Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Comprehensive Digital Learning Online Earning Course" |
"Comprehensive Digital Learning Online Earning Course is about getting real to your life with building a business with what you are passionate about and achieve Freedom Lifestyle. The entire course encapsulates the system and procedure to find what you are passionate about and connecting it with market requirements and finding your own niche to build the business around it and launch it with monetization completely online. DL.OE also helps you in understanding all the digital skills required to promote your business and it does not end over here because I will be helping you get the further updated digital skills to be learned and implement to grow your business. I will be including the new updated skills for the course which are required to not just grow your business but also build the strong foundation to promote it in such a way where you never lose your freedom lifestyle but yet grow your business wherever you are.Building the business around your passion will not only give you the freedom lifestyle you dreamt about but will also help you achieve all your dreams.I would like to see you in the course soon."
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Gouache drawing lessons for children from 4 years old" |
"Here is a fascinating drawing course for children aged 4-7 years, aimed at developing children's creative abilities. The course leader is a teacher-psychologist Svetlana Ardasheva.The course consists of 5 classes and offers parents a new source of creative activity for the youngest artists. Using visual examples, the child will learn to draw animals, birds, and insects using simple combinations of different shapes and lines."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power BI Q&A Visual" |
"The Q&A visual is both a tool to allow your report users to quickly get answers to their data, and by report designers to create visuals in their reports by simply double-clicking anywhere on a report and using natural language to get started asking questions of their data and generating an array of visuals. The Q&A visual behaves like any other visual meaning it can take advantage of cross-filtering/cross-highlighting and the use of bookmarks. I am confident you will be surprised and amazed at what this artificial intelligence tool can do for you and your users."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Un Nuovo Stile Alimentare" |
"Smetti di credere nelle diete! E inizia a seguire uno stile di vita salutare per sempre.Oggi il 95% di chi segue una dieta raggiunge solo obiettivi temporanei!Ti sei chiesto il perch? 1) Perch il 90% degli alimenti tossico e non nutre il corpo.2) Ci si affida a diete altamente proteiche senza conoscere i rischi per la salute.3) Tutte le diete danno risultati nel breve e medio termine, ma nessuno si trasforma in uno stile di vita.Il video corso ""Un nuovo stile alimentare"" attraverso studi e analisi comparate smaschera le problematiche delle diete moderne offrendoti una guida pratica e alla portata di tutti, per iniziare uno stile alimentare che non abbandonerai mai pi.All'interno troverai:Guida al Digiuno IntermittenteAlla scoperta della Scienza dell'Io3 Esercizi Mentali per la gestione degli attacchi di fameSviluppare l'Approccio Mentale nei confronti del cibo.Errori dell'alimentazione modernaPiramide alimentarePiano alimentareRicette a base di frutta e frutta ortaggio (salate e dolci) sbalorditive, in quanto semplici, leggere ed economicheConsigli e strategie per perdere pesoPerch con il Cibo Naturale si ritrova il benessere psico-fisicoAvvalorato da oltre 50 ricerche scientifiche presenti all'interno.Inizia da subito a cambiare la tua vita.I principali obiettivi sono:Perdere peso definitivamente rispettando i tempi stabiliti dal corpo.Diventare il tuo nuovo stile di vita.Scoprire i cibi nutrienti attraverso approfondimenti studi e ricerche.Migliorare l'approccio mentale.Diventare il dietista di te stesso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Scrum" |
"Scrum es el marco de desarrollo gil de proyectos ms usado a nivel mundial para toda industria, caracterizado por adoptar una estrategia de construccin incremental del producto o servicio, en lugar de una planificacin y ejecucin total.Al implementar las prcticas de Scrum en las organizaciones se ha evidenciado un incremento notable en la productividad, el tiempo de entrega y la competitividad.Elementos del Curso:Video clases tericas de 60 minutos para apoyar la preparacin de la certificacin de Scrum Foundation. Material de estudio digital de los contenidos de la certificacin.Simulador de Examen de 40 preguntas de apoyo para la certificacin, en el cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al del examen real, en cada intento las preguntas y alternativas se ordenan aleatoriamente.Asesora Virtual del Simulador de Examen: Si tienes consultas sobre las preguntas y/o respuestas del Simulador de Examen, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp, Telegram o e-mail y nosotros te explicaremos la pregunta o te justificaremos la respuesta segn corresponda.El examen de certificacin de Scrum Foundation en Espaol, en caso de no aprobarlo, se incluye un segundo intento.Certificado de Finalizacin de Udemy al completar el curso.Informacin Relevante:El programa de ITC puntos es vlido para las compras realizadas desde el 17 de julio de 2020.Al adquirir este curso obtienes 1000 ITC puntos, los cuales podrs usar para canjear cursos de apoyo, descuentos en cursos e-learning y en exmenes de certificacin, entre otros beneficios, lo anterior para premiar a nuestros estudiantes por preferirnos. El material de estudio y el examen de regalo son vlidos para compras realizadas desde el 17 de julio de 2020Somos miembros de la red de socios CertiProf Authorized Training Partners.La entrega de material del curso se realiza va e-mail, de Lunes a Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00 horas y Sbado de 09:00 a 14:00 horas. Domingo Cerrado. Zona Horaria: UTC/GMT -3 horas.Si tienes consultas adicionales, contctanos va WhatsApp/Telegram al +56 9 43532900"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Balancing Chemical Equations for Beginners/Class 10 /O-Level" |
"If you feel that balancing chemical equation is hard for you, then I think that you have come to the right course. This course will help you to balance chemical equations step by step.Besides, if you complete this course, your confidence level in case of balancing chemical equation will be high.Futhermore, your friend will be surprised by observing your skill in case of balancing chemical equation in Chemistry.At last,be expert in case of balancing chemical equations and get good marks in your exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prototypes in JavaScript" |
"JavaScript is an essential part of programming nowadays And as an object-oriented programmer who have used Java or C# or C++ for some time, there are many weird things when you look at JavaScript, especially for the first time!In this Object/Prototype based (and not Object-Oriented!) language, you dont have concepts like classes/instances, at least the same way you have them in OO languages. In JavaScript, we only have Objects! And the objects are prototypical; they could be used as prototypes for other objects, which basically let them share their properties (and functions.)In other words, objects in JavaScript inherit their properties (and functions) from their prototypes. Therefore, to understand JavaScript better, one should first try to understand prototypes.This course tries to convey the principles of JavaScript prototypes in less than an hour, in an easy to catch manner :-)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instructional Design Course: All Levels Beginner to Advanced" |
"Do you think you have the necessary skills and technique for developing effective e-learning solutions in instructional design?Do you want to be able to convert information into rich learning content?There is no better gateway than HENRY HARVIN to reach your goals!Behind every website, app, webinar, online course, or workshop is the work of an instructional designer. Instructional design is a process that covers the methodology, skills, and techniques needed for developing effective e-Learning solutions. This process involves learning of theories, frameworks, planning of the project, and gain expertise in content, communication, writing the content, and the use of technology to build experiences for todays learners.The course helps in making you agile and adaptable. With this, the students can synthesize unfamiliar content, evaluate new technologies, and develop learning solutions that best meet the needs of a diverse audience.It will help students to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate their own e-learning courses and select appropriate e-learning tools. The course also facilitates students to work together to produce learning experiences using todays media and technologies and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and creativity related to e-Learning instructional designThis course will help you to gain:Understanding in the instructional design system or methodology for e-learningRecognizing the different aspects of instructional designComprehending the key principles of instructional design and its application while creating content.Becoming competent in essential skills that helps in enhancing the writingDiscovering the steps involved in developing contentLearning to write instructional design contentTaking in the ability to draft good content for instructional designGaining advanced research skill that helps you to write on any topicLearning the difference between computer-based and web-based learningDevelop effective tools for assessmentAcquiring the knowledge to prepare academic guide, whitepapers and study materialMastering the graphic skill to design PPT, and newsletterGaining proficiency in acquiring the expertise to design websiteSkill to identify the target audienceManage your e-learning projects efficiently using different methodologiesDeveloping language skills that help in recognizing grammatical errors, and understand the usage of punctuation and helps in expanding the vocabularyWith this course, you will be able to design professional, instructionally sound e-Learning courses in a short span of time and will help you can create an impressive e-Learning portfolio that is a must to showcase your expertise.This course is appropriate for an aspiring or a seasoned instructional designer having professional experience. All you need to do is come prepared and start your learning journey.It is a course designed by the experts in the field with an experience of over a decade adorned with all the necessary skills to become an expert in designing such courses.Taking up this course will help you:Become more skilled in writing your content for e-Learning courseLearn to reach specific goals within a short time spanObserve a great improvement in your writing abilityIncrease your self-confidence in writingThe course is packed with:To make the whole process of learning easy this course is equipped with Experience of the Trainers who are from the same industry.Loads of real-life examples that will give you an insight into the course and will brush up your writing skill.A lot of tips in writing and ample advice straight from the horses mouth that is from the industry experts that will help you kick start your journey as the content expert in developing e-Learning courses.Words of appreciation from our Students:1. It is undoubtedly a very good course for a beginner to understand the technical aspect and have complete knowledge of e-learning. It gives a vivid description of every aspect of the course. I feel good that I have joined it. Pushpendra Yadav2. It is a great course to have a successful career in instructional designing and it will provide also you with everything you need to be the best in your field. I learned a lot from it. Olivia Alexander3. I like the flow of the course as it starts slowly but moves ahead with lots of practical examples. The faculty was well- versed with the subject and it showed they have extensive experience from the field. Nazim Azam4. This course will take me a long way in my career journey. I am so happy that I did this course as it is certainly a very good one for a person of my ability. It is good for beginners as well as people with advanced knowledge. Naresh Narang5. It is the best course I have done with the best of the faculty members as it was a very informative one with all the necessary ingredients to get equipped with all the skills. Kartik Singh"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Grant Writing Full Course: Nonprofits, Artists & Freelancers" |
"To be competitive and generate revenue you need to diversify and build your skills.This course will equip you to be a skilled grant writer and reach your goals!Grant writing is a technical task that needs the necessary skill. Thus, learning an appropriate methodology for effective grant writing is important for its success. Successful grant writer understands the importance of planning, writing, and submitting a proposal on time.It also gives a thorough understanding of various grant writing terms and different potential sources for writing grants. It will give an insight and make you learn how to focus on the funder, and conduct research and learn to grasp opportunities related to grant writing. This course is designed to get better at writing successful proposals, and also be proficient at the process of researching and applying for foundation and government grants.By writing and reviewing proposals, one gains competence in writing typical grant components and we with this course help in developing that skill. The course will also offer a framework to write a good proposal. It will assist you to make use of the language that is better-written, as well as more thoughtful and strategic. It will also make you uber-efficient and assists the learner to acquire skills to reach a specific goal within the desired time frame.By taking up this course, you will:Become more skilled in writing good proposalsLearn to reach specific goals within time frameNotice a great improvement in your writing caliberFeel more confident in writingThose who will get enrolled in the course will have then necessary tools and get prepared to apply for a number of grants. The course will also equip grant writers or freelance writers with the necessary skill who want to offer their clients a complete approach to grant writing.This course is designed keeping in mind the current scenario and the need of the hour by the experts in the field by making use of their experience of about 10-15 years. It will not make you feel novice as it is jam-packed with all the necessary tools to make you a complete writer.Who are we?Henry Harvin is a leading organization that believes improving lives through learning. Henry Harvin believes that adding competency and development of an individual paves a new path of growth for him. It believes that the evolution of personality and value creation is the root cause of success and thus, gaining skill can transform lives in a meaningful way. It has been into training, skill development, content services, and higher education for years and aims at satisfying the hunger of learning and development, personal as well as professional. They continue to innovate in products, processes, and personalities to create maximum operational efficiency and expertise.Henry Harvin is well-equipped with trainers who have been in the industry for over a decade and believe in sharing their knowledge and helping the students to become skillful. Individuals are trained with an Advanced Learning Management System (LMS). In addition to it, the course is full of practical and real life examples and ample of recorded videos that make the course interesting and fun.This course at Henry Harvin Education helps the individual to become skillful and become an accomplished Grant writer and have a successful and prosperous career.At the end of this course, it will help you to:Learn the basic principles to write grant proposalsResearch grants sources to address personal and institutional needs.Review and assess grant proposals basis on specified criteria.Recognize government and private fundersIdentify and find funders to reach your organizational goalsUnderstand concerns related to grant getting, and fundraisingIdentify appropriate funding strategies for the financial sustainability of an organizationAlign priorities of the funderMeeting the funders expectationDraft efficient proposal language that can be used for long time in coming years as a boilerplateStrategically align organizational mission, program design and budget.Learn to conduct internet researchThe course is packed with:Experience of the Trainers who are from the industry itself, to make the learning process easyLoads of real examples and real language to brush up your writing skillA lot of writing tips and right advice from the experts of the industry that will help you kick start your journey as a Grant writerWords of appreciation from our Students1. The course is very informative and offers extensive knowledge in grant writing. I feel I can now write grant professionally after this course. Samesh Bhattacharya2. The course curriculum is very helpful in learning grant writing. This course will definitely be a stepping stone in my career and will take me a long way and is definitely worth doing. Aashi Sameer Parihar3. I feel more confident about myself after brushing my skills with this course. It is definitely a very good one if someone wants to go in-depth of it. It was very engaging and not at all monotonous. Just love it! Samuel Jonathan Abraham4. The course and the faculty both are really great and I learned the skill to write proposals from the very core of it. It is a great course for the ones who want to go a long way in grant writing. Zeeshan Akhtar"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gitarren Masterclass - Gitarre lernen fr Einsteiger" |
"Hallo, an dich :)Zu Beginn mchte ich dir sagen, dass dies die Originalversion der ""Gitarren Masterclass"" ist. Die aktuelle Version ist unter dem Namen ""Gitarren Masterclass 2.0"" zu finden. Die Inhalte berschneiden sich in groen Teilen. Du bist natrlich trotzdem herzlich eingeladen dir hier die Originalversion freizuschalten.Falls du dir gerade deine erste Gitarre gekauft oder deine alte aus der Ecke geholt hast, dann ist das genau der richtige Kurs fr dich. Wie du dein Instrument stimmst, pflegst, richtig hltst und noch vieles mehr lernst du in den ersten Videos. Du lernst alle Grundlagen von A bis Z. Fr diesen Kurs brauchst du keine Vorkenntnisse.Dieser Kurs ist deine Abkrzung zum King am Lagerfeuer. Schon nach wenigen Minuten lernst du deine ersten Akkorde auf der Gitarre. Jede Frage wird geklrt. Spter gehen wir verschiedene Zupf- und Schlagmuster durch. Du lernst alles, um wie die Profis zu klingen.Ich zeige dir die Technik, jedes Lied lernen und mitspielen zu knnen. Am Ende des Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein, folgende Lieder zu spielen: Zombie, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Wonderwall, Sweet Home Alabama, Hallelujah, Otherside, Wie soll ein Mensch das ertragen, Fast Car, ...Wenn du ein wenig Zeit in den Kurs investierst und die Tipps & Tricks anwendest, wirst du viele schne Abende mit der Gitarre verbringen knnen. Es geht nichts ber einen entspannten Abend auf dem Sofa oder am Lagerfeuer mit Gitarrenmusik ;)Wie klingt das fr dich?Hol dir die Gitarren Masterclass jetzt und gib den Ton am Lagerfeuer an ;)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Freelancer's Illustration Process" |
"Be more confident when working with clients.In this class, we will go through the process I usually follow when creating illustrations for clients, so you become more confident when presenting yourself as a professional illustrator delivering illustrations your clients will love.During my career, I was lucky enough to work both as a client and as an in-house & freelance illustrator.I want to share with you what I learned so you can develop your own process when working with clients, presenting your work, communicating professionally, and being involved in more and more interesting projects.I will show you and explain my process step by step:client briefbudget & pricingplanningbrainstormingcreatingfinalizing & presenting your illustrationsWe will talk about what makes a strong composition, how to test colors so they work well together as well as how you can start developing your illustration series.By understanding my process, you can create your own and develop your professional approach to working with clients.This class is mostly for beginner artists and illustrators, who are curious about working with clients or are just starting out working on client projects and they are not sure what to expect.The information you will learn in this class will help you know what questions to ask and how to communicate with the clients. The more you know, the more professional you appear and you are more likely to get the job.I will be using Procreate but feel free to use any other digital drawing program. In the end, I will use Photoshop to show you how you can apply your art to mockups to present your work in a portfolio.Working with clients can be pretty exciting, so lets start creating those awesome illustrations!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master course to take before learning any CAD software" |
"Hello guys, We are P&M House of Solutionses and I have personally worked on numerous CAD software. During This long Exposure to different kind of CAD Software, I found that there are so many enthusiast like you who wants to learn CAD but doesn't know the exact software to start with and do they even need to learn it ? In many cases i have personally seen that a person enrolls for CAD training to soon find out that the task that he wanted to do initially, cannot be done by the software he had put so much effort in learning it. To avoid this kind of scenarios and to gain a preview knowledge of software before buying any software or software learning course is essential. So this course is designed to do that specifically. Sometimes CAD software can ease up your work so much that you can not even imagine the growth that is possible with it. By the end of this course you will learn-To enlist your requirements-To select the application of your interest-To select the software that you need to learnAlso this is starting point for any CAD enthusiast to start learning as you can SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and HOURS OF TRAININGSo what are you waiting for, Go and grab the opportunity and brighten your future. With all the wishes for your brighter life ahead, see you in the lecture."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-208 Billing Revenue Management Develope Exam" |
"128 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z0-208 Billing Revenue Management Develope ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z0-208 Billing Revenue Management Develope ExamTotal Questions : 128Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 128)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Ballet para el cuerpo y alma-2" |
"El vdeo curso consiste de unos 20 clases de 3-5 minutos cada una. Son ejercicios de ballet bsicos de nivel intermedio. Recomendado par los aficionados, que ya conocen los bases de ballet, para los alumnos del conservatorio y profesores de distintos tipos de baile. Es preferible hacer este curso despus de mi primer curso para principiantes ""Ballet para el alma. 9 clases mgicas."" El curso incluye los ejercicios con barra, saltos, giros, estiramientos y sencilla coreografa de un baile del repertorio clsico. Los pasos se ensean segn la metodologa de la escuela rusa de ballet. El aprendizaje con este curso se convertir en un divertido proceso de inmersin en maravilloso mundo de ballet clsico. Tambin mejorars notablemente tu flexibilidad, coordinacin y tcnica."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master en excel aplicado a la empresa" |
"Hay una gran diferencia entre saber y entender, sabemos muchas cosas pero entendemos pocas, por eso el curso de Master en excel, es 100% practico para que cualquier persona pueda aprender a manejar una de las mejores herramientas del mundo en el anlisis de datos y entender su practicidad en las vida profesional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programming in HTML5, JavaScript & CSS3 70-480 Practice Test" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 [70-480] Certification,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3Exam Code : 70-480Exam Level : AssociatePassing Score : 70% (700/1000)Total Questions to check your knowledge: 200 Candidates for this exam are developers with at least one year of experience developing with HTML in an object-based, event-driven programming model, and programming essential business logic for a variety of application types, hardware, and software platforms using JavaScript.Candidates should also have a thorough understanding of the following:Managing program flow and eventsAsynchronous programmingData validation and working with data collections including JQueryHandling errors and exceptionsArrays and collectionsWorking with variables, operators, and expressionsWorking with prototypes and methodsDecision and iteration statements"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Tm yeteneklerden daha stn olan Konuma ve letiim becerisini etkin hale getirmek ve hayatn hemen her alannda kullanarak baar salamak ister misiniz? Yantnz Evet'se haydi bize katln. yi bir konumac olmak iin gereken her trl bilgiye sahip olacaksnz. Konuma metninizi hazrlama, iyi bir giri yapma, etkileyici bir ekilde bitirme zerine rnekler greceksiniz. En nemlisi okunmak iin yazlm bir metin ile dinlenmek iin yazlm bir metin arasndaki fark reneceksiniz. Farkl konuma yntemlerini grecek, her birine ynelik nasl alma yaplacan anlayacaksnzKonumalarnza nasl hazrlanacanz, nasl pratik yapmanz gerektiini, konumanz srasnda nefesinizi ve vcudunuzu nasl kullanacanz, hangi benzetme, metafor ve hikayelerle konumanz zenginletirebileceinizi deneyimleyeceksiniz.Bu kursun temel amac, ierii ne olursa olsun yapacanz konumalar en etkili, fark yaratacak ekilde yapmak ve vermek istediiniz mesajn dinleyicinize ulamasn salamak.Kendinizi ve fikirlerinizi daha iyi ifade etmek ve bylelikle etki alannz gelitirmeye hazr msnz?O halde, hadi balayalm"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 400+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.5 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 60+ Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real AWS Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR AWS CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 400+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 5 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 60 Questions each with a pool of 400+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PostgreSQL Dasar" |
"Course gratis ini diperuntukan untuk membantu pemula mengenal dasar-dasar database postgresql. Diantaranya menginstal postgresql pada linux , mengenal query dasar , DML, dan lainnya. Jika Anda pemula dalam konsep database ini adalah untuk Anda, jika Anda pemula dalam postgresql ini adalah untuk Anda. Jika Anda sudah mengenal postgresql dan menginginkan informasi pengetahuan lebih lanjut course ini belum tepat untuk Anda."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Security Operations Center - SOC Training" |
"The aim of this course is to prepare you to give a successful interview with a Cybersecurity firm for the position of Analyst in a SOC team. To fulfill this aim we ensured to build a curriculum that enhances your technical capability right from the basics. In the first few sections, we deal with the foundations and fundamentals of IT security, networking, and SIEM tools.In this course we cover the below :We briefly describe who this course is meant for - the target audience and we define what SOC is: the Security Operations center, what it does and can do and how it is relevant.We cover why SOC is relevant and how it is an advantage to pursue a career in cybersecurity given the lack of quality resources available. We also share how we treat this subject for a newbie, how we teach from the fundamentals so that any layman can pick up the concepts and slowly build competence.We cover the below curriculum that we have designed for you:1)Cybersecurity basics and networking essentials2)Security operations center essentials - SIEM - Part 13)Security operations center essentials - SIEM - Part 24)Security operations center essentials - Antivirus5)Security devices - fundamentals6)Vulnerability Management7)ConclusionPost completion you will be confident enough to give an interview and crack it too!*We will keep adding more sessions throughout the next few weeks to ensure the content is relevant and with the highest of quality."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Stress Healing Course" |
"This course is a comprehensive explanation from the definition of stress to how it leads to various issues in human body and then how to tackle them or heal your body from the stress. What is stress? How to manage stress effectively? How does stress lead to diseases? What is worry? What is immune system? How does stress affect our immune system? What is positive attitude? How to build it? How to live a happy and contented life using Ikigai principle? Stress, Anxiety and Depression are one of the biggest causes of diseases in the world today. Medicines for stress, anxiety and depression are one of the top selling medicines in the world today. Our lifestyle, our food habits and the changing environment is further contributing to the diseases."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Clculos de frete" |
"Trabalhar na rea de logstica um grande desafio! Por isso desenvolvi este curso, voltado para rea de transportes. gerando compreenso da composio dos custos de fretes nacionais: rodovirio, aerovirio e martimo. Aps a concluso deste curso voc ter habilidades para atuar com auditoria nos pagamentos de transportes, simulaes de cenrios presentes ou futuros e negociaes de tabelas ou contratos de fretes, em transportadoras ou empresas de qualquer segmento."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre la programmation avec Python" |
"Contrairement l'imagerie populaire (films, sries), la programmation est accessible tous et pas seulement une poigne de ""petits gnies"". N'importe qui, n'importe quel ge et de n'importe quel niveau d'tude pourra apprendre programmer, ce n'est absolument pas rserv une lite ou des ingnieurs, la programmation est aussi un loisirs.Dans ce cours vous apprendrez les concepts de base de la programmation en Python. Python est un langage facile apprendre et c'est aussi un des plus pratiqu dans le monde. A l'inverse de langages ddis l'apprentissage comme Scratch, Python est un ""vrai langage"" utilis par un grand nombre de dveloppeurs et d'entreprises pour de vrai applications, il est rgulirement dans le Top 5 des langages les plus utiliss et c'est LE langage de prdilection dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle. Du fait de son immense popularit, il est trs simple de trouver des ressources sur internet, que ce soit des modules externes ou simplement une rponse une question."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"310-035 Sun Certified Programmer Java 2 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Two of which are valid explanation for the float? (Choose two.)a) Float F = 1F;b) Float F = 1,0;c) float e = '1';d) Float F = ""1"";Q) Two of which are reserved words in the Java programming language? (Choose two.)a) go tob) linec) They included) strictfpe) synchronizesQ) What is the numerical range for a change?a) 0 ... 255b) 0 ... 65535c) -128 ... 127d) -32768 ... 32767e) The range depends on the platform.Q) What happens when a thread X executes Wait () method on the object A, having a lock object A?a) Compilation fails.b) The one exception.c) Method timeout () has no effect.d) Wire X will block immediately.e) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA CAS-002 Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The administrator wants to include on the basis of a flexible mandatory access control policies on the OS open source in order to prevent pathological changes of applications or shootings. Which of the following best achieve this?a) Access Control Listsb) SELinuxc) Iptables firewalld) HIPSe) NoneQ) ABC SAN company is approaching capacity and cause costly downtime for the server runs out of disk space. Which of the following is a more cost effective alternative to buying a new SAN?a) Enable more to increase accessb) Turning pools reduplication data storage devicesc) Implement images to reduce the size of the virtual diskd) Implementing Replication visiting data centere) NoneQ) The system administrator sets the CIFS share on a UNIX device per share on Windows systems. Security Authentication Windows domain is set to the highest level. Windows users indicate that they can pass on a UNIX share authentication. Which of the following parameters on a UNIX server to fix this problem?a) Refuse LM and accept only NTLMv2b) Just accept LMc) Give and take NTLMv2 LMd) Accept only NTLMe) NoneQ) Accept only NTLMa) vTPMb) HSMc) TPMd) INEe) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"HP0-085 Planning Design HP Super dome Server Solutions Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The best results are achieved when the partitions have many cells? (Choose two.)a) twob) threec) fourd) fivee) sixQ) How HP Superdome servers can be controlled from the control station support (SMS)?a) $8 b) $16 c) $24 d) $32 e) NoneQ) What devices, HP recommends that for each hard partition? (Choose two.)a) DATESb) DLTc) LTOd) DVDe) CDsQ) How many CPUs, for the customer who needs eight nuclei in the sx2000 Superdome server should order?a) oneb) twoc) foure) eighte) None"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"NR0-013 Teradata V2R5 in the SQL Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which three statements are true representations of the definitions? (Choose three.)a) You can create an index on the view.b) You can use derived tables in the presentationc) You can use the ORDER BY clause in the view.You can perform aggregation within a single species.d) You can assign a new column names in one view.Q) Which statement executes parameterized macro with the name ABC?a) EXEC ABC (10, 'ABC');b) EXEC ABC (10 ,: 'ABC');c) EXEC ABC VALUES (10, 'ABC');d) EXEC MACRO ABC (10, 'ABC');e) NoneQ) What three qualities of opinions? (Choose three.)a) Presentation may include the item was.b) Views can be used to update the table.c) Visits need to change if the columns added to the table.d) The views are not affected if the columns added to the table.e) Views provide an additional level of security or authorizationQ) What are the three safety reasons, to use a macro? (Choose three.)a) This limits the need to grant privileges on tables and views that are used in the macro.b) An advantage of creating a macro can be limited to designated developersc) Parameterized macro can be designed to use a parameter for the management table or view, to get the macro.d) Parameterized macro can be designed to use a parameter to restrict the access to a subset of data for the table or view that is used in the macro."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Savoir danser le Hip-Hop pour dbutants" |
"Rduction sur le prix, lorsqu'il est prix directement sur le site de Bolderr (Limit)Pas de salle prs de chez vous ? Envie de tester la danse, mais sans une vingtaine de personne autour ? Ou juste pas la possibilit daller en cours de danse toutes les semaines ? Eh bien, on va faire en sorte ce que vous ayez envie de sortir et de montrer tout le monde ce dont vous serez capables aprs ce cours !Combien de danseurs ont en voulant s'initier la danse ou perfectionner son talent fait des tas dcoles o on te propose dapprendre un cours mme si derrire tu nas pas lopportunit dexprimer ton univers chorgraphique ton tour, ou en tout cas aprs apprentissage. Ce fut mon cas, alors que jai fait maintes et maintes coles de danse. Bolderr, qui est en plus dtre une cole de danse en ligne dans normment de styles booste les personnes qui crent des choses artistiquement et cre des opportunits de participation des projets artistiques pour les danseurs qui apprennent leurs cts.Cest pourquoi aujourdhui avec lexprience des cours que jai pu donner et des moments conviviaux que jai pu partager, je veux vous permettre galement peut-importe ou vous tes de vous amliorer en danse et de crer une forte communaut en ligne autour de a, faire de la danse plus qu'une chappatoire, mais permettre tous ceux qui en ont le dsir de pouvoir s'exprimer avec cet art.Parmi les notions que tu matriseras aprs le cours :- Le principe de temps- Maitriser sa respiration pendant que l'on danse et comment l'utiliser son avantage.- Apprendre dcortiquer des mouvements pour pouvoir les excuter correctement- Comment augmenter sa souplesse et l'avantage que sa donne lorsque l'on danse- La contraction musculaire, qui va nous permettre de crer des effets uniques- Et encore pleins de choses.Si tu as de la volont et de la motivation nhsite pas. Viens, apprendre connatre ton corps et ta manire de te mouvoir et partage nous ton univers !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"clairs: 101 secrets of pte choux" |
"clairs from A to ZThe course program:The theory of pte chouxAll chemistry and processes occurring with pte choux. Everything you need to know to make perfect clairs.Influence of ingredients on the result. How should you interpret and analyze the result?clairsWe will learn to make pte choux for clairs correctly and make the first pastry.The classicsClassic clairs with pastry cream.LemonLemon clairs with mirror glaze.Coffee and vanillaCoffee cream + whipped ganache + berriesSpecialAvocado and lime cremeux + cherry jellyExoticMango and passion fruit cremeux + coconut crunchDelicate and crunchy raspberry chocolateChocolate + raspberry + toffeeAre you ready to join?Start learning a new profession that will change your life right now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - Practice Exams 2020" |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is one of the top IT certifications in the world. It is a crucial certification for anyone wanting to understand and use Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is an entry-level certification and is perfect if you want to learn or progress your career with AWS. This certification will make yourself more competitive in the job market, boost your career, and could even help score a pay rise! AWS certifications are valuable to employers and it's great that you decided to get one.I know that learning AWS and sitting exams is stressful and time-consuming. It's hard to know whether you have done enough prep or if you need to do more study. I have certainly been there myself and I know that it's not easy. This is why I created these practice exams. They are designed to test your knowledge, give you a close experience to sitting the real exam, and help you figure out if you need to do a little more study.About meI have been working with AWS for a long time and have helped numerous friends get into Cloud Computing. I am a geek by nature, I love tinkering and building, I have multiple AWS certifications and I love teaching. And, I think I can help.How I can helpI have created five practice exams to help you study for and pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 (CLF-C01) certification exam. These practice exams will give you a good idea if you are ready for the real deal. Also, my exams are a good way to learn AWS because I provide explanations with diagrams, a discussion, and further exam hints and tricks.The questions you see have been designed for the 2020 version of the Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. You will not see things that are outdated or irrelevant.Top 10 Reasons to get Mike's practice exams:There are five practice exams with 65 questions each for a total of 325 questions.Practice exams follow the official blueprint and topic areas. Questions are carefully calibrated using the goldilocks principle.Each question has an answer and an explanation.Explanations are short and concise and have diagrams, exam hints, and additional information as needed.I took care in designing these practice exams. If you can pass the first two, you are ready to sit the final test.The last three exams are harder but they'll teach you more about AWS.You will get help through Udemy's Q&A discussion forum. I will endeavor to keep all questions up to date with the latest version of the exam.Udemy's mobile support is fantastic and you'll love it.My exams provide a perfect opportunity for you to identify your gaps in knowledge. If you get some questions wrong, you will know which areas to revise and study. That way, you can accurately target your study time and achieve your certification quicker.Exam ReadinessIf you want to know whether you are ready for the actual certification exam, you should try the following:If you score 80% or more on Practice Exam 1 and 2 then you are ready for the final exam.If you score less, you should read our explanations and do a little more study in the areas where you were weaker.To get even better at AWS and further enhance your chances, you should try Practice Exam 3, 4, and 5. Final wordsI know that this stuff can be challenging but I also want you to know that you are not alone. I know that you can do this and I am here to help you. If you have any questions let me know.Best wishes on your AWS and certification journey,Mike A."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Project Management e Viaggi: Organizza il viaggio perfetto!" |
"Ti piace viaggiare ma hai pochi soldi per farlo? Sei stufo di recarti nelle agenzie e adattarti ai pacchetti pre-confezionati e turistici? Sei gi un turista fai da te, ma vuoi imparare un metodo efficace e consolidato? Sei arrivato sulla pagina giusta! Con questo corso potrai imparare come applicare i principi del project management all'organizzazione dei viaggi, utilizzando un metodo efficace che stato messo a punto nel tempo e deriva quindi dall'esperienza sul campo. Imparerai a:- risparmiare pianificando il budget e poi monitorarlo durante il viaggio- ottimizzare i tempi per non sprecare neanche un minuto della tua vacanza- organizzare le visite e le attrazioni in base ai tuoi interessi, ottenendo il meglio e al minor prezzo- non avere brutte sorprese"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |