Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning from Home : the Complete Course (2020)" |
"This course aims at providing home learners tips and knowledge for them to organize their studies at home. There are several things to know: what type of learner are you ? Can you set your goals ? Are you able to take down notes in a proper way? And so on.. Participants will also get acquainted with how to memorize properly, how to take down notes or how to build a culture. The lessons are short and simple, easy to understand and not boring! At the end of each lesson, participants will be required to get involved by answering questions or doing a quizz. Any remark or information needed is welcome!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aktien und ETFs kaufen fr Anfnger - Komplettkurs/Grundkurs" |
"Der Kurs richtet sich alle, die noch nie etwas mit Aktien oder ETFs zu tun hatten und jetzt wissen wollen, wie sie am besten damit anfangen.Im Verlauf des Kurses wirst du alle wichtigen Informationen erhalten, die du fr den Handel mit Aktien und ETFs an der Brse bentigst.Im Kurs wirst du lernen:Wie man Aktien und ETFs kauft und verkauft!Wie der Aktienmarkt funktioniert!Warum du ein Brokerdepot bentigst!Worin der Unterschied zwischen langfristigem Investieren und kurzfristigem Spekulieren besteht!Wie du gezielt Aktien und ETFs heraussuchst!Wie du ein Unternehmen bewertest und welche Kennzahlen du dir dafr anschauen solltest!Wie du den richtigen Handelsplatz findest!Was du beim Verkaufen von Aktien und ETFs beachten solltest!Und welche Steuern beim Verkauf von Aktien bzw. ETFs anfallen!Was der Kurs nicht behandelt?Der Kurs wird sich nicht mit weiterfhrenden Finanzmarktinstrumenten wie Optionsscheinen, CFDs, Hebelzertifikaten, Anleihen, etc. auseinandersetzen."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"DESIGNERS'S ESSENTIAL (Sketch Car Like a Pro Designer)" |
"Hello fellers. Have you ever wonder how the professional car designers from the companies like Porsche, Lamborghini and Polestar do the official sketches that are shown on social medias and website? Or are you struggling with being stuck as a beginner in automotive design that needs a break through to the nest level?This course is perfect for U!! In this course I will teach you some tips and tricks in the automotive design industry as well as some useful fundamental knowledge inside a professional design's mind. I understand there are a lot of courses out there for beginners and they are Great! But how about after that initial kick off? Sometimes you need some more advanced ideas to help you to move on to the next level and stand out from other beginners!If you are a designer no matter what you are specialise in, this course WILL help you. Car design is a very important part of industrial design and if you can master this you can probably master other areas."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ISO 45001:2018 - Interpretao e Implementao" |
"ObjetivosProporcionar ao participante uma viso abrangente sobre os conceitos, fundamentos e princpios do Sistema de Gesto de Sade e Segurana; Permitir aos participantes a compreenso dos requisitos da ISO 45001:2018, alm de fornecer modelos para a implantao dos requisitos da norma.ProgramaIntroduo a Gesto de Sade e Segurana do Trabalho; A estrutura de alto nvel Anexo SL; Estudo dos Requisitos da ISO 45001:2018; Identificao de perigos, avaliao de riscos e determinao de controles operacionais; Implantao dos requisitos da ISO 45001:2018."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"NEET Bytes for Plant Physiology" |
"Plant Physiology is an important topic of Biology for NEET. Every year 10 - 12 questions are asked which constitute 11 - 13 % weightage in the test. The present course aims at:a. Conceptual clarity of the topicsb. Course coverage from NEET perspectivec. Detail description of the key topics like Krebs Cycle, ETS, Light Reaction and Photoperiodism.d. Content is prepared by Dr. Pankaj Kumar having 22 years of experience in the filed of NEET coaching. His students had secured top ranks in AIPMT, AIIMS, and NEET. "
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"AZ-220: Microsoft Azure IoT Developer" |
"The Azure IoT Developer is responsible for the implementation and the coding required to create and maintain the cloud and edge portion of an IoT solution. In addition to configuring and maintaining the devices by using cloud services, the IoT Developer also sets up the physical devices. The IoT Developer is responsible for maintaining the devices throughout the life cycle.The IoT Developer implements designs for IoT solutions, including device topology, connectivity, debugging and security. The IoT Developer deploys compute/containers and configures device networking. The IoT Developer implements designs for solutions to manage data pipelines, including monitoring and data transformation as it relates to IoT. The IoT Developer works with data engineers and other stakeholders to ensure successful business integration."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cv ""Resume"" writing skills" |
"- - - - - - - In this course, you will learn the following:1- Biography definition and its importance.2- The difference between CV - Resume - Cover Letter.3- The main parts of the CV and its most important components. 4- Common mistakes when preparing a CV.5- Modern CV - Smart CV.All this, in addition to the practical part of this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crack the Job Interview" |
"Designed to prepare job and promotion seekers for the selection process. To acquaint job and promotion seekers of what to expect during the process of selection and on how to handle the interview questions as well as the interviewers, the purpose behind each question and how to frame answers with examples (some of them from my own work experience). To arm job seekers with relevant information in order to relieve them of interview blues and of the anxiety. Two lessons are designed especially for the first time job seekers."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Come diventare Animatore di Feste ed Eventi per Bambini" |
"Questo corso spiega passo per passo come diventare animatore di feste ed eventi per bambini, (una delle poche professioni che si avvia con poco e che garantisce ottimi guadagni e un futuro prosperoso)partendo della definizione di animatore fino ad arrivare all'essere polivalente. E' articolato in 8 moduli con pi di 25 lezioni per imparare a organizzare una festa, a gestire i bambini attraverso tecniche, giochi e balli e sculture di palloncini. Inoltre incluso un libro dei giochi scaricabile e un test pratico. Se vuoi diventare un animatore di feste ed eventi per bambini professionista e differenziarti dalla massa, se vuoi cambiare la tua vita e fare un lavoro dove ti diverti, questo il corso che fa per te."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"create a website using html css and javascript" |
"Recognize and understand HTML web page elements. Know how to write HTML code. Understand and apply effective web design principles. Enhance web pages using text formatting, color, graphics,images. Incorporate forms into web pages. Understand and apply CSS to format web page elements.Learn HTML5HTML5 tags Headers, Footers, Nav, aside, Sections, articles and more.Learn CSSCSS floats, fonts, colors, margins, padding, clear and more.Bonus get google fonts and add them to your web projects.How to make you website responsive and change the look depending on the size of the viewers screen. Flexible responsive website design.I am here to help you learn to build websites and ready to answer any questions you may have.Want to know more, what are you waiting for take the first step. Join now to start learning to build your own website today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Seascape Oil Painting course, Real-time demonstration" |
"The course covers the basics of seascape painting in oil using a step-by-step procedure with a point covers in details as followings:A complete discussion on a full range of colors that are generally used in any seascape painting.A complete discussion on how to mix any color to get the desired tone.A complete discussion on how to make effective rocks and wet surface of seacoast.Complete demonstration in real-time to paint a seascape painting.Step-by-step procedure How to start a painting with a pencil sketch and a monochrome sketch.How to apply the first layer of colors on a monochrome underpainting.How to finish a painting with a final layer of paint to obtain realistic three-dimensional effects."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Learn LaTex - The Complete LaTex Course" |
"This course assumes no previous LaTex knowledge and builds your LaTex skills from the ground up. The course is divided up into a number of different sections that go from including basic lists and figures to using more advanced Thesis and Presentation templates. We will even create our own graphics in LaTex using the Tikz package. What will you learn? How to create a document in LaTexDocument spacing and formatting principlesHow to cite other papers and build a bibliographyHow to include figures, plots and tables in a LaTex documentHow to include and reference mathematics and algorithms in LaTexHow to use Tikz to draw figures in LaTexHow to create presentations in LaTex using BeamerFormatting tips to make your documents stand outAbout the instructor:Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer8+ years experience using LaTexPhD in Computer Science focusing on Machine Learning"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Inteligencia emocional y las finanzas en pareja" |
"Este curso es para personas que desean tener xito en su relacin de pareja y al mismo tiempo desean fortalecer el rea econmico. Tu crees que es importante que una pareja aprenda de manejo emocional y manejo de dinero? Te gustara que tus hijos vivan en un hogar con herramientas financieras y aprendan en casa la buena gestin del dinero?Sabas que gran causa de las peleas de pareja son por temas de dinero? Te gustara viajar por el mundo junto a pareja sin preocuparte por pagar deudas y poder trabajar juntos en equipo? Actualmente confas en la forma como tu pareja maneja su dinero? Te gustara entender porqu no te es fcil conversar sobre temas de dinero? El dinero es energa. Mientras la energa de las emociones que se generan en pareja no fluyan adecuadamente sera ms difcil vibrar en abundancia econmica. Si las emociones dadas en la relacin de pareja fluyen hacia la adecuada comunicacin esto permitir el crecimiento econmico en pareja. Asimismo existen ciertas pautas financieras, como herramientas bsicas de manejo del dinero que en este curso te compartiremos para que de manera consciente puedas manejar y cuidar mejor tu dinero. En este curso obtendrs herramientas de coaching, constelacin familiar y coaching financiero para que t puedas despertar consciencia emocional financiera y puedas generar una buena herencia emocional financiera para tu familia.La cantidad de dinero que produces y la forma como lo gastas son resultado de tus creencias inconscientes, de experiencias del pasado y en este curso tendrs herramientas para poder comprender aquellos bloqueos que al da de hoy te estn limitando y no permitindote elevar tu merecimiento. Si tu deseas crecer emocional y econmicamente junto a tu pareja esto es un curso integral para ti. Patricia Barrera es mam emprendedora, es coach financiero, coach ontolgico, consteladora familiar, co fundadora de ClubAbundancia Lima y actualmente realiza negocios junto a su esposo, gran parte de estas herramientas que te compartir en el curso y los tips que te dar le ha funcionado y le ha permitido lograr xito econmico en pareja. Nos vemos aqu dentro!."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo tomar decisiones" |
"Nos llueven decisiones todos los das de nuestras vidas y queriendo o no, vamos tomndolas algunas a la ligera y otras no tanto. Pero aquellas que ms nos cuestan, aquellas que pensamos una y mil veces, las que nos quitan el sueo y hasta el apetito; son usualmente las que determinarn el rumbo de nuestras vidas. No estas cansada de sentir que una parte de ti quiere cambiar su realidad y la otra simplemente est estancada mirando como nada cambia, nada mejora, nada sucede.?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get Over Your Breakup and Elevate Your Life (only for men)" |
"Are you ready to finally put that painful relationship breakup behind you, and to start living a happy and fulfilling life, one where your happiness is in the main focus?Between us (Borko and Johannes) it has taken years of research, experience, study, and travelling the World learning more about how different cultures handle painful situations, and more, to learn every single strategy and technique included in this course, and it was all worth it.What we discovered makes finding getting over a breakup SO MUCH EASIER, with less pain along the way, and you wont have to spend all those years putting in the work, like we did!What took us over 10 years to understand and put into practice, can be yours in just 6 weeks maybe even less if you want it to be.What Youll LearnThis program helps understand why you feel the way you feel, how to process your emotions, why its so important to have closure on past relationships, how to change the frame through which you view your past relationships, and how to forgive, to REALLY forgive.The science behind how you feel and what you can do to change it.Tips that can help you to overcome the blues and bounce back better than before.The importance of taking care of yourself before others.How to fill your cup.7 Modules, 30 lessons, more then 60 research incorporated into it."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Agency: Marketing + Business" |
"Social Media Agency: Marketing + BusinessIn this Social Media Agency course you will learn how to:Find your niche and dominate it.Form your company.Create your website.Twitter marketing.Create and set up social media channels.LinkedIn marketing.Services and pricing.Build your personal brand.Instagram marketing.The softwares to create content for your clients.Find your clients without selling them.Hire people.YouTube marketing.Build your portfolio.Facebook marketing.Blog marketing.Instagram marketing.Have a successful business mentality.Podcast marketing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Physics of Light" |
"Help and Review course is the simplest way to master concept of light for school, work or just for fun. The course contains bite-sized video lessons and interactive practice quizzes to help you quickly study for exams, get ahead in class or simply improve your overall physics knowledge.Lecture 1:IntroductionLecture 2:Reflection of LightLecture 3:Spherical MirrorLecture 4:Focal Length of Spherical MirrorLecture 5:Image formation Spherical MirrorLecture 6:Image formation Concave MirrorLecture 7:Image formation Convex MirrorLecture 8:Spherical Mirror ApplicationLecture 9:Sign convention of Sherical MirrorLecture 10:Mirror EquationLecture 11:Magnification of Spherical MirrorLecture 12:NumericalsLecture 13:Refraction , Refractive indexLecture 14:Refraction throgh glass slabLecture 15:Lens image formationLecture 16:Image formation convex concave lens"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro: Der Videoschnitt-Crashkurs fr Anfnger" |
"In 2 Stunden die Videobearbeitung in Adobe Premiere Pro CC lernen!Du willst den Videoschnitt lernen, aber schon schnell und professionell beginnen? Dann ist Premiere Pro CC das perfekte Programm fr dich! ber Schnitt, Audio, Grafiken, Bildstabilisierung, Effekte, Speed-Ramping, Color Grading und generell dein Video auf das nchste Level zu bringen, bietet das Videoschnittprogramm einfach alles.ber michIch heie Hannah und arbeite schon seit ber 6 Jahren in der Welt der Bild- und Videobearbeitung. Ich habe meine eigenen Filmprojekte und schneide diese auch selbst. Da ich selbst vor vielen Jahren ein Anfnger in Premiere war, will ich dir mit meinem Wissen einen vereinfachten aber professionellen Einstieg geben. Ich werde dir viele Tipps und Tricks zeigen und alle ntigen Infos fr die Videobearbeitung mit dir teilen.Fr wen eignet sich der Kurs?- fr komplette Laien die aber am Videoschnitt interessiert sind- fr Anfnger, die schon ein bisschen Erfahrungen mit dem Programm gemacht haben- eigentlich fr alle, die den Workflow in Premiere erklrt haben und weitere Tipps hren wollenKursinhalt- Wie erstelle ich ein Projekt richtig (Laufwerkseinstellungen fr eine flssige Wiedergabe, ...)- Die richtigen Voreinstellungen und Projekteinstellungen whlen (unter anderem Keyboard Shortcuts)- Features des Quell- und Programmmonitores- Die Timeline verstehen lernen- Sequenzen erstellen- Erklrung und Anwendung von Keyframes- Eine richtige Slow Motion erstellen- Geschwindigkeiten anpassen mit Speed-Ramping - Video stabilisieren (Bildstabilisierung)- Color Correction und Color Grading- Musik und Soundeffekte- Textgrafiken- Die besten Einstellungen zum Exportieren- Tipps, die ich gerne selbst als Anfnger gewusst htte- Eine Analyse der Timeline eines eigenen FilmprojektesAuch nachdem ihr meinen Kurs absolviert habt, beantworte ich alle eure Fragen!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creativity for self discovery" |
"This course is going to take you on a creative journey. It is inviting you to discover, what creativity can give us and how it can improve our life, and how it can help if you are stuck somewhere, to discover your strengths and find your weaknesses. The course is challenging common thinking, that creativity is somehow disconnected from life and is to be learned like foreign language. Also the idea of the creativity being just reserved for artists and other creative professionals in their work is being challenged.Talking about the form, this course consists of fun and very easy to execute exercises, that are being presented in light and playful way. To do these exercises, students do not need any artist skills and any special equipment, just sometimes they are asked to use some objects that are usually found at every household. First, students are invited to do exercises, and afterwards they are presented with explanations on how to interpret the outcome. In some cases students are left with some practical and nice objects, that could be used in the future.Finally, this course is all about joy and fun creativity can give you, and hopefully its going to help you feel better.Course contains:Some theory and explanation on how the creativity worksDetailed instructions of exercises in variety of creative fieldsExplanation of exercisesTips to continue creative life"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Piano At the web" |
"Este curso fue creado para aquellas personas interesadas en aprender o mejorar sus habilidades como pianista. En este curso aprenders una serie de tcnicas elementales para poder tocar el piano o el teclado de forma correcta. Este curso efectivamente esta creado para todos y todas las edades. En Sala Chopin nos comprometemos para que todos puedan tener acceso a la msica y sus aportaciones educativas y culturales. En nuestro Curso aprenders : Clase 1Explicacin y ubicacin de las notas musicales en las teclas blancas del pianoExplicacin de los nmeros de dedos, la correcta postura del cuerpo y la correcta colocacin de las manos para tocar el pianoExplicacin y ejercicios de los ritmos musicalesDiez ejercicios rtmicos para que alumno practique lo aprendido en claseClase 2Ejercicio de grados conjuntos para desarrollar destreza e igualdad en el toque de los dedosExplicacin sobre el nombre y la ubicacin de las notas en el pentagrama, clave de Sol y clave de faEjercicios de lectura rtmico meldica de dificultad progresiva explicados por el profesorCinco Ejercicios nuevos de lectura rtmico meldica en PDF para que el alumno practique lo aprendido en claseClase 3Explicacin y Ejercicio de Legato y StaccatoEjercicio de disociacin de manosEjercicios de lectura rtmico meldica de dificultad progresiva explicados por el profesorCinco Ejercicios nuevos de lectura rtmico meldica en PDF para que el alumno practique lo aprendido en claseClase 4Ejercicio para desarrollar agilidad y fuerza en los dedosEjercicio de disociacin de manoslectura de la cancin Mary tiene un corderito con mano derecha mano izquierda y manos juntas, con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaClase 5Ejercicio 1 del libro HannonEjercicio de disociacin de manoslectura de la cancin Martillo con mano derecha mano izquierda y manos juntas, con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaClase 6Explicacin y ubicacin de las notas musicales en las teclas negras del pianoLectura de la cancin Mi Dulce Chinita en teclas negras con mano derecha, mano izquierda y manos juntas con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaEjercicio de disociacin de manosLectura de la cancin Navidad con mano derecha, mano izquierda y manos juntas con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaLectura de la cancin estrellita cuya meloda se reparte en ambas manos con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaClase 7Ejercicio para desarrollar independencia y agilidad en los dedosExplicacin sobre las las barras de repeticinLectura de la cancin Mary tiene un corderito tocada con acompaamiento, con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaLectura de la cancin Martinillo tocada con acompaamiento, con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaClase 8Explicacin sobre qu es una escala musical y cual es la digitacin correcta para su ejecucinEjercicio de digitacin para tocar las escalas de forma ascendente y descendente, mano derecha mano izquierda y manos juntasEjercicio para tocar las escalas en forma de espejolectura rtmico meldica de las escalas explicados por el profesorDos ejercicios nuevos de lectura rtmico meldica de escalas en PDF para que el alumno practique lo aprendido en claseClase 9Ejercicio para desarrollar agilidad y fuerza en los dedos 1, 2, 4, y 5Ejercicio 2 del libro Hannon para desarrollar agilidad y fuerza en los dedos 4 y 3Ejercicio preparatorio para tocar acordesClases 10Explicacin sobre qu es un acorde y cual es la digitacin correcta para su ejecucinEjercicio de acordes en primera posicinExplicacin sobre qu es una ligadura musicalLectura de la cancin Row Row Row your boat con acompaamiento de acordes y con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaEjercicio de los acordes de Do, mi, sol, y si, fa, solLectura de la cancin Mary tiene un corderito con acompaamiento de acordes y con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaLectura de la cancin Martinillo con acompaamiento de acordes y con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaExplicacin y ejercicio del ritmo musical de negra con puntoLectura de la cancin Himno a la Alegra con acompaamiento de acordes y con PDF de la partitura para que el alumno practique su lecturaPDF de la cancin Hubo una vez un juez con acompaamiento de acordes para que el alumno repase lo aprendido en clase..."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Melhor desempenho, lucratividade, assertividade no seu Negcio, atravs dessas duas ferramentas simples!O curso composto de 4 aulas sobre:Fluxo de Caixa, Lucro e Disponibilidade,Ciclo Financeiro e Oramento Projetado. Para download, ter um E-BOOK completo e exerccios prticos, para voc aplicar logo no seu negocio. Aproveite a quarentena para reavaliar, aumentar seu conhecimentos em reas que precisa dominar mais e melhorar a gesto do seu negcio. #desempenho #gesto #finanas #sustentabilidadefinanceira #gestodecaixa #lucro #negcios #empreendedorismo"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Impacto de la Capacitacin Empresarial y cierre de brechas" |
"Este curso se enmarca en la importancia que tiene el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las competencias requeridas por los colaboradores de los diferentes niveles para cualificar su contribucin en el logro de los propsitos organizacionales, la consolidacin de los equipos de trabajo y el crecimiento profesional y personal. Al finalizar el curso el participante estar en capacidad de disear, ejecutar y evaluar un programa de capacitacin acorde con las reales necesidades de la empresa segn su tamao, sector y nmero de colaboradores."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"NEW UDEMY 2020: Create Profitable Online Course -Unofficial" |
"Become an EduPreneur & sell your courses online right away with Zero Hassles & No tech skills!If You Have An Internet Enabled Computer & Headphone...Then In 30 days...You Too Can Pull In $1,000 to $5,000 From Your Own Online Course With No Capital,No Website,No Selling... Just Computer & Headphone! Finally, You Can Turn Your Passion Into A Money Generating System Do you know That Knowledge Commerce is a $243 billion industry?In other words, 2,43,000 entrepreneurs could build million-dollar businesses,You Could Be Next!Why Merely Dip Your Foot In An Online Teaching Business?Teaching is open to all.Anyone can teach anything in any domain, without necessarily being an expert, and make recurring residual income!Ultimate scalability.The eLearning industry has witnessed explosive growth (900% since the year 2000!) and is expected to reach $325 billion by 2025.6-figure passive income.Thousands of people are making $100,000+ each year by teaching online courses. And that too just part time with an awesome side-business.Multi-billion dollar market.The online education industry is a multi-billion dollar market and expected to grow to over 230 BILLION by 2023.Part-time, Home-based, No Boss, No deadlines!A Teaching Business allows you to monetize your expertise without any deadlines. Be your own boss and grow your business from anywhere, at any time and for any audience!Introducing The Course Launcher!Finally! You Can Share Your Knowledge and Make A Substantial Income Doing So in just 3 easy Steps!Why you should pay attention to this?In 2010, I Went From being A Broke High School Student To Selling Over $1million in Digital Courses Online. Selling courses the hard way, but today you will learn how to do it the easy way without SELLING!If you hate selling then this is for YOU. I have GOODNEWS For YOU!My Name is Seun Ogundele, Multi millionaire Digital Marketer, 9 Figures Ecom Business Owner, International Product Launcher & Super Affiliate On Worlds Number 1 Digital Platform - JVzoo.And for the first time can legally copy the secret 3 Simple Course Launch Formula that has fueled my financially free internet lifestyle for over 10 years now and continues to generate online income for me today. Simple, predictable, Scalable, and long-term. Thats what its all about.Are You Ready To Grab Your Own Share of The $243 billion?YES! I'm ready to STOP missing out on the passive online income I deserve! I'm excited to start making five figures Monthly without any hassles! Give me the The Course I can start making steady income from online courses business using just my computer & working anywhere. I understand with The Course Launcher I only need to create the course once & keep getting paid and I WON'T be required Pay for Domain name & hosting, Design websites or be tied to my system all day long.Here is What You're Getting: Access to The Course Launcher Do-it-Yourself Step by Step Video Course that shows you exactly how to profits $1k - $5k Monthly with Just your Internet enabled System, Headphone & Your Expertise.In this 6 Modules Video Training, You will....Getting started today even if you have zero experience and you're a complete newbie with just your computer and little Capital.I'll show you just how easy it is to uncover hot topics in some of the most profitable niche markets online!Discover the winning strategy for validating your course topic before you even create a single training module! This will save you time and money while guaranteeing that your course will sell!How To Create a Course Outline that easily takes student step-by-step through the material for HUGE Completion rate.The art of Video Production, Screen recording and Video Editing using just your computer, so you can churn out Video courses easily for passive profits.How To Design Interactive PDFs for course handout so your student are engaged.Find out everything you NEED to know about the top course marketplaces, including the #1 spot for new course developers and instructors! This is the easiest marketplace to break into!How To Setup A Payoneer Account, Request For Dollar Card & Link Your Dollar Account to It,So you can easily withdraw your earnings here in Nigeria.Uncover the top methods for maximizing your income while positioning yourself as an authority and thought leader in your market! Complete with a course building checklist!Plus.... 3 Amazing Bonuses Worth $297...BONUS 1: INFLUENCER MARKETINGThis report will show you how to start making money as an influencer, while increasing your brand awareness and boosting engagement,all at the same time.BONUS 2: GROUP DOMINATIONIn this Special report, I will show you how to create Facebook Group destined for success.You'll learn how key Influencers and thought leaders use facebook group as a springboard to furthering their brand exposure and skyrocketing their income.BONUS 3: LIVE VIDEO MARKETINGLive video is quickly becoming one of the most powerful methods of reaching people. Chances are, live video had a part in all the products hype.In this guide, youre going to learn some of the best ways to use live video to promote your own products and generate the kind of interest companies like Apple do!Who this course is for:Experts, Coach, Professionals, Teacher, Speaker, Author, Blogger, Youtube Vlogger, Small Business Owner or Any one who wants to live a freedom lifestyle.LIFES FULL OF TOUGH DECISIONS THIS ONES EASYSure, you COULD keep struggling or working TOO hardOr Get The Course Launcher Today and Start Generating Passive Income from your own courses.Think about it. Where will you be a year from now? Will you still be struggling to make money, while competitors who enrolled for The Course Launcher today steal business from you?Or will you be enjoying the exhilarating feeling of selling your courses online, automatically, while you sleep?We have gone through the pain of duplicating everything we used to generate $1million in sales from our online business. Now you don't have to.Don't pass up an opportunity of a life-time. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.To Your Success,Seun"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso De MAGIA!, Aprende Magia Profesional!" |
"Te gustara sorprender a cualquier persona?, Te gustara ser el centro de atencin donde sea que vayas? ESTE ES EL LUGAR PERFECTO PARA TI!En este curso aprenders los secretos y los mejores trucos que existen en la magia y lo mejor de esto es que no necesitas tener ningn conocimiento previo para realizarlo! Con este curso vas a desarrollar nuevas habilidades, conocers tcnicas, potenciaras tu creatividad y coordinacin de manos! Mi nombre es Agustn Clemens llevo 5 aos en la magia y te ensaare como hacer un mago desde lo ms bsico a los ms complejo con solo estas clases!!. Y a medida que vayas avanzando con el curso vas a poder subir de nivel hasta convertirte en uno de los mejores magos!! NOS VEMOS ADENTRO!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SIELE Spanish reading comprehension practice test" |
"This course includes three spanish practice test of reading comprehension.The questions are based on the guidelines established by the International Service for the evaluation of the Spanish Language [SIELE].Each CL reading comprehension test contains 5 tasks (38 questions) to be done in 60 minutes.This exam certifies the degree of proficiency achieved in reading comprehension according to the number of points obtained in each exam: Level Total correct answers(*) Lower A1 0 - 4 A1 5 - 9 A2 10 - 17 B1 18 - 26 B2 27 - 32 C1 33 - 38(*) Incorrect answers do not subtract points.In case you find yourself preparing another exam format or simply want to test your knowledge, this course will enrich your training.NoticeAll practice tests are designed in Spanish and are not subtitled in English to ensure complete immersion, just as it will be in the real exam.Go Ahead! The Spanish language is unique and wonderful."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Guitarra Electrica" |
"Hola como estas? en este curso aprenderemos a realizar las tcnicas mas importantes de la guitarra elctrica. Explicacin detallada de cada una de ellas, sus ""secretos"", como realizarlas correctamente y como posicionar nuestra mano para aprenderlas facilmente!BENDS-VIBRATO-LEGATO-SLIDE-TAPPING-ALTERNATE PICKING- SWEEP PICKING - ARMONICOS-Ejercicios en PDF y explicacion detallada en cada video de cada uno de ellos-"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan spanyolca renin" |
"Bu kurs, spanyolca'ya ilk defa balayacak olan kiiler iin spanyol Filolojisi mezunu filolog eitmen tarafndan hazrlanm olup 22 videodan olumaktadr. En temel konulardan balayarak rencinin dili en doru ekilde renmesini hedefleyen bu kursu bitirdiinizde A2 seviyesine de giri yapm olacaksnz. En az spanyolca kadar renkli videolarla anlatmaya altm bu gramer derslerini bir de altrma ve kelime renimi ile pekitirmeye altm. Telefon ya da bilgisayarnza indirebileceiniz dkmanlarla beraber amacm reniminizi de artrmak. Sreci hzlandracak bir baka konu ise hem derste geen, hem altrmalarda ekstradan verilen kelimeleri srekli not etmeniz olacak. Platform zerinden bana 7/24 soru ya da isteklerinizi ynetebileceinizi unutmayn.600 milyonluk bu dev aileye ho geldin!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn jdbc Programming from scratch" |
"This course focuses on the basics of JDBC Programming, below are the sub-topics covered under this course:1. Basics of JDBC programming2. Writing the first JDBC program3. Basics of SQL queries4. ResultSet Interface5. Storing and Retrieval of an image6. Storing and Retrieval of a text file7. ResultSetMetaData InterfaceAfter this course, you should be able to write a JDBC program and use it along with your projects to meet the requirements."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"WordPress Alapoz Kurzus" |
"A kpzs cljaA kurzus clja, hogy teljesen egyedl ltrehozd az els egyszer WordPress weboldalad. A kurzus cmben is szerepel az, hogy ALAPokkal fogsz megismerkedni, gy NE VRD azt, hogy az elvgzse utn egybl profi leszel. Igazbl ez az els lps.A kpzs elfeltteleA kurzus elvgzshez egy laptop vagy asztali gp szksges. Clszer elszr megnzni a videkat, kzben jegyzetelni, majd a csatolt segdanyagokat is tnzni.Kinek ajnlottMg sosem foglalkoztl weboldal ksztssel, de meg szeretnd tanulni. Nem ismered a HTML s CSS szerkeszts fortlyait, de szeretnl egy szp s hasznlhat weboldalt. Mit rdemes tudni a kurzusrl?Betekintst nyersz a WordPress weboldalak vilgbaSegtsgvel elksztheted a sajt weboldaladNzd meg a videkat, jegyzetelj s gyakorolj, mert mshogy nem fog menniHa elvgezted a kurzust utna is kpezd magad!Ha segtsgre lenne szksged, akkor tedd fel a krdseidet!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"They Five Buying Decisions" |
"Understanding the buying decisions and the order is crucial for success in business. This course will enable anyone who takes it to learn what to look for and how to help the customer navigate through these decisions.The benefit of getting this correct is higher margins, returning customers, and gained influence as a sales professional."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |