Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Get Started Increasing Empathy" |
"Has the world suddenly turned upside down for you? Are people acting panicked or short tempered? The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of us. That is why we need to learn about empathy. This is a course on starting where you are at and slowly learning about what compassion and empathy are. Define what changes you want to make and determine goals to increase personal empathy in the areas of your life where you want the change most. Break habits that do not follow the new goal you have for your empathy and compassion goals. You can make positive changes in your personality. Use the included journal to mark your progress on creating new habits and working the exercises. Upon completion you receive a certificate of completion and the course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Interpretacin de resultados antropomtricos - Lic. SNovillo" |
"La antropometra s una herramienta muy importante y til a la hora de tomar decisiones con respecto a nuestro peso corporal y/o composicin. Nos permite conocer la composicin y distribucin de los distintos tejidos como ser masa muscular, masa grasa y masa sea.Este curso est destinado a antropometristas ISAK I o ISAK II, nutricionistas/nutrilogos o profesores que busquen mejorar la interpretacin de los resultados expuestos en las planillas antropomtricas. Los profesionales."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Synthesis 101: Ableton Live" |
"This course is targeted at beginners and intermediate level students.It covers the fundamentals of audio synthesis.The software being used is Ableton Live Suites Analog and Operator Synthesizers, but the underlying concepts are transferable to the majority of other software and hardware synthesizers on the market.The course is structured progressively, covering all the building blocks and different methods of synthesis commonly used.Throughout the course there are animations demonstrating the concepts visually, so you can see as well hear the sound.There are also example patches available to download that cover common types of sounds such as basses, leads and pads.This course is designed to be an in depth, comprehensive look at synthesis and on completion you will have all the basic knowledge required to kick-start your own sound design journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"State-Space Modelling & Simulation of Electrical Circuits" |
"One of the main problems when trying to model and solve electrical circuits is that, beyond a few components, the complexity greatly increases. Because of this a lot of engineers and students suffer when they have to obtain the models of real electrical installations or power electronic devices.One solution is to use simulation software. The problem is that it is expensive and in many companies is not available. The other problem is that sometimes we need a mathematical model in order to develop a control or protection algorithm. With this course, you will learn: - How to obtain the state space model of a circuit. - How to obtain the system response using Matlab or Octave (which is free). The course includes theoretical lessons ans practical assignments, in which you will be able to practice the concepts learnt. Besides, you will learn how to implement the models in Octave or Matlab and use the main tools for analysis like step response, bode plots, sinusoidal excitation, etc...All using the free software Octave. Finally, for those using Simulink, You will learn how to use State Space Models on it. This course is a good oportunity for improving your electrical skills!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Il francese per te, grammatica B1-B2 e non solo ..-" |
"Questo video corso di grammatica si basa sui contenuti indicati a livello europeo dal Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue per i livelli B1 e B2. Ma non un corso solamente dedicato ai candidati a questi esami. Oltre all'aspetto grammaticale si insiste molto sull'acquisizione di nuovo vacabolario allargandolo a contesti diversi e alternativi. Ci che s'impara pu e deve essere utilizzato nella lingua reale. E' un corso che privilegia gli esempi rispetto alle regole e il cui scopo di fornire uno strumento utile a tutti coloro che desiderano esprimersi pi liberamente e compiutamente in francese. Questo corso, interamente parlato in francese, migliora il livello di comprensione orale. Gli esercizi scritti e 25 dettati aggiunti al corso consentono anche di esercitarsi nello scritto. Contenuto per lezioni : 1 Valeur et emploi des prpositions dans, sur, , chez2 Prpositions et adverbes de lieu premire partie3 Prpositions et adverbes de lieu deuxime partie4 Verbes de dplacement5 Verbes de dplacement (suite)6 Pronoms interrogatifs7 Formation des adverbes8 Les temps composs et l'infinitif pass9 La ngation, approfondissement10 Le discours indirect11 Accord du participe pass avec avoir et les verbes pronominaux12 Accord du participe pass, cas particuliers13 Le subjonctif, formation et emploi14 Le subjonctif et les constructions impersonnelles15 Les phrases hypothtiques16 Les pronoms relatifs simples et composs17 Les doubles pronoms18 Les pronoms EN et Y19 Indiquer le temps, premire partie20 Indiquer le temps, deuxime partie21 Grondif, participe prsent, adjectif verbal22 Les adjectifs indfinis23 Les pronoms indfinis24 La forme passive25 Le pass simple26 Lopposition27 Le but28 La cause29 La consquence30 La concession (1)31 La concession (2)32 La nominalisation des verbes33 La nominalisation des adjectifs34 Verbes et prpositions35 Les mots de liaison"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
""" "" - , , . "" YouTube"" , , - ! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Develop Computer Based Test (CBT) and Chat App In PHP : 2020" |
"Building dynamic websites is not an easy challenge and requires time and effort dedicated to coding every bit and piece of the website, which is why anytime there is a new tool that promises to ease the woes of coding, developers always jump at the chance to try it.CodeIgniter is a simple open-source framework that makes it the coding tasks easier by providing a faster way to set up a PHP website from the ground-up. This tool with a small framework ensures that developers can design websites that are light, fast and dynamic.So, for any developer that wants to become a server-side master, this is a tool that they should definitely have in their toolkit. But, its not always easy to find a course that is clear and concise and targets exactly what you are looking for!This is why we have designed this course with an aim teach you everything you need know about CodeIgniter with real world project (Building Standard and Complete Computer Based Test Software) using a no-fluff and clear approach at the topic at hand, this tutorial will breakdown CodeIgniter into simple and easy to learn videos so as to be able to build any real world application on CodeIgniter.At the end of this course, you will have not only learnt the CodeIgniter framework, but you will actually be able to start building your own projects from scratch. In addition to knowledge, this course will also give you the practical hands-on experience and the confidence to start coding your own websites by building computer based test system.The course will start at the very beginning with a detailed introduction into the CodeIgniter framework, from there moving on to installing the framework. From there you will become familiar with the framework, and start building your own cbt software.Join us today as we learn CodeIgniter together by building real world software and be free from some authors who claim to teach you a particular programming language but only teach you basis and some copy and paste projects which at the end cannot take you to anywhere.Some of those things we will cover are as follows:1. Complete chat Application 2. Compute Based Test the following features:a. Filling the gap questionsb. Multiple choice questionsc. True or false questions3. How to integrate html admin template in codeigniter4. Build complete result processing management system5. Build complete automated certificate management systemSign up today, and look forwards to:HD 1080p video content, everything youll ever need to succeed as a CodeIgniter developer.Building complete and standard computer based test software.All the knowledge you need to start building any web app you wantBuild computer based test softwareChallenges and SolutionsFast and helpful support if you need anything or have questionsMy great sense of humor.From Beginner to Expert CodeIgniter DeveloperWe know that youre here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what theyre doing, youd be on YouTube.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and were always on hand to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, youll completely understand:CodeIgniter framework to level of building your own software especially school system.How to use Ajax, jQuery effectivelyHow to create secure Login for CodeSoftware Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Join us NOW as we build this awesome software together using one of the best frameworks - Codeigniter!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data science pour le trading algorithmique (2020)" |
"C'est avec plaisir que je vous offre ce cours de data science pour le trading algorithmique. C'est le fuit de plusieurs annes de travail dans de nombreux domaines pour comprendre les subtilits du monde de la finance quantitative.Nous utiliserons des librairies python qui nous permettrons de faire facilement des algorithmes mathmatiques trs complexes appliqus la finance avec peu de code. Le fil conducteur de cette formation sera la cration d'un algorithme profitable avec plus de 50% de gain annuel sur me NASDAQ 100. De l'importation de la base de donnes l'automatisation d'une stratgie en passant par la slection des variables les plus importantes, nous tudierons:La librairie Numpy pour les calculs scientifiques La librairie Pandas pour organiser et visualiser les donnesLa librairie Matplotlib pour faire de puissant graphiqueSelection de variables (features engineering)Regression Linaire pour la financeSupport Vecteur MachineArbre de dcisionForet alatoireAppliquer et comprendre le ratio de Sharpe Appliquer et comprendre le ratio de SortinoComprendre la volatilit d'un actif financier Comprendre et crer un environnement de backtesting rutilisable Backtester une stratgie"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Access 365" |
"Access una scatola di costruzioni, molto pi di quanto lo siano Excel o Word. Esso cio sa fare meno cose da solo (appena installato) e richiede, per poter essere utilizzato, che si strutturi in qualche modo il problema che gli si vuole far gestire. Ad esempio, bench possa utilizzare qualcosa di simile ad un foglio Excel, non possiamo semplicemente aprire il programma e metterci a riempire questo foglio (che in Access si chiama tabella): bisogna sempre passare prima da una fase di progettazione, che corrisponde a quella che in Access si chiama visualizzazione struttura."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master Vector Algebra: The Practical Guide" |
"Vector algebra is an Essential Topic for most science fields like engineering, mathematics and physics with a critical use. in physics, we use the vectors to describe velocity, momentum, acceleration, position, etc.this course will cover the fundamentals of the vector algebra and implementation of vectors algebra in a various field in mathematics.gaining the maximal benefit in this course will be through practicing. in every exercise you need to try figure out how to solve before watching the will definitely have a hard time trying to figure out how to solve it. However, when you got the ""Ah,Ha"" moment sure you will feel the passion to continue practicing. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel - Curso prctico desde cero hasta profesional" |
"Es increible la desconexion que hay en el sistema educativo y lo que necesitan las empresas por eso este curso esta diseado para que aunque no tengas o tengas conocimientos de Excel, lo tomes porque a veces el EGO hace que no te hagas las preguntas necesarias que necesitas saber para dominar alguna herramienta, funcion o cualquier cosa a la que te dediques. En este curso aprenderas a pensar como lo hace Excel creando unas excelentes plantillas y estandarizar procesos."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Balancing Chemical Equations for A-level/Class 12" |
"If you are the student of Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry ,Applied Chemistry,Agriculture, Zoology, or Chemical Engineering, sometimes you need to balance chemical equations in your general Chemistry course.This course will help you to balance chemical equations step by step.Just finish this course and get good marks in your exam.Remember that Chemistry is an interesting subject but you have to know the reactions and it's balancing process.This is a perfect course for students of science."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Devenir Formateur Agr Certifi" |
"Vous avez toujours voulu devenir formateur ?Vous ne savez pas par quel bout commencer ?Ce mtier est formidable sur tous les points, je vous le recommande videmment puisque je l'exerce depuis 10 ans.Nanmoins prenez le soin et le temps d'acqurir les bases sur le sujet et de comprendre l'cosystme de la formation professionnelle.Ce cours est fait pour vous et prsente tout le ncessaire pour vous lancer en temps record.Un doute ? Une question ? N'hsitez pas, je rpondrai.A trs vite!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo site com cadastro de usurios sem complicaes" |
"Neste curso os alunos aprenderam a desenvolver um site do 0 ao avanado utilizando todos os recursos e tecnologias mais recentes como bootstrap4, HTML5, CSS3, PHP7 com PDO e o Banco de Dados MySQL para criarem seu site, eu estarei explicando detalhadamente para que cada funo serve, porm meu intuito neste curso mais voltado a resolver problemas do que apenas ensinar, nos outros cursos o pessoal ensina apenas php ou js, nos meus cursos eu ensino a utilizarem um pouco de tudo, pois o site para ficar bom necessita de tudo. Estarei ensinando primeiramente como usarem um ambiente de teste com XAMPP para finalizarem seus trabalhos e depois estarei ensinando como subir todos os arquivos para um servidor remoto. Meus cursos so bem objetivo e direto sem rodeios."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to Score a Full Mark in Writing" |
"I scored a full mark (30/30) in the writing section of TOEFL iBT, and I would like to share with you the things which helped me achieve it.This course will provide you with guidelines on what you really need to know and should focus on when writing any academic essay, whether it is in a standardized test like TOEFL iBT and IELTS, or for an assignment at school or university.If you have to write an academic essay, this course is for you.The course begins with the basic definitions to get you ready for the lessons on writing sentences, paragraphs and, finally, essays. The course concludes with the revision process to ensure that your essays are clear, strong and error-free before submission.The contents and techniques presented in this course will help you to write better and more effectively, and you can increase your chance of scoring higher, or even getting a full mark, in the writing section of standardized tests.About Prin, the course instructor (You can follow my blog, podcasts and videos on my website (EdSniff) for more English knowledge, especially in writing.)I'm an English teacher with years of experience in teaching live and online classes, and designing courses. I have taught learners of various ages, skill levels and nationalities in many topics (from general English to test preparation); and lectured at universities, schools and other organizations.I graduated with an MA in TESOL (Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages) with Merit from UCL (University College London) Institute of Education. I also hold a CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from Cambridge English.I have taken many standardized tests including:Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) - Grade A (equivalent to CEFR level C2)TOEFL iBT - 118/120 (Listening: 30/30, Reading: 30/30, Writing: 30/30)IELTS - 8.5/9.0 (Listening: 9.0/9.0, Reading: 9.0/9.0)TOEIC - 990/990 (Listening: 495/495, Reading: 495/495)My other English-related experiences include creating blog posts, podcasts and videos; writing a book; working as an English specialist in the editorial team of an academic journal; writing for a magazine; hosting radio shows; appearing on a TV program; working as a transcriber and translator; and working as a competition judge."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Whatsapp Automation Using Python" |
"Learn about WhatsApp automation from scratch using Selenium Module. We will see how to make a chatbot for WhatsApp, how to send photos and videos using Python on WhatsApp, and the basics of selenium so that you can understand every line of code. And also we will see how to access all the sections of any website using Python Selenium."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master in Apache Web server HTTPD 2.4 with Core Concept" |
" The course is aimed to teach Apache web server administration for Linux admins who wish to develop their skills with a new wanted skill. this course take you from the basic web server concept to the advanced topics in Apache. So we are going to start with:What is web server?Install and configure ApacheDirectory StructureLoggingCore modules and other modules in ApacheVirtual hostsAliases and redirectingAnd then we'll move on to:Securing you ApacheMonitor performanceReduce your configuration work with Macros in httpdLoad balancing using ApacheWith that there will be 24 hour support for any questions or suggestions in the discussion forum And now after this description you must be concerned on what are you going to get out of this course by the end ! By the end of this course you will have the skills needed to administrate Apache web server."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
gurbani_santhiya_level02 |
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Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Let me tell you something true when you combine powerful 3D software like Blender and Substance painter with the right knowledge you will make an incredible result.In this course, I going to give you the tools and the technic you need to made or to create your Robot by using Blender 2.8 and Substance Painter. we will start modeling the Robot according to reference images.After we complete the modeling part we will learn how to clean your geometry before unwrapping the Robot. After that, we will learn how to unwrap the robot and we will learn how to use vertex paint inside Blender to give all Robot parts a color ID, and that will help us inside Substance Painter and make things easier.When we completing modeling and unwrapping we will take the robot to Substance Painter to start the journey of adding materials.we will learn how to create smart material and we will learn how to add alpha and add all necessary details to make the robot have nice looking.After all of that, we will use Iray renderer inside Substance Painter to render the robot, and we will learn and understand the IRay render setting and we will make a nice looking render with that.When we complete with Substance Painter we will go back to Blender to make the final shot, we will learn how to render the Robot with Cycles and Eevee and that will be the final render.At the end of this course, you will be ready to create your own project be using the same technic and that technic you can apply it on a small 3D project or large 3D project.So in short, this course will teach you hard surface modeling and unwrapping and texturing and sure, rendering. I hope you enjoy that."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"HP0-055 HP ProLiant Servers Application Practice Exam" |
"156 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-055 HP ProLiant Servers Application Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-055 HP ProLiant Servers Application Practice ExamTotal Questions : 156Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 156)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) - Deep Dive" |
"This course is structured and designed to teach the ""how to"" of Cisco Identity Services Engine and to give students in-depth understanding of ISE deployment/configuration, troubleshooting, and operational support. In this course you will learn about ISE deployment scenarios, ISE installation and bootstrapping, configuration of authentication and authorization policies, dynamic and static profiling, posture check, admin access and many more."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Analisi Dati Kart" |
"Analizzare i dati provenienti da qualsiasi sistema di acquisizione dati kart. Al giorno d'oggi la figura dell'Analista Dati o Telemetrista sempre pi importante nel Motorsport. Grazie a questo videocorso inizieremo a capire cosa l'analisi dati (telemetria), e perch diventata cos importante anche in ambiente kartistico. Ripercorreremo insieme un p di storia del kart fino ad arrivare a capire come vengono registrati e interpretati tutti i movimenti del telaio,pilota e motore. Alla fine del corso saprai perfettamente interpretare ed analizzare i dati di una vera sessione in pista."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create a Memorable Brand Name for your Business or Product" |
"In this class Im thrilled to share my very own naming process you can use to name your brand, product or service.Having developed this approach after years of working at digital and branding agencies, I have used it to name dozens of apps, digital products as well as startup businesses, products and more.Naming a business or a product is a crucial branding activity.Don't just rely on your gut feeling when naming or go with a name that 'feels right'. Unless you have buckets of cash like Apple, it will be a long road trying to educate your potential customers about what your brand does.I will show you how and why a name that has a concept, an idea or a story embedded within it makes for a much stronger brand.To name something effectively it takes the understanding of the brand positioning, competition, customers and much more.A name can either become a great asset or it can be a disaster, so you need a carefully structured and systemised process to follow.Who is the class for:Entrepreneurs & Business OwnersCopywriters & Brand DesignersContent Writers & MarketersBrand StrategistsAnyone looking to crate a name for a business, product or serviceWhat you will learn:Preparing for the naming processLearning naming techniques can be used to stimulate your ideasUsing my simple but powerful step-by-step process to generate name ideasUsing brand personality to inform your name ideasOrganising, filtering and rating name ideas to ensure they are relevant and timelessValidating name idea options and getting ready for name registrationTips for teams to brainstorm and generate ideas"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Backtesting Strategies: Test Trading Strategies Using Python" |
"Are you a young professional interested in a Data Science career?Are you interested in learning how to use Python to analyze your investments and help make you more money?If yes, then this course is perfect for you!Introducing Backtesting Strategies: Test Trading Strategies Using Python one of the most interesting finance/programming courses you will take. This course will teach you how to use Python to make money by analyzing Finance FundamentalsWe teach you how to use Python to analyze financial data using the most popular and powerful tools, including Pandas and Pandas Data Reader. Using these tools you will learn how to download data, perform financial calculations, visualize the data in graphs/charts, perform backtesting analysis, and more. These are the tools and techniques that our instructors have used on Wall St to manage billions of dollars for years, and now they're available for you!Here's a list of some of the topics we cover:Rate of return of stocksRisk of assets using volatilityRisk of assets using max drawdownRate of return of stock portfoliosRisk of stock portfoliosBacktesting theory and applicationPortfolio TheorySharpe ratioVisualization of your findings in graphs/chartsTesting Ray Dalio's all-weather portfolioTesting a 60/40 stock/bond portfolioUsing APIs to download dataEverything is included! Also, for every topic, you will get links to supplementary material where you can further your learning. This is a great way to reinforce your Python skills as well as learn some valuable ways to apply them in the real world.This course is great, even if you are an experienced programmer, as we will teach you a lot about the finance theory and mechanics you will need if you start working in a finance context.Teaching is our passionEverything we teach is explained in the best way possible. Plain and clear English, relevant examples and time-efficient videos. Dont forget to check some of our sample videos to see how easy they are to understand.If you have any questions, contact us! We love speaking with our students and take pride in responding within 1 business day. Our goal is to create high-end materials that are fun, exciting, career-enhancing, and rewarding.What makes us different than the other Python or finance courses?This course will teach you how to code in Python and apply these skills in the world of Finance. It is both a Programming and a Finance course.High-quality production HD video and animations (this isnt a collection of boring lectures!)Knowledgeable instructors. Robert has been working on Wall street managing software engineers for many years and has a master's in finance degree.Complete training we will cover all the major topics you need to understand to start coding in Python and solving the financial topics introduced in this course (and they are many!)Extensive Case Studies that will help you reinforce everything youve learned.Excellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 1 business day.Dynamic: We dont want to waste your time! The instructors set a very good pace throughout the whole course.Please dont forget that this course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional, money-back-in-full guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee, when we are convinced the course will provide a ton of value for you?Just subscribe to this course! If you don't acquire these skills now, you will miss an opportunity to separate yourself from the others. Don't risk your future success! Let's start learning together now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 200+ UNIQUE practice questions for AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.4 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Microsoft Azure Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR MICROSOFT AZURE CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Microsoft Azure AZ-104 exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many Microsoft Azure AZ-104 practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 200+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 4 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 200+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Revision" |
"As part of your preparation for the Functional Skills exam, you will need to have a good grounding in some core maths topics. This course will cover the key topics that help you increase your chances of passing the Functional Skills exam.In this course, you will:Learn how to interpret questions.Learn how to round numbersCheck your answers using reverse calculations or rounding.Work out percentages, interestWork out fractions Work out decimals and moneyCalculate ratioLearn conversionsLearn how to work out perimeter, area and volumeWork out the mean, median and rangeLearn how to interpret scatter diagramsLearn how to draw dual bar chartsLearn how to work out the mean of a frequency distributionWork out the probability of combined events."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Esercitazioni esami PMP, EPM AICA, Assirep-K,ISIPM - Parte 2" |
"Simulazione test per conseguire le certificazione delle pi importanti attestati nazionali, ovvero: EPM Knowledge - ISIPM BASE - ASSIREP-K. I test presenti all'interno della sezione permettono una completata preparazione al superamento delle certificazioni.Le domande sono allineate al PMBOK 6 del PMI e permetterebbero anche la preparazione per l'esame PMP, ovviamente seguendo un corso specifico."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Administration and Development" |
"Gain hands-on experience with this Salesforce certification training course while learning how to manage and develop apps for one of the most popular CRM platforms worldwide. This Salesforce training enables you to pass two Salesforce certification exams and transform your career.This training course is designed to ensure that you learn and master the concepts of being a Salesforce Administrator and App Builder. In this Salesforce training, you will learn how to configure Salesforce to collect, analyze, and retrieve vital customer information and create applications using Salesforce Lightning.By the end of the course, you will understand the Salesforce cloud services, the Salaries you could achieve working in Salesforce, as well as the certifications available to you and which ones you may wish to start with based on your backgroundThere are no prerequisites for this Salesforce training course. But prior working experience as an administrator or a developer is beneficial.Easiest and Simplest walkthrough covering Salesforce Development & Administration Topics. You don't need any programming experience and you don't need to know anything about Salesforce. You'll learn the ins and outs of point-and-click development, Administration, Coding, and Analytics. so, all you need now is an interest in learning SalesforceThis course covers all aspects of Salesforce Development & Administration. You'll learn how to Create App, Objects, Profiles, setting up Security, Workflows, Visualforce page, Apex coding, Triggers, reporting, and analytics, etc.The course teaches all these in an effective manner that will aid your learning in the best way.If Salesforce Development and Administration is what you seek, then look no further! Enroll now and begin your journey of Salesforce!This course will equip you with comprehensive knowledge that helps you get certified.Salesforce Administration Module:Below are the topics we covered in this course :Salesforce Terminology and Icons.How Salesforce Organizes the data.Salesforce App,Standard Objects and Custom Objects.Creating and Managing Users.Salesforce OWD and Security features like Object level Access,Permission Sets, Record Access, Record Access Via Sharing Rules and Record Types.How Sales Process works in Salesforce?Data Management using Data Loader & Workflow Automation.Reports and Dashboards and Much more !!!Salesforce Development Module:Below are the topics we covered in this course :VariablesDecision Control StatementsLoops: Different types of loops in SalesforceNested for loopsObject-Oriented ConceptsStatic and Non-static MethodsStatic and Non-static VariablesAccess Modifiers in ApexConstructors in ApexInheritanceCollection (List, Set, and Map)Exceptions in SalesforceBuilt-In Exceptions and Custom ExceptionsDML StatementsApex TriggersEligibilityThis Salesforce certification training course is suitable for individuals looking to build a career in Salesforce, particularly for app builders, developers, system administrators, sales representatives, IT managers, and product managers."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Vollstndige SQL Masterclass Schnell & Einfach zum Profi" |
"Werde schnellstmglich zum Experten in SQL!SQL zu lernen ist eine der schnellsten Wege deine beruflichen Aussichten zu verbessern egal ob als Business Analyst, SQL-Entwickler, Controller, BI-Consultant oder Data Scientist!Du wirst lernen komplexe Abfragen zu schreiben und zu verstehen. Dabei werden wir mit PostgreSQL arbeiten, einem der beliebtesten SQL-Datenbankmanagement-Systeme um SQL zu lernen. Dein Wissen ist damit ganz einfach anwendbar auf viele andere Datenbanken wie MySQL, Oracle Datenbanken, Microsoft SQL Server und viele weitere.In diesem Kurs wirst du sehr schnell lernen und immer praxisnahe Aufgaben und Tests bekommen, das ist die schnellste und effektivste Art SQL zu lernen.Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein, um in deine berufliche Zukunft zu investieren!Wie wichtig ist SQL im Zeitalter von Big Data und Datenanalyse?Grundlegend wichtig.Welcher Arbeitgeber erwartet SQL als Fhigkeit im Bereich Datenanalyse, Data Science, Business Intelligence & Datenbank-Administration?Vermutlich jeder.Kann ich in dem Kurs echte eigene Abfragen schreiben?Ja. Das erste, das wir tun werden ist bei dir in einfachen Schritten eine Datenbank auf deinem PC aufzusetzen. Dadurch kannst du von Anfang an deine eigenen Abfragen schreiben. So lernst du SQL von Anfang an richtig.Hast du Sorgen, dass du keine Vorkenntnisse hast?Das ist nicht schlimm. Wir lernen alles Schritt fr Schritt. Der Kurs ist in dem Fall genau der richtige fr dich.Warum sollte ich diesen SQL-Kurs machen und nicht einen der vielen anderen?Ich denke, dass dieser Kurs die beste Art ist wie du SQL lernen kannst:Einfach zu verstehenSchnell & PrziseUmfassend es werden hier auch Themen abgedeckt, die in anderen Kursen nicht abgedeckt sindProfessionelle Best PractisesDu wirst selbst von Beginn an eigene Abfragen schreibenPraxis-bungen aus dem echten LebenEinfach anwendbar auf die gngigen SQL-Umgebungen wie MySQL, Oracle Datenbanken, Microsoft SQL Server und andereAlso, auf was wartest du? Schreib dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lass uns die Reise beginnen!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
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", . Snapseed ( Android, iPhone). , . . , , ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Herramientas TIC para uso educativo" |
"En el curso de Herramientas TIC para uso educativo aprenders a utilizar algunas herramientas como Tagxedo, ImageChef y Filmigo. Conocer las principales funcionalidades de las herramientas, como dar de alta y los recursos de las herramientas, con ejemplos muy prcticos en todos los niveles educativos. Nuestro curso est organizado pensando en ti, que utiliza las TIC como una metodologa para innovar y optimizar tus clases."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |