Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Editorao de Partituras com o Finale" |
"Curso de editorao de partitura com o software Finale, o principal software de edio de partituras do mercado. Todas as funes do programa exploradas em mais de 4 horas de aulas, com os tpicos divididos em aulas individuais. Use o Finale para compor e registrar suas msicas em partitura.Captulo 1 Introduo1 ConfiguraesCaptulo 2 Simple Entry1 Criando um novo documento com o Setup Wizard2 Escrevendo notas com o Simple Entry Tool3 Acidentes4 Acordes5 Quilteras6 Trocando o tom, o compasso e a clave7 Adicionando e apagando compassos8 Zoom9 SalvandoCaptulo 3 Speed Entry1 Criando um novo documento a partir de um template2 Escrevendo notas com o Speed Entry Tool3 Editando com o Speed Entry Tool4 Acordes5 Quilteras6 Inserindo pausas7 PlaybackCaptulo 4 Hiper Scribe1 Criando um documento com estilo2 Click e pr contagem3 Tocando sem metrnomo4 Gravando um canal de udio5 Frmula de compasso6 Opes para quantizao7 Gravando em duas claves8 Transpondo a tonalidadeCaptulo 5 Repeties Letras Acordes1 Preparando um documento padro2 Sinais de repetio3 Letras de msica4 Cifras de acordes5 Transpondo sua msica6 Outras vozesCaptulo 6 Dinmicas1 Expresses e dinmicas2 Smart Tools3 Atalhos4 Desenhando sua dinmica5 Layout das dinmicas6 Nudge e filtroCaptulo 7 Layout de Pgina1 Arrumar os compassos2 Espaamento e tamanho de compasso3 Layout de pgina4 Quebra de pgina5 Inserindo uma introduo6 Ferramenta de tamanho7 Ferramenta texto8 Inserindo grficosCaptulo 8 Trabalhando com as Partes1 Atributos dos pentagramas2 Vises personalizadas3 Inserindo e apagando pentagramas4 Escondendo compassos em branco5 Criando e editando as partesCaptulo 9 Melhorando o Som do Finale1 Conexes Midi2 Utilizando instrumentos virtuais3 Human Playback4 Vdeo no FinaleCaptulo 10 Concluso1 Tablatura2 Especial Tool3 Scaneando um partitura"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Desarrolla una App de Carros en Venta con Flutter" |
"En este curso aprenders a desarrollar una app completa para venta de carros, desarrollaras habilidades para el diseo de interfaces, conectividad entre items, crear un sistema manager para el manejo de productos a tiempo real, trabajaras con bases de datos y aprenders a crear el sistema de login para los usuarios."
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"Ink Markers: Food Drawing and Illustration" |
". ccM C says, ""I am completely new to markers and didn't even own any alcohol-based markers before starting this course. I only knew how to use markers like a child at school - by filling in space between the lines. So, I was interested in learning some basic techniques and was inspired by the delicious subjects. At first, I was hoping for more specific recommendations on supplies, but I found the information given in the course was enough. I went on Amazon and purchased a set of markers and paper I was comfortable with for my budget. I didn't get all the extras like the liners, sepia pen or snowball pen. But, I didn't really need them. I was able to complete the projects with just my set of markers. As a beginner, I followed the tutorial very closely. I did all the exercises on blending and texture first and learned a lot about the markers through these exercises. I wasn't sure if I was ready to jump into the strawberry tart, but I did it and was very happy with the results. I look forward to using my markers more!""Would you like to draw some yummy illustrations? Then lets do it using ink markers.In this course Ill teach you how to draw and color food in a realistic style using what is called alcohol-based ink markers.Ill start by teaching you markers basic coloring techniques (color blending and gradation and texture creation). Then Ill apply these techniques through a number of food drawing tutorials. And through each tutorial, youll learn how to use the markers to create textures, to show light and shade and to make a realistic drawing that everyone would like to eat!Ill take you in a step-by-step approach starting from sketching till adding the final touches of each drawing. And every now and then, Ill add a new tutorial to the course, so youll not just learn the available tutorials, but youll also have the upcoming ones.Currently available tutorials;Realistic drawing of a strawberry tart.Realistic drawing of cantaloupe and watermelon.Realistic drawing of donuts.So, Why ink markers?!Well, Simply because they enable you to make amazingly realistic illustrations that would love to eat!Besides their living bright colors, ink markers are so enjoyable in drawing and expressing color gradation and textures.Not to mention that you can carry them with you whenever youre, so you can draw your food anywhere.Ink markers are available in the market under several brand names, for example: Copic markers, Touch markers, Prismacolor markers, etc. In my course I use two different brands alternately (Touch markers and Sign me Markers). Although different markers brands vary in quality, you can apply the same coloring techniques taught in the course using any brand. So feel free to get any brand you want according to your preference and budget.This course will teach you how to color using ink markers through food illustration, although you might use the techniques taught in the course in fields other than that. So the aim of the course is to increase your appetite for markers sketching in general, and who knows, may be for food too.Hope youll enjoy the course and bon appetite!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso online de peelings faciais" |
"Normalmente as faculdades no se aprofundam nesse assunto sobre Peeling Qumico. Muitas das vezes falado superficialmente, no dando tanta nfase como voc profissional ou aluno gostaria. Venho fazendo pesquisas e buscando solues, e quero compartilhar com vocs todo esse aprendizado, para que possam pr em prtica com seu cliente, proporcionando algo realmente eficaz em seu tratamento.Durante o curso voc ir aprender:-Qual o peeling ideal para cada tipo de pele-Qual peeling precisa neutralizar e qual no precisa-Melasma: qual o melhor peeling para tratar manchas-Acne: qual o melhor protocolo de peeling para tratar acne-Qual o melhor tratamento home-care para seu protocolo de peeling-Formulaes e protocolos personalizadosGaranta agora mesmo sua vaga!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Charity - NonProfit Fundraising Charity WordPress Theme" |
"Charity is a WordPress Theme especially for Charity, NGO, Non-Profit Organization or Foundation, Campaign & Event Donation, Religion or a Fundraising website.Charity Theme Features:Built with elementor page builderWp fundraising pluginKirki CustomizerUnyson frameworkEasy to customizeClean & Simple DesignFully Responsive LayoutCross-browser Compatible with Edge, IE11+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, ChromeRetina readyGoogle fonts includedFont Awesome 400+ icons200+ line iconsPowered by Bootstrap 4Smooth animationParallax sectionsWorking Ajax contact form with validationGoogle Maps easy to setup via data attributesWell documentedAnd Much More"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bullying na escola: o que fazer?" |
"Voc possivelmente j escutou a palavra ""bullying"". Muito se fala hoje em dia sobre este fenmeno, que faz parte do cotidiano das escolas. Seja em instituies pblicas ou particulares, grandes ou pequenas, no interior ou na cidade grande, o bullying um problema social bastante amplo que desafia educadores e famlias. Este curso foi pensado com todo carinho para compreender mais a fundo o que esse fenmeno e pensar, coletivamente, em aes humanizadas para enfrent-lo - dialogando com a CNV (comunicao no-violenta), a justia restaurativa e teorias sistmico-ecolgicas do desenvolvimento humano."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"10 ideas para hacer dinero por internet" |
"He creado este curso con la intencin de brindar inspiracin ante el emprendimiento con mnimos o nulas inversiones de inicio. Un curso creado para personas que necesitan alternativas para hacer dinero desde casa, o buscan tener un ingreso extra que les ayude a cubrir algunos gastos.Es un curso orientado mayormente a proporcionar las ideas de inicio, sin profundizar en cada detalle, brinda la informacin necesaria para que puedas empezar a emprender utilizando el internet, una computador o telfono celular y tus ganas de surgir.Espero que sea de ayuda. Mi compromiso siempre con impulsar el crecimiento y la educacin como pilar principal para lograr nuestros sueos!Si te interesa el emprendimiento y las ideas para la inversin econmica, sgueme en mis redes sociales!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"EPLAN P8 - Vertiefungskurs Klemmen und Artikel" |
"Verwendete Software: Eplan P8 2.7Die beste Eplan Tutorial Reihe onlineLerne in diesem Eplan P8 Online Training die verschiedenen Mglichkeiten die du in der Software hast. Der Perfekte Gelegenheit um deine Kenntnisse in der sehr umfangreichen Software Eplan P8 zu verbessern!Du hast bereits erste Kenntnisse in Eplan und mchtest dich noch weiter verbessern? Vielleicht hast du ja bereits den Einsteigerkurs und den Fortgeschrittenenkurs absolviert und mchtest jetzt noch tiefer in die Software einsteigen. Dann ist dieser Kurs die ideale Fortsetzung fr dich! Du wirst innerhalb von ca. 4 Stunden dein bisheriges Know How weiter vertiefen und um viele neue Dinge erweitern. Du wirst die Themen Klemmen und Artikel in Eplan nher kennen lernen und spezifische Kenntnisse erwerben.Schreibe dich am besten gleich ein und erlerne noch heute den professionellen Umgang mit Eplan P8! "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Juniper JNCIS-SEC Exam Prep: Practice Tests (Updated 2020)" |
"Welcome to the practice test of Juniper JNCIS-SEC Exam Prep : Practice Tests (Updated 2020)This practice tests designed for experienced networking professionals with intermediate knowledge of the Juniper Networks Junos OS for SRX Series devices, this exam verifies the candidates understanding of security technologies and related platform configuration and troubleshooting skills.Security certification track is a program that allows participants to demonstrate competence with Juniper Networks technology. Successful candidates demonstrate thorough understanding of security technology in general and Junos software for SRX Series devices.This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way.Best of luck for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Origami - Easy but Cool Animals for Beginners" |
"In this easy origami tutorial, you will learn how to make origami animals using colorful paper.If you are a beginner, a simple video step-by-step tutorial is what you need.I would recommend going through lessons from start to end. If you feel it is too easy - feel free to skip a few lessons. But I would recommend folding all of them.You will start with folding Fox. It is relatively easy and useful as a warm-up. Then you can fold other animals.Make sure to take a picture of your paper craft and publish it on the social network of your choice!Here is the list of animals that you will make:Simple FoxBlack CatPigletBrown CatFishEve FoxBunnyPenguinGoldfishCrabButterflyPigeonMouseWhat are you waiting for?Enroll now and start folding!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Gndelik Hayatta retken Olmak" |
"Belki yapmanz gereken bir ok ey var ve bunlar bir trl yetitiremiyorsunuz, belki i yerinde baarnz ve etkinliiniz dt, belki zaman size yetmiyordur, belki de daha fazla zamana ihtiyacnz vardr..Belki de sorun sizin sahip olduunuz zaman, i yerinde yapmanz gereken tonlarca ey deildir. Sorun retken olmayp, zaman etkili bir ekilde kullanamamaktan kaynaklanyordur. Hi bunlar da dndnz m? ben sizin yerinize dndm ve sizin ihtiyalarnz karlayp, problemlerinizi zmenize yardmc olacak bir kurs oluturdum!Zamannda benim de ilerim asla yetimezdi ve asla hobilerime ayracak zaman bulamazdm.. ta ki retkenliin temellerini anlayana dek!-retkenlik zerine yazlm btn kitaplar, yazlar makaleleri, bloglar okudum, videolar seyrettim, kurslara katldm, tavsiyeler aldm. rendiklerimi uyguladm, sonularm her geen gn iyiletirdim. Fikirlerimi test ettim ve belki de dnyada ki en retken insan haline geldim ;) u anda ise 1000' lerce renciye retkenlik kurslar veriyor, okullarda konumalar yapyor ve bu konu zerine bir kitap yazyorum!Bu kursta ise sizlere bildiim her eyi retecek, retkenliinizi minimum 3 kat arttrarak bakalarnn 1 ayda baardklarn yalnzca 1 haftada baarabilen bir retkenlik makinesi haline geleceksiniz.-ite bu kurs tam da bunu yapyor!Fakat unu bilmelisiniz:Ayn eyleri yaparak farkl sonular elde edemezsiniz. Sizin bulunduunuz yer ile gelmek istediiniz yer arasnda bir fark var ve bir eyleri baarmak istiyorsunuz. te biz bunu birlikte yapacaz fakat bir eyleri deitirmeniz art ve bu kursta o eyleri beraber deitireceiz.. Bu kurstan sonra;Bakalarnn 1 ayda baardklarn siz 1 haftada baarabileceksiniz;En deerli varlnz olan zaman daha etkili kullanabileceksiniz;Etkili alma tekniklerini renerek baarnz arttrabileceksiniz;Stresinizi arttrarak hem retkenliinizi arttrabilecek hem de salk kalitenizi iyiletirebileceksiniz;Pareto ilkesini kullanarak, aldnz sonularn kalitesini arttrabileceksiniz;ve bu kurs ile bundan ok daha fazlasn baarabileceksiniz.."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"4in1 Learn Photography, Wordpress, Video Editing, SEO, ..." |
"This course will take you from knowing absolutely nothing to knowing how to provide these skills for yourself: Photography & Photoshop How to Use a Camera, Portraits, & Product Shots. Learn How to take stunning photos and how to edit them yourself in photoshop. Video Production & Video Editing How to Film, How to Tell Story, The basics of Video Editing, & learn Lighting for photography & video production. Web Design Learn how to build your own wordpress website from scratch. Learn how to setup your hosting and customize your templateDigital Marketing Learn Essential SEO strategies, GMB SEO to rank higher, Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing, and Facebook Ads"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Create and Interact with Google Drawings Course" |
"Google Drawings is one of the least used applications in G Suite, however, after this course you will see all the interactive ways to utilize this great tool and create your own! We first will look at several examples of how a teacher can use drawings, then we will learn the simple menus and features to make this possible. Lastly, I will work with you to create 6 Google Drawings templates of your own."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping! Panoramica completa e basi di questo Business" |
"In questo video corso vi insegner, passo-passo e partendo da ZERO , quali sono gli step da seguire per creare un e-commerce su Shopify e vendere in Dropshipping prodotti di ogni genere. Non avrete bisogno di possedere alcuno di questi prodotti perch, appunto, pianificheremo uno shop in Dropshipping. Ci significa che andremo ad eliminare l'investimento iniziale maggiore di uno shop, ovvero l'acquisto della merce.Ci vediamo all'interno del corso dove imparerete a:Creare un e-commerce da zero con l'utilizzo di ShopifyAvviare un business comodamente da casaUtilizzare gli strumenti di marketing pi e meno conosciuti!Generare delle vendite sfruttando determinati sistemi Automatizzare il processo per generare una rendita passiva ed automaticaVi auguro un buon apprendimento!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor loose and expressive. Violet flowers" |
"Dear friends!I am happy to show you my new and modern watercolor class ,,Violet Flowers''.As you already saw at my other paintings, my style is free, loose and very colorful. We are using the same picture as before just from a different angle.I wanted to show you how much one photo can inspire to create totally different compositions. The whole class is divided in three steps. The first and very important part is the sketch, it really helps you with the further steps. The next part is the first layer wich creates a nice background for the other layers of paint.In this class I am going to show you new effects to get amazing end results.You are going to learn creating a really intense color and also a really nice transparent technique. This technique has a lot to to with negative painting wich I am going to teach you.I hope you enjoy this class and you experience a new kind of painting style with watercolors. All the Best Your Inna"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Brazil - Curso Iniciante Completo 2020" |
"Nosso curso atualizado de 2020 esta disponivel! Apos conseguir melhor calssificao ano passado resolvemos fazer um curso mais legal ainda!Ableton foi desenvolvido em 2001 e desde ento ganha a cena da arte e musica ao redor do mundo. Uma plataforma de desenvolvimento de musica pra Gravao porem tambm uma plataforma ""Viva"" Live, que liberta o artista a tocar as produes ao vivo. Eleve sua dinamica musical! Aprenda Ableton!Nesse Curso Iniciante da Ableton Brazil, iremos fazer varias musicas juntos, iremos v todos os efeitos de audios como reverb, echo alm de aprender os Efeitos de Midi, O aluno praticar em conjunto com o professor e no final das aulas se seguido passo a passo ter sua prpria musica feita tambm.Iremos inicialemente baixar alguns loops free e samples pra utilizar nas aulas. Pra voce participar desse curso, voce ira precisar somente do software, um computador e um headphone pra voc ouvir sua produo. E o programa baixado.Ao final do Curso O aluno ter aprendido as diferenas entre audio, midi e tambem a gravar Organicamente seus instrumentos pra projetos de banda. O curso ira ser um otimo inicio pra aprender a mexer no Programa. Se divirtam Padawans e parabens por escolher aprender a produzir musica!"
Price: 519.99 ![]() |
"Deine persnliche 10 Tage Wunscherfllungs-Challenge!" |
"Wunscherfllung wird heute - vllig zu Recht - von vielen kritisch gesehen. Dennoch entstammen ihre Lehren, Ideen und Prinzipien der Hermetik und Geheimwissenschaft und gehen in Wahrheit auf ein tieferes Verstndnis der ueren Weltwirklichkeit zurck. In dieser kostenfreien 10 Tages-Challenge mchte ich dich auf deine ganz persnliche Wunscherfllungsreise mitnehmen und dir eine der heute am meisten unterschtzten spirituellen Disziplinen unter einem neuen Blickwinkel vorstellen. Warum Wunscherfllung kein Humbug ist, sondern auf ein vertieftes Verstndnis der Wirklichkeit zurckgeht - und warum sie trotz aller Unkenrufe auch fr dich extrem spannend sein kann! Dies und mehr - in diesem Oninekurs!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"5 Energiesysteme Wohlbefinden & Selbstheilung" |
"Interessierst du dich fr das Thema Energiearbeit und Spiritualitt? Mchtest du konkrete energetische Tools kennenlernen, die eigens dafr kreiert wurden dich in deiner persnlichen Energiearbeit zu untersttzen? Wusstest Du dass es eine Menge guter und praktikabler Energiesysteme gibt, mit denen auch Du ganz einfach fr dich und andere wirken kannst? Wenn dich einige, oder vielleicht sogar alle, diese Fragen ansprechen. Herzlich willkommen! Denn dann ist der Kurs absolut richtig fr dich!In diesem Kurs erwartet dich ein kompetenter Einstieg in die Praxis der Humanenergetik und Energiearbeit! Du erfhrst von mir von der Pike auf, wie du mit den hier vorgestellten, 5 unglaublich eleganten (und einfachen!) Energiesystemen spirituell arbeiten kannst. Der Fokus des Kurses liegt dabei, wie der Titel schon sagt, darauf dein Wohlbefinden zu untersttzen und deine Selbstheilungskrfte strker zu aktivieren. Du lernst auerdem, wie du die gezeigten Techniken fr dich und andere anwenden kannst, sodass du auch Menschen in deinem Umfeld oder Klienten (Andere) - wirksam und effektiv!!!! - energetisch untersttzenh kannst.Die hier vorgestellten Energiesysteme im berblick:+ energetische DNA-Reparatur,+ energetische Blutverjngung,+ energetischer VitaminC-Boost,+ Selbstheilungskrfte strken,+ Chakrenklrung und ErdungsverbesserungDer Kurs kommt mit einer kompakten Einleitung in Energiearbeit und Humanenergetik daher und enthlt ein Skriptum, das dir die Aktivierungssymbole aller gezeigten Energiesysteme zeigt. PLUS: du kannst auch vllig ohne Symbole mit diesen Energiesystemen arbeiten - wie das geht, erfhrst du im Kurs!Info: Natrlich kann Energiearbeit im Krankheitsfall keinen Arztbesuch und keine schulmedizinische Therapie ersetzen. Sie kann dich aber jederzeit darin untersttzen sowohl dein Wohlbefinden zu steigern als auch dein Energiesystem so weit anzuregen, dass es einen entspannenden und heilsamen Effekt fr dich ausbt und so passiv einen positiven Effekt auf allen Ebenen fr dich ausben."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor masterclass - A complete guide to paint Seascapes" |
"Water is one of the most fascinating subjects to paint. If you follow the right steps it is the easiest to paint.My class will take you through various exercises which will make it easy to understand the water and its characteristics. We will get to know the colors, how to draw a boat and also learn about reflections. Then we will progress to 2 practise projects and finally to our main class projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public speaking" |
". ."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to the ARM Cortex M0+ and the KL25Z" |
"This is a beginner's course for Engineering students that want to program microcontrollers do not worry if you are new to embedded system design. In this course, you are going to learn the fundamentals of ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers from scratch. In particular, we will be programming the KL25Z microcontroller, the topics covered in the course are:FRDM25KL NXP platform and Keil environment. GPIOs.Interrupts, writing handlers, NVIC.Timers, SysTick timer and TPM.PWM signal generation. Each one of the topics covered includes several programming examples and asignments so you can practice and remember the concepts and methodology seen in the course. There are also asignments so you can practice and remember the concepts and methodology seen in the course."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Praktek Ujian Cisco CCNA 200-301" |
"Praktek Ujian Cisco CCNA 200-301 adalah program training yang dikhususkan bagi Network Engineer, Network Administrator, Network Specialist, Civitas Akademika yang ingin mengambil ujian sertifikasi Cisco CCNA 200-301. Dengan praktek latihan soal yang terupdate akan menambah wawasan student dalam mempelajari dan mendalami materi Cisco CCNA 200-301. Menjadi seorang Network Engineer dengan memiliki sertifikasi Cisco internasinoal akan menambah bargaining position didalam pekerjaan atau proyek, sehingga training ini cocok untuk di ikuti bagi Network Engineer yang ingin berkompetisi di kancah lokal maupun global."
Price: 1050000.00 ![]() |
"Service Manager - Minicurso" |
"Curso bsico de Microsoft System Center Service ManagerNeste curso veremos as partes de Instalao, Roles (Funes), Gerenciamento de Solicitao, Gerenciamento de Configurao, Gerenciamento de Mudanas e Gerenciamento de Conhecimento, Authoring Tool, alguns comandos powershell e algumas dicas de troubleshooting, e vou indicar tb algumas referncias. Trata-se de uma viso geral do produto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AZ-300 & AZ-301 Practice Test" |
"Exam AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect TechnologiesCandidates for this exam are Azure Solution Architects who advise stakeholders and translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions. Candidates should have advanced experience and knowledge across various aspects of IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data management, budgeting, and governance. This role requires managing how decisions in each area affects an overall solution. Candidates must be proficient in Azure administration, Azure development, and DevOps, and have expert-level skills in at least one of those domains.Skills measuredA NEW VERSION OF THIS EXAM, AZ-303, WILL BE AVAILABLE ON OR AROUND JUNE 29, 2020. You will be able to take this exam until it retires on or around September 30, 2020. Additionally, the content of this exam will be updated on June 2, 2020. Please download the skills measured document below to see what will be changing.Deploy and configure infrastructure (40-45%)Implement workloads and security (25-30%)Create and deploy apps (5-10%)Implement authentication and secure data (5-10%)Develop for the cloud and for Azure storage (15-20%)Exam AZ-301: Microsoft Azure Architect DesignCandidates for this exam are Azure Solution Architects who advise stakeholders and translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions. Candidates should have advanced experience and knowledge across various aspects of IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data management, budgeting, and governance. This role requires managing how decisions in each area affects an overall solution. Candidates must be proficient in Azure administration, Azure development, and DevOps, and have expert-level skills in at least one of those domains.Skills measuredA NEW VERSION OF THIS EXAM, AZ-304, WILL BE AVAILABLE ON OR AROUND JUNE 29, 2020. You will be able to take this exam until it retires on or around September 30, 2020. Please download the skills measured document below to see what will be changing.Determine workload requirements (10-15%)Design for identity and security (20-25%)Design a data platform solution (15-20%)Design a business continuity strategy (15-20%)Design for deployment, migration, and integration (10-15%)Design an infrastructure strategy (15-20%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PTE Academic Snavna Hazrlk Eitimi" |
"IELTS ve TOELF iBT Snavlarnn yeni rakibidir.Trkiye Cumhuriyeti snrlar ierisinde tm niversitelerde yksek lisans, doktora, MBA, yatay gei, bir ok niversitenin hazrlk muafiyeti, kamu kurumlarnda memuriyet, yurtd iin ise eitim, vize ve gmenlik bavurularnda bulunmak isteyen herkes iin uygundur.YAPAY ZEKA ile objektif bir ekilde deerlendirilir.n Koullar : CEFR ( Common European Framework of Reference ) B2 Seviyesi ngilizce"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Film financing: Ways to raise funding for your films" |
"'Film financing: ways to raise funding for your films' offer a list of alternative film fund-raising solutions. I'm a film director, writer and sometimes, a PRODUCER. I joined the film industry in 2012. I have experience in raising funds not just for my own films, but for other films too. I want to share with you some of the ideas I have, some of the methods I use and some of the proven ways other filmmakers, film production companies and film studios have used to raise cash to shoot their movies. This is not a finance-heavy course. It is designed to give you a brief overview and provides you with rich resources in your search for those gold nuggets!Do you need money to shoot a film? Use this course to help you find alternative solutions no matter what your budget size is. What you will learn:- How much it might cost to shoot a film- How to access 'free money' through grants or crowdfunding- Accessing 'soft money' through rebates and tax incentives- Creating co-productions with different nations and pre-sales- Private Equity, funds, hedge funds and slate fundingYou can do this! It takes time to fund films, it takes patience and most of all, it takes perseverance. Hopefully, this course is another step in your understanding, and in the right direction - the cash direction. #howtoraisemoneyforfilms #filmfinancing #filmproducers #filminvestors #moneyincinema #filmstudiofunds #privateequity #crowdfunding #filmgrants #taxrebates #locationshooting"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"310-110 Sun Mobile Application Developer Practice Exam" |
"218 UNIQUE practice questions for 310-110 Sun Mobile Application Developer Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 310-110 Sun Mobile Application Developer Practice ExamTotal Questions : 218Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (163 of 218)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Practice Exam (2020)" |
"Welcome to our Course.These Practice tests will help you pass the CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) exam in the very first attempt.What you get?77 High Quality practice questionsAnswers & Explanations are verified by ExpertsAlways updatedAll domains covered30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?77 High Quality practice questionsOur Practice test will help you score at least 80% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Should have Basic IT knowledgeWant to Clear CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) CertificationWho are your target students?Anyone who wants to test their knowledge before taking the official CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) examWho wants crack CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) exam in their first attemptGo Ahead take our courses.Practice hard.Test your Knowledge.Give your best shotBest of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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"Curso de Espanhol - Preparatrio DELE A1" |
"Todas as vdeo-aulas tm facilidades para assistir e realizar os exerccios. Solicito que tenham em mos material escrevente para, no final, verificar o seu aprendizado.Este curso possui:a) Introduob) Conversacinc) Curso Bsico A1d) Preparatrio DELE A1e) udios variados com textos em Espanhol-PortugusEu desejo todo o SUCESSO nesta nova caminhada. Voc pode conquistar todos os seus objetivos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Innovation in Sports: Past, Present and Future" |
"SummarySports are competitive by nature, and athletes and sports organisations must always innovate to stay ahead of their rivals. When we talk about innovation in sports, we can refer to several different things. One of the main ways that sports innovate and adapt over time is by introducing new techniques, helping athletes to push themselves to new limits. Since the invention of the very first competition, people have been coming up with ways to make sports faster, more exciting and better to watch.Over time, the introduction of new technology has also had a wide-reaching effect on sports. New technologies dont just affect how sports are played but also how fans view them. When we watch sports today, we take for granted a lot of the innovations and changes that have happened over the years. We are watching the accumulation of thousands of different innovations, from countless individuals, who have all had a hand in helping sports to evolve.Modern sport is the pinnacle of these innovations, as athletes can break new records each year and thrill fans in new ways. But the progress is never over. New innovations continue to change the way sports work each year. As sports spread into new markets and reach new heights in revenue figures, there are more reasons than ever for sporting organisations to adopt smarter methods.As well as the innovations brought to existing sports, new sports are continually developing and reaching new markets and fans. The emergence of the internet and social media has helped to increase globalisation in our world. This, in turn, has led to new sports being able to reach millions of fans around the world in new ways.The future of sports will continue to see athletes and sports teams looking for new ways to get advantages over their competition. The increasing prevalence of technology in major sports could perhaps lead to ever-improving performances. We could also see the fan experience taken to new and exciting levels. Recent years have seen an explosion in technology, and sporting organisations are continually developing new ways for fans to watch and consume sports.What Youll LearnWhat innovation isHow innovation in business relates to sportsHow the adoption of new techniques can lead to significant improvements in athletic performanceThat not all innovations are initially welcomed, and some take a long time to become mainstreamHow technology can improve sports on the fieldThe ways technology is helping to enhance fan experiencesHow a new sport can develop and spread into new marketsHow innovations have significantly changed the way we view sportsThe influence of social and digital media on sportsHow future technologies can affect how sports are played and enjoyed by fans and athletes alikeWords from the Author, Saam Momen:I have a true passion for teaching! I have proudly taught university courses in Switzerland, USA and Brazil. My career spans over 15 years in the sporting industry with jobs at the London Olympic Bid Committee, UEFA, CSM and TEAM Marketing. I possess a Master Degree in Sports Management and an Executive Education diploma at Harvard Business School on The Business of Entertainment, Media and Sports. I hope that throughout this course you are able to have a wonderful learning experience! Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any queries.Why Choose This Course?This course has been developed to provide you with a deeper understanding of innovations in sport. Youll learn more about what innovations are and how they can have an enormous impact not just on how the sport is played but also how fans feel about the sport. If youre interested in developing your career in the sports industry, youll need to understand innovation, and its effects on athletes, sports organisations, brands and fans.The course is filled with up to date information, providing you with current examples and statistics from major sports around the world. Youll learn about the latest innovations and how theyve affected sports in a multitude of ways. Rather than showing you outdated examples from one particular sport, youll be able to discover the latest in sports innovation from a range of sports and leagues.This course presents you with the ideal way to learn all about the continuously evolving sports industry. While some courses might focus solely on theory and explanations, here youll be able to learn from real-world examples. Youll have the chance to explore various case studies. Each case will detail how the change developed and shaped the sport. Youll also hear from quotes of people directly involved and be able to discover exactly what it took to bring the innovation from an idea into reality.Case studies provide an excellent way to gain a deeper understanding of a subject. Rather than just gaining basic knowledge, youll be able to relate the theory to how it actually affects the industry. Youll learn about what innovation is and how innovation in the business world relates to innovation in sport.Youll discover how innovations to techniques in sport can have a significant impact on how the game is played. The course will discuss examples of technique changes to various sports and how they helped teams and athletes to reach new heights. Youll also discover how each innovation went from a simple idea to a game-changer.This course goes into detail on technology and how it affects sports in all areas. Rather than present a superficial example of technology and how it can be used, youll learn about past, present and future applications of technology. The course will present you with case studies showing how technology can have a large impact on athletic performance and how fans access sport.In helping to prepare you for a successful future in the sports industry, this course will also introduce you to ways social media can be used to promote sports teams, brands and athletes. Youll discover how digital media influences sports and the innovative ways it can help promote sport to new fans across the world.Finally, youll also have the chance to look at the future of sports. Youll discover what new innovations are currently making waves in the industry and how these might develop further in the future. If you want to work in sports, youll need to understand that its an incredibly fast-moving and competitive industry. Those working in the sports industry must be able to innovate and adapt to changes constantly. The future promises to bring better technology, faster sports and more fans than ever before. To stay ahead of the competition, youll need to adopt a creative approach and learn how to make the most out of technologies both old and new.This course is designed to give you a closer insight into how sports evolve over time and the ways that progress can rapidly develop. For anyone looking to start their career in the sports industry, this course will help to broaden your knowledge of how the industry works. Youll also learn more about how sports organisations and brands can innovate to increase their success. Innovation is critical for success, not just on the pitch but also in the boardroom.Enrol now 100% risk-free since you receive 30 days, unconditional money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied, no problem, you are one click away from a refund. No hassle, no hard feelings!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |