;*Escalas mayor y menor;*Progresiones tpicas en canciones;*Inversiones de acordes;*Acordes de guitarra (9th,11th, 13th, sus...);*Blues ejercicios 1 - Walking bass;*Blues ejercicios 2 - Shuffle bsico;*Blues ejercicios 3 - Escalas musicales;*Ejercicios en escala de guitarra principiantes;*Frases y licks serie 1 Pentatnica;*Modos Griegos ''Jnico, Drico, Frigio, Lidio, Mixolidio, Elico y Locrio''*Frases y licks serie 2 Pentatnica;*Blues note y pentatnica;*Pentatnica m7;*Simplificando el uso de los acordes;*Cmo leer tablaturas (Tabs);*Cmo aprender todas las notas en la guitarra;*Warm Up Time - Ejercicios de guitarra para adquirir destreza y velocidad;*Estructuras armnicas;*Acordes mayor y menor;*Simplificando el uso de los acordes;*Cmo aprender todas las notas en la guitarra;y muchas otras clases.->Clases vienen acompaadas con material que puedes descargar para que practicar sea eficiente y divertido:- Vdeos- Pdfs.- Audio con guitarra ejemplo grabada.Todo el curso est organizado en un diseo fcil de seguir paso a paso. Inscrbete ahora y aprende a tocar !!!Gabriel Felix - California College of Music"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Violo e Guitarra - Iniciante ao Avanado" |
"Aprenda todo o passo a passo para solar e improvisar do nvel iniciante ao avanado.Essas aulas so voltadas para pessoas:1 Que no querem perder tempo com aulinhas sem foco e objetivo no youtube.2 Pessoas cansadas de assistir vdeo aulas com informaes erradas na internet. (olha que tem bastante enh)3 Quer estudar todo o passo a passo para tocar suas msicas favoritas;4 Quer desenvolver tcnicas e habilidades para improvisar em diversos estilos e tonalidades;5 Descobrir as digitaes e como aplicar as principais escalas musicais;6 Aprender a tocar de ouvido do absoluto zero;Se voc uma dessas pessoas (e eu sei que ), voc est convidado a participar desse timo curso, com todo o contedo que eu tive quando estudei na ''California College of Music''. Seu acesso ser vitalcio. O que isso quer dizer? Que voc pode assistir por quanto tempo quiser.Nesse treinamento voc vai encontrar diversas aulas sobre harmnia, velocidade no instrumento, teoria musical, arranjo, tcnicas de improvisao solos e muito mais. E todo o meu suporte tira dvidas na plataforma do curso.Certo, vou te explicar exatamente cada aula que voc ver no curso:Aulas que voc ir encontrar no curso.Como achar as notas musicais no instrumentoComo montar escalas maiores e menoresO que so trades e ttradesComo mudar de acordes com velocidade e precisoCampo harmnico em trades e ttradesComo achar o tom da msicaComo transpor shapes e escalasComo tocar as escalas por todo o brao do instrumentoExerccio grupo de cordas (velocidade nas escalas)e muito mais...Direo: Gabriel Felix (Graduado na California College of Music)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Academic Dissertation Writing" |
"Dissertation writing is a crucial task every college student will have to do. This assignment is not as easy as it first looks. Writing a research paper requires specific methods and style. As the case with every academic writing genre, dissertations or theses have certain steps that need to be followed in order to accomplish the task. This course addresses all aspects of dissertation/thesis writing. From the first draft to the final, polished draft. This course is designed for college students who want to know how to get started with their thesis or monograph writing. It is divided into sections in which new concepts are introduced. We will discuss the tone and style of writing as well as the methods of research you'll need to familiarize yourselves with. This course is specifically addressed to college students in the social sciences discipline. However, anyone who wants to expand their knowledge is welcomed. You will have to write a sample thesis of 20 to 25 pages so that I can assess your overall understanding of the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Trends & Opportunities in a Post-Coronavirus World" |
"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity Sun Tzu, The Art of WarThe novel coronavirus outbreak, which began in Wuhan, China, in December, has expanded to touch every corner of the globe. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have been sickened and tens of thousands have died.With lock-downs destroying small businesses and layoffs costing millions of people their jobs, a huge depression has already started.This is a crash course designed to give you the information you need to survive and thrive in a post-coronavirus world.Most of the course highlights the amazing opportunities that have already revealed themselves in the post-coronavirus world, both in terms of business and personal advancement.It also comments on personal preparedness for you and your family in the worst-case scenario.Unlike other courses...I have tried to make this course as fun as possible, because THIS IS THE TIME to put effort into staying positive and NOT falling into the panic-trap.For example, this course has movies for homework, lots of fun, and is perfect if you are stuck at home.IMPORTANT - This course is specifically designed to contain NO MEDICAL ADVICE.It's sole focus is to prepare people for the upcoming social and economic dangers and opportunities that are around the corner.What makes this course worth it?I reveal the tried-and-tested methods and techniques used by survivalists and trend forecasters.I have gone through the trial and error so you don't have to fail.You get a solid step-by-step plan which will get you PREPARED for what's coming.My teaching style is straight forward, clear, concise and to-the-point. Stay healthy, happy and safe in these unpredictable times."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"15-Minute Meditation Daily on 10 Niyamas of The Yoga Sutras" |
"Dear Friends -Namaste. My highest self honors your highest self. We make a difference from inside our own homes by contracting inward in Sacred Silence. In Sacred Silence, we rest until we are ready to emerge renewed. We radiate this renewal to all living beings. I'm delighted to merge together in our collective silence for 10 minutes a day. Let's radiate our brave silence to the collective consciousness of those who need our brave silence.Together, we meditate daily on the 10 Yamas of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the 10 restraints which bring about union within yourself, with others. As inside, as outside. I believe in you. I believe in me. I believe in us. Namaste. The brave silence in me honors the brave silence in you. My lovingkindness,Neelu"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google Tag Manager for Developers" |
"Google Tag Manager (GTM) allows you to quickly and easily manage your analytics scripts, remarketing pixels, click tracking software and any other software that requires JavaScript tags inserting into your website.In this course, you'll learn how to use GTM, from the fundamentals to more advanced features. Step-by-step we will walkthrough:Creating tagsUsing event and URL-based triggersSequencing tags correctlyTracking custom data with variablesIntegrating with Google Analytics and Facebook PixelYou will be able to follow along on your own website, from installing GTM, to setting up your tags, previewing, testing and publishing them.If you want a practical guide to getting started with Google Tag Manager, this is the course for you. I can't wait to see you inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
".Net NEthereum(C#) and Solidity" |
"Nethereum.Net.Net NethereumC#.Net.Net ERC20 TokenMetamaskSolidityRemixMetamaskSolidityTruffle Framework + GanacheDApp SolidityDAppNethereumERC20 TokenERC20 TokenNethereum "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda ReactJS e Angular, lib e framework mais utilizados!" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender uma das melhores libs em Javascript atualmente e um dos melhores frameworks atualmente! Aproveite!ReactJSNessa parte do curso voc vai aprender de forma simples e objetiva como trabalhar com o React, uma biblioteca feita pela equipe do Facebook que revolucionou a criao de sistemas com Javascript. Nesse curso voc ainda ter a oportunidade de aprender o Redux que juntamente com o React voc ser capaz de criar sites bem simples de forma prtica e bem legal.IntroduoQuem o professor?Pr requisitosO que o ReactO que preciso instalarRodar o React com um arquivo index.htmlCriar um arquivo simples em HTMLUtilizar o CDN do React e do BabelRodar no navegador o index.html utilizando o ReactCriar o projeto utilizando o NodeJSCriar um projeto utilizando o NodeJSCreate ReactCriar um novo componenteComponentes e propriedadesCriar um componente UserPropriedades do componenteState e EventsManipulando o stateEvento de onClickExibir varivel de estadoForms e EventsCriar um simples formulrioEvento de onChangeListas e chavesCriar uma varivel de arrayCriar uma lista no meu componentRotas com react-router-domOrganizar os componentesBaixar o react-router-domSPAIntroduo ao ReduxIntroduo ao ReduxTreine bastante o seu aprendizado em ReactInstalao Redux e Redux FormInstalao das libs necessriasPequeno exemplo de FormulrioConfigurao de ReducersCriar Action no FormulrioMudanas no formulrioCriar a nossa primeira ActionConectar a action com o Redux Cadastro utilizando APIFetch APISubir uma API com o jarCadastrar o meu usurio na APIAngularVoc um desenvolvedor que precisa se atualizar?Essa a sua grande oportunidade! Nesse curso voc de forma prtica como utilizar esse framework que vem revolucionando o mercado de Desenvolvimento de Software. Aqui voc aprender como utilizar o framework, melhores prticas, formas de carregamentos que deixam o seu sistema com alta performance.Introduo ao AngularInstalao das ferramentasNodeJSAngular CLIVS CodeCriar um esqueleto do projeto com Angular CLIRodar o projetoEstrutura de arquivosTypescriptComponentesMdulosCriar componentes com Angular CLIComo funcionam os componentes?Grupo no GitlabCriar mais componentesHeaderFooterCriar rotas simplesCriar mais dois componentesCriar o menu para navegao das rotasNavegao simples sem lazy loadCriar rotas com performanceCarregamento de arquivos lazy loadO poder dos mdulosServiosClassesMtodos incomunsLista Service*ngForFormulriongModelTwo way data bindingHTTPHttpClientModuleAPI IBGE"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
effective-distance-learning |
", ; , ., , , , , "" : 10 "", , . , , , . , - . : 10 "", : , ! "" : 10 "" , . , . - .*** ***1. , 2. , 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. , ! "" : 10 "", ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kettlebell Sport for Beginners" |
"If you're looking to get super fit and at the same time work on your mental toughness, then the clean and jerk, also known as Kettlebell Long Cycle, is the discipline to learn. The kettlebell clean and jerk and its training methods will provide you with cardiovascular and muscular endurance, it is good for weight loss, and it's also good for increasing your mental toughness. I guarantee you that once you learn this discipline, whether you use it for at-home workouts, or whether you plan to enter amateur competitions, this is the kettlebell beast that you want to tackle. It's for anyone at any age. I'm not going to lie and tell you that it's simple or easy, but I will break this down in such a way that you will understand it, you will love it, and it will become a part of the rest of your life.Come and join me.Please note that our Udemy courses provide you with knowledge, and in some cases allow you to obtain a certificate of participation. These courses are not the same as the ones offered on our website. The courses on our website include coaching, assessments, exams, additional books (in some cases), and certification, all aimed at trainers or kettlebell enthusiasts that are serious about their education."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
psychology-ru |
". , . "". , .""! , . : 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 15 1.7. - 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. 1.14. 1.15. 1.16. 1.17. 1.18. "". , ."" : - , ."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"CCNP Enterprise -350-401-ENCOR- Cisco Core Technologies" |
"1.1 Explain the different design principles used in an enterprise network1.1.a Enterprise network design such as Tier 2, Tier 3, and Fabric Capacity planning1.1.b High availability techniques such as redundancy, FHRP, and SSO1.2 Analyze design principles of a WLAN deployment1.2.a Wireless deployment models (centralized, distributed, controller-less, controller based, cloud, remote branch)1.2.b Location services in a WLAN design1.3 Differentiate between on-premises and cloud infrastructure deployments1.4 Explain the working principles of the Cisco SD-WAN solution1.4.a SD-WAN control and data planes elements1.4.b Traditional WAN and SD-WAN solutions1.5 Explain the working principles of the Cisco SD-Access solution1.5.a SD-Access control and data planes elements1.5.b Traditional campus interoperating with SD-Access1.6 Describe concepts of wired and wireless QoS1.6.a QoS components1.6.b QoS policy1.7 Differentiate hardware and software switching mechanisms1.7.a Process and CEF1.7.b MAC address table and TCAM1.7.c FIB vs. RIB2.0 Virtualization10%2.1 Describe device virtualization technologies2.1.a Hypervisor type 1 and 22.1.b Virtual machine2.1.c Virtual switching2.2 Configure and verify data path virtualization technologies2.2.a VRF2.2.b GRE and IPsec tunneling2.3 Describe network virtualization concepts2.3.a LISP2.3.b VXLAN3.0 Infrastructure30%3.1 Layer 23.1.a Troubleshoot static and dynamic 802.1q trunking protocols3.1.b Troubleshoot static and dynamic EtherChannels3.1.c Configure and verify common Spanning Tree Protocols (RSTP and MST)3.2 Layer 33.2.a Compare routing concepts of EIGRP and OSPF (advanced distance vector vs. linked state, load balancing, path selection, path operations, metrics)3.2.b Configure and verify simple OSPF environments, including multiple normal areas, summarization, and filtering (neighbor adjacency, point-to-point and broadcast network types, and passive interface)3.2.c Configure and verify eBGP between directly connected neighbors (best path selection algorithm and neighbor relationships)3.3 Wireless3.3.a Describe Layer 1 concepts, such as RF power, RSSI, SNR, interference noise, band and channels, and wireless client devices capabilities3.3.b Describe AP modes and antenna types3.3.c Describe access point discovery and join process (discovery algorithms, WLC selection process)3.3.d Describe the main principles and use cases for Layer 2 and Layer 3 roaming3.3.e Troubleshoot WLAN configuration and wireless client connectivity issues3.4 IP Services3.4.a Describe Network Time Protocol (NTP)3.4.b Configure and verify NAT/PAT3.4.c Configure first hop redundancy protocols, such as HSRP and VRRP3.4.d Describe multicast protocols, such as PIM and IGMP v2/v34.0 Network Assurance10%4.1 Diagnose network problems using tools such as debugs, conditional debugs, trace route, ping, SNMP, and syslog4.2 Configure and verify device monitoring using syslog for remote logging4.3 Configure and verify NetFlow and Flexible NetFlow4.4 Configure and verify SPAN/RSPAN/ERSPAN4.5 Configure and verify IPSLA4.6 Describe Cisco DNA Center workflows to apply network configuration, monitoring, and management4.7 Configure and verify NETCONF and RESTCONF5.0 Security20%5.1 Configure and verify device access control5.1.a Lines and password protection5.1.b Authentication and authorization using AAA5.2 Configure and verify infrastructure security features5.2.a ACLs5.2.b CoPP5.3 Describe REST API security5.4 Configure and verify wireless security features5.4.a EAP5.4.b WebAuth5.4.c PSK5.5 Describe the components of network security design5.5.a Threat defense5.5.b Endpoint security5.5.c Next-generation firewall5.5.d TrustSec, MACsec5.5.e Network access control with 802.1X, MAB, and WebAuth6.0 Automation15%6.1 Interpret basic Python components and scripts6.2 Construct valid JSON encoded file6.3 Describe the high-level principles and benefits of a data modeling language, such as YANG6.4 Describe APIs for Cisco DNA Center and vManage6.5 Interpret REST API response codes and results in payload using Cisco DNA Center and RESTCONF6.6 Construct EEM applet to automate configuration, troubleshooting, or data collection6.7 Compare agent vs. agentless orchestration tools, such as Chef, Puppet, Ansible, and SaltStack"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Corporate Financial Innovation & Impact Investing Course" |
"Do you know the value of full spectrum capital for your Corporation? This first of its kind Corporate Financial Innovation & Impact Investing course was developed by Impact Finance Center, a multi-university nonprofit academic center. This 1 hour and 25-minute course is designed to help you better understand all available opportunities that can empower you to do well by doing good, simultaneously increasing revenue, decreasing costs, improving brand, and reducing risk."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MASTERING Machine Learning with AZURE- 2020" |
"As Machine learning and cloud computing are trending topic and also have lot of job opportunities If you have interest in machine learning as well as cloud computing then this course for you. This course will let you use your machine learning skills deploy in cloud. There are various cloud platform but only few are popular like Azure, AWS, IBM Bluemix and GCP.Microsoft Azure a cloud platform where we will going to deploy machine learning skills.In this course you will going to learn following topicsConcept of Machine LearningCognitive ServicesDifference between Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningSimple chatbot integrate in HTML websitesEcho Bot Facebook Chat botQuestion and Answer MakerLUIS(Language Understanding)Text AnalyticsDetecting LanguageAnalyze image and videoRecognition handwritten from textGenerate Thumbnail Content ModeratorTranslate and many more thingsALL THE BEST !!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"A Unique unmatched comprehensive course on Amazon EC2(5 hrs)" |
"Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) forms a central part of Amazons cloud-computing platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), by allowing users to rent virtual computers on which to run their own computer applications. EC2 encourages scalable deployment of applications by providing a web service through which a user can boot an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to configure a virtual machine, which Amazon calls an ""instance"", containing any software desired. A user can create, launch, and terminate server-instances as needed, paying by the second for active servers hence the term ""elastic"". EC2 provides users with control over the geographical location of instances that allows for latency optimization and high levels of redundancy.Amazon EC2 provides the following features: Virtual computing environments, known as instancesPreconfigured templates for your instances, known as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), that package the bits you need for your server (including the operating system and additional software) Various configurations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity for your instances, known as instance types Secure login information for your instances using key pairs (AWS stores the public key, and you store the private key in a secure place) Storage volumes for temporary data that's deleted when you stop or terminate your instance, known as instance store volumes Persistent storage volumes for your data using Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), known as Amazon EBS volumes Multiple physical locations for your resources, such as instances and Amazon EBS volumes, known as Regions and Availability Zones A firewall that enables you to specify the protocols, ports, and source IP ranges that can reach your instances using security groups Static IPv4 addresses for dynamic cloud computing, known as Elastic IP addresses Metadata, known as tags, that you can create and assign to your Amazon EC2 resources Virtual networks you can create that are logically isolated from the rest of the AWS cloud, and that you can optionally connect to your own network, known as virtual private clouds (VPCs)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Word 2019: Basic" |
"Microsoft Office is critical to the day to day operations of any organization. This course is specifically focused on Microsoft Office Word 2019 that is an essential word processing tool used by many organizations. Whether you use Word for work, study or leisure, this course will help you transform that blank page into a professional-looking document!In this course you can learn how to use Word 2019 to build and modify basic documents; format documents; attach tables and lists; attach elements of design and choices of layout; and document proofing. Microsoft Term 2019 is built to help you step through the process of designing professional documents smoothly. The powerful features and resources will make your work simple, and even enjoyable."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQL Oracle, Cours Thorique : Du dbutant la Matrise" |
"Si vous envisagez une carrire de professionnel Oracle (le SGBD le plus utilis au monde)en tant que Dveloppeur ou DBA,que vous dbutez ou vous que avez une premire exprience exprience avec Oracle, Alors, vous devez vous inscrire ce cours qui vous mettra de rellement matriser le SQl et dentrevoir sereinement votre futur carrire dans le domaine Oracle, parce que vous avez la possibilit de passer la certification pour garantir votre emploi et faire monter votre salaire.En effet avec cette formation pratico-pratique vous allez vritable matriser le SQL. Et mme pouvoir passer la certification Oracle database SQL, pour vous dmarquer dfinitivement au niveau du march ou votre salaire sera sur le haut de la fourchette.Concernant le programme.C'est une formation en 5 modules pour couvrir tout l'tendu du langage SQL tel que demand par le programme decertification Oracle.Dans le Module 1, vous allez apprendre faire des ordres SQL basiques pour introger une base de donnes Oracle.Dans le Module 2, vous allez interroger la base de donnes Oracle avec des requtes plus complexesLe module 3 vous permettra de dfinir et modifier les donnes de la base OracleDans le Module 4 vous allez pratiquer du SQL avanc en utilisant des sous requtes et mme des requteshirarchiques. Vous serrez guids pas pasLe dernier module sera consacr aux exercices supplmentaires histoire que je sois sur que vous matrisez rellementle SQL Donc c'est une formation la fois thorique pour bien comprendre le concept de base de donnes relationnelle et sonlangage de requtes structures ou SQL (Structured Query Language)C'est galement une formation pratique car vous verrez beaucoup d'illustrations par des exemples et des exercices lafin de chaque module.Et le dernier module sera consacr aux exercices supplmentaires histoire que je sois sur quevous matrisez rellement le SQL la fin de cette formation.Le but est que vous ayez les comptences requises pour russir la certification Oracle Database SQL, cursus OCADBA ou OCA Developpeur."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing Material Designing CANVAFilmora 9" |
"In this course, you will be guided with the easiest method of preparing social media marketing material without any designing expertise. Training has covered 3 applications Canva, Filmora 9 & Adobe illustrator usage for making effective social media marketing material or Posts.If you complete this training as per the lessons, I can assure you, you will become confident in preparing given below designs very effectively like a professional designer.Social Media Posts:- Facebook Posts, Facebook Cover, Facebook Video, Facebook Story, Facebook App ad, Instagram Posts, Instagram story, Twitter Posts, Twitter Header, Pinterest Pin, Tumblr Graphic, Youtube thumbnail, LinkedIn Banner, LinkedIn Posts, etc...Marketing:- Logo, Poster, Flyer, Visiting Card, Brochure, Newsletter, Email Header, Invitation card, Event program card, Facebook Ad, Instagram Ad, Large Rectangle ad, Medium Rectangle ad Business:- A business proposal, Marketing Proposal, Certificate, Blog Graphic & Magazin Cover designs, etc... Documents:- Ebook, Presentation, A4 document, Letter, Resume, Report, Invoice etc...These many designs you will be able to prepare after doing this course also you will be able to edit your video and put some effects, and animation in the video clips for posting on the social media platforms."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WordPress courses web design" |
"welcome the webdesign course .you will learn in this course Domain and hostinghow we can buy Domain and hosting (best one)Step by Step buy Domain and hostinginstalling word press in new hostingtheme installation and SSLcustomizationhow to change category and Menu you will understand the basic concept of webdesign in quick way"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"NLP Stratejileri (Ayrntl Anlatm)" |
"Baz insanlar para ynetimi ve zengin olma konusundan dier insanlardan daha baarl olmas o kiinin zeki olmasndan deil, o kiinin stratejilerinin doru olmasndan kaynaklanr. Bazlar ise karar verme konusunda dierlerinden daha baarldr, stelik kararlar ok isabetlidir. NLP sayesinde bu konuda iyi olan kiilerin karar verme stratejisini modelleyerek bakalarna aktarabilirsiniz.Eer bir kiiye daha iyi bir karar verme stratejisi sunarsanz ona sadece tek bir kararda deil, hayat boyunca verecei btn kararlarda yardm etmi olursunuz. te burada da hayat boyu baar getirecek ve doru stratejiler ile doru admlar atmanz salayacak bilgileri reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"NLP Milton Modeli Trans" |
"Bilinli olarak bir eyden kanmak isterken bilind seviyede kanmak istediimiz olgu bir fikir olarak tutulup, dncelerimizi etkilemeye devam eder. Baz ynlerden bilind zihin arka planda sizi desteklemek iin alan vefal ve gl bir dost yada hizmetkar gibidir. Sayg gsterilmeyi hak eder. Bilind zihninizle uyum salamak iin vcudunuza iyi bakn ve size verdii mesajlara dikkat edin. Belirtiler, ac, tkanklklar ve nseziler harekete gemenizin gerektiini bildiren mesajlardr.Byk ihtimalle yllar ncesinden, yalnzca unutmakla kalmadnz hatta unuttuunuzu da unutmu olduunuz, bir olay aniden hatrlama deneyimi yaamsnzdr. Yine de bilind zihniniz size hatrlatmtr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tico: Ingreso al Mundo del Hacking" |
"Veremos las herramientas mas usadas en el mundo del hacking cmo : Troyanos , keyloggers , Pishing , etc.Aprenders desde 0 Hacking Android ,Hacking a Ordenadores , uso de Keyloggers , Port Forwarding , etc.Aprenders a usar muchas herramientas desde Windows y desde Kali Linux todo desde Maqunas Virtuales instaladas en nuestros ordenadores.La persona al comprar el curso acepta toda su responsabilidad sobre los actos que haga con los programas a aprender , el creador del curso no incurrir en ninguna responsabilidad por los daos eventuales en los que pueda incurrir a raz de los conocimientos adquiridos en dicha formacin online."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn IKIGAI" |
"The module exhibits 'The Japanese Success Model For Happiness in Life' as a priority in life. How you attain success, happiness and priority over life. Being happy is our choice and the task we need to look at via the identification of our way of leading life, doing things, meeting people, dwelling delight, manipulating governance of professionalism and activating the desire and getting things as a positive attribute in action."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Innovation in School Education Through Remote Learning" |
"Teaching and Learning is incepted with the perfection and unique blend of learning opportunities for the students at large. The teaching fraternity encapsulates the Innovation in School Education Through the Remote Learning in particular. The spectrum delivers the pride of learning with the lamination of Tech adoption as a reality. Seeking the WOW classrooms as a reality over time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"People Centered Safety" |
"People are the main assets , Their motivations and risk tolerance are shaping the health and safety performance of the workplace .In this course we will discuss several topics related to people centered safety and understand the grounds that we need to utilize in order to have / implement / enhance a behavioral transformation approach in the workplace safety. After taking this course you will be able to know what motivates specific person , what is risk perception , and how to build a people centered safety program ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Practical .NET Core Worker Service Development" |
"Worker Service is a project template from .NET Core. This application is designed to build background process and long-process applications. This course is presented to help you get started with .NET Core Worker Service development. Various project samples are provided to enhance your skills to apply Worker Service in real-projects.The bootcamp is delivered with step-by-step approach and focused onbasic .NET Core Worker Service developmentconsuming Timer, Thread, FileSystemWatcher and Socket in .NET Core Worker Serviceintegration with Entity Framework Core and SQL Servercollaborating between Worker Service and ASP.NET Core MVCpublishing Worker Service as Windows Service, Linux and macOS daemonspublishing .NET Core Worker Service application to Microsoft Azure"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Power Of Habit MasterClass For Success" |
"This course is for those people who have been trying to change their habits for too long and it hasn't really been working for them. This masterclass is going to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be. Eliminate unhealthy habits, and install healtheir habits to live the life that you deserve.Want to change habits? Want to create new habits? Eliminate old habits? All of these are possible, in fact there is an entire science behind it. In this course, after understanding the science behind habits, and how to eliminate them and replace them while ensuring effective and accurate control over these habits, you will learn how to ensure applicability to eliminate habits, overcome habits, replace habits, create habits, and make sure that they last.The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, are you ready to take your first step? "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Investi in te stesso" |
"*** PERCORSO COMPLETO CON VIDEO, SLIDE, AUDIO SCARICABILI ED ESERCIZI PRATICI - OLTRE 10 ORE DI FORMAZIONE ***Qual il segreto del SUCCESSO?Come puoi ottenere una situazione economica pi confortevole, relazioni pi appaganti e la forma fisica che desideri?Ti sei mai chiesto perch ci sono persone che hanno pi risultati di altri?Il corso che stai guardando ora parla proprio di questo: Risultati e Successo.In particolare capirai COME DIVENTARE UNA MACCHINA DEL SUCCESSO, NELLA VITA, NEL LAVORO E NELLE RELAZIONI.Lascia un attimo per che mi presenti.Mi chiamo Gianluca Sidoti e sono un imprenditore ed investitore, sono italiano ma vivo a Londra, dove gestisco la societ che ho fondato, TraDetector, che si occupa di formazione ed alfabetizzazione finanziaria. Proprio qui su Udemy, infatti, ho pubblicato diversi corsi in ambito finanziario, che trovi nella mia pagina autore.Da questo breve preambolo puoi facilmente intuire perch ho deciso di chiamare questo percorso INVESTI IN TE STESSO. Perch credo che ognuno di noi pu (e deve) impegnarsi a creare la versione migliore di se. E come puoi riuscirci? Investendo su te stesso, migliorando le tue abilit, i tuoi talenti e costruendo la vita che hai sempre sognato.Qual il tuo talento? Te lo sei mai chiesto?Ho realizzato questo corso per guidarti in un viaggio allinterno di te stesso, per aiutarti a identificare i tuoi talenti e per aiutarti a valorizzarli attraverso lazione.Per prima cosa sappi che non esiste una persona senza un talento, un talento lo abbiamo tutti, ma per scoprire qual dobbiamo riappropriarci di un nuovo e pi profondo senso di identit.Sii te stesso, diventa chi sei diceva il filosofo Emerson, e il talento proprio legato a chi siamo, a chi possiamo diventare, alla pi profonda manifestazione della nostra essenza, della nostra realizzazione personale.Ma che cos esattamente il talento? Te lo sei mai chiesto?Il talento unabilit unica, pu essere unabilit pratica o unabilit mentale, che per espressione di un nostro particolare ed unico e personale modo di vedere, e di sentire, e di percepire la realt.Ci sono 4 FATTORI che, secondo me, consentono di capire molto presto se stiamo indirizzando la nostra attenzione verso la giusta abilit o meno.Il primo che il talento strettamente legato alla nostra identit, come ti ho detto poco fa. Che cosa significa? Che proprio quellelemento, quella caratteristica che ci caratterizza pi di tutto.Senza il talento non potremmo essere noi stessi e allo stesso tempo il talento quel quid che consente agli altri di capire immediatamente che una determinata cosa labbiamo fatta noi e non qualcun altro.Il secondo elemento lumilt, quando noi alleniamo un talento, quando lo mettiamo in pratica, non abbiamo la pi pallida idea di come facciamo a farlo, le persone di solito ci chiedono: Ma come fai a fare questa cosa? e la nostra risposta : Guarda non lo so, lo faccio e basta. Mi viene naturale.Quindi identit, umilt, e il terzo elemento che quando noi mettiamo in pratica un nostro talento, quando noi lo alleniamo, ci sentiamo vivi ed energici, anche se passiamo tanto tempo, magari facciamo delle cose che normalmente ci stancherebbero, ma ci sentiamo sempre energici e paradossalmente si sentono energiche anche le persone vicino a noi, e in questo corso capirai perch.Il quarto elemento che il talento collegato al nostro scopo nella vita, alla nostra missione, quindi, proprio al nostro fine pi alto dellessere nel mondo.Ma quando si manifesta il talento?Succede solitamente proprio nei periodi di crisi, nelle cosiddette fasi di collasso.Ti mai capitato di avere delle crisi cicliche?Magari a distanza di 2-3 anni o anche di pi, vivere delle esperienze lavorative che poi ti riportano sempre nella stessa condizione, punto di ripristino, questo perch il talento si manifesta proprio attraverso queste crisi, unesigenza che diventa sempre pi alta.In questi momenti, infatti, di solito labitudine delle persone quella di concentrarsi, di cercare, una soluzione sulla base del bisogno, e quindi di concentrarsi sul livello vibrazionale di mancanza.Quello che in realt necessario, secondo anche quello che dice lo psicologo Abraham Maslow (di cui ti parler nel corso) di concentrarsi, invece, su chi siamo, quindi la scelta, che noi facciamo, deve essere espressione della nostra autenticit.Cos facendo, attiveremo tutta una serie di dinamiche, di cui ti parler nel corso, che ci permetteranno di sincronizzarci su quella che Carl Gustav Jung chiamava la sincronicit.Sono molto emozionata di poter condividere con te questo corso perch per me il talento proprio una delle sfere pi alte che esistono nel campo proprio dello sviluppo personale e so che gli strumenti che ti fornir nel corso, se li userai con impegno, costanza e soprattutto con fiducia nelle possibilit, saranno le basi di una vera e propria trasformazione personale.Avrai bisogno di coraggio, e coraggio significa andare nella direzione del cuore, quindi dovrai osare, desiderare.Scoprirai in questo corso che il pi grande ostacolo proprio dentro di te, nella tua paura di non farcela, nei tuoi sabotaggi inconsci.Ti fornir degli strumenti per lasciar scivolare in secondo piano queste paure e per lasciare, invece, affiorare in primo piano, quella che io amo definire, lebbrezza del cambiamento."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |