Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Edio de vdeo/Movavi Vdeo Editor Plus 2020 Modo Iniciante" |
"Curso bsico de edio de vdeos para quem deseja editar vdeos de contedos para o seu negcio ou editar seus prprios vdeos pessoais partindo do zero com um software bom, leve, prtico e rpido para edies bsicas.O software Movavi Vdeo Editor Plus 2020 gratuito para testar por 7 dias em seu computador, aps esse perodo preciso adquirir uma licena que por sinal tem um valor bem acessvel e Vitalcio no site oficial do Software.Porque voc precisa de um curso como este ?Bom tenho certeza que voc deve ter um negcio online ou uma empresa.Cerca de 90% da pessoas esto na internet e o Brasil s perde para os Estados Unidos sendo um pas que mais consome vdeos nos dias de hoje.Tenha certeza que quanto mais voc produzir vdeos para internet mais voc ter retorno.O meu objetivo nesse curso ensina como editar vdeos do zero possibilitando a voc e ter uma ferramenta incrvel nas suas mos sem a necessidade de contratar um editor de vdeos ou empresa.Voc no precisa ser um expert e fazer super produes tudo bem! Voc s precisa fazer o simples que tenha contedo e valor.Nesse curso irei ensinar a baixar e instalar em seu computador.Ensinarei os primeiros passos para uma edio de vdeos do zero.Voc ir aprender:* Criar Projetos de vdeos* Importar vdeos* Ferramentas Principais deste Software* Adicionar ttulos* Legendas ao vdeo * Decupagem * Tcnica de Jump Cut (Utilizadas por milhares de Youtubers)* Trilha sonora* Efeito Sonoro* Editar no tempo da trilha sonora* Remover rudo de udio caso necessrio* Exportar o seu vdeo (Atualizao) 03/08/2020*Criando um Template Vdeos Para Instagram*Editar Vdeos Para Feed Instagram*Editar Vdeos Para IGTV*Gravar Tela do Computador OBS STUDIO1) BNUS GRTIS * Criando uma conta no canal do YouTube do Zero* Dicas equipamentos essenciais para gravao com smartphone* Dica bem rpida e prtica para gravar seu vdeo de contedo com smartphone* Adicionando uma arte capa do canal* Aula gratuita Canvas para criar seus posts digitais simples e prtico.Esse curso bsico para pessoas iniciantes.Quer saber mais ento assista o vdeo de apresentao deste curso e venha me conhecer atravs das redes sociais:Instagram: Escola_Mdias_DigitaisYoutube: Escola Mdias DigitaisEspero voc nesse curso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook e Instagram Marketing" |
"Il corso Facebook e Instagram Marketing Management di Communication Village fornisce tutte le nozioni e le competenze di base indispensabili per utilizzare Facebook e Instagram al meglio per la comunicazione online e per il digital marketing.Il corso suddiviso in due parti.La prima parte studia Facebook e Instagram dal punto di vista delle strategie generali di comunicazione e marketing e ne illustra le caratteristiche dal punto di vista delle opportunit e delle azioni di comunicazione possibili. Attenzione particolare viene data all'algoritmo di Facebook e al modo in cui i contenuti pubblicati ricevono visibilit nel social.La seconda parte si concentra sull'analisi delle varie funzionalit di Facebook e Instagram e della piattaforma gestionale. Viene illustrata la modalit di pubblicazione dei contenuti dando massimo rilievo alle varie forme di comunicazione offerte dalle pagine aziendali. Inoltre viene descritto il Business Manager e la piattaforma per la gestione dell'advertising, strumenti fondamentali per il social media marketing.Il corso si rivolge principalmente a chi vuole imparare a usare Facebook e Instagram in modo professionale e ha bisogno di un inquadramento introduttivo generale su tutte le loro funzioni dedicate alle imprese e ai professionisti del marketing e della comunicazione."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Hybrid Retainer: Escape the Feast & Famine Cycle" |
"Welcome to The Hybrid Retainer. Im your instructor, Rob Howard.In more than 20 years as a freelancer and agency owner, my clients have included The World Bank, Harvard and MIT, and Ive been featured in Entertainment Weekly, Newsweek and US News and World Report.Now, Im sharing the secrets of The Hyrbid Retainer, the strategy thats allowed me to sign hundreds of thousands of dollars of recurring revenue as a web developer.If youre a freelancer or agency owner, youve probably experienced the cycle of Feast and Famine. Youre hustling, signing great projects. But then you get overloaded and dont have time for new marketing. A couple months later, it all falls apart.The problem is that you cant do sales all the time AND deliver great work to your clients.But as Im sure you know, its really hard to create a recurring revenue offer that actually sells.Thats where The Hybrid Retainer comes in. This course will show you exactly how to choose the components of your retainer offer, exactly how to present it to your client, and how to overdeliver so theyre thrilled to pay your invoice every time it arrives.Well start with my hourlong live workshop, which was the most popular event at Freelance Business Week Denver.Youll download a step-by-step worksheet to build your retainer, as well as my complete, word-for-word proposal that I send to my own clients, which youre welcome to use yourself.Then well go deeper with 4 more hours of lessons on every detail of creating an irresistible retainer.Finally, Ill show you the exact process five freelancers went through to create their own retainers (including their exact proposals), adding tens of thousands of dollars a year to their incomes.If youre a freelancer or agency owner struggling to build recurring revenue, The Hybrid retainer is your secret weapon. Join me today, and say goodbye to the cycle of feast and famine, forever."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CREATIVE HEADZ - Character Concept Art Design Tutorial" |
"Draw imaginative characters from thin air using only your creative mind, some raw material and a pencilWELCOME to CRE8TIVE HEADZThis course is going to show you how to dive in to the creative process and conceive portrait drawings from nothing. I call it CRE8TIVE HEADZ, and my biggest goal is to help you break out and start creating some of your own unique portraits from scratch.Inside I'll give you 3 keys to unlock greater creative expression with your art that will give you a clear plan forward so you don't get lost in artistic quicksand. I'll help you focus on specific things to get the creative outcomes you want more often by providing a framework that assists your creative thought process as well as gives you practical mechanics to get your idea out of your head and onto the paper all the while overcoming fears you may have in with the artistic process. I will help you not just do drawings but become a visionary (in your own unique way)If you've ever wanted to be creative with your drawings but didnt know how to start. Or, You felt the task was too big, you got overwhelmed and quit. Or maybe you are pretty good at drawing realistic portraits but struggle with making things up and you wish u could be more creative then this course is for you.#concept #art #portraiture #character #design"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
lyjioamu |
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Price: 1400.00 ![]() |
"Onlineshop easy mit Woocommerce und Wordpress - Masterkurs" |
"Wir bauen mit Wordpress und Woocommerce einen wunderschnen und erfolgreichen Onlineshop. Dabei fangen wir komplett bei 0 an und gehen sowohl von Wordpress als auch von Woocommerce smtliche Funktionen durch. Wir werden hier ausschlielich kostenlose Plugins und Themes benutzen, so dass fr Dich hier keinerlei Kosten entstehen. Wir werden Produkte anlegen und uns anschauen wie diese von der Suchmaschine Google wahrgenommen werden und vor allem wie wir das ganze so optimieren, dass wir bestmglich bei Google gefunden werden.Dann schauen wir uns alles ber Zahlungsmglichkeiten und Versandoptionen an, stellen Steuerstze fr Deine Produkt ein und besprechen alles ber die Lager- und Buchhaltung in Deinem Shop.Wenn Du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, weit Du so ziemlich alles ber Wordpress und Woocommerce und hast einen groen Einblick in das Thema SEO erhalten."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"EXCEL VBA - Sistema de Controle de Ponto" |
"A KHios est sempre inovando com treinamentos exclusivos e com ideias inovadoras para seu dia a dia e, por isso, pensando na sua produtividade e eficincia no controle dos colaboradores, neste treinamento voc aprender a montar um sistema de Cadastro de Ponto desde a modelagem de todas as planilhas e suas formataes, passando pela montagem dos formulrios internos e tambm toda a programao VBA para que tudo funcione corretamente, bem como a implementao da segurana, a organizao visual e a facilidade de acesso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Brush Pen Modern Calligraphy" |
"Whether your handwriting is wedding invitation-worthy or it looks like some encrypted coding, I believe you can learn to write beautiful modern calligraphy with the right method. In this class, I will take you step-by-step on how to build lovely letterforms so you can write calligraphy with confidence. I will also show you tips on how to add flourishes to your calligraphy and advance techniques for bettering your handwriting so you can keep on improving beyond these lectures. The hefty worksheet package includes:1 practice page of basic strokes practice5 practice pages of lowercase letters3 practice pages of uppercase lettersA flourish guideA model sheet with suggested project ideasA blank guide sheetA Typography terminology diagramPlus a resource pageThis is a comprehensive modern calligraphy class for anyone who can hold a pen!You can download the course worksheet by clicking on ""Section 1: Introduction and preparation"", then you will see the ""Resources"" tab right next to the 1st video."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cartoon Character Modeling in Blender" |
"If you are familiar with modeling in blender at a beginner level, turn your hobby into a professional activity by improving your skills to the professional level. Analyze character illustration for understanding shapes before modeling. Separating character into multiple parts. Learn to model and polishing step by step in an efficient way. Grooming head with blender's powerful tools. Add sculpting details and colors to your character."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MA0-100 McAfee Certify Product Specialist-ePO Practice Exam" |
"157 UNIQUE practice questions for MA0-100 McAfee Certify Product Specialist-ePO Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : MA0-100 McAfee Certify Product Specialist-ePO Practice ExamTotal Questions : 157Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 157)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Curso especializado de Tratamiento-Validacin de Base Datos" |
"En el presente curso aprendern a reconocer los errores que suelen tener las Bases de Datos (BD), entenders la metodologa y consultas especializadas para la correccin de observaciones con la finalidad de tener auditable nuestra BD, est lista y disponible para la generacin de cualquier producto como planos, secciones o modelos 3D.SECCIN 01INTRODUCCIN:- Consecuencias y causas de los errores de base de datos- Proceso y contenido del curso. - Conociendo algunas bases de datos geolgicasSECCIN 02 CONSOLIDACIN Y ADECUACIN DE INFORMACIN PREVIA AL TRATAMIENTO DE LA BD (USO DE EXCEL)- Uso de Macros de MS Excel- Consolidacin de la informacin- Extraccin de data con Macros de MS ExcelSECCIN 03DETECCIN DE ERRORES- Deteccin de no conciliacin entre las tablas Collar - Survey - Assay- Deteccin de errores de Informacin incoherente o absurda: Collar- Deteccin de errores de ubicacin por lmites XY: Tablas y Planos GIS- Deteccin de errores de Datums- Deteccin de errores de Informacin incoherente o absurda: Survey- Deteccin de errores de Informacin incoherente o absurda: Assay- Deteccin de errores de Multiplicidad de Informacin- Deteccin de errores de Informacin Incompleta- Deteccin de errores de Superposicin de Informacin- Deteccin de errores de ubicacin en 3D- Deteccin de errores de carga y/o manipulacin: Uso de certificados originalesSECCIN 04PROTECCIN Y VALIDACIN DE LA INFORMACIN- Proteccin de la Base de datos- Uso de QA/QC en la BD- Uso de software 3D (Leapfrog Geo) para verificacin de errores en la BD"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Trke Wordpress Eitimi ( Srm 5.4.2 )" |
"Merhabalar,Yaklak 7 yldr Wordpress ile alakal eitli projelerde yer aldktan sonra, u anda Freelancer olarak eitli yardmlarda bulunuyorum. Bu yardmlar sresince yaanm problemlerden ve zmlerinden edinmi olduum tecrbe ile de interaktif bir eitim dizisi hazrlamak istedim. Eitim videolarnn hazrlan sreci olduka uzun srdnden; interaktif olan bu kurs ile beraber kursiyerlerin ihtiyacna uygun ieriklerle srekli gncellemeler gelecek. Giri seviyesi boyunca kurs tamamen cretsiz olacak olup, mfredatta belirlediim konularn kursa katlmas ile beraber fiyat gncellenecektir. Katlmlarnzla beraber kursumuzun olduka keyifli olacan dnyorum. imdiden tm kursiyerlere baarlar diliyorum :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Structures&Algorithms-MCQS with Explanation" |
"Data Structures? They're here. Algorithms? Covered. Lots of questions with well-explained solutions? Yep!If you're nervous about your first coding interview, or anxious about applying to your next job, this is the course for you. I got tired of interviewers asking tricky questions that can only be answered if you've seen the problem before, so I made this course! This video course will teach you the most common interview questions that you'll see in a coding interview, giving you the tools you need to ace your next whiteboard interview.Coding interviews are notoriously intimidating, but there is one method to become a better interviewer - and that is practice! Practicing dozens of interview questions is what makes the difference between a job offer for a $120k USD and another rejection email. This course is going to not only give you dozens of questions to practice on, but it will also make sure you understand the tricks behind solving each question, so youll be able to perform in a real interview.Topics Covered in This section:Abstract Data TypesApplication of StacksArrays TypesTypes of ListsBinary TreesB-TreesTreesHeapTrieHash TablesGraph"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Matemtica como Ferramenta para Gesto" |
"Curso voltado capacitao de Empreendedores, Gestores, Administradores, Analistas de Negcio e Estudantes noas assuntos matemticos Porcentagem, Probabilidade, Razo e Proporo e Regra de Trs, com o objetivo de dar uma nova abordagem nesses assuntos e promover a segurana necessria e suficiente para a utilizao desse conhecimento nas aes estratgicas respectivas de cada perfil corporativo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Come parlare in pubblico, in privato, a chiunque" |
"Visto il grande successo del mio precedente videocorso sul tema Public Speaking con oltre quattro mila studenti, ad un anno di distanza, ho deciso di pubblicare una nuova edizione. Frutto del lavoro intenso di ricerca degli utilimi 12 mesi nel campo della parola e della comunicazione. E' adatto a tutti, in particolare a chi ha gi una buona conoscenza della materia e vuole diventare ancora pi bravo nell'arte di prendere le proprie idee e raccontarle agli altri. Il presente lavoro vuole essere una guida, da consultare nei momenti di difficolt, per trovare la risposta ad una delle pi grandi domande che l'umanit si pone: ""Come trovare le parole giuste?""Buon divertimento e Buona Fortuna!Un AbbraccioAndrea Abondio"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Personal Finance" |
"Are you sick and tired of stressing about money? This course is designed to provide you a path toward financial freedom. Over 75% of the population lives pay check to pay check. But why? And why so many? I believe it is because of the lack of financial education in our homes and schools. There are several steps to follow in order to achieve financial freedom. Many are simple steps but require a shift in mindset and habit.What you'll get:25 Specific Filled ClassesFinancial Freedom Workbook (PDF)Resource DocLife Time Access30 Day Money Back GuaranteeApprox 1.4 Hrs To Complete"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mastery in Junit5, Mockito, Powermock, CodeCoverage" |
"This course covers hands-on training on writing unit tests using Junit5 Mockito and Powermock along with the how-to captor the code-coverage using EclEmma eclipse plugin.This course starts from the absolute beginning and guides you through the process of learningJunit, step by step along with Code coverage tool, different Mocking techniques, Junit test lifecycle and other useful development libraries such as Java Hamcrest.This course assures you that there are adequate theory and lots of practical examples."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Hacking, rponse incident et forensique par Pentest School" |
"Configuration Minimale Requise de votre ordinateur : 4GB RAM ( 8GB prfrable), Processeur 1.3 Ghz, double cran prfrablePentest School site dinformation en cybersecu , aussi sur Udemy !Une analyse forensique est une recherche mthodique et approfondie des actions ralises sur un systme informatique aprs incident (piratage, vol de donnes, etc.). Un spcialiste en cyberscurit doit pouvoir aider une organisation dtecter des traces de piratages, pour liminer les menaces, tout en prservant les preuves numriques en cas de poursuites judiciaires.Dans ce cours seront exposes des techniques actuelles d'analyse forensique et de rponse incident, avec les derniers outils disponibles, pour tre capable de mener un audit de compromission et aider une organisation grer une crise en situation de cyberattaques."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"I Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare" |
"I DISTURBI ALIMENTARI sono caratterizzati da un persistente disturbo del comportamento alimentare che provoca unalterazione del consumo o dellassorbimento del cibo e che compromette in modo significativo la salute fisica e il funzionamento psicosociale.Le lezioni rappresentano una rassegna su tutti i Disturbi alimentari elencati nel DSM-5 e ne forniscono definizione, criteri diagnostici e rischio biologico associato.Il corso prende anche in esame le caratteristiche distintive dell'ORTORESSIA NERVOSA e la correlazione tra disturbi alimentari e disturbi dell'IMMAGINE CORPOREA.Verr, inoltre, valutata l'influenza dei SOCIAL MEDIA sul meccanismo di insorgenza e mantenimento delle abitudini alimentari scorrette."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PEGA CSA Certified System Architect 71V1 Practice Exam" |
"212 UNIQUE practice questions for PEGA CSA Certified System Architect 71V1 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PEGA CSA Certified System Architect 71V1 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 212Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (159 of 212)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Let's Master Business English" |
"In this course, we cover some helpful hints and tips to help you communicate in the world of business. Whether you have adopted English as a second language, or are looking for some guidance on applying for a job and writing a CV, this course is for you. We'll also explore how to communicate effectively through email, and how to address your clients and colleagues in different scenarios."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Database - Specialty - Mock Test" |
"The AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) examination is intended for individuals who perform in a database-focused role. This exam validates an examinees comprehensive understanding of databases, including the concepts of design, migration, deployment, access, maintenance, automation, monitoring, security, and troubleshooting.It validates an examinees ability to:Understand and differentiate the key features of AWS database services.Analyze needs and requirements to design and recommend appropriate database solutions using AWS services.Recommended AWS KnowledgeA minimum of 5 years of experience with common database technologiesAt least 2 years of hands-on experience working on AWSExperience and expertise working with on-premises and AWS Cloud-based relational and NoSQL databasesPrepare for Your ExamThere is no better preparation than hands-on experience. Review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on this certification exam. Please review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on the certification exam on AWS site -> AWS Certification section.To ensure success in AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty - Mock Test" |
"The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a role as an Alexa skill builder. It validates a candidates ability to build, test, and publish Amazon Alexa skills.Abilities Validated by the CertificationExplain the value of voiceDesign the user experienceDesign the architecture to build the skillFollow AWS and Alexa security best practices for the skillDevelop, test, validate, and troubleshoot the skillManage the skill-publishing process and work with the Alexa Developer ConsoleManage skill operations and life cyclesRecommended Knowledge and ExperienceAt least 6 months of hands-on experience building Alexa skills using the Alexa Skills Kit, including skills that incorporate services from the AWS CloudProficiency with a programming languagePublished an Alexa skillPrepare for Your ExamThere is no better preparation than hands-on experience. There are many relevant AWS Training courses and other resources to assist you with acquiring additional knowledge and skills to prepare for certification. Please review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on the certification exam on AWS site -> AWS Certification section.To ensure success in AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress PHP" |
"This course is about WordPress, where students shall learn how to make custom theme, and how to use PHP language in order to convert HTML template into WordPress site, students shall also learn how to install certain plugins , how to add custom form fields in order to make posts and pages ,create custom queries , custom templates , how to use functions.php file , programmatically create post, use ajax , customize REST API etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Master of Linear Algebra" |
"How to become a master of linear algebra is set up in a way you can easily understand and it is divided into eight sections which there will be a series of lectures at the end of each section.SECTION 1 - EXPONENTSSECTION 2 - RADICALSSECTION 3 - POLYNOMIALSSECTION 4 - COMPLEX NUMBERSSECTION 5 - POLYNOMIAL FUNCTIONS SECTION 6 - PARTIAL FRACTION DECOMPOSITIONSECTION 7 - EXPONENTIAL/LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONSSECTION 8 - SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to prepare and pose to be super star during photoshoot" |
"Are you wondering how do travel blogger, an influencer who is travelling around the world and have so beautiful photos? They hire a travel photographer!Even now you know it, still are many doubts and questions. Where to find the travel photographer, what should I know before booking the photoshoot, I don't know how to pose, I am feeling awkward in front of the camera, etc.We are going to fix all of it! Before you will have another photoshoot, together we are preparing for it! I am feeling so exciting and I can not wait to share the tips!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Kindle1!KindleLine |
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Unity + (IK) 2020" |
"(skeletal animation) Unity 2020! : Unity IK ( ) IK Unity 100% . : . - , Unity. Unity , - !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Brazilian Food - Requeijo caseiro, Creme e Pasta de Alho" |
"PortugueseNestas 3 receitas voc ir aprender fazer o requeijo cremoso caseiro, creme de alho e pasta de alho. 1 - Requeijo cremoso caseiroO requeijo cremoso caseiro, pode ser usado no caf da manh com aquele po quentinho que d gua na boca, pode usar com biscoito, torradas e outros, e tambm voc pode usar essa receita para desenvolver outros pratos salgados. Requeijo cremoso caseiro, pode ficar na geladeira por 7 DIAS. 2 - Creme de alho ( Fazendo no liquidificador)O Creme de alho, tradicionalmente usada no famoso po de alho no churrasco, voc era fazer um grande sucesso com essa receita. Impressione os seus amigos, pode ser usado com torradas, biscoito, po e outros. Dicas: Pode ser usado com carne de churrasco assado e bifes.Pasta de alho, pode ficar na geladeira por 7 DIAS. 3 - Pasta de alho (Fazendo a mo)A pasta de alho, pode ser usado com po na chapa, em pastas (macarro). O curso ter os videos passo a passo, e estarei providenciando a receita tambm, estar anexada no curso com os ingredientes e tambm como fazer. Esse ser meu primeiro curso no Udemy, quero continuar fazendo muitos outros cursos para ajudar a todas as pessoas que desejam fazer muitas receitas de forma pratica e rpida.Muito Obrigada.SirleneEnglish In these 3 recipes you will learn how to make homemade cream cheese, garlic cream and garlic paste.1 - Homemade Creamy CurdHomemade cream cheese can be used for breakfast with that mouth-watering warm bread, can be used with crackers, toast and others, and you can also use this recipe to develop other savory dishes.Homemade cream cheese, can be refrigerated for 7 DAYS.2 - Garlic Cream (Making in a Blender)Garlic cream, traditionally used in the famous barbecue garlic bread, you were to make a big hit with this recipe. Impress your friends, can be used with toast, cookie, bread and others.Tips & Warnings Can be used with roasted barbecue meat and steaks.Garlic paste, can be refrigerated for 7 DAYS.3 - Garlic Paste (Making by Hand)Garlic paste can be used with bread on plate, in pasta (pasta).The course will have the videos step by step, and I will be providing the recipe too, will be attached to the course with the ingredients and also how to do it.This will be my first course at Udemy, I want to keep taking many other courses to help all the people who want to make many recipes practically and quickly.Thank you.Sirlene"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mimarlar iin AutoCAD" |
"Bu ders, mimarlk, peyzaj mimarl ve ehir blge planlama rencileri odanda bilgisayar destekli izim ve grselletirme yazlmlarn kullanarak projeler retmek iin gerekli bilgi ve becerilerin kazandrlmasn hedeflemektedir. Bu ders kapsamnda, AutoCAD yazlm kullanarak 1/1000 lekli toporafya kesiti, 1/500 ve 1/200 lekli sokak kesit ve planlarnn projelendirme sreleri hakknda bilgi verilecektir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mimarlar in SketchUP" |
"Bu ders, mimarlk, peyzaj mimarl ve ehir blge planlama rencileri odanda bilgisayar destekli izim ve grselletirme yazlmlarn kullanarak projeler retmek iin gerekli bilgi ve becerilerin kazandrlmasn hedeflemektedir. Bu ders kapsamnda, SketchUP yazlmn kullanarak;izim aktarma, 3D Modelleme aralar, 3D Model dzenleme aralar, Model ktphanesi kullanma, Uzant ykleme/kullanma, Toporafya modeli oluturma,Kesit modelleri oluturma,Tasarm sahneleri oluturma,Perspektif ve ortografik sahne ayarlar tanmlama,3D modelden kesit ve grn izimler oluturma sreleri hakknda bilgi verilecektir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |