Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"CAP Certified Information Audit Process Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) IS auditor considers access to the program to determine whether the 10 most recent forms of ""New user"" were properly authorized. That's an example:a) variable sampling.b) matter expertisec) verification of compliance.d) Stop-and-go sample.e) NoneQ) Decisions and actions of the APA, the auditor is likely to influence which of the following risks?a) inherentb) openingc) checkd) Businesse) NoneQ) Overall business risk for this threat can be expressed as:a) product of the probability and magnitude of the impact of the threat successfully exploits the vulnerabilityb) the impact should a threat successfully exploits the vulnerability.c) the likelihood of a threat source to use a specific vulnerability.d) collective assessment Group on Risk Assessmente) NoneQ) Which of the following is a material testing?a) Check Exception reports listb) Secure approval settings changesc) Using statistical sampling to inventory the tape libraryd) After reviewing the history password recordse) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA 220-702 Practical Use Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following tools can be used to deploying Windows Vista, to find the problem hardware compatibility?a) Upgrade Advisorb) Windows Aeroc) taskd) device Managere) NoneQ) Which of the following is the standard placement of the CMOS battery in the laptop?a) under the keyboardb) For removable hard drivec) While the drive is a removable CD-ROMd) Behind the laptop batterye) NoneQ) Which of the following describes a computer hard drive, but the mouse does not respond, and the computer is not responding?a) The computer is lockedb) Windows Update is runningc) The computer is in safe moded) Reset button stucke) NoneQ) The client reported that the network printer does not print the document. The technician successfully ping the IP-address. Which of the following could be the problem? (Choose two).a) The network cable is not connected.b) Printer Toner.c) gateway address of the printer is incorrect.d) The printer is out of paper.e) The spoiler is not running."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"GNU Octave para Iniciantes" |
"O curso uma introduo ao Octave. Este curso voltado para iniciantes, e dar uma base para engenheiros, estudantes de engenharias e certamente curiosos e amantes de programao. Esse curso foi concebido para os iniciantes em programao, especialmente engenheiros.Os alunos vo aprender sobre:Como trabalhar com vetor e MatrizUtilizar funes elementaresManipulao de figurasUtilizao de funo de plotagemEscrever pequenos programas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking thique : Metasploit & Exploits Zero-days" |
"Cette formation a t conue dans le but de prsenter des techniques mconnus du grand public et trs utilises par des pirates informatiques pour des cyberattaques sur les environnements d'entreprises, elle permettra une quelconque personne de comprendre le fonctionnement du piratage de la conception de Malwares l'exploitation des systmes d'une entreprise dans une facilit d'excution."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Most Useful Excel Functions (Malayalam Tutorial)" |
"/ (Microsoft Excel) , 10 / (Tools/Features) . / . (Flash Fill) (Auto Filter) (Custom List) (Camera) (Drop Down List)3D (3D SUM) (Data Form) (Remove Duplicates) (Advanced Filter) (COUNTIF) . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel for Data Analysis (Malayalam Tutorial)" |
"/ (Microsoft Excel) , 10 (Tools and Features) . . (Remove Duplicates) (Flash Fill) (Custom List) (AutoFilter) (Drop-Down List) (Paste Special Transpose) (Data Entry Form) (Camera Tool) (3D SUM)Advanced Filter (Advanced Filter) . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Protractor (wersja 5). Od 0 do testera automatyzujcego" |
"Z tym kursem nauczysz si pisa testy automatyczne od podstaw. Nie stawiamy przed Tob adnych wymaga wstpnych. Zaczniemy od instalacji rodowiska i nauki programowania w zakresie niezbdnym testerom automatyzujcym. Nastpnie przejdziemy przez najwaniejsze informacje dotyczce frameworku Protractor, jzyka HTML i lokalizowania elementw na stronie. Na tym etapie bdziesz w stanie napisa ju pierwsze testy. Potem pogbisz swoj wiedz i zobaczysz, jak pisa w peni profesjonalne testy z wykorzystaniem frameworku Jasmine i wzorca page object."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Java for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition]" |
"This course was specifically designed for those who has no previous experience in working with programming languages. The main purpose of the course is to deliver an idea of how to work with the language and help students to build a good foundation of Java. Course will cover basic topics e.g. primitive data types, decision making, operators, classes e.t.c Also the main principals of the language will be explained to students here. All students will get hands-on experience during working on coding tasks of this course"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Beginner's Guide" |
"Welcome to this course. By using this course you will learn the basics of JavaScript, Some of the advanced methods of JavaScript and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about JavaScript and by the end of the course you will learn some of the most essential basics. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn some of the basics and theory of JavaScript programming."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Certified Node Course For Web Designer" |
"NodeJS is a rapidy growing web server technology, and Node developers are among the highest paid in the industry. Knowing NodeJS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications.In this course you will gain a basic understanding of Node, learn how NodeJS works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems and more"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda ERP TOTVS Protheus na Prtica - Livros Fiscais" |
"Curso demonstrando na prtica o mdulo Livros Fiscais. Nele voc aprender os cadastros para gerao de diversos impostos em notas de entrada e sada.Alm disso voc conseguir gerar obrigaes fiscais via ERP TOTVS Protheus.E na Concluso, explicamos quando usar cada uma das rotinas.Aprenda com quem atende e entende de Protheus ;)"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Create Inbound-Focused Content to Grow Your Business" |
"Learn how to successfully plan, publish, and analyze content to grow your business using inbound marketing - both in the short and long-term!Rizen's goal is to design a course that works for everyone, whether youre are a business owner, a marketing professional, or a professional looking to learn more about inbound.Our courses arent designed to just present ideas - we involve you in applying concepts to real-world situations. Engaging with learning material is the best way to make it stick!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Substance Painter - Creating Materials" |
"Realistic Materials - Substance Painter Tutorial[1hr 46min] Project Files IncludedThis a step-by-step tutorial showing how to use Substance Painter for all your texturing and material needs. You will learn everything you need to know from Importing models to Exporting final Texture Maps. By the end of the lesson you will know how to Bake Maps, Work with Multiple Texture Sets, Use Generators, Create Emissive Maps, Use Smart Masks, Add Materials to specific Color IDs and more.Files: All files need Substance Painter 2019.2.3 or newer to open"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
kyshenko |
". , ! 10 ! , , , ! ! , ."
Price: 2299.00 ![]() |
"Torta Macrom com Mariane Bortolanza" |
"Ao adquirir o curso, voc ter acesso a 25 anos de experincia, dicas e tcnicas na Confeitaria que organizamos de forma prtica e 100% funcional para voc! Dentro do curso, os mdulos sero liberados automaticamente para voc comear a estudar. Ensinaremos o passo a passo que voc precisa para dar a largada e comear no mundo da confeitaria. Fazer seu sonho transformar realidade. So aulas bem didticas e fceis de colocar em prtica.So tcnicas, a decorao clssica, massa, recheios e por a vai."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Torta Marta Rocha com Mariane Bortolanza" |
"A famosa torta Marta Rocha ter seus segredos revelados por Mariane Bortolanza. Neste curso voc aprender o passo-a-passo da receita que primordial para qualquer confeiteiro ou amante de gastronomia. Os truques de anos de dedicao a cozinha de Mariane Bortolanza e suas dicas de utenslios indispensveis.Neste curso voc receber a receita adaptvel para diferentes quantidades! Aprenda agora como fazer sempre de maneira perfeita a receita que um clssico.VOC CONHECE A HISTRIA DA MARTA ROCHA?A Miss Brasil mais famosa de todos os tempos ganhou tambm seu ttulo na doaria brasileira. Martha Rocha, a rainha da beleza de 1954, foi homenageada com uma torta que se tornou um clssico da confeitaria a Torta Marta Rocha.Apesar da Miss ser baiana, foi na Regio Sul do pas, mais precisamente em Curitiba, Paran, que Dona Dair da Costa Terzado criou em sua confeitaria uma receita em homenagem icnica Martha Rocha.Trata-se de um bolo com vrias camadas de recheio entre massas de po-de-l branco e de chocolate, como creme de gemas, crocante de nozes, geleia de damascos ou ameixas, coberto e decorado com chantilly e fios de ovos. Mas entre essas camadas existe uma que tem um significado especial.Um disco de merengue que d maior altura do que os demais bolos, representando as duas polegadas a mais pelas quais a Miss Brasil no ganhou o concurso de Miss Universo nos Estados Unidos, naquele ano.Martha ficou em segundo lugar e diz a lenda que a perda do ttulo para a americana Miriam Stevenson, se deveu s duas polegadas a mais que tinha nos quadris. Mesmo assim, se tornou referncia nacional de beleza.Afirma-se que a histria das duas polegadas foi uma inveno do jornalista Joo Martins, da Revista O Cruzeiro, no Rio de Janeiro, para consolar os brasileiros que criaram muitas expectativas de que a nossa miss ganharia o ttulo. A prpria Martha autorizou a verso, conforme consta de sua autobiografia.Dona Dair, a proprietria da Confeitaria das Famlias em Curitiba, confirma que se inspirou na pele branquinha de Martha Rocha, nos seus cabelos cacheados e nos belos olhos azuis para criar a torta que virou o carro-chefe da casa. Desde 1954, nenhum doce superou essa criao gastronmica.Ironicamente Martha Rocha ficou mais famosa pelo seu segundo lugar do que outras misses que ganharam o ttulo de Miss Universo. Polegadas e discos de merengues parte, vamos conhecer e nos deliciar com a receita dessa inacreditvel torta."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Electron de 0 100%: la formation ULTIME" |
"Le dveloppement dapplications desktop tintresse et tu souhaites en apprendre davantage ? Pour ta culture personnelle, par curiosit ou bien tout simplement pour des raisons professionnelles ?En tant que dveloppeur, tu souhaites crer une petite application mais tu ne veux pas apprendre un langage lourd et souhaites rutiliser tes connaissances HTML/CSS/JS ?Tu as entendu parler dun outil permettant de simplement crer une appli cross-plateforme facilement nomme Electron ?Et bien bonne nouvelle, tu as trouv LA formation quil te faut !Electron est un outil radical pour crer et publier des applications cross-plateformes dveloppes avec des connaissances de langages Web en trs peu de temps.Le dveloppement dapplications hybrides naura plus aucun secret pour toi la fin de ce cours. Tu auras enfin les connaissances pour voler de tes propres ailes. Et le plus ? Si tu es bloqu sur un cours, je rpondrais tous tes messages. Je noublie jamais personne :DTu apprendras toute lhistoire dElectron, comment te servir des ressources quElectron met ta disposition, nous allons crer une application proche dun besoin client (adieu les TPs bteaux !) et je te montrerais comment tu peux packager et dployer ton application !Toutes les bases du dveloppement desktop avec Electron seront prsentes dans ce cours, tu repartiras avec un packaging complet, te permettant de te dbrouiller seul dans la cration et le management dapplication desktop.Achte ce cours MAINTENANT et apprends crer facilement des applications complexes dveloppes une fois mais disponible sur tous les supports (Mac, Windows, Linux) L'accs au cours est garanti vie, et le contenu sera toujours jour !"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic lesson - Lavender fields in Provence - Landscape" |
"Today we paint with acrylic! This time lets create a Provence view with the lavender field, small houses in the middle ground and beautiful mountains there far! We learn how to choose and mix colors to paint an air perspective, how to detail back-, middle, and foreground and what effects it gives! We learn acrylic techniques: layering, dry brush, use of different shapes of brushes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic lesson - Red Grape - Still life" |
"Today we paint with acrylic! The point of this tutorial is a small still life - red grape! Let's learn how to plan composition, how to create main volume and detail grape berries from general to specific. Grape is popular part of many paintings, learn how to paint it and you will paint it confidently in your future still life compositions!Acrylic techniques in this tutorial: dry brush, work with layers, gradient, glazing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Substation Control & Protection Schematics/Drawings Part 2" |
"Description:I guaranteed that you can not find such training about learning control & protection schematics on web or text book.I have gathered my pure field experience to prepare this course.This is part 2 & if you have not attended Substation Control & Protection Schematics/Drawings part 1. Please go ahead and attend this course available on Udemy.I will be releasing new parts soon covering more advance topics. I have design this training so that any one without any prior knowledge can start immediate learning.Excellent drawings & documents are included for self practice.Following topics are covered in part 2, How to read Drawing using cross references in detail What is RelayWhat is C.B and Isolator, Aux Contacts What is MCBWhat is Tripping and Tripping Circuit.CB Trip and closing CoilWhat is closing and closing circuit.What is lockout RelayUnderstanding Close Block Circuit.Understanding Watch Dog ContactWhat is Seal-In Circuit / ContactI highly encourage to attend this training part 2. I am available to answer any questions.RegardsMuhammad Kashif"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Master of Hypnosys" |
"hello friends you all are going to learn hypnosis, and now you all are eligible to practice your sessions from anywhere, online offline or any other way that you know to heal others. it is the best way to deal with subconscious mind .... there are many methods by which you can heal others......"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Understanding Qigong: Martial Arts Qigong Breathing -Dr Yang" |
"1 hour 47 mins.Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches Qigong Breathing for Martial Artists. Qigong means ""energy work"" and is sometimes called ""moving meditation"". Also, by using simple qigong exercises to boost your Qi (energy) and stimulate the belt vessel, an energy meridian around the waist, you can increase your immunity and maintain your health.Renowned Qigong expert and author Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming discusses the theory and practice of Martial Arts Qigong Breathing, which can be used for conditioning the joints to make them stronger and more flexible. Using these techniques, a martial artist can develop improved rooting and manifest significant martial power. Techniques include Dan Tian breathing, Yongquan breathing, Laogong breathing, Four Gates breathing, Spiritual breathing, and Martial Grand Circulation breathing.Dr. Yang's systematic approach to teaching offers deep insight into the ancient art of Qigong with modern scientific data to support his theory from both an Eastern and Western perspective.This program is a must for serious qigong students, teachers, and martial artists of all styles. This is the key training for hitting harder, emitting power (jing) and feeling more strength. Breathing techniques to increase your Qi (energy) & Shen (spirit) Understand the relationship between breath, Qi, & endurance. Seven steps of Qigong Breathing for martial power, including Martial Grand Circulation breathing. Candle Training for martial artists to develop focus, endurance, patience and alertness. 14 Video Lessons / 107 minutesMany more streaming video lessons available on the YMAA website.Titles in this series:Understanding Qigong 1: What is Qigong? / Understanding the Qi Circulatory System Understanding Qigong 2: Keypoints of Qigong / Qigong Breathing TheoryUnderstanding Qigong 3: Qigong Meditation - Embryonic BreathingUnderstanding Qigong 4: Immune Boost Qigong - Four Seasons QigongUnderstanding Qigong 5: Qigong Meditation - Small CirculationUnderstanding Qigong 6: Martial Arts Qigong BreathingThese stand-alone programs can be used sequentially, or individually, based on your qigong practice goals."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Coding vs. COVID-19 A: Thinking Outside The Box" |
"Learn how to code while learning about current events! We will be teaching about COVID-19 throughout this course in a kid friendly way. This course in particular revolves around the idea of thinking outside the box when it comes to programming. Students will learn through different programming language environments with our expert coding coaches!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding vs. COVID-19 B: Databases & Thinking Outside the Box" |
"Learn how to code while learning about current events! We will be teaching about COVID-19 throughout this course in order to empower students to make a positive difference. This course in particular revolves around learning about databases and the idea of thinking outside the box when it comes to programming. Students will learn through different programming language environments with our expert coding coaches!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sales Building Blocks" |
"In this course I will show you the foundational knowledge EVERYONE in sales uses! This course is designed to take the average Joe or someone just starting out in sales to get to close EVERY closeable deal! Are you having trouble getting started in sales? Not sure what to say with all the information out there? This guide will cut all the nonsense and give you the BASIC sales system that will help you achieve your goals in sales!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar: problematic topics (B1, B2, C1, & IELTS 7+)" |
"This course covers many grammar topics and teaches almost everything there is to know about them. It covers the most difficult grammar points for students to achieve C1 level or to get a score of 7+ or more in an IELTS exam. Learn all the difficult tenses, reported speech, relative clauses, and many more topics. However, not all grammar points are covered -- that would be a huge course :-)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Creating the Afro Dance Body Beginner 1" |
"Afro dance is known as a type of dance with strong energy and vitality. This type of dance is recognised for its physical, mental and emotional benefit. In this first course of Creating the Afro dance body we will learn how to build up an Afro dance body starting from torso and legs warm up, concentration facial expressions and a combination of all above :)The body of an African dancer is seeing special in the way than when the African dancer performs it looks more natural and in connection to nature that any non-African because they harbour specific internal emotion, facial expressions and special body stands, which combined make a dance beautiful.Come on! Let's build that Afro Dance Body today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pronunciao do Espanhol para Brasileiros" |
"Curso de pronunciao do espanhol com professora nativa. Neste curso voc aprende de forma fcil e amigvel as regras e excepes das regras de pronunciao. Poder ler em espanhol desde o inicio do estudo da lngua sem problemas o que gera motivao e confiana na hora de falar, conhecer os falsos amigos entre o portugus e o espanhol que tanto atrapalham, evitando o famoso portunhol. Assim"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
oriolserghei |
". , . Honma Tokyo ! , , . : , . .. . . . . . ., , ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop on iPad: Learn Photoshop Retouching on the iPad" |
"Learn how to use Photoshop on the iPad with ease while having fun! Did you ever wonder what it is like to edit your photos on an iPad? With Photoshop on the iPad? To just sit in a train or plane and be able to continue working on your Photoshop files just where you started off before? Now it became possible, as Photoshop on the iPad was recently launched in November 2019. I created a course that teaches you every little details, that is important to create stunning images with Photoshop on the iPad. At first we will learn all the basics, such as how to work with the shortcuts that are available, which tools we have and for what they are for, what layers, masks and adjustment layers are, how to set the right blending mode etc. Generally these are some basics you will learn: Working faster with the Touch Shortcuts, Gesture Shortcuts and Keyboard ShortcutsHow to Move and Transform your layersMastering Selections and learn when to use which selection toolUsing Brushes and Eraser How and when to use the Bucket and Gradient ToolCleaning your image with the Healing Brush and Stemp ToolDifferent ways to crop your imageHow to write text inside your imageWhat layers, layer masks and clipped layers areClever ways to structure your layersWorking with Blending modes for image manipulationWhat Adjustment layers are and how to use themWhat different types of Adjustment layers exist and when to use themAfter you learned all the basics we will jump on some Hands-on exercises, where we will edit some of my personal work together and I will show you step by step some of my most sensitive tips and tricks of: Changing colors in my imagesCleaning my images from dirt and unintended elementsTechniques I use to retouch skin Using the blending modes in a real compositionStructure my layers in my PSD filesFinal touches I have to finish the editingOverall: How to create a stunning photo manipulation in Photoshop on the iPad!To get you even more into the material I will provide one more editing exercise, where YOU will have to decide what you would do as the next step in retouching the image. I will show you the final result of my own photo manipulations at the beginning of this section and you have to think about, how you would edit the original image step by step to get the final image as a result. Before every next step I will stop and ask you to think about the next steps first, before watching me editing the image. This is a great training, which Ive done myself when starting with Photoshop 10 years ago and it helped me improve a lot. As a bonus material I will tell you everything about promoting your work. I will explain to you how I created my website, which sides I used and which one I use now. Also I let you know which social platforms, in my opinion, are the best to gain clients and how I got my gallery exhibition in New York and Paris. So whether you are just starting off with Photoshop or you already have some experience but want to be more mobile with the iPad, this course will give you everything you need to create stunning photo manipulations with Photoshop on the iPad and become a successful image creator. Take this course today and bring your own imaginations to life with Photoshop on the iPad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Metal Hypersensitivity and Zirconia" |
"In our society we are continually exposed to high quantities of metals (food, dyes, air and metal devices) and this leads in sujects predisposed to the onset of numerous dameges. It is estimated that 15-20 % of the world population is allergic to Nickel.The aim of the course is to make patients and doctors aware of the increase in diseases related to metals hypersensitivity and train the dentists in the effective use of immunocompatible zirconia implants."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |