Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn HTML5 Apps Programming for Beginners" |
"The development of content for mobile devices is an area that continues to grow, and companies highly value the skills in this field. The creation of mobile applications, mainly for Web, iOS and Android platforms, is essential in this market. However, mobile application programming is complex and requires a thorough understanding of different programming languages: Objective-C, Java, C#, etc. Another aspect to take into account is the process of publication in the app stores (App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, etc.), which is not as simple as it should be. Acquiring all this knowledge takes a long time and often a lot of money, if you decide to hire a professional. In this course, we will try to solve these important problems. From my experience teaching at universities, the most effective way of learning is by means of a practical application alongside the course. So, are you prepared to develop a web mobile app from scratch?, you still don't know it, but yes you are! You will be guided on a step-by-step journey and be transformed from a beginner to a confident mobile web app developer who has all the right tools to begin coding your own mobile web apps, whether personal or professional. This course will give you a differential value, and provide you a set of skills that could open your eyes to another career path, Do you dare? Invest in your future! Invest 2 hours!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trading Option Cmo ganar 10% por semana con esta estrategia" |
" Este curso te va a brindar una excelente oportunidad para aprender una estrategia con opciones financieras con la posibilidad de generar un ingreso semanal constante de ms del 10 % de tu inversin en la Bolsa de Valores de los Estados Unidos. Al finalizarlo estars en condiciones de manejarte con soltura dentro del mercado y podrs realizar esta estrategia de trading llamada ""Weekly Calendar"" A su vez vas a aprender tcnicas de ajuste y administracin de la estrategia para cuando las condiciones del mercado cambien as aumentas tu probabilidad de ganancia. El curso esta compuesto de muchos ejemplos reales donde te muestro la apertura, administracin, ajuste y cierre del Weekly Calendar. De esta manera no solo vas a ver la parte terica sino tambin cmo funciona en un entorno real en distintas condiciones del mercado; abarcando la mayor cantidad de situaciones para que puedas aprender a operar con confianza y seguridad. Te explico paso a paso todo lo que necesitar saber de esta excelente estrategia y te comparto el plan de trading que utilizo todas las semanas para obtener ingresos constantes. Se parte de este proyecto y aprende a vivir del trading."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"5 Hbitos que mejorarn tu Vida radicalmente" |
"tu vida es tuya, vive la tope, slo deja de vivir en automtico y comprender los pasos directos que te llevarn a una vida mejor.Sientes que vives una vida que no termina por satisfacerte? Quisieras tener la habilidad de construir la vida que realmente deseas? Dejar de sufrir por cosas innecesarias? Potencializar tu autoestima? Quisieras mejorar tu calidad de vida en todo sentido? Tus relaciones? Tus logros? Hay cinco hbitos bsicos que te llevan a pensar y enfocarte a una vida ms plena Los 5 hbitos de una vida plena es curso terico prctico para comprender que lo ms esencial del ser humano inicia en sus procesos de pensamiento, de sus hbitos cotidianos, su manera de relacionarse consigo mismo y en consecuencia con los dems y con la vida.Aprender y comprender la base de nuestros pensamientos y cmo generar nuevos hbitos, nos lleva a mejores conductas y a mejores resultados tanto a nivel personal como de relaciones y de negocios; en consecuencia, nos permite vivir mejores con resultados y disfrutar una vida plena!Es verdad que nuestros padres hicieron lo mejor posible para educarnos, pero tambin es una realidad que sus posibles malos hbitos y el no haber sido entrenados para pensar a favor de las circunstancias y evitar que las creencias limitantes y sus hbitos de pensamiento y de accin no fueran los ms adecuados, les llevaron a transmitir en consecuencia muchas de sus frustraciones y de sus creencias limitantes.Empodrate hacia una vida mejor desarrollando con nuevos patrones de pensamiento y nuevos hbitos el camino para construir la vida que realmente deseas. En este curso:Comprenders la importancia de desaprender viejos hbitos limitantes y aprender nuevos hbitos ms constructivos.Comprenders cules son los pasos necesarios para anclar nuevos hbitos ms all de slo repetir nuevas acciones.Comprenders los costos y los beneficios del pasado as como todas las nuevas posibilidades a partir de hoy para construirte una vida que realmente te aporte plenitud.Aprenders a construir acciones ms prcticas con tareas cotidianas de reflexin y de accin que te lleven a poder mejorar da tras da e ir reflexionando para mejorar sin excusa ni pretexto..Tendrs un plan de accin para aterrizar los conceptos y extraer lo mejor de ti hacia una vida ms funcional emocionalmente y prctica.En pocas palabras: Tendrs las herramientas para construirte una vida mucho mejor de la que vives el da de hoy.El curso Los 5 hbitos de una vida plena te lleva paso a paso hacia un prctico plan de accin para lograr mejoras en tu vida tanto a nivel personal, como familiar y con mejores resultados de negocios.Asume tu poder personal y toma las riendas de tu vida hacia la vida que t desees.El curso incluye el cuaderno de trabajo de Los 5 hbitos de una vida plena. Y, como obsequio, tambin te dejo el libro electrnico ""Aprendiendo a pensar para Vivir Mejor"""
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Exam Prep: CFA Level 1 Bootcamp 2020 Curriculum (Part 2/2)" |
"We will help you prepare for the CFA Level 1 Exam.In June 2019, a record number of candidates registered to take the CFA exams. Pursuing the credential is a rigorous process, which requires a lot of time and effort. And yet, many people around the world sign up for the CFA exams. The reason is that a CFA designation can move your resume to the top of the pile in a competitive job market.We are proud to present you our CFA Level 1 BootcampThe five topics we will cover here are: Ethical and Professional Standards Quantitative methods Economics Corporate Finance Alternative InvestmentsThis Bootcamp has been designed as a supplement to the official study materials provided by the CFA Institute and should not be seen as a substitute for these materials. Our goal is to make your life a bit easier. The lessons we have prepared are consistent with the current CFA Level 1 curriculum and exam structure (and will continue to be updated to ensure consistency over time). We cover all Learning Outcome Statements (LOS), and we have dedicated a separate video to each LOS. This ensures that together we will study the concepts that are likely to be tested on the exam.Why take our bootcamp? A successful track record on Udemy over 570,000 students have enrolled in our trainings Experienced team the authors of this course are finance professionals who have acquired significant practical experience (they have worked for companies like HSBC, Morgan Stanley, PwC, Coca Cola, etc.) Carefully scripted and animated tutorials with plenty of real-world examples A variety of practice questions at the end of each Reading to test your progress Extensive case studies that will help you reinforce what you have learned Excellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer in one or two business days Dynamic: We dont want to waste your time! The instructors keep up a very good pace throughout the whole course.We will cover a wide variety of topics, including:Financial Reporting and Analysis Understanding income statements, understanding balance sheets, understanding cash flow statements, financial analysis techniques, inventories, long-lived assets, income taxes, non-current liabilities, financial reporting quality, financial statement analysisPortfolio Management Overview of portfolio management, portfolio risk and return, portfolio planning and construction, introduction to risk management, fintech in investment managementEquity Investments Market organization and structure, security market indexes, market efficiency, overview of equity securities, introduction to industry and company analysis, equity valuationFixed IncomeDefining elements of fixed income securities, issuance, trading, and funding, fixed-income valuation, asset-backed securities, fixed-income risk and return, fundamentals of credit analysis DerivativesIntroduction to derivative instruments, pricing, and valuationEach of these topics builds on the previous ones. And this is one of the considerable benefits you will gain by taking our Bootcamp. You will acquire valuable theoretical and practical skills that are necessary for a successful career in the world of investment management, investment banking, and corporate finance.Moreover, our focus is to teach topics that flow smoothly and complement each other. The course covers exam concepts at a fraction of the cost of traditional programs (not to mention the amount of time you will save).We are happy to offer an unconditional 30-day money-back in full guarantee. No risk for you. The content of the course is excellent, and this is a no-brainer for us, as we are certain you will love it.Why wait? Every day is a missed opportunity.Click the Buy Now button and become a part of our program today.*CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, review or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by 365 Careers or Udemy. The CFA Institute Logo, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are just a few of the trademarks owned by CFA Institute.** *Please note that the Bootcamp will be split into two courses on Udemy. The reason is that the sheer length of topics we have covered does not allow us to have a single course;"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Strategically Focused Project Management (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Strategically Focused Project Management (PMI - PMP) is course 5 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). The course is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).As a project manager, your role is to ensure that each project starts out and remains in line with the company's strategic goals and delivers expected value. In this course, you'll learn about how to achieve that on your project from the creation of a project charter through closing the project. We'll also discuss how to manage stakeholder relationships, with the goal of keeping their expectations in line with strategic goals.1. Business Strategy Overview2. Project Strategy and Alignment3. The Evolving Role of the Project Manager 4. Maintaining Strategic Alignment5. Business Environment Analysis6. Project Benefits Analysis7. Project Stakeholder Impact8. Communicating about the Project Charter 9. Managing Stakeholder Expectations10. Exercise: Managing Strategic AlignmentThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Information Technology 2020" |
"** Do you want to learn about the basics of all branches of Information Technology? You have come to the right course **Have you ever wondered how the internet works or how that router sitting in your room is able to provide you with internet connectivity? Or perhaps maybe you have wondered about the physical components that make up a computer and how they work together. Or perhaps the world of cyber security and hackers has always fascinated you and you want to know more.Welcome to the absolute beginners guide to information technology. This is a course I have designed specifically to provide you with solid knowledge of all 4 main branches of information technologyWhat will you learn?The course is divided into 4 main sections. COMPUTER HARDWAREHere you will learn about all the most important parts that make up your computer system and how they function together. You will learn about the different types of memory, the processor as well as the BIOS and CMOS. You will also learn about the different types of storage involved in computer hardware.NETWORKINGLearn about the tools and technology involved in this exciting field. You will learn aboutRoutersSwitchesIP and MAC AddressesPorts & Protocols.BandwidthVPNsCloud Computingand much moreYou will also learn some practical skills such as how to ping websites and even trace data sent across a network.WEBSITES, WEB HOSTING, PROGRAMMING AND THE INTERNETWe will discuss the internet and websites in general in this section.You will learn about the most popular programming languages as well as the code that makes up websites. You will learn about internet concepts and technologies such as:Web hostingWeb seversThe Domain Name SystemCookiesTCP/IPand much moreYou will also learn just exactly how the internet truly works behind the scenes.CYBER SECURITYFinally in section 4 you will learn about cyber security. You will learn the core technologies used in this field and also how hackers really hack and operate behind the scenes. I will expose you to the different types of ways your data can be stolen or destroyed and what you can do to protect yourself.PERFECT FOR JOBS IN THE IT INDUSTRYIf you are looking to switch careers and find a job in the IT industry, this course will be perfect for you.I hope you enroll in the course today.Cheers."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Belly Dance Basics 8" |
"In this eigth course in her Belly Dance Basics series, Shyama will teach chest figure 8s, reverse snake arms, and the sidewinder. Following a detailed breakdown of the movements, some variations will be taught to explore the diversity of the moves. Combinations will be taught using individual moves to form the building blocks of a dance choreography of your own. Students will explore precise technique, fluidity, and varying speeds. Concepts learned in previous courses in this series will be referenced as well, building off one another to expand students' repertoire! After completing this course, students will have a foundation for continuing their dance study, and for practicing on their own. Students will get a great start in learning to belly dance for fitness, fun, or performance! Belly dance is a naturally good core workout, designed to power muscles in your core, legs, arms, and back. Absolutely anyone can benefit and enjoy this art form--people of all ages, genders, shapes and sizes have enjoyed belly dance! Learning and performing belly dance can do wonders for self esteem, self confidence, and promote positive body image! Whether you are looking to form a new and unique fitness regimen, learn a new style of dance, drill moves you already know, or just want to try something different, this course is for you! Shyama breaks down moves to their simplest aspects so students can follow along and learn the techniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance : Personal Budgeting for Beginners" |
"Personal Budgeting can be so painful I know this first hand after being a teacher on this subject for many years. For a beginner to start documenting our income and expenses on a budget, it can be painful. Questions like ""Where shall I record my income ?"" or ""Where shall I record my expenses ? or ""Should I group everything by category or date ?"" and ""Do I really have to create a budget ?"" are very common questions I get. And my answer to that is Budgeting is very very very important.Aside from knowing the importance of budgeting, there is this question of ""When shall we budget ?"". After answering these questions, I realized that many of us know and can budget but we rather have a mental budget in our heads or not budget at all. So with that I created a short course on personal budget to answer all these questions and make it fun. This course is presented in an easy to follow and easy to implement way, so you can start your journey into budgeting success.So lets start the journey of creating our personal budget."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC for Beginners: Mastering Typography" |
"You will master After Effects Typography with this course!This course is divided into 46 lessons that are project-based creating 11 different kinds of animated text and motion graphics projects. Each project builds on the skills of the previous one so you can start with no knowledge of After Effects and gradually gain a deep understanding of it and acquire a master-level skillset by following along with the progressively more advanced projects.If you've never opened After Effects, begin with the Mastering The Basics first chapter (less than an hour), to get up to speed so you can dive into this typography section of this course.Who is this for?Someone with no knowledge of After Effects who isn't sure where to start. We will begin at the very basics by just opening the program! And we will finish the course created 3D animation!What will you learn?Managing After Effects interfaceKeyframe animationProcedural animation and presetsSimple expressionsCreating templates for titles and lower thirdsMask animationShape animationParenting NullsUsing track mattesImporting Photoshop and Illustrator filesAdding distortion and noiseMorphing between wordsAdding line flourishesPuppet ToolUsing the Graph EditorDesign principlesAnimation principlesCreate a hand-drawn write-on effect3D camera animation3D text animationAfter Effects lightsExtruding text and shapes into 3DCinema 4D Lite 3D animation, lighting, and renderingWhat do you get when you enroll?9+ hours of easy-to-follow tutorials12 Assignments with questions to help you reviewDownloadable project files for every step of the coursePremium support to help you as you take the courseWhy learn from me?Lucas Ridley is a professional 3D animator who has worked on Hollywood films such as Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One, Avenger's: Infinity War, Disney's Aladdin, and on games like The Last Of Us Part 2. He has used After Effects for over 10 years directing animation for brands like LEGO and many others. His students love him, and we're sure you're going to enjoy this class.Lucas breaks down the most complicated steps of animating in After Effects, so that you can easily start animating on your own! Our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee! I want you to be happy. If there's any reason you aren't enjoying the course, and getting what you expected, I'll refund your money.I can't wait to see you in the course!Best,Lucas"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Inbox Marketing Without a List" |
"Are you searching for a new, cheaper traffic source full of potential customers?In this course I want to share with you a unique advertising strategy that will not blow your budget and will provide you with quality traffic.What makes this traffic source valuable is that you will be using a platform that 99% of consumers use everyday.And this platform is more popular than news sites, social media and even Google search.Im referring to email.Did you know that at this moment a typical consumer spends approx 2.5 hours everyday in their inbox?Email marketing has proven itself to be one of the most powerful marketing methods.Thats why businesses are investing heavily into growing their email lists.Then, they can send campaigns and follow up with customers on an ongoing basis.But what if you dont have a list?Well, thats where this course can help you.Imagine you could get access to users inbox and place your ads exactly in front of them while they are checking their emails.This traffic method that Im about to share with you is literally a backdoor to your consumers inbox.And its not as popular as Facebook Ads or Google PPC ads so youll not be looking at $5 clicks, $2 clicks or even 50c clicks.Instead, you can set up the ads and pay under 6c per click. Ive created this lesson to show you how easily you can tap into these types of email ads and capture new customers.No prior experience is required. No email lists or tools are required. Ill walk you through the full process of setting up your campaigns.Youll learn two distinct methods that let you advertise inside users' inbox.And these ads will take the form of an actual email. So they naturally blend into the content of the users mailbox.This is a unique opportunity to capture new customers.Join the course and lets get started."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Nasl biri olmak,nereye varmak istediinize karar verdiinizde,bu, en nemli adm olmakla birlikte sadece bir balangtr.Sonrasnda,sizi, olmak istediiniz yere gtrecek bir haritaya gereksiniminiz var.Bu yoldan daha nce gemi ve amacna ulam ,baarl ,deneyim sahibi insanlarn nerilerine kulak vermeli,gereken her eit bilgiyi toplamaya almalsnz.Bu yolculukta ,hem klavuzunuz hem de pusulanz ,zenle hazrlanm,kendi kiisel geliim plannz olacaktr. te bu kursun amac da,bugne kadar bu konuda edinilmi birok deneyimi bir araya getirerek,size, bu yolculuunuzda yardmc olacak bir rehber sunmak."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FileMaker Scripting Reference" |
"Dive deep into the FileMaker scripting engine with this course designed for intermediate or aspiring developers. Topics include context, modularity, activating scripts, script debugger, comparing and contrasting, developer scripts, script triggers, security, errors, logging field changes, adaptive layouts and much more. Includes a free copy of the $29.95 Scripting Reference solution."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Mac Terminal from Scratch: Command Line for Beginners" |
"This 3-hours course introduces you to the macOS command line environment, teaching you how to use the Terminal utility to accomplish useful, interesting tasks that are either difficult or impossible to perform in the graphical interface. Most of the examples work with 10.6 Snow Leopard and later, although a few techniques require more recent versions of macOS.The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use commands. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Python Machine Learning with TensorFlow Course" |
"Machine learning is quickly becoming a required skill for every software developer. Enroll now to learn everything you need to know to get up to speed, whether you're a developer or aspiring data scientist. This is the course for you.Your complete Python course for image recognition, data analysis, data visualization and more.Reviews On Our Python Courses:""I know enough Python to be dangerous. Most of the ML classes are so abstract and theoretical that no learning happens. This is the first class where we use concrete examples that I can relate to and allow me to learn. Absolutely love this course!"" - Mary T.""Yes, this is an amazing start. For someone new in python this is a very simple boot course. I am able to relate to my earlier programming experience with ease!"" - Gajendran C.""Clear and concise information"" - Paul B.""Easy to understand and very clear explanations. So far so good!!!"" - Alejandro M.Don't miss the biggest Python course of the year. This is a once in a lifetime chance to enroll in a massive course.Absolutely no experience necessary. Start with a complete introduction to Python that is perfect for absolute beginners and can also be used a review.Jump into using the most popular libraries and frameworks for working with Python. You'll learn everything you need to become a data scientist. This includes:1. Data Analysis with PandasLearn pandas, a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis.2. Data Visualization with PyPlotLearn pyplot, a MATLAB-like plotting framework enabling you to create a figure, create a plotting area in a figure, plot lines in a plotting area, decorate the plot with labels and much more. Learn it all in this massive course.3. Machine Learning TheoryMachine learning is in high demand and is quickly becoming a requirement on every software engineer's resume. Learn how to solve problems with machine learning before diving into practical examples.4. Introduction to TensorFlowLearn TensorFlow, the most popular plaform enabling ML developers to build and deploy machine learning applications such as neural networks. Build your first linear regression model with TensorFlow. Learn how to build a dataset, model, train and test!5. Image Recognition with MNISTBuild a convolutional neural network (CNN.) Learn how to use Keras with machine learning models.Keras is a neural-network library written in Python capable of running on top of TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, R, Theano, and PlaidML. You'll be able to enable fast experimentation with deep neural networks with Keras.All source code is included for each project.If you buy one course this year, this is it. Sign up while spots are open."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Head Sculpting Course in Blender 2.8 High Poly" |
"The Complete High Poly Blender Characters CourseDive into the ultimate Blender 2.8 course for character head sculpting. Build high poly 3D heads in Blender...Blender is amazing, free 3D modeling software like Maya!Absolutely no experience necessary. You'll start with a complete introduction to Blender 2.8 that is perfect for absolute beginners and can also be used a review.Then you'll jump into the core topics you need to learn in Blender by building practical examples and hands-on projects. You'll learn everything you need to become a 3D modeler. This includes:1. Blender FundamentalsLearn core topics with immediate examples. Master the navigation controls and modes you need to become a Blender expert. Build your first projects including UV editing and texturing.2. Sculpting IntroductionLearn brush types and hotkeys as you learn the core skills you need before jumping into sculpting.3. Face SculptingSculpt your first face with dynamic topology, hair and more details.4. Hair RefiningAdd extreme detail to your character's hair and learn how to create different hair types. This course covers it all.5. Hair DetailingLearn how to detail hair in this section entirely dedicated to mastering hair sculpting in Blender.6. Facial and EyebrowsRestructure the face and detail eyebrows to perfection.7. Lips, Nose and EyesAdd details to the lips, nose and eyes with restructuring and fine sculpting.8. RestructuringPerform a full facial restructure, including jaws and eyes, with detailed Blender tools.9. Final TouchesComplete your massive portfolio project by adding the final perfect touches to your model. Detail the ears, learn subsurface scattering, and much more.Head and Face Modeling for Beginners in Blender HDIf you get one 3D modeling course this year, get this one. Don't miss out while prices have dropped.Join the community. Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CISCO CCNA 200-301 Practice Test (Exam questions)" |
"The Cisco certification program will drastically change from Feb. 24, 2020. There will no longer be multiple different CCNA exams and certifications only a single, comprehensive exam will be available.CCNA certification covers a breadth of topics, including:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsThis exam questions helps you to pass the exam CCNA 200-301."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Impact Evaluation in Project Management" |
"What is Impact Evaluation? Well imagine you embarked on a 5 year project to build a house for yourself. Now, lets say 5 years later you actually achieve your goals, the next question is, what change has resulted in your personal life as a result of constructing that house? Could it be you are more happier? or Could it be there is less stress that comes as a result of paying rent? Measuring that change can be somewhat very challenging. The same is the case when embarking on an evaluation of a project.Truth be told there are a lot of multi billion projects being done world wide and it is no wonder the world as we see it keeps on being on the move. However, getting to understand the impact all these project have made in our lives can be a mammoth task because it requires the very best skills and techniques to get the job done. This course will teach you how to undertake an impact evaluation of any project like a pro. Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation Project Evaluation Impact Evaluation Project Management Monitoring"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"From Zero to Hero Belajar Modeling dengan SketchUp Pro" |
"Di materi ini, Anda akan belajar pemodelan menggunakan SketchUp. Pemodelan sederhana hingga sangat komplek. Anda akan belajar memodelkan Bangunan Rumah Satu Lantai tanpa menggunakan Extension tambahan. Setelah melalui proses awal, Anda akan memodelkan Bangunan Rumah Satu Lantai dengan bantuan Extension.Setelah Anda melewati pemodelan Bangunan Rumah Satu Lantai. Anda akan dilatih memodelkan Bangunan Rumah Dua Lantai. Baik tanpa Extension atau menggunakan bantuan Extension.Tidak ada materi dasar di kelas ini. Semua materi adalah tingkat lanjutan untuk melatih kemampuan modeling dan menggunakan Extension bantu."
Price: 700000.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI Desktop 0 to Hero" |
"NoBIBIPower BI is new Power Point. Power BIPower PointPower BIMicrosoftPower BI DesktopITMicrosoft Power BI DesktopYouTubeUdemyGannett3,000,000Power BI DesktopNothing to Lose, But All to Gain30Power BI Desktop Microsoft BINoPower BI DesktopBI"
Price: 22200.00 ![]() |
"Salesforce: REST Integration with JSON, HTTP and OAuth 2.0" |
"In this course we will cover different ways in which a developer can integrate Salesforce System with some other application. We will be discussing Http Callouts and REST API. Course cover various real time scenarios and relevant examples to make things easy to understand and ready to use. A basic understanding of APEX and VisualForce (or any other Markup language) will be required to start with the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rhetorik: Nie wieder Lampenfieber" |
"Kennst Du das, wenn Du vor einer kleinen oder groen Gruppe eine Rede oder Prsentation halten sollst und dein Herz wild anfngt zu pochen und dein Mund trocken wird? Dass Du in solchen Momenten, wo Du selbstbewusst sein mchtest, Lampenfieber bekommst?Wenn Du Lampenfieber versprst, so ist das nichts Ungewhnliches.Einer Umfrage zufolge haben 90 Prozent aller Menschen Angst davor, ffentlich zu reden. Manche beschreiben dieses Gefhl des Lampenfiebers sogar damit, dass diese Angst, vor anderen Menschen zu sprechen, grer ist als die Angst vor dem Tod.Doch lsst es sich ben und trainieren, dass Du im Gesprch oder bei einer privat oder beruflich angelegten Rede selbstbewusst und auch authentisch sein kannst. In diesem Kurs gehen wir Step by Step nicht nur das theoretische Wissen durch, das Du brauchst, um zu verstehen, woher Lampenfieber kommt und wie Du es besiegen kannst. Nach jeder kleinen Theorieneinheit bekommst Du eine bung an die Hand, sodass Du sogleich praktisch an Dir arbeiten kannst, dein Lampenfieber abzubauen und in den Griff zu bekommen.Der Kursinhalt ist jedoch keine Wunderpille: Es bedarf ein wenig konstanter Arbeit von deiner Seite aus, um das Lampenfieber nach und nach abzubauen. Es geht nicht von heute auf morgen, sondern braucht einfach ein wenig Zeit. Doch wenn Du Dir es erlaubst, diese Zeit zu bentigen, kannst Du vielleicht schon bald solche Reden und Vortrge halten, wie Du es schon immer wolltest. Zudem erhltst Du eine 30 tgige Zufriedenheitsgarantie, das heit, Du kannst innerhalb von 30 Tagen entscheiden, ob Du den Kurs zurckgeben und dein Geld vollstndig wieder zurckerhalten mchtest."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microservicios con Spring Boot y Cloud" |
"Sin duda alguna, la arquitectura de microservicios en la nube se est imponiendo como el modelo de desarrollo de aplicaciones Web empresariales. Y es que son numerosos los beneficios que ofrece dicha arquitectura, entre los que podemos destacar la reutilizacin de cdigo, mejora del rendimiento o simplificacin del mantenimiento de las aplicaciones.A lo largo de las ms de 40 lecciones que componen este curso, voy a ensearte a implementar microservicios Rest utilizando Spring Boot y a utilizar las diferentes herramientas que nos ofrece la plataforma Spring Cloud para desplegar y mantener estos servicios en la nube, de manera que al finalizar el cursos ests totalmente preparado para acometer proyectos en empresas de desarrollo software en los que se utilice esta arquitectura y tecnologas.Para realizar este curso necesitas tener conocimientos bsicos de lenguaje Java y, deseable aunque no imprescindible, algn conocimiento de Spring. Si no conoces el lenguaje de programacin Java, te recomiendo realizar primero mis cursos ""Aprende a programar en Java"" y ""Programacin orientada a objetos en Java"".Si quieres trabajar como desarrollador de aplicaciones Web con Java y Spring, sin duda, este es tu curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Cypress Automation tool from Scratch" |
"Cypress is a next generation front end testing tool built for the modern web. We address the key pain points developers and QA engineers face when testing modern applications.We make it possible to:Set up testsWrite testsRun testsDebug TestsCypress is most often compared to Selenium; however Cypress is both fundamentally and architecturally different. Cypress is not constrained by the same restrictions as Selenium.This enables you to write faster, easier and more reliable tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The English Landscapes of John Constable" |
"This is a course on the beautiful English Landscape paintings of John Constable. Constable is one of the worlds leading landscape painters. Constable Country, I should paint my own places best, he wrote to his friend John Fisher in 1821, painting is but another word for feeling. We are going to walk, study and enjoy this beautiful part of the world and see it through the eyes of this master artist."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"5-Day Manifest More Challenge" |
"Do you have questions about manifesting? Do you want to become a better manifestor? Are you curious about what manifestation and the Law of Attraction really is? This challenge will help you understand what the Law of Attraction really is, how to set your intentions, why it is important to believe, how to create space for your desires, why gratitude is so important and how to take inspired action toward your goals. This course will help you do all of this and set you up for success in manifesting your desires."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Unity2DAdmob |
"44TextTextUPC#UnityTextAdmob//UnityUnityC#/if/for///Unity/Start/Update4/17Unity3DRPGUnityUnity C#Unity2D"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"CRM + Embudos de venta + Estrategia y Mtodos + B2B SaaS" |
"INTEGRA A TUS PROCESOS COMERCIALES UNA ESTRATEGIA DE CRMSim importar que tipo de soluciones B2B SaaS ventas en tu empresa ni qu tipo de mercado atiendas, hacer de un CRM la herramienta que gobierne tu estrategia comercial es una de las prcticas ms importantes. Traer tus procesos a las configuraciones de CUALQUIER CRM (Este Curso NO est casado con Ningn CRM en particular) es la base para llevar a cabo un conocimiento del mercado y sus oportunidades negocio.En este curso aprenders a entender los conceptos clave de un CRM y sus estructuras estratgicas, para despus saberlas cruzar con tu operacin comercial y gestionar tus procesos de venta de forma exitosa.TRABAJA CON LAS MEJORES PRCTICAS DE MEJORA CONTINUA DEL EMBUDO DE VENTASMejora Continua significa gobernar un proceso en sus iteraciones para poder hacer descubrimientos importantes dentro de procesos que deben respetar estndares. La primera iteracin para un despliegue de una estrategia de CRM en una operacin comercial es la puesta en marcha.Esto no significa que ah termine. El descubrimiento a travs de analticos de las mejores prcticas segn perfiles de cuentas y oportunidades de negocio, optimizar las decisiones que debes tomar en la ejecucin del da a da de tus actividades.SIN IMPORTAR QUE HERRAMIENTA PREFIERAS UTILIZAR, CONFIGURA UN CRM EN TUS PROCESOSExisten muchos CRMs en el mercado. Sin importar cual utilices o cual tengas la ambicin de utilizar, los conceptos que te trae este curso te permitirn hacer una correcta configuracin en cualquier solucin que encuentres.CONSIGUE APLICAR DE FORMA CORRECTA EN TU CRM LAS FASES DE GENERACIN DE DEMANDA, VENTAS Y CUSTOMER SUCCESSA travs de la generacin de demanda podemos perfilar los prospectos como oportunidades de negocio que entran a a tu Pipeline de ventas respetando sus criterios de calificacin. Este Embudo de ventas a la vez est definido por fases que se comportan de manera independiente, pero que estn conectadas de forma lgica para armar correctamente una estrategia de progreso asertivo de clientes.Todo lo que se capitaliza con clientes existentes despus de la venta, se considera como un set de estrategias que bien manejadas llevarn a tu negocio a tener un crecimiento exponencial."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Using The Law of Attraction in Marriage & Relationships" |
"Create Your Ideal Marriage Without Needing to Change Your Partner!What if you could improve your marriage without needing to nag and change your partner? Imagine feeling blissful, romantic and peaceful in your relationship again and eager to spend time every day with your spouse. How would your family life feel different if your relationship was happy, secure and you were a terrific team? This book will give you step-by-step actionable tools to make your ideal marriage a reality.You'll learn:How to improve your marriage by yourselfThe 7 habits of successful couplesThe Secret to getting love, romance and attention from your mateHow to be happy on a regular basisHow to be a Creator in your marriage instead of a VictimHow to move through disillusionment in your marriage to experiencing hopefulnessThe 4 Stages of Love and how to master themIdentify and remove your blocks to greater loveDevelop a Win-Win Relationship MindsetLearn Communication tips to make you close againHow to change your thinking to get back on courseDr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman is a licensed psychologist and certified coach who specializes in romantic relationships. Shes counselled couples for decades on how to help their relationships thrive. She's a recognized Relationship Expert featured on radio shows (Curtis Sliwa show on 77WABC, Cityscape on NPR & Unity radio), TV programs (Channel 11, Fox 5, The Early Show, AM Northwest) and prestigious magazines and newspapers (Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Elle, USA Weekend, the NY Post, Newsweek, Reader's Digest, Mens Fitness, the Huffington Post, Guideposts and the NY Times).Take this class and youll learn how to create the marriage of your dreams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Backlinks University - Link Building Strategies for 2020" |
"Still searching for a step-by-step course which teaches you how to build high quality backlinks to your sites, right from scratch?I will teach you every step and secret to building backlinks which Google will love till eternity right from the basics.This is a comprehensive & updated course aimed at helping your master back linking and ts various methods to help you get your website to the first page of Google, and keep em there.Never again will you have to worry about finding backlinks for your websites."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Avanzado de Watchguard" |
"Politicas de seguridad, multiwan , sdwan todo lo que necesitas para ser un experto en Watchguard. Veremos todas las herramientas de configuracion y monitorizacion de los watchguard , ideal para todos aquellos que quieren avanzar en el conocimiento de estos equipos.Watchguard veremos como realizar politicas de Seguridad , Calidad de Servicio o Horarios, asi como la diferencia entre Proxy y Packet filter."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Create Compelling Presentations" |
"One thing no one loves is a boring presentation. And the only thing we hate more than listening to something boring is to give a presentation that's less than sparkling. When we are on stage we want to shine and we can only do that if the audience is not only awake but intrigued by how we present.Announcing ""Compelling presentations: Three steps to creating engaging speeches, presentations and webinars""In this course you will discover:The three most effective ways to start a speech (one of which takes only minutes to prepare)How to use five sentences to get your audience so invested in your presentation they will ignore all other distractionsFour ways to add drama to even the most boring of topicsHow to outline your speech (using the power of your inner five-year-old)How to segue into an offer so it feels both natural and necessary to your audienceThe seven steps to making an offer live from the stage (or in a webinar online) that your audience can't resistThe sparks that keep them hookedOne challenge as a speaker is how to keep the audiences attention. You give one topic, then another and another. Yet the audience can get a bit tired of all the information coming at them. But a little drama perks them right back up again. How do you create these little sparks to keep them hooked? My course shows you three very easy ways to create drama over and over again and in just the right spots so your audience awaits what you say on bated breath.When you enroll in this course, youll also be able to ask me questions through the Q&A feature on Udemy and I respond right away.Heres what a few students have said about me as a teacher and presenter:Rodney is a wonderful teacher! He has tons of patience and answers each question. His attitude helps us learn since even where there is room for improvement, everything is done with a very kind and respectful attitude. Also, the material is very structured and organized, so this also helps the learning.-Anabel Eisenhock, IsraelRodney has everything it takes to make your experience a great one. He is extremely patient and easy going and allows everyone to connect to their own style. He is also very respectful to the students, is sincerely interested in their work and loves to co-create with them. He is also very timely when answering the questions we post. He knows his work really well and is very clear. Thanks, Rodney, for being the inspirational teacher that you are!-Devory, New YorkYoure the best. Your attitude is lovely. I like how open you are and that you are smooth in your manner of teaching. You are not rigid. Youre are focused on practicality and adjustment of techniques we have.-Andrei Rogojinaro, RomaniaA lot of courses and books promise to make my presentations interesting, how is yours any different?I break everything down into a three-part system with tiny steps. Its as close to paint-by-numbers as you can get. Almost everyone else merely gives examples of what to do without a clear process for how you can do it. I will show you what good looks like and guide you into creating it with nothing left to chance. And if anything is not clear, you can post questions in the Q&A and I will respond quickly. I will even take your questions and use them to add new lessons in the course so future students will benefit as well.Click on the Buy Now button so you can get this course todayIf you have any doubts, Udemy provides a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. So click Buy Now and I look forward to hearing about the great presentations, webinars and speeches you create with my system."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |