Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Start painting landscape forest and deer" |
"This is a landscape painting tutorial. This is for beginner to advance level learner. Main points which you will learn in this tutorial arePainting a dense forest landscape.How to paint sunlight and its reflection.sunrise and sunset painting.Painting light and shadow effect in forest trees, leaves, land and everywhere in this painting.Types of brushes which are used in this painting and their uses.What is underpainting.How can we paint multiple layers and can change entire painting.Painting distant and closer trees.What is difference in painting distant and closer objects.Painting fallen leaves, forest land and small plants in forest.How to paint different types of leaves and can make trees distinguished in forest.Drawing and Painting animal, deer standing in forest"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Richtig Schenken" |
"In diesem Online-Training lernen Sie, bewusst und gezielt die Beziehungen zu nahestehenden Menschen durch und mit dem richtigen Schenken zu pflegen und zu strken.Jeder von uns kennt Schenken und hat schon einmal etwas verschenkt. Jetzt erfahren Sie die psychologischen und soziologischen Hintergrnde des Schenkens und lernen die geschriebenen und ungeschriebenen Gesetze des Schenkens kennen. Schenken sagt etwas darber aus, wie Sie die Beziehung zu einem Menschen sehen und wie Ihr Bild von dem Menschen sowie ihr Bild von sich in der Beziehung ist. berlassen Sie dies nicht dem Zufall. Verderben Sie die Freude am Geschenk nicht durch vermeidbare Fehler wie etwa eine achtlose bergabe.Durch die bung mit einer Fallstudie machen Sie sich Ihre Kenntnisse und Einstellungen zum Schenken bewusst. Daran knpfen die Kursinhalte an.Fr einen dauerhaften, schnellen berblick bekommen Sie eine Zusammenfassung bzw. Checkliste zum Download.Sie haben einen uneingeschrnkten lebenslangen Zugriff auf Handy/ Tablet und TV. Selbstverstndlich haben Sie ein 30 Tage Rckgaberecht."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Presents. The Art of Giving" |
"In this online training you will learn how to consciously and purposefully cultivate and strengthen relationships with close people through and with the right giving.Each of us knows giving and has given something at some point. Now you will learn the psychological and sociological background of giving and the written and unwritten laws of giving. Giving says something about how you see the relationship with a person and how your image of the person and your image of yourself is in the relationship. Do not leave this to chance. Do not spoil the joy of a gift with avoidable mistakes such as careless delivery.By practicing with a case study you will become aware of your knowledge and attitudes towards giving. The course contents follow on from this. For a permanent, quick overview, you will receive a summary or checklist for download.You have unlimited lifelong access to mobile phone/tablet and TV. Of course, you have a 30-day right of return."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA 640-802 Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Cisco CCNA 640-802 Practice Exam Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Cisco CCNA 640-802 Practice testExam Code : CCNA 640-802Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 45-55Passing Score : 75%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 200"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Mechanics of Welded Joints" |
"Note: Lectures in this course are not downloadable. The instructor in this course is a Second Language English proficient. So, please after enrolling in this course don't make complaints about the speaking part and leave the course in between. Before enrolling just go through the free lectures and if you are comfortable then only enroll.The course Mechanics of Welded joints focuses on the types of welded joints, advantages and disadvantages and calculation of the strength of the welded joints under various loading conditions. So, having knowledge of the basics of engineering mathematics and mechanics is a plus point for pursuing this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trade Map ile hracatta Pazar Analizi ve Hedef Pazar Tespiti" |
"International Trade Center tarafndan hazrlanan TRADE MAP uygulamasnn ihracatta pazar analizi, hedef pazar tespiti ve potansiyel mterilerin bulunmasnda nasl kullanlaca retilecektir. Kursun neredeyse tamam eitmenin ekran paylam ve ilgili web siteleri zerinden gerekletirilecei iin kurs esnasnda uygulama yapmak isteyen kursiyerlerin bir ikinci bilgisayar bulundurmalar faydal olabilir. TRADE MAP uygulamalarn biliyor olmak d ticarette istihdam ansn ciddi olarak arttran etkenlerden biridir."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Data Science Job: How to become a Data Scientist" |
"** This unique course will teach you how to find your first job as a Data Scientist **You always wanted to have an amazing, well-paying, satisfactory job?You like data, you're not afraid of challenges and you're curious? Data Scientist is a job for you!Demand for data scientists is growing each year and there are plenty of opportunities to become one. With this course you'll learn what you need to do to find your first job as a data scientist.This course will not teach you data science - there are plenty of sources, books, courses where you can learn about regression, Python, clustering, neural networks, Tensorflow. This course will allow you to go out and find the job you want - be that locally or remotely - because with data science it's up to you where and when you want to work.From building a great portfolio of Github projects to creating an amazing LinkedIn profile and applying to data science jobs, this course will take you from zero to hero.Let's start the adventure!Note: This course has a complete set of lecture notes."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Rigging a Character with Duik Bassel (Fast & Simple Method )" |
"If you see your friends from a distance whose faces are indistinguishable,you can find out if they are your friends from their walking.Walking animation is very importantOne of the most important parts of character animation in aftereffects is walking cycle.The walking cycles for each character's physique can be different.In this training course, all the topics and principles that must be observed in the character's walking cycle in order to have a professional and perfect animation are stated.Using the latest version of duik bassel , we can quickly create the character's walking cycle. We will tell you all the parameters which are necessary for a more professional walking cycle.In this training I have avoided extra talks that only increase the training time and are not practical.I tried to teach you the fastest, easiest and most up-to-date method.After seeing the course and practicing once in less than 5 minutes, you can animate a character.I have provided you all the files you need for training that you can practice with and use them."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Macroeconomics for Graduates and Teachers" |
"Objectives:Understanding of some basic economic concepts and development of economicreasoning which the learners can apply in their day-to-day life as citizens, workers andconsumers.Realisation of learners role in nation building and sensitivity to the economic issuesthat the nation is facing today.Equipment with basic tools of economics and statistics to analyse economic issues.This is pertinent for even those who may not pursue this course beyond seniorsecondary stage.Development of understanding that there can be more than one view on any economicissue and necessary skills to argue logically with reasoning."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Comment Quadripler Confiance En Soi Avec Hypnose Rgressive" |
"l'intrieur de ce programme vous verrez des stratgies qui vous aideront augmenter votre confiance en soi pour obtenir ce que vous voulez!Tout cela en utilisant la puissance de l'hypnose rgressive,en plongeant dans le pass pour renforcer confiance en soi -Je remercie les centaines de milliers des personnes issues de centaines pays,les gens qui ont achet mes produits et formations"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"2020 Millennial course Eliminate IMPOSTER SYNDROME" |
"Never feel like a fraud again!More than 70% of millennials feel like a fraud in life. They are all experiencing the imposter syndrome. Learn ways to overcome this and dont let it affect your performance. Become confident and self-assured. Dont let imposter syndrome impede you from reaching your full potential.You are not aloneAll these celebrities coped with imposter syndrome: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Tina Fey, Robert Patision, Jennifer Lopez etc. Did you know?Research keeps showing that millennials suffer immensely from imposter syndrome. More than 70% of Americans experience Imposter Syndrome. More than 62% of people from the UK experience Imposter Syndrome. The statistics keep flowing in that Imposter Syndrome is omnipresent and increasing in our society.This can lead to not performing to your maximum potential, negative professional and personal performance, and depression.Learn in this course techniques and ways to overcome Imposter Syndrome and live life to your full potential."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a gestionar las rabietas de tu hijo" |
"Los enfados de tu hijo parecen no tener fin? Sientes que pierdes el control cuando tu hijo tiene una rabieta? No entiendes qu le ocurre a tu pequeo?Este curso est pensado para padres y madres como t:que se preocupan por la cantidad e intensidad de las rabietas de sus hijos.que no encuentran las herramientas para manejar estas situaciones.que necesitan conectar con sus hijos cuando tienen estallidos emocionales.Con este curso descubrirs qu son las rabietas, porqu tu hijo expresa as sus frustraciones y cmo puedes gestionar esos momentos sin perder el control de tus propias emociones.Aprenders una serie de tcnicas basadas en la inteligencia emocional, que te conectarn con las emociones de tu hijo. Gracias a este curso, entenders que esta etapa de su desarrollo es importante porque establece las bases de cmo resolver los problemas cuando sea mayor.No vas a erradicar las rabietas del nio. Vas a comprender qu le ocurre y le vas a ayudar a desarrollar habilidades emocionales: entrenando antes de la rabieta, aplicando herramientas durante el estallido emocional y hablando de lo ocurrido cuando se haya calmado.Al final de este curso, encontrars un mdulo dedicado slo para ti. Est pensado para que logres mantener la calma incluso en los momentos ms difciles, como cuando se producen rabietas en lugares pblicos.Con este curso conseguirs sentirte segura de ti misma, ahondars en tu propia gestin emocional y podrs mostrarle a tu hijo cmo se hace para tolerar, de una forma adecuada, las frustraciones del da a da."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals" |
"If you are one of those who is looking to build a career in IT Industry, if you want to become IT Professional, if your goal is to get certified from Microsoft, then congratulations you are at correct address. This course is designed for you, Welcome to this course on Microsoft 98-365 MTA Exam. This course will provide you practice questions and help you in preparing for the MTA 98-365 Certification Examination by Microsoft for Windows Server Administration Fundamentals. This course will provide you 3 practice test which contains 120 questions to test your knowledge and skills and let you know your weak points and strong points and let you decide where you need to improve to master the Networking. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is a recommended entry point into IT certification. It provides a solid foundation to take the very first step towards a career in IT. I have prepared this practice test course for the candidates all around the world who are interested in taking the MTA 98-365 Exam and passionate about Windows Server Administration Fundamentals. This course is just a practice test, it contains relevant question regarding the examination, but it does not mean that it is enough to qualify and get certificate from Microsoft, it can just provide you the idea, that are you ready to take examination or you need some improvement before taking examination. So, just take this course as a learning material which can help you in achieving your goals, but you really really need a lot of hard work and efforts to get it."
Price: 12480.00 ![]() |
"Business Development GOD: SALES FUNNEL, KPIs, FIRST PARTNERS" |
"JOIN ME AS I TURN YOU INTO YOUR COMPANYS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GODDo you want to expand your business GLOBALLY?Have you wanted to FIND A MARKET in a country with a stable currency?Need help ANALYZING foreign markets and PRICING your products abroad?Tired of Udemy courses with bare minimum, if any HOMEWORK?If so, this course is designed specifically for you! I want to share my top secret, Russian business development knowledge as to help your company become the next UNICORN.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CURRICULUMBusiness Development God course is a comprehensive curriculum divided into 3 parts:Hitlist GenerationCold Emailing, Cold Calling, and ExhibitionsCreating a Sales FunnelSALES FUNNEL, KPIs, FIRST PARTNERS DESCRIPTIONThis is the second course, which will help you determineWhich companies you need to reach out toHow to find who to contact in each of these companiesThe appropriate method of reaching out to potential partnersThe optimal method of creating a sales funnelHow to setup your KPI's-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AFTER THESE COURSES YOU WILLCreate your first HITLISTSend out your first COLD EMAILHave an effective PLAN for your partnersCreate an effective and useful SALES FUNNEL-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MY EXPERIENCE AND SKOLKOVOI work at Russias Silicon Valley, where we have more than 2000 innovative companies from IT, energy efficiency, industrial and other sectors. Every week I meet 2-3 companies and notice the problems they experience with international and local business development such as long-term vision, lack of financial resources etc. Normally it is my job to help them personally but now I am taking my experience global!You will learn from personal experience all the ins and outs of international business development and be given personally crafted home tasks to drive that knowledge home. I am dedicated to making this course, and by extension your business a success. I actively monitor the course and will personally answer any questions posted in the Q&A section of my videos. When you sign up for my course, you sign up to become a resident under my wing!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Invest in Bitcoin & Crypto in 2020 - Fundamentals" |
"Blockchain and Bitcoin - 2020 Investment FundamentalsIF YOU BUY THIS COURSE YOU NOT JUST GET MORE THAN 4 HOURS OF HIGH-QUALITY INSIGHTS INTO THE WORLD OF BITCOIN AND CRYPTO INVESTING. THE 5 main reasons why you should invest your time and money into this course:#1 Now is the time to get into the Bitcoin and Crypto market look at the traditional markets: they are all collapsing right now! You need a hedge to be saved!#2 The tools, charts, and metrics I will show you in this course will help you to save tons of time! It took me 3 years to find a setup that I can work with and trust in.#3 This course will help you to understand the fundamentals of Bitcoin, Blockchain and other Crypto Assents fast and will give you a solid foundation to take your investment deceptions.#4 I will show you the latest trends and will explain to you, which assets have a bright future and which ones are outdated. This will protect you from investing in assets that do not have any real uncases or fundamentals anymore.#5 This course will give you all the knowledge, charts and indicators you will need to setup future-oriented investment models for yourselfBecause Crypto and Bitcoin is my passion, I can give you a very good and broad overview of the market and the current investment opportunities. Because there is nothing like earnings or revenue numbers ore similar metrics that you could use as you do in traditional markets, in crypto and blockchain it is even more important to understand what is currently in demand and how the industry is moving forward.________________________________________________________________________HERE'S WHAT YOU GET INSIDETake a look at what youll learn and how you can benefit from the Bitcoin and Crypto Trading Investment and Trading Strategies in this course# Learn the most effective investment strategies that work in 2020 and beyond# Learn how to implement and - if you want - even automate your crypto investment and trading strategies.# Learn how to identify changes and profit______________________________________________________________________Gain instant access to over 4 hours of training videos that will teach you all about the Bitcoin and Crypto investment strategies you need in order to become a successful investor in 2020 an beyond.As I am writing this, most markets are in a free fall the S&P is down almost 35% and other markets are even more affected by the global corona crises we are experiencing at the moment.Thats why the time is NOW to get into asset classes that are not correlated to stocks and other traditional markets. Gold and silver are already booming on the consumer markets and also crypto assets - especially Bitcoins - started to decouple from traditional markets.NO, you are still not too late and even if you miss the boat:# A Miss the opportunity to buy Bitcoin (BTC) below 10KOR# B Miss the time before the first bank's collapse and investors need a reliable asset to secure their wealth apart from gold and silver which will be hard to get soon.This could be your last chance to preserve your wealth and the wealth of future generations!________________________________________________________________________WHAT YOU'LL LEARNIn this course you'll learn many new skills, including:# The fundamentals of BlockChain# How BlockChains work# Learn what Mining, Hashing, and HashPower means and why this is important# Learn the difference between public and private Blockchain# Find out what is real uncases for Blockchain projects and what not# You will learn about the prove of Stake VS. Prove of Work validation methods# Learn what Bitcoin (BTC) exactly is# Find out how a Bitcoin (BTC) transaction works and how you can do it# Learn why BTC is valuable and what the intrinsic value of Bitcoin (BTC) is.# Why do people want Bitcoin? Also, this I will answer in this video course# Is Bitcoin (BTC) a SCAM? Also this topic we will discuss.# What are Warren Buffet, Mike Novogratz, Ray Dalio, and others saying about Bitcoin?# You will learn how to BUY and SELL Bitcoin (BTC) and other Crypto Assets# Learn how to set up and store your Crypto Assets save# Learn what Crypto Exchanges you can use and trust# Learn how to determinate and evaluate the intrinsic value of Crypto Assets# Learn the best BUY and HOLD Bitcoin (BTC) and crypto investment strategy# Learn the best Manual Trading Strategies# Learn how to automate your Bitcoin (BTC) and crypto Trading Strategy# Learn how LONG and SHORT Trading Strategies work # Learn how to get and how to use the best Trading Indicators# Learn what other indicators are out there do predict the markets# Learn to exchange your Bitcoin (BTC) & Crypto Assets to cash them out# Learn investment opportunities that exist now# Learn about promising Blockchain technologies to invest in.# Learn about Blockchains and Tokens that solve real problems# Get Access to FREE Tools and Indicators I use!_______________________________________________________________________ THE BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE:# Rapidly learn all the fundamentals of Bitcoin, Blockchain and other Crypto Assets and Crypto TechnologiesThis course will give you basic knowledge and all fundamentals to understand this Asset class so you can make informed decisions.#Immediately start investing with the setup and tools I give youAfter this course you are ready! You can immediately start to invest or trade this new asset class. I show you all the tools, charts and indicators you need in order to get started today.# Start with a 360 overview This course will make sure that you get a good basic understanding of the market and provides you with a quick 360 view of the current situation. This will help you to develop your own feeling for the market much faster.# You are ready to profitAfter taking this course you are ready to profit. This course will open up new opportunities and changes to profit from the still very volatile crypto markets.________________________________________________________________________QUESTIONS & ANSWERSQ: I did not invest in Bitcoin (BTC) or any other crypto asset till now, is this the right course to start?A: Yes, this will be a good starting point for you. This course will not cover all the steps in detail, but I will show you all you need to know and where to find additional information if needed.Q: I have already traded and invested in Bitcoin (BTC) or other crypto assets, is this course still for me. A: Yes, this course will be perfect for you as I will show you the tools and insights to reach the next level.If you are an experienced PRO trader, this course is probably not for you.Q: Do I need any tools or any basic knowledge to start this courseA: No, I will provide all the FREE tools and all the knowledge and resources you needQ: Which Crypto Exchanges will you use in this courseA: I will show you Coinbase, Coinbase Pro and Binance in this course but the strategy I teach in this course is NOT limited to a specific exchange.Q: How much capital/currency (money) do I need to start with this strategysA: I always recommend starting with small amounts of money till you feel comfortable with all setups, tools and the market. This small amount is, of course, depending on your wealth - for some this may be $100 for others $10.000 or more. So the amount of capital you put into your first trades does not really matter, it is important to start understanding the strategies and markets.Q: Is this course just about Bitcoin (BTC) and Blockchain?A: In this course, I mainly talk about Bitcoin and Blockchain but I also talk about other promising-looking assets like Ethereum (ETH) and all the booming DEFI applications and uncases. Also, we take a closer look at Exchange Tokens like BNB (Binancoin).Dont forget, the time is NOW to get started and to understand and profit from this booming wealth and protecting asset class now.Why do you think world-famous investors like Dan Morehead, Mike Novogratz, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, Mark Cuban and hedge funds like Tiger Global Management, Grayscale Investments, Pantera Capital are already heavily invested or even have formed separate departments or founds to profit from this industries?Even if you do not believe in the power of Bitcoin (BTC) or Blockchain, you need to hedge your assets to protect your wealth and your familys future!Take your chance and sign up now!THX and all the best for you and your family!Harold"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"DSLR Manual Settings Complete Basics, Non-Technical" |
"DSLR photography manual settings and complete basics for dummies. I am a self-taught artist and here in this mini course, I intend to explain the basics of manual settings as the way I visualise them when I am taking photos. In this mini course, you won't be learning from a technical perspective, but you will be able to visualise and internalize what each setting bring on the table. This mini course is not going to make you a professional photographer, but it will help you know what we use the settings for by heart.Are you in?Ayse"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso dropshipping bsico" |
"en este curso los alumnos aprendern todo acerca de negocios, pero no de todo tipo de negocios que son mas costosos de realizar sino del modelo dropshipping, en donde cada uno de nuestros alumnos ser capaz de crear un modelo de negocio sin muchas complicaciones ni ser necesario tener experiencia previa para despus de este curso poder empezar un negocio exitoso sabiendo aplicar lo que explicamos y enseamos en este curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a SaaS or Mobile App Business" |
"It's unreasonable to expect someone to play baseball without knowing the rules yet every day future founders begin brining their ideas to life without a playbook. This course is just the playbook you need and was designed from over 20 years of building, coaching, and consulting with founders, entrepreneurs, and corporate innovation departments. In this course, future founders will get from idea to MVP (minimum viable product) in 90 days or less without wasting valuable time, resources and moneyall while taking care of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.Starting a new SaaS or mobile app business can be an incredibly rewarding and lucrative opportunity. It can also be incredibly challenging and stressful work. If you've never done it before the list of ""unknown unknowns"" is very long and complicated. Without a clear plan and roadmap, new founders often spend hundreds of wasted hours doing research, completing meaningless tasks, and making unnecessary mistakes."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to create juicing recipes to be healthy" |
"5 days of juicing recipes with videos.This course will allow you to detoxify your body through food only. You will learn how to blend certain recipes so you don't feel hungry nor bloated. This course has a numerous amount of diversified recipes with different colors which is appealing to the eye.If you are going through cancer (or not) you will need to reboot your system especially if you have just finished treatment. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH MEDICAL TREATMENT. PLEASE ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR.Generally, you will repeat this detox every season (every 3 months) or if you need an intensified detox, then do it once a month.You will see at the end of the 5 days, you will more alert in your mind and body."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"12 Days of advice to get you through cancer" |
"Going through cancer can be very overwhelming, especially if you have just been diagnosed.Wouldn't you want to have a mentor who has been through it all and come out the other end and is ready to give you all the sage advice she went through? Well that's exactly what you will get here!Each video will allow you to find relief from what you are going through and give you tips on what you could do to make things easier for you.At the end of these 12 Days, you will be ready to go through your journey and even excited.You are not alone, help is here!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"HP0-J18 Implementing HP Storage Works EVA Solutions Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What factor, in addition to the growth and storage, it is a typical driver for implementing Enterprise Virtual Array 8000 solutions?a) flowb) the availability of datac) backup windowd) management costsQ) What happens if an HSV controller reaches a critical temperature?a) disks are not grouped are turned off.b) Cache is put into write-through mode.c) unused host ports are disabled.d) matrix closes down after 180 seconds.Q) You have a host connected to an EVA6000 using two HBAs. It turns out that the EVA is only accessible through an HBA. What are the possible causes? (Choose three.)a) There is a faulty cable FC.b) The fabric is not properly zoned.c) An HSV controller is off.d) properties of the virtual disk are set not to failback.e) The wrong HBA WWID was added to the host-defined ports.Q) When a failed cache battery on and EVA8000, because it is important to replace as soon as possible?a) No unit will be presented if the second battery also fails.b) The primary controller is disabled until the cache battery is replaced.c) secondary controller owns all units up to change the battery status.d) The operates in write cache through mode on the primary controller.Q) Which replication method could cause a overcommit situation? (Select two.)a) cloneb) Vsnapc) snapclonesd) fully allocated snapshotd) instant demand-allocated"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Gardening For Beginners" |
"Hi thanks for viewing my course landing page. If you are reading this, then its safe to say you are looking for a path of a healthier lifestyle . You may have tried many times , read the how to books, listened to herbalist, health guru, vegans specialist but you realize that it will be a path of eating fresh organic vegetables. Trying your own garden would give you the first step to a healthier you. So I welcome you!In this course you will learn:1. How to choose if you want a yard vegetable garden or a planting pot vegetable garden2. How to identify the type of wood to assemble a garden frame3. Creating and building your garden frame4. Learn what type of soil needed for a healthy garden5. Selecting vegetable plants verses vegetable seeds5. Learning how to plant."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Earn Passive Income: Create & Sell Low Content Books on KDP" |
"YOU NEED ONLY ENGLISH BASICS TO TAKE THIS COURSE,THERE IS A SMALL PRESENTATION IN THE BEGINNING OF EVERY LECTURE TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE CONTENT OF IT.YOU DON'T NEED ANY DESIGNING EXPERIENCE TO START THIS COURSE.this course is the great passive income opportunity offered by low-content business!you will learn how to create books on Amazon (Journals, notebooks, etc.).This course provides step-by-step instructions for using Free Canva to create many of low-content book interiors & Planners and How to sell them.The good news is, you dont need any premium tools or softwares to design your low-content books.All you need is a free canva account & follow me step by step.I wish you an excellent course and great sales on Amazon Kdp!Additional - Over 600 PNG Vector Elements."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HANDS-ON Introduction to Python for Data Science" |
"This course is formed in such a way that you will be writing code from the beginning to the end!Why did I choose this format:You will be more engaged during the courseYou will understand concepts better when you try them out on your ownYou will get more confidence knowing you are capable of writing your own programsYou will get more satisfaction from successfully finishing tasks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ANIMAL Communication The Natural Way - ACCREDITED Course" |
"The animals all around us are vital to planet earth and the ability to communicate with them can open up endless stories and secrets theyve been waiting to share.Animal communication has been an ancestral skill for thousands of years, but as technology has progressed, weve gradually lost this ability. Rediscover your natural ability to communicate with the world around you.This course is amazing value! No other animal communication course on Udemy, offers so many lectures, meditations, exercises and downloadable materials to get you you up and running as an animal communicator.In this comprehensive course you will:- Learn usable knowledge - Work more of the natural way our ancestors communed with animals (both wild and domestic)- Further your connection and understanding with the science and spirituality of animal communication- Achieve an accredited certificate from an approved training provider- Exercises to empower your consciousness- Masterclass demonstration- Step-by-step practices- Develop your own presence, power, and intention- Deep dive into all aspects of animal communication. Do animals lie? Understanding predators and adaptation.******* New review ""Wow I love this course I love how flexible it is and how everything is made so easy even down to MP3 downloads to make it more portable. Everything is so accessible and its simple to navigate through. For me it makes total sense and I love the concepts it feels very relevant to my life at the minute and helped me to gain a bit of inner peace and to be in the moment. The course is not only beautifully presented but the amount of resources and information is presented is staggering. This course is robust and provides so much good solid information in a easy informative way I am blown away by all that is included. In total this is an excellent course beautifully and professionally presented, excellent value for money for an area that clearly Helen is an absolute expert in. I cannot recommend this highly enough."" *******Mastering Animal CommunicationI designed this course to be absolutely understood by beginners and progressive communicators. Youll be able to revisit lectures anytime and solidify your learning with downloadable exercises.With over 8 hours of video content, Ive made sure to pack all the necessary tools and knowledge to further your understanding and strengthen your natural-born skill of animal communication.Animal communication has been a part of life for as long as animals have been in this world. This natural born skill has been used to form strong bonds between others in the animal kingdom and to form strong work and life relationships. This natural ability is yours to rediscover again with ease.Ive spent years traveling the world learning the secrets of animal communication. Ill walk you through the basics of how animals communicate and the differences between the many species. The knowledge and science of it all as well as the more soulful moments, when animal life passes to spirit.Youll be provided with a reading list to complement and further your training beyond this course.Did you know - Birds and Humpback Whales travel 16,000km in migration, what stories could they share?Further Your Connection & UnderstandingIve spent countless hours accumulating the scientific research, practice, and knowledge and condensing it into the most practical and usable forms, with personal lessons and experiences from my students youll develop your ability and feel the connection of the animal kingdom that they feel every day.Empower Your Consciousness, Presence, & PowerAnimal Communication is a multi - way connection. As well as learning how to communicate youll develop your own consciousness further, with techniques and meditations to easily connect with any being and yourself, in a deeper more meaningful way.Learn All Aspects of Animal CommunicationAnimal Communication is a much deeper subject than imaginable, Ive included topics and thought-provoking lectures to help you determine: if animals lie, how to respond to the passing of spirit, how to share trust and distant or remote communication.Youll also receive bonus material to reinforce the concepts youve learned within this course, including bonus meditations and true stories of experiences, Ive made sure to fully equip you with the tools you need to rekindle your natural telepathic animal communication skills.I am approved training provider with the IICT and I am offering you all the opportunity free of charge, to be issued with an official certificate for the course on completion. This will enable you to obtain practitioner insurance if you take your studies further into practitioner level (coming soon on Udemy)and is recognised by other complimentary therapy organisations and insurance companies. You will find details in the bonus section at the end of the course.Enroll now! Discover the worlds largest conversation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Angular Two Certification Programmer Guide (Test Prep)" |
"This course is designed to help you to understand the basics of AngularJS quickly and thorough. AngularJS is basically a JavaScript framework (an open source web application framework) library, which is distributed as JavaScript file. Mainly used in developing Single Page Application (SPA). It extendes HTML with additional new attributes hence making simple development and making it more responsive at users end, since HTML was never design for dynamics views. AngularJS is very easy to understand hence learning it is a fun. Every feature of it can be modified as per the the requirement."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn and Understand Node.js From Scratch" |
"NodeJS is a rapidy growing web server technology, and Node developers are among the highest paid in the industry. Knowing NodeJS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications.In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Node, learn how NodeJS works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4 Complete Tutorial: Ue4 Beginer to Advanced" |
"Fortnite, Gears of war. These top selling games were made possible only with the creation of UE4, a powerful game development software by Epic Games. I am here to start your journey towards creating the next top seller.Target:People with No coding Experience (I am teaching you from the very basic)Strong interest in game developmentWhat is taught in this course:Advanced Save GamesSimple Material CreationAdvanced Load GamesAdvanced BlueprintSimple UI creationSimple AI for NPCsAudioLandscaping and foliagePlayer CreationLevelsFunctionsIn summary, this course is for people with interest in game development, but no experience. Every one needs to start somewhere. So I will teach you basic to the most BASIC to the most ADVANCED things on UE4 to get you started on a great adventure"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Delicious Moroccan Recipes # 1" |
"Course description (ENGLISH)This course contains three recipes (Sardines Tagin, Bisarah dish, and Moroccan Harirah), and each recipe is divided into four videos explaining the recipe in a simple and easy way to prepare. You don't need to be an expert to prepare this recipe.This course is for anyone who wants to prepare a fast and delicious dish.This course is published in English Subtitle , French Subtitle & Arabic Language Description du cours (FRENCH)Ce cours contient trois recettes (Sardines Tagin, plat Bisarah et Marocaine Harirah), et chaque recette est divise en quatre vidos expliquant la recette d'une manire simple et facile prparer.Vous n'avez pas besoin d'tre un expert pour prparer cette recette.Ce cours s'adresse tous ceux qui veulent prparer un plat rapide et dlicieux.Ce cours est publi en sous-titre anglais, sous-titre franais et langue arabe ( ) . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Developing Games With Unity & Blender Basics" |
"hello students...hope you guys are doing great... if you came here you know what you are going to learn here you will learn some basic fundamentals of game designing and developing.... and learn how to develop a game from scratch...I can teach you the best way I can.I will try find all the answer for your question"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Build no-code advanced Facebook Messenger chatbots" |
"Would you like to know how to build advanced chatbots with extra unique functionalities? Then this course is for you. In this masterclass, you will learn how to set up a Facebook Messenger bot by combining the strength of Dialogflow, and the power of Integromat to Chatfuel or Manychat and extend your chatbot capabilities by connecting apps, web services and databases.I'm Remi and I have been self-learning chatbot from 2017. I have developed several bots. The most recent one calls Jody and is able to analyze my users' pictures and extract data in real-time to value their car prices. Because I have no coding skills, I have been using Integromat for all my chatbot development and get a strong knowledge of how to add amazing functionalities and build my own backend to treat my users' data. Because Chatfuel and ManyChat have become leaders as chatbot building platforms for none coder people. Like me ;) I believe this course will be helpful for anyone who wants to develop chatbots which can really offer unique services. Like real-time pictures customization, saving and treating user data right in the conversation like validating a shipping address or using Google sheet as a custom dashboard to manage the details of your products and update automatically your chatbot knowledge.This is what you will learn:Chatbot rules - You'll learn all key rules which are essential to know and to apply if you want to launch a successful advanced chatbot.DialogFlow - In this part of the course I will spend more than 2 hours to introduce you DialogFlow and my best practices. You will learn how to use intents, entities, contexts and custom fallbacks. We take a step-by-step look at how to keep your chatbot conversation flow under control even if you have a multiple contexts conflict situation in a single intent.Connect DialogFlow to Chatfuel or ManyChat with Janis - Because I want to show you how to develop an advanced chatbot we must combine the best of DialogFlow with your chatbot building platform: Chatfuel or ManyChat. You will learn how to use the JSON plugin.Save any user data in a database - You probably signed up for this course because you wanted to learn more about using the same tools as a professional developer. In this part of the course, we'll learn how to save your user data inside of a custom database. More you will learn how to save in Dropbox your user pictures and save the link in the database.Customize any rich messages - Buttons, Quick Replies, Images or Galleries - You will learn how to use your users' data to personalize your rich messages and offer a unique user experience at any time.Save user pictures and reuse them - You will learn how to save automatically your users pictures into Cloudinary and use them right in the conversation.Automate your image customization - You will learn how to customize automatically your images according to your user data or your marketing strategy.Make your chatbot never lost - Many of you want to use chatbots to complete sales or qualify leads. You will learn how to make your chatbot always keep in mind your sales or leads funnel and bring your users into it even if the conversation switches to another direction. More your chatbot will always know what steps your users are, even after days or months of no chats.Receive custom alerts and notifications - You want to let your chatbot do the big job for you. Let it inform you when an event occurs. Receive custom alerts like push notification on your smartphone, or emails or SMS.After completing this course you will be able to do the following things:- Create professional chatbots by connecting advanced services like DialogFlow to Chatfuel or ManyChat- Extend your chatbot functionalities with Integromat- Connect different apps or external APIs- Offer a high custom user experience by personalizing each of your chatbot replies according to your user data.- Save your user data and validate them- Automate your sales funnel or your lead generation- Personalized your product images to each of your users from a custom dashboard- Make your chatbot never lose your sales or leads funnel strategy- Get alerts or notifications when an event happensWhat are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and launch an advanced chatbot that really engage users.Finally, I've saved the best for the last.I will build with you all the technology to extend a T-Shirt store chatbot with all capabilities to let users design and customize it with a short sentence or with their own picture and then, preview the final result before purchase. This is a step-by-step ready project without coding.See you in the first video.Best,"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |