Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Shamanic Self Healing - Introductory" |
"This is a self help course suitable for all levels of awareness, no need to be a healing practitioner or have previous experience in the field of healing arts.Many people are feeling extreme anxiety and fear concerning real situations including job security as well as their own health and the health of their families. During this course, I will share basic energy healing techniques that I use in my private practice as well as in my daily life.If you wish to learn ways to calm your mind and connect to your higher self then this course is for you.Give yourself permission to unlock the Shamanic healer within and prepare for what is to come."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Krise in der Selbststndigkeit erfolgreich meistern" |
"Du mchtest mit deinem Unternehmen erfolgreich eine Krise meistern, weit aber nicht wie, dann ist dieser Videokurs perfekt fr dich. Befreie dich endlich von deinen Sorgen und ngsten. Anhand von praktischen Tipps erfhrst du, wie genau das auch fr dich mglich ist. Nutze die Audiomeditation, um auch in schweren Zeiten Ruhe und Kraft zu tanken."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Machines en gereedschappen in de meubelstoffeerderij" |
"Als je op zoek bent naar informatie over Industrile Meubelstoffeer machines en gereedschappen dan is dit de video training om te volgen. Deze cursus zal je een totaal beeld geven van de machines en gereedschappen die ik dagelijks gebruik. Dat gezegd hebbende, het betekent natuurlijk niet dat je direct alles nodig hebt als je net begint als stoffeerder. En uiteraard zijn er altijd meer gereedschappen te vinden.Deze cursus is een aanvulling op de cursus Zelf eetkamer stoelen stofferen, onderdeel van Basis technieken modern meubelstofferen. Om je vertrouwd te maken met de meest voorkomende Machines en gereedschappen.De leerstof is opgedeeld in de volgende secties:HandgereedschapPneumatisch gereedschapElectrisch gereedschapMet een onderverdeling als volgt:NaaimachinesLockmachineSchalmmachineHandpersKnopenmachineMet betrekking tot de naai- en overlockmachine zal ik je de verschillende voetjes en o.a. naalden laten zien en hoe je ze moet inrijgen en hoe je een spoeltje opwind.Ik laat je de knopenmachine zien met de bijbehorende matrijzen en hoe je een knoop in stof, kunstleer en echt leer kunt maken. Maar bijvoorbeeld ook hoe je gordijn en zeilringen maakt. Kortom teveel om op te noemen.Aan het eind van de cursus vind je de een roman die ik heb geschreven over Suzanne, een thuisblijf moeder die een paar stoelen van haar oma Betsy heeft gerfd. Waardoor ze besluit stoffeerder te worden.Ik hoop dat je de cursus net zo leuk en educatief vind als ik heb gedaan door deze voor jou te maken. Als je nog vragen hebt, stel ze gerust via de Q&A (vraag en antwoord)Veel stoffeer plezierMarja KooremanStof en Steen"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Customer Experience: Garanta a melhor experincia ao cliente" |
"O curso de Customer Experience: Garanta a melhor experincia ao cliente, um curso introdutrio que apresenta aos alunos a definio dessa rea to importante para as empresas. O curso traz aulas prticas e super teis com dicas para o pessoal que trabalha com atendimento e relacionamento com o cliente e para aqueles que tem empresas que precisam se destacar no mercado.Com o curso possvel iniciar um projeto de CX a partir do mapeamento dos pontos que merecem ateno dentro da empresa.O contedo foi dividido em 5 aulas:O que Customer ExperienceOnde e como interagir com o clientePor onde comearVantagens de ter uma rea de CXEmpresas que se destacamSe voc est preocupado com a experincia do usurio e j entendeu que este o caminho para conquistar clientes fs, este curso para voc! :)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Cration des Applications Mobile avec Android Studio et Java" |
"Ce Cours est une formation complte qui contient toutes les notions pratiques (100%) pour la cration des application mobiles Android.Vous allez apprendre crer des applications Android en utilisant Android Studio et le langage de programmation JAVA.Mme si vous n'avez aucune notion en informatique ou en dveloppement , ou mme si tu as jamais programm, vous pouvez suivre cette formation qui commence partir du zro.Elle contient toutes les notions de bases et les notions avances.Vous allez apprendre :-Java et la programmation Orient Objet-Les bases de donnes et comment l'appliquer dans une application Android-L'envoi de SMS-Faire un appel tlphonique-Utiliser Google Maps-Publier votre application sur Google Play Store-Comment gagner de l'argent et faire la publicit-Programmer avec Java-XML-Cration des interfaces graphiques-et plein de choses,...."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nanaku, Japonya'nn Okinawa adasnn geleneksel savunma sanat olan ""Okinawa Ko-bujutsu""'nda kullanlan'den Okinawa'ya getii dnlmektedir. ""Enter The Dragon (Ejder Kalesi)"" filminde Bruce Lee tarafndan kullanlmasyla popler olmutur. incede shung ji gn, ling ji gn; r ji gn olarak Trkiye'de halk arasnda ""mnka"", ""mnuka"" ve ""sallama"" gibi kullanmlarla tannan ancak ngilizce ve dier bat dillerinde nunaku, nunuk veya aks eklinde deiik isimlerle bilinen Kobuda silahlarndan biri olan sava sanatlar aleti. zincir veya ip olan iki ksa sopadan oluur. Dier Kobudo silahlar arasnda, tonfa, bo, sai, eiku, tekko, tinbe, roin, surucin ve kama yer alr. Sansetsukon nunakuya ok benzemekle birlikte iki sopa yerine sopaldr.Tarihcesi:Nunaku'nun kkenleri kesin olarak bilinmemekle birlikte byk bir ihtimalle in'de icat edildii dnlmektedir. Pirinci apandan ayrmakta kullanld eklinde yaygn bir inan bulunmaktadr.Dier bir inana gre ise tarm amal deil Satsuma beyliinde 17. yzylda silahlar kstlayc politikas srasnda bir sava sanats tarafndan silah olarak gelitirilmi olan sopal Sansetsukon ()'dan zamanla ortaya kmtr ancak genellikle sava sanatlar tarafndan snrl bir alet olarak kabul edilmektedir.Nunaku sopann uzunluuna ve klcn keskinlik avantajna sahip olmayan ve ayn zamanda kullancnn usta olmay durumunda kendisine zarar verebilecei bir alettir.Yasal DurumuNunaku tamak Kanada, Almanya, Norve, spanya ve ngiltere gibi lkelerde yasal deildir. Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nin baz eyaletlerinde yasal olmakla birlikte California ve Massachusetts gibi eyaletlerde yasal deildir.Turkiyede 6136 sal yasa kapsamnda sokakta kullanm nefsi mdafaa duruma gre su olarak kabul edilir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Juniper JNCIP-ENT (JN0-648) : Practice Tests (Updated 2020)" |
"Welcome to the practice test of Juniper JNCIP-ENT (JN0-648) : Practice Tests (Updated 2020)This practice tests designed for experienced networking professionals with advanced knowledge of the Juniper Networks Junos OS, this exam verifies the candidates understanding of advanced routing technologies and related platform configuration and troubleshooting skillsThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .Official exam details:-Exam code: JN0-648Administered by Pearson VUEExam length: 120 minutesExam type: 65 multiple-choice questionsPass/fail status is available immediatelyThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way.Best of luck for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Knitting for Absolute Beginners" |
"The aim of this course is to guide you through the basic knowledge and skills of knitting, a process during which you would learn relevant knitting English and stitches. Pronunciation will be a focus of this course. Stitch techniques may vary among knitting instructors, so if you can grasp the productions, you will have access to plenty of knitting videos.Knitting is a process of creating memory. Once learned it, you muscle will never forget how to operate the needles. So why not gift yourself a new skill today?"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Systems - Systemising your business" |
"This course is ideal for business owners, entrepreneurs, managers and staff - anyone who desires to build a better business or better career. This course has been created for everyone who wishes to learn how to design, build, implement and improve systems.Why are systems so important? Because they deliver consistency and efficiency, which then builds confidence in the workforce and the marketplace. Because, when it is all said and done - we are all selling the same product - CONFIDENCE! People buy because they are confident that their expectations will be met or exceeded.We are confident that you will get great value from this course. It has been designed and delivered by an ex Airforce Aeronautical Engineer and Pilot, with 20+ years experience as a management consultant and business coaching to +1,500 business leaders - including designing and implementing integrated management systems across a range of industries."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Sukses Evakuasi Kebakaran Gedung" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Sukses Evakusi Kebakaran GedungDalam dunia property tidak dipungkiri masalah safety adalah hal yang sangat penting, bagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai sukses evakuasi kebakaran gedung.Course ini akan membahas mengenai bagaimana sukses dalam evakuasi kebakaran yang disampaikan oleh Ir. Kusno Hariyanto seorang praktisi yang ahli dalam bidang fire safety management. Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1. Standar Umum dan Dasar Peraturan2. Karakter Fire Safety Gedung3. Faktor Penentu Evakuasi Sukses dan Efisien4. Jenis Fire Safety Management & Konsep Evakuasi5. Faktor Kegagalan Evakuasi6. Tindakan Evakuasi"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Python Networking From A to Z - Part I: Fundamentals" |
"Network programming has always been a demanding task. With full-featured and well-documented libraries all the way up the stack, Python makes network programming the enjoyable experience it should be.Starting with a walk-through of today's major networking protocols, throughout this course, you'll learn how to employ Python for network programming, how to request and retrieve web resources, and how to extract data in major formats over the web. You'll utilize Python for emailing, using a variety of protocols, and you'll interact with remote systems and IP and DNS networking. The connection of network devices and configuration using Python 3 will also be covered.As the course progresses, socket programming will be covered, followed by how to design servers and the pros and cons of multithreaded and event-driven architectures. You'll develop practical client-side applications, including web API clients, email clients, SSH, and FTP. These applications will also be implemented through existing web application frameworks.This course is ideal for Python developers or system administrators with Python experience who are looking to take their first steps in network programming.Python developers who are interested in going deeper into packages related to asynchronous programming would also benefit from this course. A basic knowledge of Python programming is recommended.This is the first course of the series, which will help you master the basics of the network programming before moving on to more advanced coursesIn this course we will cover the following:Network Programming with PythonThis course will focus on writing programs for networks that use the Internet Protocol (IP) suite. Why have we chosen to do this? Well, out of the sets of protocols that are supported by the Python standard library, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IP protocol is by far the most widely employable. It contains the principal protocols that are used by the internet. By learning to program for TCP/IP, you'll be learning how to potentially communicate with just about every device that is connected to this great tangle of network cables and electromagnetic waves.The following topics will be covered in this part: An introduction to TCP/IP networking Protocol concepts and the problems that protocols solve Addressing Creating RESTful web applications and working with flask and HTTP requestsIn this part, we will be looking at some concepts and methods related to networks and network programming in Python, which we'll be using throughout this course.This part has two sections. The first section, an introduction to TCP/IP networking, offers an introduction to essential networking concepts, with a strong focus on the TCP/IP stack. We'll be looking at what comprises a network, how the IP allows data transfer across and between networks, and how TCP/IP provides us with services that help us to develop network applications. This section is intended to provide a grounding in these essential areas and to act as a point of reference for them. If you're already comfortable with concepts such as IP addresses, routing, TCP and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and protocol stack layers, then you may wish to skip to the second section, Python network programming through libraries.In the second part, we'll look at the way in which network programming is approached with Python. This part provides a review of basic network elements and principles, as well as a discussion of how Python supports network programming with an overview of key libraries. Finally, we will introduce you to Wireshark, a protocol exploration and network programming diagnostic tool. We will also look at how we can interact with Wireshark from Python with the pyshark module.Programming for the Web with HTTPIn this part, you will learn how to use Python as an HTTP client to make requests and retrieve web resources. You will be encouraged to try a series of example requests. We will compare urllib and the third-party requests library and show you the differences when working with forms and cookies. The third-party Requests package is a very popular alternative to urllib. It has an elegant interface and a powerful feature set, and it is a great tool for streamlining HTTP workflows. We also cover HTTP authentication mechanisms and how we can manage them with the Requests module.The following topics will be covered in this part: Understanding the urllib package to query a REST API Understanding the Requests package to query a REST API Handling forms with urllib and requests with Python 3 Handling cookies with urllib and requests with Python 3 Handling HTTPS and HTTP Basic Authentication with requestsThe urllib package is the recommended Python standard library package for HTTP tasks. The standard library also has a low-level module called HTTP. Although this offers access to almost all aspects of the protocol, it has not been designed for everyday use. The urllib package has a simpler interface, and itdeals with everything that we are going to cover in this part. The third-party Requests package is a very popular alternative to urllib. It has an elegant interface and a powerful feature set, and it is a great tool for streamlining HTTP workflows.Application Programming Interface in ActionWhen we talk about APIs in relation to Python, we usually refer to the classes and the functions that a module presents to us for interact action. In this part, we'll be talking about something different, that is, web APIs.A web API is a type of API that you interact with through the HTTP protocol. Nowadays, many web services provide a set of HTTP calls, which are designed to be used programmatically by clients; they are meant to be used by machines rather than by humans. Through these interfaces, it's possible to automate interaction with the services and to perform tasks such as extracting data, configuring the service in some way, and uploading your own content to the service.The following topics will be covered in this part: Introduction to REST APIs Introduction to JSON and the json module Interacting with a JSON hybrid-REST API (Twitter) Introduction to XML Working with XML and a full REST API (Amazon S3 bucket) with the Boto moduleYou will learn how to use Python to extract data from the major data formats found on the web: HTML, XML, and JSON. An example of pulling useful information from a downloaded web page will be used to illustrate HTML, while interactions with REST APIs will be used to guide you through the essentials of working with XML and JSON.Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and ScrapyWhen we want to extract the content of a web page by automating the extraction of information, we often find that the website does not offer any API to obtain the data you need and it is necessary to resort to scraping techniques to recover data automatically. Some of the most powerful tools can be found in Python 3, among which we shall highlight BeautifulSoup and Scrapy. Scrapy is a framework written in Python for the extraction of data in an automated way that can be used for a wide range of applications, such as the processing of data mining.The following topics will be covered in this part: Introduction to web scraping Extracting information from web pages and parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup Introduction to Scrapy components and architecture Scrapy as a framework for performing web crawling processes and data analysis Working with Scrapy in the cloud"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2020 - Primeiros Passos" |
"No curso AutoCAD 2020 - Primeiros Passos voc ter o primeiro contato com o software, desde a instalao, o uso das ferramentas, at chegar ao ponto de desenvolver um projeto arquitetnico completo.Com a demanda por profissionais aptos a desenvolver projetos por meio de softwares o aperfeioamento se torna extremamente necessrio a cada dia."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Mastering DHCP Server Course" |
"Are you responsible for managing and maintaining a DHCP server and you don't know how to deal with it? Then this course, Mastering DHCP Server Course, is the course for you! First, you will learn the specifics of exactly how the DHCP v4 and DHCP v6 protocols work, and we will go over to the DHCP packet format. Next, you will learn how to configure a DHCP server on Windows Server and Cisco platforms. Finally, in this DHCP Course, you will learn the way of configuring DHCP server and relay agent on cisco devices. by the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of what is DHCP and how it works and have the confidence to deploy DHCP in your network.PS: Check the Free Preview videos to know more about the course and to be sure you can get accustomed to my accentThe Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network management protocol used on Internet Protocol networks whereby a DHCP server dynamically assigns an IP address and other network configuration parameters to each device on a network so they can communicate with other IP networks. A DHCP server enables computers to request IP addresses and networking parameters automatically from the Internet service provider (ISP), reducing the need for a network administrator or a user to manually assign IP addresses to all network devices. In the absence of a DHCP server, a computer or other device on the network needs to be manually assigned an IP address or to assign itself an APIPA address, which will not enable it to communicate outside its local subnet.DHCP can be implemented on networks ranging in size from home networks to large campus networks and regional Internet service provider networks. A router or a residential gateway can be enabled to act as a DHCP server. Most residential network routers receive a globally unique IP address within the ISP network. Within a local network, a DHCP server assigns a local IP address to each device connected to the network."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP: Complete Login and Registration System with PHP & MYSQL" |
"THE MOST UP-TO-DATE AND COMPREHENSIVE PHP REGISTRATION AND LOGIN SYSTEM COURSE ON THE INTERNET.PHP Login and Registration system step by step -> One of the skill-set that is a must have for any PHP web developer is the ability to code a secure registration and login system. This course is designed to equip you with the fundamental skills needed to create a registration and login system using PHP and MYSQL Database.You will not just learn how to write a PHP login and registration script but how to build and secure a PHP web application piece by piece.Some Main Features:1. PHP Remember me functionality2. Secured Password hashing with PHP hash algorithm3. Custom Functions in PHP (A lot)4. Deactivate Account in PHP11. Constantly update mostly based on genuine request from studentsAfter completing this step by step PHP Login and Registration system course, you would have gained some useful and practical skills that will help you in your goal to become a web developer or give you an edge in your current job.What other students are saying:""After spending countless hours searching for a course or tutorial and purchasing two other courses that quite frankly were deep disappointments I am glad I didn't give up and found this course. Within a few hours I was able to create a basic login system for a website I'm launching for our department. I appreciated the fact that the content had been recently updated. The problem with the other courses and tutorials I viewed previously were using deprecated functions and it took me a while to figure out why things didn't work! As someone with little to no experience in coding php, the course was easy to understand and follow. I also appreciated the simplicity of the code so troubleshooting was easy to do. I am very happy with this course."" - Rosa Davis""The course is very well structured and clear to understand and learn. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. He even troubleshooted my code. Gladly recommend this course and the instructor."" Timely Support !If you ever encounter any problem why taking this course, don't worry I am always here to help and guide you through.Who this course is for:This course is for anyone interested in understanding how user authentication works in PHPWant to enhance your PHP skill set as a web developerThose who know the basic of PHP and wants practical skills to develop real world application"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Akrylmalerei. Apfelbaum Blten." |
"Der Frhling hat viele Botschaften, eine der Botschaften sind die prchtigen Blten von Obstbumen. Genau diese Blten sind unsere inspiration bei diesem Acryl Kurs. In diesem Kurs wird nur ein Bild entwickelt. Zuerst beginnen wir mit einer schnellen Skizze, wo wir Fragen der Komposition, Licht und Schatten sowie Kontraste abklren. Nach dieser etwas trockenen Angelegenheit gehen wir ins pure Vergngen ber. Dieses Bild entsteht durch einen Atemzug - ohne warten, trocknen- einfach ein fertiges, wundervolles Endresultat, wo wir all unsere Energie investieren.Wir mischen Pinsel sowie Spachtel-techniken und durch dieses Mischen entwickeln sich mehrere, schne Effekte - dazu zhlen Verlauf und Struktur sowie Kontrastreiche Details.Ich hoffe, dass dir dieser Kurs gefallen wird und du diese Technik auch in anderen deiner persnlichen Bilder verwenden wirst. Mit Liebe Inna"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Drawing a Realistic Transparent Bubble. 100% Vector Artwork." |
"Please, do not take this class if you are not an intermediate user familiar with vector software, the use of the pen tool, clipping masks, hierarchy of layers, gradients, boolean operations, etc. In this intermediate class you are going to learn, step by step how to draw a realistic bubble using 100% vectors.Not only that, but you will also learn how to is it that any transparent object is to be understood when you look at it, so you will be translating it into your canvas in an efficient and effective way.We will be using Affinity Designer but should you prefer to use any other vector software of your choice, you're welcome to do so, as long as you know the basics plus concepts such as layering, transparencies, blurs, noise, and of course, the use of the pen tool and some other of the most common tools used in vector software. * You can download the reference resource for this class in lecture 3 of this class."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
pravda_draw |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Guitarra Rockabilly Desde Cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a tocar la guitarra de una manera fcil y sencilla.Aprenderas: TcnicaBases de RockabillyEjercicios prcticosAgilidad y limpieza a la hora de interpretar tu instrumentoSi estas buscando cmo aprender a tocar Rockabilly. Este curso es para ti.Aprender a tocar la guitarra requiere mucho esfuerzo y dedicacin, pero con lecciones fciles y sencillas lo conseguirsAl terminar este curso sers capaz de:Tocar la guitarra de una manera limpiaHacer tus propias composicines Crear tus propios riffsY mucho ms..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Brazil 2020 - Curso de Mixing" |
"Ableton foi desenvolvido em 2001 e desde ento ganha a cena da arte e musica ao redor do mundo. Uma plataforma de desenvolvimento de musica pra Gravao porem tambm uma plataforma ""Viva"" Live, que liberta o artista a tocar as produes ao vivo. Eleve sua dinamica musical! Aprenda Ableton!Nesse iremos aprender como mixar uma musica do inicio ao fim, comparando a qualidade que a musica tem ao final da Mix, e deixa-la pronta pra uma Master. Durante o Curso o professor tambm incentivara o aluno a fazer os processos na sua propria musica usando as aulas como base pro aluno praticar no seu proprio computador. Os projetos so faceis de replicar e recomendamos testar as tcnicas pra aumentar seu arsenal como produtor.Pra voce participar desse curso, voce ira precisar somente do software, um computador e um headphone de studio pra voc ouvir sua produo. O Ableton utilizado no curso O ableton 10."
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Simplified Costing Course 2020ACCA F5APMCACMAGradPG" |
"The syllabus for Performance Management (PM), builds on the knowledge gained in Management Accounting (MA) and seeks to examine candidates understanding of how to manage the performance of a business.It also prepares candidates for more specialist capabilities which are covered in Advanced Performance Management (APM). The syllabus begins by focusing on the information needs, technologies and systems required by organisations to manage and measure performance in the modern, competitive environment.It is vital for an accountant to understand how information systems and developments in technology influence the management accounting techniques employed and how vital information systems are in the mechanisms of managing and controlling an organisation.The syllabus then introduces more specialized costing and management accounting topics. There is some knowledge assumed from Management Accounting (MA) primarily overhead treatments. The objective here is to ensure candidates have a broader background in management accounting techniques. The syllabus then considers decision making.Candidates need to appreciate the problems surrounding scarce resource, pricing and make-or-buy decisions, and how this relates to the assessment of performance. Risk and uncertainty are a factor of real-life decisions and candidates need to understand risk and be able to apply some basic methods to help resolve the risks inherent in decision-making.Budgeting is an important aspect of many accountants lives. The syllabus explores different budgeting techniques and the problems inherent in them. The behavioral aspects of budgeting are important for accountants to understand, and the syllabus includes consideration of the way individuals react to a budget. The preparation of fixed, flexible and incremental budgets is assumed knowledge from Management Accounting (MA).Standard costing and variances are then built on. All the variances examined in Management Accounting (MA) are assumed knowledge in Performance Management (PM). Mix and yield variances, and planning and operational variances are explored here and the link is made to performance management. It is important for accountants to be able to interpret the numbers that they calculate and ask what they mean in the context of performance.The syllabus concludes with performance measurement and control. This is a major area of the syllabus. Accountants should appreciate the importance of both financial and non financial performance measures in management and should also appreciate the difficulties in assessing performance in divisional businesses and the problems caused by failing to consider external influences on performance. This section leads directly to Advanced Performance Management (APM)."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Business Coaching" |
"AllgemeinSie haben gewisse Erwartungen und Ziele im Leben und wissen nicht, wie und ob Sie diese erreichen knnen. Ein Ziel, wie zum Beispiel neuer Job, Partner/in finden, mehr Geld, etc. zu definieren ist relativ leicht. Die Strategien hierfr zu finden bzw. die Umsetzung ist allerdings wesentlich schwieriger. Eine weitere Frage dabei ist ""Macht es uns glcklicher?"" bzw. mssen wir erst einmal herausfinden, was uns glcklich macht.In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie Methoden und Techniken kennen, wie Sie Ihre Ziele erreichen knnen und was Sie glcklich macht.InhaltSelbstanalyseFragen aus der StrategieTools aus dem CoachingZiele erreichen und Strategien findenMotivation"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB Mock Exam Technical Test Analyst (CTAL-TTA) 1000+ Q&A" |
"1000+ Repeated Questions are answered part of Practice Tests of ISTQB Advanced Technical Test AnalystCourse Code: ISTQB-CTAL-TTASyllabus: ISTQB 2012ISTQB certification has been recognised worldwide and at least 673,000+ candidates certified by ISTQB until Oct'2019. Foundation level certification has been chosen by 87% professionals among the overall ISTQB certification test takers. Hence ISTQB has been made as a benchmark for initial assessment of any QA Resumes to screen and shortlist for Job Interviews.Note: This is purely a practice test and not a training course. ISTQB training has been provided part of 'ISTQB Foundation and Selenium Java Automation Testing'These questions are not suitable for the certification 'ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst also known as ISTQB-CTAL-TA'***Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'*****Reviews (of trainer's ISTQB Udemy Training):""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""DISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT).Copyright International Software Testing Qualifications Board"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yelp UFC: How To Be A Useful, Funny, and Cool Review Writer" |
"Do you enjoy sharing your dining experiences, good or bad, on social media? This course teaches the amateur reviewer how to write like a professional food critic. It is based on the book Yelp Help: How to Write Great Online Restaurant Reviews by Hanna Raskin. It combines both theoretical aspects of restaurant reviewing and practical information from field experience to help you write efficiently and effectively. This course is divided into three parts:Hors-doeuvre First, we'll learn the background of restaurant criticismEntre Next, we'll learn how to think UFC, act UFC, and become UFCDessert Lastly, well go over best practices to help you advance your skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"100% Sure Success in Day Trading : My SECRET Strategy" |
"The strategy will give you guaranteed success in day trading. This course will be the last course of your best life in stock market. Hi, I am Manish Kumar, profitable in day trading month on month basis for last four years. This strategy has turned my trading capital into 13 times in the last financial year. In the last four years of my day trading career, none of the months has been loss-making. The strategy explained in this course is very clear, easy to implement and do not have even one percent of subjectivity. Many people don't make money in trading because they use traditional strategies which are very subjective and useless. Subjectivity of the strategies causes more confusion among traders. This course has been designed for people who want to make money in day trading consistently. I am revealing the secret of my success in day trading. I shall provide lifetime support to my students to make them successful in trading. My target is to convert at least 1 million people from loss making traders, to profit making traders. The money collected form sales of the course will be utilized for philanthropy for weaker sections of the society. The strategy is easy to use in terms of selection of stocks, making entry and exit etc. This course is complete in all aspects including risk management system and psychological transformation. This course can be utilized by anyone for success in day trading but the methods explained should be followed diligently. This course can be utilized in all segments of stock market including day trading stocks, futures, options, forex, cryptocurrency, commodities etc. Students should be having basic knowledge of reading candlestick charts and mathematics. !!! Come and join this course for successful life and great success in your trading career !!!"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"IT Business Analyst and Managers Technical awareness." |
"Are you joining an IT team as a Business Analyst? Are you moving to IT from a non IT role? Are you a Manager? Do you know if your team is creating a quality product? How do you measure quality? What cross cutting concerns must a software address? What is the Agile Scrum framework? What is the MVC architecture? Why are Web APIs used? What is the difference between IAAS and PAAS? This quick and easy course will introduce you to the world of software development so you can confidently talk to the developers and understand what goes on in your software projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# Training Basic" |
": visual studio : C#"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Highly Effective Problem Solving Skills" |
"This course challenges the more conventional approaches to problem solving as many of these rely totally on logical systematic thinking. This course offers a holistic approach to problem solving and decision making in which innovation and creativity merge with logical thinking process and produce great solutions!Just as our work environment is in a constant state of change, so too are the processes we use to be impactful and interact in a global business environment. This course introduces cutting edge research from the world of neuroscience that generates brain-friendly thinking and insights that yield amazing results through practical activities introduced throughout the course. The tools and techniques in this course are all rigorously backed up from world class research and academics such as Dr David Rock, Dr Daniel Goleman and Dr Edward De Bono. The course design ensures all tools, techniques and methods of problem solving and decision making are practical, transferable to the workplace and highly impactful. To ensure you add these to your repertoire of skills there are practical and reflective activities included in most sections and downloadable templates for you to take back to the workplace."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C_BOE_30 SAP Application Associate Business Objects Exam" |
"239 UNIQUE practice questions for C_BOE_30 SAP Application Associate Business Objects ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_BOE_30 SAP Application Associate Business Objects ExamTotal Questions : 239Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (179 of 239)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Anxiety Stress Relief Tools" |
"Do you have anxious moments? We all do. In This course we will cover what anxiety is. Why we feel anxious. How our body reacts when we are anxious. We will learn how to handle these feelings and to better regulate the feelings associated with anxiety. The course covers techniques used in therapy such as meditation and mindfulness. When you have finished the course you will earn a certificate of completion. The course is backed with a 30-day money back guarantee. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Resilience To Overcome Trauma, Depression and Manage Anxiety" |
"In this course you will learn the healthy way to evaluate events that have happened to you so far. In this course you form new habits and learn to process trauma and overcome depression. Upon completion you will earn a certificate of completion and the course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Depression or Anxiety" |
"Is PTSD stopping your enjoyment of life? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affects many people. It was once called ""shell shock"" and it does affect people who have seen combat but it is also an issue for those who have been abused, had a near death experience, or experienced trauma just to name a few. There are treatments available using Meditation or Mindfulness. This is a course to review the suggested research backed methods to help with PTSD so you can apply the techniques to your own life and work toward change. Upon completion you do earn a certificate of completion and the course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |