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"Naucz si gra na pianinie w 6 godzin!" |
"Oparty na nauce Entertainera Scotta Joplina efektywny i skondensowany kurs w formie treningw prowadzonych przez 24 dni, codziennie po 15 minut. Trening pozwala zapozna si z podstawami zapisu nutowego, technik gry na instrumencie klawiszowym. Dziki temu treningowi opnisz starzenie si mzgu, wzmocnisz poczenia nerwowe, usprawnisz koordynacj oko-rka i wiele wicej! Ze mn na pewno zrealizujesz swj cel, a dziki krtkim etapom widzisz wyranie postp swojej pracy i atwiej zarzdza Ci procesem nauki."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ganz schnell & einfach Figuren im Comic Stil zeichnen lernen" |
"Sie sind erfolgreich in Ihrem Business - und wollen jetzt Ihr kreatives Potenzial gezielt entwickeln und beruflich nutzbar machen.1. ZielgruppeDieser Kurs ist optimal fr Sie, wenn Sie......TrainerIn, Coach oder UnternehmensberaterIn sind. Oder in HR, Communications, Marketing oder Sales arbeiten. Oder aus anderen Grnden einfach regelmig prsentieren mssen oder wollen:Im Rahmen von Trainings, Seminaren oder Schulungen. Oder unternehmensintern, vor Vorgesetzten, KollegInnen, MitarbeiterInen oder anderen Abteilungen. Oder auch im direkten Kundenkontakt - bei Prsentationen, Pitches oder in Beratungsgesprchen.Vielleicht geht es Ihnen aber weniger ums Prsentieren - sondern vielmehr darum,... Ihre Webseite, Ihre Blogbeitrge oder Ihre Social Media Postings selber zu illustrieren.Mit starken, einzigartigen Visuals, die Aufmerksamkeit wecken, Spa machen und Ihre Zielgruppe emotional ansprechen. Und dem Zusatznutzen, dass Sie sich so die oft langwierige Suche nach passenden Visuals sparen und das problematische Thema Nutzungsrechte mit der Gefahr unabsichtlichen ""Bilderklaus"" vermeiden.2. Lernziel - Nutzen & MehrwertSie erkennen, wie Sie bereits mit einer einzigen Figur mehr Wirkung erzielen knnen als mit den blichen Dekoelementen......wie Ksten, Banner, Unterstreichungen, Rahmen, Schatten, Colorierung etc., auf die etwa in den herkmmlichen Flipcharttrainings der Schwerpunkt liegt. Das liegt an der einzigartigen Wirkungsweise von Figuren (die ich im Kurs erklre), mit der Sie...schneller & leichter die Neugier Ihres Publikums wecken - in Prsentationen und Trainings ebenso wie online.die Aufmerksamkeit erhhen - auch fr Inhalte und Themen, wo Bilder schwer zu finden sind.Ihre Prsentationen, Flipcharts oder Visuals emotionalisieren und so bei Ihrer Zielgruppe Gefhle auslsen und Ihre Message nachhaltig in den Kpfen verankern.Am Ende des Kurses verfgen Sie ber einen Werkzeugkoffer an Basis-Techniken, mit denen Sie ganz leicht Figuren zeichnen, gezielt Character entwickeln und Ihre neuen Kenntnisse in Ihre Prsentationen und Trainingsdesigns einbauen knnen.Und wenn Sie zu den 99% alles Menschen gehren sollten, die denken: ""Ich kann nicht zeichnen"", ""Figuren sind schwierig"" oder ""Ich wei nicht, wo ich anfangen soll"" - genau dann sollten Sie diesen Kurs erst recht machen, um sich selber in allerkrzester Zeit vom Gegenteil zu berzeugen!3. Kursaufbau & -inhalt Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Basis-Einsteiger-Kenntnisse des Figuren Zeichnens.Dabei arbeiten Sie nach einer von der Wiener Business-Cartoonistin Barbara Roth, CartoonsbyRoth eigens entwickelten und leicht umsetzbaren Visualisierungs-Technik. Diese beginnt mit einfachsten Schrittfiguren...... und fhrt sie stufenweise, auf spielerisch einfache Weise ans Ziel: Sie lernen zuerst, eine Basis-Figuren zu zeichnen. Diese bauen Sie in Folge zu einem Cartoon Character aus. Und schlielich erhalten Sie einen Werkzeugkoffer an die Hand, mit dem Sie daraus verschiedene Figuren, Character und Maskottchen entwickeln knnen.Dabei bauen die einzelnen Abschnitte und Lektionen aufeinander auf. Jede Lektion besteht aus einem Impuls Video (circa 2-3 Minuten) und einem zusammenfassenden, knackig-kurzen Erklrungstext. Sowohl die Videos als auch die Texte sind maximal kompakt & fokussiert gehalten. So knnen Sie die einzelnen Lern-""Nuggets"" auch zwischendurch, in kurzen Pausen, in der U-Bahn, Straenbahn, im Bus etc. in wenigen Minuten ansehen & durchlesen.Am Ende jeder Lektion erhalten Sie eine bungsanleitung. Die dazu passenden eigens von Barbara Roth entwickelten bungsbltter knnen Sie sich whrend des Kurses downloaden. Am Ende jedes Abschnitts finden Sie Barbara Roths Top-Tipps fr den praktischen Einsatz des Gelernten in Ihrem Business.Die Kurslektions-Videos zeigen die Verwendung von Figuren exemplarisch am Flipchart. Die Wirkungsweise gilt genauso fr Power Point, Whiteboard etc. und kann daher auch auf diese Prsentationsformen angewandt werden.Sie haben sich entschlossen, den Kurs zu buchen? Gute Entscheidung!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PPLIAPI2020-03-Bukti Audit" |
"International Standards on Auditing (ISA) yang diterbitkan oleh International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board telah diadopsi di Indonesia dan diterapkan oleh Akuntan Publik untuk audit atas laporan keuangan untuk periode yang dimulai pada atau setelah tanggal 1 Januari 2013 (untuk Emiten) atau tanggal 1 Januari 2014 (untuk selain Emiten, penerapan dini diperkenankan). Adopsi ini dilakukan sebagai bagian dari proses untuk memenuhi salah satu butir Statement of Membership Obligation dari International Federation of Accountants, yang harus dipatuhi oleh profesi Akuntan Publik di Indonesia.Dengan kondisi tersebut, diharapkan profesi Akuntan Publik dan staff Kantor Akuntan Publik berbenah diri meningkatkan kualitas audit dalam memberikan opini untuk penyajian informasi keuangan perusahaan dengan meningkatkan tingkat keyakinan pengguna laporan keuangan yang dituju. Pada waktu merancang dan melaksanakan prosedur audit, auditor harus mempertimbangkan relevansi dan keandalan informasi yang digunakan sebagai bukti audit."
Price: 980000.00 ![]() |
"Finding Your True Path for Manifesting Your Desires." |
"Living The Conscious Lifestyle is based on years of studies and research in the field of Successful Living Practices and a Metaphysical Science Approach.A Metaphysical Science approach allows us to understand the bigger picture of why we are here and what's our life purpose and journey.Successful Living practices are based on authors such as Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, James Allen, John Assaraf, Darren Hardy, Dean Graciosi, Abraham Hicks, and countless others. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"30 Art Therapy Exercises to Unwind and Explore Your Mind" |
"Do you enjoy art activities? Do you want to find ways to unwind and relax your mind? Perhaps you are interested in exploring your feelings and unresolved incidents?Do you want to improve your art skills, such as drawing, painting, collage, and so on?If so, then this is the course for you. Follow me, Emma Lau, as I lead you through 30 different art exercises designed to unwind and relax your mind, and also to explore your emotions and feelings. In addition to this, I will show you ways to improve your artistic skills, such as drawing, painting, collage, and others, as well as improve your art-thinking skills, such as your sense of composition and colour. Creating art can be immensely therapeutic and in this course, you will find ways to stay present and reduce your stress, all while expressing yourself and improving your artistic abilities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"German conversations 1: Frequently asked questions-answers" |
"The Part I. focuses on the Personal living space within which we touch 5 more important topics:1.Introduction2.Family3.Friends-relationships4.Free time-hobbies5.Job-Jobinterview (Bonus)I will present Frequently asked questions related to the topic to which I will provide several possible answers and which also function as a dialogue.By the end of the topics you will also find 3 situational tasks for language practice which aimed at vocabulary development and recording what has been learned so far.At the end of each topic I will provide you with a Glossary to help you see through the words related to the topic, expand your vocabulary and complete tasks in the variety of ways.This is why the biggest advantage of the course is that you can customize the examples in the lecture with your own information as well!Translation language: English"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
0artmass |
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Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Le guide intgral pour trouver les meilleurs dividendes" |
"La Bourse, c'est aussi les dividendes !Sur le long terme, les dividendes sont des sources de revenus qui valent de l'OR. C'est la fois un moteur cl de la performance d'un portefeuille et un coussin de scurit en temps de crise.L'investissement sur les dividendes est accessible tous. Il offre un double avantage :Des revenus rguliers si vous avez le bonheur d'acheter les meilleures actions dividendeBooster la performance de votre portefeuille en capital sans vous soucier des variations quotidiennes des cours de BoursePourquoi investir dans les dividendes ?Dveloppez un complment de revenu votre salairePrparez votre retraite car le systme tel qu'il existe actuellement n'est plus viableLes placements soi-disant sans risque ne rapportent plus rien en taux rels cause de l'orgie montaire des banques centralesFinancez les tudes de vos enfants, des projets personnels ou professionnelsEtc...Aux Etats-Unis, les investisseurs individuels le pratiquent sans complexe pour rembourser leur crdit la consommation et immobilier. Ils sont conscients qu'ils vont toucher une misre l'ge de leur retraite.Ce concept d'investissement en Bourse n'est pas uniquement valable pour les actions amricaines. Il peut tre adapt aux actions europennes condition que les tats ne mettent pas leur grain de sable.Dans ce programme, vous allez trouver en format vido, audio et article :Les pouvoirs magiques du dividende : Pourquoi ils contribuent la performance de votre portefeuille ?Comment analyser le dividende d'une actionComment viter les baisses de dividendeComment acheter des actions dividende des prix raisonnablesUne liste de ressources en ligneUn lexique anglais franais sur la BourseUn lexique propos des dividendesDes articles pour approfondir vos connaissances sur l'univers des dividendesEt bien plus...Le mot de la fin est que vous allez srement amliorer votre ducation financire. Je vous souhaite un bon apprentissage et de meilleurs investissements.NB : Vous avez accs vie tous les cours et une garantie de remboursement sous 30 jours."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Rotina Produtiva" |
"O curso ser sustentado por 3 pilares.Sendo o primeiro PLANEJAMENTO/ORGANIZAO. Nele voc entender qual o seu estado atual e aonde voc quer chegar. Vamos comear com as melhores prticas do planejamento, para depois dar continuidade com o entendimento da melhor forma de estabelecer metas. E para finalizar, abordaremos sobre o plano de ao, como voc ir atingir tudo que almeja em sua vida. Voc tambm vai entender, como EXECUTAR MAIS em MENOS TEMPO. Falaremos sobre o grande vilo da produtividade : A procrastinao! Posteriormente comentaremos sobre as estratgias para que voc possa se manter concentrado e no perder o foco com facilidade. Depois, sero passadas dicas, para que voc aumente a quantidade de atividades realizadas no seu dia de forma eficiente. Por fim, voc conhecer as melhores ferramentas utilizadas em GERENCIAMENTO DE PROJETOS, porm agora voltado inteiramente para lhe ajudar na sua vida pessoal. Isso tudo lhe auxiliar no controle da sua VIDA."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Resume Writing System [2020]" |
"Applied to hundreds of jobs but still getting no calls? Or you want to apply to our dream job and ensure your resume is as perfect as it can be before you apply. Maybe you just don't feel confident about our resume. I know how you feel.This Resume Writing Guide has helped HUNDREDS of my students get a job interview within the first 14 days of applying!Your resume is your first step in the door to your career which is why it's absolutely essential to have correct resume writing principals in mind before applying for any jobs. An unpolished resume will cost you more jobs than you might think. The last thing you want is to apply for hundreds of jobs but not get called for a job interview. It can be disheartening. Don't worry, most of my students have been there and so have I. There's an easy-to-implement solution that has gotten them SIGNIFICANTLY more success. Some of them have even landed a job in their first week!In this course, I will be telling you all you need to know about writing a resume. This is going to be an in-depth course but has no FILLER content. Everything in this course is purposed for you to understand why things are the way they are on your resume and why we are making certain changes.The job-specific resume writing approach in this course will teach you how you can create a resume that is specific to the particular job in a particular organization, within a particular industry. This significantly boosts your odds of getting called in for a job interview and, in turn, leads to career success. Let's get started!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"""Know What To Do."" An Active Shooter Seminar" |
"In this course our goal is to teach you some of the simplest ways to prevent and keep yourself safe from an attack. These events can happen anywhere and at anytime. This course is designed in a way to make you feel empowered as you go through life, not scared. We do not use firearms or any simulated shooting scenes in our training. You will be able to take this information with you everywhere you go, whether it's the chair you're sitting in now or your favorite restaurant. Share it with your family, friends, and loved ones so we can work together to make this world a safer place to live."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Ads Made Easy - 2020" |
"Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply YouTube Ads Video Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of YouTube Ads in 2020, and explode your business.This Exclusive Video Training Will Show You Step-By-Step, Topic By Topic, And Tool By Tool, What You Need To Know To Dominate YouTube Ads, In The Easiest Way Possible, Using The Most Effective Tools And In The Shortest Time Ever. Get ready to exponentially increase your sales and revenues with this step-by-step training program. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Encuentra tu Producto Nicho Rentable en menos de 1 Hora." |
"Localizar un producto nicho rentable es el xito de tu nuevo negocio.Un producto nicho rentable que genere ingresos mensuales con mrgenes superiores al 50%.Creando tu propia marca para que despus puedas distribuir tu producto a travs de Amazon, tu propia web o los canales tradicionales.Estoy seguro que te pasas horas y horas buscando en Amazon y Alibaba productos que sean rentables sin obtener ningn resultado.Y esto es as porque no estas siguiendo ningn mtodo.Con mi mtodo te garantizo que terminars el curso con mas de 10 ideas de productos nicho rentables donde poder seleccionar. Siempre siguiendo un mtodo basado en variables objetivas. Con mi mtodo no intuimos qu producto funcionar y cual no. Simplemente sabemos qu producto va a funcionar porque hemos analizado las ventas potenciales y hemos obtenido los mrgenes de beneficio. Con datos reales obtenidos de las diferentes herramientas que podemos encontrar hoy por hoy en el mercado.Te garantizo que una vez finalizado el curso tu cabeza estar a rebosar de ideas de negocio rentables y listas para llevar adelante."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IGCSE / O Levels Organic Chemistry" |
"I will help you to enjoy and master Organic Chemistry. The topics covered are Alkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids, and Esters. All the concepts are broken down into bite-sized videos for optimal learning. Remember all the reactions and the conditions by writing them down on flash cards and look at it everyday. Feel free to watch the videos as many times as possible and stretch your learning over a few weeks. All the best Student! :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist 2019 - NEW!" |
"Two complete high-quality practice tests of 35 questions each will help you master your Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud 2019 Specialist examThese practice exams will help you assess and ensure that you are fully prepared for the final examination.Any question you might fail will contain a link to the documentation explaining the concepts in depth.Avail this course at a very low price, use the Coupon code mentioned belowCoupon Code: ORACLEThese Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist 2019 practice tests are patterned after the latest exam format and were crafted based on the feedback of our professionals on what appeared in the actual exam. Our Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist 2020 practice tests are TOP-NOTCH and the CLOSEST to the actual exam Each question has detailed explanations at the end of each set that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the OCI services. The explanation provides an overview of the topic, reference links to OCI docs and a rationale on why the option is correct or incorrect MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone! FREE EXCLUSIVE Oracle University learning PORTAL - Portal where you can find videos, Labs, PPT's to learn for the Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist 2020. It will be available via mail as soon as you purchase the course. Plus a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you're not satisfied for any reason.Are you ready to assess yourself and practice the Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud 2020 Specialist Exam?See you on the course!Exam Topics:Autonomous Database Technical OverviewMigration and Data Loading into Autonomous DatabaseMonitoring Autonomous DatabaseProvisioning and ConnectivityManaging and Maintaining an Autonomous DatabaseTools, Reporting, and Analytics using Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW)FeaturesAvailable on iOS and AndroidFull lifetime Access24*7 Support"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Masterclass Arduino, Electrnica y Programacin desde cero" |
"Gracias a este curso ya no tenes mas excusas para no comenzar a aprender Arduino desde cero! Ademas tendrs acceso exclusivo a un grupo de whatsapp con los dems alumnos que estn haciendo este maravilloso curso.Te cuento que a travs del simulador online (llamada tinkercad) vas a poder aprender paso a paso, sin miedo a quemar ni romper nada y desde el primer minuto creando, probando y experimentando con el mundo Arduino.Mi objetivo es que al finalizar este curso, tengas todos los conocimientos necesarios para armar tu proyecto en casa y luego lo puedas replicar con cualquier KIT de arduino del mercado. Los temas que vas a aprender en este curso son: 1. Programacin en cdigo de Arduino desde cero. 2. Conocimiento sobre las diversas placas de Arduino. 3. Toda la electrnica bsica necesaria para conectar los diversos componentes de un proyecto. 3. Mucho sobre gestin de proyectos para asegurar el xito de lo que mas adelante quieras armar. 4. Les voy a contar donde y como se puede utilizar lo aprendido en casos de la vida real. 5. Consejos y consideraciones a tener en cuenta antes de comenzar cada proyecto, para reducir los errores a futuro. 6. Tips claves de como destrabar/solucionar errores muy comunes en los distintos programas y circuitos con Arduino. 7. Y por ultimo...como plantear y resolver desafos de la vida cotidiana utilizando los conocimientos adquiridos en este Curso.//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//Aqu les dejo algunas preguntas que les hice a mis alumnos que estn cursando el curso, quizs les sirva de referencia o se sientan identificado con alguna de sus respuestas ------ En que se diferencia este curso de otros de Arduino? ----- La energa y vibra con la cual transmito los conocimientos en cada clase. Lo fcil y sencillo que son los contenidos si se abordan de forma gradual y con explicaciones claras. El grupo de apoyo de Whatsapp es clave, ya que se pueden sacar dudas, consultas que muchas veces son difciles de poner en palabras a la hora de querer preguntar por mensajera o por chat. Es muy divertido podes despejar dudas, consultas y ver que otros alumnos estn en la misma que vos! Son increbles las clases de consultas por videollamada y las otras actividades que hacemos en VIVO por youtube e Instagram. Los ejemplos de aplicaciones en la vida real afianzan mucho el conocimiento, ya que uno asocia fcil algo nuevo si se lo explicas con algo que ya conocen en su vida cotidiana. Los desafos que planteo al final de cada seccin son claves para practicar, cometer errores y afianzar el conocimiento adquirido. ------ Como se sintieron a la hora de utilizar el Simulador de Tinkercad? ----- Es muy sencillo e intuitivo de utilizar y aprender No tengo esa sensacin de miedo a que si conecto algo mal , lo puedo romper o quemar. Me da libertad de poder crear muchos proyectos en paralelo sin la necesidad de comprar mas materiales. Es muy fcil compartir proyectos y corregir los errores que puedan aparecer.//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//Por ultimo me gustara contarles que este curso esta en constante revisin y actualizacin gracias a toda la interaccin que tenemos en los grupos de apoyo en diversas plataformas.Quiero que sepas y que te sientas tranquilo/a de que tambin vas a formar parte de esta mejora continua y que tus opinin es y sugerencias sern valoradas.------ Les dejo aqu las Actualizaciones realizadas y en lo que estoy trabajando actualmente ----- Marzo 2020 - Planificacin y creacin del Curso de Arduino con Tinkercad Marzo 2020 - Produccin, filmacin y edicin de los videos hasta la seccin 5. Abril 2020 - Publicacin del curso en la plataforma UDEMY. Abril 2020 - Armado de los grupos de apoyo en Telegram y en Whatsapp. Abril 2020 - Iniciamos con las Video-Llamadas de consultas todos los das sbados. Mayo 2020 - Termine de filmar, editar y subir los vdeos hasta la Seccin 8. Mayo 2020 - Del grupo surgi la idea de tener materiales de apoyo en PDF para cada clase. Mayo 2020 - Del grupo surgi la idea de que los alumnos armen, filmen y suban sus proyectos finales. Junio 2020 - Agregamos la Seccin de como Gestionar un Proyecto. Junio 2020 - Documentacin en PDF para la seccin 2 de Electrnica bsica. Junio 2020 - Se publicaron los primeros proyectos de los Alumnos que ya terminaron con el curso. Julio 2020 - Armando los PDF's de apoyo para la seccion 3. Agosto 2020 - Armando los PDF's de apoyo para la seccin 4 y 5. Actualmente - Acompaando a los alumnos y a los grupos con sus proyectos"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Curso Excel 2016 - Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Este curso possui mais de 3 horas que visam apresentar vrias ferramentas do Excel que iro te ajudar a realizar atividades seja no trabalho ou escola/universidade. Alm disso, ser de fundamental importncia para quem almeja um primeiro emprego ou um novo trabalho, visto que essencial o conhecimento desse software."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Inspeo Predial E Plano de Manuteno para Condomnios" |
"Trago para voc uma forma didtica e simples de explicar o que uma Inspeo Predial.Vamos entender porque to fundamental na Engenharia.Veremos itens importantes da Manuteno em Condomnios.Faremos um Check list que serve para quase todo Condomnio.Entenderemos o que pode falhar em uma Edificao e quais as possveis causas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia - stres i efektywna wsppraca z trudnym klientem" |
"W kursie poruszane s tematy i zagadnienia, ktre pomog Wam poradzi sobie ze stresem i trudno wsppracujcymi modelami. Bd te niespodzianki Kurs nie skupia si na technicznej stronie fotografii, ale na psychologicznych zagadnieniach oraz emocjach, ktre spowodoway, e wikszo z fotografw signa po raz pierwszy po aparat. Stres czsto jest pomijany w fotografii, a jego poznanie pozwala nam sign gbiej oraz bardziej wiadomie i efektywnie wsppracowa z trudnymi klientami, ale nie tylkoProgram i tematy omawiane w kursie online: * Czym jest stres?* Najczstsze typy reakcji na stres i jego gwne objawy* Zota zasada liczysz si Ty!* Czym jest optymalny poziom pobudzenia na sesji fotograficznej?* Stres jako podstawowy czynnik rozwoju* Fazy stresu fotograficznego, czyli od alarmu do wyczerpania* Skala stresu i czy jest na niej lub?* Sposoby radzenia sobie ze stresem* Jak poradzi sobie z trudnym klientem podczas sesji?* Jak pokona stres w fotografii stosujc zjawisko fazowoci?* Jak pokona stres: -> Podejcie asymilacyjne -> Podejcie akomodacyjne do stresu -> Podejcie czasowe czy zadziaa na sesji zdjciowej?* Jak poradzi sobie z brakiem emocji na sesji?* Metody szybkich relaksacji przed sesj zdjciow* Sposoby na stworzenie swobodnych zachowa podczas sesji* Jak Sara Lazar pomoga fotografom..?* Jak nie da si pokona przez stres na sesji zdjciowej?* Fotograficzna pranajama* Fotograficzna trem* Jak poradzi sobie z narzucajcym swj styl, klientem?* Bdy popeniane na pocztku budowania relacji z klientem* Przykady bdw popenianych podczas rozwijania relacji z klientem* Szybkie sposoby na rozlunienie mini par podczas pozowania.Jako kursu: Full HD."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"YKS Matematik ( sl ve Kkl Saylar )" |
"sl saylar & sl denklemler ile kkl saylar konusunu soru zerinde zm yaparak gelen sorularn her birine nasl yaklaacamz, sorular nasl zeceimizi pratik yollarla akll tahta zerinden anlattm ve bu konularla olan skntlarnzn gideceini siz renciler greceksiniz. Bylelikle konuya hakim olduunuzda snavda kan yeni nesil sorular da anlamakta ve zmekte zorlanmayarak, soru zm aamasnda hznz arttrm olacaksnz ayrca yaynlanan yeni nesil soru zm videolarna da bakarak bu skntnz daha hzl bir ekilde giderebilirsiniz.Yaynlayacam dier eitim videolarn da takip ederek eksik olan konularnz giderebilirsiniz. Son olarak gerek online eitimde gerekse videolu eitimlerde snavda ok kan yeni nesil sorular hakknda bir video eitimi bulunmamaktadr. Bu eksiklii gidererek bu konuda da uzmanlamanz iin elimden geleni yapacam.Tm rencilerime imdiden kolay gelsin ve snavda baarlar dilerim."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Radiestesia e Radinica Clssica" |
"Vamos aprender a interagir com o mundo invisvel que nos cerca.CONTEDO DO CURSOHistrico;Definies.INSTRUMENTOS RADIESTSICOSPndulo;Aurameter;Dual Hod;Varinha ou Forquilha;GrficosComo perguntar corretamente ao Pndulo Identificando Energias NegativasFormas-pensamentoOndas GeopticasEntidades NegativasLimpeza de Ambiente com os Grficos.AURA - Restaurao da Aura;Medir o Campo de uma pessoa/planta/ambiente - AngstronRadiestesia para Animais e TerrenosRestaurao dos Chakras atravs do uso do pnduloIdentificando os chakras das plantas/animais/ambientesTransmutao de Energia.Ondas AlphaE muito maisO que Radiestesia A palavra Radiestesia dividida em dois termos: RADIUS, que vem do latim e significa radiao, raio e AISTHESIS, que vem do grego e significa sensibilidade a captao.Ento a palavra mesmo indica o significado, que nada mais do que SER SENSVEL A CAPTAO DE VARIADAS FREQUENCIAS DE ENERGIA.O Radiestesista uma antena de captao de todos os tipos de energiaGraas aos nossos biosensores temos a capacidade de sentir qualquer tipo de energia vinda de pessoas, animais, imveis, comidas, objetos, sendo isto uma faculdade de qualquer ser humano, mas infelizmente nem todos enxergam o seu sentir e atribuem estes sentimentos ao acaso, a coincidncia...O treino faz com que sejamos excelentes radiestesistas, pois ser sensvel as energias, no significa que somos melhores ou temos o dom, simplesmente treinamos com respeito, organizao e disciplina para chegarmos a este ponto.Tudo muito simples desde que haja estes Principios Energticos.Quando falamos em Radiestesia estamos falando de fora da mente e s. A Radiestesia nada tem a ver com religio ou crenas, como muitos fazem parecer por a. por causa disto que temos dificuldades em mostrar a verdadeira Radiestesia, pois confundem suas crenas com o fenmeno mental de captao.Usar a mente, treinar a mente, isto confere excelncia a um Radiestesista srio.A base da Radiestesia a Telepatia, que j foi reconhecida como cincia nos EUA, onde o Radiestesista, aps treino com muita disciplina e respeito, torna-se uma antena de captao das mais variadas freqncias de energia A Radiestesia um instrumento muito valioso para diagnstico e tratamento tanto de pessoas, como animais, plantas, casas doentes, alm de poder ser usada para controle de pragas, localizarem pessoas e objetos desparecidos, enfim, existe uma vasta gama de possibilidades com a mesma."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Corso base cartamodelli per abbigliamento" |
"Questo un corso che serve a fare i primi passi nella modellistica di base. Nella prima lezione vi insegno a prendere le misure sul corpo. Nella seconda do nozioni di disegno geometrico di base, indispensabili alla realizzazione degli schemi. Nella terza vi insegno il lo schema di base per molte gonne. Nella quarta troverete il cartamodello della gonna dritta. Nella quinta il cartamodello della gonna svasata."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Der perfekte Auftritt - dank Hypnose" |
"Es ist ein Genuss, vorne zu stehen!Du bist Musiker/in, hltst Vortrge, Prsentationen oder stehst regelmig auf den Bhnen des Lebens?Du willst wissen, mit welchen mentalen Tricks & Kniffen Du Dir bei Nervositt behelfen kannst?Du bist manchmal (zu) kritisch mit Dir selbst und mchtest ein positives Mindset entwickeln?Du mchtest mit entschlossenen Schritten auf die Bhne gehen und Dein Publikum begeistern?Du mchtest Mentaltraining gegen Lampenfieber ausprobieren und eine echte Hypnose erleben?Dann hab' ich da was fr Dich...Als Psychologe, M.Sc., Musiker und Mentaltrainer mchte ich Dir praxiserprobte mentale Techniken an die Hand geben, die Du sofort ausprobieren und berall einsetzen kannst!Ich verspreche Dir, dass Du in diesem Kurs ""kurz und knackig"" neue mentale Fhigkeiten gegen Lampenfieber erlernst und Du es nach diesem Kurs gar nicht erwarten kannst, das nchste Mal vorne zu stehen!(Falls nicht, dann kannst Du den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen einfach zurckgeben, Udemy sei Dank!)Wir sehen uns im Kurs!Dein Daniel"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Gerek Zamanl letim Sistemlerine Giri - CCS ile TI-RTOS" |
"Ksa Aklama: Bu kurs size gerek zamanl sistemlerin temellerini ve Texas Instruments'n gerek zamanl ekirdei SYS / BIOS olarak da bilinen TI-RTOS'u kullanarak gerek zamanl uygulamalarn nasl oluturulacan retir. Kurs, TI-RTOS tarafndan salanan bileenler ve hizmetler hakknda ayrntl bir genel bak sunar ve daha sonra bu hizmetleri kullanarak gerek zamanl uygulamalar gelitirmeye devam eder.Bu kursun en temel amac TI-RTOS ve Tiva C kartlarn kullanarak RTOS konseptini pratik olarak kavratabilmektir. Kurs ileri konular iin srekli gncel tutulacak olup, sizden gelen bildirimler ile ilgili konularda eksikler var ise giderilecektir. Temel anlamda gerek zamanl sistemlerin bileenlerini anlatan kursta, gelitirmeyi dndnz ya da gelitirdiiniz sistem iin ilgili konulara ileri rnekler eklenebilecektir.Derste Kullanlan Gelitirme Kart: Bu kursta Texas Instruments'in Tiva C Serisi TM4C1294 isimli kart kullanlmtr. Gelitirmelerinizde Texas Instruments'in herhangi bir kartn kullanabilirsiniz.Derste Kullanlan Yazlmlar: Bu kursta Texas Instruments'in gelitirmi olduu IDE olan Code Composer Studio(WIN/OSX/LINUX) (cretsiz) ve ekli gelen analiz programlar kullanlmtr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Canva Ebook & Taschenbuch Cover Anfngerkurs" |
"Du bist gerade dabei dein erstes Buch zu verffentlichen und dir fehlt es an einem passenden Cover?Du kennst dich nicht gut aus mit Photoshop und mchtest keinen Grafiker beauftragen dir ein Cover zu erstellen?Warum probierst du es nicht selbst aus - mit Canva bentigst du keine Design Kenntnisse, um tolle ansprechende Cover fr dein Ebook oder Taschenbuch zu erstellen!Cover Erstellung mit Canva Schritt fr SchrittIch zeige dir viele verschiedene Varianten, um das passende Cover fr dein Buch zu finden! Ich klre dich ber die rechtlichen Gegebenheiten bzgl. einer kommerziellen Nutzung von Canva auf und zeige dir viele ntzliche Tricks, um Canva effektiv nutzen zu knnen.Du mchtest ein 3D Mockup deines Buches erstellen? Kein Problem! Ich zeige dir sowohl in Photoshop als auch in Canva, wie einfach es ist ein tolles Mockup fr Promo Zwecke zu erstellen. Auch hier sind die Schritte absolut fr Anfnger geeignet!Schreib dich ein und fange noch heute an, schne Cover fr deine Werke zu erstellen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gib deinem Inneren eine Stimme" |
"DU MCHTEST GERNE AN DEINEN NGSTEN ARBEITEN?ALTE GLAUBENSSTZE VERNDERN UND TRANSFORMIEREN?DIR FLLT ES SCHWER EINE VERBINDUNG ZU DEINEM INNEREN ZU FINDEN?LERNE WIE DU AUF EINE GANZ SANFTE ART UND WEISE DEIN NGSTE UND GLAUBENSSTZE TRANSFORMIEREN KANNST.MIT VIEL SANFTHEITEs muss nicht schwer sein unsere alten Glaubensstze oder ngste zu transformieren.Mit dieser sehr sanften Methode musst du nur wenn du willst mit der Brechstange drangehen.EINFACH METHODEDiese Methode ist so einfach, dass du es schnell in deinen Alltag integrieren kannst.AUCH ALLEINE ZU ERLERNENAls Online Kurs ist es ganz einfach die Inhalte zu Hause zu ben und sie schnell dein eigen zu machen."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"28-Day Qigong Challenge: simple stress management techniques" |
"Each day you will watch an instruction video and a practice video. Daily practice involves learning just one move. Practice is easy: just follow me and mirror what I do.You will also download a free practice journal to keep track of your progress.On the last day of each week, we'll put all the movements together into a longer session. There will be four culmination practice sessions that you can keep and practice for life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Resume and CV Writing Course: Get the Ideal Job" |
"Kathryn Troutman, Resume Expert - Instructor - The Complete Resume and CV Writing Course: Get the ideal JobTJ Walker, Presentation Coach; Interview Preparation InstructorLearn the Art and Science of Resume and CV Writing - Job Search Skills, LinkedIn and Interview SkillsPart 1 - CV and Resume Writing - Kathryn gives real examples of career changers - Before & AFter, Keywords and how to matchPart 2 - COVID-19 JObs - Kathryn interprets the jobs; analyzes the qualifciations; give insight about the positionThe Pandemic has caused Career Change plans. Many jobseekers from Hospitality, Transportation are changing their fields into new careers. You will see BEFORE and AFTER resumes for Career Change Resumes.Resume and Career Coach Expert, Kathryn Troutman teaches quick lessons on FINDING KEYWORDS.... How to add them to your resume ... How to be quick about it. Resume Keywords are mystery to most jobseekers. Many of the lectures include documents with keywords for your resume. See her documents - the keywords - they are available for you to download and study. It's critical in today's job market to take a few minutes to target each resume carefully.LinkedIn Resumes are designed for Career Change with New Skills, Certifications and Projects. Learn her best tips to match the LinkedIn resume to your future career. Cover letters are key to stand out and show that you can write and target the new industry. And watch her create a cover letter in 5 minutes based on a recruitment advertisement! These lectures will make a HUGE difference in tweaking your resume, getting found by AI and getting phone calls and emails back from recruiters. Kathryn Troutman, Resume Expert, Author and Coach shares her best lessons for you and your resume! Today with the unemployment so high and people needing new jobs, new companies and even career change ... you need this resume reality course more than ever. Learn how to match your resume with qualifications and keywords with Kathryn's special technique.Kathryn reviews the new job market to support the COVID-19 response for Federal and state jobs! Learn where the jobs are and how to apply for them.Kathryn's live demonstrations of resume ... job announcement ... keywords ... mapping the words into the resume is unique and fast-moving!Learn now to build a resume that will get better results:1. Responses from the HR recruiters - what's next?2. Interview invitations?3. Offers!TJ Walker adds 100s of short lectures on interview, presentation and communications techniques. Take your time, keep listening to improve your interview techniques.ONE STOP SHOP training for job search and career change: Learning the best resume format, finding the keywords, adding keywords to the resume, adding accomplishments and much more. The course will make a huge difference in your job search."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dev && UX: How UX Fits Into Agile and Lean" |
"Software development methodologies often lack the details of how UX fits into software dev projects. Some suggest that a Product Manager describing features is enough for developers, UX should train others to do their specialized jobs, or excluding UX experts solves them being too siloed and not collaborative. This happens with no other role in software dev; its hurting culture, efficiency, and productivity, and creating poor products for customers.Your customer only sees your UX, not 1000 developers or if you were Agile or Lean. Companies are figuring out that UX specialists and the User-Centered Design process are good investments that more than pay for themselves. Recent highly-publicized UX failures remind us that skimping on the UX process can alienate customers, create negative media attention, and burn millions of dollars.Learn how the UX process fits into Lean and Agile; augments software dev goals; increases customer satisfaction; and saves time, money, and sanity before developers write a line of code.When you're done, you can follow a provided link to get a Certificate of Completion or take our exam for our Certificate in UX Process Integration. There is no charge for the exam.Key Takeaways:Correct integration of CX & UX saves time, money, increases efficiency, keeps engineerings changes to a minimum, & creates the best product for users.CX & UX specialists conduct research, design the entire product, learn from testing, iterate to fix flaws, & deliver vetted blueprints so engineers build once.How User-Centered Design fits into project timelines and development methodologies including Agile and Lean.The benefits of bringing CX & UX specialists in early during portfolio planning and management.Target Audiences:Business Analysts, Developers, QA Engineers, Product Managers, Project Managers, IT & Systems Engineers, Digital Solutions Leaders, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, Lean Evangelists, Visual Designers, Copywriters. Workers at all levels as well as managers, leaders, and execs.Also great for CX and UX practitioners who would like to learn some ways they can present what we do to our cross-functional teammates. Our material tends to handle questions and conflicts better than ""more UX evangelism."" Improve communication, collaboration, and culture.(This is the video version of our 1-day training.)"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Conscious Breathwork: Yogic Pranayama Breathing" |
"Conscious Breathing/Breathwork known as Pranayama (or pranayam) in Kundalini Yoga is the easiest, most direct, immediate and effective way to increase health by boosting the immune system and hence help to keep illnesses such as viruses away, or fight them if you have already contracted them.The tried and tested, powerful, Breathing Techniques you will learn in this course also:Reduces and prevents the build-up of toxins in the lungs by encouraging the aring of the alveoli (small air sacks)Stimulates endorphins, the chemicals in the brain that help with alleviating depression. Brings the brain to a heightened state of alertness.Pumps the cerebral spinal fluid to the brain, giving greater energy and opening up to extra sensory perception .Stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete, thus enhancing the intuition and other psychic abilities.Filling the lungs to their capacity revitalizes and re-adjusts the electro-magnetic field. Cleanses and purifies the blood.Regulates the body's pH balance which affects the ability to handle stressful situations, and lifes many challenges. Energizes and increases vitality.Aids in releasing blockages in the energy flow of the Nadis and the Kundalini itself in the sushamna main central channel.Activates and clears the nerve channels, especially the central nervous system.Accelerates mental, physical, emotional and spiritual healing.Aids in breaking subconscious insecurities and fears.Aids in fighting addictions, breaking the cycle of any habits that are no longer serving you.Essentially pain that is felt in the body is actually held there by the mind. Breathing consciously changes your relationship with pain so as to significantly reduce or even completely eliminate it.Gives the capacity to manage negative thought patterns and challenging emotions. This supports mental clarity, cool calm collectedness and an increase in that special quality of patience.Breathe yourself back to health, and enroll now!..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data Analysis with Microsoft Power BI" |
"This course is lead by Ian Littlejohn - an international trainer, consultant and data analyst with over 100 000 enrollments on Udemy and consistently high reviews. Ian specialises in teaching data analysis techniques, Excel Pivot Tables, Power Pivot, Microsoft Power BI and Google Data Studio.**** Life time access to course materials and practice activities. ****Introduction to Data Analysis with Microsoft Power BI teaches you how to apply different methods of data analysis to turn your data into new insight and intelligence.The ability to ask questions of your data is a powerful competitive advantage, resulting in new income streams, better decision making and improved productivity. A recent McKinsey Consulting report has identified that data analysis is one of the most important skills required in the global economy at the current time.During the course you will understand why the form of analysis is important and also provide examples of analysis using Power BI:The following methods of analysis are included:Preparing Data for analysisKey MetricsComparison AnalysisTrend AnalysisRanking AnalysisInteractive DashboardsContribution AnalysisVariance AnalysisFrequency AnalysisCorrelation AnalysisTable Summary and RelationshipsIntroduction to Data Analysis with Microsoft Power BI is designed for all business professionals who want to take their ability to turn data into information to the next level. If you are an Excel user then you will want to learn the easy to use techniques that are taught in this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |