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"Karriere mit Persnlichkeit I (Business Coaching Program)" |
"Wir starten heute mit dem Kurs Karriere mit Persnlichkeit I in das Coachremotely Business Coaching Program. Unser Programm fokussiert sich allgemein auf diejenigen Bereiche in Business und Karriere, mit denen jede bestehende und kommende Fhrungskraft frher oder spter in Berhrung kommen wird: 1. Persnlichkeit & Entwicklung2. Rhetorik & Prsentation3. Marketing & Vertrieb4. Fhren & DelegierenIn diesem Kurs bzw. Modul geht es diesmal um den Einstieg in das Thema Persnlichkeit & Entwicklung. Genau genommen gehen wir hier im Wesentlichen auf 4 Themenschwerpunkte ein:- Persnlichkeit verstehen - sich selbst verstehen und lernen, warum Persnlichkeit ein wesentlicher Faktor im Business ist- Was Empathie mit Persnlichkeit zu tun hat und warum Sie ein wichtiges Element fr Erfolg im Beruf ist- Warum Glaubensstze Dich ggf. davon abhalten, Deine nchste Karrierestufe zu erklimmen- Du lernst unsere Eckpfeiler fr Erfolg im Business kennen und warum Sie dir helfen knnen, eine bessere Version Deiner selbst zu werdenWas andere ber unser Programm sagen: ""Ich bin 20 Jahre lang Unternehmer und sehe kontinuierliche Weiterbildung im Unternehmen als Schlssel fr Erfolg. Mit Coachremotely sehe ich einen digitalen Ansatz, wie Weiterbildung in Unternehmen revolutioniert werden kann."" Thoralf Nehls, Serial Entrepreneur""Anfangs habe ich gesagt, 'Mensch Leute, ich brauche doch keinen Moderationscoach, ich mache das seit 25 Jahren.' Dann hat mir Karsten doch Dinge gezeigt, die ich zuvor nicht kannte, auf eine zurckhaltende, aber doch bestimmte Art und Weise..."" Frank Buschmann, TV-Moderator""Karsten Linke hat Fhigkeiten in mir gesehen und zum Vorschein gebracht, von denen ich selbst nicht wusste, dass ich sie habe."" Silvana Sand, Geschftsfhrerin Funk-BBT Gmbh"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming with Machine Learning & Deep Learning" |
"Become a Python Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2020!This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the Python programming language on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Python 3.This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screencast.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Installing PythonRunning Python CodeStringsListsDictionariesTuplesSetsNumber Data TypesFunctionsDebugging and Error HandlingDeep Learning / Neural Networks (MLP's, CNN's, RNN's) with TensorFlow and KerasData Visualization in Python with MatPlotLib and SeabornImage recognition and classificationRegression analysisK-Means ClusteringTrain/Test and cross validationMultiple RegressionSupport Vector MachinesCollaborative FilteringK-Nearest Neighborand much more!So what are you waiting for? Learn Python in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Docker Fast-Track Beginner to Advanced" |
"Want To Learn Docker In Under 90 Minutes?Tired of 30+ hour-long deep-dive courses and complex reading material just to get started on Docker?Docker is not only getting more popular and in demand, Docker is the MOST FUNDAMENTAL DEVOPS SKILL you need. Its a MUST HAVE to get started in Industry.Chances are, youre busy and dont have the time to get frustrated over these 30-hour deep-dive courses. Trying to make sense of complex theory and wasting hours of time without any hands-on experience.If you want to know enough to get started and work with Docker as quickly as possible, this is the course for you.Hi, Im TJ Addams.With nearly 10 years in IT project roles, I spent a lot of time teaching over 16,000+ people on- and offline. So they can become ready to use their skills in production, even without prior experience.I simplify all the processes new students need to understand. And I provide a clear roadmap on what to learn to produce results fast.Everything I teach is based on what is used in industry and cutting out what isnt.I operated in lead support roles to Project Sponsors, Platform Engineers, Solutions Architects, Developers, and Testers & have worked with UK Government partners to develop real-time systems underpinned by Terraform. I also have operated in diverse sectors including consulting, technology services and digital transformation; private online healthcare; and biomedical research.This allows me to bring you unique insights way beyond the trivial ""hello world"" type of examples...... coupled with lots of demos, tips, and advice on how its used in industry. I cover the nitty-gritty to help you stand out from the crowd and learn the things most engineers don't even know about.Zero-To-Expert In Just Over 90 MinutesDid you know that companies use Kubernetes for managing Docker in production? Yep, no Docker Swarm.So how smart would it be to learn something youll never use? Not smart at all. What should you focus on instead?This is what this course is all about. To get you up to speed with the essentials quickly from the ground up, even if you have zero prior experience.Specifically, youll gain a solid understanding of how to work with Docker images, containers, repositories, and some of the most advanced Docker image manipulation tricks of the industry that only a few engineers know about.90% Hands-On / 10% Theory / 0% Wasting TimeEver heard of death-by-PowerPoint? Its where you watch slide after slide while trying your best not to fall asleep. Weve all been there. And this course is far different from it.Its a clear and up-to-date course on what Docker concepts you need to know to get started with your own Docker project today.Broken down into manageable, simple step-by-step videos you can follow alongto be as approachable as possible especially when you start from scratch.Instead of simply consuming theory like an info junkie, youll gain plenty of hands-on experience by completing small quizzes and challenges throughout this course.In fact, this course was specifically designed to provide you with lots of practical examples and get you ready and working with Docker in no time even if youre completely new.Plus, I included tips & questions to get you prepped for even the most difficult interviews and show off your skills.What Youll Get In This CourseExpert Level Docker knowledgeRock-solid understanding how it worksBest tips and tricks of the industryHands-on challenges to put your new skills to the test1.5h of on-demand trainingInterview prep and questions includedA 30-day 100% money-back guaranteeHeres What Other People Say About This Course:A lot of useful, hands-on information compressed into as short a time as possible, without the usual banter & time-waste present in many other courses. I will definitely look for more of TJ's courses & recommend to colleagues as well. Thank you.Very clear and marvelous composition of Docker concepts!! Thanks TJ and kudos to the way you have explained the things.Great; rapidly up-to-speed on what Docker is and how to start using it. I just didn't expect it to be so easy. I'm giving full credit to the teacher for making it seem so effortless.By The End Of This Course, Youll Be Equipped With All The Tools You Need To Get Started Immediately:Know the most advanced techniques for performance, cost-saving and stand out from the crowd as not many engineers even know about theseHow Docker works at a fundamental level giving you a rock-solid understandingCreating, deleting and manipulating Docker ImagesWorking with Docker Containers and learning troubleshooting techniquesUp to speed with Docker, ready to get started on KubernetesMaster The Docker Ecosystem.Buy now."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn about Classic and Volume Eyelash Extensions" |
"Become a Lash Extensions Stylist ! Learn professional industry knowledge of Eyelash Extensions from a multi award winning team. In depth knowledge from theory to practical ensuring every aspect of what you need to know in order to create the perfect set of eyelash extensions. Ideal for beginner lash artist and those who want to boost their game game to the next level. * Disclaimer *It is advised that you practice this course with a professional kit on a mannequin head under the supervision of a trainer or an eyelash technicianThe manual slides are presented as a beginner outline to understand the essential in order to complete the beginner knowledge. TLBB Academy of Beauty completed this training as a guide and advise that review and examination process by a professional team. Required training kit and additional knowledge can be found in the resources guide under 'other' section."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A + JK0-801 Certification Practice Exam" |
"248 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA A + JK0-801 Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA A + JK0-801 Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 248Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (186 of 248)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
ConvertKit |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing for 2020" |
"Facebook marketing refers to creatingand actively usinga Facebook page as a communications channel to maintain contact with and attract customers. Facebook actively provides for this, allowing users to create individual profiles or business pages for companies, organizations, or any group attempting to develop a fan base for a product, service, or brand.Millions of businesses, big and small, connect with people on Facebook.Facebook Pages help people connect with your business. They establish your business's presence on Facebook so that people can find out about you and connect with you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Start A Business: Entrepreneurship Essentials" |
"You might have a great idea that you don't know how to validate it and transform it into a successful startup that can help you generate a lot of money.In this course, we will be going through several topics that can help you understand the aim of Entrepreneurship and the art of starting your own business of your area of expertise. We will be starting by how to build your own personal brand up to reaching of how to exit your startup.In this course you will learn:How to build your own personal brand that could be trusted by your customers, because people buy from people based on trustWhat is Entrepreneurship? Are we born entrepreneurs or we learn the skills? What do I need to be an Entrepreneur? How to validate your idea and get the best analytics before starting your business?How to make the best market research that can support you when building your startupBefore we start our startups we need to create a business model canvas which is the guidelines for the startupSetting SMART goals for your business is part of your successTeam is the main pillar of success, how can you find the team that can complete the puzzle To save time and money one of the methods before launching your product or service is to create an MVP (minimum viable product) to test it and see what you need to developPart of understanding the startup Eco-system is to know how to make good traction of Sales & Marketing - how to implement sales strategy and empower your team.Pitching methodsHow to get investments and what are the types of investors and why shall they invest their money on your startupIn Conclusion this course is a handbook for any Entrepreneur to begin their own startup according to a clear vision and study with a heavy weight milestones that could be achievable till we reach how to get an investment to your startup and put an exit strategy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Btn Alanlarda olduu gibi otomasyon yazlmlar da olabildiince grsel ve kolay ara yzl , farkl yntemlerle programlanabilen ve bilgisayar kullanmnn tm kolaylklarn uygulayabileceimiz yaplar kullanclara sunmas gerekmektedir. TIA PORTAL programlama yazlm da bu alanda en iyisidir. Biz bu kursumuzda FACTORY O ile projelerimizi grselletirerek daha anlalr ekle getirmek amalanmatr. Bunun yan sra HMI panel ile oparatr ekran tasarlanmas kullanc iin nemli deere sahiptir. Siemens biri birinden bamsz dnlmeyecek otomasyon yazlmlarn TA PORTAL programlama yazlm altnda toplad. Bylece programlar arasndaki iletiim ok daha kolay yapya dntrld ve biz bu eitim serimizde olabildiince sade , anlalr ve bol rnekli bi tarz ile karnza gelmekteyz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Psychology of Older Adults (Certificate of Completion)" |
"Using the concept of continuing maturation throughout the lifespan, this course focuses on the latter portion of human life to include: cultural influences; why older adults work; changes in motivation and memory; caring for older adults; sexuality of older adults; retirement; nursing homes and hospice care; religious and ethnic funerals; the psychology of dying and bereavement, and the psycho-social aspects of growing older.Course Objectives: The primary goal of this course is to establish a foundation of knowledge concerning the latter portion of human life.Upon leaving this course, students should be able to:Recognize the concept of continuing maturation throughout the lifespan.Explain key stages in adulthood using the major models of psychology.Identify cultural differences that may contribute to certain adult behaviors.Recognize basic symptoms of disorders of aging.Identify coping strategies of dying and bereavement.Explain psycho-social aspect of growing older."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yabanc Dil Snavlarnda E Anlamllar Sorularnn zmleri" |
"Sorularda verilen soru cmlesini doru anlamaSoruyla ilgili cmleleri kavrama ve muhakeme gcn gelitirmeSoruyu doru yorumlayp soru cmlesinde geen modallar noun clauselar, adjective clauslar, adverbial clauslar, relatives balalar ve anahtar kelimelerin e anlamllarn grebilip ayn zellikteki cevap kkn bulabilmekBu kurs sayesinde YKDL snavnda e anlaml sorularn zmlerini ksa bir srede doru olarak bulabileceksiniz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"2V0-621D VMware Certified Professional Virtualization Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The administrator wants to provide users with restricted access. Users should only be able to perform the following tasks: Creating and consolidating snapshots of virtual machines adding / removing virtual disk Snapshot management standard role in VCENTER server will respond to the requirements of the administrator user?a) Virtual machine usersb) advanced virtual machine userc) Virtual Datacenter Administratord) VMware Consolidated Backup usere) NoneQ) What are the two roles can be changed? (Choose two.)a) administratorb) network administratorc) Datastore Consumerd) READ-ONLYQ) An administrator with the global admin rights, create a custom role, but can not appoint any privileges for it. What are the two benefits have been adapted role? (Choose two.)a) System.Viewb) System.Anonymousc) System.Userd) System.ReadOnlyQ) The administrator wants to allow the user to manage images for virtual machines. What a privilege need administrator must assign user?a) Datastore.Allocate Spaceb) Virtual machine.Configuration.create picturec) Virtual machine.Configuration.manage pictured) Datastore.Browse Datastoree) None"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-802 A + Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The user has moved to a new building and install a wired network. There are existing cabling throughout the building. A user wants to prevent the equipment they do not own from the network. Which of the following would be better to prevent remote users to connect?a) Turning static addressb) disable DNSc) Disable local proxyd) Enable MAC Filtere) NoneQ) One user reports slow performance on your computer to import your photos. Which of the following maintenance procedures should be recommended techniques to improve performance?a) Installing new camera driversb) Installing new camera driversc) Update antivirus definitionsd) run CHKDSKe) NoneQ) The user has requested recommendations for a safe password. Which of the following is the strongest password?a) Password!b) PA $ sw0rdc) PA $ 4w0rdd) thisismypsswrd1e) NoneQ) Which of the following would be the best choice for use in the implementation of the virtual environment of the enterprise?a) thick clientb) thin clientc) Media PCsd) Remote Desktope) None"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"CWNA-106 Certified Wireless Network Administrator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What word describes the curve of the RF signal as it passes through the medium of different density from space?a) diffractionb) Reflectionc) refractiond) diffusione) NoneQ) Which can cause excessive K (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) WLAN RF transmission line?a) Impedance mismatch In the cables and RF connectorsb) Reflected current (DC), the main line voltage RF signalc) The attenuation of the RF signal as it travels along the main path signald) Cross talk (inductance) between adjacent conductor RCHEMe) NoneQ) What factors affect the distance that the RF signal can be effectively received? (Choose three)a) Transmission power stationb) Reception sensitivity of the radio stationc) The path loss free spaced) MAC layer encryptione) Yield transmitting stationQ) The RF wave propagates through a space wave front experience natural expansion, which reduces the signal level in the area. What term describes the rate at which this expansion is going on?a) MU-MIMOb) area lawc) Fresnel zone thinningd) Ohm's lawe) None"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Hyperion Ess base 4H0-002 5 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What is the most effective tool for development using rapid development of formatted reports without coding?a) Application Object Essbaseb) Basic Spreadsheet add-in template filesc) Essbase Web Gateway shared on an internal networkd) Basic Spreadsheet add-in template files and advanced spreadsheet macrose) NoneQ) Given that the product and marketing are only a few dimensions of which file (s) will be restructured in the new member has been added to the size of the product?a) nob) data files onlyc) only index filesd) Both the index and data filese) NoneQ) If the average density of the block is between 10% to 90%, and there are several duplicate successive values of a <a <or zeros, what type of data compression is recommended?a) RLEb) bitmapc) no compressiond) None of themQ) When advised to turn off data compression?a) when the average density of the unit is very low (<3%).b) when the average density of the unit is very high (> 95%) and there are several consecutive duplicate values.c) When the database contains many consecutive zeros or other repeating values in the row.d) None of them"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Planejamento Estratgico - Prtico" |
"O curso apresenta como planejar de forma eficaz, como definir as melhores estratgias e como tornar esse planejamento uma realidade na empresa. O curso vai abordar tambm a administrao estratgica como sendo o que as empresas de sucesso esto implantando para diminurem o espao entre o planejamento e a ao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Start and Succeed in Amazon FBA Business in 2020" |
"Are you wondering how to sell on Amazon or what Amazon FBA is all about? How about what to sell on Amazon? Do you already have a brand and products, but you want to learn how to start an Amazon FBA business? Even if you want to learn retail arbitrage or if you want to set up your own private label brand and use Amazon FBA... this is the top-rated, all-inclusive, results proven Amazon course for you!JOIN THE THOUSANDS STUDENTS I HAVE COACHED ON ECOMMERCE, DROPSHIPPING, ETC AND INCREASED THEIR SALES VIA AMAZON!Four reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You get lifetime access to lectures and all downloadable materials.You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully in the course discussions section!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the Amazon seller strategies I implement for clients daily, including where to start, what products to sell, how to source them, how to get them to Amazon, then how to get your products ranking in the first position! This course will also layout how to optimize your Amazon product listings and enable you to reach any type of keyword for that product! Why burden yourself with creating a new .COM for your eCommerce store and driving traffic to it? Use the eCommerce search engine GIANT... Amazon! People normally go to Amazon with one thing on their mind...BUY! Learn how to make money using Amazon starting today!You have money back guarantee in case you get this course and decides is not for you. So, there is nothing to worry about, this course will surely expose you to many secrets!In this course, you will learn everything you need to know on how to start and run a successful Amazon FBA Wholesale Business.Learn how to sell on Amazon without private labeling or creating and optimizing your own listings. Start on a small budget and scale up fast Use a set of rules to uncover profitable items to sell Get hot selling items for pennies on the dollar Create the 'perfect' listing for doubling sales Discover simple, little known techniques to super-charge your resultsEverything you need to be a successful seller is at your fingertipsLearning how to leverage the Amazon platform to sell physical products means that you will no longer need to worry about where your next paycheck is coming from. There are more million dollar a year Amazon FBA seller being created now than ever before, so the timing is perfect.Amazon FBA is one of the easiest and best ways of making money online.You will also learn How to Sell on Amazon from beginner level to advanced! We teach you Amazon FBA selling secrets, also other secrets that will make your selling experience wonderful.You will be able to optimize your Amazon listings for increased sales and decreased advertising costs. You will be able to find top selling products and source them yourself to sell on Amazon. You will be able to grow your current brand or new private label brand via the mass traffic Amazon provides!Join this course now to learn how to sell on Amazon and start earning a second income!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS.LEARN HOW AMAZON CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Candy Bar: Macarons, marshmallow, pte de fruit and zefir" |
"High-quality theoretical database 4 types of macarons + 4 types of fillings 3 types of pte de fruit 5 recipes for marshmallow 3 types of zefir 1 secret lessonThe course program:Introductory lesson.We will select equipment and ingredients for our classes.Macarons.4 fundamentally different types of macarons:- Classic- 2-color- Chocolate- Hazelnut+ 4 completely different fillingsAnd a lot of theory compressed and packed into 1 hour of video lesson without a minute of ""empty talk"".Zefir.3 types of zefir:- Classic apple zefir- Blackcurrant zefir- Coffee zefirTheory of agar-agar.Pte de fruit.3 types of pte de fruit:- apple and whiskey- caramelized pear- strawberry and pink pepperTheory of pectin.Marshmallow.1 video lesson, 5 recipes:- coconut- tangerine- raspberry- apple- vanillaTheory of gelatine."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-801 A+ Laptops Printer Operational Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following portable displays provide physical flexibility and transparency?a) standard LCDb) Plasmac) OLEDd) LCD LED backlightQ) A technician has to replace an internal component on a laptop. Which of the following would be an important step to take before you replace the component?a) Review manufacturerys documentation for the disassembly proceduresb) Remove all the screws from the bottom of the casec) Remove the display and all the wiring attached to the based) Make sure the battery has a full chargeQ) Which of the following is most likely to have a physical switch to a laptop computer that allows it to be turned off without entering the BIOS?a) external displayb) webcamc) overclockingd) wirelessQ) Which of the following should a technician check before you upgrade the RAM in your laptop?a) The speed of the FSBb) The specifications of the motherboardc) The BIOS manufacturerd) The version of the operating systemQ) During the installation of additional RAM for a laptop, which of the following would most likely be used?a) PC cardb) SODIMMc) DIMMd) PCMCIA"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
koufu066 |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"200-301 Cisco CCNA Snavna Hazrlk Eitimi" |
"200-301 CCNA Snavna Hazrlk Eitimine Hogeldiniz.Bu Eitimde Network konusunda dnya lideri olan Cisco cihazlarnn iletilmesi, yaplandrlmas ve gvenlik tehditlerinin belirlenerek tedbirlerinin alnmas konularnda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Ayrca bu eitim sizi 200-301 CCNA Snavna hazrlayacak. Bu eitim ile CCNA sertifikasn alacak seviyede bilgi edinmi olacaksnz.CCNA sertifikasna sahip olmak, Bilgi Teknolojileri alannda bir kariyere hazrlanmann ilk admlarndan biridir.CCNA sertifikas ile Network temelleri, Network eriimi, IP balants, IP hizmetleri, gvenlik temelleri, otomasyon ve programlanabilirlik ile ilgili bilgi ve becerilerinizi belgelemektedir.Bu eitim sizlere Bilgi Teknolojileri kariyeriniz iin geni kapsaml temel bilgileri sunacak. Eitim sresince teorik ve pratik olarak IPv4 ve IPv6 alarn nasl kuracanz, nasl altracanz, ve nasl yaplandracanz reneceksiniz.Bu eitim Router, Switch gibi Network Cihazlarnn yaplandrlmasn, ynetilmesini ve temel gvenlik tehditlerinin belirlenip nlemlerinin alnmasn ieriyor, ayrca bu eitimde network programlanabilirlii, otomasyon ve yazlm tabanl Network oluturma zerine bilgiler de edineceksiniz.Bu eitimin sonunda, Network konularn gvenle tartabileceksiniz Routerlar ve Switchler gibi gerek Network cihazlarn yaplandrmaya balayabileceksiniz.Bu eitim sizlere 200-301 CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) snavna hazrlanmanzda yardmc olacak.Bu snav gemeniz durumunda CCNA sertifikasna sahip olabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Proje Bazl Temel Arduino ve C Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim; iin mutfandan bir retmenin, denenmi ve baarya ulam retim yntemleri ile hazrlad bir renme yolculuu sunuyor. Dikkat! Eitim ar dozda kod ierir! Kodlama olmadan sadece devre kurmak hibir ie yaramaz. Eitim boyunca projelerdeki admlar takip ederek, basitten karmaa kurgulanm projelerle Arduino eitimi alacak, C kodlama dili ile ilgili temel bilgiye sahip olacak, ayn zamanda da programlama dillerinin genel mantn reneceksiniz. Eitimin sonunda hayal gcnz harekete geirerek kendi projelerinizi retebileceksiniz.Bu eitimi almak iin teknik bilgiye sahip olmanz gerekmiyor! Biraz heyecan, bolca istek yeterli! rendike heyecannz katlanacan garanti ediyorum :)Sevgili eitimciler;retim odakl eitimi ilke edinmi, renmeye ve retmeye merakl, akademik disiplinler ile i birlii yapmak isteyen, brantan bamsz tm eitimciler ve Arduino programlayarak proje gelitirmeye adm atmak isteyen hatta kendi atlyesini kurarak eitim vermek isteyen her meslek grubundan tm yetikinler! Bu eitim gerek bir balang yapmanz iin tam size gre!Sevgili renciler;Bilginin bu kadar ulalabilir olduu amzda, baarl olmann anahtar; yaparak, yaayarak renmekten, hayal etmekten, merakl olmaktan, hata yapmaktan korkmayarak ok almaktan geiyor. Sizlerin kendinizi gerekletirmeniz merak ve hayallerinizi eyleme dntrmenizle mmkn olacak.inizdeki mucidi uyandrn!Eitim boyunca kullanlacak malzemeler:1 - Arduino Uno 10 - Diren 10K Ohm3 - 10K Potansiyometre3 - Servo Motor Sg901 - Hc-06 Bluetooth Modl1 - Cr2032 Pil - 3V Lityum20 - Farkl renklerde led 4 - 6V 250 Rpm Motor Tekerlek Seti1 - Buzzer4 - 6X6X2 2 Pin Tach Buton1 - Breadboard (Bykboy)1 - 5Mm Ldr1 - 2X16 Lcd Ekran1 - 40 Pin Jumper Erkek-Erkek 20Cm1 - 40 Pin Jumper Dii-Erkek 20Cm1 - Hcsr04 Ultrasonik Mesafe Sensr2 - 9V Duracell Pil1 - Jakl Pil Bal1 - Jaksz Pil Bal"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Java OOP" |
"' . . OOP - Object Oriented Programing... : . !java oop , ' ,"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Managing Your Dog While Working From Home" |
"Fun techniques for getting your dog's mental and physical energy out (Puzzle toys, enriching walks, play, tricks!)Building a routine that'll set your dog up to be his best behaved, happiest self and allow you to have minimal distraction during the daySolving specific behavior challenges like barking during meetings, chewing, and potty training Behavior change concepts so that you can learn how to solve challenges on your ownTutorials on how to teach useful obedience tricks"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Yapay Sinir Alar Uygulamalar (Tahmin+Snflandrma)" |
"Yapay Sinir Alar Uygulamalar (Tahmin+Snflandrma)Yapay Sinir Alar ile Snflandrma Ve Zaman Serisi Tahmini Video Eitimde neler var?1-Yapay Sinir Alar Temeli : (ysa nedir,ysa nasl alr?, ysa nin elemanlari, ysa nin yapisi2- YSA nin uygulamalari, ysa nin avantajlari, )3-Zaman Serisi Analizi (Time Series Analysis)4-yapay sinir alarndan gelen sonular gerek sonularla karlatrlm ve grafiksel olarak nasl gsterebiliriz anlatlm.5-Yapay Sinir Alar ile Snflandrma-Classification Using Neural Networks5.1- Normalizasyon(Max-Min Normalizasyon) uygulamasn5.2- oklu snflandrma problemlerinde output coding uygulamasn5.3- Hata Matrisini (Confusion Matrix) uygulamasn5.4- Son olarak yapay sinir alarndan gelen sonular gerek sonularla karlatrlm ve grafiksel olarak nasl gsterebiliriz anlatlm."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Norma ISO9001:2015 - Mdulo 1" |
"O curso tem como objetivo apresentar os requisitos da norma ISO9001:2015 e como ela pode ser aplicada, com relao a aplicao, implantao e adaptabilidade da organizao nos requisitos estabelecidos pela norma verso 2015.Este curso vai at o requisito de Planejamento, sendo este dividido em dois mdulos, possvel de acesso na timeline e guia dos meus cursos.Caso voc tenha qualquer dvida, pode entrar em contato comigo e/ou com a central de atendimento do prprio UDEMY!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Process Simulation Aspen Hysys Basic Course" |
"Aspen Hysys is a powerful and versatile process simulation software package that is used by engineers worldwide to design and optimize oil & gas processing and chemical facilities.During the course participant will learn how to build, navigate and optimize process simulations. How to use and apply advanced modeling techniques to enhance existing flowsheets. Participant also learn the efficient use of different HYSYS functions to build steady-state process simulations."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Ahorros en tus Finanzas Personales" |
"Es cierto, tienes un trabajo y generas ingresos. Pero a veces te es complicado ahorrar dinero de una forma constante.Por eso aprenderemos como hacerlo en este curso.Cubriremos temas importantes para aprender o mejorar a ahorrar.Ahorrar es necesario para luego poder invertir y crear libertdad financiera.Temas como: Seguros, fondos de emergencia, los mejores lugar donde podemos ahorrar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy & Quickest way to Learn ""Hypothesis Testing""" |
"Easy and Quickest way to learn Hypothesis Testing will help you to understand the concept of hypothesis testing and application of hypothesis Testing in your Research Project, Dissertation and Thesis with the help of MS Excel. It is also useful for your exam.Easy and Quickest way to learn Hypothesis Testing using Ms Excel is sensibly designed for the researcher and students of social science who are struggling with Data analysis /Statistics. This course will give guidelines about how to test hypothesis in your Research Project, Dissertation and Thesis with the help of MS Excel. The Course will improve your academic performance for your research course or Statistics course.Do not Worry, if you dont Have any prior knowledge of Data Analysis/Statistics. We will start from scratch.The Course Contain 3 hour 30 minutes of video lectures."
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
"Como garantir seu Auxilio Assistencial Emergencial" |
"Auxilio Emergencial- Os requisitos para o acesso ao benefcio sero:Trabalhadores sem carteira assinada;Microempreendedores Individuais (MEI);Desempregados maiores de 18 anos e que se integrem aos requisitos do Cadnico (Cadastro nico), cuja renda familiar deve ser de no mximo 3 salrios mnimos.O valor do pagamento ser de R$600 por ms, num perodo de trs meses. A possibilidade de aumento desse perodo pelo governo j existe em outro projeto.Cada famlia tem direito de acumular no mximo dois benefcios resultando em R$1.200. No caso de mulheres responsveis pela renda da famlia, elas recebero tambm R$1.200Quem no tem direito ao voucherFuncionrios pblicos no tm direito ao auxlio emergencial, nem se estiverem em contrato temporrio.Tambm no tero direito quem recebe algum outro benefcio assistencial ou previdencirio, como BPC (Benefcio de Prestao Continuada), seguro-desemprego, aposentadoria ou penso.Beneficirios do Bolsa Famlia, podero escolher entre continuar com ele ou optar pelo auxlio de R$ 600, ou seja, no permitido ficar com os dois ao mesmo tempo.Os limites de renda mxima para o recebimento da ajuda tambm foram definidos pelos deputados:Famlias com renda mensal total superior a trs salrios mnimos (R$ 3.135)Famlia com renda per capita (por membro da famlia) maior que meio salrio mnimo (R$ 522,50)quem teve rendimentos tributveis acima de R$ 28.559,70 em 2018.A comprovao de renda ser realizada atravs do Cadnico para as famlias inscritas no sistema. Para os no inscritos, ser necessria uma autodeclarao por meio de uma plataforma digital.No foi lanado nenhuma plataforma digital de cadastro e nem regulamento os meios que sero feito os cadastros, por isso passe seus dados a ningum. Informe-se primeiro."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |