Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"So, you've seen body brushes in stores and in many 'beauty' pics.What's that all about?Tick next to any that apply to you:Someone gave you one of those 'product kits' that includes a body brush - but what is it even for?Your Instagram feed is suddenly flooded with colleagues and competitors who are posting about the wonders of body brushing and you feel you missed the boat somewhere...Your mentors and gurus talk about body exfoliation and self-care, but who even has TIME for that?!Your legs are looking a bit flaky... your upper arms have these weird tiny bumps... and WHEN did your tummy skin start looking loose like that?? (have I always had those dimples? I thought they were only on my bum?? wait, where else ARE they???)How would you feel if it was your clients who were posting about how great their skin feels after a treatment with you? How would you like that flaky skin to start looking fresh and healthy again? For your tummy to be smooth and less... jiggly...? How would you like to single-handedly inspire world peace? (I'M KIDDING about that last part)Introducing HOW TO:BODY BRUSHING - Easy and effective steps to energize the body and improve circulation.What makes this course different? Think about all the info you would want to know about body brushing and imagine it in one place. Exactly.This course aims to equip you with all the knowledge you need to not only understand why and how to do body brushing, but also the fundamental principles of the treatment to adapt it for use anywhere on the body.By the end of this course, you will:Understand the basic structure of the skin and functions of the blood and lymphatic systems so that you can appreciate the effects of a body brushing treatment.Be able to list the benefits of an exfoliation treatment so that you can accurately describe to your client the effects they'll experience.Be able to identify the different tools that can be used and methods in which to use them so that you can judge which will be more suitable for your client or yourself.Effectively be able to clean your body brush to ensure hygiene and avoid germs.Recognize risky conditions which would either delay or prevent treatment so that you can confidently adjust your treatment plan and safeguard yourself and/or your client.Be able to successfully perform a full-body body brushing treatment on both yourself and a client. Are you ready to learn something new or brush up on previous knowledge? There's literally no risk involved - you're backed by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee.HOW TO: BODY BRUSHING is the perfect course for you if...You're looking to increase your treatment repertoireYou don't offer body treatments and want to dip your toes into that fantastical world You want to brush up on knowledge and want all the info in one place instead of multiple websites, books, articles, etc etcYou have a body brush and want to know how and why to use itYou're ready to start taking care of YOU for a changeYou've read through all of that, so you know you're wanting something new. Something different. Something for YOU for once.You deserve this x"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro CS6" |
"What if you could edit your video with Premiere Pro? This course will teach students how to edit videos using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. The course provides an overview of the video editing workspace, importing files, editing tools and exporting the final video. The course is for beginners and covers basic video editing skills and shortcuts that are useful when using Premiere Pro. The skills in this course can be applied to newer versions of the program."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Merchandising no Ponto de Vendas" |
"O merchandising envolve todas as tcnicas de exposio de produtos em ambientes de vendas para que o cliente seja atrado pelos itens da loja. Com isso necessrio entender todos os itens que podem constituir uma loja desde o layout at as estratgias de exposio do mobilirio, expositores e produtos.VantagensContedo do curso: Definies Merchandising Neuromarketing Compreendendo o consumidor Layouts Exibitcnica O pblico Digital Signage Material de PDVO curso de Merchandising contm: 10 aulasEstudo adicional:Curso de Comportamento do ConsumidorDados do cursoProfessora: Tatiana BenitesFormato: videoaula com slides narradosSlides em pdf para baixar."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Video Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs & Business Owners" |
"Looking to figure out how to move forward with your video project?Not sure what video format is the best for that social media post? Trying to figure out what tools to use to edit? Which software to try for creating intro videos or live streaming? Join me as I touch on all of these in this fun and easy to understand course.In less than 60 minutes, you'll become an expert and have dozens of tricks, tools, and software at your fingertips to try.It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or are already creating video content.You're guaranteed to learn new items that you can take with you and implement today.Let's Go!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cisco AppDynamics Application Performance Management (APM)" |
"Proactive Application Performance Management (APM) or Monitoring that provides deep level visibility across all touch points of enterprise application ecosystem is the key for not just to have customer satisfaction but also customer retention.In this course, we explored Cisco's leading Application Performance Management (APM) Solution - AppDynamics from a hands on perspective giving you what it takes to stay ahead of your competition by proactively responding to application performance issue as they arise before the users complain."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Ipnomentalismo |
"Quante volte hai immaginato di essere una persona preparata e capace? Quante volte hai immaginato di essere una persona piena di risorse ? Pensa di aver successo nel tuo lavoro, con le donne o con gli uomini. Bene attraverso questo corso avrai tutti gli strumenti necessari per avere una capacit di leggere le persone forte e veloce."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Professional Scrum Master I Certification (PSM-I ) + Tests" |
"Do you want to know what is SCRUM and master all the details to get Professional Scrum Master I (PSM-I ) Certification?In this course, you will learn the Agile Methodology approach SCRUM to know how to adapt faster to any change that can appear in a project based on customer needs and your environment.In the first section, you will go deeply into SCRUM theory so that you can get this framework foundation and put it into practice immediately (pillars, values, artifacts, roles and events).Once you interiorize all this information, I will show you how to pass PSM-I certification at first attempt. You will discover the path to achieve this prestigious certification and, most important, an advanced PSM-I test with questions so similar with the ones you will face in the real assessment.The course is structured in the following sections:SECTION 1: AGILE METHODOLOGY AND FRAMEWORK SCRUMSECTION 2: PROFESSIONAL SCRUM MASTER (PSM-I CERTIFICATION) PREPARATIONYou dont have anything to lose, you have a 30 days full-guarantee if you are not satisfied with this material. My goal is to provide you the knowledge you are expecting and, if it does not happen, feel free to request your money, but I am sure this course will satisfy your needs.In the following years, there will be a huge demand of agile methodologies profiles so Professional Scrum Master Certified professionals in order to adapt to everyday change and handle complex and innovative projects.If you want to get this important knowledge and become certified Scrum Master, this is your course to achieve it."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Dployer un Portail de Donnes Ouvertes en Local avec CKAN" |
"::: AN ENGLISH VERSION FOLLOWS :::Le concept de Donnes Ouvertes ou Open Data fait le plus souvent rfrence des donnes numriques (fichiers ou services) dont l'accs et l'usage sont laisss libres aux usagers. En d'autres termes, les usagers peuvent y avoir accs, les consulter, les tlcharger, les exploiter, les retraiter, ou en faire ce qu'ils veulent. Souvent gnres ou publies par des entreprises, des collectifs ou des paliers gouvernementaux, ce type de donnes peut favoriser entre autres la transparence des entreprises et organismes, et la participation/implication citoyenne. Mais pour que cela soit possible, il faudrait tre capable de les diffuser de manire structure et facilement exploitable. Cela est possible grce la mise sur pied de Portails de Donnes Ouvertes.Dans ce cours, nous verrons donc comment prparer, installer, configurer et dployer un Portail de Donnes Ouvertes en Local avec CKAN. Les Portails peuvent tre construits autour de diffrentes solutions disponibles. Mais ce qui dmarque CKAN des autres alternatives, c'est que CKAN estOpen SourceGratuitPuissant et personnalisableModulaire et en constante volutionBard d'outils et de fonctionnalits permettant de rationaliser la publication, le partage, la recherche et l'utilisation des donnes publies.Les Portails de Donnes Ouvertes ont vocation tre publics et accessibles. Toutefois, leur mise en uvre et matrise peut parfois ncessiter un peu de pratique. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous le ferons en local, afin de vous permettre de vous familiariser avec le processus de dploiement d'une part, mais aussi le fonctionnement interne de la plateforme. Notre objectif ultime sera donc de voir comment faire pour faire marcher, sur votre poste de travail, un Portail propuls par CKAN et Compagnie.Il est noter que les dmarches dcrites dans ce cours pourront aussi tre valables si vous comptez dployer une telle solution en ligne, chez un hbergeur web.Pour y parvenir, nous passerons par une dizaine d'tapes prcisesPrparer un environnement de travail bas sur Linux, en 64 bits. Si vous ne disposez pas de Linux, vous pourrez accder aux ressources fournies pour voir comment le faire Installer les services et librairies pr-requises au bon fonctionnement de CKAN, Installer CKAN lui-mmeInstaller et configurer le moteur de base de Donnes PostgreSQLMettre en place les configurations gnrales, et initialiser la principale Base de Donnes du ProjetInstaller et configurer l'Entrept de Donnes (DataStore)Installer et configurer le DataPusherInstaller et configurer lEntrept de Fichiers ou Bibliothque de Ressources (FileStore)Crer les comptes Utilisateurs et Administrateurs de la PlateformeFranciser le Portail ?Ce cours est destin aux personnes souhaitant mettre en place un portail de donnes ouvertes, ceux qui sont intresss ou intrigus par CKAN. L'ensemble du processus se droulera dans un environnement Linux. Si vous tes nouveau sur ce systme, sachez que des ressources seront disponibles pour vous aider en comprendre rapidement les bases. De plus, nous avons cr dans les ressources un guide dtaill qui illustre chacune des tapes que nous allons parcourir, ainsi que les commandes et les configurations que nous utiliserons. Enfin, si vous souhaitez bnficier directement d'un environnement de test, vous pouvez directement tlcharger gratuitement l'instance que nous avons spcialement prpare pour vous.Bon Apprentissage.Soka.::: ENGLISH VERSION :::The concept of Open Data most often refers to digital data (files or services) whose access and use are left free to users. In other words, users can access it, view it, download it, use it, reprocess it, or do what they want with it. Often generated or published by companies, collectives or levels of government, this type of data can promote, among other things, the transparency of companies and organizations, and citizen participation / involvement. But for this to be possible, it would be necessary to be able to disseminate them in a structured and easily exploitable way. This is possible thanks to the establishment of Open Data Portals.In this course, we will therefore see how to prepare, install, configure and deploy a Local Open Data Portal with CKAN. Portals can be built around different solutions available. But what sets CKAN apart from other alternatives is that CKAN isOpen sourceFreePowerful and customizableModular and constantly evolvingPacked with tools and features to streamline the publication, sharing, search and use of published data.It should be noted that the steps described in this course may also be valid if you plan to deploy such a solution online, with a web host. To achieve this, we will go through a dozen specific steps:Prepare a Linux-based, 64-bit work environment. If you don't have Linux, you can access the resources provided to see how to do itInstall the services and libraries prerequisite for the proper functioning of CKAN,Install CKAN itselfInstall and configure the PostgreSQL database engineSet up general configurations, and initialize the main Project DatabaseInstall and configure the Data Warehouse (DataStore)Install and configure the DataPusherInstall and configure the File Warehouse or Resource Library (FileStore)Create and configure Platform Administration AccountsFrancize the PortalThis course is intended for people wishing to set up an open data portal, for those who are interested or intrigued by CKAN. The entire process will take place in a Linux environment. If you are new to this system, be aware that resources will be available to help you quickly understand the basics. In addition, we have created a detailed Guide that illustrates each of the steps we will go through, as well as the commands and configurations that we will use. Finally, if you want to benefit directly from a test environment, you can directly download the instance that we have specially prepared for you for free.Good learning.Soka."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Organize suas finanas; o mtodo do pote de ouro" |
"Este curso lhe ensina o to difundido mtodo do pote de ouro, um mtodo revolucionrio e inovador para poupar dinheiro e alcanar a prosperidade rapidamente, com aulas curtas e rpidas porm recheadas com muito contedo, um investimento para a vida pessoal e financeira, importantssimo para obter a prosperidade, alm de ter a garantia da aposentadoria mais cedo, e com mais dinheiro."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Casamento sem crise" |
"Todo casamento passa por crises, mas a crise financeira pode ser afastada da vida dois. Comece agora mesmo um caminho de evoluo financeira no seu relacionamento. Com trs aulas rpidas e prticas mostro os caminhos para no se perder em relao ao dinheiro e alcanar um casamento saudvel. Voc ter seis passos de evoluo financeira: 1 passo - Entender que vocs vieram de famlias diferentes;2 passo - Saber que no Brasil no h base de Educao Financeira;3 passo - Definir juntos o que querem para o futuro;4 passo - Determinar como desejam administrar o dinheiro no casamento;5 passo - Garantir um bom fluxo de caixa; 6 passo - Ter um mtodo de controle financeiro;Este curso ir lhe ensinar a ter um casamento prspero e duradouro em relao s finanas. Seus resultados financeiros esto diretamente ligados com suas aes. Conte comigo no processo de evoluo financeira.Marlise Alves"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Canvas, o jeito prtico de dar forma a uma ideia" |
"O curso Canvas, o jeito prtico de dar forma a uma ideia, apresenta de maneira simples e descomplicada, como elaborar o CANVAS e ajudar o empreendedor a visualizar sua ideia de forma sistmica e avaliar sua viabilidade.O curso foi organizado em 5 aulas, alm de material para leitura.AULA 1CANVAS Entenda sua utilidadeAULA 2ParceriaRecursos chaveAtividades chaveAULA 3Proposta de valorRelacionamentoSegmento dos clienteAULA 4CanaisEstrutura de custosFontes de receitaAULA 5Modelos prontos de Canvas para te inspirarAps o curso ser possvel montar um CANVAS a partir de uma ideia de negcio ou um novo projeto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) 6 Practice Test 400 Questions" |
"In these practice test, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Certification Exam. With 6 full-length practice exams with 65-70 unique questions and each of which is timed at 120 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence. None of the questions are repeated! These practice exams were updated to reflect the new 2020 Network+ exam.Each question will give you detailed feedback and at the end of each practice test you will understand which domain you need to focus on so that you can pass the certification test.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) exam for all 5 domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Certification Exam with confidence! You will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further. All 5 Domains are covered:1.0 Networking Concepts 23% 2.0 Infrastructure 18% 3.0 Network Operations 17% 4.0 Network Security 20% 5.0 Network Troubleshooting and ToolsThis course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) , and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso Google Documento do zero" |
"Por que matricular neste curso? Neste curso voc vai aprender utilizar o Google Documento, editor de texto online e gratuito criado pela Google, uma das maiores empresas de tecnologia da informao do mundo. Fazendo este curso voc poder melhorar suas habilidades para o trabalho, tornando um profissional mais verstil para as execues de servios de edio de texto. Ento voc ir aprender: A como criar uma conta GoogleComo acessar o editor de texto Google Documento de diversas formasA localizar e usar as principais ferramentas e recursos do Google documento, para criao de diversos tipos de documentos.Este aplicativo por ser online, voc pode acessa-lo atravs do computador de sua residncia, do trabalho, do Smartphone, do Tablet ter acesso aos mesmos documentos criados por voc, uma vez que o aplicativo armazena seus arquivos na web em um disco virtual chamado Google Drive.Ento no perca seu tempo matricule agora mesmo e ter acesso vitalcio a esse curso. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Juniper JNCIS-SP : Practice Tests (New Updated 2020)" |
"Welcome to the practice test for Juniper JNCIS-SP : Practice Tests (New Updated 2020)This practice tests designed for experienced networking professionals with beginner to intermediate knowledge of routing and switching implementations in Junos, this exam verifies the candidates basic understanding of routing and switching technologies and related platform configuration and troubleshooting skills.This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions . Exam Topics Covered as per latest syllabus :Protocol-Independent RoutingOpen Shortest Path First (OSPF)Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)Layer 2 Bridging and VLANsSpanning-Tree ProtocolsMultiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and MPLS VPNsIPv6TunnelsHigh AvailabilityBest of luck for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"fiori ad acquerello" |
"La tecnica dell'acquerello molto appassionante ed estremamente varia. In questo corso impareremo a dipingere i fiori in 5 modi diversi sempre utilizzando la tecnica dell'acquerello.Ti consiglio di accedere a questo corso dopo avere fatto almeno il corso di acquerello per principianti. QUESTO E UN CORSO PRATICO in cui impareremo a realizzare i 5 fiori direttamente dipingendo. Imparerai a dipingere fiori creando fondi con il bagnato su bagnato, poi aggiungendo anche il bagnato su asciutto, poi ad aggiungere fondi per rendere unici i tuoi dipinti, poi mettendo il solo cielo per dare contrasto al tuo dipinto ed infine a realizzare un fiore botanico.Ti ricordo che se sei interessato a realizzare i fiori nel solo modo botanico ho un corso solo per quello : acquerello botanicoI miei video sono strutturati, come sempre, in primo piano step dopo step. Le mie pennellate saranno anche le tue.Puoi scaricare le tre fotografie dei fiori per vedere ci da cui mi sto ispirando: la calla, il girasole e il papavero.Per qualunque dubbio o problema mandami un messaggio, sar felice di parlare con te."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Corso Getresponse Facile e Veloce" |
"Getresponse il servizio Email Marketing Automation pi famoso e utilizzato, grazie all'ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo, e all'interfaccia localizzata anche in lingua Italiana. Getresponse integra tantissime funzioni anche avanzate e molti utenti, soprattutto i neofiti e coloro che si affacciano per le prime volte a questo tipo di strumenti e tecnologie potrebbero trovarsi in difficolt a destreggiarsi fra i vari men e capire come utilizzare le funzioni per la creazione e gestione di Liste email e campagne email marketing. Dopo il successo del Corso Email Marketing nasce il corso Getresponse Facile e Veloce Grazie con l'obiettivo di guidare gli utenti all'utilizzo di Getresponse scoprendo Step by Step come configurare ed utilizzare le funzioni integrate. Seguendo passo passo le lezioni, anche gli utenti pi inesperti saranno in grado di creare le proprie liste, gestire le proprie campagne email marketing e utilizzare le funzioni avanzate presenti nel pi Popolare servizio di Email Marketing presente sul mercato internazionale. Grazie a questo corso avrai a disposizione oltre 2,5 ore di contenuti ideati con lo scopo di rendere semplice l'utilizzo del servizio Email Marketing Getresponse.Iscrivendoti a questo corso Ottieni:Accesso alle 21 Video LezioniAggiornamenti GarantitiConsulenza Email diretta con il RelatoreUn investimento Formativo che non invecchiaPeriodicamente aggiorniamo le lezioni del corso con nuove risorse ed informazioni adatte al fine di rimanere ""Aggiornati"" con le dinamiche del Web Marketing. Grazie alla tua iscrizione, il tuo investimento non ""Invecchier Mai"". Avrai sempre accesso a tutti gli aggiornamenti che ti verranno notificati tramite email e che potrai consultare direttamente nella tua Area Corso."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Financial Accounting" |
"This is a simple and basic course for the individuals who come with an Accounting background, to refresh what they have learnt in their colleges or universities. Not only that, it is also beneficial for the ones who are willing to build their career in Accounting and Finance OR would want to understand their businesses in order to improve their decision making skills.**Remember**Finance is the language of a business, without knowing the Fundamentals of Finance, It is nearly impossible to understand the business operations and the secrets that lie behind the numbers.In this course you'll be learning;Business and it's typesThe cycle of AccountingWhat Debit and Credit is, and its ruleThe use of Source documentsPreparation of Accounts, Trial balances and Financial Statements You will be provided with:1.Video recorded lectures.2.Practice questions.3.FREE Comprehensive Slides.4.Completion Certificate.5.Life time access to the course and material."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Vegan and Gluten Free Survival Kit" |
"This course is for beginners new to gluten free, vegan and cooking.Learn new cooking skills.Become a master chopper .Use your equipment safely.Become a grains expert and surprise your friends.Get bonus recipes not on video.I will support and help you gain confidence.Recipes from over 30 years in the kitchen.Stay healthy with vegan recipes.Learn recipes all will enjoy.Save money by making it yourself"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Frazzled to Focused" |
"Are you ready to go from frazzled to focused? Are you starting to fray around the edges as you try to adjust to ""the new normal""? Let me help you to regain control, connection and calm while working from home.You might be someone who is brand new to working from home, or you might have been working from home for a long time, but now you're trying to share space with partners, roommate and/or kids who are also trying to work (and learn) from home.In this course, we cut through the noise (of 1000+ ""best tips for working from home"" articles) and I provide you with a step by step plan to reign in the chaos, get productive from home, and even enjoy it.Imagine how it would feel if you were able to:Disconnect from work in the evening, even when you're working AT home.Get your important work done, even though you've got your kids, partner or even pets competing for your attention during the day.Keep your work relationships healthy and maintain good will and camaraderie with your coworkers.Feel confident that you're addressing the needs of your team, even when you no longer see them every day.When you complete this course, you'll be able to:Set boundaries (in time and space) so you can avoid letting work bleed into your home lifeStay focused (in the face of distraction) so you can get as much, if not more, done than when you were in the officeCommunicate effectively (from a distance) so you maintain relationships and hit your goalsStay connected (to your coworkers) so you don't lose touch and keep morale highManage your team (remotely) so that your team stays hyper-productive and you don't turn into a dreaded micromanagerWork productively from home even if you've got kids and pets you're responsible forIn short, you'll move from feeling frazzled to focused! You'll be productive and calm, when working from home.This course is for you if:You're having trouble separating work from home life You're more distracted than ever right now (by your family, the comforts of home, or your incessant need to check the news)You're feeling like you're out of the loop, or having more miscommunications you do in the officeYou don't feel as connected to your team as you'd like to beYou know you need a game plan, but you're overwhelmed by all the ""free tips"" floating around the internetThe lectures in this course are complemented by exercises to help you set boundaries between work and home, identify and minimize distractions, decide on communication channels with your team and increase your focus even in the face of distractions. The exercises ensure that you apply the content from the lectures in a practical and pragmatic way so that you have an actionable game plan!Enroll today to regain control of your time and boundaries, connection with your coworkers and team and calm in your home life!PLEASE NOTE: This course was developed, filmed and edited from home (where I am ""sheltering in place"" due to the Coronavirus outbreak). As such, the production quality reflects the ""at-home"" nature of our currently reality and there is therefore comprised in large part with voiceover and slides content versus direct to camera video. If you have taken my ""Time Management Mastery: Do More, Stress Less"" course you might wonder why they were filmed differently, and this is why."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing: Mit Newslettern erfolgreich // Corona-Preis" |
"Email ist so 2000er? Nein! Newsletter sind immer noch einer der erfolgreichsten Online-Marketing-Kanle berhaupt, vielleicht so gar der erfolgreichste Kanal - und dabei ist es eine der einfachsten Sachen, einen Newsletter einzurichten.Hier lernst du, mit Email Marketing mehr zu verkaufen: fr Dich, Deine Kunden oder deine Firma. In diesem Webinar profitierst Du direkt von meiner umfassenden Webinar-Erfahrung!Wozu kannst du Newsletter Marketing nutzen:Neue Kunden erreichenBestandskunden aktivierenMehr Umsatz mit den Bestandskunden machen (Upselling, Cross-Selling)Meinungsfhrerschaft entwickeln und darstellen.In diesem Kurs geht es aber nicht nur um die Theorie, sondern auch um die Praxis, direkt zum Nachmachen. Durch direkte Einblicke in Newsletter-Kampagnen bekommst Du auch einen Einblick, wie Newsletter-Marketing in der Realitt aussieht.Wir schauen uns weiterhin MailChimp als Tool an, das weitverbreiteste Tool fr die Erstellung und das Versenden von Emails.Als Lernuntersttzung enthlt der Kurs: Alle Powerpoints Fallstudien Viele Updates, denn der Markt verndert sich immer wieder Einen direkten Draht zu uns fr alle Deine Fragen Du willst die Katze nicht im Sack kaufen? Schau doch in die Vorschau-Lektionen!Hast Du Fragen zum Kurs? Schreibe uns an, ich helfe dir weiter: dietmar@argo.berlinViel Erfolg beim Webinar,Dein Dietmar PS: Bentigst Du noch Argumente?Ich habe 13 Jahre Seminarerfahrung5 Jahre Webinarerfahrungber 1.000 zufriedene Teilnehmer/innen in meinen WebinarenIch bin Prfer fr die IHK fr die Webinar-Weiterbildung Online Marketing Manager"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Landing Page per vendere" |
"Uno dei modi per vendere di pi online quello di creare una landing page perfetta.Non esiste strumento migliore di una landing page per presentare la tua attivit, trasmettere il valore di quello che vendi e guidare le persone all'acquisto.Oggi non serve essere dei smanettoni per creare ottime landing page, ti basta seguire questo corso dove imparerai:Cos' una landing page e perch fondamentale usarla per il marketingCome usare le landing page per le tue inserzioni pubblicitarieLe diverse tipologie di landing page e quando usarle nel tuo marketing: prevendita, optin, vendita, upsell, oto, thank you page, hero page e....Come usare le landing page all'interno di un semplice funnel alla portata di tuttiI migliori software e siti per creare fantastiche landing page in pochissimo tempoQuali elementi inserire nella tua landing page e quali errori evitareCome migliorare le prestazioni della tua landing page7 modelli di copywriting per rendere convincenti e persuasive le tue landing page Il corso pieno di esempi per comprendere meglio la teoria ed alla portata di tutti.Il linguaggio usato semplice e professionale al tempo stesso.ISCRIVITI SUBITO!Hai 30 giorni di tempo per studiarlo e se non ti piace puoi chiedere il rimborso.Ti aspetto!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Combatendo a Auto-sabotagem" |
"Contedo extrado dos ensinamentos do Dr. Mark Goulston - Psiquiatra e consultor de empresas.Atravs de suas pesquisas sobre o comportamento humano que levam o ser humano a se conduzir de forma no realizvel em suas perspectivas de planejamento, tomadas de deciso e cumprimento de metas. Foi catalogado as 40 (quarenta) principais caractersticas que faz o indivduo agir de maneira auto-sabotvel. Cada mdulo ser abordado 10 (dez) caractersticas.Segundo o Dr. Goulston, a auto-sabotagem o motivo mais comum pelo qual as pessoas arriscam o emprego, a carreira e a reputao.Apesar desse curso ser predominantemente aplicado a empresas e a todos que compem a organizao, possvel que alunos que ainda no estejam exercendo nenhuma funo corporativa possa usar os recursos desse curso para lanar bases importantes para enfrentar o mundo empresarial (como empregado ou empresrio) daqui para frente.Sejam bem-vindo ao nosso primeiro curso sobre auto-sabotagem!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Introduction to Programming with C#" |
"The ""Comprehensive Introduction to Programming with C#"" free training course teaches basic coding skills for absolute beginners in a problem-solving approach, with a lot of practice. The training consists of free video lessons, free e-book and free online judge system, which guide the attendees from zero to basic coding skills with a lot of practical exercises. The training covers:Understanding the basics concept of programmingWorking with the Visual Studio IDEUsing the C#language to write simple programsUsing variables, data and calculationsReading and writing data to the consoleUsing conditional statements (if-else and switch-case)Using loops to repeat code logic (for loop, while loop, do-while loop)Practical problem solving with automated online judge systemDesigning simple algorithms (during the problem solving)This practical free programming basics training is attended already by 80,000+ students at the Software University (SoftUni), online and onsite in 30+ locations. Thousands of graduates already work as software engineers in the industry.This training is the first important step in learning computer programming and software development. The training develops solid practical problem solving skills that are truly valuable for any software engineer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Preprate para el examen COMIPEMS" |
"Con estos reactivos, que abarcan absolutamente todo el temario del examen, podrs aumentar tu oportunidad de quedarte en la carrera que elijas. Podrs responder y en caso de fallar tendrs la oportunidad de repasar el tema y volverlo a intentar. Tambin tendrs la oportunidad de ver el enfoque que se le da en cada una de las preguntas en este tipo de exmenes. Los reactivos que hay en estos exmenes no son como los de tu escuela, tienen una manera diferente de abordar los temas y en una pregunta pueden abordad distintos temas, es por eso que debes prepararte muy bien. Estos reactivos te ayudaran prepararte mejor para ese gran reto."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Marketing para pequenas empresas" |
"Bem vindo ao treinamento Marketing Raiz para Pequenas Empresas, o primeiro treinamento feito para voc entender e colocar em prtica o marketing no dia a dia da sua empresa, do seu negcio e gerar lucros reais. Chega de perder tempo e dinheiro com treinamentos que tentam colocar na sua cabea ideias de aplicadas por grandes empresas e gigantes corporaes como coca cola, apple, amazon, dentre outras. Aqui vamos falar da realidade dos empreendedores de pequenas cidades, como aplicar ideias reais com baixo investimento e um retorno ideal para seu crescimento seguro. O treinamento Marketing para Pequenas Empresas visa apresentar para voc de maneira prtica como analisar seu negcios, seja esse uma loja, uma pequena industria, ou mesmo para aqueles que trabalham de forma autnoma. Iremos aprender juntos baseados em experincias reais que podem ser colocada em prtica desde as primeiras aulas, e chegar ao final do percurso j colhendo resultados. Bnus e materiais extras sero disponibilizados ao londo do percursor afim de apoiar suas atividades prticas, tornando as aulas deste treinamento em ferramentas aplicveis para o seu dia a dia como pequeno empresrio."
Price: 474.99 ![]() |
"E-Book Erstellen und Amazon Kindle Meisterkurs" |
"Du wrdest gerne lernen, wie man ein profitables eBook Business aufbaut und deine Bcher auf Amazon Kindle zu Bestseller Bchern werden? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!In diesem Kurs wirst du von mir eine Anleitung von A-Z bekommen, wie du ein eBook planst, schreibst, publizierst und erfolgreich vermarktest. Ich werde dir hier meine persnlichen Erfahrungen weitergeben und einen kleinen Einblick auf den E-Book Markt geben.Der Kurs ist fr jeden geeignet, der Bcher schreiben und Bcher verkaufen mchte, Unternehmer, die sich ein neues Standbein aufbauen mchten, Autoren, die bereits Bcher geschrieben haben und diese nun gewinnbringend vertreiben mchten und Autoren, die bereits auf Kindle verffentlichen und nach neuen Strategien suchen, um erfolgreicher zu verkaufen.Gehen wir hier die Themen des Kurses einmal Schritt fr Schritt durch:1. Voraussetzungen: Du brauchst zum Schreiben von Bchern keine Vorkenntnisse, nur den Willen Bcher zu schreiben. Du brauchst eine stabile Internetverbindung. Um Bcher bei Amazon verffentlichen zu knnen brauchst du einen Amazon Kindle Publisher Account. Ein bereits angemeldetes Gewerbe ist sinnvoll, aber nicht zwingend notwendig, allerdings sollte es angemeldet sein, vor der ersten Buchverffentlichung. Du mchtest ein Business starten, deshalb solltest du bereit sein ein wenig Geld in die Hand zu nehmen um in Ghostwriter und Marktanalysetools zu investieren.2. Marktanalyse & Buchideen: Du mchtest deine Buchideen erfolgreich umsetzen und suchst noch neue Themen, die sich lohnen knnten um ein Buch darber zu schreiben oder schreiben zu lassen? Dieses Thema wird hier ausfhrlich besprochen, besonderer Fokus liegt hier auf der Nischensuche, um profitable Buchideen umsetzen zu knnen, ohne erst einen Markt dafr schaffen zu mssen. Hierzu werden wir unter anderem das kostenpflichtige Tool KDP Rocket verwenden, mit dem ich euch einen kleinen Einblick in den E-Book Markt geben werde. Natrlich zeige ich auch Alternativen dazu auf und gebe sogenannte Evergreen- Themen bekannt.3. Planung & Umsetzung eines E-Books: Hier stelle ich dir eine Checkliste zu Verfgung, die man bei jedem Buch abarbeiten sollte, um es erfolgreich zu schreiben oder schreiben zu lassen. Arbeitsweisen und Arbeitsroutinen stelle ich in diesem Kapitel ebenfalls vor, damit einem erfolgreichen Start bei Amazon Kindle nichts mehr im Wege steht.4. Kindle Publishing: Ich stelle die Plattform Amazon Kindle vor und deren Programme. Welche Methode der beiden zur Auswahl stehenden (Self-Hosting oder KDP Select) die beste Methode fr dich ist, werde ich anhand von einfachen Beispielen erklren.5. Arten von Bchern: Fiction oder Non-Fiction Bcher, was ist profitabler? No-Content und Low-Content Bcher werde ich in diesem Kapitel vorstellen und wie man auch damit Geld verdienen kann werden wir hier genau besprechen.6. Outsourcing & bersetzung: In diesem Kapitel werden wir uns mit dem Auslagern der Arbeitsschritte befassen und was dabei zu beachten ist. Hier werde ich dir Material zu Verfgung stellen, wie du zuverlssige Outsourcingpartner finden kannst und Plattformen vorstellen, die du zur Freelancersuche verwenden kannst. Auerdem zeige ich dir, wie du langfristige Outsourcingpartnerschaften aufbauen kannst. Im Bereich bersetzung zeige ich dir, wie du kostengnstig ein digitales Produkt in gefragte Sprachen fr e-Books bersetzen kannst und welche Schritte dazu ntig sind. Auerdem stelle ich dir Rechtschreibungstools vor, fr Deutsch und Englisch.7. Andere Formate: Hier lernst du, wie du andere Formate in E-Books verwandeln kannst und e-Books in andere digitale Infoprodukte, zum Beispiel einen Onlinekurs, Podcast oder YouTubevideo.8. Vermarktung: Hier zeige ich viele Wege auf, mit denen du deine Produkte vertreiben kannst. Je mehr Kanle du verwendest, desto hufiger wird dein Produkt gekauft und durch die dabei entstehende SEO auch bei Google und anderen Suchmaschinen besser gerankt.Zusammenfassung:Diese Dinge wirst du nach erfolgreichem Abschluss dieses Kurses knnen:- E-Books schreiben bzw. schreiben lassen & vermarkten- E-Books professionell verffentlichen- E-Book Cover erstellen bzw. erstellen lassen- E-Book Business erfolgreich auf Amazon Kindle starten- E-Books bersetzen und bersetzen lassen- welche digitalen Infoprodukte du aus E-Books formen kannstWorauf wartest du noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video.Beste GreMartin Sutter- dein Dozent -"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Misso Consolida - Como comear um negcio" |
"A Misso Consolida a primeira misso de empreendedorismo para imigrantes na Udemy! Este a primeiro curso da srie. Uma misso para transformar a ideia em plano com data para acontecerA Misso Consolida Como comear um negcio te prepara criar um plano de ao para a abertura do seu negcio no estrangeiro (com maior foco em Portugal) de forma estrategicamente calculada.Voc desenvolver as principais competncias para guiar o negcio que mais tem a ver com o seu perfil.Neste curso voc ir aprender:Desenvolver um negcio considerando seus aspectos pessoaisIdentificar o segmento de mercado perfeito para o negcioElaborar uma proposta de valor eficienteCriar relacionamento com os clientes da forma que eles queremIdentificar as atividades-chave do negcioDefinir os recursos-chave para a execuo da atividade do negcioCriar parcerias-chave para o crescimento acelerado do negcioDefinir os canais de distribuio para o produto fsico ou digitalCriar as fontes de receitas para todos os tipos de clientesEstipular a estrutura de custos para executar a atividade no menor oramento possvelCriar um plano de ao para iniciar a operao do negcioPrincipais competncias desenvolvidas:Pensamento estratgicoCapacidade analticaViso a longo prazoFoco em resultadoIniciativaCapacidade de planejamentoEfetividadeMotivao do aluno deste curso:Quer iniciar o prprio negcioQuer comear um projeto por hobbiesQuer preparar o terreno para fazer o negcio crescer de forma sustentvelQuer replanejar um negcio j existentePrecisa refletir sobre o negcio"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Vegan Meal Prep Course" |
"How would your life change if you could cook all meals for the entire week in 1 hour without having to rely on recipes? Take a moment to think about it. What would you do with all of this extra time? Would you spend it with your friends and family? Picking up a new hobby? Doing the things you love? What if I told you that you can save up to 40 hours per month, save hundreds of dollars each year and stick to your diet with ease? Sounds too good to be true? Why meal prep is the answer (and why 99% of people get it wrong)Meal prepping is the process of preparing meals for days in advance, but there is a major flaw with traditional meal prepping. Most people just learn how to prepare recipes, but they never get the foundation!If youre looking for recipes, theres a gazillion of recipes already available.Unlike 99% of all meal prepping gurus and resources out there, this course is not just another recipe collection...It goes well beyond that!Instead of learning simple recipes, you will learn how to crank out hundreds of vegan recipes every month by using the insanely simple 5x5 meal prep wonder weapon.You will learn the exact skills to create your own delicious recipes from scratch, saving countless hours and dollars every week while achieving the body of your dreams.You will learn:The truth about meal-prepping - and why most people get it wrong.How to turn your tiny kitchen into a highly productive meal prepping factoryHow to save up to 10 hours each week cooking 5 times as much food while saving $50 or more.The truth about vegan protein - and how to always get enoughThe surprisingly simple secret to preparing multiple mouthwatering meals in under 1 hour.Why meal prepping itself wont save you any time (and how you can drastically reduce the minutes spent behind the kitchen counter.)The 5 crucially important elements every proper meal prep should haveThe 7 single most effective kitchen tools thatll save you dozens of hours each monthThe 3 simple cutting techniques that ensure youll never hurt your fingers anymoreHow to never eat crap again, sticking 100% to the kind of vegan diet you cant get enough ofHow to create your own meals with ease, never running out of new recipe ideas.And much more...How this new course will change your life and save you time and money: You will have more time doing the things you love by drastically reducing the time spent in the kitchen.You will save more money each week because you dont have to order food or eat at expensive restaurants.You will stick to your diet with ease the body of your dreams, being completely in charge of how much protein, fat, and carbs your eat every day.You will have the complete knowledge on how to turn simple everyday ingredients into healthy and protein-packed miracle meals.You will be more confident in the kitchen, feeling a special sense of achievement every time you cook.After taking this course, youll be a meal prep master, knowing exactly how to crank out hundreds of flavorful vegan recipes every month while saving money and time. Get started today on your journey to a healthier life and enjoy more time for the things that matter in your life. Here's what you'll getLifetime access to 65 detailed video lessons (2+ hours)Access to our 5x5 Meal Prep System (+ Tool Download)The complete Coursebook (+ PDF Download)BONUS: Live Meal Prep DemonstrationBONUS: 6 Make-Your-Life-Easier Cheatsheets (+ PDF Download)This course is perfect for you ifYou want to spend less time in the kitchenYou want to enjoy highly delicious food each weekYou want to get the body of your dreamsYou want to spend less money on food each weekYou want to stick 100% to your diet while enjoying every bite"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kettlebells for Couples" |
"Do you want to train with your partner and have Fun? No need to be scared of what level you are at, these simple fun exercises are different and will make you laugh.How often do you have a good laugh and fun with your partner?Why not plunge in the deep end and get started today?You will work on putting that trust back in each other by working in synchronization, passing the Kettlebell to each other, correct timing, jumping over one another with different exercise drillsCome and join us for a fun-filled 'at home workouts' you can do with your partner.This course is designed for everyone, looking to get back on the right path to lifestyle changes, by learning a new skill with kettlebells, tips on healthy eating, and recipes you can follow. Not only will you be learning how to do simple exercises, but you will also be having fun learning them together. There are 'No Excuses' make the time today to get your life back on track. Fitness and Health start on the inside."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Hi everyone, This is Sensei Barbaros, I am a master of 6 different martial systems. I profession is a Kickboxing Personal Trainer. I also teach other types of self-defense lessons to my students. If you wish to learn more about me please google my name. (Most of the content you will find are in my native language but some of the videos you will find will give an idea about my skills and competence) I created a heavy bag system for who wants to learn and practice martial arts at home, at the gym or wherever. I want to be online trainer of you so if you have any questions just ask me. I will answer you as soon as possible.some of the techniques I teach in my workout course videos are; Kickboxing, Muay Thai, boxing, and some self-defense techniques. This kickboxing training course covers all best kickboxing techniques and teaches the Muay Thai Kickboxing fundamentals. This course will enable you mastering Muay Thai Kickboxing.My Udemy Heavy bag system, all workout videos show 3 different levels; For beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. Total of 12 unique lessonsYou can choose your workout calendar according to your fitness level.kickboxenkick bokskick box"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-330 Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation Service Exam" |
"175 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-330 Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation Service ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-330 Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation Service ExamTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |